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Abigriel Judiel F.

I see myself usually on casual dating. With the generation nowadays, especially with the
quarantine people were Kinda force to date via social media or online. This generation is much
more focused on themselves than previous generations. Combined with the casual culture of
hooking up, one-night stands, and friends with benefits, finding someone to seriously date can
be difficult. Millennials simply have so many options that "going steady" can be a hard pitch to
sell. And one thing I learned in online dating that not all the information or what you see on
online web is true. I still preferred the old ways like an actual date where you two will meet and
have an enjoyable conversation.

In terms of parent's involvement when it comes to dating, most parents do not know that their
child is involved in a relationship. Based on my experience, I grew up on a strict and
conservative family given that I am the only girl in the family. I was prohibited to have a
boyfriend until I graduate from college. While the dating process in the older generation, the
guy will court the parents first before he gets to the girl.

Dating then is a known fact that the first stage of dating starts with expressing your interest in
your future partner. And in the past where we did not have the help and handy work of the
internet and smartphones. The traditional way was more personal and double the effort in
groundwork. Guys would make multiple trips to the girl’s home and bring her gifts and
occasional even for her parents to win their favor - and to make sure he is not thrown out of
the house by them. While dating now, who needs to invest that much energy on the first stage
of dating when you can text your sweet words through your phone and profess your blooming
undying love by sending pictures by Facebook messenger and other apps. People nowadays
have a tough time committing to a relationship and having labels put on them. In the age where
flings, hookups, and tinder dates are abundant having a committed relationship is not as easy to
come by like it was before. It is as confusing and frustrating when you do not know where you
stand with someone you like. Chivalry is not completely dead but it is not that easy to come by
as it was before. Guys would not invest much work on a girl if she did not steady catch his eye
and they would rarely do everything that was mentioned above in the back then. Some guys
often would wait a few days to call a girl back or vividly express his concern or interest in her
affairs - relationships are confusing and so are the convoluted dating games that questions if
the other party likes you or not.

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