Growing Taller Nutrition Part 1

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Growing Taller Nutrition Part 1 – Minerals


It is widely accepted throughout the medical and scientific communities that the food we eat has
a huge impact on our growth rate as humans. This has lead to a series of studies in to grow taller
diets and growing taller nutrition as a whole.
Not only is it the type of food that we eat which makes a difference, but also the quality and
quantity of the food which has an effect also.
Over the last few years the food we eat has been recognised as playing a crucial part in our
growth, including that of our height! This means that the right type of food needs to be consumed
if we are to grow to our full height potential.
As with most balanced diets, there are 6 food nutrient groups which we need to make sure is
included in our diets if we are to grow taller naturallythrough nutrition.
All of these play an individual part in both growth, and in keeping us generally healthy and
illness free.
1. Minerals
2. Vitamins
3. Proteins
4. Carbohydrates
5. Fats
6. Water
During this 7 part series we will address and talk about each of the above elements, and explain
how they can be used to our advantage. We will start off at the beginning and talk about the
importance of Minerals.
What’s important about Minerals?
An adequate supply of minerals is a crucial component of a healthy balanced diet. Minerals are
used in just about every function our body undertakes from repairing itself to developing and
fuelling our organs and muscles too.

Minerals also play a very important role in making sure that our growth rate is at its optimum
level, but to do this we need to consume the full range of minerals our bodies will need.

Another secondary reason why we need to include minerals in our grow taller nutrition plan is
because our bones contain a large percentage of minerals, so a lack of these could lead to
compromised bone growth.

So what about Calcium?

Calcium is a very special mineral and it can be argued that in the case of grow taller diets,
Calcium is possibly the most important mineral of all.

It is actually a very abundant mineral found in many parts of your body from your bones to your
hair and even your fingernails too!

The only problem is that as humans, our bodies are unable to produce Calcium for ourselves, so
we are required to consume the Calcium levels we need.

Thankfully that is quite a simple task as long as we maintain a healthy and balanced diet. This is
why a diet which is rich in calcium is critical to maintain a healthy and steady bone growth.

It also helps to strengthen you bones even after you think you have stopped growing.

You can think of your body as a large bank, and the Calcium you have inside you is the savings
in this bank. If your body does not consume enough calcium during the day, it will make a
calcium withdrawal from your bodies ‘bank’.
We do not want this to happen because it means less calcium is available for your bones. If on
the other hand you consume plenty of calcium during the day, your body will deposit the left
over calcium in to the bank, which benefits your bones!

If you tend to have a diet that is always low in calcium, over time the body’s calcium bank will
run out and your bones can begin to grow weak and brittle.

This leads to easier breakages and means your body cannot repair and fix itself as easy. This is a
problem in older people as they naturally age, however if you maintain a high calcium diet your
bones will continue to become more dense until the age of about 30!

You can supplement your diet with calcium products, but a well balanced diet is always a better

Next it’s Phosphorous.

Phosphorus is another mineral that is found in huge abundance throughout the human body. This
is probably because the vast majority of it is combined with calcium in your body to create the
compound calcium phosphate, which is the source of your bones strength.

It also has a secondary function which is just as important to your grow taller diet. Calcium
phosphate carries very important information about cell regeneration as it forms part of your

As it often works hand in hand with the calcium in your body, it is a sensible idea to make sure
you also have a high intake of phosphorus rich foods in your diet.

Fortunately for us, this time phosphorous is quite easy to include in our daily diets as it is found
in a wide range of produce such as dairy produce and meat, fish and even in vegetables too.

However, phosphorus does have a negative side to it too. It can in large quantities interfere with
your bodies abilities to use calcium.

