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What's New in IBM BPM 8.5.

Chris Vavra – Offering Manager
Paul Pacholski – Technical Sales Lead
Matthias Kloppmann – Chief Architect

Business User Experience
Responsive Federated Process Portal – Supported!
• Responsive, Federated
Process Portal is now
fully supported
• Functional parity (with
some exceptions) with
the 8.5.6 Process
Portal for desktop
• Responsive: supports
specific features for
smart phone and tablet
• Federated: supports
Process Federation
Process Portal Supports Process Federation Server
• Single Portal UI to work on tasks
from multiple Process Servers
• Provides process isolation
– Isolate important process BPM 8.5.7 – Server 1
applications into their own cells
– Avoid resource contention
• Simplify migration via drain BPM 8.5.7 – Server 2
down approach
– Finish existing work on old BPM 8.5.6 – Server
– Start new work on new servers
• Massively scale BPM
infrastructure across cells BPM – Server
– Third scaling dimension (in
addition to horizontal and vertical)
– Scale beyond a single cell-scoped
BPM – Server
New Table View

Business data

Sort and move Use “Edit Columns” to select

columns columns from System
Variables and Business Data

Responsive Portal – New Saved Search Support

Search Title

Create Saved Search

Saved Search
Responsive Portal – New Saved Search Support

Multiple filter criteria based

on both task business data
and system data

Saved Searches can be

either private or exposed
to a specific Team

Select columns from Filter criteria instantly

System Variables and reflected in the search
exposed Business Data
UI Developer Experience
Rapidly Create a Responsive UI
Transform DOJO based UI to responsive UI
Design a modern UI experience
Define the Corporate Look and Feel
Customize the Process Portal
Client Side Human Service (CSHS) editor
• Updated CSHS Editor in Web Process Designer
– Now at par with Server Side Human Service Editor in Eclipse Process
• Provides additional features required for CSHS development
– Data change handler
– Improved Postpone support

Updated CSHS Editor: Some Examples

Nested Human

Variable Pre and

initialization Post

Exposed Process
Variables and

New Data Change

Handler can be used for
Clint Side validation

New CSHS Editor Capabilities – Event Handlers
Data Change Event Handler
Error Event Handler
Triggered by a Boundary
Triggered when Error Fault
is thrown

Create New Client Side Human Service

Select initial Grid


“Use as a nested service” -

when selected you will be able
to reuse this CSHS

“Intended for use with multiple

devices” – when de-selected
you will see both new and
deprecated Coach Views

Responsive Coach Views
• DOJO based Stock Coach Views are deprecated

• Replaced with New Responsive Coach Views based on

AngularJS (v1.3.1) / Angular UI Bootstrap (v0.12.0)

• Responsive Coach View Toolkit (Tech. Demo in 8.5.6) is

now fully supported
– Functionality at par with deprecated Stock Coach Views and
in many cases improved
– Becomes the “default” coaches toolkit for new projects
– Automated conversion from DOJO Coach Views
Use Coach Views to Build Responsive User Interfaces
• Key Features
– “Responsive” UIs adapt to the runtime form factors automatically changing the look and
feel of the UI
– Coach Views configuration settings are responsive and support three form factors
Medium (641 - 1024 px)
Small (0 - 640 px) Large ( > 1024 px)

– Authors of new Coach Views can define responsive configuration settings

– Support mobile browsers
• Cost effective way to enable BPM on Mobile devices
– No need to author separate UI for different device sizes (write once run everywhere)
– No need to author native mobile apps
Responsive Coach View Support in Coach Editor

Selection of Large (desktop), Medium

(tablet) and Small (phone) form factors

Responsive setting value for

Form Factor icon shows the
selected form factor
currently selected form factor
Responsive vs Traditional Coach Views
Heritage Coach Views Responsive Coach Views


Inline Date

Native iPhone
Date Picker

Map is not initially

displayed. Must
click View Map
button to navigate
to the Map Page.
WYSIWYG Coach View and Coach Editor
Runtime view identical
to Editor view

• Coach Views look the same in editor and at runtime

• Author Coach Views with less frequent need to test
Rapidly Create a Responsive UI
Transform DOJO based UI to responsive UI
Design a modern UI experience
Define the Corporate Look and Feel
Customize the Process Portal
Converting Detracted to Responsive Coach Views

UI Conversion tab in Process

App Settings

Artifacts that contain deprecated

Coach Views:
• Composite Coach Views
• Heritage Human Services
• Client Side Human Servccies

Dependent Toolkits that contain

Select and
deprecated Coach Views – Must
be converted first!

