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Answer KEY Prelim EXAM

accountancy (Mindanao State University General Santos)

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EXAM DATE: 9/16/2020

1. What is the legal basis of the COA in promulgating the GAM for NGAs?
a. Revised Penal Code, Art. 217
b. State Audit Code of the Philippines, P.D. No. 1445, Sec. 109
c. Article IX-D, Section 2 par. (2) of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the
d. R.A. 9298

2. The GAM for NGAs aims to update all of the following except
a. standards, policies, guidelines and procedures in accounting for government funds and
b. coding structure and accounts
c. accounting books, registries, records, forms, reports and financial statements
d. rules and regulations regarding the filing and payment of taxes by government

3. Which of the following is one of the Fundamental Principles for Revenue under the GAM for
a. No payment of any nature shall be received by a collecting officer without immediately
issuing an official receipt in acknowledgement thereof. The receipt may be in the form of
postage, internal revenue or documentary stamps and the like, officially numbered
receipts, subject to proper custody, accountability, and audit.
b. Temporary receipts may be issued to acknowledge the receipt of public funds; provided
that, an official receipt is issued within a short period of time as may be prescribed by
the COA.
c. Money in the hands of the Collecting Officer may be utilized for the purpose of cashing
private checks, upon proper endorsement and identification of the payee or endorsee.
Checks drawn in favor of the government in payment of any such indebtedness shall
likewise be accepted by the officer concerned.
d. All of these

4. Which of the following is not one of the Fundamental Principles for Disbursement of Public
Funds under the GAM for NGAs?
a. No money shall be paid out of any public treasury or depository except in pursuance of
an appropriation law or other specific statutory authority.
b. Government funds or property shall be spent or used solely for public purposes.
c. Trust funds shall be available and may be spent only for the specific purpose for which
the trust was created or the funds received.
d. Fiscal responsibility shall, to the greatest extent, be assumed solely by the Head of the
government agency.

5. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the GAM for NGAs?
a. The COA shall keep the general accounts of the Government and, for such period as may
be provided by law, preserve the vouchers and other supporting papers pertaining
thereto, pursuant to Section 2, par. (1), Article IX-D of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
b. The financial reporting system of the Philippine government consists of accounting
system on accrual basis and budget reporting system on budget basis under the statutory
responsibility of the NGAs, Bureau of the Treasury (BTr), Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), and the COA.
c. The objectives of general purpose financial statements (GPFSs) are to provide information
about the financial position, financial performance, and cash flows of an entity that is
useful to a wide range of users in making and evaluating decisions about the allocation
of resources. Specifically, the objectives of general purpose financial reporting in the
public sector are to provide information useful for decision-making, and to demonstrate
the accountability of the entity for the resources entrusted to it.
d. The DBM accounts for the cash, public debt and related transactions of the NG.

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6. This accounting concept is necessary so that users can use information in the financial
statements in noting differences and similarities between those information presented and
information from other sources that the user may have.
a. Financial statement analysis and ratios
b. Understandability
c. Comparability
d. Feedback value or confirmatory value

7. Which of the following principles is not in accordance with the Basic Government Accounting
and Budget Reporting Principles under the GAM for NGAs?
a. modified accrual basis of accounting in accordance with the PPSAS
b. budget basis for presentation of budget information in the financial statements (FSs) in
accordance with PPSAS 24
c. RCA prescribed by COA
d. financial statements based on both accounting and budgetary records
e. fund cluster accounting

8. The NGAs are responsible for

a. promulgating accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
b. implementing the national budget with the goal of attaining the nation’s socio-economic
c. receiving and keeping national funds and managing and controlling the disbursements
d. directly implementing the projects of, and performing the functions delegated by, the

9. The basis of accounting required by the GAM for NGAs is

a. Budget basis
b. Modified accrual basis
c. Cash basis
d. Accrual basis

10. The President’s explanation of the country’s fiscal policy and budget priorities is contained
in a document called the
a. National Expenditure Program
b. President’s Budget Message
c. President’s Fiscal Policy and Priorities
d. Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Financing

11. After the incurrence of obligations, the next step in the budget cycle is
a. Allotment
b. Disbursement
c. Appropriation
d. Disbursement authority

