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Galang, Abigriel Judiel F.



1. From the description you made about your community, what do you think are its
strengths and weaknesses?


Activeness of Barangay Leaders. Low awareness of community members,

especially leaders, on their responsibilities in the

Open-mindedness of community members. Insufficient knowledge of community members

regarding concretizing their ideas.

Willingness of the community members to Urgent need to encourage and empower people
develop their community. to participate.

2. If you were to start your community service in this community, what will you do? What
would be the priority issue to address?
- If I were to start our community service, I will start from the first issue, to raise a
fundraising initiative to support COVID-19 relief giving to our neighbors who suffers
from the virus. This is for the patients who are home quarantined who cannot even buy
their selves some food for a number of days. To show our support to give them some
groceries or cooked meals so they don’t need to go out. In this critical moment, our
communities need us to create change in ways that are both innovative and equitable.
- Second, Organize a blood drive. I donate blood regularly since 2018, so I want to help
more people who needs blood especially in this time of the pandemic. Donating blood
can save a lot of lives. There are health benefits for donors, too, on top of the benefits
that come from helping others. Blood donation is safe for healthy adults.
- Lastly, I want to help by providing supplies to local animal shelters. These animals need
our help now more than ever. Supplies that can be donated includes food, blankets,
towels, bowls, and new or gently used toys. These provide pups with a little bit more
home-like comfort while they are in the shelter.

3.As a community member, what do you think is/are your role/s and/or possible contribution in
addressing the identified weaknesses of your community?
- I can Explore possibilities for new efforts or solutions to problems.
- Make decisions about the best path for your initiative. Identifying your opportunities for
success in context of threats to success can clarify directions and choices.
- Determine where change is possible. If you are at a juncture or turning point, an
inventory of your strengths and weaknesses can reveal priorities as well as possibilities.
- Adjust and refine plans mid-course. A new opportunity might open wider avenues, while
a new threat could close a path that once existed.

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