Coach View UI Conversion: Heritage to Responsive
Rapidly Create a Responsive UI
Transform DOJO based UI to responsive UI
Design a modern UI experience
Define the Corporate Look and Feel
Customize the Process Portal
New Grid Layout – Grid Layout View
• New Grid Layout Switch Coach View to
View in Coach Click here to change
Grid Layout View

View Designer and orientation vertical

or horizontal
Coach Designer
• Layout View of a
coach or coach
view provides the
grid mode where
you define areas
for content The Pick from a predefined
grid layout is Click on edge to either add grid layouts or create
where you can more grid cells either your own
vertically or horizontally
arrange content
using grids,
Header Footer
containers, and Layout with one
cells. cell added

Cells and Cell Containers

Cell container with This cell is 2

two horizontal cells This cell is
units wide
10 units

Grid layout settings

are responsive

• Define horizontal or vertical cell size

• Each cell container has 12 units
• A cell can span between 1 to 12 units
Content View – Add Coach Views to Grid Cells
Content View. Can now drag and drop
Coach Views to Grid Cells

Grid Layout View. Used for grid

container and cell layout
After a Coach View is added the Completed Coach based on the
“empty” cell indicator goes away Header Footer Layout

Rapidly Create a Responsive UI
Transform DOJO based UI to responsive UI
Design a modern UI experience
Define the Corporate Look and Feel
Customize the Process Portal
New Theme Support for Coach Views
• Enables to change the look and feel of all Coach Views in a Process
App in a centralized and flexible manner
– Font Type, Font Size, Color, Font Weight, Section Edges Rounding

• Authoring time Theme propagation

– The same Coach View in a toolkit can be re-skinned by numerous Process
Apps without touching the toolkit

• Run time Theme change

– A deployed Process App may have its look and feel updated without
changing and redeploying the Process App via Admin command
Applying Themes to Process Apps and Toolkits
• Theme is set in
Process App Settings
tab of a Process App or
• This affects all Coach
Views including the
Coach Views that come
from included toolkits
• The Toolkit theme
setting is there mainly
for testing purposes It
always gets
superseded the
Process App Theme

Theme Support Example
WYSIWYG Theme Editor – Create and Edit Themes

Edit LESS format source

Instant feedback shows
the effect of style
Use color picker to changes on all out of
select the desired the box Responsive
color Coach Views

Click WYSIWYG view of

control to see what
setting it uses

Use font picker to

select the desired
Theme Change Support – Technical Background

• Theme support is based on open source CSS pre-compiler called:

@bpm-btn-default-bg: #9fe; less variable declaration

.myButton {
background-color: @bpm-btn-default-bg; CSS class using less variable

.myButton {
background-color: #9fe; After compilation
Rapidly Create a Responsive UI
Transform DOJO based UI to responsive UI
Design a modern UI experience
Define the Corporate Look and Feel
Customize the Process Portal
Configure the Process Portal in WAS Admin Console

• Who can modify tasks (reassign, due date, • Task List format (list or table)
• Order of Dashboards
• Disable refresh behavior: cometD (from
portal), autorefresh (from server) • Open tasks in new browser window
• Disable social features • Enable portal from inside HTML frames
• Set default start page 33
Disabling Social Capabilities in BPM Process Portal

Experts and Stream

tab removed

Admin Console
setting to disable

Experts and Stream

tab removed

Add Links to Heritage Process Portals

Links to BPM Process Portal

of the BPM servers that
cannot be federated (pre-

Add Links to Heritage Process Portal

Customizing the Coach View

to add Links to BPM Process
Portal of the BPM servers
that cannot be federated

Apply New Theme at Runtime!
• Administrators can use new Admin command to change the theme at
– Any deployed Process App Snapshot (including BPM Process Portal) can
have its Theme changed at time
– No need to deploy new Snapshots just to change the look and feel

[-sourceContainerAcronym ThemeApp
-sourceContainerSnapshotAcronym 1.0
-themeName Spring
-targetContainerAcronym SYSRP
Apply New Portal Theme - Before

Apply New Portal Theme - After

Customize the Responsive Process Portal App

BPM Portal
Coach Views Stock Coach
(Responsive) Views
Client Side Human
Services contain
the main Coach

