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SESSION 2014 -2015
DATE: 11.02.15
CLASS: IV-___ SUBJECT: Science
TIME: 2 hrs. M.M: 60
Student’s Name: ________________ Roll No. :________
No. of Pages: 03 Invigilator’s Signature: _____

General Instructions:
 This paper consists of seven questions.
 All the questions are compulsory.
 Read the questions carefully before attempting.
 Attempt all the parts of a particular question together.
 Write the number of question as mentioned in the question paper.
 Do not write anything on the question paper.

Q1. Choose the correct option- 10

1. Penguins have___________ to keep them warm.
a) Fur b) Blubber c) Hair d) Wool

2. Animals which can live both on land and in water are called_______________.
a) Terrestrial animals b) Aquatic animals c) Aerial animals d) Amphibians

3. Camels store fat in their ______________.

a) Stomach b) Hump c) Legs d) Eyes

4.________________ is process of shedding old skin by the caterpillar.

a) Warming b) Hatching c) Moulting d) Reproduction

5. Which of the following mammal lays eggs?

a) Whale b) Cat c) Platypus d) Dolphin

6. Green plants convert solar energy into _______________ energy.

a)Muscular b) Wind c) Chemical d) Electrical

7. Which of the following is not a simple machine?

a) Scissors b) Inclined Plane c) Pulley d) Television.

8. ____________ are built to use energy of flowing water for producing electricity.
a) Dams b) Windmill c) Wedge d) Inclined plane

9. The young one of a hen is called _________

a) Baby b) Maggot c) Chick d) Kitten

10. ________________ is a form of energy.

a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas d) Heat

Q2.Name these- 5
a) Tools that make our work easy-
b) The imaginary line on which the planets move-
c) Stages of development from embryo to adult-
d) A cluster of eggs of frog-
e) The force which that is applied with the help of machines--

Q3.Define- 5
a) Adaptation
b) Reproduction
c) Force
d) Revolution
e) Molecules

Q4.Give reason- 5
a) Animals need to reproduce.
b) It is difficult to walk on snow.
c) India has summers in the month of June.
d) Terrestrial animals have well developed sense organs.
e) Birds like Siberian Crane move from Siberia to India.

Q5. Correct the following statements and rewrite them. 5

a) Carnivores eat both plants and animals.
b) Birds have hollow bones which make their body heavy.
c) Solids occupy the shape of container.
d) The ability to do work is known as habitat.
e) Moving air is called storm.

Q6. Answer the following questions- (2marks each) 18

1. a) Why are frogs and mice not seen in winters?
b) How do they take their food in winters?

2. a)An octopus is an aquatic animal but it does not have a streamlined body, still it can move in water. How?
b) How do fish and seals swim in water?

3. a) What do you understand by the term camouflage?

b) Why do birds find difficult to spot stick insects?
4. a)What is metamorphosis?
b) How do the frogs show metamorphosis in their life cycle?
5. Mention any two uses of windmill.
6. In a school there are seventy teachers; most of them come by their personal vehicle. Whereas there are many
teachers who come from the same place using Metro trains and also do carpooling.
Which according to you is a better practice? Justify your answer in two points.

7. Write any two features of mammals.
8. a) Observe The pictures A and B carefully. Identify the types of forces in each case and differentiate between

Picture A Picture B

9. a) Explain the structure of an egg.

b) How do lizards reproduce?
Q7. Answer the following questions- (3 marks each) 12
a) Write any three features in a monkey which helps it to live on the trees.

b) Write one adaptive feature of each of the following, to obtain food.

Picture A Picture B Picture C

c) Explain various stages in the life cycle of a butterfly with the help of a neat diagram.

d) Draw and label any three simple machines. Write one use of each.

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