Daily Cash Report To TR - Nelson

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Daily Cash Report Center : BAK

Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC

Income (9.2.2021) 80,000 Cash refund 10,006,118
Cash In at BAK 9,926,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 10,006,118
Total Income 10,006,118
Expenses (-)
Refund 10,006,118 Remark* we will transfer the cash to Yankin when the bank is reopened.
Reported Date : 9.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (10.2.2021) Cash refund 6,118
Cash In at BAK 10,006,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 6,118
Total Income 10,006,118
Expenses -10000000
Refund 6,118
Reported Date : 10.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (13.2.2021) 583,000 Cash refund 589,118
Cash In at BAK 6,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 589,118
Total Income 589,118
Refund 589,118
Reported Date : 13.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (16.2.2021) 210,000 Cash refund 1,005,118
Cash In at BAK 799,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,005,118
Total Income 1,009,118
Expenses -4000
Refund 1,005,118
Reported Date : 16.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (19.2.2021) 99,000 Cash refund 1,104,118
Cash In at BAK 1,005,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,104,118
Total Income 1,104,118
Refund 1,104,118
Reported Date : 19.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (19.2.2021) 255,000 Cash refund 1,359,118
Cash In at BAK 1,104,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,359,118
Total Income 1,359,118
Refund 1,359,118
Reported Date : 24.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (19.2.2021) 200,000 Cash refund 1,469,118
Cash In at BAK 1,359,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,469,118
Total Income 1,559,118
Expenses -90000
Refund 1,469,118
Reported Date : 25.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (19.2.2021) 795,000 Cash refund 2,154,118
Cash In at BAK 1,469,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,154,118
Total Income 2,264,118
Expenses -110000
Refund 2,154,118
Reported Date : 26.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (19.2.2021) 773,000 Cash refund 2,265,798
Cash In at BAK 2,154,118 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,265,798
Total Income 2,927,118
Expenses -661320
Refund 2,265,798

Expenses Amount
Copy Pre Books for New Sem 478,600
Picture Dictionary NELC
& Recycle Bag
Total Expenses 661,320
Reported Date : 27.2.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (1.3.2021) 2,087,000 Cash refund 4,352,798
Cash In at BAK 2,265,798 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 4,352,798
Total Income 4,352,798
Refund 4,352,798
Reported Date : 1.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (3.3.2021) 1,242,200 Cash refund 5,590,198
Cash In at BAK 4,352,798 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 5,590,198
Total Income 5,594,998
Expenses -4800
Refund 5,590,198
Reported Date : 3.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (5.3.2021) 1,886,000 Cash refund 3,406,203
Cash In at BAK 6,934,933 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 3,406,203
Total Income 8,820,933
Expenses -5414730
Refund 3,406,203

Expenses Amount
English World 6 - 6 စံ 197,470
Repayment to YK 5,000,000
Copy ( English World 4 ) - 1စံ 3,260
YL Refund Fee Fro Yoon Shwe
Total Expenses 5,414,730
Reported Date : 5.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (6.3.2021) 1,749,000 Cash refund 5,134,053
Cash In at BAK 3,406,203 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 5,134,053
Total Income 5,155,203
Expenses -21150
Refund 5,134,053

Expenses Amount
SU 1A Book Refund to Han Htoo Set 6,000
Copy ( Pre 1 - 10 စံ ) 15,150
Total Expenses 21,150
Reported Date : 6.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (8.3.2021) 909,000 Cash refund 5,610,653
Cash In at BAK 5,134,053 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 5,610,653
Total Income 6,043,053
Expenses -432400
Refund 5,610,653

Expenses Amount
F2B Refund Fee For Chan Myae
Thwin Lin

B1AS Refund Fee For Swan

Lin Mg Mg

Total Expenses 432,400

Reported Date : 8.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (10.3.2021) 633,400 Cash refund 1,763,053
Cash In at BAK 6,129,653 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,763,053
Total Income 6,763,053
Expenses -5000000
Refund 1,763,053