Process Portal: Human Services and Coach Views

Change Config Options on Portal Coach Views

BPM Portal Options

configurable in Coach

Change Config Options on Portal Coach Views

BPM Portal Options

configurable in
Coach View

Many settings are

Process/Case Developer
Spectrum of Work Patterns (Process – Case)
Develop a Case (Process)
Convert a BPD or Case into a Process
Launch External UI for Headless BPM
Spectrum of Work Patterns
Ordered Sequence Some Unordered Some Activities Unordered Set
of Activities (Ad-hoc) Activities with Ordered Steps of Activities

Process Model Next Step Determined By Knowledge Worker

Determines the Flow Determines the Flow

Structured Unstructured
Business Objects Documents

BPDs and Cases are One
Case Type and BPD converge
as new artifact called Process


• Process combines the function of a BPD with the • No need to make decide weather to start with a
activities and content of a Case Types Case or BPD
– Ad-hoc activities with appropriate behavior • Enables more granular authorization and task
– Folders/sub-folders/documents (local or external) ownership control than Case Types
• Process supports case patterns, as well as • Structured activities have the same document
structured and unstructured process flows in a access and control as former Case Types
single BPMN process model • Common process instance UI for interacting
• “Case Type” solutions are no longer restricted to with Process instances
BPM Advanced • Content in any internal/external ECM, always
– No need to pay for and install “Basic Case Manager accessed via CMIS
Feature” 47
Updated Web Based Process Designer
available for debug

Each editor includes usability

enhancements over eclipse editor:
i.e. “expand folders”

Artefact you can

author in Web Based
Process Designer

Spectrum of Work Patterns (Process – Case)
Develop a Case (Process)
Convert a BPD or Case into a Process
Launch External UI for Headless BPM
Authoring “Case Types” in BPMN Notation

Automatically launch “hidden” activity

(Linked Process) when a document
is added or case variables updated

Report on Case Metrics

using tracking points.

Manual activities can be

assigned to different
teams (not possible for
Case Types prior to

Start using custom Launch UI

Start by adding a documnt

New ECM Servers for Use with Processes
• Processes can
use any ECM
Server that
support CMIS
• Use the same
CMIS based
Use Servers tab to
interfaces for declare all the external
ECM Servers used in a
external ECM Process App
servers as for
the internal BPM
ECM server

New - Document Folders Available to Processes
• Define locally
managed folders
• Define
references to a
folder that is
managed by an BPM internal ECM server Document Types
external ECM available on
external server
External ECM server

Path can be a JavaScript

expression to ensure folders are "/Dispute Management/Runtime Documents/"
unique for a given process
instance +
New Launch UI for Processes

UI that is customized for members of

the instance owners team to interact
with a Process instance

UI Started automatically when a

Process Instance is launched
from Process Portal – none is Used to initialize
provided by default process variables

Process Portal – Customizable Details UI

Process Folders are powered

by new Responsive Coach
Views for folder and
document management

New Responsive Document Coach Views

• The Content Management toolkit has

been updated with the Responsive
Document Coach Views
• The original controls remain in the
toolkit but are deprecated.

All Content Events Avilable to Processes
• Any Event from any ECM product New Start Event Type: Document.
Does not need UCA.
may be consumed in a Process Easier to author than ECM Content Events!

– Start Event of type ECM Content

– Event Subprocess with Start Event of
type ECM Content

• New Event Type formerly avilable

only for Case Types is now avilable
in Processes (without explicit event
– Adding document starts instance
– Adding documnets starts Ad-hoc
Activity (document preconditins)
Ad-hoc Activities – Implementation
• Activities that can have Ad-hoc behaviour when not connected
– User Task (Single user interaction)
– Sub-Process (Embedded within the Process)
– Linked Process (Separately authored Process) Can author start activity
preconditions on
Preconditions tab

Can author ad-hoc

behavior on General
tab 57
Report on Case Metrics Using Tracking Points
• Prior to v8.5.7 Tracking Points cold only be set on wires

• New way to define Tracing Points for unwired activities was introduced

Unified Playback, Debugger & Process Inspector
Prior to v8.5.7 debug and inspector support was inconsistent
New Process Inspector for Processes
• Use the same Process Inspector to run and debug your processes,
services, and tasks in the Web Process

Start a new Process

instance and switch
Inspector View in Web Designer

Toggle to see a list of active process


• Refresh
• Open Instance Details UI
• Modify due date
• Suspend
• Terminate
• Set user authentication (in debug user
different from task user)

