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Father of Biology: Aristotle

Father of Modern Biology: Linnaeus

Father of Antibiotics: Alexander Fleming

Father of Taxonomy: Carolus Linnaeus

Father of Immunology: Edward Jenner

Father of Microbiology: Anton van Leuwenhoek

Father of Modern Microbiology: Louis Pasteur

Father of Medical Microbiology: Robert Koch

Father of Pathology: Rudolph Virchow

Father of Bacteriology: Robert Koch

Father of Virology: W.M. Stanley

Father of Embryology: Aristotle

Father of Modern Embryology: Ernst Von Baer

Father of Physiology: Stephan Hales

Father of Modern experimental physiology: Calude Bernard

Father of Genetics: Rev. Gregor Mendel

Father of Modern Genetics: Bateson

Father of Human Genetics/ Biochemical genetics: Arachibald Garrod

Father of Experimental Genetics: T.H. Morgan

Father of Haploid Genetics/Neurospora Genetics: Dodge

Father of Ecology: Theophrastus

Father of Cloning: Ian Willmut

Father of Plant anatomy: Grew

Father of Histology (Microscopic anatomy): Malpighi

Father of Cytology: Robert Hooke

Father of modern Cytology: Swanson

Father of Paleontology: Leonard da Vinci

Father of modern Paleontology: Cuvier

Father of Concept of Evolution: Empedocles

Father of Botany: Theophrastus

Father of Modern Botany: Bauhin

Father of Zoology: Aristotle

Father of Biochemistry: Liebig

Father of Epidemiology: John Snow

Father of Plant Pathology: de Bary

Father of Modern Pathology: Rudolf Virchow

Father of Genetic Engineering: Paul Berg

Father of Gene therapy: Anderson

Father of Ethology: Konard Lorentz

Father of Endocrinology: Thomas Addison

Father of Eugenics: Galton

Father of Gerantology: Korenchevsk

Father of Palynology: Erdtman

Father of Stress physiology: Hans Selye

Father of Electrocardiography: Einthoven

Father of DNA Fingerprinting: Alec Jeffery

Father of Mycology: Micheli

Father of Bryology: Hedwig

Father of Phycology: Father of ATP cycle: Lipmann

Father of Chemotherapy: Father of Anatomy: Herophilus

Father of Modern Anatomy: Andreas

177) Define a Tundra

a. All of the physical surroundings in a place,

including land, water, animals, plants, and climate

b. To change in order to adjust to a new condition

or environment.

c. A vast, treeless plain in the Artic regions with

very cold winters, cold summers, and little rain or


d. A people’s way of life, including beliefs,

customs, food, dwellings, and clothing

178) A Sumerian _____was made of terraces,

because it was gods' ladder.

a. civilization

b. city-state
c. ziggurat

d. nomad

179) The pope is the leader of

a. Roman Catholic Church

b. Constantinople

c. Eastern Orthodox Church

d. Western Orthodox Church

180) Governments have the power to make and

enforce laws

a. so the police can arrest you

b. to find people who are not good citizens

c. to keep people safe and prevent conflicts

d. to run peoples' lives

181) Where did the concept of citizenship begin?

a. Ancient China

b. Ancient Rome and Greece

c. medieval Europe

d. the United States

182) The strip of land that was once located many

thousands of years ago that linked northeast Asia

and present day Alaska was called.

a. mesoamerica
b. quipu

c. Bering Land bridge

d. Tenochtitlan

183) This group was a powerful group of fierce

warriors. They controlled a huge trade network

which made them very wealthy.

a. Inca

b. Aztec

c. Olmec

d. Maya

184) The Virgin Queen was.

a. Mary, Queen of Scots

b. Joan of Arc

c. Elizabeth I

d. Bloody Mary

185) This gave Byzantine emperors a great amount

of power.

a. Justinian's Code

b. Nicene Creed

c. Roman Constitution

d. Bible

186) How did Cabeza de Vaca contribute to the

history of Texas?

a. He was the first person to map the Gulf of

Mexico and the Texas coastline.

b. He conquered the Aztecs and contributed to

Tenochtitlan becoming Mexico City.

c. He was the first person to report on Texas, and

inspired the Spanish to continue search for gold.

d. He discovered the New World which led to

exploration by several European countries.

