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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G.

A. What is public administration? Why is Public Administration is considered as
a science? Give its application. Provide a matrix about the history of public
administration. 20 pts

Public Administration as independent Subject of a social science has recent

origin. Traditionally Public Administration was considered as a part of political science.
But in Modern age the nature of state-underwent change and it became from police
stale to social service state. As a consequence, the Public Administration, irrespective
of the nature of the political system, has become the dominant factor of life. The modern
political system is essentially ‘bureaucratic’ and characterized by the rule of officials.
Hence modern democracy has been described as ‘executive democracy’ or
‘bureaucratic democracy’. The administrative branch, described as civil service or
bureaucracy is the most significant component of governmental machinery of the state.

Administer is an English word, which is originated from the Latin word ‘ad’ and
‘ministrare’. It means to serve or to manage. Administration means management of
affairs, public or private.

Various definitions of Public Administration are as follows:

A. Prof. Woodrow Wilson, the pioneer of the social science of Public Administration
says in his book ‘The study of Public Administration’, published in 1887 “Public
Administration is a detailed and systematic application of law.”

B. According to L. D. White “Public Administration consists of all those operations

having for their purpose the fulfilment of public policy as declared by authority.”
Both above definitions are done from traditional viewpoint and related only to the
functions and actions of Administration”.

C. According to Simon - “By Public Administration is meant the activities of the

executive branches of the national, state, & local governments”.

D. According to Willough - “Public Administration in broadest sense denotes the

work involved in the actual conduct of governmental affairs, and in narrowest
senses denotes the operations of the administrative branch only.”

E. According to Gullick - “Public Administration is that part of the science of

administration which has to do with government and thus, concerns itself
primarily with the executive branch where the work of the government is done.”

F. According to Waldo - “Public Administration is the art and science of

management as applied to the affairs of the state.”

G. Marshall E. Dimock - “Administration is concerned with ‘what’ and ‘How’ of the

government. The what is the subject matter, the technical knowledge of afield
which enables the administrator to perform his tasks. The ‘How’ is the technique
of management according to which co-operative programmes are carried to
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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN

Public administration, as a design science, exists at the nexus between the inner and outer environments of public
organizations. As such, it integrates and synthesizes theories and propositions from other disciplines including the behavioral
sciences, the system sciences, and the natural sciences. 


Perspective of Public Context of FEATURES Administrative Capability
Administration Emergence
Environment/ Values Structure Processes Specified Criteria of Measure for
Value Premises Ability Performance Enhancing AC

A. Traditional Public -partisan -stability -effectiveness Bureaucratic -organization -ability to Internal -politics-
Administration manipulation of -predictability -efficiency and efficiently dynamics: administration
(1900-late 1950s as a administration -orderliness -economy management implement -efficiency dichotomy
variety in the discipline) policies -effectiveness
-need to maintain -assumes a -fiscal externally -economy -application of
-as an actual activity, stability mechanical administration formulated scientific
many of its features model of man by political principles
persist to this day. -personnel processes
-belief in the administration -organization
primacy of along
organizational Focus: internal bureaucratic
goal organization lines.
B. New Public
Administration -paradigmatic -client- -counter- -distributive External
(1970s in the US) crisis and crisis of orientedness bureaucratic -integrative impact:
identity -social equity -adhocracy -boundary- -social equity
-turbulence exchange -ability to -
-lack of relevance -temporariness -socio- implement responsiveness -rejection of
of administrative -uncertainty emotional policies politics-
function that administration
-assumes an enhance dichotomy
-a need to authentic social (recognition of
respond a social model of man equity administration as
change integral part of
C. Development -moral dysfunction -believe in the political process)
Administration primacy of -efficiency -bureaucratic Techniques -counter-

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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN

(1950s in Third World societal/individ -effectiveness from the West bureaucratic

nations) -lag between ual goal -economy -organization -efficiency organization
developed and and -economy -decentralization
developing nation management -economic -popular
-developing -fiscal growth participation
nation’s aspiration -despite administration -ability to -recognition of
after interest in -personnel provide centrality of
independence to ecology of PA management managem human person
attain and social -PPBS ent for
development with change, DA Focus: internal economic -technology
West as model was viewed dynamics of growth transfer from the
largely as organization West
D. Development Public variable in the Like NPA:
Administration society like NPA: Like DA, is -distributive
(1980s in Third World -social justice not against -integrative
nations) -client- bureaucracy -boundary External
orientedness as an exchange impact:
-efforts to organization -socio- -social equity
indigenize since Like TPA: -however, emotional -
DA’s technology -efficiency like NPA, responsiveness
transfer did not -economy searches for Like TPA:
work -effectiveness smaller, -organization Internal
-like DA focus on possibly ad and -ability to dynamics:
problems in LDCs hoc management implement 3 Es
-like TPA concern Like NPA: organizations -fiscal policies -recognition of
for maintenance -turbulence administration that politics-
and continuity -uncertainty -personnel enhance administration
management economic coexistence
E. DPA Refocused -in contrast with growth -counter-
(mid 1980s to present DA and NPA, it Like DPA: and social bureaucratic
in the Philippines) locates its -like NPA and -more than -distributive equity organizations to
bureaucracy DPA, DPA in its -integrative independe certain extent
not only within emphasizes emphasis of -boundary nt of the -decentralization
its own society special equity counter- exchange dictates of -popular
but also in the client- bureaucratic -socio- foreign External participation
context of orientedness organizations emotional powers impact: -recognition of
-empowerment of global system -like TPA and (composed of -organization -social the centrality of
the masses which impinges DPA, GOs, NGOs and adequacy the human
-involvement of on and emphasizes and masses) management -economic person