One item of your diet that could lead to this sort of issue is soda. Most soft drinks do contain a
high level of phosphorus, so while you do want to keep an equal level of calcium and
phosphorus, you do not want to overload you body with a huge imbalance of it in your grow
taller nutrition plan.
Growing Taller Nutrition Part 2 – Vitamins

Vitamins are basically organic substances which are essential for our growth and development at every stage
during our life.
It is therefore really important that we make sure we are consuming an adequate level of vitamins throughout
our daily lives.
Vitamins are essential to us and unfortunately our bodies are unable to create these sort of substances
ourselves, so if we want to grow taller, we really need to have enough vitamins for our body to develop and our
bones to grow.
There are two primary types of vitamins which we should be including in our diets. These are basically fat
soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. Each has its own characteristics which we will briefly cover here
1) Fat-soluble vitamins – These are the vitamins which we normally take in through eating meats and other
associated products made from animals or animal extracts such as fats and dairy produce too.
The main fat soluble minerals we should be concerned with are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and finally
vitamin K.
These particular vitamins are transported throughout your system in fats, and if you have an excess of this, your
body will store it in your fatty tissues or liver.
This method of storing fat soluble vitamins means you have a reserve and do not need to take them in on a daily
2) Water-soluble vitamins – Again, these vitamins are also found in meats and fish but they are also found
in most vegetables and fruits.
Unlike fat soluble minerals they are transported in water instead of fats which means it is not possible for your
body to store these vitamins as your system will naturally flush them through in your waste products like urine.
How can I get all these vitamins from my diet?
It is not too difficult to achieve an adequate level of vitamins in your daily diets. Most of the foods we know to
be good for us contain high levels of vitamins, especially those foods such as green vegetables and fruits.

Some other types of foods are now manufactured to also help, such as fortified breakfast cereal which contains
added vitamins too.
However the conventional techniques used to mass produce our foods these days have the effect of leeching
vitamins from them.

This means it is even more important when trying to grow taller to eat fresh produce that is not packaged or has
not been processed and placed on a store shelf.

Make sure the variety of food you consume is varied too, including fish and grains which are healthy for your
most important organ, the heart.
Growing Taller Nutrition Part 3 – Proteins
It is widely agreed that proteins are the foundation building block for all life.

As humans our bodies use protein for just about every process that takes place in our systems.

You will probably have noticed that regular gym users develop larger muscles than the average

Well did you also know that it is not only hard work that produces these muscles?

For muscles to grow larger and stronger the body must repair and rebuild them to a bigger size
than they previously were, so can you guess what the body will use to do this?
Yes, that’s correct, protein!
Weight lifters and bodybuilders have to consume enormous amounts of protein to help their
bodies to increase in size and muscle density.
So, just like any other development that may take place in your body, protein must be an
important part of your grow taller nutrition plan! Apart from the usual vitamins, minerals and
fats, your body will required elevated levels of protein to help facilitate the growth you require to
become taller.
There are essentially two types of protein which our bodies will require to do this.
The first is a called a ‘complete protein’ and the second is know as an ‘incomplete protein’.
There is a difference between the two and it is important you understand this, so here is a brief
explanation of them:
1) Complete Protein - A complete protein contain a full quota of essential amino acids which
are necessary for your body to rebuild tissues.
These are normally found in food types such as animal meats, fish, eggs and cheeses. Basically
any organic food derived from a living creature is likely to contain complete proteins.
2) Incomplete Protein - An incomplete protein is therefor a protein which does not have a
complete quota of amino acids. These proteins lack the capability to be used independently to
rebuild and develop your body.
Although it can be combined with other proteins to complete the chain and be very useful to your
body. This type of protein is normally found in pulses such as nuts, beans and seeds too.
The best foods for complete proteins for your grow taller nutrition diet are those complete
proteins which can be found in fish, eggs, milk, and lean meats.
These foods normally contain most of the complete 20 amino acids, as well as the 8 essential
ones which cannot be synthesized by the human body.
Another one of the most effective proteins you should be consuming is soy protein. This is now
more widely available than ever in stores and can come as a replacement for products such as
corned beef or hamburgers. Try soy milk, nuts, and soy flour.
If you like the idea of consuming a protein shake to increase your intake, try this recipe: mix 2-5 boiled egg
whites, 1 to 2 bananas, 3-6 strawberries, 1 teaspoon of vanilla in blender at high speed.

