Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects: Rodchenko V. B., Prus Yu. I

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Економіка та управління національним господарством

UDC 338.22:364-152

Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects

 2017 Rodchenko V. B., Prus Yu. I.

UDC 338.22:364-152
Rodchenko V. B., Prus Yu. I.
Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects
The aim of the article is to identify the current trends in the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine as a new form of doing business in the context of socio-
economic transformations. By analyzing and generalizing scientific works of many scientists, the evolution of the development of social enterprises is considered, the
views of researchers on the definition of the concept of «social entrepreneurship» and its key factors are systematized. The modern tendencies, main barriers and
opportunities for the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are revealed. As a result of the research, differentiation of social enterprises according to the
level of social and business activity is proposed. The experience of formation and development of social entrepreneurship in European countries is studied. It is sub-
stantiated that under the current conditions of transition from the resource-oriented paradigm of economic development to the value-oriented one, the motivational
component of human labor changes: money loses the role of a key motivational factor; possibility of creating economic values for others by implementing own plans
and initiatives comes to the fore. A prospect for further research in this area is studying regulatory and legal aspects of the emergence of social entrepreneurship in
Ukraine as a driver of sustainable economic development of the country.
Keywords: crowdfunding, entrepreneurial activity, social activity, social entrepreneurship.
Fig.: 2. Tbl.: 1. Bibl.: 15.
Rodchenko Volodymyr B. – Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Department of Management and Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
(4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine), Deputy Director, Education and Research Institute Karazin Business School (1 Myronosytska Str., Kharkіv, 61002,
Prus Yuliia I. – Lecturer, Department of Management and Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

УДК 338.22:364-152 УДК 338.22:364-152

Родченко В. Б., Прус Ю. І. Соціальне підприємництво в Україні: Родченко В. Б., Прус Ю. И. Социальное предпринимательство
проблеми та перспективи розвитку в Украине: проблемы и перспективы развития
Мета статті полягає у визначенні сучасних тенденцій розвитку Целью статьи является определение современных тенденций разви-
соціального підприємництва в Україні як нової форми ведення біз- тия социального предпринимательства в Украине как новой формы ве-
несу в  контексті соціально-економічних трансформацій. Аналізу- дения бизнеса в контексте социально-экономических трансформаций.
ючи й узагальнюючи наукові праці багатьох учених, розглянуто Проанализировав и обобщив научные труды многих ученых, рассмо-
еволюцію розвитку соціальних підприємств, систематизовано по- трена эволюция развития социальных предприятий, систематизи-
гляди дослідників щодо визначення поняття «соціальне підприєм- рованы взгляды исследователей на определение понятия «социальное
ництво» та його ключових факторів. Визначено сучасні тенденції, предпринимательство» и его ключевых факторов. Выявлены совре-
основні бар’єри та можливості розвитку соціального підприємни- менные тенденции, основные барьеры и возможности развития соци-
цтва в Україні. У результаті дослідження запропоновано диферен- ального предпринимательства в Украине. В результате исследования
ціацію соціальних підприємств за ступенем соціальної та бізнес- предложена дифференциация социальных предприятий по уровню со-
активності. Вивчено досвід становлення та розвитку соціального циальной и бизнес-активности. Изучен опыт становления и развития
підприємництва у країнах Європи. Обґрунтовано, що у сучасних социального предпринимательства в странах Европы. Обосновано,
умовах переходу від ресурсо-орієнтованої парадигми економічного что в современных условиях перехода от ресурсо-ориентированной
розвитку до ціннісно-орієнтованої відбувається зміна мотиваційної парадигмы экономического развития к ценностно-ориентированной
складової праці людини: гроші втрачають роль ключового мотива- происходит изменение мотивационной составляющей человеческого
ційного чинника, на перший план виходить можливість створення труда: деньги теряют роль ключевого мотивационного фактора,
економічних цінностей для оточуючих шляхом реалізації власних за- на первый план выходит возможность создания экономических цен-
думів та ініціатив. Перспективами подальших досліджень у цьому ностей для окружающих путем реализации собственных замыслов
напрямі є вивчення нормативно-правових аспектів становлення со- и инициатив. Перспективами дальнейших исследований в данном на-
ціального підприємництва в Україні як драйвера сталого економіч- правлении является изучение нормативно-правовых аспектов ста-
ного розвитку країни. новления социального предпринимательства в Украине как драйвера
Ключові слова: краудфандинг, підприємницька активність, соціальна устойчивого экономического развития страны.
активність, соціальне підприємництво. Ключевые слова: краудфандинг, предпринимательская активность,
Рис.: 2. Табл.: 1. Бібл.: 15. социальная активность, социальное предпринимательство.
Родченко Володимир Борисович – доктор економічних наук, професор, Рис.: 2. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 15.
кафедра управління та адміністрування, Харківський національний Родченко Владимир Борисович – доктор экономических наук, профессор,
університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна (пл. Свободи, 4, Харків, 61022, Україна), кафедра управления и администрирования, Харьковский национальный
заступник директора, Навчально-науковий інститут «Каразінська университет им. В. Н. Каразина (пл. Свободы, 4, Харьков, 61022, Украи-
школа бізнесу» (вул. Мироносицька, 1, Харків, 61002, Україна) на), заместитель директора, Учебно-научный институт «Каразинская
E-mail: школа бизнеса» (ул. Мироносицкая, 1, Харьков, 61002, Украина)