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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN

private business in constrains economy, -like DPA, -fiscal sufficiency

project policies efficiency, recognizes administration
development effectiveness bureaucracy -personnel
Like NPA, management
assumes an
model of man
-ability to
formulate -fusion and
Unlike DPA, and collaboration of
locates its implement the bureaucracy,
bureaucracy policies private business
more within its that and clientele
own society enhance -consideration of
-assumes an economic socio-economic
authentic sufficiency and psychological
model of man , social make-up of
adequacy clientele
and equity -regulation of
independe involvement of
nt private business
of dictates
of local

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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN

All above modern definitions of Public Administration emphasize the value-based

character of Public Administration and Public Administration as a science and art of
administration. A close scrutiny of the definitions reveal that Public Administration has
following important characteristics or features.

1. Important characteristics of Public Administration:

2. It is part of executive branch of government.
3. It is related with the activities of the state.
4. It carries out the public policies.
5. It realizes the aspirations of the people as formulated and expressed in the laws.
Waldo and other thinkers insist on the commitment and dedication to the well-
being of the people. Otherwise Public Administration behaves in a mechanical,
impersonal and inhuman way.
6. Public Administration is politically neutral.

B. Tell something about administrative theory vis- a – vis public administration,

enumerate personalities and its contributions including its principles leading
to the development of public administration. 20pts

The Administrative Theory is based on the concept of departmentalization, which

means the different activities to be performed for achieving the common purpose of the
organization should be identified and be classified into different groups or departments,
such that the task can be accomplished effectively. It is a theory which calls for the
complete structure which is required and is considered important for the purpose of
administration, the clear division of the labor forces and the delegation which is based
on power and the authority. While Public administration is the implementation of
government policy and also an academic discipline that studies this implementation and
prepares civil employees for working in the public service. The approach of public
administration to development is one of contingency: to ascertain what a situation is in
terms of its environment and devise strategic, structural and procedural interventions
appropriate to the situation

The following personalities contributed to the development of public administration:

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson remains the only president to hold a PhD. His training in the
study of politics and history enabled him to publish many different essays in Political
Science Quarterly, including one called, “The Study of Administration,” which is
regarded as his most important work.

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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN
In that essay, he laid out his belief in a bureaucracy composed of skilled workers
chosen based on their merit. Before this idea, workers in the U.S. government’s
administration were hired through a system that often valued their loyalty to a political
party. When president Wilson instituted his ‘merit-based’ system of hiring, it represented
a sea change to national public administration that helped the U.S. bureaucracy
became more efficient.

Also, in the essay, “The Study of Administration,” Wilson developed the idea that
politicians should create policy, while administrators should help them implement,
regardless of party affiliation. This theory is known as the policy/administration
dichotomy. This idea from Wilson, along with his belief that the nation’s administration
should run like a business, dramatically changed the way government functioned during
his presidency and beyond.

Fredrick Taylor

Fredrick Taylor is the, “father of the theory of scientific management.” Taylor was
trained as an engineer, and was the author of many industrial innovations that changed
the face of industry. He saw that the workings of government could be improved by
analyzing it through an industrial lens.

In The Principles of Scientific Management, Taylor writes that the “principal

object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer,
coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee.” To achieve this, he thought
each government employee should work as quickly and efficiently as possible, based on
his claim that “maximum prosperity can exist only as the result of the determined effort
of each workman to turn out each day his largest possible day’s work.”

Mary Parker Follett

Mary Parker Follett was one of the first thinkers to use the principles of social
science and psychology to study industrial organization. Her focus was on the dynamics
of human relations within industrial groups.

She was a brilliant scholar born to an affluent family in Massachusetts. Instead of

choosing academia as her profession, she became a social worker. Her passion
involved community-building initiatives. One of the practical outcomes of her work was
to enable school buildings in Massachusetts to be used as community recreation and
education centers during ‘off’ school hours. This model was eventually adopted in many
other cities.

Follett believed in four fundamental principles of organization:

1. She saw coordination as the “Reciprocal Relating” of all elements of a situation;

2. She believed in the direct communication between all people involved in an
organization, irrespective of their hierarchical position;
3. She advocated for the principle of maximum coordination in the principal stages
of creating a project or policy, and;

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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN
4. She asserted that coordination is a continual process that should be kept running
at all times.

