Neglected Tropical Diseases

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A Plan to Defeat
The poorest people are not only poor. They are also chronically
sick, making it harder for them to escape poverty. A new global
initiative may break the vicious cycle

n the north of Burkina Faso, not far to the east of one
KEY CONCEPTS of the best-known backpacker destinations in West Af-
■ A group of seven tropical rica, the Bandiagara Escarpment in Mali, lies the town
diseases, mostly caused by of Koumbri. It was one of the places where the Burkina
parasitic worms, afflict a Ministry of Health began a mass campaign five years ago
billion impoverished people to treat parasitic worms. One of the beneficiaries, Abou-
worldwide. They seldom bacar, then an eight-year-old boy, told health workers he
kill directly but cause life-
felt perpetually tired and ill and had noticed blood in his
long misery that stunts
urine. After taking a few pills, he felt better, started to
children’s growth, leaves
adults unable to function to
play soccer again, and began focusing on his schoolwork
their fullest, and heightens and doing better academically.
the risk of other diseases. The Burkina Faso program, which treated more than
two million children, was both a success story and an em-
■ Fortunately, they can be
blem of the tragedy of disease in the developing world. For
easily treated, often with
a single pill. Various agen-
want of very simple treatments, a billion people in the
cies and foundations are world wake up every day of their lives feeling sick. As a
collaborating to deliver result they cannot learn in school or work effectively.
these drugs, although they Most people in richer countries equate tropical disease
have reached only about with the big three — HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malar-
10 percent of the popula- ia— and funding agencies allocate aid accordingly. Yet a
tion so far. group of conditions known collectively as neglected tropi-

■ The U.S. has its own ne- cal diseases (NTDs) has an even more widespread impact.
glected parasitic diseases They may not often kill, but they debilitate by causing se- ONE TABLET of ivermectin per year
that affect millions of rural vere anemia, malnutrition, delays in intellectual and cog- is enough to protect against river
and urban poor. nitive development, and blindness. They can lead to hor- blindness. Health workers in the
—The Editors rific limb and genital disfigurement and skin deformities Ivory Coast have been battling
and increase the risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS and suffer- a resurgence of the disease.

90 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN J a n u a r y 2 0 10


The neglected tropical diseases comprise seven parasitic or bacterial infections that are common in impoverished areas.


Roundworm 800 million 5- to 14-inch-long Ascaris Soil ■ Malnutrition and intestinal obstruction in young children
(Ascariasis) worms that live in the small ■ Child stunting
intestine (shown actual size) ■ Impaired cognition

Whipworm 600 million 1- to 2-inch-long Trichuris Soil ■ Colitis and inflammatory bowel disease
(Trichuriasis) worms that live in the colon ■ Child stunting and impaired cognition
(large intestine)

Hookworm 600 million 0.5-inch-long Necator Soil ■ Severe iron deficiency anemia and protein malnutrition
worms that live in the ■ “Yellow disease”(anemia)
small intestine ■ Child stunting and impaired intellectual and cognitive development
■ Maternal morbidity and mortality in pregnancy

Schistosomiasis 200 million 0.5- to 1-inch-long blood Freshwater ■ Spiny eggs that damage the bladder, intestine or liver and cause inflammation
flukes that live in veins of ■ Chronic pain, anemia, malnutrition and stunting
the bladder or intestines ■ Liver and intestinal fi brosis (for Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum)
■ Blood in urine, kidney disease, female genital schistosomiasis (for S. haematobium)

Lymphatic 120 million 2- to 4-inch-long Wuchereria Mosquitoes ■ Leg swelling

filariasis (LF) worms that live in the limbs, ■ Scrotum enlargement
(elephantiasis) breasts and genitals ■ Disfi gurement

Onchocerciasis 30–40 1- to 20-inch-long Black flies ■ Microfilariae (larvae) in the skin and eyes
million Onchocerca worms living ■ Onchocerca skin disease
in nodules under the skin ■ Blindness

Trachoma 60–80 Chlamydia intracellular Poor hygiene, ■ Blindness

million bacteria house flies

[THE AUTHOR] ing complications during pregnancy. They not more coordinated and systematic way. Over the
only result from poverty but also help to perpet- past half a decade the Bill & Melinda Gates
Peter Jay Hotez became interested
uate it. Children cannot develop to their full po- Foundation, the Dubai-based sustainable devel-
in medicine as child when he read
Paul De Kruif’s classic book Microbe tential, and adult workers are not as productive opment fund Legatum, and the U.S. and British
Hunters and asked his parents for as they could be. governments have committed serious money,

a microscope. He went on to obtain Such diseases are not confi ned to developing while major pharmaceutical companies have

