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目 录
第 7 卷第 1 期 2011 年 3 月

综论……………………(1) 原生动物…………………(58)
遗迹化石………………(10) 古杯、多孔及腔肠动物…(64)
分子古生物学…………(12) 苔藓动物…………………(66)
古生态学………………(16) 腕足动物…………………(67)
微体古生物学 节肢动物…………………(77)
孢粉……………………(18) 古脊椎动物学
牙形石…………………(44) 综论………………………(87)
小壳化石………………(45) 鱼类………………………(91)
古植物学 爬行类……………………(99)
综论……………………(46) 哺乳类……………………(124)
真菌……………………(52) 古人类学
蕨类植物(广义)……(54) 古人类学…………………(139)
裸子植物………………(56) 历史地质学、地层学
古无脊椎动物学 古地理学、古气候学……(144)
第 7 卷第 1 期 2011 年 3 月

古 生 物 学 provided by molecular colonies (other names:

nanocolonies, polonies), which form when
综 论 RNA or DNA is replicated in a solid medium
2011010001 having pores of a nanometer size. Molecular
演化理论与科学思考 = Evolutionary theory colonies might also have served as a pre-
and scientific thinking. (英文). Shishkin M A. cellular form of compartmentalization in the
Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(6): 601- RNA World.
613 6 图版.
In natural sciences, the advance of evolu- 2011010003
tionary thought and growth of empirical 谁先出现:病毒还是细胞? = Which came
knowledge are not strictly correlated. The first, the virus or the cell?. (英文). Agol V I.
state of theory primarily tends to be controlled Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(7): 728-
by a mode of collective thinking that histori- 736 8 图版.
cally dominates a given branch of science. The nature of viruses and the fundamental
This particularly holds true for the natural se- difference between their reproduction mecha-
lection concept, which has two alternative nism and cell division are discussed. The ways
interpretations known as the genetic and epi- for storage and expression of genetic informa-
genetic theories of evolution. The final result tion in viruses are considerably more diverse
of their competition, albeit predictable, will than in cells. It is widely accepted nowadays
not be based upon any kind of “crucial evi- that the “RNA world” appeared earlier than
dence” giving advantage to either of them. the “DNA world.” Hypotheses of the origin of
The above result will be in fact attained as viruses are discussed in conjunction with these
soon as the evolutionary biology can over- theories (a hypothesis that cells with a RNA-
come the tradition of mosaic thinking which genome appeared first, and were followed by
enables the incompatible concepts to be com- viruses, and a hypothesis according to which
bined. In this respect, the key point to be real- RNA-containing viruses appeared first). It is
ized is that the idea of corpuscular determina- suggested in both cases that the DNA-
tion of the ontogeny is incompatible with un- genomes first appeared in viruses, and that
derstanding the development as a systemically viruses played a definitive role in the origin of
controlled process. archaeans, eubacteria, and eukaryotes.

2011010002 2011010004
细胞能由其构件组装而来吗? = Can a cell 从火星到木卫二:在巨行星的卫星中寻找
be assembled from its constituents?. (英文). 生物圈 = From Mars to Europa: Search for a
Chetverin A B. Paleontological Journal, 2010, biosphere on the satellites of giant planets. (英
44(7): 715-727 8 图版. 文). Ksanfomality L V. Paleontological Jour-
To date, available are a provisional list of nal, 2010, 44(7): 747-760 12 图版.
the minimal set of genes required for the func-
For almost 50 years the planet Mars has
tioning and multiplication of a living cell un-
been investigated using spacecraft. The search
der maximally favorable conditions, methods
for evidence of life on this planet is among the
for the complete chemical synthesis of the
main tasks of these investigations. This paper
minimal genome, and cell-free systems for
discusses some results of the expeditions to
carrying out all the biochemical reactions
Mars and the targets of the future exploration
comprising the genome replication and ex-
of Europa, one of the four Galileo moons of
pression. The most serious problem that re-
Jupiter. The search for possible evidence of
mains on the way to creating an artificial liv-
life on Europa is also a part of new projects.
ing cell is the need to meet two apparently
Physical conditions on Mars and Europa are
incompatible requirements: separation of the
comparable to those on the Earth.
biochemical reactions from the environment,
and exchange between the environment and
the cell. A solution to this problem can be

