Si Part 2 Jan 2014

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pe et es o PARTE = lic #7" January, 2014, Tuesday = # ‘1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. (3 Hours) Total - 100 marks Attempt all Questions as directed Q. A. Answer in one sentence. (1x25=25) 1. Name any two live Attenuated Vaccines, 2. Name any two killed vaccines. 3. What is pasteurisation? 4, What is xeropthalmia 5. Expand D.O.T.S. 6. Whats V.V.M2 7. Give the names of any two communicable diseases. 8 What is zoonosis? 9. Whatis an Epidemic? 10. " Name the causative organism of leprosy. Write the other name of Vitamin ~ B1 42, Name the disease caused due to Vitamin — D deficiency in children and in adults. 43. How much kilo calories (Keal) are provided by one gram of proteins? 14. Name any two important sources of Vitamin — A. 15, What is Goiter? 46. Expand B.C.G. 17. Give names of any two food borne diseases. 18. Whats the utility of Montoux Test? 19. Give full form of HIV/AIDS. 20. Name two reasons of drug resistance in Tuberculosis. 21, When Food and Drug Adulteration Act was implemented in India? 22. Give full for of 1.C.D.S. 23. What is Scurvy? 24, Which drug is used in the radical treatment of Malaria? 25. Name the disease which was declared eradicated from India in the year 1977. Q. B. Write briefly. (Any Three) (5X3=15) 26. Immunity 27. Modes of transmission of disease 28. Qualities of good counsellor. 29. Important complications of Mumps. 30. National Immunization Schedule. Q. C.. Write short notes on (Any Eight). (5X8=40) 31. Diabetes mallitus 32. ORS, 33. RNT.CP. 34. Contents of nutrients. 36. Notifiable diseases, 36. Lathyrisim. a7. 38. 39, Communication. Objectives of School Health Programme. Accidents. 40. Personal Hygiene. Q. D. Answer briefly (Any Four). (5x4=20) a P.M. 42, Nematodes of Public Health Importance. 43. Hazards of obesity 44, Dengue Haemorrhagic Syndrome. 48. Personality. 46. Hypertension. $s

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