187) What are the 3 Branches of US government?

a. Legislative, Judicial, Executive

b. Prime Minister, Courts, Congress

c. Senate, King, Supreme Court

d. Legislative, Governor, Mayor

188) Which of the following is a job of the


a. limit travel

b. Make laws

c. Manage information

d. provide merchandise

189) Who invaded India and settled around the

Ganges river around 2000 B.C.?

a. Uphanishads

b. Aryans

c. Vedas

d. Sidartha Gautama and Buddha

190) General Sherman's "March to the Sea"

destroyed anything they found useful to the

Confederates, including plantations, railways, and

even cities. This type of campaign is called...

a. Salted Ground

b. Burn it down!

c. Scorched Earth Campaign

d. Overland Campaign

191) All of the following were a result of Sherman's

March to the Sea EXCEPT...

a. Lee's men grew inspired by the great Southern


b. Many cities in the South would be burnt.

c. Once freed, many slaves joined General

Sherman's army.

d. Planation owners in the deep South grew tired of

the war.

192) If you lived in Egypt, the desert climate would

be similar to which American


a. Albuquerque, New Mexico

b. New York, New York

c. Chicago, Illinois

d. Los Angeles, California

193) _____divided the Roman Empire into the

Eastern and Western Roman Empires

a. Alaric

b. Odoacer

c. Theodosius

d. Constantine

194) Who defeated the last remaining Roman army

in Europe?

a. Charlemagne

b. Charles Martel

c. Clovis I

d. Constantine

195) Who was the first Secretary of War?

a. Henry Knox

b. George Washington

c. Alexander Hamilton
d. Thomas Jefferson

196) Who said "A house divided against itself cannot


a. Stephen A. Douglas

b. George Washington

c. Dred Scott

d. Abraham Lincoln

197) Who were Darius I and Xerxes?

a. Spartan Kings

b. Leaders of Athens

c. Generals of Persian Army

d. Emperors of Persia

198) Who came up with the Anaconda Plan (North's


a. Francis Scott Key

b. Winfield Scott

c. Frederick Douglas

d. Robert E. Lee

199) Tundra is a treeless plains of the Arctic


a. True

b. False
200) Which dynasty had the earliest written records?

a. Shang

b. Zhou

c. Han

d. Xia

-End of PART1

151) All of the following are human characteristics


a. language

b. religion

c. politics

d. climate

152) A/An ____is the watering hole that most cities

surround to supply the people with water.

a. oasis

b. laut

c. oacis

d. well

153) Why are most modern economies referred to

as "mixed" economies?

a. Poverty is always highest in countries with

market economies
b. Most countries have aspects of market and

command economies

c. Government planners do not know how to handle

economic problems

d. Products made by traditional economies have no

markets in the modern world.

154) This group settled on the entire west coast of

South America. They kept records on a system of

knotted strings called "quipu". The villages were

connected by rope bridges and roads.

a. Inca

b. Aztec

c. Olmec

d. Maya

155) Who was elected as President of the


a. Thomas Jefferson

b. Stonewall Jackson

c. Jefferson Davis

d. Abraham Lincoln

156) A bill cannot become a law until it is

a. approved by Congress and judged constitutional

b. proposed by the president and approved by


c. approved by Congress and signed by the


d. proposed by Congress and ratified by the states

157) The Old World refers to

a. North and South America

b. Europe

c. North America

d. South America

158) This question is a part of a group with

common instructions. View group »

This economic system is based on customs and


a. Mixed

b. Traditional

c. Market

d. Command

159) Which warrior King, called the "Lion Price",

ruled Mali from 1217 to 1255 AD?

a. Sundiata Keita

b. Sundiata Gaines
c. Mansa Musa

d. Muhammad Ali

160) Who has the power to ratify or approve a treaty

made by the president?

a. The House of Representatives

b. The Senate

c. The Supreme Court

d. The vice-president

161) Which body has the power to impeach the


a. The Senate

b. The House of Representatives

c. The Supreme Court

d. The vice-president

162) How was it ensured that the Roman Emperor

treated everyone fairly

a. Everyone voted to be nice to each other

b. The laws were posted for all to see

c. They paid taxes

d. Anyone who didn't pay taxes was punished

163) Tropical wet and dry climate zones are

characterized by...
a. wet summers and dry winters

b. wet winters and dry summers

c. wet summers and wet winters

d. dry summers and dry winters

164) Who were the first inhabitants of


a. Assyrians

b. Babylonians

c. Sumerians

d. Egyptians

165) Which of the following is not an idea from the


a. People have natural rights

b. Problems can be solved by using reason

c. Kings ruled by divine right

d. Government should serve the people

166) Who was the emperor of Rome at the

beginning of the Pax Romana (the time of Roman


a. Julius Caesar

b. Abu al Malik

c. Muhammad
d. Augustus Caesar

167) The education and skills of the workers.

