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Introduction 3

l Investigating plant growth

1.1 Seeds 6
1.2 How seeds grow 8
1.3 Investigating germination 10
1.4 What do plants need to grow? 12
1.5 Plants and light 14
Check your progress 16
2 The life cycle of flowering plants
2.1 Why plants have flowers 18
2.2 How seeds are spread 20
2.3 Other ways seeds are spread 22
2.4 The parts of a flower 24
2.5 Pollination 26
2.6 Investigating pollination 28
2.7 Plant life cycles 30
Check your progress 32
3 States of matter
3.1 Evaporation 34
3.2 Why evaporation is useful 36
3.3 Investigating evaporation 38
3.4 Investigating evaporation from a solution 40
3.5 Condensation 42
3.6 The water cycle 44
3.7 Boiling 46
3.8 Melting 48
3.9 Who invPnted thP temperature scale? 50
Check your progress 52
The way we see th·1ngs
4 4
4.1 ..,.. 1,avels,. fro rn a source
Light /
4 • 2 I\•111101S :.>8
4.3 Seeing behind you orJ
4.4 \Nhich su, faces reftect lighi the best? 62
4 ·5 L ght changes direction 64
ChecK \, our progress
Shadows 66
5 51
Light travels in straight lines 68
\Vhich materials let light through? 7~
52 Silhouettes and shadow puppets 72
5.3 What affects the size of a shadow? 7L
5.4 76
Investigating shadow lengths
5.5 78
Measuring light intensity 80
5.6 How scientists measured and understood ligh+
Check your progress 82
earth's movements 84
6 6
_ The sun, the Earth and the Moon
6 .2 Does the sun move?_ . 88
6.3 The Earth rotates on its axis 90
6 4 sunrise and sunset
6 .5 The Earth revolves around the sun 94
6:6 Exploring the solar systern 96
6. 7 Exploring the stars
check your progress

Reference d · deX s
GlossorY on ,n
Words to lA,-
seed embryo
seed coat

HO\ e you ever swallowed a seed when ~ou were eating

an apple or an orange? We find seeds inside fruits.
Fruits and seeds can be dlfferent sizes
and shapes.

This apple has been cut

in half to show the seeds. An avocado pear has one l~rge seed.

Bean seeds are found inside a pod.

A poppy's fruit contains the seeds.

Are seeds alive? Seeds might looR dead, but they are not. Seeds grow into r,ew
plants. Th.ere is a tiny plant inside th.e seed starts to grow when it hafi .Alt
the things it needs. The tmy plan L inside the seed is called an embr~
The seed also has a food store .


H,'1 t I'- ~1 h~t11\ '- Ct'll \\it)\ lh

f,,11 t, l,1b,•llt'd .
u socd coot

scu, where seed
wns 1oined to fruit

Acp~ity 1.1
..... ........................ ·.
\ You 'W'ill need.:
\ a large fresh seed a hand tens '-._
o,o w and label a seed • • •'"'' • • •■ •• ■ • ■ • • •
~•• • • • • • • •• • • • •••I ■•••■•• •
Loot- ca eftLll~ at the seed with the hand lens .
Find the see d coat and the scar where the seed was joined to th.e .fruit.
Make a neat drawing of the outside o.f th.e seed . Label ~our drawing .
Use ~our mgemails to pull o.f.f the outer covering o.f the seed.
Pu!! the two halves o.f the seed apart .
F111d the embr~o inside the seed.
Find the seed's foo d store.
Draw label the in.side parts oJ the seed.

J.Wh~ does the seed n.eed a food store?
2 Wh~ does the seed need a seed coat?
3 What do ~ou thinR the seed needs to
make it start to grow?
Ta\k about ,t\
What is the biggest
seed in the wor\d?
Wna-t you nave learnt
~ Seeds are found in fruits .
~ TIit embr~o inside fl seed grows into fl new plont
;; Seeds ore covered by a seed coat.
~ Seed, a food store.
1 lnvest,g ,,
Words to learn
germination shrivels

e r,ght condtttons, and the embryo ts alive, it will grow.

s t grow we say it germinates Thts process LS called
seed uSes tts food store to gLve it the en.ergy to grow.
,.. e see s e s and becomes small after germin.atLon. Here are the stages m
gew. rmt,on of a bean seed.
The shoot grows up bs above the ground.
The first leaves grow.
~ ~'1rl s"'e::s. Seed coat splits.
The first shoot
starts to grow

The root grows down into the soil.

