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In document : C:\Users\FishT\Downloads\DE 442 Plaintiffs Motion FOr Atty's Fees &
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File : DE 442 Plaintiffs Motion FOr Atty's Fees & Cos s & Costs, May
18, 2020.pdf

Page: 14

Page: 30

tit> 10/18 JWK Levin. $350.00 O.'W $245.00 12/10/18 SM Confer

Page: 80

and Levin re: JWK Receive and review Defendants' Motion for Reconsideration of

tit> ReU2: Recipient Neal Levin Freeborn & Peters, LLP 311 South Wacker Drivo CHICAGO IL

Review email from Mr. Schneider re: the
proposed one month extension of time
and requesting billing invoices in a
12/05/18 SM different format. $225.00 0.10 $22.50
Select case law for consideration in
12/07/18 JWK developing litigation plan. $350.00 0.60 $210.00
Prepare for and attend various meetings
with Messrs. Kohan, Childers and Messrs.
Wells, Ward, Snow, Plasz, Berton and
12/10/18 JWK Levin. $350.00 0.70 $245.00
12/10/18 SM Confer with co-counsel. $225.00 0.10 · $22.50

Finalize Plaintiffs Notice of Compliance
with this Court's November 27, 2018 ~
12/11/18 SM Order. $225.00 ~ ,.40 $90.00
Electronically file Plaintiffs Notice of

12/11/18 SM
Compliance with this Court's November
27, 2018 Order. $225,,.00 (11;0 $22.50

Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider a copy of ~ ·

the as-filed Plaintiffs Notice of

Compliance with this Court's November
27, 2018 Order.
Prepare for attorney's fee hearing. ,~25.00
• ,,,'$~50.00
12/12/18 HHB Prepare status email to Attorney H 9 i~ $350.00 0.40 $140.00
12/12/18 HHB Telephone call from Attorney Ha~ins,,.'-.. I)" $350.00 0.30 $105.00
Review Order Resetting the IV)e~~ory
Attorney's Fees, Costs and,E1'Renses, on
the Court's Non-Jury DoGl(e't aA~¥ecting
Prehearing Procedure<f1,l~wing
December 12, 201 8!0S,m.,Motion
12/12/18 SM Calendar Hearii:ig~ $225.00 0.20 $45.00
Gather exhibits-Jo tlie Motions for
12/12/18 SM Attorney's ,~ ~sisq)fs and Expenses. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
12/12/18 SM Confer with co-boUnsel. $225.00 0.60 $135.00
Email ~ ~ihs re: the December 12,
12/12/18 SM 2018 Oraers,entered
by the Court. $225.00 0.50 $112.50
12/14/18 HHB ~\eviaw law [attorneys' fees]. $350.00 0.50 $175.00
Prt a~status email to Attorney Hawkins
(Fp;,B's expert witness/Attorney's Fees-
01/02/19 H ~ Costs). $350.00 1.00 $350.00
Keview transcript of hearings on motions
relating to reconciling deadlines set by
court orders and resetting date of

evidentiary hearing on motions for
attorneys' fees. $350.00 0.60 $210.00
Y' Review and comment on draft email to
Mr. Hawkins re: My. Wyman filing a
Notice of Appearance and scheduling the
01/02/19 SM meet and confer. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
01/02/19 SM Confer with co-counsel. $225.00 0.40 $90.00
Review Order and draft Plaintiff's Notice
of Compliance with this Court's December
01/07/19 SM 12, 2018 Order. $225.00 0.50 $112.50
Electronically file Plaintiff's Notice of
Compliance with this Court's December
01/07/19 SM 12, 2018 Order. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
Review email from Mr. Wyman re:
scheduling a hearing on the Bank's
Motion for Entry of Supplemental
02/19/20 SM Judgments. $225.00 0.10 $22.50
02/19/20 SM Confer with co-counsel. $225.00 0.40 $90.00
Revise draft Motion for Entry of
02/19/20 SM Supplemental Judgments. $225.00 0.60 $135.00

02/19/20 SM Email Messrs. Snow, Smith and Roush. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
Participate in telephone conference with
02/19/20 SM Mr. Smith. $225.00 0.10 · $22.50