You can add soy protein or milk or even vegetables. Try different proportions to match your taste. Drink this
shake once or twice a day between meals or after exercise, and a smaller shake right before you go to bed.
List of Amino Acids:
Amino Food Sources Benefits
Arginine Brown rice, Carob proteins, Chocolate, This is main building block of proteins used in
Nuts, Oatmeal, Popcorn, Raisins, Raw the body and also stimulates the body to
cereals, Sesame seeds, Sunflower release human growth hormone too.
seeds, Whole-wheat products
L-Lysine Cheese, Eggs, Fish, Lima beans, Milk, This is another essential building block used in
Potatoes, Red meat, Soy products, the body. It also aids the body to produce
Yeast antibodies and promotes healing and repair to
damaged tissues.
Tyrosine Almonds, Avocados, Bananas, Cheese, Again, this is another building block for
Cottage cheese, Lima beans, Non-fat protein used in the body. Do not take this
dried milk, Peanuts, Pickled herring, without medical supervision as increased
Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds levels of chemicals such as norepinephrine,
dopamine and epinephrine may be found in the
Taurine Avocados, Dairy products, Red meats, Promotes normal growth and development of
especially lamb and beef, Tempeh tissues in the body.
(fermented soybean product)
Folic Barley, Beans, Brewer’s yeast, Calves’ Promotes normal red blood cell production and
Acid liver, Endive Fruits, Garbanzo beans function. It also helps to maintain the nervous
(chickpeas), Green leafy vegetables, system, sex organs and white blood cells too.
Lentils, Oranges, Peas, Rice, Soybeans, It also regulates embryonic and fetal
Split peas, Sprouts, Wheat, Wheat development of nerve cells. Promotes normal
germ growth and development too.

Growing Taller Nutrition Part 4 – Carbohydrates


You may be wondering about what else to eat to grow taller.

Well you may also be surprised to find out that a very common mistake lots of people make
when trying toget taller is that they include far too much carbohydrate in their diet.
Believe it or not a diet that is high in carbohydrates can have a stunting effect on your growth.
Although carbohydrate does contain a lot of energy, it only contains a very little amount of
vitamins and minerals, or anything else your body can use to aid growth.
The high carbohydrate diet is argued to be one of the very reasons that Asian countries have such
a short average height compared with those of Europe or the United States.
Foods which Asian countries eat regularly such as corns, rices, breads and grain products are
extremely high in carbohydrates but contain little else useful to the bodies development or
This has meant a stunted growth effect which leaves the population in this part of the world
shorter than average.
A second important issue to consider when thinking about your ‘grow taller’ nutrition plan is the
glycemic index.
The glycemic index or G.I is a measure of how fast the carbohydrate you eat will absorb into the
bloodstream and raise your blood sugar levels.
This normally takes place over a period of several hours but it largely depends on the food types
you are eating and its GI. As the GI is measured on a scale, the base rate or ‘normal food’ is set
at 100, this is normally considered to be white bread.
This is important to growing taller because food which has a higher GI becomes absorbed into
your blood quickly and therefore raises the level of insulin in your system.
Why is this bad? Well insulin inhibits the ability of growth hormones in your body.
The following are the Glycemic values for various foods with White Bread as the Standard food
152 Maltose 80 Potato, new, boiled 54 Brown beans
138 Glucose 80 Cookies, rich tea 53 Apple
134 Cooked parsnips 79 Rice, polished, boiled 15 min 52 Yogurt
132 Puffed rice 79 Fruit cocktail 52 Tomato soup
128 Potato, Russet, baked 78 Cookies, oatmeal 52 Ice cream
126 Honey 77 Potato chips 52 Fish fingers
121 Rice, instant, boiled 6 74 Yam 50 Lima beans
118 Potato, instant 74 Peaches, canned 50 Green peas, dried
117 Cooked carrots 74 Buckwheat 49 Whole milk
115 Corn flakes 74 All Bran 49 Chick peas (Garbanzo)
109 Broad beans (Fava 70 Potato, sweet 48 2% milk
103 Millet 69 Grapefruit juice 47 Rye kernels
100 Tortilla, corn 68 Bread, rye pumpernickel 46 Skim milk
100 Potato, mashed 67 Orange juice 46 Butter beans
100 Bread, wheat, whole 66 Pineapple juice 46 Black eye peas
100 Bread, wheat, white 65 Rice, parboiled, boiled 25 min 46 Apricots, dried
99 Rutabaga (Swede) 65 Rice, instant, boiled 1 min 45 Spaghetti, white, boiled 5 min
99 Corn chips 65 Green peas, marrow fat 45 Kidney beans
97 Shredded wheat 65 Green peas, frozen 43 Black beans
96 Muesli (raw oat cereal) 65 Bulgur 40 Peaches
95 Cookies 64 Macaroni, white, boiled 5 min 39 Sausages
95 Bread, rye, crisp bread 63 Wheat kernels 38 Pasta, spaghetti, protein
94 Mars Bar 63 Sponge cake 37 Red lentils
91 Cookies, plain crackers 63 Pears, canned 34 Plum
91 Apricots, canned 62 Grapes 31 Fructose
89 SUCROSE 61 Spaghetti, white, boiled 15 31 Barley (pearled)
89 Bread, rye, whole meal 61 Spaghetti, brown, boiled 15 22 Soy beans, canned
88 Raisins 60 Baked beans (canned) 20 Soy beans, dried
88 Beet root 59 Orange 15 Peanuts
87 Porridge oats 59 Apple juice 12 Bengal Gram Dal
84 Banana 58 Rice, polished, boiled 5 min 10 Nopal (prickly pear)
82 Cookies, digestive 58 Pears
81 Rice, brown 57 Haricot (white) beans
81 Pastry 54 Rice, parboiled, boiled 5 min
80 Sweet corn 54 Pasta, star white, boiled 5 min

