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Project Weekly progress report

Name – Himanshu Udhwani

Commodity pricing and Market Intelligence

To start off my project I began with secondary research to understand the project better. The
major areas of my research included:
 Understanding the process of palm oil processing:
o Palm oil is one of the most popular vegetable oils and is derived from the
mesocarp of the fruit of palm fruit.
 Applications of palm stearin:
o Palm stearin derived from the palm oil by processing the oil at controlled
temperature with the partial crystallization method, then the solid fraction of
the palm oil is derived called palm stearin.
o Palm stearin is a useful natural hard stock for making trans-free fats. 
o Palm stearin is the solid fraction from the fractionation of palm oil. It can be
used for obtaining palm mid fractions (PMF) and also in blends with other
vegetable oils to obtain suitable functional products such as margarine fats,
shortenings, vanaspati and others.
o Besides edible usage, palm stearin also possesses suitable properties for
making soaps and formulating animal feeds. It is also an excellent feed stock
for oleochemicals. 
o Apart from this palm stearin also have applications in the cosmetics and
personal care industry.
 The various products of Himani bake magic and their production process.
 The dispatch process of products and the “Sauda” system.
The next step of the project: I have collected the data about the prices of crude palm oil, palm
stearin, palm olein, crude soyabean oil for the last three years. Along with this I have also
collected statistics about consumption of palm oil. I will sort through this data now and work
out some insights from this.

Thanking you.
Weekly progress report
Name – Sai Shruthi N
Product Developement
The following table provides an overview of the work accomplished in this week
1-14/6 Induction session with Mentor & Tutor , Company overview
Preliminary study on fats and oils
2-15/6 Understanding of specialty fats along with its processing
3-16/6 Interaction with CHRO, Learnt about Sauda system & different SKU’s,
Project briefing with tutor- Discussed about problems identified in products
4-17/6 Interaction with tutor about Work in progress, Exploratory study on puff and
biscuit manufacturing
5-18/6 KP Plant visit-Briefing by Product Development Team, General understanding
about bakery fats(Chemistry) and its processing (CPO to Bakery fats)

Chemistry of Fats and oils

Lipids are diverse in form and are defined by solubility in non-polar solvents (and insolubility
in water). Following is a summary of the types of lipids we will study and their general
The simplest lipids are the Fatty acids which are carboxylic acids with a long hydrocarbon
chain attached. Fatty acids can be classified by how many double bonds are present in the
hydrocarbon tail:
 Saturated fatty acids have only single bonds.
 Monounsaturated fatty acids have one double bond.
 Polyunsaturated fatty acids have two or more double bonds.

Saturated fatty acids have molecules that fit closely together in a regular pattern and strong
attractions (dispersion forces) between fatty acid chains. They have high melting points that
make them solids at room temperature.
Unsaturated fatty acids have nonlinear chains that do not allow molecules to pack closely and
weak attractions (dispersion forces) between fatty acid chains. They have low melting points
and so are liquids at room temperature.
Natural unsaturated fatty acids have cis double bonds and when unsaturated vegetable oils are
hydrogenated for saturation, some of the cis fatty acids are isomerized to trans fatty acids.
Trans fatty acids are much more linear than cis fatty acids, so their melting points are higher
and they can act similarly to saturated fats but they could contribute to heart disease and some
FSSAI has introduced restrictions on the level of trans fat in food items to 3% (2021). Due to
new requirements for including amounts of trans fats on food labels, companies are focusing
on methods like Interestification that do not produce trans fats.
Process flow
Palm olein 80%,
MP: 20-26oC

CPO RBD Palm Refractionation: PMF

20%, MP: (Bakery) and hard stearin
50-65oC Hydorgenation,

In order to remove impurities, Crude palm oil is subjected to Refining (Neutralization and
Degumming), Bleaching and De-odourization. RBD palm oil is fractionated (cooling process)
to produce palm olein and stearin. Stearin can be re-fractionated to produce PMF and hard
stearin. It is also exposed to hydrogenation and interestification. Depending on bakery
product application, blend is prepared using the above mentioned palm oil and its fractions.
Different fat variations of each product (Hard, Normal and Soft) are produced to suit the
working conditions in bakeries.
Way forward: In the following days, the following process are to be studied in detail along
with the chemistry involved in it: Hydrogenation , Interestification , Tempering and
Application in bakery products. The chemical composition of Puff fat contributing to
different physical characteristics in puffs are also to be studied in detail.
Thanking you.
Sales Project Weekly progress report
Name – Shubhayan Modak

Updates on the work front – Clarity of Vision & Mission:

 The five folds value of Emami Agrotech has been understood and absorbed –
particularly, ‘trustworthy’ and ‘giving back’ are the two I identify closely with. I
love to be upfront and straight in my approach, and I do not generally mince my
words, unless professional diplomacy calls for. Also, ‘entrepreneurship’ is
something that I identify with closely because life for me has been about going out of
the conventional, from one calculated risk to the next.
 The first assignment of creating a Project Dashboard is clear when it comes to
understanding why it is needed and is relevant. Work on this is undergoing.
 The larger assignment of Sales Network Mapping for our competitors is something I
am working on. While the list of cities is yet to be given to us, I am assuming
Bardhhaman will be on the list for West Bengal, and I am doing my homework.
Here are some notes that I have taken as a part of my personal research and homework before
the Induction.
Here are my notes from the Induction and the subsequent discussions with Maloy sir.
Here are the notes I have taken for personal understanding of the industry from our Buddy
Himani BakeMagic Project Dashboard updates:
 I felt it is more relevant for me to understand the product structure before I can dive
into creating the dashboard. As such, I came up with the following for my

 I also took an attempt to understand the Organizational structure and the geographic
parameters associated to it.

 Finally, with the Dashboard structure, I have mapped it as shown. Below the main
header are the parameters on which the dashboards will be displaying data. On the left
are the data typologies that will be (tentatively) made available for every parameter.
Final points on the Project Dashboard:
 I will make the dashboard completely on Excel because it is the industry standard;
using any other software will lead to major disruption over the existing workload for
all the hierarchies.
 It will be visually rewarding, and “Minimalistic”, so that the data is easy to grasp and
understand and does not need much working upon.
 I will try to make the platform as interactive as can be made possible as well.

Updates on the field visit:

 I stay in Bardhhaman, one of the major Tier 2 cities in West Bengal. As such, I am
starting my field work, going to bakeries and talking to them from tomorrow morning.
 I have established contact with a local Bisk Farm manufacturing unit that is close to
my town, and I am actively trying to gain diplomatic access inside by posing as a
bakery researcher to mine possible data relevant to this study.

I did my homework, it is a work in progress, and these are some of the major bakeries I could
come up with, in my town.

I am actively working further and will be continuing to give relevant updates as and when
they do take place, and as and when work is done from my end.

Looking forward to hitting fieldwork off from tomorrow.

Thank you.
Sales Project Weekly progress report
Name – Nikhil TM
From the very first official induction session, there is a continuous addition my knowledge
regarding the company, project and the process. Work along with learning has been running
parallel in three paths.
Informative sessions: The first one is the informative sessions which are providing loads of
required information and acting as foundation stone to other two works.
 The very first session was Induction session which gave an overview of the company
and was followed by the session with mentor and tutor. The kind of support and
encouragement provided by the mentor and tutor apart from HR department and our
buddies is overwhelming.
 Following sessions were regarding the basics of oil processing from crude palm oil to
stearin. The importance of Sauda system in the market has been well understood.
Different divisions of Emami Agrotech and different products under specialty fats
division and their coding along with the competitor products were clearly defined to
us. Types of customers in the sales network of Emami are also an important part of
our learning.

Approach to the Market:

 As mentioned in the project approach document which was shared to Abhishek sir a
week ago, I have started to visit nearby bakeries and extracting details on the
different brands they are using and the reasons.
 I have collected the details of the distributor and am waiting for the opportunity to
meet him personally and move further in the chain of sales network. This would be
my approach to cover the local bakeries till I officially receive the locations to cover.

Professional Dashboard: The third part of the work in progress is the professional
dashboard that we were asked to prepare for the company.
 The major part according to me in this process is to identify the parameters that
should be included in the dashboard. I am still in the process of finalizing the
parameters as there are still some information necessary regarding the production and
finance department which I hope will be conveyed to us in the evening sessions
conducted by our buddies. If not, we (interns) can take it up during any meet with our
mentor. As of now, along with sales report, production and stock related details
also play an important role according to me.
 Coming to the platform, I have been working on Google sheets as can be seen in the
figure pasted below (still in progress). The main reason for using sheets is the extra
feature of linking the sheet to Google Data Studio which has some better visuals. I
am yet to start working with Google studio which would be immediately followed
after finishing the dashboard in sheets. The data used for preparing the dashboard is
the sales data from April 2020 to May 2021 which was shared by Ankit sir.

(Work in progress Dashboard in Google sheets)

Thanking you.
Sales Project Weekly progress report
Name – Udaya Prakash R

Timeline work update

In the First half we had general induction session with HR and another induction session
with the executives of speciality fats division.
June 14 In the second half we had a disscussion with VP and mentors regarding the project approach.

During the First half we had a disscussion with VP and mentors regarding dashboard design
and parameters to include in the dashboard.
In the second half, I visited two bakeries and one wholesaler to get some idea about the
June 15 market condition. Evening we had a disscussion with mentors regarding speciality fat

During first half based on the inputs received from previous session, I worked on the google
dashboard creation by adding features like designation specific login.
In the second half we had a disscussion CHRO regarding the company values and work
June 16 culture and with mentors regarding Sauda bussiness and competitor analysis for speciality fat

During first half I visited eight bakeries and one wholesaler where i found some important
leads like wholesale invoice, Brands preferred by bakeries, sub distributor price etc.
In the second half we presented our ideas regarding the dashboard to the VP and mentors,
June 17 Also disscussed regarding the current bussiness model of emami in speciality fats division.

