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S1 French Homework Project (Modules 3+4)

Un Français/Une Française célèbre

A Famous French Person

Like Scotland, France has produced many people who have become world-
famous for what they did and achieved. Areas of achievement you may
want to consider are:
• Scientists, inventors, chemists and engineers
• Medicine – doctors and researchers
• Historical figures – kings, queens, emperors
• Political figures – presidents and military figures
• Artists and painters
• Film stars
• Writers of novels or poems
• All Sports – athletes, players, team managers

Find out about a famous French person. Do some research on her/him

and write between 1 and 2 sides about him/her in English. If you have a
picture of the person you could also write 2 or 3 phrases in French to
describe them using words we learned in Module 2.
You will have a chance to present your work to the class.

Format choices:
a) write it by hand on paper (your teacher will give you some if needed)
b) type and print it out (Our printer doesn’t do colour)
c) prepare it as a Powerpoint on your memory stick (if you do this, print out the slides
after presenting it to the class)

Present your work carefully. Your finished writing piece will be put in your Language
folder in English.

Pictures and illustrations are not essential, but if you want to use 3 or 4 keep them
This research must not be just ‘cut and paste’.
You must write your findings in your own words.
The sorts of things to include in your research about the person:
• Where and when were they born?
• What did they do that made them famous?
• What were the key moments in their life?
• What influence/effect did they have on others at the time?
• What lasting benefits/effects did they achieve?
• Does the person/ did they have any links with Scotland?

You could try to find out more about someone you already know a little bit about or
you could choose from these suggestions:

• Science: Louis Pasteur, Pierre and Marie Curie, Gustav Eiffel

• Mathematics: Blaise Pascal, Pierre de Fermat
• Historical figures: Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette, Napoléon
• Political figures: General De Gaulle, President Sarkosy
• Artists and painters: Renoir, Monet, Toulouse-Lautrec
• Film stars: Gérard Depardieu, Audrey Tautou
• Writers: Jules Verne, Victor Hugo, Charles Perrault
• All Sports: Thierry Henry, Zinédine Zidane,

Where can you get help and information?

School library, town library, books and encyclopedias you may have at home.
Internet web browsers

Most search engines will give you loads of websites to look through.

You could try:

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