Expenses Amount
Repayment to YK 5,000,000
Total Expenses 5,000,000
Reported Date : 10.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (12.3.2021) 1,126,000 Cash refund 4,309,053
Cash In at BAK 3,183,053 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 4,309,053
Total Income 4,309,053
Refund 4,309,053
Reported Date : 12.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (13.3.2021) 703,000 Cash refund 5,012,053
Cash In at BAK 4,309,053 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 5,012,053
Total Income 5,012,053
Refund 5,012,053
Reported Date : 13.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (15.3.2021) 2,593,000 Cash refund 7,577,053
Cash In at BAK 5,012,053 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 7,577,053
Total Income 7,605,053
Expenses -28000
Refund 7,577,053

Expenses Amount
YL Ferry Refund Fee
For May Mi Aung
Buying Phone Bill 10,000
Total Expenses 28,000
Reported Date : 15.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (16.3.2021) 416,000 Cash refund 913,053
Cash In at BAK 7,577,053 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 913,053
Total Income 7,993,053
Expenses -7080000
Refund 913,053

Expenses Amount
Repayment to YK 7000000

Safari 1 Scan ဖတ်ခ 5000

Refund Fee For Man San Siam 75,000

Total Expenses 7,080,000
Reported Date : 16.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (17.3.2021) 834,000 Cash refund 1,721,553
Cash In at BAK 913,053 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,721,553
Total Income 1,747,053
Expenses -25500
Refund 1,721,553

Expenses Amount
NELC Recycle Bag ( Big ) 255000

Total Expenses 255,000

Reported Date : 17.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (19.3.2021) 468,000 Cash refund 1,986,553
Cash In at BAK 1,518,553 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,986,553
Total Income 1,986,553
Refund 1,986,553

Reported Date : 19.3.2021

Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (20.3.2021) 204,000 Cash refund 2,118,553
Cash In at BAK 1,986,553 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,118,553
Total Income 2,190,553
Expenses -72000
Refund 2,118,553

Expenses Amount
Grammar Refund Fee For Su
Hnin Tin Zar
Total Expenses 72,000
Reported Date : 20.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (22.3.2021) 235,000 Cash refund 2,353,553
Cash In at BAK 2,118,553 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,353,553
Total Income 2,353,553
Refund 2,353,553
Reported Date : 22.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (23.3.2021) 310,000 Cash refund 2,663,553
Cash In at BAK 2,353,553 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,663,553
Total Income 2,663,553
Refund 2,663,553
Reported Date : 23.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (24.3.2021) 15,000 Cash refund 2,292,553
Cash In at BAK 2,663,553 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,292,553
Total Income 2,678,553
Expenses -386000
Refund 2,292,553

Expenses Amount
Refund Fee For Nobel Win 296000

Refund Fee For Nyan Lin Paing 90000

Total Expenses 386,000

Reported Date : 25.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (31.3.2021) Cash refund 880,253
Cash In at BAK 2,292,553 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 880,253
Total Income 2,292,553
Expenses -1412300
Refund 880,253

Expenses Amount
Purified Water 10000
Deli Charges for Thawdar Pyae
တိက်သာယာေ ကး 80000
F 3B Refund Fee For Sithu Lin
Buying Phone Bill 10000

Staff Salary For March 1149800

Total Expenses 1,412,300

Reported Date : 31.3.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (1.4.2021) 175,000 Cash refund 895,253
Cash In at BAK 880,253 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 895,253
Total Income 1,055,253
Expenses -160000
Refund 895,253

Expenses Amount
Aung Kyaw San ( F 4A - Fee
Refund - 14th Batch )
Total Expenses 160,000
Reported Date : 1.4.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (5.4.2021) Cash refund 805,253
Cash In at BAK 895,253 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 805,253
Total Income 895,253
Expenses -90000
Refund 805,253

Expenses Amount
MTN ေကျာင်းအတွက်ေသာ့အ ကီးဝယ် 20000
MTN ေနာက်ေပါက်အြပင်တံခါးြပင်ရန်
( ပစည်း + လက်ခ )
MTN ေနာက်ေပါက်သပ
ံ န်းတံခါး + စတိ (
ပစည်း + လက်ခ )
Total Expenses 90,000
Reported Date : 5.4.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (10.4.2021) Cash refund 596,253
Cash In at BAK 805,253 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 596,253
Total Income 805,253
Expenses -209000
Refund 596,253

Expenses Amount
Su Thiri San ( F 2B( S ) - Fee Refund -
Summer )