a. Post-Secondary Education

b. Training

c. Human Capital

d. Capital Goods

168) Which of the following is a system of writing

created by the Sumerians?

a. ziggurat

b. cuneiform

c. Code of Hammurabi

d. iron

169) The Progressive Era ran from

a. 1890-1908

b. 1895-1915

c. 1900-1917

d. 1910-1920

170) What were black codes?

a. Laws limiting the rights of African Americans.

b. Law freeing African Americans.

c. Laws offering unlimited African American rights.

d. Laws enslaving African Americans again.

171) The Sumerians believed that gods descended

to the earth using the ziggurat as a ladder. Based

on this sentence, which of the following is true?

a. The Sumerians were monotheistic.

b. The Sumerians were polytheistic

c. The Sumerians were dicots.

d. The Sumerians were papyrus.

172) What is Europe's fastest growing religion?

a. Islam

b. Judaism

c. Christianity

d. Hinduism

173) Define the word Environment

a. A people’s way of life, including beliefs,

customs, food, dwellings, and clothing

b. A vast, treeless plain in the Artic regions with

very cold winters, cold summers, and little rain or


c. Useful material found in nature, including water,

vegetation, animals, and minerals.

d. All of the physical surroundings in a place,

including land, water, animals, plants, and climate

174) Which two Union generals attacked Vicksburg

and Jackson, MS along the Mississippi river to

seize it as a great asset for the North in a battle in

which Abraham Lincoln dubbed "Vicksburg is the

key!" (to the Civil War)?

a. General Lee/General Jackson(Stonewall)

b. General Ulysses S. Grant/Admiral Farragut

c. General Scott/General McClellan

d. General Sherman/General Stewart

175) How many lives were lost during the American

Civil War?

a. 60,000

b. 100,000

c. 620,000

d. 600,020

176) In what country today do you also have the

right to vote, but the responsibility to pay taxes and

register for the army?

a. America

b. Cuba

c. China

d. North Korea
d. Were large but not well organized

110) Define the term Culture

a. A people’s way of life, including beliefs,

customs, food, dwellings, and clothing

b. A vast, treeless plain in the Artic regions with

very cold winters, cold summers, and little rain or


c. Useful material found in nature, including water,

vegetation, animals, and minerals.

d. Movement by people from one place to another

with intentions of settling in new location.

111) The Code of Hammurabi was based on the

concept of _____________.

a. Thou shall not lie

b. An eye for an eye

c. be nice to others

d. cruel and unusual punishment

112) _____was a Spanish explorer who defeated the


a. Pizzaro

b. Cortes

c. Columbus
d. de las Casas

113) Locating or being located; position; place

a. equator

b. location

c. longitude

d. latitude

114) The Emancipation Proclamation was made to.

a. free slaves

b. end the war

c. Make friends in the South

d. Help Southern land owners

115) Europeans discovered silks and spices while

a. exploring for ways to get to Asia

b. fighting in The Crusades

c. discovering the New World

d. exploring was to get to Africa

116) Three important world religions that began in

the region of Southwest Asia Include Islam,

Judaism, and

a. Hinduism

b. Christianity

c. Daoism
d. Buddhism

117) This economic system is generally limited to

farming and herding.

a. Command

b. Mixed

c. Market

d. Traditional

118) Powers that are shared both by the states and

federal government

a. Expressed Powers

b. Concurrent Powers

c. Reserved Powers

d. Government Powers

119) These gunboats protected Grant's troops when

they crossed the Mississippi and were ships heavily

armored with iron.

a. tugboats

b. battleships

c. battlecruisers

d. ironclads

120) _____was the first Roman Emperor.

a. Constantine
b. Diocletian

c. Augustus

d. Pontius

121) The beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of

living that a group of people share.

a. interdependence

b. culture

c. dominant culture

d. region

122) How did the yearly flooding of the Nile River

affect the people of ancient


a. It washed away homes and forced the people to

move to a new location.

b. It left a strip of fertile land on both sides of the

river, and this land was used for

c. It washed fish up on the shore, and the people

gathered and used the fish for food.

