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Vanguard FAQ

Document version 1.2

All latest changes and additions are in red
1. Dice
Q: If a model with Vicious re-rolls a 1 to a hit, can this be Parried?
A: No, you can never re-roll a re-roll.

Q: The rule for natural 1s and 8s automatically failing or succeeding is only mentioned in the Exploding 8s!
mechanic boxout on page 12. Are there any other rolls or tests where it should apply?
A: Yes, with Nerve tests. A natural roll of 1 is a failure and a natural roll of 8 is a success on Nerve tests.

Q: For Regenerate rolls, does the Exploding 8s! mechanic apply?
A: No.

2. Movement & Actions

Q: Is Retaliation an activation, therefore triggering special rules such as Headstrong or Regenerate?
A: No. Retaliation is not an activation irrespective of whether the model is to be marked as fatigued or

Q: Can flyers ignore Difficult Terrain and land in it / charge out of it freely?
A: Flyers may run or walk normally across Difficult Terrain, including landing in it. Flyers making a
qualifying Charge out of Difficult Terrain may gain a bonus dice. Flyers Charging into Difficult Terrain
cannot gain a bonus die unless they also have Pathfinder.

Q: Does a Walk action after a Brace remove the Brace?
A: No. A braced model may use remaining actions during its activation without losing Brace. Brace is only
removed by starting a new activation, including Forced Fatigue, or when the model is Knocked-down. Note
that a standing model may perform a Brace action while Engaged. [RULE UPDATE]

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Q: If a 25 x 25mm, non-Pathfinder or flying model is exactly 3” from the edge of Difficult Terrain, how much
movement does it take to get its base out of the Difficult Terrain?

A: 7”. Movement should be measured from the front of the model as it moves. Therefore once the model has
moved 3” (costing 6” of movement), it is no longer impeded by the Difficult Terrain.

Q: If a model’s ability or spell has the description that it can be used ‘in a subsequent Turn’ does that mean I
can use Power for a +1 activation to use it now?
A: No, using Power for a +1 activation is part of the same Turn. There will be many Turns within each Round,
and a subsequent Turn means that the opponent must have a Turn before you can use this ability.

Q: If a model has the movement, is it permissible to walk or run around into the rear arc of an enemy into
engagement, and then fatigue to melee attack and still get the ‘rear arc bonus’ of increased CS(1)?
A: No, to gain the bonus, the attacking model’s base must be wholly in the rear arc when the move to Engage
is declared. The rear bonus would apply if a model starts its activation Engaged in the rear arc, such as in a
Forced Fatigue action later in the Round, or as an action in a subsequent Round.

Q: Are you allowed to move within 1” of an enemy model? Does that mean it is possible to position models to
‘cordon off’ enemies getting to objectives or to set up a ‘screen’ around a spellcaster?
A: The only enemy models you may voluntarily move within 1” of are:
 A model you are Engaging, or a model very close to one you are Engaging (within 1” of your final
 A model you are Breaking Away from, or which is very close to one you are Breaking Away from
(within 1” of your starting position)
 Any model when you are making a Follow-up move.

Q: Where a model is reduced to zero wounds for reasons other than Melee or Shooting attacks, does it get a
Nerve check?
A: If a hit is to be resolved with Crushing Strength (e.g. falling damage) then treat it as a Melee attack,
otherwise treat any other damage (e.g. Spirit Walker Vengeful Spirits, Fragstim) as if sustained from a
Ranged attack.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

3. Fatigue
Q: Can you Force Fatigue a model as an extra activation using 2 Power?
A: No. The extra activation must be an unactivated model.

Q: Can I Run my model its full distance then, later in the Round, use another activation to Force Fatigue it
and use a haste potion to Run (charge) with a Forced Fatigue?
A: Yes, since the Potion of Haste allows Run as a short action.

Q: Can I Fatigue a model that has participated in a Group action?
A: No. A Fatigue Action cannot be given to a group or member of the group. A model from the group could
however be Force Fatigued later in the Round.

Q: Can a Fatigued model take part in a group activation if it makes a successful Headstrong roll?
A: No. A group action is considered a long action. All members of the group must be able to undertake a long
action when they are nominated. Models that are Fatigued or Knocked-down cannot be nominated in the
group, even if they have special rules which may remove that condition once activated.

Q: Can you Fatigue a model that is already Fatigued?
A: Not with a Fatigue or Forced Fatigue action. However, some special rules or abilities may specify a Fatigue
counter is placed but there is no need if the model already has one.