72 Проблеми економіки № 3, 2017

Економіка та управління національним господарством

Прус Юлія Ігорівна – викладач, кафедра управління та адмініструван- E-mail:

ня, Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна (пл. Свобо- Прус Юлия Игоревна – преподаватель, кафедра управления и админи-
ди, 4, Харків, 61022, Україна) стрирования, Харьковский национальный университет им. В. Н. Кара-
E-mail: зина (пл. Свободы, 4, Харьков, 61022, Украина)

Problem statement. Under conditions of market trans- cal methodological and applied aspects of development of so-
formation of economy a state’s ability to perform its social cial enterprises is studied by foreign scientists such as T. Arc-
functions properly is limited. In this connection, attracting taedius, E. Wilson, G. Dees, P. Drucker, J.-L. Laville, M. Kram-
businesses to solve urgent social problems has become more er, D. North, M. Porter, M. Walzer, J. Hausner, R.Szarfenberg,
and more relevant. However, does business really do some- etc.
thing in order to prevent the current challenges that can de- For example, yet in the early 20th century a world-re-
stroy the world (global warming, shortage of fresh water, etc.) nowned manager, father of the automotive industry H. Ford in
in order to take care of the environment and people working his book «My life and work» noted that the highest use of capi-
for it? A common answer to this question is corporate social tal is not to make more money, but to make money do more
responsibility that is an effective tool for improving the current for the betterment of life. Until we solve social problems in our
situation. For example, «Philip Morris» and «British Ameri- industry we won’t be doing our basic job. We won’t be able to
can Tobacco» are socially responsible companies supporting serve to the utmost [12].
development of education, environmental improvement and During the panel discussion «Intro 2017: The man of the
development of the locations in which they are involved. How- future» at Lviv Business School of Ukrainian Catholic Univer-
ever, they continue to make profit by producing tobacco. sity, T. Arctaedius, founder of the Center for Social Entrepre-
According to professor at Harvard University, one of the neurship Sweden stressed that social entrepreneurship is more
authors of the concept of «creating shared value» (CSV), M. likely to be successful than traditional business. The reason for
Porter, social issues are most important to business today, they this is people. It’s good to have an idea, but it’s important to re-
should be the key factors that determine the prosperity and alize it, you should believe in it. Under such circumstances so-
wealth of the organization [15]. cial enterprises have an advantage, because it’s easier to work
Nowadays the world focuses on finances, they are mea- when you have passion and enthusiasm [2].
sure of success and impact. Undoubtedly, solving social prob- Ukrainian scientists – A. Arapetyan, V. Geyets, N. Hol-
lems requires a lot of money; however, the constant accumula- ubiak, M. Dolishnyi, O. Kiryayeva, A. Kornetskyy, V. Nazaruk,
tion of money can’t be a real mission of activities of companies M. Naumova, V. Udodova, etc. – focus on the issues of dif-
nowadays. There is another approach to resolve the situation – ferentiation of social business and social entrepreneurship,
volunteering. Some people are willing to donate their own free definition, identification of applied aspects of public-state
time just to make this world a little better. They realize that partnership, role of social policy, innovation potential of so-
each of them must be involved in solving social problems and cial entrepreneurship, international experience and practice of
begin to act at a local level. However, what is going to happen implementation.
when these people get the scaling tool and, most importantly, Manager of the social investment program «Western
what this tool is? Experience of developed countries (the UK, NIS Enterprise Fund» V. Nazaruk is convinced that social en-
Canada, the USA, France, Sweden) confirms that this effective trepreneurship becomes a fashionable trend in Ukraine, since
tool is the development of social entrepreneurship. it is discussed at various events and attracts many NGOs ini-
According to A. O. Kornetskyy, Associate Professor at tiative groups or just active people. Using entrepreneurial ap-
University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro, Ukraine), scholar proaches to solving social problems allows depending less on
of Fulbright Faculty Development Program (DePaul Univer- the state budget, which is sorely lacking, and ensures quite a
sity, Chicago), some day only social entrepreneurship will exist sustainable development for vulnerable groups of society. It
in the world. You will be pleased to think of a business that brings the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine
solves a social problem but at the same time allows making to a new level [4].
money. You are even willing to give up part of your profit if this Founder of the charity shop «Laska» A. Uvarova is sure
part will really change anything for the better. You are ready that social entrepreneurship is a driver of economic develop-
to do social business but something is missing. Now we lack ment in the future because today people are guided by emo-
confidence in each other, we expect that we will be deceived or tions and social business can give them emotions. According
blocked. Confidence comes in communication and the topic to her observations, people come from the corporate sector to
of social entrepreneurship goes far beyond classic business. the charity shop «Laska» to find a job because they are looking
It includes not only business issues but also issues of ethics, for emotions, not money, since they have already made enough
morality, psychology, and motivation. Social entrepreneurship money. People are willing to work for lower wages, with ir-
is evolution of business into something more. Such entrepre- regular schedule and as a consequence want to create their
neurs are drivers of changes [14]. own business [2].
Analysis of recent researches and publications. The At the same time issues of analyzing the current state
phenomenon of social entrepreneurship is often associated of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine and its promotion still
with achievements of economists and sociologists. Theoreti- remain unresolved and require a thorough study.