Side roots grow.

Seeds can llve without germinating for

~ears until the conditions become suitable.
The oldest seed known to germinate was
a 1300-~ear-old lotus seed found at the
bottom of a lake m China.

A lotus plant growing in water.

1 lnveshgatmg plant growth

..... .......... .. ......... ~•·•···· ····..
Activity 1.2 \ You will need: ·.
L ~ •••

•• /;I bean r,eerl a :;aucor of water •.•

•,.t- ., ••, •• ~ •• , .... •" • .,. . . . . ~,· ...
Observe a seed
Soak the bean seed in water overnight. Predict how the
seed will change overnight.
Observe the seed the next day and wnte down any
chartges that you see.
How did the seed change overnight? Was your
predtctLOn correct? Explain why the changes happen.
Wh.erP do you think the water entered the seed?
GLve i reaso n fo r your answer.

:1Why do seeds need to absorb water?
2 a. Which part of the new bean plant grows ftrst?
b Suggest a reason why this part grows downwards.
3 In which direction does the fLrst shoot grow and why?
4 Why do you think the new leaves start to grow above the ground?
5 Why do you think the seed shrivels and
becomes small after germination?
. . . . . . .0


fi Talk abJut 1tl

Wnc:it you hc:ive l e c:irnt
Can new p'aPts on1y
grow frofl\
~ Seeds start to germinate if the conditions are
right and the embryo is alive.
~ The food store gives seeds the energy they need
for germination.
~ Seeds a.bsorb water to start germination.
j Tht new root grows downwards flrst, followed by the new shoo·
wnich gmw.s upwards.
1 lnvest1gat11,
1.3 Investigating germination
~- - -

1 Seeds germinate when the~

have the nght condlHons
Ccm seeds
q0rrninntc without
watPr or light?

Will seeds germinate if it is

very hot or very cold?

Activity 1.3a
............................... .
Do seeds need air . You will need:
to germinate? '-._ 20 small seeds four paper towels some water ·.__
\ two saucers two small plastic bags two bag ties ·.._
Place 10 seeds on a moist paper ·-. a drinking straw ••I• I• .. . . . .. . . . ... •
~I• • • • • • • • • • • • I•
• • I • • • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

towel on each saucer.

Cover both saucers wlth molst paper towels. Place one saucer ln each bag.
Use the straw to suck all the alr out of one bag. Oukkly close lt wlth a bag Ue.
Close the other bag, leaving air inside it.
Leave both bags ln a warm place for two days, then remove the seeds from
the bags and observe them.
Which seeds germinated?
Suggest a reason for this .

'1+ growth
tjmm,,, . You urU1 :nood:
20 ' Pd four 111,b' J 1r ftllorl w,•h ml OT
In\ L"'st1gato cond1t101is nocdod oawcJu I wulN o mea .unng wp
for gPr rninatlon
dry SOIi
Plor.c fl\ c secrb ogmnst 1T1omt soil or sawdust
the qlo« '" each JOI

~1oi>t rn the ,oil in t"' 0 jnis.

f /
. of dry soll and one Jar
Place one jar · of mOlst • soil in a warm place.
· of moLst soil in a cold place
Place 011e JOr of dry so ll an d one Jar
Check the molst sod everii:::, d a~ to maKe
1... sure it does not dry out.
Observe the seeds ever~ two da~s for eight days .
01 aw a table to record ~our observatLons.

;i, How can ~ou make sure t hat t his is a fair test?
2 a. What differences did you observe between the jars?
b Suggest reason for these differences .
c Why would your results be better if you used 40 seeds lnstead of 20?
3 Does the investlgatlon show whether seeds need alr for germlnatlon?

Explain ~our answer.