Total Expenses 209,000

Reported Date : 10.4.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (4.5.2021) Cash refund 569,453
Cash In at BAK 596,253 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 569,453
Total Income 596,253
Expenses -26800
Refund 569,453

Expenses Amount
Copy Outside ( Level 3A Class ) 26800

Total Expenses 26,800

Reported Date : 4.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (5.5.2021) 143,000 Cash refund 172,000
Cash In at BAK 569,453 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 172,000
Loan From Ma Zar 189547
Total Income 902,000
Expenses -730000
Refund 172,000

Expenses Amount
Tr.Nang Cherry ( Loan to MTN ) 100000
တိက်သာယာေ ကး - 212 / 213 / 202
For Apr

Staff Salary For April 550000

Total Expenses 730,000

Reported Date : 5.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (11.5.2021) Cash refund 156,450
Cash In at BAK 172,000 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 156,450
Total Income 172,000
Expenses -15550
Refund 156,450

Expenses Amount
Apline ေရသန် ့ 11000

အန်းတံြမက်စည်းဝယ် 1000

အ ပ်ထည့်ရန် အိတ် / ဆပ်ြပာမန် /့


Total Expenses 15,550

Reported Date : 11.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (12.5.2021) Cash refund 149,950
Cash In at BAK 156,450 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 149,950
Total Income 156,450
Expenses -6500
Refund 149,950

Expenses Amount
Conbine 1စံ + ဘာဂျာပိက်ဝယ်
( Reception Aircon )

ေဘးချ ပ်နဲ မီ
့ းေချာင်းဝယ် ( Rm - 213 ) 3300

Total Expenses 6,500

Reported Date : 12.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (13.5.2021) Cash refund 148,450
Cash In at BAK 149,950 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 148,450
Total Income 149,950
Expenses -1500
Refund 148,450

Expenses Amount
ကက်ကပ်ေကာ်ဝယ် 1500

Total Expenses 1,500

Reported Date : 13.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (14.5.2021) Cash refund 142,850
Cash In at BAK 148,450 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 142,850
Total Income 148,450
Expenses -5600
Refund 142,850

Expenses Amount
Happy ကက်သတ်ေဆး 2900
ေဆး ပီးသားအ ပ်များထည့်သမ
ိ ်းရန် )
Total Expenses 5,600
Reported Date : 14.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular
Income (15.5.2021) Cash refund
Cash In at BAK 142,850 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK
Total Income 142,850
Expenses -4400
Refund 138,450

Expenses Amount
အေမွးထပ် ( လိက်ကာများေလျာ်ရန် )
ပ ပ်လံး
Total Expenses 4,400
Reported Date : 15.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
r : BAK
Amount US $ $$ FEC

Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular
Income (19.5.2021) Cash refund
Cash In at BAK 138,450 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK
Total Income 138,450
Expenses -2900
Refund 135,550

Expenses Amount
ေရပိက်၊ေကာ်၊မီးတိတ်၊L ေကွး၊ ေဆာ့ကဒ် 2900
Total Expenses 2,900
Reported Date : 19.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
r : BAK
Amount US $ $$ FEC

Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (20.5.2021) 156,000 Cash refund 289,700
Cash In at BAK 135,550 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 289,700
Total Income 291,550
Expenses -1850
Refund 289,700

Expenses Amount
ဆပ်ြပာမန၊် ့ အေမွးရည်ထပ် 1850
Total Expenses 1,850
Reported Date : 20.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (27.5.2021) 2,000 Cash refund 282,700
Cash In at BAK 289,700 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 282,700
Total Income 291,700
Expenses -9000
Refund 282,700

Expenses Amount
Phone Bill ( Loan to MTN ) 9000
Total Expenses 9,000
Reported Date : 27.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (28.5.2021) 56,000 Cash refund 335,400
Cash In at BAK 282,700 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 335,400
Total Income 338,700
Expenses -3300
Refund 335,400

Expenses Amount
Socket 3300
Total Expenses 3,300
Reported Date : 28.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (29.5.2021) Cash refund 324,400
Cash In at BAK 335,400 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 324,400
Total Income 335,400
Expenses -11000
Refund 324,400

Expenses Amount
Alpine Water 11000
Total Expenses 11,000
Reported Date : 29.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (31.5.2021) 383,000 Cash refund 392,853
Cash In at BAK 324,400 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 392,853
Total Income 707,400
Expenses -314547
Refund 392,853