Review and comment on draft letter to
Judge Small re: the hearing on the Bank's
Motion for Entry of Supplemental
02/19/20 SM Judgments. $225.00 -~-10 $22.50

Prepare for hearing on the Bank's Motion

02/19/20 SM for Entry of Supplemental Judgments. $45.00
Review email from Mr. Wyman re:
comments to the Proposed Supplemental
02/19/20 SM Judgments. $22.50

02/19/20 SM
Revise Amended Final Judgment
(Supplemental Judgment).
,. "'-V
~~ ~ \ )$225.00 0.20 $45.00
Revise Amended Final Judgment oJ~ "\_ v
02/19/20 SM Foreclosure (Supplemental JudgJfl'.:e~)~ Y $225.00 0.20 $45.00
02/19/20 SM Confer with co-counsel. .,-",~ Y $225.00 0.20 $45.00

Email Mr. Wyman re : the,ttt~~~nt

amount and objection~omments to the
02/19/20 SM Proposed Supplell)e~al Juagments. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
Outline report letretto~srs. Snow,
02/19/20 SM Smith and Ro~. "- Y $225.00 0.30 $67.50

Receive~~~/~otion for
02/20/20 HHB Reconsfoeratignkonfer with co-counsel. $350.00 0.60 $210.00
Anal~e legal arguments set forth in
ot~ri'gants' Motion for Reconsideration of
Orci,er Granting Bank's Motions for Fees,
Costs and Expenses and prepare
'arguments in opposition to the Motion;
review legal authorities; direct action to
,,1.. \ . , otherwise present arguments in favor of
~ ~ entry of supplemental judgments
02/20/2-Q, JWK proposed on behalf to Bank to Court. $350.00 2.10 $735.00
-,,- Review and analyze Defendants' Motion
for Reconsideration of Plaintiffs Motions
for Assessment of Attorneys' Fees, Costs
02/20/20 SM and Expenses . $225.00 0.40 $90.00
Review legal authorities [motion for
02/20/20 SM reconsideration]. $225.00 0.50 $112.50
02/20/20 SM Confer with co-counsel. $225.00 0.50 $112.50
Participate in telephone conference with
Messrs. Wells, Snow, Ward, Smith,
02/20/20 SM Roush and Levin. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
02/20/20 SM Review Court's Administrative Order. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
Client/Matter Name: First American/Schneider Page 8
Reference: Laurence Schneider
HELOC Foreclosure
Matter Number: 317.18

Hours Amount

2/20/2020 SM 0.50 112.50


~ 112.50

SM Participate in telephone conference with Messrs. Wells Snow,

Ward Smith Roush and Levin re:
()~70 157.50

SM ) 0.20 45.00

• 1111

2/21/2020 HHB
•• -

JWK Receive and review Defendants,Motion or econsideration of Court 3.40 1,190.00

Order Granting Bank's M s;
consult with c~unsel r irect
action to confirm judge - der
local rul · ·

0.10 22.50

0.60 135.00

0.90 202.50
Invoice Number Page
6-466-09120 3 of 3 .~~~:! ~,:l~~-~I~;::_\i:jiJ\,(i.:;:;

:'::·.·•a::·:. :i::., _ j: :_·(~~t'.~~~}ftif~f:• ;
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Automation INET Sender Rec:ipfenl
Tracking 10 774472098743 John W. Keller, Ill Hon. Lisa S. Small
Service Type FedEx Priority overnight Keller & Bolz, LLP Palm Beach County Courthouse
Package Type FedEx Pak 121 Majorca Avenue 205 N DIXIE HWY
Packages I ~
Rated Weight 1.0 lbs, 0.5 kgs Transportation Charge 29.18
Delivered Feb 15, 2019 09:00 Discount ·4,38
Svc Area Al Automation Bonus Discount ~ -1.46
Signed by S.HUSSEY Fuel Surcharge 1.71

Ref~~~~~r. .
FedEx Use 000000000/1486/_ =C.. .,ou.. ,n:--:·e,.,.rP_ic_k_u~p_Cl_1a_rg_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,,..--,.__,.-,-,-'-:=---'""""'~------:....;.