12. It is the expenditure authority derived from appropriation laws, government ordinances, and
other decisions related to the anticipated revenue or receipts for the budgetary period.
a. Notice of Cash Allocation
b. Allotment
c. Approved Budget
d. General Appropriations Bill

13. After the budget call, budget hearings are made whereby agencies defend their proposed
programs and expenditures for the upcoming year before the
a. COA
b. DBM
c. Congress
d. BTr

14. Under responsibility accounting, a cost is considered controllable at a given level of

managerial responsibility if
a. the manager has the power to incur it within a given period of time.
b. the cost is non-recurring, can be measured with sufficient reliability and is not immaterial
c. the cost is a fixed cost, such that its incurrence is reasonably certain.
d. all of these.

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15. Which of the following statements best differentiates the government accounting process from
the accounting process of a business entity?
a. The government accounting process involves numerous complicated steps or procedures
that are beyond the understanding of a mere JPIA member, but not for a CPA.
b. The government accounting process involves procedures that are not generally acceptable
for business entities.
c. The government accounting process is similar to that of a business entity, except that it
incorporates budgetary controls, such as recording in the budget registries and preparing
periodic budget accountability reports.
d. Unlike for the accounting process of business entities which ends in the preparation of
general purpose financial statements, the government accounting process ends with the
audit by the COA.

16. This report, required of government entities, shows the names of creditors, the amounts owed
to them, and the number of days these obligations are outstanding. This report is submitted
to the COA and DBM within 30 days after the end of the year.
a. List of Not Yet Due and Demandable Obligations
b. Aging of Due and Demandable Obligations
c. Percentage of Obligations Report
d. Report on Allotments, Obligations and Disbursements

17. Under this approach to budgeting, several parties participate in the budget preparation,
starting from the lowest levels of the government up to the highest levels.
a. Bottoms-up budgeting
b. Zero-based budgeting
c. Incremental budgeting
d. Bottom-up budgeting

18. It encompasses the processes of analyzing, recording, classifying, summarizing and

communicating all transactions involving the receipt and disposition of government funds and
property, and interpreting the results thereof.
a. Government accounting
b. Government reporting
c. Government auditing
d. Tax accounting

19. The GAM for NGAs is promulgated by the

a. Commission on Accounting (COA)
b. Commission on Audit (COA)
c. Board of Accountancy (BOA)
d. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

20. The Commission on Audit (COA) is responsible for

a. the formulation and implementation of the national budget with the goal of attaining the
nation’s socio-economic objectives.
b. receiving and keeping national funds and managing and controlling the disbursements
c. directly implementing the projects of the government.
d. promulgating accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

21. Which of the following is not charged with government accounting responsibility?
a. Commission on Audit
b. Bureau of Internal Revenue
c. Non-stock, non-profit private hospital
d. Department of Budget and Management

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22. Which of the following qualitative characteristics may be sacrificed when reporting information
on a timely basis?
a. Relevance
b. Reliability
c. Substance over form
d. Faithful representation

23. According to the GAM for NGAs, information has this qualitative characteristic if it can be used to
assist in evaluating past, present or future events or in confirming or correcting past evaluations.
a. Feedback value
b. Predictive value
c. Materiality
d. Relevance

24. This refers to the comparability between the financial statements of different entities?
a. Inter-comparability
b. Intra-comparability
c. Horizontal comparability
d. Vertical comparability

25. When the substance of a transaction or event differs from its legal form, the entity should report
the transaction’s or event’s
a. substance
b. legal form
c. a trade-off between a and b
d. either a or b, based on their significance

26. The implication that users must be informed of the entity’s policies, changes to those policies, and
the effects of those changes refers to
a. Comparability
b. Completeness
c. Understandability
d. Reliability

27. In the financial reporting system of the national government, to which of the following shall an
entity reconciles its cash records?
a. Commission on Audit
b. Bureau of Treasury
c. Department of Budget and Management
d. Office of the President

28. Which of the following approaches to budget preparation provides the best internal control?
a. Incremental budgeting
b. Zero-sum budgeting
c. Top-down budgeting
d. Zero-based budgeting