123) What is the main problem with using a map to

represent the earth?

a. It is too small

b. Distortion occurs
c. You can't tell what type of map it is

d. Scales are not accurate

124) Powers that the constitution does not give to

the national government that are kept by the states.

a. Expressed Powers

b. Concurrent Powers

c. Reserved Powers

d. Government Powers

125) What ended the Texas Revolution?

a. Treaty of Velasco

b. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

c. Treaty of San Juan

d. Adams - Onis Treaty

126) To move things from one place to another,

Sumerians built

a. ziggurats and mosques

b. canals and dikes

c. wheeled carts and sailboats

d. qanata and wadis

127) When describing a location using specific

location and relative location what theme of

geography Are you using

a. Place

b. Location

c. Region

d. Movement

e. Interaction

128) Define 'sectionalism':

a. Group of several families

b. Line of descent through the mother

c. Allegiance to local interests rather than national


d. Tax imposed on manufactured goods IMPORTED

into America

129) Individuals cannot own or start their own

business in this type of economic system

a. Traditional

b. Command

c. Mixed

d. Market

130) Powers specifically granted to the national


a. Expressed Powers

b. Concurrent Powers
c. Reserved Powers

d. Government Powers

131) The Branch of government that makes the laws

is the:

a. Authoritarian

b. Despotic

c. Legislative

d. Judicial

132 The largest trading partner of the United States is?

a. Mexico

b. China

c. Japan

d. Canada

133) What are the five categories of the Shariah?

a. Discouraged, Required, Forbidden,

Recommended, and Approved

b. Allowed, Required, Forbidden, Approved, and


c. Obligatory, Forbidden, Approved, Discouraged,

and Recommended

d. Forbidden, Allowed, Obligatory, Recommended,

and Discouraged
134) What religion's teaching includes Four Noble

Truths and the Eightfold Path?

a. Buddhism

b. Shintoism

c. Taoism

d. Confucianism

135) What is the capital of Egypt?

a. Cairo

b. Algiers

c. Tripoli

d. Tunis

136) Where did the first attack occur to start the

Civil War?

a. Fort Sumter

b. Virginia

c. Gettysburg

d. Bull run

137) Who served as vice-president during Franklin

Roosevelt's first two terms as president?

a. Eisenhower

b. Garner

c. Johnson
d. Rayburn

138) The President is the head of the _____Branch.

a. Judicial

b. Legislative

c. Military

d. Executive

139) Define the term Natural Resources

a. Useful material found in nature, including water,

vegetation, animals, and minerals.

b. All of the physical surroundings in a place,

including land, water, animals, plants, and climate

c. Movement by people from one place to another

with intentions of settling in new location.

d. A people’s way of life, including beliefs,

customs, food, dwellings, and clothing

140) How long were the Franks in hiding?

a. 3 months

b. 1 year

c. 2 years

d. 4 years

141) Where did the Franks move after escaping

a. Paris

b. Warsaw

c. Rotterdam

d. Amsterdam

142) What is the national capital of Mexico?

a. Mexico Meridian

b. City of Mexico

c. Mexico City

d. Mexico Court

143) What is the name of the strip of land that

became the site of the Sumerian and Babylonian


a. Nile River Valley

b. Asia Minor

c. Indus Valley

d. Fertile Crescent

144) Large surface area; place, division or part.

a. region

b. place

c. artifact

d. Resource

145) This question is a part of a group with

common instructions. View group »

In 1895, which country rose in rebellion against


a. America

b. Russia

c. Cuba

d. Canada

146) To elect a leader means to...

a. impeach

b. choose a leader by voting

c. remove a leader from office

d. nominate a leader for an office

147) John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would

be most likely to support .

a. A return to feudalism in Europe

b. A society ruled by the Catholic Church

c. A society in which the people chose the ruler

d. A government ruled by a divine right monarchy

148) How does rule of law affect U.S. government

officials and institutions?

a. It requires government officials and institutions to

create new laws.

b. It prevents government officials and institutions

from making their work public.

c. It ensures government officials and institutions

are exempt from laws.

d. It holds government officials and institutions

accountable to the law

149) The protection of the natural environment from

destruction can be called.

a. erosion

b. conservation

c. deforestation

150) The code of honor that knights were expected

to follow is called

a. feudalism

b. serfdom

c. chivalry

d. Magna Carta

43) In which country does the White Nile originate?