4 Write a conclusion about the best conditions
for seed germination.
5 Do you think seeds need light f or germination? Make a prediction.
b Plan an investigation. t o test
your prediction..
/2 Talk obo 1t
Why do most seeds
\ germinate in spring?
WJ,ot: vou. J,.ave learnt; .. '
~ Seeds gfflRinGl:e when they nave right cond1twns.
~ SefdJ nelld. wcier, warmth and air to germmate.
~ ,,..~ , ight to gerrntnate.
1 Investigating p'
. 11
- · · "-~.Ji.l.,,_.J ~-~~
What ,do plants need to grow'? .
... _._ · -- ~ - ~ ~ - - ' ~ - - - - - - - - . . : . ~ - - - • · · - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....__ ___ · -'----'----'----'--- ---~~---~
toe tor&

L \ Jrom the e1w1ronment

d , rto,n lnm9 I ctor, d
\• "'nrow We call these thmgs o \\ or the13 mlght everl le
' t , \\ t grow we ' l\?
t these jactors, plants W\ no h ltl'\ll and growmg we .
t hese plctures Whlth plant lS ea ,


ti, ialit and n ir.

Plants need water so that they can have strong stems and ftrrn
leaves. They also use water to transport substances such as
food to all parts of the plant.

Most plants grow best when they get warmth.

Most grow better g it is not too hot or too cold.

Plants rnuke their own food. They need l\ght energy

t for this. A plant that does not get light energy
grows long, thin sterns, becomes weal,, ond dies.

Plants are living things. living things need air .

Plants Without air die. wm
Plants need light
energy to grow.
light energy is a factor that helps plonts to grow.
Plants need the energy in sunlight to rnuRe Jood ln their
leaves. Plants always grow towards the source oJ light energj
1 lnvc +igahng plant grc wti--
Aotlvlty 1 .4

I dtl'.
p,ow Cl hcu C l1nt1 Of l>I I I

,,,11,,k / 111
h1, pl1111t Iii
I '
, ,,111,I: 1111d hi\ ,, 11'1\d~ <JI f'W ,l,1111 lllOWII)

ll \lit1111
11•prn1t\111p,,1 \
"ij ""
. •/, ;;
L., .,,,

f\l,Ht 11 p111 I
11, p 0111 ,hod I"''"'''""' w«l<'<»<I II tw«» u w<••> -.- \
"s..!' {; .
' 111 11
lJ I' 1ctrl' 1111d W(IIPrt•d 11 tw1u• <J N<'•·lt l r
I ('1' ,,11t I'" fl ttint "' \itf1tllJ f>ln 11 • I I .
lltl Or<JUI I II Will Pt ti
r,11 ,q kl'fll hi\ plnnt llildt>r i>,•d n 1) I <l
c W<111't<' 11 tw,cr• cJ W!'l'R
1\ ftci two W1'1'k\ thcLJ n, 1,mm<>d I
~ 10w 1111tl 11 I 11,,,r plnnt s had grown

How th e Plants looked
Growth of plants In cm
I 311 0n rn,d hnn\\.,h, /r-J
A,kk 1
lliorco hshtor 3rccr, n 11d 9uit<1 henllh'1 1i
L.Jo dr'1 cmd brown <;
1;;,nq thin and weak \Ll
Draw a bar of the results.

trm QueFf:ions
ch as :t Whose plan.t grew th.e best?
2 Whose plan.t grew th.e worst?
Why did Leo's plan.t look dry an.d brown?
4 Why was Marco's plan.t smaller Ash.ok's?
5 Exp lain. why Tariq's plan.t was an.d weak.
6 a Predict the height of a plan.t placed in. a and watered.
Explain your prediction.
b Draw another bar 011 your chart
,/, ~-....... _.. -, ..
to show your prediction.
( Talk about it'
\ Do plants need soil
What: you have learnt ·-. for growth?
~ Plants need factors from the e11vironmen.t to
make them grow. .
~ The factors plants need are light en.erg~, air, water and warmth.