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Економіка та управління національним господарством

The aim of the research is analyzing modern trends of For the first time the term «social entrepreneurship» can
development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine as a new be found in scientific publications by B. Drayton, the founder
form of business in the context of socio-economic transforma- of the largest international organization Ashoka, in 1972. He
tion. defines social entrepreneurship as an innovative approach
Presentation of basic material of the research. The that allows individuals to solve serious social problems faced
cooperative movement was the impetus for the development by their community. The activity of a social entrepreneur is in
and research of social enterprise in the late 1980s in Italy. Thus recognizing the situation when a part of society is restricted in
activities of social cooperatives were regulated at the legisla- its development and removing the restrictions [5, p. 35].
tive level and divided into two groups: cooperatives provid- The definition of social enterprise by American Profes-
ing services in health care, education, care for the elderly and sor G. Dees is most common in foreign scientific literature. He
disabled; cooperatives providing employment services to vul- identified five factors that determine social entrepreneurship:
nerable groups of people. Their activities were associated with ‚‚ assuming the mission of creating and maintaining
identifying and solving urgent social problems of a wide range social values;
of people, which became a socio-economic and legal innova- ‚‚ identifying and using new opportunities for imple-
tion in the country. mentation of the chosen mission;
First successful social entrepreneurs were J. Durand, ‚‚ implementing the processes of continuous innova-
M. Silbert, J. Dalton, M. Yunus. tion, adaptation, and learning;
For example, J. Durand began working with seven men- ‚‚ decisive actions not limited by available resources;
tally retarded people in 1964. Today it is Minnesota Diversified ‚‚ high responsibility of an entrepreneur for perfor-
Industries — a social enterprise that provides jobs for more mance of his/her activity both directly to customers
than 500 invalids. In 2000 the company announced its annual and society [5, p. 36].
income of USD54 mln which comprises only half a million of According to J. Dees, the purpose of enterprise is cre-
funds received from grant makers [1]. ating the best value for its customers while the main goal of
In 1963 J. Dalton established Pioneer Fellowship House social entrepreneurship is finding and implementing oppor-
for alcoholics. Each resident of the house has to pay $25 per week tunities for identifying and satisfying social needs as well as
for housing and apartment services, keep up with household their changing.
chores and attend evening meetings. Nowadays Pioneer Human In our opinion, social entrepreneurship can be under-
Services (PHS) has more than 5,000 clients a year, employs 900 stood as a balance of social objectives and a commercial com-
staff and has an annual budget of about USD55 mln [11]. ponent. Money isn’t a goal but it’s a tool for achieving social
It should be noted that in Ukraine the cooperative move- objectives that allows an entrepreneur to remain stable and
ment (today it is called social entrepreneurship) started in the constant independent of donor inflows.
west of Ukraine with the company Prosvita in 1868. Represen- In theoretical and applied aspect it is necessary to dis-
tatives of this company, when organizing a network of read- tinguish the term «social entrepreneurship» and «corporate
ing rooms, simultaneously established at them the first simple social responsibility» by degree of social and business activity
outlets, shops and savings partnerships [1]. (Fig. 1).
Social entrepreneurship Socially oriented entrepreneurship Corporate social responsibility