Q: If a model clears Fatigue with Headstrong, can it be Fatigued at the end of its activation?
A: Yes.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

4. Engaging & Combat
Q: Can you Engage multiple enemy models with a single model?
A: Yes, provided you have sufficient movement and the models are positioned so that you can align flush to
all, you may engage multiple models. Note however the Move to Engage may only qualify as a Charge and
therefore grant a free Fight action against one of the models Engaged. Only that model can be the target of
the subsequent attack.
Similarly if normal aligning to a model would cause Engagement with multiple models, the moving player
may choose to only Engage one and position their model accordingly, providing it will fit.

Q: Can you engage an enemy with a normal move (or even Run, which doesn’t qualify as a charge) and thus
engage an enemy you didn’t even previously see?
A: Yes, this is allowed. If it’s not a qualifying charge however, there are no bonus dice or attacks for doing so.
Your model simply stumbled into the enemy unprepared.

Q: Are corner-to-corner engagements allowed?
A: No. To engage, there must be some overlap of bases.

Q: If there are two or more models fighting in range of a spear, can it support all of them?
A: Yes. Go spears!

Q: Can a spear support fights in its rear arc?
A: No. Models with spears must be able to see the enemy model being attacked. [RULE UPDATE]

Q: Please could you clarify the engagement status when models are Knocked-down in combat.
A: A Knocked-down model does not Engage any model in base contact with it. Therefore, it cannot add
outnumbering dice. The only action a Knocked-down model may perform is Stand Up.
A standing model is still engaging any Knocked-down models in its front arc with which it is in base contact.
However since it is not Engaged by the Knocked-down model itself, it is free to move away normally, may
take Shoot or Cast actions (including at the Knocked-down model) but may also be targeted by Ranged
attacks. Note that while it may Fight the Knocked-down model, it cannot charge it (so no Running away and
back again in the same Turn!).

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Q: If a model is out of range to charge but that model is up against an obstacle can I charge to the obstacle
and being within 2" can I count this as a charge? Can I attack even though the model would be too far away
were the barrier not there?
A: No, the model behind the obstacle must be in range before the charging model moves (although 2” of
movement is not deducted for the obstacle in this calculation). [RULE UPDATE]

Q: When declaring a Group Assault, it’s possible that some group members will block the LOS to the target(s)
of the other members. That will result in them not getting a qualifying charge. Is this correct?
A: Take all LOS, before models are moved, from the nominated Group leader and use this for each of the
group members for this Group Assault. [RULE UPDATE]

Q: Does the bonus for Ogre Spears stack with other types of spear?
A: No. Note also, that Q 4.4 & 4.5 above also apply to Ogre Spears.

Q: 3 models, all with the Mob Assault keyword, perform a Group Assault action against 3 separate targets.
How much Crushing Strength do they each get?
A: None, one is not a mob!! There must be a minimum of 2 models with Mob Assault attacking a target as part
of a Group Action to get the bonus. Note also that a Group Activation must include a minimum of 2 models.

Q: When making armour rolls to break away, can I boost the number of dice with Power?
A: Technically you can, however, since each failure causes a wound, it doesn’t seem wise to do so.

Q: Three models group charge a single model. The first attack knocks it down and the second attacks kill
it. Do all three models get to make Follow-up moves?
A: Yes, the ability to make a Follow-up move applies to each member of the Group Assault that Engaged a
slain model, whether each member of the group action killed a model or not. However, they must still be
eligible to perform a Follow-up move as per normal rules (i.e. not in base-to-base contact etc.). After
completing all attacks by the group, the owning player may then choose the order to make Follow-up moves
for each model in the Group Assault that is eligible to do so.

5. Knocked-down
Q: Does Knocked-down also make you Fatigued?
A: Not automatically, unless specifically stated otherwise, such as Down But Not Out.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Q: Do Knocked-down models with spears contribute bonus dice?
A: No.

Q: Do Parry and Dodge apply when Knocked-down?
A: Yes. However note that Bucklers only apply against attacks from the Front arc and therefore do not work
when Knocked-down.

Q: Does the limitation of not moving closer than 1” still apply to Knocked-down models.
A: Yes

6. Shooting & Spells

Q: Do you get a free pivot before casting long spells?
A: Yes, unless the rules specifically state otherwise. [RULE UPDATE]

Q: Does Difficult Terrain provide cover stopping Clear LOS both ways, or just one way?
A: See the Partially Blocked LOS conditions on page 26. In summary, Difficult Terrain may provide cover to
models within it, it does not affect models shooting out of it. Note that a shooter more than 3” into such
terrain may have blocked LOS (see page 25).

