Colorful Classrooms: Integration of Refugee AND Immigrant Children

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CLASSROOMS: A refugee is someone who has been
forced to flee his/ her home country
The course is held in English

INTEGRATION due to war or persecution. On the other

hand, a migrant is someone who

chooses to resettle to another country
in search of a better life.

AND Adaptation to the new society includes

four strategies: assimilation, METHODOLOGY
IMMIGRANT separation, marginalization and
integration (Berry, 1997). Refugees and
Methods used during the course are
case studies, role-playing, debate,

CHILDREN immigrants need to be supported in

order to adapt new conditions of
countries that they move and to
integrate in the new society to create a
brainstorming, round table, jigsaw,
reverse brainstorming, discussion,
group activity, presentation, concept
new life. Otherwise, they cannot
become a part of their new community
Cengiz Education, effectively.
Project and Consulting Education is one of the dimensions of
immigrants’ integration. To prevent
marginalization and separation among COSTS
TARGET AUDIENCE refugees and immigrants, educational The fee includes:
institutions play a crucial role. - Course materials
Teachers, educational counsellors, - Catering during the course
headmasters, school management The course offers theoretical basis and - Administrative support- Europass and
and administrative staff working in practices for educators and NGO staff certificates
primary schools, middle schools, who want to catalyze refugee and - City guided tours in Ankara and
secondary schools, and vocational immigrant children’ integration. Cappadocia
schools, NGO staff -Airport transfer and transport
Developing a vision on how to integrate immigrant and Participants arrival
refugee children. Presentation: EU values, Turkish culture, course venue, timetable
Being aware of needs and expectations of immigrants and practical arrangements
and local people. Erasmus+ program: objectives, priorities, actions
Explaining four strategies of adaptation to the new Group dynamic: Expectations & personal learning goals
Group dynamic: Communication process and team building values

Cengiz Education, Project and Consulting

society. City tour
Creating a positive classroom welcoming diversity, Welcome dinner
tolerance, multiculturism.
Understanding how to deal with bullying in school and
to develop empathy skills of students DAY 2
Discussion: Definition of refugee, migrant, identity, citizenship.
Learning how to cooperate with immigrant parents. Brainstorming: The needs and expectations of immigrants and
Gaining broader understanding of strategies local people.
integrating immigrants in different Jigsaw: The four strategies of adaptation to the new society:
countries. assimilation, separation, marginalization and integration
Elaborating knowledge and understanding about Think-pair-share: Causes and effects relationship of assimilation,
motivation separation, marginalization and integration
Developing capacity for empathy and classroom Reverse brainstorming: How can teachers motivate immigrant and
management refugee students?
Enriching communication, team-working, active
listening skills. DAY 3
Presentation: Refugees and Social Integration in Europe Data and
Improving foreign language competences. Policy
Greater understanding social, linguistic and cultural Concept mapping: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination
diversity. Group activity: Preparing lesson plans to promote inclusive,
Strengthening lifelong learning understanding. tolerance and multiculturism
Increasing motivation and satisfaction in their daily Group dynamics: Reinforcing trust and respect
work. Brainstorming: Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication Barriers in
multicultural environment
Case study: Tools and warm up activities to embrace diversity in
Presentation: The impact of trauma on learning Summary of key learning points
Case study: To develop strategies for coping with trauma Final course evaluation and feedback
Group activity: Constructing out-of-school activities promoting Planning dissemination activities
immigrant students’ well-being Validation of learning outcomes and handling certificates
Brainstorming: How to involve immigrant parents in education Discussing possibilities for future cooperation

Cengiz Education, Project and Consulting

process Cultural Activities
Role-playing: Developing skills to understand immigrant Leisure time
learners and parents - Active Listening & Empathy
Round table: Teacher- student- parent relationships and social
Discussion:  How to deal with bullying in school and to A guided tour to Cappadocia
develop empathy skills of students Participants departure
Activity: Mindfulness and Acceptance
Think-pair-share: Classroom management in heterogenous
classrooms- alternatives to reward and punishment
Case study: Creating a positive classroom welcoming diversity
- practical tips and ideas.
Case study: Good practices for integrating immigrants in
program countries and Europe

**The daily programme can be personalized on participants' needs

and expectations.

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