• Start task
• Launch debugger

List of active and competed Tasks

List of all active Tokens

Change process instance variables

Inspector Instances View
Filter by text in the
instance title

Search for all process

instances of the
Process you are
working on in Web
Process Designer

Inspector View with ability to

filter instances
This is the same View as found
in Process Admin Console

Enhanced CS Human Service Debugger in Web PD
Launch Debugger from
“Step Into”
debug a CSHS
launches a

• Step over
• Step Into
• Show playback window
• Refresh
• Terminate

Execution Current
path breakpoint

Change process instance variables

Spectrum of Work Patterns (Process – Case)
Develop a Case (Process)
Convert a BPD or Case into a Process
Launch External UI for Headless BPM

Convert Case Types or BPDs to Processes

Eclipse-based Process Designer Web-based Process Designer


Convert Case Type to Process
Case Type opened in
Read-only mode

Document Types not used in Process but

are kept as they may be required to
reproduce equivalent Folders in an
Convert Case Type
External ECM
to Process

Convert Case Type to Process

v8.5.6 Case Type Editor V8.5.7 Process Editor

Convert BPD to Process

Initially all BPD appear in

BPD Conversion tab

After conversion former

BPD shows up as Process

Convert BPD to Process

BPD Editor - Eclipse Process Designer Process Editor - Web Process Designer

Spectrum of Work Patterns (Process – Case)
Develop a Case (Process)
Convert a BPD or Case into a Process
Launch External UI for Headless BPM
Responsive Process Portal: Launch External Task UI

• Launch custom UI directly from the process portal task list

– Allows to use external UI for completing a Task (BPEL, Process or BPD)
• Authoring
– Process developers specify a URL and associated business data as URL
parameters for external activities within process designer.
– When federated, the system will automatically add a parameter to identify
from which process server the task originated.
– In your custom web-app use BPM REST API to retrieve and save task data
and to complete task
Launch External Activities – BPD and Process

This User Task is

implemented as an JSP pointing to external EAR.
external JSP Passing to the JSP via URL parameters
• taskId to invoke from JSP RESt API for this task instance
• Task data passed from the process instance
External Activity Implementation

Launch External Activities – BPEL with Human Task

Select “External

Specify URL pointing to the jsp with

external UI
Pass htm:task.instanceID to substitute
the runtime value of the HTM instance ID
Under the Hood
What’s New from an Architecture and Programming Perspective
Architecture Topics
• Merge of case and “BPDs”
• External ECM support
• Federated access to multiple BPM Systems
• API Alignment and Simplification
• Administration & Migration Enhancements
• Process App Validation via Cloud Service

“Process” now covers BPD and Case
Sequence Flows
- Activities
- Gateways Lanes
- Events Process
Ad-hoc Views
Activities Exposing
General Instance
Properties Owners

Folders Document

Folders & Documents – Internal & External
Single view of All CMIS-compliant
Local documents Process documents
tied to Content stores
Process lifetime

Internal External
Document ECM
Store Product

Locally managed Locally managed External folder External document

folder document reference reference

BPM Internal Ref: BPM Database Ref: BPM Database

BPM Database
Document Store Folder: any ECM Document: any ECM
Contained objects tied to process lifetime Referenced objects with independent lifetime

Federating Access to Multiple BPM Systems
Portal or any
custom UI
• Task list queries (saved Client application
Federated search
searches) served from Direct API calls otherwise
PFS index
• Launchable entities
require special config
Process Federation Server
• Other APIs served from Search API Liberty-
respective backend based
Elastic Search
– Requires CORS setup
BPM 8.x
version BPM



Federating Access to Multiple BPM Systems
• Federation allows to
– Concurrently run any number of existing BPM systems (any V8.* version, back to
– Deploy new BPM systems
– Through a single user experience, completely transparent for end users

• Federation works below the API level

– So it also works for custom UIs coded against the API

• Benefits
– Transparently integrate independently evolving IBM BPM systems
– Pull up new BPM 8.5.7 system avoiding migration: “The best migration is no migration”
– Scale beyond a single installation – additional dimension beyond horizontal and vertical

Federated Portal Setup and Configuration
• Set up federated
• Add federated backend
• Configure client
• Secure communication
on all channels