29. This approach to budgeting requires the justification of items in the budget irrespective of whether
they are new or carried over from the previous year.
a. Zero-based budgeting
b. Bottoms-up budgeting
c. Incremental budgeting
d. Bottoms-down budgeting

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30. Which of the following is correct regarding zero-based budgeting?

a. Several parties participate in the budget preparation starting from the lowest levels of the
government to the highest levels.
b. All zeroes in the budget are omitted.
c. All proposed programs and expenditures in the upcoming year must be new. Programs and
expenditures in the previous year should never be carried over to the next year.
d. The current year’s budget is formulated without regard to the previous year’s budget.

31. Which of the following would most likely comes first in the budget process?
a. Budget accountability report
b. President’s enactment of the budget
c. Presentation to the Office of the President
d. Budget Call from the DBM

32. Which of the following would most likely comes last in the budget process?
a. Budget accountability reports
b. Allotment
c. Disbursements
d. Performance review

33. Entity A, a government entity, receives authorization to disburse funds not to exceed ₱1B in a
specified period. This event can be described as
a. Notice of Cash Allocation
b. Allotment
c. Appropriation
d. Adontknowcation

34. Entity A, a government entity, receives notice that out of its ₱10B approved budget for the year,
Entity A can incur obligations up to ₱4B in the first quarter. This event can be described as
a. Notice of Cash Allocation
b. Allotment
c. Appropriation
d. Amnotsurecation

35. Entity A, a government entity, receives notice that for the current year, the maximum amount it
can spend on maintenance and other operating expenses is ₱10B. This event can be described as
a. Notice of Cash Allocation
b. Allotment
c. Appropriation
d. Budgetication

36. After receiving its obligational authority amounting to ₱4B, Entity A enters into binding
agreements for the eventual payments of a total sum of ₱3B. The “₱3B” event can be described as
a. Disbursement
b. Allotment
c. Disbursement authority
d. Obligation

37. It is a part, segment, unit or function of a government agency, headed by a manager, who is
accountable for a specified set of activities.
a. Responsibility Accounting

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b. Responsibility Center
c. Budget Center
d. Call Center

38. Guil College, a private not-for-profit college, received the following cash inflows:
• $400,000 from students for tuition.
• $200,000 from a donor who stipulated that the money be invested indefinitely and the
earnings used for student scholarships.
• $100,000 from a donor who stipulated that the money be spent according to the wishes
of the Board of Trustees.

Which amounts of these cash flows should be shown on the cash flow statement as cash from
operating activities?
a. $700,000.
b. $400,000.
c. $600,000.
d. $500,000.

400,000 tuition + 100,000 unrestricted = 500,000

39. On December 30, 19X4, Leigh Museum, a not-for-profit organization, received a $7,000,000
donation of Day Co. shares with donor stipulated requirements as follows:
• Shares valued at $5,000,000 are to be sold with the proceeds used to erect a public
viewing building.
• Shares valued at $2,000,000 are to be retained with the dividends used to support
current operations.

Leigh adopted of FASB Statement No. 117, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations.
As a consequence of the receipt of the Day shares, how much should Leigh report as temporarily
restricted net assets on its 19X4 statement of financial position?
a. $0
b. $2,000,000
c. $5,000,000
d. $7,000,000

40. CIBA, a non-profit performing arts organization, received a contribution of a term endowment
and a regular endowment. These endowments should be reported on the statement of
activities as:
a. Permanently restricted in Term Endowments; Permanently restricted in Regular
b. Temporarily restricted in Term Endowments; Permanently restricted in Regular
c. Temporarily restricted in Term Endowments; Temporarily restricted in Regular
d. Unrestricted in Term Endowments; Temporarily restricted in Regular Endowments

41. Vista, a voluntary health and welfare organization, received a donation of $100,000 to be
spent in accordance with the wishes of the institution’s Board of Trustees. This donation
should be reported on the statement of activities as:
a. Unrestricted revenue.
b. Other income – gifts.
c. Temporarily restricted revenue
d. Permanently restricted revenues

42. Ellen College, a private not-for-profit institution, received a $100,000 grant for faculty
research in 20x1. The grant money was not spent until 20x2. For 20x1, Ellen College should
report the contribution as:
a. Unrestricted revenue
b. Temporarily restricted revenue.
c. Other operating revenue.
d. Other non-operating revenue.

