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<-ManiIa #\

F'ORESTERLicensure Examination
Friday, July 3, 2009 0B:00 a.m. - 12: noon


TNSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following r{

questions. it{ark onlv one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided -t

Shrinkage in wood usually occur if there is a loss of moisture

A. normal temperature
.S,. normal saturation point tJ h? i ti ii'{ A
,g) fiber saLuratjon point
D. moisture holding capacity
) Tire preliminary treatment of unsea soned or partially seasoned timber TO
reduce its moisture content and improve its absorptive properties.
,B) conditioning C. sorting
B. spacing D. selection
The at any given dry bulb temperature (DBT) can be converted
to -actual air h umidity.
iA) wet bulb d epre s s ion C. air humid rty
B. dry bulb t emperature D. air tempe rature
Example of spec ies with i nterlocked grain.
A. dangula q. lanete
B. dalingding an \/ malugar
preservati VC CAUSCS corrosion of metal fasteners.
A) water-born e salt pre servative
B. oiI-borne pre servati-
C. creosote
D. coal tar
Bamboo is known as the ta Ilest in the Philippines.
A. palm
B. shrub
m qt"==
D. v.ine V.
7. That accessory of ,O steam generator where the raw water passes before it
is finally feed id to the boi-ler chamber
A. condenser
C. stocker
U/ Pre neater D. furnace
B. As a concerned citizen what do you think is the main cause for the fast
depletion of our forest resources which according to statistics
constitute 602 of the total destruction.
A. forest fire
B. infrastructure development
m shifting agriculture
D. logging
Continued on Page TODS Ver 2.7.9
rrrucry/ Jury 5| ZVUY noon Page 2


Thermal conductivity is a means to measure the rate of i-n wood h)
A. heat loss R latent heat flow o
B. heat sensitivitv flow (2,) heat flow
10 The yield of mechanj-cal process pulp is usually higher than that in
chemical process pulp, however, paper manufacturer prefers the chemical
pulp, which of the following statement is NOT correct?
lh uect-ranical pulp is even inferior in strength than ground
t# wood pulp produced by ordinary method even if by steaming
the wood prior to grinding is made.
B. To add strength, mechanical pulp is usually mixed with same
chemical pulp.
C. Principally item made of varying amounts of mechanical pulp
are newsprint, magazine tissue paper and other items which
does not require strength.
D. Meciranical pulp in general lack strength and therefore use
only in cheaper grades of paper.
L1 At present most veneers are dried in carefulty designed and engineered
driers that permit a rapid and uniform seasoning to produce quality
plywood. These two types of drying are:
I. conveyor drier AR lffiil\t A$* ffif,'j
II. hot plate drier F.T E.
III. Ioft drying
IV. kiln drying
r,rrr B I, f I
12 Gulyasan is a famous forest V.LNE which is a good source of
A. AsDr rr n . Antibiotics
B. qulnine Artabotrine
13 Gives blue stain when wet.
&B. Narra C. Bolongita
Ibuny D. Kamachile
L4. A member of the oak familv.
A. bagras O ulaian
,\. B. yemane D. gubas

15\ Acid stimulation treatment over the freshly cut portion of the wood
\ ,/ resulted to:
ffi to increase seasonal yield of gum extraction
B. prevent sap to flow
C. to avoid wood decay
D. to prevent infection of the wood due to the cut
16. A set. of wood structural members assembled together to support a roo
A. purlin studs
SD. rafter
B. truss
L1 Classified as easy to dry
A. tanqile, red lauan, bagtikan
B. ipil, dungon, binggas
g. amugis, bitaog, bolon
0 atmiciga, dit;, karantas
Continued on Page TQDS Ver 2 .1 .9
Jf J