Defining Federation Policies
• “Entities” available via multiple federated systems require appropriate
– Non-federated, good for dashboards – typically want to see one per
federated system
– Federated, good for launchable entities, such as startable processes –
shows a single (but versioned) entity that can be launched
– Global, similar to Federated, but consolidates even across versions – shows
a single entity that can be launched
– For both Federated and Global, the actual target system is determined as
part of the policy (either static or round-robin)
• “Entities” can be identified using a variety of filter conditions
– Based on system, name, type, container
– E.g., “all dashboards” or “this specific process version”
Docker image for PFS
• PFS will be made available as a docker image via Docker hub
• No separate license

API News for Programmers
• BPM 8.5.7 starts to combine the various programming interfaces into a
single, simplified, common REST API – delivered as a sample
– Common, standard terminology for resources
– Simplified way to identify resources – names, not IDs
– Same API for all kinds of processes
– Same API for direct interaction or interaction via federation server

• API is documented using Swagger 2.0

– Industry standard for REST API metadata
– Active documentation, allows for easy and direct experimentation

API Structure – REST Resources and Examples
• Process App & Toolkit
• Process Model & Process
• Task Model & Task
• Service Model & Service
• User & Group
• Search & System

API Programming Example

Current New
• Get process apps
– GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/processApps POST /bpm/processes?model=HR+Open+New+Position

• Iterate over these looking for name="Hiring Sample"

• Single line of code, and no UUIDs
– Grab its poId (a big hexadecimal UUID)
– Note: use GET /bpm/process-models to get available
• Get “assets” (BPDs, etc.), passing UUID of appropriate values
process app – Optional “app” and “version” parameters
– GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/assets?processAppId=<uuid>
• Iterate over these looking for type="BPD", name="HR Open
New Position"
– Grab its poId (another big hexadecimal UUID)

• Start the process (passing UUID of process app and asset)

POST /rest/bpm/wle/v1/process?action=start&bpdId=

Administration & Config Enhancements
• Improved scripting/automation of configuration
– Full CRUD capability for all config properties (100config.xml) via
updateBPMConfig command
– Updates all config files in a DE
• Full configuration of endpoint service, to define URLs per scenario
– Significant simplification of endpoint service setup procedures
• Improved scripting/automation of external system configuration
– Such as ECM, ODM, Web Services
• Extended information in config export
– Also export common system and DB information
– Simplifies PMR interaction
Migration Enhancements
• Simplified migration of environments
– BPM config export / import only take care of BPM artifacts
– Related WAS artifacts can now also be exported and re-imported via
exportWASConfig / importWASConfig
• JDBC providers; JMS providers, queues, topics, SIBs; connection factories;
namespace bindings
• Cleaned up generated DB scripts for migration
• DB upgrade accessing live profile
– Completely avoids need for manual profile upgrade before DB upgrade
– (Profiles will be upgraded automatically upon server start, as before)
• Add Business Process Archive Manager to existing DE
Other Enhancements
• Saved searches
– Now editable in (the new) Process Portal
– As end user, can use shared saved search as basis to define own (non-
shared) saved search
– Authorization change: By default, now only owner or admin can modify or
delete shared saved searches
• Enhanced BPD process cleanup
– Can cleanup even active process instances (unconditional termination)
– Simplified command line parameter structure
• Additional Operating Environments
– Support for RHEL, Ubuntu, SUSE all on Power 8 LE
Process App Validation – Wombat Service
• What it does:
– As-is Cloud service to analyze the artifacts of a BPM project
for potential issues, anti-patterns, or errors
– Goes beyond error validation that’s built into IBM BPM
– Takes TWX and Project Interchange Files of
• All IBM BPM editions since V7.5
• All IBM Monitor versions
• All versions of WebSphere Process Server, WebSphere Lombardi Edition and even
Teamworks V7.0
• How to use:
– Service: – requires IBM ID for authentication
– Support community at IBM developerWorks:

Process App Validation – Wombat Service

• Compelling Business UI Development
– Responsive Stock Controls
– Transform DOJO Controls into Responsive UI
– Client Side Human Service (CSHS) enhancements
– WYSIWYG coach editor with Grid Layout
– Graphical Theme Editor for coach and portal styling
• Responsive Federated Process Portal
– New Reponsive Portal UI
– Saved Search for Individuals and Teams
– Launch External Activities and BPEL Tasks
– Portal Configuration & Customization
– Federated Portal
• Case Capability as Standard
– Converged editor for Process & Case
– Unified Playback, Debugger & Process Inspector
– Consistent use of CMIS compatible content repositories
• Operating Environment updates for BPM and Business Monitor

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