ERIK S. LESSER Redux Pictures (woman and child); MARIELLA FURRER Redux Pictures (woman crying)
both a Ph.D. and an M.D., specializ- nations. I estimate that millions of Americans donated urgently needed NTD drugs. But the
ing in parasitology. He now chairs
living in poverty also suffer from NTD-like in- battle has only begun.
the department of microbiology,
immunology and tropical medicine fections. Parasitic diseases such as cysticercosis,
at George Washington University. Chagas disease, trichomoniasis and toxocaria- Like Leeches in Your Gut
Hotez is president of the Sabin sis occur with high frequency in our inner cities, The scale and extent of the global NTD problem
Vaccine Institute, a member of the post-Katrina Louisiana, other parts of the Mis- are hard to take in. Almost every destitute per-
Institute of Medicine of the Nation-
sissippi Delta, the border region with Mexico, son living in sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia
al Academies of Science, and
co-founder of the Global Network and Appalachia [see box on page 94]. and Latin America is infected with one or more
for Neglected Tropical Diseases. NTDs have plagued humankind for thou- of these diseases. The illnesses last years, decades
sands of years. Historians have found accurate and often even a lifetime. The seven most com-
descriptions of many of them in ancient texts as mon NTDs have the most devastating impact.
diverse as the Bible, the Talmud, the Vedas, the Three of them are caused by parasitic worms,
writings of Hippocrates, and Egyptian papyri. also known as helminths, that live in the intes-
What is new, however, is that donors, drugmak- tines. The large common roundworm, which re-
ers, health ministries in low- and middle-in- sults in ascariasis, affl icts 800 million people
come countries, the World Health Organization and the whipworm, which results in trichuriasis,
(WHO), and public-private partnerships are 600 million people. These helminths rob chil-
linking their efforts to combat the NTDs in a dren of nutrients, stunting their growth. Even

92 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN J a n u a r y 2 0 10
learning in school. More than 40 million preg-
nant women are also infected with hookworm,
rendering them vulnerable to malaria or addi-
tional blood losses in childbirth. Their babies
ENDEMIC AREAS TREATMENT MAJOR CONTROL PROGRAMS are born with low birth weights [see “Hook-
Asia, Africa, Americas Albendazole, mebendazole WHO, Children Without Worms, worm Infection,” by Peter J. Hotez and David I.
Deworm the World Pritchard; Scientific American, June 1995].
Schistosomiasis is the next most common
NTD. It is caused by parasitic worms known as
schistosomes that live in the veins draining the
Asia, Africa, Americas Albendazole, mebendazole WHO, Children Without Worms, intestines or bladder. More than 90 percent of
Deworm the World the 200 million cases occur in sub-Saharan Af-
rica, with another few million cases in Brazil
Asia, Africa, Americas Albendazole, mebendazole WHO, Children Without Worms, and several other countries. Female schisto-
Deworm the World,
Sabin Vaccine Institute somes release eggs equipped with tiny spears
that invade and damage organs, including the
Mostly in Africa; Praziquantel Schistosomiasis Control Initiative intestine and liver or the bladder and kidneys,
remainder in Brazil, depending on the species. Roughly 100 million
East Asia, Middle East
school-aged children and young adults pass
blood in their urine or feces every day as a re-
Asia, Africa, Ivermectin or diethylcarbamazine Global Program to Eliminate Lymphatic
Americas and albendazole Filariasis, Lymphatic Filariasis Support sult. The inflammation produces pain, malnu-
Center, Carter Center trition, growth stunting and anemia. In women,
schistosomes deposit eggs in the cervix and va-
Mostly in Africa, Ivermectin African Program for Onchocerciasis gina, causing disabling pain during sexual in-
some in Latin America Control, Carter Center, Mectizan
Donation Program
tercourse and tripling the risk of acquiring HIV/
AIDS [see “Fighting Killer Worms,” by Patrick
Skelly; Scientific American, May 2008].
Two other important helminth infections are
Africa, Asia, Azithromycin; SAFE strategy: simple International Trachoma Initiative,
Americas surgery, antibiotics, face washing, Carter Center, Helen Keller International, lymphatic filariasis (LF) and onchocerciasis. The
environment (such as sanitation) Sight Savers, Christian Blind Mission worms that cause LF live in the limbs, breasts
and genitals of 120 million people in Asia, Afri-
worse are hookworms, which are found in 600 ca and Haiti. They lead to elephantiasis, a gross-
million people. These half-inch-long worms at-
tach to the inside of the small intestine and suck
blood, like an internal leech. Over a period of ELEPHANTIASIS ( below, in Haiti)
months or years they produce severe iron-defi- and blindness (right, in Ethiopia)
ciency anemia and protein malnutrition. Chil- are two of the most visible
dren with chronic hookworm anemia take on a consequences of neglected
sickly and sallow complexion and have trouble tropical diseases.

w w w. S c i e n t i f i c A m e r i c a n . c o m SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 93
ly disfiguring condition that prevents adults