a. Ethiopia

b. Burundi

c. Sudan

d. Egypt
44) Spanish conquistadors came to Mexico to look

for gold from which ancient civilizations: (choose


a. Incas

b. Aztecs

c. Vikings

d. Mayans

45) Ignatius Loyola began a religious organization

called the Society of Jesus or the.

a. Mormons

b. Moravians

c. Jesuits

d. Loyalist

46) Cardiff is the capital where?

a. England

b. Scotland

c. Northern Ireland

d. Wales

47) Muslims face ______when praying

a. Heaven

b. the hospital

c. Mecca
d. Home

48) People follow the faith of Islam are known as .

a. Christians

b. Muslims

c. Godly

d. Saints

49) Who began to build the Mauryan Empire?

a. King Ashoka Maurya

b. Chandragupta Maurya

c. Prince Ceylon Maurya

d. Mahinda Chakra Maurya

50) In what important way did Ashoka spread

Buddhist teachings?

a. He required conquered people to convert.

b. He had edicts carved into pillars and walls.

c. He had peasants taught how to read and write.

d. He made speeches in many places around the


51) How many times a day do Muslims pray?

a. 2

b. 7

c. 5
d. 1

52) Which battle contributed to the single deadliest

day in US History on the battlefield when General

McClellan lost over 20,000 men in rural Maryland in

Sept. 1862?

a. Antietam

b. Sherman's March

c. Appomattox

d. Bull Run

53) Sacagawea was a teenage Shoshone Indian who

helped the Lewis and Clark expedition as what?

a. A cook

b. A house maid

c. A guide and translator

d. A hunter

54) In which country does the Blue Nile originate?

a. Ethiopia

b. Libya

c. America

d. Egypt

55) Temperatures in the Sahara can reach as high as

how many degrees Fahrenheit?

a. 120 degrees

b. 100 degrees

c. 135 degrees

d. 115 degrees

56) Who do Muslims believe was the last

messenger of God?

a. Jews

b. Hebrews

c. Allah

d. Muhammad

57) Another name for people who gathered wild

plants and actively pursued animals for food would be.

a. hunter-gatherers

b. warriors

c. nomads

d. Paleo-Indians

58) What signaled the end of Reconstruction?

a. Compromise of 1877

b. Amnesty Act

c. Civil Rights Act of 1875

d. 15th Amendment

59) What are the floating gardens built by the Aztecs

known as?

a. Chinampas

b. Quipu

c. Potlatch

d. Wigwam

60) Opportunity cost is?

a. the loan you choose not to take out

b. the cost for starting a business

c. the benefit you give up by choosing to do one

thing instead of another

d. none of the above

61) What was the capital of the Eastern Roman


a. Italy

b. Rome

c. Constantinople

d. None of the above

62) In what year did the American, British, and

Canadian troops liberate France from Germany

during WWII?

a. 1941

b. 1942
c. 1943

d. 1944

63) The Iliad and Odyssey are long story-telling

poems called what?

a. epics

b. tragedies

c. comedies

d. books

64) Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?

a. Thomas Jefferson

b. Henry Knoc

c. George Washington

d. Alexander Hamilton

65) North Korea's 4 wireless companies are Own by

the North Korean government. This is an example


a. mixed economy

b. monopoly

c. traditional economy

d. command economy

66) What document was written by the Pilgrims that

later influenced the framers of the Constitution?

a. Magna Carta

b. Mayflower Compact

c. Bill of Rights

d. Virginia Declaration of Rights

67) The United States has which type of economy?

a. market

b. command

c. traditional

d. mixed

68) Which of the following was NOT invented by Ben


a. Bifocals

b. Poor Richards Almanac

c. American Flag

d. Lightning Rod

69) Which of the following is true of the Mauryan

Empire under King Ashoka’s rule?

a. The Mauryan Empire reached its height during his


b. The Mauryan Empire collapsed due to his laws

and edicts.

c. The Mauryan Empire shrank due to him giving

back land.

d. The Mauryan Empire lost financial power under

his rule.

