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Q&A: Explain the significance of the University’s PVMGO and its message

while achieving your professional plans and dreams in five (5) sentences.
Submit your answer in the LMS message.

- The significance of the University’s PVMGO while I and

other UBians achieve our professional plans and dreams is that it
serves as a guide for us as we embark on our journey as students trying
to prepare ourselves for the future. The UB PVMGO will shape and
mould us into dynamic and proficient students that the school aims us
to be. Once we master being dynamic and proficient as students, we
will be able to carry everything we learned in school to our workplace.
The message that the UB PVMGO is trying to tell us is for us to evolve
and develop ourselves into becoming a proficient modern citizen
because we will need it in order for us to achieve all our plans and
dreams. The UB PVMGO is also telling us that while we are achieving
our plans and dreams, we need to learn how to be versatile, well-
rounded and outgoing because being academically great alone isn’t
enough for us to reach our goals.
1. Create a symbol that can describe BEST the University of Batangas

Reflection Paper:

Make a reflection on the relevance of UB PVMGO in the attainment of your

personal and professional goals.
Reflection must be a minimum of 5 sentences and maximum of 8 sentences.
Use the given rubrics

- The UB PVMGO contains the University of Batangas’ philosophy,

vision, mission, goals and objectives that each student must follow and take
into heart. The UB PVMGO will help me and the rest of us UBians attain our
personal and professional goals by turning us into well-educated and active
members of the society that can thrive in this modern world conquered by
technology and research. We live in an extremely competitive world where
those with more accomplishments and a fuller resume gets the chance to attain
their goals while those who are less accomplished and with a less impressive
resume gets left behind and sometimes even forced to take a job they end up
hating. Following the UB PVMGO will give us a higher chance of pursuing our
dream buy shaping us and moulding us into the well-developed students it aims
us to be which would help us stay afloat in this competitive world. The UB
PVMGO will help us develop into people capable of forming a better and more
caring community, one where we could all unite and connect with each other
as one and even help each other in pursuing our dreams. My goal is to become
an Industrial Engineer in the future, a job that requires a lot of professionalism,
critical-thinking, and managing skills. By following and taking into heart the UB
PVMGO, I can attain and develop those skills. With the help of what the UB
PVMGO has taught me along with my own hard work, I’ll be able to walk the
path towards attaining my personal and professional goals with minimal
troubles and setbacks.

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