Therefore you should be eating more carbohydrate foods which contain a lower GI (glycemic index) rating to
avoid boosting the insulin levels in your blood and preventing the body from effectively using the growth
hormones you have in your system.
Growing Taller Nutrition Part 5 – Fats
Now you’ve considered the other elements of a diet that you need to maximize your efforts to
grow taller, you need to think about fats.
Most of probably think of fats as a very negative element in our daily diets and most likely think
we should avoid these at all costs. However that is not necessarily the case.
There are in fact two types of fats which we as Humans consume as part of our daily eating
habits and you should be aware of where fats fit in to your ‘grow taller diet’ plan.
The two types of fats we consume are known as saturated andunsaturated fats. A diet which is
excessively high in fats will of course stunt your growth efforts, so let’s talk about the two
different types of fats:
The saturated fats are those which we consider to be the most harmful to us as people. They
contain extremely high levels of cholesterol which can block your arteries and cause fat deposits
to be left around your arteries and organs which can then sometimes lead to illnesses such as
heart disease.
Saturated fats can also contain lot of calories which tends to cause you to put on weight at a
faster rate than other foods.
As we have already discussed, putting on weight will counter your efforts to grow taller as it will
make your body appear to be wider and therefore shorter too.
Primarily saturated fats come from animal products like red meat and fatty dairy items such as
whole milk and eggs so try to control the amount of these foods you eat.
The second type of fats we will discuss are known as ‘unsaturated’ fats.
These types of fats are less harmful to you as they contain a far lower calorific value and also
contain lower levels of cholesterol too. As a Human, you do require a certain level of fats to keep
yourself healthy and for certain functions to be carried out effectively in your body.
Due to this purpose you should try and make sure you eat more unsaturated fats than saturated in
your grow taller diet plan.
There is now a wide range of products available which contain unsaturated fats as opposed to the
more harmful saturated.
Some vegetable oil used in cooking contain more unsaturated fats. The most commonly used
unsaturated vegetable oils are corn, soy and cotton seed.
You should also be aware that dairy produce such as full fat milks and butters do contain high
levels of saturated fats, so instead you should opt to drink skimmed milk which is better for you.
You should also remember that although we do need a small amount of fat to stay healthy, it should make up no
more than around 25-30% of your daily food intake.
Adopting a sensible ‘grow taller’ diet plan will allow your body to continue releasing growth hormones without
being compromised by high levels of insulin.
Growing Taller Nutrition Part 6 – Water