Social activity Social activity

Social activity +
activity Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial
activity activity

А) embedded B) integrated C) external

1) social and / or environmental and 1=2) social and / or environmental 1) profitability;

/ or cultural purpose; and / or cultural purpose; 2) market competitiveness;
2) receive income (profit); 1=2) profitability; 3) social and / or environmental and / or
3) participation of service users in 3) market competitiveness; cultural purpose;
decision-making; 4) participation of service users in 4) participation of service users in
4) market competitiveness; decision-making; decision-making;
5) reinvestment of income for social 5) reinvestment of income (profit) for 5) reinvestment of income (profit) for
purposes social purposes social purposes

Criteria of social entrepreneurship

Fig. 1. Differentiation of social entrepreneurship by degree of integration of social and business activity
source: developed by the authors based on [7; 10; 11]

74 Проблеми економіки № 3, 2017

Економіка та управління національним господарством

Business that implements the social function only at the Today in Ukraine there are about 700 enterprises that
level of social responsibility (1C) includes companies whose can be classified as «social entrepreneurship». The most fa-
main mission is a commercial entrepreneurship and that sup- mous among them are the bakery «Gorikhovyi dim», the tour-
port social projects within sponsorship or other forms of co- ist club «Manivtsi», the pizzeria «Pizza Veterano», Lviv candle
operation. Such companies belong to the group of «socially manufactory, the family club «Territory of development», the
responsible». rehabilitation center «RID-Rekaveri», the charity shop «Box
For «socially oriented» companies (1B), their business of good things», the Recreation center for children from the
is partially integrated with social activity, and their social Eastern Ukrainian regions and the local community, etc.
mission, along with the commercial purpose, aims to achieve During II Ukrainian Forum of Social Entrepreneurs in
certain social objectives (employment of disabled persons, Kiev, which took place on 16 November 2016, it was estab-
resolution of social problems by creating enterprises to reduce lished that the largest number of employees at social enter-
unemployment, etc.). prises is about 100 people, in many of them the number of
The companies that belong to the group of «social entre- volunteers exceeding the number of employees [13].
preneurship» (1A) are most socially active. These are the com- The only source of funding for almost half of social en-
panies the primary mission of which is achievement of social terprises is commercial activity. There are companies whose
effect and profit is a means to perform this mission. Recently activities are funded by grants but their number doesn’t exceed
these companies are created primarily in the segment of small 50.0 %. 1/5 of social enterprises in the country are supported
business. Their mission is the social adaptation of vulnerable by credit means. The quarter of social enterprises emphasize
groups of people, maintaining and updating of cultural heri- that the main source of their funding is the own funds of the
tage, educational services, etc. founder [13].
In Ukraine the terms «social entrepreneurship» «social Some social enterprises are financed by crowdfunding
enterprise» and «social economy enterprise» are not approved that provides for collective cooperation of people (donors),
legally. Thus we can conclude that officially there are no social who voluntarily pool their money as a rule through Internet,
enterprises and social entrepreneurship in Ukraine. However, in order to support efforts of other people or organizations
there are principles in different regulatory and legal sources (recipients).
that allow creating enterprises that by international standards Today in Ukraine there is only one site of the kind —
can be classified as social ones [8]. Most social enterprises of «Spilnokosht – crowdfunding in Ukraine». It is a contribution
Ukraine provide jobs for target groups with which they are to the development of a strong and open society where one can
connected by their main activity. The main purpose of their raise money for a project, find start-up capital for social busi-
