English Mid Test #2 /20: Mrs Z. Yahia Jan 30 2020 8

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Med Bouin Prep School Metouia Mrs Z.

Name :………………………………………………….. English Mid Test N° 2 …/20 Jan 30th 2020
Class : 8 th f …… 1Hour

I/ Language: ( 12 marks)
1)Match the underlined utterances with the right Functions: (there’s an extra one) 3.5/….

- Hey there, how are you? Good to see you! a) Expressing Surprise. 1+……
- Good to see you, too. I’m fine, how are you?
- Good, thanks. Listen, I’m having a birthday party next Friday. b) Thanking 2+……
Would you like to come? (1)
- Sure, I’d love to! (2) c) Expressing Opinion 3+…….
- How nice! (3)
- When is the party? (4) d) Inviting 4+…….
- It starts around 9 pm at my house.
- Okay, I’ll be there. What do you want for your birthday? e) Asking Permission 5+…….
- Oh no presents, please. Just bring your camera.
- Sure, I’ll do that. Can I bring my sister, too?(5) f) Expressing Doubt 6+……
- Of course! So I’ll see you two on Friday.
- Yes, thanks for the invitation!(6) g) Accepting Invitation 7+……
- I’m glad you can come. I think it will be an exciting party! (7)
See you soon. h) Asking about time.
- Bye.

2) Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the box: 3/….

setting Music wash full shy for anything before
There are Basic Table Manners to Teach Your Kids:
1. Come to the table with their hands and face clean. Teach your children always
to …………………………………up before dinner.
2. Always ask if there is anything you can do. Whether at home or someone else’s house, always ask
the grown-up if you can help do anything to get ready …………………………………. dinner.
3. When …………………………………… the table, remember BMW: Bread and milk go on the left and
water on the right. They can also remember that the fork goes on the left and the knife goes on the
right .
4. Wait until everyone is served ……………………………… eating. Tell your child never to begin eating
until everyone is seated and served.
5. Never, ever chew with your mouth open. Do not talk when your mouth is ……………………………
6. Never reach to get something like salt or …………………………………………. else he needs. Get her into
the habit of asking table mates to pass something he needs.

3) Complete the paragraph with a word from the options on the right: 3/…
In my family we give each other presents for our birthday.
When it was my birthday my family (1)…………………………. 1-offering – offered – offer
me a computer game. For my (2)………………………...sister’s 2-little – empty – frightened
birthday we gave her a doll.
We gave my father a book as a (3)…………………………and he read 3- fork- spoon- gift
it the same day! We gave my mother some flowers
(4)………………….……….she put them in a pretty vase. 4- because- but – and
When it was my grandparents’ birthdays,
we phoned (5)……………..………….. 5- them- their – they
We (6)……………..………….together and they gave us their news. 6- sipped - climbed –talked

4) Match the sentences parts to get a coherent paragraph: 2.5/….

1- Everybody talks a) sports for students.

2- Today lets discuss the benefits of b) and happier lives
3- Playing sport is a great way for c) social and psychological benefits to children.
4- It also helps them lead fuller d) about the importance of fitness and exercise for kids.
5- because regular sports and fitness activities e) children to take a break from academics and release
provide physical, the pent-up energy.
1+… // 2+….. // 3+….. // 4+… // 5+…

II/ LISTENING: (8marks)

1) Listen and tick ( V ) the right options: 1/….

a) The speaker, Lindsay Black, is a:
-teacher -headmaster -student

2) Is the class in room sixteen? Justify from the listening passage. 1/…


3) Complete with 2 words from the listening: 2/…

- There are …………………………. classes a week.
- Students need a ………………………… for the course.

4) When is the first class? 1/…


5) Function : Underline the correct function of the following utterance: 1/…

“ Don’t buy the teacher’s book”

-Arranging a meeting -Giving Instructions -Asking for Information

6) Spelling: Listen and write the two words: 1/…

Welcome to British life and ………………………………

I’m in office 7B on the ……………………………floor.

7) Pronunciation: listen and Tick ( V) the right boxes: 1/…

/ ai / / au / / ei /

Good Luck

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