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Drill Speaking by Pham Thu Trang


June 29

I. Give each group a title.
Major crimes Minor Crimes / Petty Crimes

kidnap arson pickpocketing

assault burglary shoplifting
abuse drug trafficking traffic offender (drunk driving, running a red light,
fraud hacking speeding…)
hijacking murder vandalism
smuggling terrorism car theft
II. Look at the words and expressions below. Find out their meanings.
legislation offend / offender deter / deterrent punish / punishment
prevent / prevention commit crime / criminal probation
rehabilitate guilt / guilty prison / prisoner / imprison / imprisonment
fine community service victim sentence
* Use the words / expressions above to complete the following sentences.
1. The government should focus on the ……… of crime rather than introducing harsher prison
2. Tougher prison sentences may be a ……… to other would-be offenders.
3. There needs to be changes to crime-related ……….
4. The ……… of crime often need help and support to recover from their bad experience.
5. People who ……… serious crimes should be given lengthy (long) prison sentences.
6. Prison should not be used for first-time ……….
7. If jurors (the members of a jury) find a defendant ………, then that person must be punished.
8. ……… is a good way to reduce prison overcrowding, but it must only be used for those who have
committed minor crimes.
9. Those responsible for serious crimes must be ……….
10. Motorists should be given a ……… if they are caught speeding.
11. Murderers are usually given life ……….
12. Those who commit assaults must be imprisoned because the victims want ……….
13. It is important to ……… criminals while they are in prison; otherwise, they may re-offend (commit
a crime again) when they are released from prison.
III. Exam Practice
Part 2. Describe a good law in your country
You should say:
 what the law is
 how you came to know about this law
 who it affects
and explain why it is good.

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Drill Speaking by Pham Thu Trang

Cường – 1 Nhi – 2.. Trang Anh – 3.. Hằng – 4..

Phương – 5.. Quỳnh – 6.. tí tui random
1. intro
2. not drive / drink
3. time
4. situation before the law
5. effect – strong opposition
6. be determined to V / keen to V / enforce
7. punish / fine
8. result 1
9. hospital
10. close
1. One of the best laws that springs to my mind now is one traffic law in Vietnam which was just
introduced last September.
2. This law aims to ban people who could not use vehicles after using alcoholic drinks. If one
violates / disobeys / breaks this law, he will fined heavily, up to….
3. So the reason why this law was enforced is because this there was an accident an escalation in
the number of traffic accidents / road collisions that happened before that. / previously. / earlier.
4. In recent years, there is a huge number of accidents in Vietnam, especially in motor vehicles, so it
is high time ….
5. After the decree was introduced, there was strong opposition coming from alcoholic drivers
alcoholic addicts as they thought it would be inconvenient for them to come home after drinking.
6. However, the government still determined to enforce the law.
7. So because of their determination, whoever that follow? breaks the rule will be punished by paying
a heavy fine of a million thousand dong.
8. Moreover, after the law has been was released enacted / implemented, the difficulty pressure? of
on hospital in the city in helping people with accident road accident victims which is caused by
alcoholic drive? is decreased.
9. Besides that, the number of people who have been involved in alcohol-related accidents declined
significantly. Or in other words, the traffic / road safety …
10. Because of these considerable positive results, I think that the decrees? is reasonable.

Cường – 1. Nhi – 2 Trang Anh – 3 Hằng – 4

Phương – 5.. Quỳnh – 6. tí tui random

Part 3
1. What do you think the most common crime in your country is? increasing /s/ average national
health  degrade / degradation
2. Should police in your country be stricter or less strict? // or  depends
is mainly dependent on the field. // it will help // deflation
3. Is your country a safe country? // war – peace / crime
4. Have you ever seen a crime?
5. Do you think criminals can change? change for the better  rehabilitate / in fact – in fart /
6. Is shoplifting common in your country?

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Drill Speaking by Pham Thu Trang

7. What kind of people shoplift and what kinds of things do they steal? // can be … shoplifted  their
prey / target.
8. Can you tell if a kid will grow up to be a criminal?
9. What is the best way for police to keep neighborhoods safe?

những bác nào đã xong phần trên thì chbi giúp tui phần B này.
scared / chilled to the bone in the flesh battery farming desperately frightened
Part 2. Describe a time you were scared by an animal
 when and where it happened
 what animal it was
 what the animal did
and explain why you were scared.
Cường – 1 Nhi – 2 Trang Anh – 3. Hằng – 4
Phương – 5 Quỳnh – 6 tí tui random

1. 2 years ago / unwind / national park

2. the incident took place in Cat Ba national park.
3. wild animals / excited / such things in the flesh // stand in front of )) nghe như lên bảng
4. going to take / a huge spider
5. eccentric / so that
6. I had already been imagining in my head that … // attract …
7. when I … spider / the park manager tourist guide /? scream out loud that … / get away / fatally
8. quite surprised / afraid that
9. run away  rush
[mới đc nửa bài đã hét to thì còn gì mà nói )

Part 3
1. Is it important for children to learn about animals? || CHỈ CẦN NÓI YES rồi support là đc || self-
2. What is your opinion on keeping endangered animals in the zoo? breeding programmes // the
awareness of the visitors … // it can raise visitors’ awareness
3. What is your opinion on animals that are used for meat and other purposes? || speaking of – they
are cleared for human use ||
4. What can we do to protect rare species of animals?
5. What should the government do to protect wildlife? illegal hunting – poaching // disseminate info
awareness // as well as … // propaganda
6. How to stop humans from harming the environment?

driving ambition harbor / nurture an ambition realize a dream
surmount / overcome an obstacle

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Drill Speaking by Pham Thu Trang

Part 2. Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time.
You should say:
 what it is
 what you did for it
 when you can achieve it
and explain why this ambition is important to you.
Part 3
1. Do you share your ambitions with others?
2. Is it important for us to have ambitions? Why?
3. Do you think it is important for the youth to have ambitions? Why?
4. What kind of ambitions do people have in your country?
5. Do you think children should consult their parents before setting their goals?
6. What can be the result of failures?
7. Do you think without any ambition, our growth may come to a standstill? Why?
8. Why do many people lose their ambition gradually as they grow up?

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