Today I analyzed the google data studio work process and designed a sample dashboard with
comparison chart.
June 18

Dashboard Progress

 In dashboard design I am working on two platform Excel and Google data studio. In excel I have
created four layer login access for President, VP, ABM and Admin. The dashboard data changes
with respect to the designation. For example- In ABM login, the parameters which is important to
him only will be visible.
 Then I created the different parameters for dashboard and created pivot tables, slicers, display cards.
And designed a sample dashboard in both Google studio & Excel. In the below attached dashboard
if we click the region Tamilnadu, then the data related only to Tamilnadu will be shown.
My Current dashboard Progress

Fig1- Emami Dashboard progress Fig2- Four Layers Login access

Fieldwork Progress – Thiruvallur & Chennai Region

 In the fieldwork part I formulated few parameters for survey and during my visit i observed that
most of the small bakeries are using Bakery king, Bess puff and Bess biscuit because of price
and accessibility. And premium bakeries are preferring 3F and Bunge. Reason for using
particular brands was quality, Stated by the bakeries owner. I have also shared the data of all
bakeries in excel to Mr.Ninad. We both are daily interacting at 8pm regarding my field work
Total bakeries visited 11
Brands used by them Kog-Ktv Ltd, Bunge and 3F
Total wholesalers visited 2
Fig3- Wholesaler invoice to end customer

 From the survey the price of Bakery king, Bess puff are sold in the range of Rs1850-2100
to end customers. Similarly for Bunge products are sold in the range Rs 2100-2300.
Thanking you.
Sales Project Weekly progress report
Name – Vamsi Vemula

S.No Date Summary

1 14/06/2021 Day of induction and was briefed about the project and dashboard,
attended meetings with HR team (Nandini ma’am and Abhishek sir) in
morning session and in the evening, we had meeting with Director, VP
and sales team. Post that I had interaction with buddy allotted to me
about the basic understanding of industry.
2 15/06/2021 Inorder to have a brief understanding of the dashboard design, a meet
was arranged with Maloy sir and buddies along with Ankit sir.
Post the meet I called up 2 bakeries in Guntur and took details of the
dealer. Looked up for the suitable software that has good interface for
3 16/06/2021 I decided to work on the power Bi software by Microsoft, and I started
working on it and being not technically sound of the same started
understanding by using many sources. In the evening session we had a
meet with CHRO Ma’am. post the session, we had a separate
brainstorming session with buddies understanding the sauda business,
our products, sales flow and competitors in the market.
4 17/06/2021 Received a sample data from Ankit sir and tried to implement the
previous day learnings and created a part of the dashboard and
simultaneously presented the same to maloy sir in the evening session.
I also looked for other available sources like usage of SAP for creating
dashboards and some alternatives to SAP like ERP next.
5 18/06/2021 Visited three bakeries and three wholesalers in Guntur and
Mangalagiri. Speaking with bakers understood the brand of bakery fat
used, approx. price, supplier (wholesaler) and speaking with
wholesalers understood the average monthly trade, their supply
locations, major buyers etc.

About the dashboard:

 For the dashboard, I chose Power Bi by Microsoft as it has more interactive visuals
and access to almost every type of file format and also came to understand the
extinguished use of Microsoft teams by our sales team making it more reliable and
easily updatable software.
 Going forward as on requirement of three different dashboards, one for Management
team, one for Director, Vice President sales and other for ABM’s and Area heads,
these three different dashboards can be updated at one go using this interactive Power
Bi and simultaneously publish to their respective e-mails.
 From the sample data received from Ankit, I tried to correlate some data points and
designed a few interactive parts like timeline, work status of the respective ABM’s
and Total sales in value and quantity. This interactive dashboard is further to be
extended with necessary variables as suitable to the three layers.

Picture showing the information about the sales in volume, value and ABM’s performance
under the specific timeline.
Main Project:

 I am simultaneously preparing a data base of the bakeries (name, address and contact
information) in the tier 2 cities in Andhra and Telangana like Guntur, Vijayawada,
Nizamabad and Tirupati.
 This data will be helpful in planning the schedule and visiting the bakeries.
 I am simultaneously visiting the field whenever possible, from the leads I got from the
bakeries, today I have met some wholesalers like sri Raghavendra traders, jayasri
traders and bala Tripura sundari traders and understood the monthly trade at these
trade shops and the brands they trade and though they have been hesitant in explaining
the prices, I have been able to observe few trades that happened during the time of my
 My basic understanding after today’s visit was that most of the small-scale bakers
procure the all-purpose fats like suprapuff by 3F and premium bakers go for the
products of masterline (Bunge), and the market share is mostly dominated by products
of 3F and presence of companies like SSD, lohiya is also high in respective segments
like lohiya for biscuits and SSD for puffs.
A small snapshot of major stock observed at the wholesalers during field visit.

Thanking you.

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