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43. An NPO hospital has the following account balances:

Amount charged to patients $500,000
Revenue from newsstand 15,000
Undesignated gifts 40,000
Contractual adjustments 70,000
Interest income 12,000
Salaries expense – nurses 120,000
Bad debts 8,000

What is the hospital’s net patient service revenue?

a. $422,000
b. $430,000
c. $500,000
d. $540,000

(500,000 – 70,000) = 430,000

44. Home Care, Inc., a nongovernmental voluntary health and welfare organization, received two
contributions in 2003. One contribution of $250,000 was restricted for use as general
support in 2004. The other contribution of $200,000 carried no donor restrictions. What
amount should Home Care report as temporarily restricted contributions in its 2003
statement of activities.
a. $450,000
b. $250,000
c. $200,000
d. $0

45. The Weyman Hospital, a private, not-for-profit institution, reported the following information:

Gross patient service revenue $1,000,000

Allowance for discounts to hospital employees 20,000
Bad debt expense 40,000
Contractual adjustments 100,000

What amount should the hospital report as net patient service revenue?
a. 840,000
b. 900,000
c. 880,000
d. 980,000

46. A private not-for-profit hospital provided $150,000 in charity care for the current year. The
hospital should report this charity care as
a. Net patient service revenue of $150,000 and patient care expense of $150,000.
b. Net patient service revenue of $150,000 on the statement of operations.
c. Only in the notes to the financial statements.
d. As an unpaid accounts receivable on the balance sheet.

47. The Johnson Hospital, a private not-for-profit hospital, received the following revenues in the
current year:
Proceeds from sales of the Hospital’s flower shop $60,000
Dividends and interest revenue not restricted $20,000
Cash contributions for the renovation of the children’s ward in the Hospital $200,000

Which of these amounts should be reported as other revenues and gains (other revenue) on the
Statement of Operations?
a. $280,000
b. $60,000
c. $80,000
d. $260,000

48. A hospital has the following account balances:

Revenue from newsstand $ 50,000
Amounts charged to patients 800,000
Interest income 30,000

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Salary expense – nurses 100,000

Bad debts 10,000
Undesignated gifts 80,000
Contractual adjustments 110,000

What is the hospital’s net patient service revenue?

a. $880,000
b. $800,000
c. $690,000
d. $680,000

49. A private not-for-profit performing arts center receives the following three donations:
• A gift of $90,000 which is unrestricted.
• A gift of $125,000 restricted for payment of salaries.
• A gift of $200,000 that is restricted forever but the income from the gift may be used for
current expenditures.

Which of the following is not true?

a. Temporarily restricted net assets increased by $125,000.
b. Permanently restricted net assets increased by $325,000.
c. When the money is spent for salaries, unrestricted net assets increase and decrease by
the same amount.
d. When the money is spent for salaries, temporarily restricted net assets decrease.

50. Cash flows from a public university bookstore would appear on the statement of cash flows
a. Cash flows from operations.
b. Cash flows from investing activities.
c. Cash flows from financing activities.
d. Cash flows from noncapital financing

51. Which one of the following is not a required financial statement for a private voluntary health
and welfare organization?
a. Statement of Financial Position
b. Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
c. Statement of Fund Balance
d. Statement of Cash Flows
e. Statement of Functional Expense

52. Gerlack College, a private, not-for-profit institution, received a donation of $2,000,000 as a

challenge grant. If the college raises an additional $2,000,000 within the next two years, it
may keep the donation. If it fails, the $2,000,000 must be returned to the donor. How would
the college record the receipt of the grant?
a. Unrestricted revenue.
b. Temporarily restricted revenue.
c. Note to the financial statement.
d. Refundable advance.

