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1-The nurse teaches a client with COPD to assess for s/sx of right-sided heart failure.

Which of the
following s/sx would be included in the teaching plan?

a.Clubbing of nail beds

c.Peripheral edema
d.Increased appetite

2-The pt is hospitalized with pneumonia. Which diagnostic test should be used to measure the efficiency
of gas transfer in the lung and tissue oxygenation?




d-Pulmonary Function Tests

3-After admitting a pt from home to the medical unit w/ a dx of pneumonia, which physician orders will
the RN verify have been completed before administering a dose of cefuroxime (Ceftin) to the pt?

a-Orthostatic blood pressures

b-Sputum culture and sensitivity

c-ulmonary function evaluation

d-Serum lab studies ordered for AM

4-An elderly client with pneumonia may appear with which of the following symptoms first?

A. Altered mental status & dehydration

B. Fever & chills

C. Hemoptysis & dyspnea

D. Pleuritic chest pain & cough

5-Following assessment of a patient with pneumonia, the nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of
ineffective airway clearance. Which information best supports this diagnosis?

a. Weak, nonproductive cough effort

b. Large amounts of greenish sputum

c. Respiratory rate of 28 breaths/minute

d. Resting pulse oximetry (SpO2) of 85%

6-During assessment of the chest in a patient with pneumococcal pneumonia, the nurse would expect to

a. vesicular breath sounds.

b. increased tactile fremitus.

c. dry, nonproductive cough.

d. hyperresonance to percussion.

7-After a patient with right lower-lobe pneumonia has been treated with intravenous (IV) antibiotics for
2 days, which assessment data obtained by the nurse indicates that the treatment has been effective?

a. Bronchial breath sounds are heard at the right base.

b. The patient coughs up small amounts of green mucus.

c. The patient's white blood cell (WBC) count is 9000/µl.

d. Increased tactile fremitus is palpable over the right chest.

8-Which of the following would be a priority assessment data to gather from a client who has been
diagnosed with pneumonia? Select all that apply.

A) Auscultation of breath sounds

B) Auscultation of bowel sounds

C) Presence of lung secretions

D) Presence of peripheral edema

9- client with bacterial pneumonia is to be started on IV antibiotics. Which of the following diagnostic
tests must be completed before antibiotic therapy begins?

A) Urinalysis

B) Sputum culture

C) Chest radiograph

D) Red blood cell count

10-Which of the following positions is most appropriate for the nurse to place a patient experiencing an
asthma exacerbation?

A) Supine

B) Lithotomy

C) High Fowler's

D) Reverse Trendelenburg
11-A patient is presenting with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The patient has a chronic
productive cough with dyspnea on excretion. Arterial blood gases show a low oxygen level and high
carbon dioxide level in the blood. On assessment, the patient has cyanosis in the lips and edema in the
abdomen and legs. Based on your nursing knowledge and the patient's symptoms, you suspect the
patient suffers from what type of COPD?*

A. Emphysema

B. Pneumonia

C. Chronic bronchitis

D. Pneumothorax

12-You are providing teaching to a patient with chronic COPD on how to perform diaphragmatic
breathing. This technique helps do the following:*

A. Increase the breathing rate to prevent hypoxemia

B. Decrease the use of the abdominal muscles

C. Encourages the use of accessory muscles to help with breathing

D. Strengthen the diaphragm

13-A patient with severe COPD is having an episode of extreme shortness of breath and requests their
inhaler. Which type of inhaler ordered by the physician would provide the FASTEST relief for the patient
based on this particular situation?*

A. Spiriva

B. Salmeterol

C. Symbicort

D. Albuterol
14-A patient with COPD is reporting depression and thoughts of suicide. The patient states, "I just feel
like ending it all." You assess the patient’s health history and note that the patient was recently started
on which medication that could cause this side effect:*

A. Atrovent

B. Prednisone

C. Roflumilast

D. Theophylline

15- . You are providing care to a patient with COPD who is receiving medical treatment for exacerbation.
The patient has a history of diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. The patient is experiencing
extreme hyperglycemia. In addition, the patient has multiple areas of bruising on the arms and legs.
Which medication ordered for this patient can cause hyperglycemia and bruising?

A. Prednisone

B. Atrovent

C. Flagyl

D. Levaquin

16-. A patient is newly diagnosed with COPD due to chronic bronchitis. You're providing education to the
patient about this disease process. Which statement by the patient indicates they understood your
teaching about this condition?*

A. "If I stop smoking, it will cure my condition."

B. "Complications from this condition can lead to pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart failure."

C. "I'm at risk for low levels of red blood cells due to hypoxia and may require blood transfusions during
acute illnesses."

D. "My respiratory system is stimulated to breathe due to high carbon dioxide levels rather than low
oxygen levels.

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