Expenses Amount
DPS ( TGG ) သိ 211
့ မ ပစည်းများ
ပိ ့ကားခ
Phone Bill ( 09-266365495 / 09-
897790114 )
Loan Repayment to Ma Zar 189547
Total Expenses 314,547
Reported Date : 31.5.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular
Income (1.6.2021) Cash refund
Cash In at BAK 392,853 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK
Total Income 392,853
Expenses -95000
Refund 297,853

Expenses Amount
ေမလအတွက်တိက်သာယာေ ကးေပး
( Rm-202 , 212 & 213 )

Total Expenses 95,000

Reported Date : 1.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
r : BAK
Amount US $ $$ FEC

Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (2.6.2021) 590,000 Cash refund 887,853
Cash In at BAK 297,853 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 887,853
Total Income 887,853
Refund 887,853

Reported Date : 2.6.2021

Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular
Income (4.6.2021) 4,000 Cash refund
Cash In at BAK 887,853 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK
Total Income 891,853
Reported Date : 4.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
r : BAK
Amount US $ $$ FEC

Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (5.6.2021) 986,000 Cash refund 1,867,853
Cash In at BAK 891,853 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,867,853
Total Income 1,877,853
Expenses -10000
Refund 1,867,853

Expenses Amount
Phone Bill 10000

Total Expenses 10,000

Reported Date : 5.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (7.6.2021) 190,000 Cash refund 2,036,728
Cash In at BAK 1,867,853 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,036,728
Total Income 2,057,853
Expenses -21125
Refund 2,036,728

Expenses Amount

Phone Bill 10000

Level-2 Reading (copy Outside) 11125

Total Expenses 21,125

Reported Date : 7.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (8.6.2021) 10,000 Cash refund 1,514,728
Cash In at BAK 2,036,728 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,514,728
Total Income 2,046,728
Expenses -532000
Refund 1,514,728

Expenses Amount
Refund-Ngwe Zar Chi Pwint 266000

Refund-Ngwe Kyal Sin Pwint 266000

Total Expenses 532,000

Reported Date : 8.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (11.6.2021) 729,000 Cash refund 2,229,828
Cash In at BAK 1,514,728 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,229,828
Total Income 2,243,728
Expenses -13900
Refund 2,229,828

Expenses Amount
Phone Bill 10000

Happy Killer 3900

Total Expenses 13,900

Reported Date :11.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (12.6.2021) 464,500 Cash refund 2,671,736
Cash In at BAK 2,219,828 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,671,736
Total Income 2,684,328
Expenses -12592
Refund 2,671,736

Expenses Amount
Phone Bill ( 09443748208 ) 10000
Copy Oudside -English world-2(PB)

Copy Oudside -English world-2(WB)

Copy Outside English-2Grammer

Great writing

Total Expenses 12,592

Reported Date :12.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (14.6.2021) 699,000 Cash refund 3,340,236
Cash In at BAK 2,671,736 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 3,340,236
Total Income 3,370,736
Expenses -19500
Refund 3,351,236

Expenses Amount
Copy (four courner -2student book
@work Book*3
Copy (four courner -3student book
@work Book*3

alpine water*10 11000

Total Expenses 30,500

Reported Date :14.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (15.6.2021) 1,105,000 Cash refund 4,445,236
Cash In at BAK 3,340,236 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 4,445,236
Total Income 4,445,236
Refund 4,445,236
Reported Date :15.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (16.6.2021) 2,284,800 Cash refund 6,714,996
Cash In at BAK 4,445,236 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 6,714,996
Total Income 6,730,036
Expenses -15040
Refund 6,714,996

Expenses Amount

စည်ပင်ေရခွန ် Rm-202/212(for oct) 5040

Phone Bill (for reception 09897790114) 10000

Total Expenses 15,040

Reported Date :16.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (17.6.2021) 765,000 Cash refund 1,474,996
Cash In at BAK 6,709,996 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,474,996
Total Income 7,474,996
Expenses -6000000
Refund 1,474,996

Expenses Amount

Repayment to Yakin 6000000

Total Expenses 6,000,000

Reported Date :17.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (186.2021) 678,000 Cash refund 2,129,996
Cash In at BAK 1,474,996 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,129,996
Total Income 2,152,996
Expenses -23000
Refund 2,129,996