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Neal H. Levin

r~~- -·•\====-'=I.:


Neal H. Levin orn & Peters, LLP

Partner, Fraud Attorney at Freeborn &

Peters, LLP ~~
Chicago, Illinois · 500+ connection~ ' \ , , ~

I JMtil {@~ I
Team Leader o the F
l~ Fraud and Internal lnvestiaationsJ~ractice...Grouo
and a mem er f . oth the Litigation and Bani You're signed X
Restructun Practice Groups. I am also the fd
Freeborn ~eters Intelligence Unit, which provi OUt
support and analysis for Freeborn clients dol Sign in for the full experience

Often compared to Mr. Wolf from Pulp Fictio1 ~ firu

summoned when the case "stinks." Known fon
contends with a litany of fraudsters and fraud Join now
those stemming from bankruptcy fraud, occuJ
Linkedftil Join now Sign in

Neal H. Levin

and I have appeared in dozens of different tribunals over the course of his
30+ years in the business.

Neal and his team also focus on the psychology of fraudsters as a m'\ans of
leveraging their success. Drawing on both his experience and 1s , .A. in
Psychology from the University of Denver, Neal frequently lect res, writes and
is interviewed on the psychopathy and sociopathy of a auas er as well as on
Ponzi schemes, bankruptcy fraud, investigations and ec0vlry practices. Neal
also serves as an equity receiver in matters invohri ud and financial

Articles by Neal H.
9paths in the World of Art

How the Celebri X

Prey You·re signed
By Neal H. Levin out
January 16, 2016 Sign in for the full experience

Join now
It's been two weeks since m)
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Neal H. Levin

Freeborn Partner and Leader of the firm's Global Fraud,

Investigations and Asset Recovery Team, Neal H. Levin,
recently wrote an article entitled,... L._\

Liked by Neal H. Levin ~

Should be a fun and enlightening h ance to

network and a discussion of the Psy of
Fraud .... sorry no wine and che !
Shared by Neal H. Levin

Join now to see all activity I ~~


Partner, Fraud ey
Freeborn & P
Nov 20 , - Present· 16 years 9 month~s- - - - - - - - - - ~

In Nmvember of 2003, I merged my fo You·re signed X

A~ cia es, P.C., into Freeborn & Peter
12~ attorneys. Please go to www.freeb out
information. Sign in for the full experience

Volunteer Experience
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Neal H. Levin

Committed to working on issues relative to at-risk youth in Evanston, IL


Mentor, Cook
Connections for the Homeless

Social Services
Soccer Coach G
Evanston Township High School (ETHS~ ~

Jul 2016 - Present· 4 years 1 mon~ ~ v

Education ~~

CS March 2016 Fraud (o ference Presentation: Charles Ponzi:
Then and Now" ~
Dec 2015 - De(t 015
that fraud and even Pon v • . d X
. . h. . I ,ou re s1gne
t he na e InancIa 1crime, t Is presentatIa
came to etched into history and celebrity. I out
landscape and mind set of the Roaring 20s a1 Sign in for the full experience
that boon presents a fascinating overlay tot
over the past 9 years.

See project
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Neal H. Levin

Nov 2015 - Present

National Association of Federal Equity Receivers

Full Member
Aug 2014 - Present


11 Neal is an extremely aggressiv · · ative attorney who always pushes

the envelope of conventio in order to best serve his clients.

11 Neal has a true passio ·or the business of fraud detection. His knowledge
of fraud, fraudsters an r:i ud detection techniques is beyond impressive. I
would highly reco ' -m.end Neal to any client in search of answers.

5 people have ~ mended Neal H. X

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Neal H. Levin

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Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel

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Chief Operating Officer/ Executive General AdJ
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Neal H. Levin

CIPP/US Cert Prep: 3 Government and Court Access

to Information

Business Law for Managers
Why Trust Matters with Rachel B

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ttorney at Freeborn & Peters,

raud Attorney at Freeborn & Peters, L

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Neal H. Levin

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Our Firm
Freebornaiii Our Our
Firm History Alumni Careers

Neal H. Levin
I II II I.:>

Chicago Our Work Our
Phone: (312) 360-6530 Work
Fax: (312) 360-6520

Restructuring ctions
Construction COVID-

Neal is aggressive, innovative, creative and highly

effective in serving his clients i · highest degree of
integrity. He is a committe - te eader, fostering not only good
results, but the bett own team in the process. He's a
very experienced ted lawyer, and his desire to
provide value for very strong.