Q: Do Breath attacks have to project from the front of a model as per the diagram on page 37 of the
A: They can be projected from any one of the three base sides in the model’s front arc.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Q: How much of an enemy’s base do I need to be able to see in order to get a ‘clear shot’ bonus of an extra
Ranged Attack dice?
A: All of it, which will often be at least two full sides depending on the angles.

Q: Do ranged spells gain the benefit of normal ranged attack dice bonuses, like clear shot and elevation
A: Where the spell title line includes a number of dice, then the spell may gain bonus dice for clear shot
and/or height or by spending power. E.g. Fireball (Short): Range 9”, 2D8.
Where the number of dice, or a target number to roll are specified in the spell description and not in the title
line, they are fixed. The spell may NOT gain bonus dice for clear shot or height or by spending power, and
the spells do not get the Exploding 8s! Mechanic. E.g. Heal (short): Range 6”.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Q: Teleport Spell
Does the target have to be within 6” of the caster and then gets moved to another spot within 6” of the
caster, or can it be any unengaged model on the board that is then teleported to within 6” of the caster? Can
they be teleported into combat?
A: Yes, both the target and destination must be within 6” of the caster (hence the spell’s Range). A model
may be placed Engaging another model, however note that this is not a qualifying Charge.

Q: Can you use Breath Attack or AoE attacks into a melee or even just to hit one target engaged in melee?
Breath and AoE both say it hits all models no matter the side, but it doesn't say if it ignores the "Can't shoot
an enemy engaged with a friendly" rule from the Ranged Attack section. Can you clarify if they can hit
models engaged in melee with these effects and if so who gets hit? Would models block LOS for one another
or would your friendly model get caught in the blast even if they're outside the template?
A: For Area Effect attacks, only the original target must be a valid one according to the targeting rules. For
Breath attacks, the first model the attack would hit MUST be a valid target according to the targeting rules
(then considered the original target, attackers choice if there is a debate). After this, ANY models that fall
into the Area Effect or “template” of the Breath attack, will be hit. Whether a model is Engaged or not is not
considered – only those models that are caught by the attack are affected. Breath attacks may gain a bonus
dice for Clear LOS to the original target only. [RULE UPDATE]

Q: Can you boost Area of Effect attacks with Power to add dice?
A: No.

Q: Can you cast a ‘Heal’ spell on yourself?
A: No. A Spell is a type of ranged attack and the caster would not be a ‘single friendly model in range’.

Q: Mist of Faith gives a penalty to shooting models within 6” of the caster. If there are 2 casters close
together, do the effects stack?
A: No. Unless stated otherwise spell bonus such as this do not stack for multiple castings. The bonuses
would however stack with other spells (e.g. Shimmer) or other abilities, (e.g. Stealthy).

Q: If I boost a Lightning Bolt spell, does the Marksman rule apply to the Area of Effect (AoE) attack as well?
A: No. Unless specifically stated otherwise, special rules, bonuses or penalties from the original attack do not
apply to any associated AoE attack, including Clear Shot, Shooting from Height, RANGE BOOST, the
Varangur Magus FAMULUS, Marksman, Piercing etc.

Special rules, bonuses or penalties originating from the target model would still apply, e.g. Rear Arc,
Stealthy, Shimmer etc.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

7. Scenarios
Q: Can Scouts be deployed in base contact with objectives?
A: No. They must be placed 4” or more away [RULE UPDATE].

Q: Does placement of Scouts count towards who finishes deployment first?
A: Yes, a player has not finished deploying until all Scouts are placed.

Q: Are there set sizes for scenario objectives such as the portal?
A: Players are free to use whatever models they have for these items. However, in organised play, it is
suggested that the following base sizes are adopted:

The Power Stones - 40 x 40

The Portal - 50 x 50

The Dragon Egg queries:
7.4.1 While the Egg counter is on the table, does it block movement or provide cover? - No
7.4.2 Can a model carrying the Egg make a Break Away action? - Yes
7.4.3 Can you drop the Egg? - Yes, a model carrying the Egg can drop it as a short action during one of
its activations. Place the Egg counter on the board adjacent to the model.
7.4.4 If a model carrying the Egg fails a fallback check, what happens? - In this case, the model
abandons the Egg as a free action before making its Fallback! move. Place the egg counter on the
board adjacent to the model and then complete the Fallback! action as normal.
7.4.5 In Dragon Egg, it specifies that models carrying the egg ‘may move a maximum of 12” with a
single action’. Does this mean a Speed 6 model could run as a long action (12”) and fatigue walk as a
separate action for a total of 18” movement? - Yes. The maximum of 12” applies to each action.