天文催化--地球形成的前地质阶段的非生物 possible over distances up to 100 million light
成 因 合 成 与 化 学 演 化 = Astrocatalysis— years. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe’s hypothe-
Abiogenic synthesis and chemical evolution at sis on the biological origin of some interstellar
pregeological stages of the Earth’s formation. dust grains is also briefly discussed.
(英文). Snytnikov V N. Paleontological Jour-
nal, 2010, 44(7): 761-777 12 图版.
40-46 亿年间的地球表面状态:最初的合成
The Earth’s biosphere appeared in a self-
organization process along with the appear- = Conditions on the Earth’s surface 4–4.6 Ga:
ance of the Solar System. It is shown, based Primary syntheses. (英文). Mukhin L M. Pa-
on the methods of self-organization examina- leontological Journal, 2010, 44(7): 792-799 7
tion and existing knowledge, that major stages 图版.
of the chemical evolution in the early devel- 4–4.6 Ga the Earth’s surface was probably
opment of the biosphere include the “cold mainly cold with some hot spots which re-
prehistory of life” in dense molecular nebulae, sulted from impacts. A system so largely het-
“pre-planetary chemocoenosis,” “RNA-world” erogeneous (in temperature) could have pro-
in a circumsolar nebula, and primary biocoe- vided possibilities for processes of primary
noses of protocells (life) on the planetary bod- syntheses of organic compounds.
ies. Estimates for carbon in the primordial Professor Lev Mikhailovich Mukhin, who was
biosphere on the young Earth’s surface give one of the most active organizers of the work-
2.4 × 1019 kg. The decay of the primordial shop “Problems of the Origin of Life,” died on
Earth’s biomass and biogeochemical cycles in April 24, 2009. Considering that Lev Mik-
2.5 Myr led to the “planet of bacteria” with hailovich was planning to prepare a paper
2.0 × 1015 kg of biota in the Proterozoic (at the based on his report, the editorial team made a
time of an oxygenated atmosphere). The main decision to publish the reports of Lev Mik-
parameters (pressure, temperature, and state of hailovich based on a videotape. The report
catalytic solid phase) are estimated for these was converted into a written document and
stages of the early evolution of life. It is illustrated by the presentation slides.
shown that the abiogenic synthesis of the pri- The editorial team takes the full responsibility
mordial matter was preformed in the Solar for possible errors and omissions.
System on a grand scale with practically every
atom in nanoparticles-catalysts participating. 2011010008
Selection among catalytically active nanopar- 由年轻行星紧密包围着的早期地球 = Early
ticles worked towards the ability to synthesize Earth closely surrounded by young stars. (英
high molecular compounds in a protoplanetary 文). Vityazev A V; Pechernikova G V. Pale-
disk. Autocatalysts participated in the pre- ontological Journal, 2010, 44(7): 800-818 11
planetary chemical evolution, beginning from 图版.
such simple substances as ethylene or glyco- Knowledge of the physical and chemical
laldehyde. Primary synthesis of autocatalysts conditions on the primeval Earth is important
depended on external sources of energy, e.g., for the study of the origin of the biosphere.
on ultraviolet radiation. This paper discusses the latest modification of
the theory of the origin of the Earth and other
2011010006 planets. Possible consequences of the forma-
分子及其在宇宙中的迁徙 = Molecules and tion of the Sun in the area of the star forma-
their migration in the universe. ( 英 文 ). tion closely surrounded by neighboring young
Bochkarev N G. Paleontological Jour- stars are considered. The classical problem of
nal, 2010, 44(7): 778-791 12 图版. the rate of accretion of Earth and other planets
This paper outlines the assemblage of is generalized with new estimates allowing the
molecules observed in various astronomical correlation of the results from long-lived (U-
objects found in, largely, the interstellar me- Pb) and short-lived (Hf-W) space-
dium (not including the planets of the Solar chronometers. A model of the early evolution
System and their satellites). Various mecha- of the Earth, based on both dynamic estimates
nisms for the spatial migration of molecules, and the latest geochemical data (earliest Aus-
including the transfer of molecular compounds tralian zircons, relict xenon pleiad) is dis-
from one planetary (protoplanetary) system to cussed. The problems of the theory of early
another, are considered. It is shown that over Earth’s evolution, which so far cannot be ade-
cosmological time the transfer of molecules is quately solved, are discussed.

