Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person

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Introduction to the Philosophy

of the Human Person

Activity booklet


Subject Teacher


Grade level & Strand

What I Know

Looking back…
• How do you feel about the pandemic?
• What made you feel that way?
• What did you about it? Were you able to resolve it?
• What did you do during the duration of the pandemic?
• Write it all down in a piece of paper

Let’s reflect…
• What is the most memorable thing that happened during this time? Find the silver lining

What I Have Learned

Setting goals and reaching them!

• For you, what is a good goal?
• What are some criteria to truly say that it is a good goal?
• Write down a goal statement that you want to achieve at the of the school year. S.M.A.R.T Goals

Let’s reflect…
1. What piece of information stood out for you?
2. How can you use this information in your life and soon?
3. What lessons can you take from this exercise?

Module 1
Direction: Write your answer in the space provided below.

1. What words come to mind when you hear the word Philosophy? Why do we need to study Philosophy?
Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer on the space provided below.

1. Give a situation where you are adopted a holistic view in looking at a problem or situation.
2. How can having a holistic view help us become better individuals.

Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer in space provided below.

1. How can a person benefit from philosophizing?

2. What are the reasons that compel a person to engage in philosophical thinking?

Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer on the space provided below.

1. Have you ever had an experience were reflecting on your actions benefitted you?
2. Has reflection ever helped you avoid making a bad decision?

Direction: Complete the table below. Write your answer on the space provided.
Module 2
Direction. Choose five words you found inside the box. Write down other related words or ideas that can you think of in relation to the
words you choose. Write you answer on the space provided.


Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. Give 5 examples of a factual statements and 5 examples of an opinion.


Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. How will you determine the truth from an opinion?

Direction: Read the conversation below and answer the following question. Write your answer on the space provided.
Lover’s Quarrel
Shanon: Did you hear about what happened between Angel and her boyfriend? Vanvan: What happened?
Shanon: They got a huge fight last night. Angel called me up. She was crying and she said that Mike hit her.
Dean: Wait, what? That’s not right? Mike came by my place last night and he was pretty shaken up. He had scratch marks on his arms and
a bite on his left hand. He said Angel just attacked her and was accusing him of seeing another girl.
Shanon: No! Angel said it was Mike who started to hit her, and she had to defend herself!

1: As friend of Angel and Mike, how will you react to the statements given?

Direction. Select one issue from the current issues in our society today. How do you apply methods of philosophizing in determining the
truth. Write your answer on the space provided.

Module 3
ACTIVITY 3.1.1: One’s Limitations and Possibilities
Direction: Complete the chart below. Make sure that you ask or consult your parents or any adult who have witnessed your development
and reflect before you write your answer in the space provided.

ACTIVITY 3.1.2: One’s Limitations and Possibilities

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions.
1. What are your limitations as a person? What are the things that you consider as difficult or hard for you to accomplish or believe in?
2. What are your strengths? What are the possible things or status that you can reach or achieve in the future?
3. What are the factors affecting your limitations? How about possibilities?
4. Do you see yourself improving in 5 – 10 years’ time? How can you say that you are improving?
5. How can you go beyond your current limitations?

ACTIVITY 3.2: Limitations and Possibilities for Transcendence

DIRECTIONS: Complete the chart by rewriting your present limitations with reference to your answers in the previous activities. Make an
action plan towards transcendence.
Discover and try it on the following questions and answer them briefly on your activity notebook.
1. The world continues to change quickly. Nowadays, the generation gap can easily be seen in everyday life because of new technological
advances being introduced at a fast pace. In your personal experience, does technological advancement limit or improve the possibility for
transcendence? Why? Why not?
2. Look around you. Observe the environment and identify possible factors that may limit transcendence. You may also put yourself in the
position of those who experience such limitations. Identify ways on how you may overcome those challenges.
What do you think? Is reaching transcendence always a good thing? Why? Why not?

Module 4
ACTIVITY 4.0: Human Person in their Environment
DIRECTIONS: Interview a person who is 45-60 years old. Be guided by the following questions:
1. What are the things that you remember in your environment when you were my age?
2. What were the things that you like doing when you were young?
3. What are the positive and negative changes in the environment?
4. Do you think environment plays a vital role in a person’s development? Why or why not?
5. Distinguish the ecocentric from the anthropocentric models. Cite examples.
6. How do humans react to nature? Explain. In what way are your answers positive or negative?

