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CH (14)

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Professional &Social Responsibility

CH ( 14 ) Professional &Social Responsibility 2

Although professional and social responsibility is
mentioned throughout the PMBOK® Guide, this
area is not covered in a separate chapter in that
Managing a project is really about ethics. For
example, keeping your schedule up-to-date and
realistic is an ethical responsibility to your project

CH ( 14 ) Professional &Social Responsibility 3

What are the categories of professional

and social responsibility?

CH ( 14 ) Professional &Social Responsibility 4

What does responsibility in project management mean?

Make decisions based on the best interests of the company and the team
Only accept assignments you are qualified to complete
If a project is beyond your qualifications or experience, alert the sponsor before
you accept the assignment
Use organizational resources as best you can
Do what you say you will do
Acknowledge your errors
Respect confidentiality and protect proprietary information
Uphold laws
Report unethical behavior

CH ( 14 ) Professional &Social Responsibility 5

What does ‟ respect ˮ in project management mean?

Maintain an attitude of mutual cooperation
Engage and invite ideas and best practices to be shared among team members
Respect cultural differences
Don’t say things that could damage another person̓ s reputation
Engage in good faith negotiations
Avoid using overtime to solve scheduling problems
Respect others
Be direct in dealing with conflict
Do not use your power or position to influence others for your own benefit

CH ( 14 ) Professional &Social Responsibility 6

What does ‟ fairness ˮ in project management mean?

Act impartially
Continuously look for and disclose conflicts of interest
Do not discriminate
Honor your duty of loyalty
Do not use your position for personal or business gain

CH ( 14 ) Professional &Social Responsibility 7

What does ‟ honesty ˮ in project management mean?

Try to understand the truth
Be truthful in all communications
Create an environment where others tell the truth
Do not deceive others

The End
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