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first part of the
experiment is visualization
of signals with
respect to time .

visualization algorithm is to translate the raw signals into a

meaningful graphical representation to

facilitate interpretation In cases ,

sophisticated analysis techniques can help to extract

essential information from a source in order to be used in real life application .

Frequency ,

being the dependent variable to time was evidently one of the factor because all the

signal and compared them . this was done to

try to incorporate signals and create
proper wave

form out of it .

The second part of the experiment is also about visualization

of signals through

frequency with
respect to time . However ,
the difference between them is that in # 2 , harmonics

was added .
A harmonic is a
signal or wave whose frequency is an integral 1 whole

number )

multiple of the frequency of some reference signal or wave . The experiment created a stack

of harmonic number and let the students visualize it .

During the first few parts ,

it can

be observed that using numbers 1- 10 with an

amplitude of 11k gave off a Sawtooth wave .


convention is that it will spike upwards drops this is due

of this type of wave and
sharply to the

fact that it contains all the integer harmonics . As for the odd harmonics ,
it was shown that the

output became a
square or
rectangular wave which is a non -

periodic waveform

This is due to the convention of the wave that the amplitude alternates at a steady frequency
between fixed minimum and maximum values ,
with the same duration at minimum and maximum

values with the same duration and maximum The last

, at minimum .

part of #2 also used

the and the which
an odd harmonics but manipulated amplitude m value

resulted into a triangular wave form .

The last part of the experiment was about visualization of 3 Dimensional


functions . It can be observed in this

part the usage of different types of 3D
figures the
plot 3 ,
contour 3 ,

cpl ✗ map .
It can inferred from the formed figures that plot 3 and contours are almost similar ,
having only

defined and thick than the plot As for the it can

the lines of contour 3 much 3 .

cplxmap ,

observed that using an algebraic and trigonometric function affects the structure
of the figure .

having shadow in it As
algebraic function it can be seen that the figure is elevated thus a .

for the trigonometric function be observed that both ends the figure
it can
only of was shadowed

while the middle is cut into almost half .

• the whole experiment revolved around visualization and minor manipulation of signals
with to time students expected to learn how to
respect Using MATLAB are
properly inspect and

rationalize different kinds

of signals through quantitative approach .

Manipulation of signals becomes
very important most
especially in the field of
biomedical devices the output signals background
as that are
being processed has a lot
it In order to filter out the most
noises in .
important signals ,
students need to be

equipped towards how can they engineer and translate quantitative information .

this experiment also expressed how important vectors are in terms manipulation and

visualization Vectors order to know the time and the

are used in
signals frequency of
each strand
of these signals . this experiment allowed the students to appreciate and

know the details on how to understand vectors better .

and also given highlights through experiment The
2 D 3-D
plot this

- .

importance of different waveforms from different allowed the students

to better understand and appreciate how important the
frequency and its dependence

to time .

Lastly , the student 's skills for MATLAB was also

polished through this experiment for
data visualization

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