activities is achievement of positive financial and social ben- ness, money to develop an invention or make a movie.
efits by investing [5]. The interest in social entrepreneurship Using this platform 132 social projects totaling UAH
appeared in Ukraine in the early 2000s, but entrepreneurs still 8.72 mln were implemented successfully and 12 projects are
don’t fully understand its potential for themselves and for solv- expected to be implemented [9, p. 73].
ing social problems. Today only few companies publish reports on their
According to manager of the social investment program websites, though a successful business starts with announc-
«Western NIS Enterprise Fund» V. Nazaruk, for the last three ing results of its activities. Only 34 social enterprises pro-
years in Ukraine there has been a boom of social entrepreneur- vided information about their profit in 2015, and 18 ones —
ship that is caused by the economic and social situation in the in 2014. The largest profit is USD2.8 mln and the lowest is
country. However, for Ukraine such enterprises still remain a UAH5.5 ths [13].
novelty [4]. According to the Catalog of social enterprises, the ac-
In European countries this sector exists for a long time tivity of Ukrainian social enterprises concentrates mainly in
and is well developed. For example, there are about 100,000 the sphere of services – almost 67.0 % of enterprises (educa-
social enterprises with more than 2.5 mln employees in Ger- tion, sports clubs, tourism, tire servicing (as a rule, such ac-
many. For comparison this is three times more than in the tivity doesn’t require considerable financial investment in its
sector of automobile production that employs 750,000 work- starting up); then the combination of production of goods
ers [10]. and provision of services – 26.0 % follows (light industry and
In the UK social entrepreneurship appeared in 1844 but, psychological assistance, production of Ukrainian souvenirs,
similar to Ukraine, over the past three years it has found a new vocational and technical training / activity of driver training
lease of life. Nowadays the country has about 70,000 of social schools, social assistance without providing accommodation
enterprises. Their contribution to the economy is GBP 24 bln a for the elderly and disabled). Only 7.0 % of enterprises are en-
year, which it is about 9.0 % of GDP [10]. gaged in production activities (nutrition, printing, agriculture)
According to project «SELUSI» aimed at exploring more (Fig. 2) [8].
than 600 social enterprises in Europe, the main areas of their According to study [8], attractive forms of management
activity are social services (16.70 %); employment and learn- for social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are NGO + individual
ing (14.88 %); environmental protection (14.52 %); education entrepreneur (28.0 %), NGO (26.0 %), individual entrepreneur
(14.52 %); economic, social development, and community (15.0 %), limited liability company (13.0 %), enterprise of asso-
development (14.34 %); culture, art, and recreation (7.08 %); ciation of citizens (13.0 %), charitable foundation (2.5 %), and
health care (6.90 %); housing (2.72 %); business associations private enterprise (2.5 %).
(2.00 %); legislation, advocacy, and policy (1.63 %); and others Founder of the charity shop «Laska» A. Uvarova states
(4.72 %) [3]. that today the most relevant area for development of social
Проблеми економіки № 3, 2017 75
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7,0 %

26,0 % Рrovision of services

Production of goods and provision of services
Production of goods

67,0 %

Fig. 2. Classification of Ukrainian social enterprises by spheres of activity, %

source: developed by the authors based on [8]
entrepreneurship in Ukraine is environment, in particular The analysis of achievements of Ukrainian scientists
recycling. Also community development and assistance to on the study subject and interviews with social entrepreneurs
people with disabilities, their attraction to work are popular provided an opportunity to highlight the barriers to social en-
in Ukraine [2]. trepreneurship in Ukraine (Tbl. 1).
Table 1
The main barriers to the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine

Classification group Characteristics of barriers

‚‚ imperfect legislative base in the field of social entrepreneurship;

