Ravi Character Sketch

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Games at twilight is an interesting story which is a fiction written by Anita Desai. We get a learn
a lot from this story such as it mainly concerns isolation and alienation. This mainly symbolize
that we live a life of hide and seek and just like a game we hide to be sought out we stay away
in order to be acknowledge we gets disappointed when someone point out on us but we get
shattered when our hiding goes unacknowledged. Else this story also tells us about a good
number of events which happens in child's life. There are many characters in the story some of
them main and minor. Ravi is the main character in this story. He is been presented as a typical
boy. He is also the central figure of the story as he played a role of innocent character. Ravi’s
character is defined as one of the youngest person.
Physical appearance:
He was weakest and short in height, he was smart and he was younger in his friends group and
in his home he was small, he was innocent and his dream is to defeat Raghu in the game hide-
and-seek. “Ravi had wished he were tall enough, big enough to reach the key on the nail” this
line show that he was small in height and he doesn’t reach to the key. And also he says “He had
done that so successfully, his success had occupied him so wholly that he had quite forgotten
that success had to be clinched by that final dash to victory and the ringing cry of 'Den’!” these
lines show that he was forgotten by his friends and his success was given to Raghu.
Personal Qualities:
Ravi was a one who loved playing games. He was excited. He braved the scary and dark garage
in order to show his bravery and increase his odds of winning. He had a good nose-picking while
hiding and thinking and also got distracted with daydreaming like many little boys do. Then at
the end when he realizes that his playmates had moved on with their games and completely
forgotten him, he showed a very dramatic reaction: he lay down full length on the damp grass,
crushing his face into it, on longer crying, silenced by a terrible sense of his insignificance. He
was the weakest child in the whole group of friends.


He was weakest among all of them. They all were very unsympathetic towards Ravi. However,
nobody care what Ravi was feeling by rude behavior of them. Unfortunately, Ravi was got long
forgotten by his friends and his siblings in hide and seek. They all forgot about him on that time
he felt aloof he felt very sad.He always wants a true friend but they were not good friends. They
always behave rudely with him. Ravi that he was hiding and he was the winner of the gameAnd
he felt he was left out. No one find him Actually he was the winner of the game but no one give
him any appreciation for hid and seek and didn’t make feel Victorious instead they made him
feel sad by forgetting about it. Overall other’s behavior was very bad towards Ravi. Everyone
always ignore him.

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