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The Benefits of Regular Exercise

Yuri Smith

ELS/EAS, Conestoga College

Written Communications Skills 3

Elizabeth Jones

November 21, 2016


The Benefits of Regular Exercise

In recent years, many people have become more aware of the need for physical

exercise. Everywhere people turn, they see advice for protecting and improving health.

Magazines and television commercials try to sell vitamins, natural foods and exercise

programs. Although some of the advice is only advertising, some of it is important, and

people should pay attention. Most importantly, it is important to maintain a regular

exercise regime. Regular exercise releases stress, improves appearance, and

increases energy.

The first benefit of regular exercise is releasing tension. Tension builds up in the

body because of our busy lives. If people exercise for thirty minutes every day, some of

the tension will disappear. For example, participating in an active sport such as tennis

or basketball will help a person relax. In addition, releasing stress through exercise will

help people see life’s problems differently. For instance, after exercising for 30 minutes,

a student might be able to study better and think more clearly. According to Craft and

Perna (2004), “…an exercise prescription of 20 minutes per day, 3 times per week, at a

moderate intensity is sufficient to significantly reduce symptoms of depression” (p. 110).

If people follow this step, they may feel less stress in their lives. Therefore, planned

exercise can help control everyday stress.

A second benefit of regular exercise is a better appearance. Exercising every

day will help keep people at a healthy weight. The Mayo Clinic’s (2016) website asserts

that exercise can inhibit gaining weight and help keep a steady weight due to burning

calories (para. 1). This is important because it shows the benefits of exercise. The more

intense the activity, the more calories burned. For example, if a person is 10 lbs

overweight, exercising for a month will make the person look slimmer and stronger. In

addition, exercising and eating well can improve a person’s skin tone. For example,

people often have a “healthy glow” after a great workout. Indeed, a solid exercise plan

improves appearance.

In addition to releasing tension and an improved appearance, regular exercise

also gives more energy. A stronger, healthier body can work very hard; in fact, it can

work harder than a weak body that is out of shape. For example, an employee who

exercises frequently should be able to work all day, and then come home and do

household chores. Also, having more energy will help the body fight illnesses such as

colds and flues. Therefore, people who get more exercise will get sick less often. It is

important to follow this advice because one study concluded that, “Perceived physical

fitness and frequency of aerobic exercise are important correlates of reduced days with

URTI [Upper Respiratory Tract Infections] and severity of symptoms during the winter

and fall common cold seasons” (Nieman et al, 2011, p. 988). One of the most important

benefits of an exercise program is having more energy.

Exercising regularly helps release tension, improves physical appearance, and

provides more energy. Although starting a new exercise program may be difficult, the

personal rewards are worth the effort. In addition, once the regular workout routine is

established, it becomes enjoyable to exercise every day. The benefits of staying in

shape can change the direction of a person’s life.



Craft, L. L., & Perna, F. M. (2004). The Benefits of Exercise for the Clinically

Depressed. Primary Care Companion to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 6(3),


Mayo Clinic (2016). Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity. Retrieved

November 13, 2016 from


Nieman, D., Henson, D., Austin, M., & Sha, W. (2011). Upper respiratory tract infection

is reduced in physically fit and active adults. British Journal of Sports

Medicine, 45(12), 987-992.



Direct quote: According to the Mayo Clinic website, regular exercise has the benefit of

helping to lose or maintain body weight by burning excess fat. (Mayo Clinic, 2016, para.


Paraphrase: The Mayo Clinic’s (2016) website asserts that exercise can inhibit gaining

weight and help keep a steady weight due to burning calories (para. 1).

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