[RULE UPDATE] “Objectives” in different scenarios means:
Supply Grab: The 3 (or 5) objective counters in play
Light the Beacon: The Beacon
Free the Princess: The Princess
Recover the Plans: The dead spy marker & the plans marker
Kill the Bard: The Bard and the Lute.
The Dragon’s Egg: The egg marker
The Power Stones: The 3 (or 5) stones in play
Capture the Giant: The giant
Secure the Portal: The portal
Kill the Commander: The Tents
Snowblind: The stone tablet
Black Ice: The 3 power stones
Tunnel Fight: The 2 objective markers
Meteorite Storm: The cooled meteorite markers

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Q: What happens if my entire warband is lost to the Portal before the final Round?
A: In the Portal scenario only, the game will continue for one further Round. This is an exception to the
normal rule wherein the game ends at the completion of the current Round if one side is wiped out.

Otherwise, the rules state that a game will end at the end of a Round in which one player is eliminated. This
was intended to prevent one player having to sit and watch their opponent play solo. However, where the
outcome of a game is important, such as in campaigns or tournaments, we suggest that the event organisers
consider allowing games to last either one more complete Round or until their normal conclusion to allow
the surviving player chance to accumulate their full score.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

8. Warband Queries
Q: Can Orclings gain Crushing Strength from GREEN TIDE, which affects models of Race ORC.
A: No. Where keywords are used in the rules, they must match exactly.

Q: Is there a difference between the notations "Human, Knight" and "Human/Beast"?
A: The Human, Knight notation was made to distinguish those models from the Villeins in the list (Human,
Villein) so there was clarity in which rules applied to which models within the warband. They are effectively
a type of Human within that list. Human/Beast means the unit has both keywords.

Q: Can SLAVEHOOKS (X) be used for free if you don't spend any power? Does using the ability count against
using a second ranged attack with that model in the same activation?
A: No. You need to spend at least 1 power to use the ability. The model can perform a Shoot or Cast action in
the same activation, in addition to the SLAVEHOOKS ranged attack.

Q: Is SURGE an action?
A: No, Warband Special Abilities such as SURGE do not require an action to be spent, unless they specifically
state otherwise.

Q: Does the Banshee’s WAIL ability affect models that are Engaged? If yes, what happens? What if the
affected enemy were at the same height as the banshee but close to a drop, would they move and fall? Does
the WAIL affect anything on higher levels?
A: An Engaged model may not use a Walk action. A model that is Engaged, Knocked-down or prevented from
making Walk actions by any other means is not affected by the WAIL. Affected models must move as far as
possible from the Banshee using a Walk action and will use the Dropping Down or Climbing rules if

Q: Does a lone Necromancer gain the benefit of Back from the Grave?
A: No. Any effects within x” of a model do not affect the model itself unless specifically stated in the rule
description, such as Inspiring.
Note that in this example if two Undead Command models were within 6”, then each would gain the Back
from the Grave benefit from the other.

Q: Can a model use a Special Ability such as SHARP SHOOTER(1) during its activation and then again during
a Force Fatigue Action?
A: Unless specifically noted otherwise, a model may only use a Special Ability once per Round. (See standard
Power uses, page 22).

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Q: Does the Undead Crypt Gouger’s ‘BRAAAINS’ ability remove the grave marker after placing a new zombie
A: No. It follows the normal rules for the Necromancer’s ‘Raise Dead’ spell, not the added rule under
‘Shallow Graves’.

Q: Does the Undead Crypt Gouger’s ‘Shallow Graves’ ability require Line of Sight in order to place the grave
A: Yes. The Crypt Gouger needs to have LOS to the placed marker, so it cannot be placed behind Impassable
Terrain (e.g. the Portal). [RULE UPDATE]

Q: Where spells or abilities allow placement of markers or models within a range (e.g. the Grave Marker for
SHALLOW GRAVES, does the whole of the marker have to be within 4” or just the edge?
A: Unless the description says ‘wholly within’, then it’s just the edge.

