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fe esd ae Pee te Communication is the process whereby people share th: De ee ere ee ee 2 Se ee] TT CTE) Pog a mi rEg er es Cad > Extralinguistic — includes facial expressions, gestures, proxemics, eM ee ae DE Ll uf PRINCIPLES & COMMUNICATION | COMMUNICATION ETHICS SUC te olal H \ bd Sender i cae Cg ee Pas i = eed i ih, Pea et GLOBALIZATION CCU ue crus rtd Being able it understand one’s as well as others traditions, cultures, beliefs, peas ed new word in which Ce eu) Peed Fe Ted UMM Rr RCL ms slo) Cone) Ce EL [ory 7 ae Deel ENGLISH | 4. pronunciATion ort eet aaa ere H aS ceria) rem eartosd ‘ - Global Task & Function -_ Warm-up questionnaires - Personal Skills - Competency & Skill ’ ee FIVE MAJOR MODES Peg Nate ar lad ¢>ft Cue ee tea Td POR rely aia Pee td erred Give the speaker Viewing a reading of a Hi Oe De od Ct cra rere rE SL v oun SS Sr ae ‘ ~ Visual designs eed aaa Elements eT) " ee eg prechiniasie Se) re ed a oo De To i angles/placement SOCIAL MEDIA, ee e Se open een eaten es Ca a eget) Peter Tete ae eg ed ed ey cert) Short but precise ie et) Leet) Theoretical & Conceptual PLOT ee cea ee ee erty Ce Pere mee Ce teh Mee LO el Conclusion Peery -e pA = Cr ed ceeded en Lil rt ag sesh) requires effective rs oe ere eee ry er tol ce a lk Mentify an issue thot you ore interested in es Do research about the chosen issue to further ers MAC PROPOSAL WRITING ener ar aries ee eee) Ce eee

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