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ong Speech on Life in English for Students

Good morning to all of you present here. Today I am here to share my views on
Life. Life is a continuous phase that will have to stop someday. It is all about
building yourself and encouraging yourself. It is only possible to grasp life
backward, so it must be lived forward. Life itself is a golden chance to inspire
others while you live and also get inspired by others too. It is not the number of
years you live but how well you live that matters. Our lives are still threatened by
the fear of death. Sooner or later, every person has to face death, but that
doesn't mean it should stop us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals.
An individual is only wise when he/she is ready to meet destiny when it comes,
but he/she enjoys every little bit before that moment. Human life is an incredibly
precious gift. Every snapshot of human life provides us with an opportunity to act
to build and connect. Every second opens the way for us to receive presents.
The truth is that life presents us with both positive and negative situations. What
is extremely important is the way we respond to it. No one, like you, is born into
the universe, and no one will ever be, so honour your freedom. With lessons,
struggles, heartache, and special moments, life is nothing but a journey. In the
end, it will get us to our destination, our meaning in life. The road isn't always
going to be a plane; in fact, we're going to face many challenges along our
journeys. Our bravery, talents, vulnerabilities, and confidence will always be
checked by these challenges. We may meet obstacles along our way that will
come between the paths and we are doomed to take them. We must overcome
these barriers to be on the right path. Perhaps these barriers are simply gifts in
disguise, but at the moment we don't understand that. The secret of life is better
understood to those who are not so intensely attached to something. The best
way to cherish life is with our family and friends. Our family was the first set of
people who were present since the beginning of our journey and nourished us.
Our friends are the people who chose us out of several others, to care for and
enjoy moments with. It Is ultimately the affection we give and the affection we
receive from our loved ones that makes life beautiful and joyous. I'll say,
eventually, that we can make life worthwhile. That life can be made beautiful with
the help of our family and friends. By discharging our duties in our families, at
work, community and the world at large, life can be more beautiful and

Short Speech About Life for Children 

Good morning to all of you present here. Today I am here to deliver a Speech on
Life. Life is valuable. It is a gift to you from God. It's so special that there's no one
else like you on Earth.   Existence, again, is a chance. It is a chance for good to
be achieved. Therefore, it does not matter how long you live; how well you live is
all that counts. And how many lives you, with love and encouragement, will

Another idea is that death still shadows life. Everybody has to face it. He or she
is a wise man or woman who, when it comes, is prepared to meet death. The
secret of life is, surprisingly, best revealed to those who are not bound by their
possessions. They are unaffected by worry and life's changing fortunes. They are
individuals who do not live by adding things to life, but by weighing their lives by
things they can do without.

Life is stewardship above all. It is a belief that is entrusted to you. Such an

understanding of life makes you keenly aware that for all the time, talent,
treasure, and opportunity you are blessed with. It is this hope which makes living
life worth it. And it's family and friendships nurtured in loving relationships that
make life beautiful. By understanding one's role in one's family, or one's place of
work, or society at large; and playing that role well, life is also made purposeful.

Short Speech on Ambedkar Jayanti

Here is a short speech on Ambedkar Jayanti for the students of secondary
Good Morning, Respected Principal Ma'am, teachers and my dear friends. Today
I have been honoured to tell a few lines about the father of our constitution Dr
Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Firstly, I would like to thank my teachers for giving me this
opportunity of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti bhashan. 
Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar was born on
14 April 1891 and every year, 14 April is celebrated as Ambedkar Jayanti. Dr
Ambedkar was a man of a rich personality. He was the first Dalit to complete his
education. He had done a PhD. He was a master of 64 subjects and could speak
11 languages proficiently. 
He had done a lot of work for our society. He was the first one to start
movements against the caste system of India, and in for of temple entry of
everyone. He had changed his religion from Hinduism to Buddhism along with his
20000 followers as Hinduism had perpetuation of untouchability. He was the first
Law Minister of Independent India. He gave a beautiful lesson of equality and
fraternity through the Indian Constitution which he had drafted. 
Throughout his life, he worked for the backward class people of India - the Dalits.
He was the leader of the Dalits and always fought for equal rights for them. He
was awarded Bharat Ratna in April 1990 for his contribution towards Indian
society. He is a great inspiration to all the youth and the lawyers of India. Thank

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