Horrors of the Kissing Bug from working and leaves women, in particular,
unable to marry or abandoned by their hus-

T he U.S., too, suffers high rates of parasitic diseases. These so-called neglected infections
of poverty closely resemble the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and are found pre-
dominantly in areas of intense poverty. They disproportionately affect African-Americans
bands. Onchocerciasis, or river blindness, causes
a horribly itchy and disfiguring skin disease as
well as blindness in middle-aged adulthood. Al-
and Hispanic-Americans, because a higher percentage of these populations live in poverty most all of its 30 million to 40 million cases oc-
and under stressful conditions.
cur in Africa, except for a few locations in the
In the Mississippi Delta, post-Katrina Louisiana and other areas of the American South,
Americas and Yemen.
as well as in inner cities, an estimated three million African-Americans are either currently
infected or have been infected in the past with a helminth infection known as toxocariasis. The seventh important NTD, trachoma, is
The worm eggs are found in soil or sand laced with dog feces and can contaminate food. not caused by a parasitic worm but is a chronic
Once the worm eggs hatch in the digestive tract, the released larvae migrate through the bacterial infection caused by the Chlamydia mi-
lungs, liver and brain, leading to wheezing, seizures and developmental delays. Another croorganism. Occurring in 60 million to 80 mil-
infection is trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted protozoan parasite that causes inflam- lion people, it is the leading infectious cause of
mation and hemorrhages in the cervix. It increases the risk of acquiring additional sexually blindness [see “Can Chlamydia Be Stopped?” by
transmitted diseases, possibly including HIV/AIDS. David M. Ojcius, Toni Darville and Patrik M.
Among Hispanic-Americans, two important infections of poverty are Chagas disease Bavoil; Scientific American, May 2005].
and cysticercosis. Chagas results from a trypanosome protozoan acquired when people In a series of policy papers, my colleagues
are bitten by a kissing bug, a type of assassin bug—a cockroachlike insect often found in
and I studied the repercussions of these seven
dilapidated housing where rats nest (photograph above). The parasites can produce a
NTDs. Together their global health damage, as
severe dilation of the heart and can prove fatal. An estimated 300,000 people in the U.S.
have Chagas disease. Cysticercosis is a parasitic helminth infection that occurs in as many measured by the number of healthy life years
as 170,000 people and is the leading cause of seizures in cities near the Mexican border. lost because of disability, is roughly equivalent
Most of these infections were not introduced into the U.S. as a result of immigration. to that of HIV/AIDS or malaria. Because of
Instead they most likely persist through transmission within U.S. borders. Despite their their devastating toll on child education and de-
prevalence, research on these conditions has been fairly limited. Health officials do not velopment, pregnancy, and agricultural worker
know the precise numbers of people infected or why poverty is a risk factor. Diagnostic productivity, these NTDs are a major cause of
methods and treatments are also fairly rudimentary. — P.J.H. poverty. One case study by Hoyt Bleakley, a de-
velopment economist, found that chronic hook-
worm infection in childhood reduced a person’s
lifetime earning power by more than 40 per-
cent; K. D. Ramaiah and others in India esti-
mated more than $800 million lost annually
from reduced worker productivity as a result of
LF. Other studies have found similar effects for
onchocerciasis and trachoma.

Curing the Sick with Salt

The good news is that these NTDs can be treat-
ed, or even prevented, simply and cheaply [see
table on preceding two pages]. In many cases, a
single pill is enough. The available drugs have
an excellent safety record, and each is either

provided free of charge by multinational com-

panies or available as cheap generics costing less
Puerto than 10 cents per tablet.
In the early 20th century John D. Rockefell-
BLOOD DONORS TESTING POSITIVE FOR CHAGAS DISEASE, BY STATE, 2007–2009 er sponsored mass drug administration to con-
1–2 3-4 5–10 11–69 70–375 Data unavailable trol helminth infection in the American South,
Locations of confirmed cases and similar efforts began in the Caribbean.
SOURCE: AABB During the 1950s and 1960s several tropical
medicine specialists started programs for other
CHAGAS DISEASE afflicts an estimated 300,000 people in the U.S. Screening of infections and locations. Among them was
donated blood, started in 2007, finds that cases are concentrated in areas with Frank Hawking, father of physicist Stephen
large numbers of immigrants from Latin America living in substandard housing. Hawking, who in 1967 published the results of
a study in Brazil in which he treated LF by add-