70) The White Nile and Blue Nile meet where in


a. Shedi

b. Giza

c. Cartouma

d. Khartoum

71) The Declaration of Independence was written

after which major event?

a. First Continental Congress

b. Second Continental Congress

c. Constitutional Convention

d. Stamp Act Congress

72) Roman builders used rows of arches in their buildings to form a curved ceiling
called what?

a. aqueduct

b. colonnade

c. dome

d. vault

73) What lines of latitude determine the "tropics"?

a. Prime Meridian and Equator

b. Prime Meridian and International Dateline

c. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn

d. Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle

74) When supply and demand are equal, economists

call this condition..

a. deficit

b. supply and demand curve

c. loan

d. market equilibrium

75) Europe can best be described as

a. a country north of Africa

b. a continent north of Africa

c. a country west of Asia

d. the place where the Crusades were fought

76) ____was a Spanish explorer who defeated the


a. de las Casas

b. Columbus

c. Pizzaro

d. Cortes

77) What religion did the Roman Empire help


a. Islam

b. Judaism

c. Christianity

d. Paganism

78) Why is King Tut's tomb so important to


a. It was very large

b. He had 30 wives

c. It was the only

79) According to the Missouri Compromise, which

state would enter the Union as a free state?

a. Florida

b. Maine

c. California

d. Texas

80) The ____were Spanish soldiers sent to the New

World to claim land and resources

a. Encomiendas

b. de la Casas

c. Santa Marias

d. Conquistadors
81) This Native American Empire conquered most of

what we today call South America

a. Inca

b. Aztec

c. Olmec

d. Maya

82) The Qur'an was written by a _____called


a. child

b. old woman

c. prophet

d. teacher

83) What were the essays written to defend the

Constitution called?

a. Federalist Papers

b. Treaty of Paris

c. Bill of Rights

d. Declaration of Independence

84) Which problems DID threaten the Roman


a. Arguing military

b. Weak, greedy emperors

c. Arguing over who was the emperor

d. Each answer is correct

85) Which situation does NOT involve a right

protected by the Bill of Rights?

a. The ability to own a gun, as long as the laws are


b. The guarantee of a Well Paying job

c. Freedom to publish opinions in the local


d. Freedom to join the church of choice

86) _____is important to Muslims because he came

down to Muhammed and told him to spread the

teachings of Islam.

a. Gabriel

b. Messiah

c. Shariah

d. Sunni

87) A globe is a model of the Earth in the shape of

a sphere.

a. True

b. False

88) What is the main religion of the countries in the

region of North Africa?

a. Islam

b. Christianity

c. Hinduism

d. Judaism

89) The second largest sea in the world is located

south of Cuba. What is its name?

a. Caribbean Sea

b. Red Sea

c. Dead Sea

d. Mediterranean Sea

90) Why was the annual flood of the Nile River

important to Egyptian farmers?

a. It gave them time to rest after harvesting their crops.

b. It swept away weeds and other trash left on the

fields after the harvest.

c. It left behind silt that helped fertilized the soil.

d. It enabled them to travel by boat to sell their crops.

91) At first, Rome had a king. Then, it became a

republic where people voted for their leaders. Rome

really grew to be large and successful when it was an.

a. Village
b. Government

c. Kingdom

d. Empire

92) What was the name of most famous church that

Justinian built?

a. The Parish

b. The Church of Christianity

c. The Church of Hagia Sophia

d. The Church of Constantine

93) Which hemisphere, the Eastern or Western, has

the most land area?

a. Northern

b. Eastern

c. Western

d. Southern

94) A tax on imports.

a. Quota

b. Embargo

c. Tariff

d. Import Tax

95) An imaginary circle around the earth, equally

distant from the North Pole and the South Pole

a. cartographer

b. location

c. equator

d. longitude

95) Which feature of the landscape connects

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt?

a. the Atlas mountains

b. the Sahara

c. the Nile River

d. the Atlantic ocean

96) A measure of distance east or west of a line

called the prime meridian.

a. meridian

b. map

c. longitude

d. location

97) A _____occurs when a country spends more on

its imports than it makes from exports

a. trade deficit

b. import tariff

c. free market

d. trade surplus
98) A measure of distance north or south of the


a. latitude

b. artifact

c. Prime Meridian

d. Equator

99) During the Tang Dynasty, who ran the schools,

public baths, hospitals and inns?

a. The aristocrats

b. The Mongols

c. Confucius

d. Buddhist monks and nuns

100) A combination of market and command


a. Mixed Economy

b. Traditional Economy

c. Market Economy

d. Command Economy

101) What is One Way King Ashoka spread

Buddhism beyond India?