As you are probably aware that water is the foundation for life and is the basic essential element
of our bodies.
In fact around 80% of our body is made up of water! It is used in every single process that take
place both internally and externally from operating our organs to moisturizing our skin and
maintaining muscle structure too.
Water is also use in the synovial fluids that lubricate our joints and allow them to move freely
every day.
It is difficult for us to understand just how crucial water is to our survival, but when you consider
that a human can generally survive for several weeks without food, but can only survive for a
matter of two days without water, it helps to emphasize its importance in our lives.
It is recommended that we consume around 1.5 litres of water each and every day. This can be
made up of other fluids such as tea, coffee and juice drinks, but it is critical we do not let our
bodies become dehydrated.
What we need to remember is that for our bodies to function properly it needs to be adequately
hydrated, which means that without water, the processes which use growth hormones to allow us
to grow taller cannot take place.
This means that water is a very important factor we need to include in our grow taller nutrition
Don’t forget, it is very difficult to drink too much fluid as our bodies will simply pass it through
as urine, which means we can make certain we consume enough fluid each and every day
without the risk of it becoming a health problem.
Remember, to grow taller our bodies will need all the nutrients it can get, and water is the basis
for consuming these and helping to transport them around your body too.
These fluids can be consumed as one of the following: plain water from a safe drinking source,
juice from fresh squeezed fruits or bottled juices, warm drinks such as tea or coffee but beware
of taking in too much caffeine as it could lead to headaches and restlessness.
Alcoholic drinks do not qualify as fluid intake as the diuretic effect they have actually means that
nutrients are washed from your body and you will lose fluids too.
Growing Taller Nutrition Part 7 – General Advice

So you’re concerned about your height and want to find out if it’s possible to increase your current height?

Well the good news is there are many possibilities available for you to try. There are three
primary areas that you can focus on to achieve the best results possible.
Firstly this includes the food you eat on a daily basis, both quality and quantity along with the
type of food is very important.
Secondly a specifically designed exercise program will be effective at increasing your spinal
column length and as a result will increase your natural height.
Third and finally you have the option of using growth hormones, both organic through your own
body’s production, or through the administration of manmade growth hormone injection.
The information in ‘Grow Taller 4 Idiots‘ can help you get a plan together and grow taller
Primarily you are probably concerned with actual height increase, which is highly dependent on
the levels of growth hormones in your body.
Fortunately for you there are ways to increase these levels. These are as follows:
1. The right grow taller exercises and a carefully considered diet.
2. Products which release growth hormones.
3. Through a course of man-made growth hormones.
You may feel that the growth hormones mentioned in points 2 and 3 above are not something you would feel
comfortable considering. Well that’s fine. The growing taller naturally option may not work as quickly but it is a
much safer approach.
For you to understand the process of growing taller through exercise and nutrition I would like to explain the
three stage process that your body will go through after each meal you consume.
It is important that you understand these processes below:
1) After you have eaten your blood sugar will begin to rise in the first hour. Insulin levels will be increased too.
This release is used to support the excess storage of carbohydrates and fats.
2) After hour 2, the levels of the natural growth hormone begin to increase and the level of insulin and sugars
drops substantially. Growth hormone acts to build up muscle and bone protein, with the help of insulin.
3) After around 4-5 hours after you’ve eaten, the growth hormone concentrations are still quite high in your
body, while most of the insulin has gone. At this stage, growth hormone is breaking down your body’s fat stores,
using it as a fuel to produce more energy.
If your levels of growth hormone stays at a lower level, the high levels of insulin in your body is free to turn your
calories into fat and store it in your body! This is when we begin to gain weight and get fatter.

So you can see the importance of a good balance between insulin and growth hormones in your body!

You’re probably wondering what you can do to keep this balance? The exercises in ’Grow Taller
4 Idiots‘ will help you not only achieve this but also will help to increase your general health
and well being.
A successful effort to grow taller should be a combination of these three most important factors:
1. Nutritional foods.
2. Regular exercise.
3. Plenty of rest.
So you can see that it’s absolutely critical to have a good balance of these three factors to achieve a positive
result in your grow taller efforts!
Either one of these not receiving enough of your attention will lead to a failure in all three! You need to treat
them all with the same importance and you’ll begin to see the results quicker than you expect.
This is the main reason why so many people become so frustrated with the lack of results from their efforts in
trying to grow taller.

Most people tend to forget that the growth process in the human body is a complicated sequence of processes
and requires that every element is in place for it to work successfully.
There are also other factors that contribute to your success in your attempts to grow taller, like your posture,
but the above three factors are the most important ones that you must get right in order to see positive results.

One of the best places to find a detailed explanation of the

exercises and techniques we all can use to grow taller is a new ebook called ‘Grow Taller 4 Idiots’.
The extremely useful Grow Taller 4 Idiots exercise program is designed specifically to help you increase your
height starting today by assisting you in stimulating overall growth and also helping you to lengthen your spinal
column too.

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