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Harmonia Lesson Plan Monday 8.


Basic Information
Eryn Calfee
Franklin Central HS
Harmonia, Period 1

Music Folder

NAS #5: “Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation”

Behavioral Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Echo level 3-4 tonal and rhythmic patterns
 Echo level 1-2 rhythm patterns, alone
 Sing all of There Is Sweet Music Here with correct pitches and rhythms

7:30 Bell rings
Welcome students, morning check-in, take attendance

Check-in question: “What is your favorite food for breakfast?”

7:33 Transition to warm-up: “Stand up and stretch with me” + respiration: in for 4, hold for 4,
out for 8

7:35 Building the Tone

 54321 [zi-----]
o Connecting the breath
 54321 [down to the bottom of the sea we go]
 1 [there’s more in the middle of an egg mcmuffin than an egg in the middle of a
o Can everyone in the audience understand what you’re saying?
 1-5, 5-1 [u-a, a-u]
o Squatting on 5

Transition to ML: “Beat, beat, echo me”

7:50 Music Literacy - Rhythm

 Echo 2-beat level 1 and 2 rhythms
 Echo one at a time
 Introduce level 4

7:53 Music Literacy – Tonal

 Echo 3-note level 1-2 tonal patterns
 Echotranslate 3-note level 1-2 tonal patterns
 “Sing what you see”
 Introduce level 4

Transition to Rep Rehearsal: “Let’s take out a pencil and our music There Is Sweet Music Here”

8:00 “There is Sweet Music Here”

Review m. 2 melody
Review m. 26-35
Learn p. 9 – end
Focus on BALANCE – is the melody heard? Per. 1 – are both parts heard?

8:15 Finish with announcements: Is your Canvas assignment finished for this week?

8:17 Bell rings

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