a. He sent his son to Ceylon, who then converted

its King.
b. He became ascetic, and traveled the country with


c. He published many famous texts promoting


d. He invited other leaders to India to learn about


102) The amendment that allows the President and

Vice president to be on the same ballot

a. Amendment 14

b. Amendment 10

c. Amendment 12

d. Amendment 19

103) What does the phrase "insure domestic

tranquility" in the Preamble of the Constitution


a. Give land to the homeless

b. Fight wars on foreign soi

c. Keep the homeland at peace

d. Provide citizens with insurance

104) Which plan for rebuilding the South required

50% of the white males of a state to swear loyalty

to the Union before readmission?

a. Ten Percent Plan

b. Reconstruction Act of 1866

c. Freedmen's Bureau

d. Wade-Davis Bill

105) Coins were first produced, in China, under

which dynasty?

a. Han

b. Saing

c. Silla

d. Zhou

106) When describing how people adapt to their environment and change their
environment what

theme of Geography Are you describing?

a. Location

b. Place

c. Movement

d. Region

e. Interaction

107) Who was the Greek Physician who was known

as the Father of Medicine?

a. Hippocrates

b. Euclid
c. Eratosthenes

108) The branch of government that interprets laws

is the

a. legislative

b. judicial

c. executive

d. political

109) The Aztec and Inca Civilizations

a. had advanced societies before the Europeans


b. traded heavily with Asia before the arrival of


c. Were greatly in


# Glory To God In The Highest

1) What is largest lake in Africa?

a. Lake Kilimanjaro

b. Lake Atlas

c. Lake Victoria

d. Lake Sahel

2) Who was the first female pharaoh?

a. Hatshepsut
b. Thutmose II

c. Ramesses the Great

d. King Tut

3) Which Pharaoh tried to make Egypt monotheistic?

a. Amenhotep

b. Hatsheput

c. Tutankhamen

d. Cleopatra

4) What group of people created the first alphabet?

a. Chaldeans

b. Assyrians

c. Israelites

d. Phoenicians

5) Which king united Upper and Lower Egypt?

a. David

b. Menes

c. Ramesses the Great

d. Hatshepsut

6) Who was the Egyptian good of wisdom and


a. Amon-Re

b. Thoth
c. Isis

d. Osiris

7) Who was the king of Babylon from about 1792 to

1750 BCE.?

a. Shalmaneser

b. Sargon

c. Hammurabi

d. Nebuchadnezzar

8) Which of the following is NOT a continent?

a. Africa

b. North America

c. Europe

d. Cental America

9) What was added to Victoria's list of titles in


a. Empress of India

b. Queen of Ireland

c. Monarch of Canada

d. Duchess of Australia

10) Which people group minted the world's first


a. Lydians
b. Hittites

c. Canaanites

d. Phoenicians

11) Who was the first ruler of Akkadia?

a. Ashurbanipul

b. Nebopolassar

c. Sargon

d. Gudea

12) In 539 BCE., which Persian ruler defeated the

Neo-Babylonian Empire?

a. Cyrus

b. Hammurabi

c. Xerxes

d. Darius

13) Tyre was a city in Phoenicia that was famous for

a purple dye that came from what source?

a. Beetles

b. Quartz

c. Ostrich eggs

d. Sea snails

14) How many senators are in the U.S. Senate?

a. 50
b. 435

c. 100

15) Who built the Tower of London?

a. William the Conqueror

b. Maria Stuart

c. Henry VIII

d. Oliver Cromwell

16) Who was the god of the sun?

a. Anubis

b. Ma'at

c. Ra

d. Horus

17) Gladiators were typically _____and _____ .

a. trainers and emperors

b. patricians and plebeians

c. brother and sister

d. slaves and criminals

18) The largest pyramid in Egypt, known as The

Great Pyramid was built for which ruler?

a. Menes

b. Tut

c. Khufu
d. Tutmose II

19) Tradition says that early Rome was ruled by how

many kings?

a. One

b. Two

c. Seven

d. Four

20) How many symbols were in the Phoenician


a. 12

b. 22

c. 26

d. 32

21) The Middle Ages began with the collapse of

what empire?

a. Byzantine Empire

b. Roman Empire

c. Greek Empire

d. Phoenician Empire

22) Victoria much preferred Benjamin Disraeli to

William Gladstone.

a. True
b. False

23) Victoria was the last monarch in what house?