Summative Test
DIRECTION: Read the sentence carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why do some people fail to experience transcendence?
a. They have a feeling that it will not occur. c. They are not hardworking.
b. They are not meant to experience it. d. They have a goal that is too challenging for them to achieve.
2. Which of the following statement is true?
1. Transcendence is for younger ages.
2. Transcendence is similar to self-actualization.
a. Statement 2 b. Both statements 1 and 2 c. Neither statement 1 nor 2 d. Statement 1
3. How does the human body play a role in transcendence?
1. The body has its limitations.
2. The body functions against transcendence.
a. Statement 2 b. Statement 1 c. Both statement 1 and 2 d. Neither statement 1 nor 2
4. Which statement about transcendence is true?
1. It only starts during old age
2. All personal limitations are clearly defined.
a. Both statement 1 and 2 b. Neither statements 1 nor 2 c. Statement 1 d. Statement 2
5. What do you call the state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience?
a. Transition b. Transcendence c. Transformation d. Transgression
6. What does the term scandare mean?
a. “to exist” b. “to impart” c. “to climb” d. “to deduce”
7. According to this philosopher, the human person is an embodied spirit. Who is he?
a. Socrates b. Aristotle c. Immanuel Kant d. St. Thomas
8. Which of the following is a biological limitation for transcendence for a student whose goal is to be a valedictorian?
a. Joining a dance troupe c. Watching videos over the internet
b. Being absent for a week due to fever d. Criticism from his teacher on his science project
9. Which of the following is not a possibility for transcendence?
a. Looking for help c. Working to reach a goal
b. Having a positive outlook d. Learning from experience
10. This is the ability to make choices and perform actions, and is intrinsic and essential property of the human person. What is
a. choice b. freedom c. freewill d. moral
11. There are three kinds of freedom. Which kind of freedom also called as freedom of choice, wherein the person is free to
perform actions that he or she considers right and wise?
a. physical freedom b. psychological freedom c. spiritual freedom d. moral freedom
12.While walking on the corridor, Alex dropped the books that he is carrying. You see what happened to Alex, and you hurriedly
run to help him. What kind of freedom you exercised?
a. physical freedom b. psychological freedom c. spiritual freedom d. moral freedom
13. Allen joins the gift giving activity for the victim of typhoon Yolanda after hearing the news. She act on her own free will and
self -determination. What action has been shown?
a. pakitang tao b. voluntariness c. self love d. responsibility
14. It refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems______.
a. Doubt b. Academy c. Holistic Thinking d. Partial Thinking
15. It focuses on specific aspects of a situation, as an individual focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem to understand it.
a. Doubt b. Academy c. Holistic Thinking d. Partial Thinking
16. It is the process by which specific statements are analyzed to reach a conclusion or generalization.
a. Academy b. Deductive reasoning c. Holistic d. Partial
17. It requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and action and to learn more about one’s life and
a. Reflection b. Observation c. Knowledge d. Doubts
18. The Greek term for philosophy, philosophia, means ___.
a. Holistic Thinking d. Partial Thinking c. Love of wisdom d. Knowledge
19. The word Philos is a Greek word means_________.
a. Love b. Wisdom c. Philosopher d. Philosophy
20. Sophia is a Greek word for ___________.
a. Love b. Wisdom c. Philosopher d. Philosophy
21. The people who engage in philosophy are called________.
a. Love b. Wisdom c. Philosophy d. Philosopher
22. He was considered the foremost philosophers of ancient times. He was credited with formulating the Socratic
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Democritus
23. A student of Socrates, he wrote down his mentor’s teaching and incorporated some of his own ideas into them included his
Theory of Forms________.
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Democritus
24. What is the role of the environment in achieving sustainable development?
1. It can reproduce resources.
2. It is the venue for producer-consumer relationships.
a. Statement 1 b. Statement 2 c. Neither statement 1 nor 2 d. Both statements 1 and 2
25. Which of the given statements is true about frugality?
1. It is only limited to tangible or solid materials
2. It applies to a select few.
a. Statement 1 b. Both statement 1 and 2 c. Statement 2 d. Neither statement 1 nor 2
26.Which of the given statements is true?
1. Prudence and frugality can only be applied in one environment.
2. Looking at aesthetics is a way of determining disorder.
a. both statements 1 and 2 c. statement 1
b. neither statement 1 nor 2 d. statement 2
27. Lila wants to buy an expensive phone using the money she has been saving since last year. She asked for her friends’ opinions
in making her decision. Which among her friends is frugal?
a. Jen suggested that she should spend the money for travel abroad.
b. Marco advised her to spend the money on the expensive phone.
c. Aiza said that she should go on a shopping spree using the money.
d. Jack suggested that she should keep the money for future, more important uses.
28.In which of the following scenarios is prudence demonstrated?
a. Ordering food that you can consume c. Keeping the lights on all day
b. Searching assignment answers over the internet d. Being friendly to neighbors

29. What is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason?
a. Transcendence b. Frugality c. Aesthetics d. prudence
30. What is the act of using or other resources wisely and practically?
a. Aesthetics b. Prudence c. Frugality d. Economics
31. What may be a sign of an environmental disorder?
a. Lack of material things b. Lack of resources c. Lack of friends d. Lack of space
32. Which among the following options is a disorder in the environment?
a. A basket of unwashed dirty clothes c. A garden with dying plants
b. A house with no single plant d. A library with a small number of books
33. In what way can the environment contribute to health and well-being?
a. It can be available anywhere. c. It an produce products that provide medicinal value.
b. It is the source of life. d. It is made up of consumers and producers.
34. What is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human action?
a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
35. Which is reciprocating debts of gratitude between coordinates and subordinates holds the whole group together?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. utang na loob
36. A term that show sharing of one’s self to others?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
37. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?
a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
38. Which deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge?
a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
39. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations?
a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
40. What is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every human being to know what is real?
a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
41. The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave everything to God which is Bathala?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
42. These are comprised of statements that provide views on a certain matter.
a. Ad Hominem b. Conflict c.facts d.opinion
43. A fallacy which the idea is acceptable because it has been true for a long time.
a.facts b. Appeal to Tradition c.opinion d knowledge
44. A kind of biases which a person or group is connected to or has a vested interest in the issue being discussed.
a. Framing b. opinion c. knowledge d .Conflict of Interest
45. It is the clear awareness and understanding of something.
a. Ad Hominem b.knowledge c.culture bias d. Framing
46. A kind of biases which is focusing on a certain aspect of a problem while ignoring other aspects.
a. Framing b. Ad Hominem c. facts d.conflict
47. Is by analyzing an event or issue based on one’s cultural stand.
a. Cultural of Bias b. Conflict c. Fallacies d. Appeal to Tradition
48. These are statements which are observed to be real or truthful.
a. Conflict b. Appeal to Tradition c. Facts d. Fallacies
49. These are comprised of statements that provide views on a certain matter.
a.opinion b. Conflict of Interest c Fallacies. d. Conflict
50. A fallacy which is attacking the person presenting the argument instead of the argument itself.
a. opinion b. Fallacies c. knowledge d. Ad Hominem

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