IQ In the scientific name Shorea rosens is , negrosensis is the

. binomial name \ specific epithet
. Iatin name . generrc name

One way of differentiating the heating value of two or more wood specie
is by determining the wood properties through :
A. thermo wood process C. pyrolisis
G) chemical analysis D. hydrostatic process
20. L{hen pulping a resinous conefers, a resin and fats is extracted in an
appreciable amount in the form of
A. sulfate soda C . sulfide alkaline
B. black soda S) nracr liquor
2I. Cracking in wood I ike checks, shake and splits occur due to
' i A. poor
uneven drying 9-: low moisture content
B. storage ,D_) Oryness

The i-rreversibLe effect of high temperature on wood is one of

degradation of wood substance, which results in
& loss of weight and strength
B. loss of durability
C. Ioss of moisture oR l6tN A[-" rffitrY
D. loss of weiqht F. T B. L/
23 ., Bow is the of the wide surface of a board.
A. twis L C. hiarp
B. crook ffi lengthwise curvature
24. Wood in which the fibers run parallel to the axis of a p-iece
A. bastard-grained wood C. spiral-grained wood
B. diagonal-grained wood ,$ straight-grained wood
25. A procpss in wood treatment whereby a high pressure sap displacement IS
made ?
A. dlffusion process C. compresslon process <-.ff__._
g boucherie process D. vacuum process
26. In order to insure less splintering on the side of a plywood when
'cutting, the following rules must be followed.
I. sawing wi-th handsaw, the finish surface of the plywood
sheet is always up. \,
II. sawing with a power saw the face is down.
III. if a coarse Ufade is used in the saw, apply strips of
masking tape along the cut lines.
\ t,)
IV. avoid using saws in cut$[-ng.
A. f,rf,rv (cJ r,ff,frr tt,\tL'-'
B. rV only Y. rv, rrr \)r
ZI, The "orooerLv of wood to resist cutting is
@. rlurar,u== C. stiffness \'
B. tensile strength D. toughness \

Bark or Lack of wood.

H.. --,-_1tEltl
?S.V ^- inc Iuded phloem
B. slpwood wane

Continued on Page 4 TODS Ver 2 .1 .9

7 | Jl


29 In working with hard i:oard there are things that need to be observed
I. when sawing the face should be up when hand sawn is used and
down when portable saw is used
II. casing nail is preferable rather than finishing nail where nail
holes must be filled
ITI. always predrill for both nail and screw
IV. ring-shank flooring nails is:rot advisable
A. r/rrr/rv ID. r,rr/Trr
B. fr, frf / rv f, rr, rv
30. A method of splitting logs into lumber when the logs 1s cut into four
parls and all cuts made parallel along each quarter of the logs.
r'A] Quarter sawing C. Flat sawing
B. Rift sawing D. Band sawing
31. A log input of 45 cu.m. was sawn by a rotary mill have a lumber output
of f,s+O bd. ft., however, when the same volume of logs was sawn in a
band mitl the luml:,er output is 13 , 356 bd. f t. , what is the difference in
the conversion efficiency betweell the two type of saws.
A. s0% 0D. 2oz
B. 30% 25e"

32. Xylem lies between the pith and the

A. phloem C. bark
D. sap wood
33. This preservative, when treated to wood,, cannot
ca be painted-over
satis f actori-ly
A. acid copper chromate
61 creosote OR I6IN AL fr
F.T B.
e. ce-Lcure
D. chromated copper arsenate
34. In timber mechanics it is that point through which the result out of the
distributed gravity force passes regardless of orientatj-on of the body
in space
A. free falling force C. specific gravity
ffi .",,a". of giavitY D. gravitational force
35. Heartwood of this species easy to penetrate with preservatives.
A. mancono C. yakaL
'8. tangile C apitong
36. The hemicelluloses that was dissolve during mechanical pulping and \",
peroxide bleaching can be harmful in white water. \'-'
A. Anioni-c C. Acid oulo
B. Peroxidal rDl Pectins

37. High power band saw is subject tq swaying movement due to the sawing N,y
height of 10 cm and the hard knots and cross grained of wood. The
solution to this problem.
A. The band saws should be sharpen after a partlcular period
of use \
B. Band saw should be thick enough to avoid vibration
C. Determine the appropriate cutting blade
ti) u=" of magnetic ntaae guidance
Continued on Page 5 TODS Ver 2 .7 .9
It uuay JJ .vv) vo;\J\.,, o..rll - rzavv lL(J(rll rd9e

