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The Human Condition

We are more alike than different…

1. Write about a time you experienced Love…. (5-7) sentences.

Since the first day I saw her I felt that she is the one who I loved. I met a beautiful girl at my job
yesterday named Yaretzi. I never seen her before until yesterday. When she first talked to me, I felt that
I was going to die because a cute girl talked to me. That when I started to feel something in my chest
and my mind that I fall in love with Yaretzi.

2. Write about a time you experienced fear……(5-7 sentences)

The worst fear I ever felt was when I was little when ducks started chasing me. When I was 5 I
remember my Dad and me we always go to a pond near Walmart. I always enjoyed being with the ducks
until they went crazy started chasing me and pecking the heck out of me until I ran back to the car. I still
fear of the ducks of the pond that they will still chase me. So I never came back to the pond with the
fear of the ducks attacking me.
3. Write about a time you felt alone or misunderstood.(5-7 sentences)

When i enter in my first 9th grade classes, I saw no one that I know since middle school. I felt that this
year I be lonely forever. After the second semester started I haven’t made any friends and haven’t
talked to people because I was a shy person. I was always lonely until I met a old friend in 11 th grade we
mostly forgot about each other. Since that day I still feel alone but I least I have one friend with me.

4. Write about a time you experienced happiness. (5-7 sentences)

When I turn 17 year old my Dad bought me a car. When I first saw it I felt happy when he told
me that it was for me. When I started driving the car to work I always felt happy driving the first
car that my dad ever bought for my birthday. Today I still enjoyed using the car to go anyplace. I
never felt this much having this car.

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