Legislative ‚‚ limitation of legislatively defined organizational and legal forms of social enterprises;
‚‚ complicated process of registration of social enterprises
‚‚ misunderstanding of the nature and role of social enterprises by the public;
‚‚ uncertainty of consequences of privatization of public and social services

External ‚‚ lack of financial support from the state;

‚‚ lack of financial support from corporate business;
‚‚ lack / small amount of tax incentives for social enterprises;
‚‚ system of small businesses crediting
‚‚ critical level of bureaucracy;
Regulatory ‚‚ corruption;
‚‚ lack of mechanisms to support the creation and development of social enterprises
‚‚ lack of funds for startups;
‚‚ slow return on investment;
‚‚ increased financial risks;
‚‚ limited financial resources
‚‚ lack of entrepreneurial experience;
Staffing ‚‚ low level of workers’ skills;
‚‚ consideration for the requirements / creation of conditions for disabled
‚‚ lack of coordination between social enterprises as well as between organizations of the
Managerial third sector;
‚‚ lack of skills for management of social enterprises
source: developed by the authors based on [7; 10; 11]

In addition, according to director of the municipal NGO of V.  N.  Karazin Kharkiv National University there opened
«Narodna dopomoha – Lviv» and founder of social bakery a series of free courses for social startupers on the basics of
«Horikhovyi Dim» (Walnut House) Yu. Lopatynskyy, the main starting and doing business, and the School employees pro-
problem in the development of social business in Ukraine is vide mentorship support for social projects. On 25 May 2017
the lack of entrepreneurial education for those who create it. the «» project – a service ensuring interaction
If business schools opened doors for startupers of social entre- between young professionals and business – won the national
preneurship it would be a significant step forward [11]. competition of e-democracy projects «Egap Challenge Demo-
In view of the above mentioned, it should be noted Day on iForum – 2017».
that there are examples of successful cooperation of social In contrast to the barriers to the development of social
enterprises and business schools in Ukraine. For instance, at entrepreneurship, it seems appropriate to bring 5 great op-
educational and scientific institute Karazin Business School portunities for its development in Ukraine that are singled

76 Проблеми економіки № 3, 2017

Економіка та управління національним господарством

out by experts from the All-Ukrainian Resource Center for the country, necessitates updating the existing normative and le-
Development of Social Entrepreneurship «Social Initiatives», gal acts, since today there are no government regulations and
including [4; 7; 13]: laws related to social enterprises and choice of new priorities
‚‚ lack of government regulation and laws that would for development of the country, regions, local communities
restrict social entrepreneurship within specific areas. that correspond to the dominant socio-economic trends.
There is a great opportunity to choose the most In this regard in further studies it seems appropriate to
suitable organizational and legal form for social analyze legal aspects of the formation of social entrepreneur-
enterprise. Therefore, the germ of a social enterprise ship in Ukraine as a driver of sustainable economic develop-
can evolve from a commercial project of NGO to ment.
a public joint-stock company;
‚‚ availability of resources that are not involved in
traditional business (especially human resources – literature
unprotected and vulnerable members of society: the
disabled, HIV-positive people, elderly people, ethnic 1. Арапетян А., Архипчук О. Чисті прибутки соціального
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2.  Беловольченко Г. За соціальним підприємництвом
‚‚ interest of big business in outsourcing that contributes
майбутнє: експерти про благодійний бізнес у світі та Україні
to small business development;
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‚‚ growth of loyalty to products of social enterprises; pidpryyemnytstvom-majbutnye-eksperty-pro-blagodijnyj-biznes-
‚‚ support of social enterprises by foreign funds and u-sviti-ta-ukrayini/
organizations (the «Monsanto» fund, the international 3. Каталог соціальних підприємств України 2013 року/за
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the transformation of the traditional economic concepts  – його роль у соціально-економічному розвитку суспільства.
transition from resource-oriented paradigm of economic de- Україна: аспекти праці. 2014. № 4. С. 34–39.
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role of economic benefits as a means of achieving a high level 7. Швиданенко Г. О., Бойченко К. С. Розвиток підприєм-
of social standards acquire a paramount importance. One of ства: стратегічні наміри, ризики та ефективність: кол. моногра-
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