38. Whic h of the following retard the development of decay in wood? \)
c High temperature
Available supply of suitable food
Small amount of air
Sufficient amount of moisture
39. fncreasing the electrical resistance and thermal insulating capaci,ty of
the wood is influence by
A. variation of how it is used
B. variation in thickness
unstable weather condition
change in moisture content from fap to oven dry
40. Low specific gravity wood is for furniture maki ng
A not in demand C. very in demand
not preferred D. preferred
4L. Warping of lumber is often caused by
' A. kiln drying
B. improper treatment 0ft lfitrd p\, LU
q. improper cooking F.T B.
,-,nlrrnn drying oi the four side
42. Specialized structures in hardwoods for conducting sap upward
A. latewood C. earlywood
ffi vessel D. tracheid
43. Feed rate is the distance that the stock being processed during a given
interval of time is often called :
A. orthogonal cycle C. peripheral \-yLru
B. complete cycle C tperationat n-rn
uJUre l a

44. Species susceptible to blue staining.

A. toog C. narra
{^E\ rattan D. apitong
A.\ Portion of the tree trunk that Iies between lhe pith and the cambium
A. phloem C. brash center
B. bark 0 xylem
46. A natural defect in wood
A. bird pecks,, C.. hit-and-miss
B. wave Hj Knor
47. It rs tne Iengthwise curvature of the wide surface of a board
A. cup C. twist A
B. bow QJ crook
48. Product of benzene, and qapthalene are usually produced through
' sulfonation process, such product is better known as :
A. sodium aldehyde
0 synthetic tanning material
C. synthetic wood preservative
D. acetic acid
49. A ring porous wood
A. white lauan tangi Ie
B. almon ffi narra
Continued on Page TQDS Ver 2.7.9
l!!uq/, Uury Jt awv) V9.Vv


50. The fourth Layer in a woody plant.

A. inner bark C. outer bark
B. medullary ray ffi sapwood wood
51 . Plants which are used for food coloring here and abroad
I. Aschuete
II. Yellow ginger
III. Red pepper ?
IV. Sweet peas
ttD. r,rrr
52. with completely filled resin canals.
A. almon C. narra
B. mayapis 0 bagtikan
53. Wood produced by coniferous spec'iCs
' /(1
is collectively known as
A. palms €", softwoods
B. bamboos D. hardwoods
54. Which of these wood properties used to be considered in measuring the
Ioad required to embed a 0.44 inches ball to one-half its diameter into
the wood? ..4.
A. impact bending fu;) hardness
B. tensile D. torsion
55. Insects are often look as destructive agent to wood conservation,
however, in the Iighter side insect has some economic value like;
T. food
II. decorative materi-aI
III. prevent spread of sickness
fV. source of perfume
'\ B,.. IV,II t-4 I,II
f\' 'V-"
55y/pesting water resistance of a wood is important in choosing hard board
yal/tor specific use, hence there is the need to determi-ne.
A. percentage of shrinking m percentage of capacity
B. oven dry weight D. water holding
57 . When alkali cellulose is treated with carbon disulfide'it forms an
alkali-soluble called
A. hemicellulose C. viscose yarn
B. viscose celluLose (D] cellulose xanthate
58. Grou.P'
'I of wood material with oily deposit.
I. supa
II. tambulian
III. kayugalo
IV. Gmelina
A. I,IV * f,rfI,II,IV
B. frr,rv ,,*, ,rrf
59. An example of non-pressure treatment process'
A rrrnrrrt C. bethel
B. rueping lD,l steePing
Continued on Paqe TQDS Ver 2.7.9
, uu!l' Jl Lvvr vu'u raYE