53. Which of the following transactions of a private voluntary health and welfare organization
would increase temporarily restricted net assets in the statement of activities for the current
I. Received a contribution of $20,000 from a donor in the current year who stipulated that
the money not be spent until the following year.
II. Spent $25,000 for fund raising during the current year from a donation from the previous
a. I only
b. I & II
c. II only
d. Neither

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54. On December 31, 20X1, the Board of Trustees of a private, not-for-profit college designated
$5,000,000 of unrestricted net assets for the construction of an addition to the music
building. What effect does this designation have on the college’s unrestricted and temporarily
restricted net assets shown on the statement of financial position on December 31, 20X1?

a. Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets; Increase in Temporarily restricted net assets

b. Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets; No effect in Temporarily restricted net assets
c. No effect in Unrestricted Net Assets; Increase in Temporarily restricted net assets
d. No effect in Unrestricted Net Assets; No effect in Temporarily restricted net assets

55. The following contributions were received by a private voluntary health and welfare
organization. Which of these would not be recorded as an increase in unrestricted revenue?
a. A carpenter donated labor and materials for the construction of a deck.
b. A painter donated paint and labor to paint all the meeting rooms.
c. A retired college professor donated reading services to senior citizens. The organization
would not have paid for these services if they had not been donated.
d. A CPA firm donated its services to audit the financial statements for the past year.

56. In November 20x1 Gilmore Heating and Air Conditioning Service repaired the air conditioning
system for GenCare, a voluntary health and welfare organization and mailed an invoice for
$3,000. On December 25, a note was received by GenCare indicating that Gilmore was
canceling the invoice and that repairs were being donated. For the year ended, December 31,
20x1, GenCare should report these contributed services as:
a. A footnote.
b. No disclosure is required but a thank-you note was mailed to Gilmore.
c. An increase in unrestricted revenues and an increase in expenses on the statement of
d. An increase in temporarily restricted net assets in the statement of activities.

57. Which of the following types of health care organizations recognize depreciation expense?
Investor-Owned Not-for-Profit Organizations Governmental Health Care
Health Care Enterprises Organizations
a. Yes Yes No
b. Yes No Yes
c. No No Yes
d. Yes Yes Yes

58. According to US GAAP, the accounting requirement unique to Voluntary Health and Welfare
Organizations (VHWO) is the
a. accounting for marketable securities which are subsequently measured at the lower of cost
and market value.
b. non-depreciation of property, plant and equipment.
c. provision of a statement of functional expenses that reports expenses by both functional and
natural classifications.
d. recognition criteria for assets, which allow the recognition of items with improbable inflows
of resources embodying economic benefits.

59. ABC Organization, a non-profit entity, acquired shares of stocks to be held as investment for
₱200,000 using unrestricted net assets. During the year, ABC received cash dividends of ₱10,000.
At year-end, the shares have a fair value of ₱220,000.

What is the effect of the transactions described above on the year-end statement of activities of
ABC? increase (decrease)

a. 30,000
b. 20,000
c. (10,000)
d. 10,000

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60. Private not-for-profit organizations should report a statement of cash flows using the
a. Direct method.
b. Indirect method
c. Working capital method
d. a or b

61. On the statement of operations of a health care organization, expenses are deducted from (use SFAS
117 in answering this question)
a. Temporarily unrestricted revenues.
b. Unrestricted revenues.
c. Unrestricted revenues and temporarily unrestricted revenues.
d. Permanently restricted revenues.

62. On the statement of activities of a private university, expenses are reported by (use SFAS 117 in
answering this question)
a. Character
b. Department
c. Object
d. Function

63. According to SFAS 117, the financial statements of a not-for-profit entity should focus on the
a. Economic resources measurement approach.
b. Current resources measurement approach.
c. Basic information on the organization as a whole.
d. Modified accrual approach.

64. On December 1, 20x1, ABC Organization, a non-profit entity, had the following transactions:
• Purchased a vehicle costing ₱150,000 using unrestricted cash
• Received a vehicle with fair value of ₱120,000 from donation

ABC estimates that both of the vehicles have useful lives of 5 years and no residual value. ABC has
an accounting policy implying a time restriction on gifts of long-lived assets.

In ABC’s 20x1 statement of activities, what amount of depreciation expense should be included
under changes in unrestricted net assets?

a. 54,000
b. 4,500
c. 13,312
d. 0

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