a. Windsor

b. Hanover

c. Tudor

d. Stuart

24) What is the name of the desert that stretches

across most of North Africa?

a. Savanna

b. Sahara

c. Sahel

d. Kalahari

25) _____ is the idea that the national government

shares power with the state governments.

a. Popular Sovereignty

b. Consent of the Governed

c. Federalism

d. Republicanism

26) What is the term for members of the House of


a. 2 years

b. 4 years
c. 6 years

27) Which Amendment abolished slavery?

a. 14th

b. 13th

c. 15th

d. 16th

28) I am indicated by an arrow pointing upwards

with the letter 'N' on top. I show the directional

orientation of a map. What am I?

a. The Title

b. The Compass

c. The Key

d. The Border

e. The Scale

29) After what event would America gain control over

Puerto Rico and the Philippines?

a. Civil War

b. Mexican - American War

c. World War I

d. Spanish - American War

30) What country was the birthplace of Protestant

a. Italy

b. France

c. Ireland

d. Germany

31) Clearing land for cultivation can sometimes

contribute to desertification.

a. True

b. False

32) What is the name of the religion that

Muhammad created?

a. Christianity

b. Islam

c. Muslim

33) _____helped slaves escape slavery through the

Underground Railroad.

a. Fredrick Douglass

b. Nat Turner

c. Harriet Tubman

d. Sojourner Truth

34) Who was the god of the dead?

a. Anubis/Osiris

b. Ma'at
c. Ra

d. Horus

35) In the tundra, winters are...

a. mild

b. cool

c. bitterly cold

d. average

36) What is the longest river in the United Kingdom?

a. Great Ouse

b. Thames

c. Trent

d. Severn

37) Which group conquered the Western Roman


a. Visigoths

b. Huns

c. Mongols

d. Abbasids

38) Which nation colonized both India and South


a. Great Britain

b. France
c. Germany

d. United States

39) Victoria ruled from 1837 until what year?

a. 1883

b. 1895

c. 1901

d. 1912

40) A caliph is _____

a. a tool used to write

b. a Muslim holy book

c. a Muslim leader of a geographical area

d. one of the Five Pillars of Islam

41) Who was the father of Alexander the Great?

a. Xerxes

b. King Darius III

c. Constantine

d. Philip of Macedon

42) Which two civilizations fought in the Punic Wars?

a. The Greeks and the Romans

b. The Byzantines and the Scythians

c. The Carthaginians and the Romans

d. The Hittites and the Persians

1. C

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. B

7. C

8. D

9. A

10. A

11. C

12. A

13. D

14. C

15. A

16. C

17. D

18. C

19. C

20. B
21. B

22. A

23. B

24. B

25. C

26. A

27. B

28. B

29. D

30. D

31. A

32. B

33. C

34. A

35. C

36. D

37. A

38. A

39. C

40. C

41. D

42. C
43. C

44. B

45. C

46. D

47. C

48. B

49. B

50. B

51. C

52. A

53. C

54. A

55. C

56. D

57. A

58. A

59. A

60. C

61. C

62. D

63. A

64. D
65. D

66. B

67. D

68. C

69. A

70. D

71. B

72. D

73. C

74. D

75. B

76. D

77. C

78. C

79. B

80. D

81. A

82. C

83. A

84. D

85. B

86. A
87. A

88. A

89. A

90. C

91. D

92. C

93. B

94. C

95. C, B

96. C

97. A

98. A

99. D

100. A

101. A

102. C

103. C

104. D

105. D

106. E

107. A

108. B
109. A

110. A

111. B

112. A

113. B

114. A

115. B

116. B

117. D

118. B

119. D

120. C

121. B

122. B

123. B

124. C

125. A

126. C

127. B

128. C

129. B

130. A
131. C

132. D

133. D

134. A

135. A

136. A

137. B

138. D

139. A

140. C

141. D

142. C

143. D

144. A

145. C

146. B

147. C

148. D

149. B

150. C

151. D

152. A
153. B

154. A

155. C

156. C

157. B

158. B

159. A

160. B

161. B

162. B

163. A

164. C

165. C

166. D

167. C

168. B

169. C

170. A

171. B

172. A

173. D

174. B
175. C

176. A

177. C

178. C

179. A

180. C

181. B

182. C

183. B

184. C

185. A

186. C

187. A

188. B

189. B

190. C

191. A

192. A

193. C

194. C

195. A

196. D
197. D

198. B

199. A

200. A

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