60. The distance that the stock being processed moves during a given
interval of time or operational gzcle.
A. peripheral cycle Sf feed rate
B. complete cycle D. orthogonal cycle
61. Cellulose molecules arranged
A. primary wall i' '" jD)
3: fl13:l:":Gl;{4"is#
. B. warty layer mrcrofibrils
62. A glue ;oint that _L5 poorly bonded because of insufficient quantity of
adhesive remained l_n the joint.
A. scarf joint C. sunken joint
e, starved joint D. blister
63. One way of improving the serviceability of wood by reducing its moisture
content to conform with the surrounding environment is calIed
A. air conditioning C. curing
(p. seasoning D. oven drying
64. To improve the stiffness, hardness of the surf,ace of a tempered
hardboard and improve its resistance to abrasion there is a need to
impregna te with moisture inhib,itor
sub j ect the board with heat and pressure before using
raise th e amount of additives
sub 3 ect the board with strength test

65. fn .' most cases damaqe by wood boring insects in wood is accomplished
dur ing
A. adult stage L? larval stage

B. pupal stage D. nymphs

66. Interior checks, usually along wood rays, caused by improper drying
A. spl:.t:l @ honeycomb
B. coLlapse D. checks
\'._.-'t, A ch emical product that gi-ve better protection from attack on wood
_'/ -,,
I l- be rs and had r\o odor or stain-transferring qualities.
/ A. Sulfur oxi-de C. NaCl
@ MetaIIic salts D. H2SO4

68. Micro-organisms primarily responsible for gray discolo4ation is

1$ *ildew C. ants
B. mollusk D. molds
69. One way of preventing growth of wood deca-'ying fungi is to subject
wood from--
A. sumberging wood from hot liquor
B. air drying
C. applying oiling process
Q) kiln dryins
10 In seasoning of r,vood, the most common defects are :
I. end checking
I] surface checking
II T warping
IV discoloration tr\
A. I] , and rv {5f ,r,rr and rrr
t). TT
aa ,III and IV D. I,II and IV
Continued on Page B TODS Ver 2 .1 .9
!!luqJI UurJ Jl ZVVJ VO.VV q.ltt.
- La.v v fIUUll r@Ys


11. Synthetic tanning materials which are the sulfonated product \)

I. BenEene
Il. Phenal
IfI. toluene
IV. acrylic acid
A. I,IV II, f II
B. II,III, TV r, rf / rrr
12. Heat and pressure is applied to bind plies in the manufacture of coated
plywood, such kind of plywood is caIled:
A. compressive plywood C. water proof plywood
(€) lamj-nated press plywood D. tempered plywood
A fabric that is produced from wood
a cr lk C. polyester
\".J\ ravon
flB lJ. Irnen
7t An oil-borne preservative.
A. aic copper chromate C. CCA
iB'i NaPCP D. AIl of these
75. As Forester, what will be your professional advise to those who are
taking herbal plant in its ra\^/ form.
A. consult the elders
f. take if no adverse effects to others
@ consult d.octor for advise
D. +r.zrla.f' fii ko
16. The measure of the maximum strength of the timber subjected to force
when installed as beams, floor joints and rafters.
A. toughness C. modulus of elasticity
{S modulus of rupture D. hardness
11. The advantages of using a portable spur free in 1og yarding in the
I. you could easily position in areas where log landing is
spacious and accessibte to loading point.
II. it is easier to install compared to a natural-ly standJ-ng
III. no need for accessory equipment to be attached.
IV. 1t requires less people to install the spur tree.
€) t, rI D. rrrrrl
18. Which of the following items constitute harmful effect of fungi to
and non lumb6r product?
woo t
I. stain the surface of wood
1I. causes wood decay
III. produce poisonous substance which is harmful to human being
IV. produce poisonous gas
A. II,IV c. rrrrrl,IV
4!, I,II D. III, IV
19. A kind of naval store which is a l-so known as calophony because of its
. brittle and friabl6 solid with a faint aromatic odor, the major
constituent of which is abietic acid.
A. sulfate turpentine C. Iatex
1ry. rosln D. turpentine
I I uurJ