1 Investigating p'ar
Ltt¥4!m:i &I .. ............
You ~ il l n oed : ... . ..... ......... . O eci.
tw o surnlar po t plants O ra:
g th e ~ ff e ct of hg a dark cupboaro
ht some water a meas
uring cylintler a ruler O ra:
h .. .. .......................... . ·.
d th e ~e gh.t of th e

..i t . ~ ,ts v.. ,th . tl-\e sa

c.- 0 .... : ...,~ \I at e me

_o.::;~ G.~ t ,E :J ,c tu re
s t o se e w t t o do
n-2 ~..:t ho w w ell ~o u thin~ thha e tw o pl an ts
\'\ ~ ro w . \1\./ri::.e c. o, ,
'"I. yo ur pr ed ic
tio n
Pl an t A
O os er ve ::i.e nl a rtts Pla nt B
e" ery f ou r da ys fo r
v.1::n :n e s a m e a m o un th re e w ee ks . W at er
bo th pl an ts
t of w at er each.
yo u ob se rv e th em .
:J.-c.w c. ta D l e to re co
rd th e he ig ht a nd ap
pe ar an ce ea ch
~o u ob se rv e th em .
Da te : Da te : Da te : Da te :
Pla nt Pla nt Pl an t Da te : \
Pl an t Pl an t
A B Pl an t Pl an t
A B Pl an t Pl an t
:-ie gnt ,n cm A B A
Pla nt
N .... m ber o f
le aves
r -t---,------- \
C ol ou r o f sr em 1
+ \
e n d le av es I
G en e ra l l
a a ~a n ce I
Dcetdc what type of graph is best to show your results.
Draw n graph of the plants' growth m hetght.
Dr ow the plants at the end of the mvesttgatt0n. Label your drawtngs.
1 r Which plant grew the best?
I Do your results support your predictt0n?
Name two ways in which you measured plant growth.
d How else could you tell which plant grew better?
2 a Why did you keep one plant in the dark?
b Whtch factor or factors caused the changes you observed?
c Is this investigation a fair test? Explain why or why not.
3 a Vv rite a conclusion for the investigation.
b Co you think you have enough data to form a conclusion? Say why or
why not.
c Suggest a way to improve your results without doing the investigation
4 If you repeated the investigation with a d1ferent type of plant, would you
get the same results? Say why or why not.
Design a fair test to show that plants need air to make them grow.
/I Talk about 1
Why do some plants
Wha.t you 1ea.rnt that live in very shady
need light energy to grow well. places grow big?
,d light energy to make food in
1 lnvest1got ~
C ~"i -2:te ~ '.J<:J.;.;J Lr ~ LR:i~ u\.;100
Cop~ the two columns of words.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
Column A Column B
!'- A the outer cover that protects the seed
') e"'"'bfh B when a seed start to grow
S8ed CO,Y C J everything around us
\ -
germ•nate · D part of a plant that can grow into a new plant
- -.:-~cc:~- ~ - - ~-
€ '"IV ronrnent E part of a seed that grows into a new plant
- - --.J
Cop~ and complete these sentences.
Use the words in the box to help ~ou.
/ I I , I I iV!.. I
'' ' V
food store factor air shoot root swells warmth up
down absorbs
\. \
W'nen a seed starts to germinate it t4g~ · water and . J,-:;, , . J
I. [
T'ne seed gets energ~ from its ~.,.,r\ ;-}:fP-!2-
The t is the fLrst part of the new plant that starts to grow.
It grows Mfi:~n . The .~\·ftt grows next.
It grows ---41 .,
Seeds need water, n 1~, and \.2fltllit'tf J, to germinate.
Light is a :, u rr i t'nat plants need so that the~ can grow.
. -
EJ Here ls a plctu, c of
a gemun.atin.g seed.
\Nrite down. th.e n.arnes
of pa ts 1 to 4 . l, 2
,,,_..._t 4
(ru \( --3 -'"~'t.C..
r1t'inb e's class gerrnin.ated seeds un.der differen.t conditions .
T '1ese are th.eir results.
Conditions --
Number of seeds germinated
wc.rrr), li~ft 10
war!TI, dark IS
cold, light s
cold, dark 7
a Which conditions are best for germination.?
b Do seeds need ligh.t for germination.? Use th.e results to explain
your answer.
c Did the seeds get water or not? How do you kn.ow
d Dembe must draw a graph. of th.e results. type of graph.
should he draw and why?
D Each plant in the pict ure is missing one of th.e factors it needs
Jor growth. ~ j
a Identify the missing factor for
each plant.
b Name one other factor that
plants need Jor growth.
c Explain why the factor missing
in A is important for plant growth.
1 Investigating plant growth

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