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Reference books for math Olympiad

Compulsory reading for Olympiads:

1. Geometry Revisited, Coxeter and Gratzer. (Every geometers delight).

2. Problems in Plane Geometry, I.F. Sharygin. (Apparently the standard
introductory geometry work out).
3. Polynomials, E.J. Barbeau. (A gold mine of algebra. Maybe a little advanced.
Maybe Prof. Santhanam's book is proper for the intermediate level).
4. Elementary Number Theory, David. M. Burton. (Classic beginner’s book.
Appeals at all levels.)
5. Discrete Mathematics:Elementary and beyond, Lovasz, Pelikan and
Vesztergombi. (Makes counting fun!.)

Recommended reading:

1. Episodes in 19th and 20th century Euclidean geometry, Ross Honsberger.

2. From Erdös to Kiev: Problems of Olympiad Caliber, Ross Honsberger.
3. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Niven, Zuckerman and Montgomery.
4. Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads: Evan Chen.
5. Bijective Combinatorics: Loehr.

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