80. It is essential to seasoni. wood to its expected EMC to
A. increase resistance to penetration of chemicals
B. Iower absorption of finishing alI
PJ minimi zinq shrinkage and swelling
D. improve its anatomical properties
B1 . The methods of extracting tannin from bark of trees are
r. open tank diffusion
II. percolation
III. decoction
rv. autocrave
ve I Un tryNlLE}.
A. r,rr,rff c. rrr,rv I F-T
B. r,fv @' r,rr
82. AIoqscaIesystemuseindeterminingthepotential-ofalog.
@)- Iumner c-ontent C. quality
B. grading D. lumber soundness
oJ. Veneer cut in continuous ribbon by centering the entire bolt in a lathe
and rotatlng it agai-nst the 1og.
A. rift-cut veneer sawn veneer
S* totury
B. sliced veneer (}} cutyveneer
OA The method of grading lumber into standard classes of strength as
affected by wood defects is called
A. Iumber grading C. log grading
B. veneer qraainq $ stieis gtuding
85. The three consideration which may influence the yield/quality of
'carbonized products from the wood.

I. heating volume
II. density
III. specres
IV. humidity of air
A. IfI , ff and TV C. f ANd IV
@ r, rr and rr I D. .II ANd IV
86. One of the most critical factor that causes paper cockling is due
to where small variation in local basis weight can cause the
A. separation cooking
B. screening e) formation
B1 Mode of drying veneer wood

r. air and loft drying

II. kiln drying
II]. veneer drier
IV. fire drying
A. II, I II and IV I and IIf
B. I, rI , lll and IV rD) l, II and III
BB. Box heart is a situation which t-he pitch falIs entirely with the four
side of a wood throughout its
A. width sap wood
B. CrOSS section length
Continued on Page 10 TODS Ver 2 .7 .9
- ----J r - --f raYE IU


89. Vapors from this preservative harmful to growing plants

,A., creosote C. CCA
B. borax D. permithrin
90. fnert, relatively non-adhesive substances which are added to the
. glue-mix to improve its working-&properties.
A. extractivls iitr.t
B. extender= Y. glue
91. Wood with high silica content causes di fficulty in machining which
A. uneconomical to process it
B. rouqh surface of lumber
(t blunting of cutting tools
D. Iot of wastage
92. 3 to of moisture content is very ideal for dipterocarp veneer for
with phenol formaldehvde.
A. painting (pJ qfui
SD. treatment
B. creosoting
93 The force sometimes express pound per square inch of pul1 required to
break the interval bonding of a panel board is called
A. breakeven point G] tensile strength
B. modules of elasticity D-. modules of rapture
94 A sawmill has a conversion or recovery f actor of 0.6. Estj-mate the
repoverable Iumber in bd. ft. the log input is 100 cu.m.
is} 25,440 bd.ft. c. 10, 000 bd. ft.
B. 6 , 000 bd. ft. D. t0 ,440 bd. ft.
95. A by-product recovered from spent sulfate cooking liquor of a sulfate
,..-- .u engaged in pulp and paper making.
A. SuIfur oxide C. Coal tar
f* suifate turpentine D. Sulfuric acid
96. Cellulose molecules arranged into ordered strands during growth of tree.
A. wood rays C. vessels
B. tracheids iD') fibrils
91. Very visible in almost temperate wood, which usually appearing in a ring
-/, f orm
A. tracked ring S') annuat ring
B. resinoid D. hygroscopic ring
9B The manufacture of a hardboard are done by two processes these are
A. clipping and cooking
B. cooking and laminatir-ig
C. cutting fibers and hot pressing
iDr weL and dry process
99 Importantodetermining the deflection of flexural members and controll rng ir
the bucking of compression members.
A. touqhness C. modulus of rupture
moOufus of elasticity D. hardness \
100. Nipa shingles are preferred than that of galvanize roofing in
A. ,ith ,ett pronounce wet season
B. with two pronounce seasorl
C. near the mountai-n
{ft. near the ,;ea *** E N D ***

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