Q: The Stinggit’s Special Rule is written as ‘Inspiring (Sneaks Only)’. Does Inspiring always work on the
model itself, with the brackets specifying who else can benefit from the Special Rule?
A: Yes, the condition in brackets applies to models within range, the model itself always benefits.

Q: Can I cast the same spell twice using the Ratkin Warlock’s Insane Power Surge?
A: No. Each spell is cast as a free action and therefore cannot be repeated. Similarly, it is not allowed to cast
a spell normally and then use this ability to cast it again in the same activation.

Q: Can the Ratkin Lair be placed to touch an Engaged model, forcing it to move out of Engagement?
A: The Lair may be placed touching models that are already Engaged, forcing them to move. Any moves are
made by the owning player who chooses the final facing. No Armour rolls are required if a model has to
move out of Engagement.

Q: Aquamage Elemental Mastery - if I take 2 Aquamages, does this allow 2 extra water elementals?
A: No, only one extra may be taken, regardless of the number of Aquamages.

Q: In the undead warband, can I activate a necromancer, Cast Heal, use the Surge ability and then Walk the
Necromancer forwards?
A: No. Surge and Tactical Redeployment may be used in your Turn, before or after an activation but not
during. [RULE UPDATE]

Q: Abyssal Dwarfs - can I make an Unworthy Sacrifice to reduce the number of SLAVE models before
checking for Warband Morale?
A: Yes, the roll for Power is taken before determining if the Warband is broken. [RULE UPDATE]

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

9. Equipment
Q: Can a lucky charm be used to re-roll the dreaded portal roll (in the Capture the Portal scenario)?
A: Yes!

Q: Can models that are BEAST and something else, such as the Frostfang Cavary who is BEAST / Half Elf be
given equipment?
A: No – they are of both Races. Models with the BEAST Race cannot be given equipment or climb,
irrespective of whether they have another Race. Consider that the rider is too busy hanging on and pointing
the head in the right direction to be concerned with fancy equipment!

Q: Can models that are MACHINE be given equipment?
A: No. Neither BEASTs nor MACHINEs may be given equipment. Additionally, neither may climb.

Q: When a model triggers a Goblin Snaggit’s Dastardly Trap, does it stop or can it complete its action?
A: Resolve the attack and then, if the model survives and is not Knocked-down, it may complete its current

Q: Can the Bodkin Arrow equipment item be used to boost a Breath attack?
A: No. The Bodkin Arrow and Sheaf of Arrows equipment items may not be used on Breath attacks.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

10. Campaigns
Q: If you give a GRUNT a Common Item and they die, is it replaced for free post-game or do you have to
rebuy their lost item?
A: The Warband survivors are assumed to scavenge all equipment items (except discounted ones, see below)
from their fallen comrades. Therefore, items given to killed GRUNTs are returned to the Supplies Caravan as

Q: If I buy a discounted item, can I give it to someone else?
A: No. Equipment bought at discounted prices (e.g. an option on a model’s card) always stays with that
model and is never moved to the Supply Caravan.

Q: Can the Mauler Thump! Ability be used when retaliating?
A: Yes. The Thump! Ability works on Melee Attacks. Therefore it does work with Retaliations, since these
are also Melee Attacks.

Reminders of some common mistakes

 A Fatigued model does not provide a bonus die for outnumbering.
 A model that is Knocked-down due to Pound etc. - does not become Fatigued unless it is also reduced
to zero wounds and gains a Down But Not Out result.
 A Knocked-down model taking a wound from a Melee attack will still get a Nerve test unless it is
reduced to zero or fewer wounds.
 Moving over an obstacle costs 2” of movement, plus the distance the model’s base moves to get across
the obstacle. Models do not teleport across an obstacle for 2” of movement.
 Unless specifically stated otherwise, a model may only use a powered ability once per Round. (Yes,
Flamebearers, we’re looking at you!)

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2


Vertical Movement, page 24, replace the last paragraph with…
Models with Race keywords of BEAST or MACHINE, those with equipment of type Mount, and models with
the Cavalry special rule, cannot Climb.

Reload (page 38) - Add the following sentence to the end of the Reload rule…
Alternatively, the model may Shoot as a short action but with a -1 to hit modifier, but in this case it may not
pivot first.

Ogres (page 92) – Battle Fury Spell correction…

Battle Fury (long): Range 9” Target an Engaged friendly model that is not Knocked-down. No dice roll is
required. That model may immediately make a Melee action for free against any model it is Engaged with,
even if it is already Activated and/or Fatigued.

