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Ateneo de Davao University

E. Jacinto Street, 8016 Content: 35% ____
Nursing Responsibility: 35% ____
Davao City
Picture: 10% ____
Reference: 10% ____
Name of Student: Kirsty Marie Supranes Course/Year/Section: BSN 2B Subject: Pharmacology Date: August 2020 Neatness/Format: 5% ____
Promptness: 5% ____
DRUG STUDY FORM Total: 100% ___

Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Nursing Responsibilities/

Adverse Effects Patient and Family Health Teachings
Blocks response to beta- Fatigue, depression, 1. Patient should take oral single daily dose at same
Generic Name adrenergic stimulation; bradycardia, time each day.
Beta blockers cardioselective for beta1 decreased exercise R: for the patient not to miss a dose/ remember
Atenolol receptors at low doses, tolerance, erectile easily
with little or no effect on dysfunction, heart failure,
beta2 receptors may 2. Do not stop taking this drug unless told to do so
aggravatehypoglycemia, by a health care provider
Brand Name increase incidence of R: Suddenly stopping atenolol may cause chest
diabetes, insomnia, increase pain, heart attack, or irregular heartbeat
triglycerides, decrease
Tenormin cholesterol. Sudden 3. Monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG
withdrawal may exacerbate during I.V. administration.
angina and myocardial R: to avoid further complications
infarction. 4. Dose may need to be reduced in patients with
renal insufficiency
R: Elderly Patients or Patients with Renal
Impairment atenolol is excreted by the kidneys;
consequently dosage should be adjusted in cases of
severe impairment of renal function and also
because of increased bioavailability or delayed
metabolism; they also may have greater adverse

5. Protect medication from heat, direct light, and

moisture and store at room temperature.
R: to avoid contamination and keep the
effectiveness of the drug

6. Assess the patient if she is pregnant

Picture Indication Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics
▪ Treatment of Absorption: About 50% PO R: Atenolol can cause fetal harm (intrauterine
angina pectoris to 60% of an atenolol Onset: 1hr growth retardation)
due to coronary dose is absorbed. Peak: 2-4 hrs
atherosclerosis Distribution: Distributed Duration: 24 hrs 7. Inform the patient that if he/she miss a dose take
▪ Hypertension, into most tissues and it the missed dose as soon as he/she remember
as a step 1 fluids except the brain and IV R: in order to maintain her/him daily dosage
agent, alone or CSF; about 5% to 15% is Onset :5 min however if it is almost time for the next dose, skip
with other drugs, protein-bound. Peak: 5 min the missed dose and continue your regular dosing
especially Metabolism: Metabolized Duration : 12hrs schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for
diuretics minimally. a missed one
▪ Treatment of Excretion: About 40% to
MI 50% of a given dose is 8. Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that
▪ Unlabeled excreted unchanged in bothers you or that does not go away
uses: Prevention urine; remainder is R: in order to avoid further complications
of migraine excreted as unchanged
headaches; drug and metabolites in 9.Patients already on a beta blocker must be
alcohol feces. In patients with evaluated carefully before TENORMIN is
withdrawal normal renal function, administered
syndrome, plasma half-life is 6 to 7 R: TENORMIN may aggravate peripheral arterial
treatment of hours; half-life increases circulatory disorders.
ventricular and as renal function
supraventricular decreases. 10. tell your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic
arrhythmias to atenolol, any other medications, or any of the
ingredients in atenolol tablets.
R: to avoid further complications
- Hodgson, B. B., & Kizior, R. J. (2019). Saunders nursing drug handbook.

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