Employment Litigation
Private Equity and Venture Real
Neal Levin is the Team LeadE1~ft~e Firm's Global Fraud, Investigat!~iatJind Asset
Recovery Team and a member of both the Litigation and Bankruptcy and Financial
1rusfs an-a-
Restructuring Practice Groups. Neal is alsQ the founder and leader of the Freeborn &
Transportation Estates
Peters Intelligence Unit, which provides intelligence gathering support and analysis
Our Our
for Freeborn clients domestically and internationally.
People Perspectives Extra nets Careers
Often compared to Mr. Wolf from Pulp Fiction, Neal is most notably summoned
when the case "stinks." Known fondly as "The Fraud Guy," he contends with a litany
of fraudsters and fraudulent transactions, including those stemming from
bankruptcy fraud, occupati~l]l'\ila!i.d, corporate governance fraud, government
corruption, insurance frathl:t, bank fraud, mortgage fraud, asset concealment, so-
called asset protection plans, offshore financial centers, bitcoins and other II
cryptocurrencies, art fraJ[,.~~~~taf!~:the~fts,,md,_ofccco_ur-sed~onzi~tclle~me~s~Bis-=:::=========.JI
practice is international in scope ana lie lias appearea in aozens ofaifferent
tribunals over the course of his 30+ years in the business.

Neal and his team leverage their success through use of progressive intel harvesti1f
as well as an intensive study of the psychology of fraudsters and victims. Drawi o
both his many years of experience as well as his B.A. in Psychology from the
University of Denver, Neal frequently lectures, writes and is interviewed n tR
psychopathy and sociopathy of a fraudster and victims as well as on Q es,
bankruptcy fraud, investigations and recovery practices.

Neal also serves as a Federal and State Equity Receiver in nvolving domestic
and international fraud and financial crimes.

B.A., University of Denver ~~

:::::o::;:::::~::: GV
• Illinois
• NewYork

• Unit cl tates Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
• United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
• United States District Court for the Northern, Central and Southern Districts of Illinois
• United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
• United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
• United States District Court for the District of Colorado
• United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin

Community Service
• Neal is involved in a wide array of causes relative to youth, education and sports. Neal has been extensively
and intimately involved with Evanston and Chicago area youth and sports organizations. He has been
sought for counsel on a variety of matters relative to everything from at-risk youth to comprehensive soccer
development and acts as a Mentor for men aged 18-25.

• Neal, a father of 3 girls, is an avid athlete, playing competitive soccer and hockey, mountain biking, skiing
and practices ancient arts. He was a former professional hockey referee and is currently on staff as the girls
and boys Assistant Varsity coach at ETHS High School in Evanston.

Representative Matters S,' +

>Represented plaintiff bankruptcy trustee in an investigation and pr on of

complex claims in connection with multi-billion dollar Ponzi sc~ ting in
substantial settlements.

> Several, multi-jurisdictional recovery matters, clawbac

investigations including work in Greece, Isle of Man, Y1
Switzerland, UK, Jersey, the Middle East, Bangla,

> Comprehensive internal investigation for , u icip fity client relative to alleged
corruption by high-ranking govemmen official, including misappropriation of
assets, misuse of State and Fede ent grants and related fraud leading
to criminal prosecution an

> Secured a $4.36 million pa S-based client from a Debtor with

operations in Dubai, Kuwait, Ba: rain and Saudi Arabia. The victory came only 45
days after engagemen an9 he deployment of highly innovative strategies
designed to cr"~ple the Debtor.

and liquidated Chicago-based law practice where principal

was ac ud and other crimes.

>Repres 1 Receivers and Trustees in Bankruptcy proceedings throughout the U.S.

>Represent one of Chicago's largest banks in a variety of asset recovery actions.
> 110% recovery for individual client, piercing a complex maze of domestic and
international entities managed by the target and the Ponzi scheme related
thereto, utilizing TROs, Receivership, Charging Orders and covert infiltration into
the target's $4MM residence.

>Act as Equity Receiver in various proceedings including the takeover of two law
firms following investigations and criminal charges against principals.
>Forcing the involuntary bankruptcy, liquidation, and federal criminal
investigation of a major real estate developer on behalf of the near largest office
property developer and management company in the US, leading to full recovery

of amounts due to our client.