Casualty Table, page 139 - Lost an Eye terminology correction...

Lost an Eye - The model's Ra stat is raised by 1 (e.g. 4+ becomes 5+). This is a Permanent Injury.

Mauler Bonus Thump!, page 152, replace with...

Thump! If the model with the Mauler role causes a wound, but does not reduce its opponent to zero or fewer
wounds, it may immediately roll a single additional attack die before the result of the attack is resolved
(Nerve tests, Knock-downs etc.). Note that this is a separate attack roll and therefore would not count
towards the number of hits for Pound.

Ice & Iron

Black Ice (page 20).
The length of the deployment zones should be 12”.

FoN Wild Companion (page 45)

The points value of this unit should be 13.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Replace the indicated text for the following equipment items:

Common Mount - Rules: The model gains +2 Sp to a maximum of 8, +1 Height and the model’s base size
becomes Cav. The model may not use the Fly special rule.

Rare Mount - Rules: The model gains +2 Sp to a maximum of 8, +1 Height, +1 Wound and the model’s base
size becomes Cav. The model may not use the Fly special rule.

Battle Mount - Rules: The model gains +2 Sp to a maximum of 8, +1 Height, +1 Wound, +1D8 Me attacks and
the model’s base size becomes Cav. The model may not use the Fly special rule. Points: 12.

*Notes text for all the above remain unchanged.

Heavy Weapons - Rules: This model gains the Crushing Strength (1) special rule. Notes: Cannot be taken by
models that already have the Crushing Strength special rule.

Forgebreaker - Rules: The model gains Crushing Strength (1). In addition, Melee attacks made by this model
have the Pound special rule. Notes: Cannot be taken by models that already have the Crushing Strength
special rule.

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Scenario Adjustments

Scenario 2. Light the Beacon

Set-up: Delete the last sentence. (i.e. roll for first Turn as normal)

Scenario Rules: Replace the first paragraph with…

To interact with the Beacon, a model must be standing in base contact with it and not Engaged. A model may
take a short action to light or douse the Beacon. A model may only light or douse the beacon once per Turn.
The beacon objective marker is a static piece of Height 4 Impassable Terrain that blocks LOS.

Scenario 3. Free the Prisoner

Scenario Rules: Replace the first two sentences with…

Any standing, unengaged enemy models in base contact with the Prisoner are guarding them and prevent
interaction. A standing, unengaged model in base contact with an unguarded Prisoner may use a short action
to cut them free.

Scenario 9. Destroy the Baggage Train

The Winner: replace the entire section with…

The Attacker scores 1VP per point of damage on a wagon plus 2 VPs for each wagon destroyed. The Defender
scores 1 VP per full 10 pts of enemy models killed.

Total the current VPs at the end of each round. The game ends if either side has reached 12 VPs at the end of
a Round, or after the normal 5/6 Rounds. The player with the highest VPs at the end of the game is the

Scenario 10. Burn the Stores

Set Up Map: Move box B up so it is 7” up and 3” in.

Scenario Rules: Replace the first sentence with…

An unengaged, standing model that is in contact with the barn may take a short action to either add a Flame
marker (Attacker) onto the building, or remove an existing Flame marker (Defender).

Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

Revised Profiles

All profiles presented in the Ice & Iron supplement supersede those in the V1 Rulebook, and the online free
PDF will be updated too.

For any published profile cards which have been revised, the latest card version is as listed below. These are
available as a pack to replace your existing cards.

Warband Special Ability 1.1
Gur Panther 1.1
Sergeant 1.1

Warband Special Ability 1.1
Ironguard 1.1
Steel Juggernaut* 1.1
Mastiff Packmaster 1.1
Berserker Lord 1.0 (NEW)
Flame Priest 1.1

Northern Alliance
Warband Special Ability 1.1
Ice Kin Hunter 1.1
Thegn 1.1
Ice Queen 1.1
Snow Troll Prime 1.1

Forces of Nature
Salamander Veteran 1.1

Forces of the Abyss

Hellhound 1.1
Abyssal Warlock 1.1

Phantom 1.1
Shade 1.1
Shadowhound 1.1
Reaper Souldrinker 1.1

Undead Errata – note that some early copies of the Wraith card incorrectly show the points value. The
correct value is 16 points.
Mantic Games – Vanguard FAQ v1.2

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