Expenses Amount

Phone Bill(For Reception-09443748208) 5000

Refund School feefor Kyal Sin Thwe(Beginner1AS) 18000
Total Expenses 23,000
Reported Date :18.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (19.6.2021) 2,434,000 Cash refund 4,757,996
Cash In at BAK 2,329,996 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 4,757,996
Total Income 4,763,996
Expenses -6000
Refund 4,757,996

Expenses Amount

Legal Paper 6000

Total Expenses 6,000

Reported Date :19.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (20.6.2021) 747,000 Cash refund 5,485,496
Cash In at BAK 4,757,996 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 5,485,496
Total Income 5,504,996
Expenses -19500
Refund 5,485,496

Expenses Amount

ေဘစင်ေခါင်း(kitcheh) 6000

Phone Bill(0989779014 reception) 10000

Hippo exam Refund Fees For Chan
Myae Lin (Hippo-1)
Total Expenses 19,500
Reported Date :20.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (21.6.2021) 1,500,000 Cash refund 6,887,100
Cash In at BAK 5,485,496 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 6,887,100
Total Income 6,985,496
Refund (98,396)

Expenses Amount
12*20အိတြ် ဖ 2000
English World -7(WB) Dictionary Copy Book 3396

Recycle bag big*200/small *200 93000

Total Expenses 98,396

Reported Date :21.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (22.6.2021) 805,000 Cash refund 7,680,438
Cash In at BAK 6,887,100 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 7,680,438
Total Income 7,692,100
Refund (11,662)

Expenses Amount
Room 211/212 ပစ်စးီ ခွန္ 1662

Refund fees for Kyi Phyu Min Thu -B1A course fees 10000

Total Expenses 11,662

Reported Date :22.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (23.6.2021) 1,481,000 Cash refund 1,646,438
Cash In at BAK 7,680,438 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,646,438
Total Income 9,161,438
Expenses -7515000
Refund 1,646,438

Expenses Amount

repayment to YK 7500000

Phone Bill(09443748209 reception) 5000

Phone Bill(09266365495 reception) 10000

Total Expenses 7515000

Reported Date :23.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (24.6.2021) 1,089,000 Cash refund 2,729,208
Cash In at BAK 1,646,438 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,729,208
Total Income 2,735,438
Expenses -6230
Refund 2,729,208

Expenses Amount

Copy (Active Readind -2 old L/S) 6230

Total Expenses 6230

Reported Date :24.6.2021

Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (25.6.2021) 146,000 Cash refund 2,855,208
Cash In at BAK 2,729,208 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 2,855,208
Total Income 2,875,208
Expenses -20000
Refund 2,855,208

Expenses Amount

Phone Bill(0989779014/09443748208/9) 20000

Total Expenses 20000

Reported Date :25.6.2021

Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (27.6.2021) 570,000 Cash refund 3,346,212
Cash In at BAK 2,776,212 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 3,346,212
Total Income 3,346,212
Refund 3,346,212
Reported Date :27.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (28.6.2021) 523,000 Cash refund 430,964
Cash In at BAK 3,346,212 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 430,964
Total Income 3,869,212
Expenses -3438248
Refund 430,964

Expenses Amount
preschool copy book new sem july to sep 297828

loan to Nay Pyi Taw preschool copy

book new sem july to sep 140420

Repayment to Yk 3000000
Total Expenses 3438248

Reported Date :28.6.2021

Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (29.6.2021) 581,200 Cash refund 1,002,164
Cash In at BAK 430,964 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,002,164
Total Income 1,012,164
Expenses -10000
Refund 1,002,164

Expenses Amount
phone bill(0989779014/09266365495) 100000
Total Expenses 100000

Reported Date :29.6.2021

Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike
Daily Cash Report Center : BAK
Particular Amount Particular Amount US $ $$ FEC
Income (30.6.2021) 580,000 Cash refund 1,582,164
Cash In at BAK 1,002,164 Cash In hand with Ma Nyunt
Other School Repayment Cash In hand with Ma Thiri
Withdraw From Bank Cash In hand at BAK 1,582,164
Total Income 1,582,164
Refund 1,582,164

Expenses Amount
Reported Date :30.6.2021
Reported By : Thwe Thwe Htike

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