Gounod - Cinq Mars - Nuit Resplendissante

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Cing - Mars. as) “Nuit resplendissante.» English sersion by Cantilena Mrs.0. B. Boise CHARLES GOUNOD. Allegro agitato. (osts-a899.) _ Andante: = 32 Par quel trou = ble pro- fond Quate_ar ca m0 yo ter Secret fears op- press me, ‘: Copyright, 190, by 6. Schirmer, Inc, te OR rated in theU.Ss _— = a _ SSS SSS suis - jei- ei ra-me-né - Quelle i- ma ~ de- vant mes gee dino 00 wha tral ~ 2 ‘Qual sem bian — te. or qui map- Pe youx? Ils ré-son-nent en- eo ~ re par? B-cheg-sriar uily_gu~ 00 ~ ra feet. Hear his voice in~ter- ced ing, en mon ame 6 ton-né— 6 Nea? al ma sta pe-fat = ta His low, pas-sion-ate pleading, Ban. His = Jae ca] da- ee suo par- lar words fer-vent and sweet: Grant my pray! s0- yen deh! to glia Here when day = = —_— ei) a light i-d dans un ins - or our gui rive ~ ith flown Meet me a - 58 Adagio. molto tranguitlo (= + yp ** SSG dolee ed. express. Nuit res-plen-dis - san - te si-len- ei - 0 splen-di- da wt ~ te, 0 wot te si - Night caim-ly re- splen- dent, How grateful thy eu — se, Ah! verse en mon cour ta paix et ta dou- ten - te, ka dolce tua cal - me Mi versa nel Si = lence! Soom - Img (routed sen - ses, Brewin - ing per-rect = SS eeu! Dans tes. pro- fon - deurs, nuit he cor! Net lim pi~ do cies Nel = tra ta — Winds have gone to sleep, Stars their watches setters rere ti toaee uu - se, Less - tres en feu Dor - — ment dans 1%~ ther cen - te Or dor ~ mon le stel = We Steggnanedo dir ~ keep, While night spreads her man - tle er the world be - ne bri-se pa = re, Un va~ gue mur- mm — suf-fio gente ~ dey Un fia to da Yet my spirit’ rest - less, Prey “to doubts re — “COPE Cercer — mu- re, Sous — le cel clair Glissentdans Ihir,” Sans 6 veil- privte Va ~ gawl- Mere si dotvee pu-ra Sen xa de Sist- less, Piore - es the si-leneeBridges the distance,Thrilled by vague ler la tranquil - le natu - ref startu dur~men tem = Wrath Iongings:Whichnaught hathpow'r to still he: te ie > SS Et le cur plein B tre-mar sen = til Dost thow hear? Art thow Pheu - re toe re In- can i-plo- Heart, thou art trem - ? tris son- cro im= po ah bing, ‘Twixt Hope and oawe 4 dim. PP e js ae bs Le cal me so- fen - qui rege au-tour de ute Ta cal mache ve ~ guar in wee ein—tur - mea Jong - ing! Grant me, oh nighithy peace, That doubt and dread may 9 9 ope 9-9 9-90 9-0 eae res-plen- is - splew-di ~ da calmly re — 1h ee Sa _ san eu = se! AR! verse en thon not te 0 — not-te si-len - tel da dot ee tha Ww _grateful si e! Sooth - ing trouble grateful thy si + Jencel Sooth - ing troubled cur Ta paix et (a dow cul = me Mi vers nel ON lim-pi-do sen - ses) Breath - ing perfect peace Winds have gone to ie b fou sel - pe ue rest ~ Nuit Ne - Stars dé-Hi-ci- eu - 50, Les as - tres en wea - te Or dor - wow fe keep, While night spreads her We- tra MU ~ ¢ their watches Dor - ment dans Wi - ther le So gnan-do dia ~ tle Obr re, Un te, un less, Prey the world be - Sato da blew U = ne bri mor — tn suf-fio gen - neath Yet my Spine it San Pa. * va-gue mur- mu - re, Sous —— le lel = pri te Va ga wet - sist - less, Piere - ‘es the to doubts re a Ren, afa sf « a. —_——S— Gis — sent dans airy — Sans 6 veil - si dul-wee pur, Sen = zd te fence, Bridg ‘es the dis — tance, Thritled ty vague tame 63 ler la tran—quil - Ie na- tu. =r. Seu- le je star (a dor- men - te na~ tu ~ rat So- la qui longings, Which naaght hath pow'r to still. Love, Tam = —— veil - ley et Te cour plein dé - moi Jim-plore en vain Ia we = lio E tre-mar sen-tojl con, La paceim-plorejn - wait. ing, Dostthouhear?Art thou near? I seek in vain the ba => = . 2 SSS Se pe o : —= pak, la paix qui regnean- tour de ran — che veg-eQin- lor-ngin- lor ~ nye Calm, the calm that lies @ - round me was

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