>Representing a Fortune 500 insurance company in the millions of dollars of

fraudulent claims through civil RICO actions, criminal investigations and
prosecutions, avoidance of fraudulent transfers, and other post judgment
enforcement proceedings.

>Various major jury and non-jury awards for recovery of millions of dollar
fraudulently transferred, concealed or converted, including sizable a :a ds foF
punitive damages and attorney fees.

> Successfully prosecuting civil fraud claims against an insurance ageney on behalf
of a leading Chicago finance company resulting in a siza

> Serving as interim chairman of a privately he

implementing a corporate compliance pr mi ating in the successful sale
of the assets of the company and the y a prestigious successor

> Successfully investigating and re · theft of intellectual property by an

employee for sale to a comP, t to an international organized crime

>Working with interna xternal auditors of a client to detect fraud and

kickbacks to em , lbyees in exchange for favorable treatment to preferred vendors
of the car operated with federal law enforcement to bring successful
prosecuti(!)N o e o fenders.

Honors & Awards +

>Illinois Super Lawyers -2015 (cited in multiple years)

>Illinois Leading Lawyers - 2020 (cited in multiple years)



> Chicago Bar Association

>American Bar Association
> Seventh Circuit Bar Association ~
>American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) ~ y
>Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
>Full Member, National Association of Federal ,
~v -t eivers
> International Bar Association
Speaking Engagements
> Panelist, American Bankrupt ocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference,
"Preference, Earmarking a I nt Transfer Law - Making Progress
Together For Future Bank enver (January 2020).
>Presenter, "What's In Store for the Fraud and Asset Recovery Warrior," CS Fraud
Asset Tracing & Recove eonference, Miami (October 2019).
>Presenter, Nat o al Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, "Domestic and Foreign Asset
rusts: ow to make them and how to break them," Las Vegas,

> Prese er, S Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovey Conference, "The Latest Anecdotes
and War Stories in Private Client Disputes: Dealing with fraud cases in the
context of trusts and other private client structures often needs a different
approach to 'mainstream' fraud litigation," Miami, (September 2017).
>Presenter, ACFE Chicago Chapter, (July 2017).
>Presenter, National Association ofBankruptcy Trustees, "Domestic and Foreign
Asset Protection Trusts: How to make them and how to break them," (February
> Presenter, CS Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovery Forum, Geneva, Switzerland
11\A'n.-n'h ')(\1 t:,\
>Presenter, ACFE Philadelphia Area Chapter Fraud Conference, (December 2015).
>Presenter, OffshoreAlert Conference London, (November 2015).

>Presenter, CS Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovery Forum, Geneva, Switzerland,

(March 2015).
>Presenter, OffshoreAlert Conference London, (November 2014).
> Presenter, CS Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovery Forum, Miami, Florida, (October
>Presenter, ACFE Central Indiana Chapter Meeting, (September 2014).
>Presenter, ACFE Global Fraud Conference, (June 2014).
>Presenter, Joint Illinois NSPII/ Illinois IASIU Annual Insurance Fraud ,
(May 2014).
>Presenter, OffshoreAlert Conference Miami, (May 2014).
>Presenter, CS: Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovery Forum, G Switzerland,
(March 2014).
>Presenter, SF ACFE Meeting, (January 2014).
> Presenter, ABI 25th Annual Winter Leadersh~ ve , e, (December 2013),

G +

~rgeon Sculpted his Prey," Linkedln - Neal H. Levin (January 16,
• "Devel Sl:le Over Condo Deal with Mom," Chicago Real Estate Daily - Crain's Chicago
Busine~ Dennis Rodkin (March 24, 2015).
• "Hey, Hand Over That Sculpture," Crain's Chicago Business - Abraham Tekippe (September
26, 2013).
• "Reading the Playbook of Fraud's Aftermath," Law360 - Neal H. Levin (October 3, 2011).

The Psycholo ...

Services Areas of Focus

>Litigation > Global Fraud,

> Bankruptcy and Financial Investigations and Asset
Restructuring Recovery Team
>Distressed Loans,
Restructurings and

Chicago New York Tampa

Privacy Policy Disclaimer

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