Douglas McGregor

Douglas McGregor was important in the postwar research and practice of

organization. His book The Human Side of Enterprise, published in 1960, applied a
perspective of behavioral psychology to the theories of organization.

His main theory was that the assumptions managers make determine their own
effectiveness, and they needed to believe in the capability of workers to engage
effectively in work. He asserted that neither positive nor negative reinforcement were
necessary, but that workers have the intrinsic motivation, potential, and capabilities
required to work well. As he wrote, “Management does not put them there.”

Robert C. Weaver

Robert Clifton Weaver was the first black presidential cabinet officer. He served
under President Lyndon B. Johnson as the first Secretary of the Department of Housing,
making him a notable figure in our nation’s history.

Aside from his presidential cabinet position, Weaver made important

contributions to the practice of public administration. He was part of Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s “black cabinet,” a group of black administrators that specialized in matters
of housing, education, and employment. He was later chosen by President Kennedy to
be an advisor on civil rights. Kennedy then appointed him administrator of the Housing
and Home Finance Agency.

Robert C. Weaver took a more holistic approach to administering housing

programs. He offered awards for the design of public housing, and increased money for
small businesses displaced by urbanization. He revived federal rent subsidies for the
elderly, and stressed local initiatives as a way to solve local problems.

C. Define what is Bureaucracy and give its functions. Describe the Bureaucratic
functions/ System of the Philippine Government. 20 pts

A bureaucracy refers to an organization that is complex with multilayered

systems and processes. These systems and procedures are designed to maintain
uniformity and control within an organization. A bureaucracy describes the established
methods in large organizations or governments. One of the most important activities of
the federal bureaucracy is to promote the public welfare.

Bureaucracies have four key characteristics: a clear hierarchy, specialization, a

division of labor, and a set of formal rules, or standard operating procedures. America's

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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN
bureaucracy performs three primary functions to help the government run smoothly. It
implements the laws and policies made by elected officials.

Bureaucracy performs three primary tasks in government: implementation,

administration, and regulation. When Congress passes a law, it sets down guidelines to
carry out the new policies. Actually, putting these policies into practice is known as

Modeled after the American system, the Philippine national government has an
executive branch and president, a bicameral legislature with a House of
Representatives and a Senate, and a judicial branch with the Philippine Supreme Court
presiding over the federal court system.

D. What is an organization? State its history. Differentiate Public and Private

Organization? Why do we need to study organization? In your field of work,
what are the major challenges that you encounter? As an employee? As an
organization? 20 pts

An organization is an entity – such as a company, an institution, or an

association – comprising one or more people and having a particular purpose. The
history of organizations describes an evolutionary flow of the methods by which human
beings structure the activities necessary to their survival. ... The rise of organizations is
marked by the constant adaption to changes in the technological, cultural, political, and
economic environments

The most significant difference between the private and public sectors is the
ownership of the organizations within them. In the public sector, organizations are
owned and controlled by the government. Meanwhile, organizations within the private
sector are owned and managed by individuals or private companies

The study of organizational behavior gives insight on how employees behave

and perform in the workplace. It helps us develop an understanding of the aspects that
can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a
strong and trusting relationship with their employees.

Balancing of monthly reports, Checking and pre auditing of the school

maintenance and other operating is my main duty, As a senior bookkeeper, I have to
make sure that all the attachments needed in the liquidations and requests are
complete and balanced, I need to see to it that there are no mistakes in financial
records and all the monthly financial statements must be completed on time. By doing
this, I am quite certain that I can become an effective and productive employee.

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PA 203 (Administrative Theory of Development) – JANINE CARLYLE G. TUWAHAN
E. Give your insights on the status of the Duterte’s Administration in response to
the pandemic. Consider his governance and implementation of programs, our
current bureaucratic system. State your analysis and recommendations. 20

Duterte’s administration is doing everything they can just to make sure that every
Filipino especially the less fortunate people can avail financial and medical services
during this time of pandemic. Actually, they have come up with this idea which is the “4
pillar socio-economic strategy against COVID 19”

Pillar 1:
Emergency support for poor and low-income households, small business
employees, and other vulnerable groups through various assistance programs
and wage subsidies.

Pillar II:
Expanded medical resources to fight COVID-19 and ensure the safety of
frontliners (health insurance coverage for all COVID-19 patients; special risk
allowance, hazard pay, and personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline
health workers; increased testing capacity; etc.).

Pillar III:
Monetary actions to keep the economy afloat and other financing support for
emergency response and recovery initiatives.

Pillar IV:
An economic recovery program to create jobs and sustain growth, including
Bayanihan II.

The primary aim is to support the effective local response against COVID-19 and
working together with DOH, to better manage and reduce the pandemic's health impact
on the Filipino people and support economic recovery

In every epic story of battle, there will be villains and there will be heroes. Some
will be recognized and a few put on a pedestal; most will be relegated to our short-term
memory while some may be totally forgotten. In the world after this corona virus, as
Filipinos and global citizens doing our part, we can see that global solidarity will win
over national interests and humanity will prevail as the most important asset to health
security. Politics if done right can change the world for the better after a pandemic.

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