Argumentative Essay On Life in The City Is Better Than Life in The Rural Areas

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Life in the city is better than life in rural area

What comes to your mind when asked to choose between city life and rural life city life
which is true looking at this factors which are nearly compatible, there are many
advantages and disadvantages in the city your life and community life, likewise, there is
a big differ inside the lifestyle after some similarities. Fact, city life is more comfortable
and civilized, because there will be a lot of chances of developing life.
First, in city life there exists a good chance for a young person make theme star all thee
life which has a high income because the major brands in the cities, also, a good
education for children because there are a better school within the community, also,
convenient homes, large shop complexions, banking companies, offices,
accommodations, and hospital wards.
 But some folks prefer the village because they will love the village life with its healthy
clean air and refreshing products and they cannot live in urban centres, but almost they
are usually the elderly. Even though living in the location has many positive aspects
there are disadvantages too, the cost of the living is very rich in the city, the city is
always raucous, no fresh air and pure water.
It is therefore hard to acquire a healthy existence. On furthermore the small town the
undeveloped area, for instance, we cannot easily get many facilities the too little medical
and education facilities, couple of opportunities to generate profits, little entertainment,
no or little the, also much fewer facilities when compared to a big city offers.
In conclusion life in the city and life in the rural areas are both nice places to live in but
city life is better due to three major reasons; jobs, education and lifestyle.

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