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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! We are going to present the

For Introduction, we will tackle the trends, issues, objectives, and
contribution of the study.
For the current trends and issues ... We are all aware of the current
situation that changed our traditional classroom settings. This gave us
the idea to develop a LMS.
The main objective of the study is to ... through this, we will be able to
continue improving student performance, enhancing student learning,
and getting students to be active in the learning process.
Improving all these will bring great contribution to the institution. It will
contribute to institutions credibility ... as it may continue to lead


Next is statement of the problem ... The aim of the study is to …
It also aims to answer the following questions.
Number 1 is … Number 2 … Number 3 … and Number 4 …


Next are methods and techniques used in the study … because it is the
best and accurate research method for this kind of study. It also ensures
that the findings are accurate and may provide information quickly to
construct Hypothesis.
What is Quanti?
Quantitative research is focused with gathering numerical data and
generalizing or interpreting it across groups of people.


For respondents of the study, we will need IT experts and end users.
For IT experts, we will use purposive non probability sampling with the
population of 4 or 11.76% of the respondents.
For end users, we will be using convenience non probability sampling
with a population of 30 or 88.24% of the respondents that consist of 20
students, 8 teachers and 2 administrators.


Next is Instruments of the study …


Researchers will seek approval of the respondents.
For formality and to assure them that their data will kept confidential.
Discuss the purpose of the study.
To let them know the essence of the study that we will be doing.
Interview and provide questionnaires through Google Forms.
So we could gather necessary data.
Consult IT experts for suggestions to develop the system.
So we would know if we are doing the right thing, and guide us in the
right path of finishing the system.
Development of the Learning Management System
Since we already gather information that we will need to start the
system, and assess everything with the help of the Experts, we will now
start developing LMS right away.
Evaluate the system using the instrument.
This is needed to make sure that we did everything right according to
client’s expectations.


… We will be using weighted to analyze the tabulated data and to
determine the acceptability of the developed system; the results of
weighted mean will be assessed.

Why or How do you chose your topic?

- We chose this topic because of the current situation that we are
experiencing. We want the incoming college students to have
easier access in school works, and lessen their time traveling going
to school.
What are the issues why do you choose your topic?
What are your objectives?
- Main objective is to develop a system that will allow students to
access their learning modular online, faculty to create lesson
content online, and administrators to monitor the interactions of
students and teachers.

How may your study benefits to your client?

- It will help them attract more students and improve the school’s
quality of education.

What is your theoretical framework?

- The theoretical framework of this study Agile Methodology.

Can you define what your theoretical framework is?

- The Agile methodology is a way to manage a project by breaking it
up into several phases. It involves constant collaboration with
stakeholders and continuous improvement at every stage. Once the
work begins, teams cycle through a process of planning, executing,
and evaluating.

Why do you choose that framework?

- The Agile lifecycle adds structure to what is a fluid and flexible
method of delivering a working product. It consists of five phases
such as initiation, planning, development, release, retirement that is
perfect for project's software development lifecycle that we will
need to finish the system.

What is your conceptual framework?

- We chose IPO Model as our conceptual framework.

Why did you choose IPO MODEL for conceptual framework?

- We choose to represent our progress through IPO Model because it
is easy to use and the clients will easily understand it as well.

Kindly explain each frame in your IPO Model.

- INPUT frame consists of User Requirements, Software
Requirements, and Hardware Requirements. These are the
necessary requirements for the study.
- PROCESS frame uses the input frame of the study in order to
develop the system. It uses an agile methodology.
- OUTPUT frame is the Development of Learning Management

How do you choice your statement of the problem?

- We chose our statement of the problem based on the possible
problems that we might encounter while developing LMS.
How do you think your statement of the problem can help you in
writing your study?
- It will serve as our guide in developing LMS.
What is ISO 25010:2011?
- It is the characteristics and sub-characteristics that provide
consistent terminology for specifying, measuring and evaluating
system and software product quality. 

What is the scope of your study?

- Students can access their learning modular online.
- Faculty to create lesson content online.
- Administrators to monitor the interactions of students and teachers.
- They also have their own interface that can view all the subjects
that they are enrolled in, as well as, the lesson content of each of
the subjects.

What is delimitation of your study?

- The students cannot facilitate the enrollment of the subjects; only
the administrators have the access to such changes.
- LMS doesn't have a forum for exchanging conversations.
- LMS cannot print any of the provided information.

Can you summarize your review of related literature per topic?

- Our RRL consists of traditional teaching and learning process,
concepts of creating LMS, and different type of SDLC (System
Development Life Cycle)

What is SDLC?
- It is a process followed for a software project, within a software
organization. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to
develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific software.

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