94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN J a n u a r y 2 0 10
ing diethylcarbamazine to cooking salt. In 1988 Ultimately, these NTD-control programs
Merck & Co. began one of the fi rst public-pri- will need more money. The U.S. and British
vate partnerships for the mass treatment of river governments have committed more than $400
blindness. Various such partnerships have since million over the next few years to support in-
been established, and today they reach tens of ALYSSA MILANO tegrated NTD control, but estimates suggest
millions of people annually. that controlling NTDs in the 56 endemic coun-
Through the delivery of extremely low cost tries will require $2 billion to $3 billion for the
treatments, these partnerships — in collabora-
HOW TO HELP next five to seven years. To make the case for
tion with WHO, health ministries in low-in- The neglected tropical diseases better funding, some of the major public-pri-
come countries, and several multinational phar- represent an enormous challenge, vate partnerships came together in 2006 to
but because treatment is so inex-
maceutical companies — have managed to con- pensive, individuals can make a
form the Global Network for NTDs, which
trol or eliminate river blindness in 11 African difference. Luminaries ranging works closely with WHO and its regional of-
countries, allowing farmers to return to arable from Bill Clinton to actress Alyssa fices. Hosted by the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the
lands they had abandoned because of high rates Milano have lent their time and network receives support from the Gates foun-
of blindness in their communities. Similarly, support to the Global Network. dation and other private donors and works to
treatment programs have eliminated LF in more support treatment programs for NTDs around
One step is to join the Just 50 Cents
than a dozen previously endemic countries and Campaign, the network’s grassroots
the world through advocacy, policy and logis-
reduced the prevalence of schistosomiasis by up fundraising and awareness cam- tical efforts.
to 80 percent in eight African countries. Mea- paign. A donation of just 50 cents The Sabin Vaccine Institute has also estab-
sured narrowly in fi nancial terms, the internal can provide a person with treatment lished an international product development
rates of return for these programs have ranged for the seven most common NTDs partnership to produce new vaccines for hook-
for an entire year. Visit:
as high as 30 percent.
worm infection and schistosomiasis. A hook-
worm vaccine is now entering clinical trials,
One Pill to Cure Them All which is welcome news because of concerns that
Despite these enormous successes, we still one of the drugs now in use for mass treatment
have a long way to go to provide complete is showing high failure rates, a sign that the par-
drug coverage for the billion or more peo- asite has become resistant. Sabin works with a
ple with NTDs. WHO estimates that spectrum of Brazilian research and develop-
treatment programs reach fewer than 10 ment institutes and the Brazilian government.
percent of people suffering from intestinal Brazil has the largest number of cases of these
infections and schistosomiasis. helminth infections in the Americas; these
Better organization and technology are part NTDs were originally introduced from the en-
of the answer. WHO and other organizations demic areas of West Africa by the slave trade,
have studied the simultaneous administration making them living vestiges of slavery.
of many NTD drugs, and they are moving If fighting NTDs is so obvious and so cheap,
quickly to provide these drugs as a single pack- ➥ MORE TO why has it taken so long to act in a systematic
age (sometimes referred to as a rapid impact EXPLORE way? That is not an easy question to answer. In
package), which can cost as little as 50 cents an- Control of Bancroftian Filariasis
the Millennium Development Goals for sustain-
nually. A number of African countries have al- by Cooking Salt Medicated with able reduction of poverty, launched in 2000, the
ready begun to integrate programs that target Diethylcarbamazine. Frank Hawk- NTDs were lumped in an “other diseases” cat-
individual NTDs into a single program. Bun- ing and Ruy João Marques in Bulletin egory, and it is hard to get people excited about STEVE GRANITZ Getty Images (Milano); DON FARRALL Getty Images (quarters)
dling reduces costs and the strain on otherwise of the World Health Organization, “other diseases.” Moreover, the NTDs debili-
Vol. 37, No. 3, pages 405–414; 1967.
overburdened health systems, as well as provid- Available online at www.ncbi.nlm.
tate more than they kill, so that the big donor
ing an opportunity to fold in other interven- countries have chosen to focus primarily on
tions, among them the delivery of antimalaria HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, which are
bed nets, childhood immunizations and nutri- Forgotten People, Forgotten fatal unless treated. Other development pro-
tional supplements such as vitamin A. Diseases: The Neglected Tropical grams, viewing NTDs as a symptom rather than
Diseases and Their Impact on
Although the integration of NTD-control Global Health and Development.
the disease, have preferred to concentrate on
programs has been largely successful so far, it Peter J. Hotez. ASM Press, 2008. what they see as the underlying problems, such
has also encountered some operational chal- as poor sanitation, lack of access to clean water,
lenges, including an increased workload for Rescuing the Bottom Billion and poverty in general. Those are laudable aims,
community drug distributors and the lack of through Control of Neglected but the empirical reality is that NTD drugs are
Tropical Diseases. Peter J. Hotez
availability of some of the NTD drugs in certain et al. in Lancet, Vol. 373, No. 9674,
the single most cost-effective way to improve
places. Health workers have had to be vigilant pages 1570–1575; May 2, 2009. Avail- the health, education and well-being of the
in looking for signs of drug resistance. able online at world’s poor right now. ■

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