Earth. The greatest glaciation apparently oc-
2011010009 curred about 640 Ma, which gave rise to the
假象的微生物结构 = Pseudomorphic micro- discussion of the model of the Snowball Earth.
bial structures. (英文). Rozanov A Yu. Pale- The emergence and evolution of skeletons in
ontological Journal, 2010, 44(7): 819-826 7 animals is sometimes thought to be connected
图版. with glaciations. These events are correlated
According to the recent data, carbonaceous and accounted for by great endogenous
chondrites occasionally have pseudomor- changes. One of the major events in endoge-
phoses after microbes. The meteorite ages nous history is the onset about 750 Ma of pe-
suggest that life had developed earlier than the riodic manifestation of mantle flows (super-
Earth was formed. plumes), which explain further periodicity of
the biosphere evolution. In conclusion, ex-
2011010010 trapolation of future evolution and successive
collapse of biosphere segments in the course
of transformation of the Sun into a red star and
作用问题 = On the early evolutionary stage of warming of the Earth surface are proposed.
the geosphere and biosphere and the problem
of early glaciations. (英文). Dobretsov N L. 2011010011
Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(7): 827- 高温深水微生物群落作为远古生态系统的
838 9 图版. 一个可能的指示器 = High-temperature deep-
The early evolutionary stages of the geo- subsurface microbial communities as a possi-
sphere and biosphere are determined by three ble equivalent of ancient ecosystems. (英文).
interrelated factors: (1) continuous cooling of
Bonch-Osmolovskaya E A. Paleontological
the surface and interior (mantle) of the Earth
Journal, 2010, 44(7): 851-859 4 图版.
(the mean temperatures of the mantle and sur-
face decreased by a factor of 1.5–2 and 3–4, Microbiological, molecular biological, and
respectively; the mean heat flow was reduced radioisotopic studies suggest that active and
by approximately one order of magnitude, and complex microbial communities exist in the
viscosity, by three orders); (2) continuous deep layers of the subsurface biosphere. This
stepwise oxidation of the surface, which was review discusses only one group of such
particularly well pronounced from 3.8 to 1.8 communities, i.e., those developing at high
Ga; and (3) periodic and correlated fluctua- (above 60°C temperatures). Oil wells, subsur-
tions of conditions in the geosphere and bio- face water reservoirs (e.g., the Great Artesian
sphere of varying extent and nature. The ma- Basin in Australia), deep mines (in South Af-
jor boundaries of this evolution were about 4 rica), and high-temperature horizons below
Ga (the origin of rather thick and heterogene- the seafloor in the areas of underwater vol-
ous earth’s crust, the origin of life); about 3 canic activity contain the best-studied high-
Ga (appearance of a strong magnetic field, an temperature subsurface ecosystems. These
increase in photosynthetic activity); about microbial communities differ considerably
1.8–1.9 Ga (appearance of an oxidized atmos- from one another in biodiversity, initial energy
phere, the first supercontinent, possibly, the substrate, and major microbiological processes.
first superplumes from the nucleus); and about However, before they can be considered as
0.75 Ga (acceleration of subduction, “water- equivalents of the Earth’s primordial ecosys-
ing” of the upper mantle, elevation of conti- tems, it is necessary to demonstrate that they
nents with vast land masses, shelves, large are energetically independent of the modern
rivers, and the first great glaciations). The sig- biosphere.
nificance and correlations of the earliest
events (before and about 4 Ga) and events 2011010012
about 750 Ma are widely debated. In the Late 40 亿年前早期地球上的生命环境 = Life
Archean and Early Proterozoic (before 1.8 Ga), conditions on the early Earth after 4.0 Ga. (英
the biosphere was dominated by cyanobacteria, 文 ). Rozanov A Yu. Paleontological Jour-
the dynamics and developmental peaks of nal, 2010, 44(7): 839-850 14 图版.
which are marked by the presence of wide- The organization level of Precambrian fos-
spread stromatolite buildups in carbonaceous sils is the most reliable indicator of the state
rocks (initially, mostly dolomitic matter). and parameters of the biosphere, such as the
About 700–750 Ma, intense and frequent gla- atmosphere composition, average temperature
ciations developed, marking the cooling of the of the earth’s surface, and others. At present,

cyanobacteria, unicellular and multicellular pothesis that the first cells originated in reser-
eukaryotes, and coelomates are considered to voirs where potassium and magnesium salts
appear in the geological history of the Earth (necessary for protein synthesis and thus for
much earlier than it was supposed previously. the formation of a cellular membrane) domi-
Our knowledge and ideas of the early Earth nated, is substantiated. This was followed by
are very important for considering the prob- adaptation of these cells to an external ocean-
lems of the origin of life. A key boundary of like environment, where sodium salts were
the earliest period was probably about 4 Ga. prevalent. This stage of evolution required a
This boundary is between the periods docu- plasma membrane capable of providing ion
mented and undocumented by the geological asymmetry between the cell’s cytoplasm and
record. The Earth history and probable surface the external environment. At this stage of evo-
conditions before 4 Ga are considered by L.M. lution in the predecessors of animals, the
Mukhina, A.V. Vityazeva, G.V. Pechernikova, process of removal of sodium ions and accu-
and L.V. Ksanfomaliti in this volume. mulation of potassium ions began functioning
in the plasma membrane. The problem of mul-
2011010013 ticellular organisms was solved differently by
地球上最初的生态系统 = First ecosystems animals and plants: animals developed a sys-
on Earth. (英文). Zavarzin G A. Paleontologi- tem of the extracellular fluids that provided
cal Journal, 2010, 44(7): 870-879 5 图版. stable physicochemical conditions on the ex-
Theories attempting to explain the origin of ternal surface of the plasma membrane. So-
life on Earth should be based on the assump- dium ions were the stimulus for the formation
tion that habitability precedes habitation. The of the polar cell, where sodium channels are
hypotheses of the first organism should be situated on one side of the plasma membrane,
based on the evaluation of its possible life- and sodium pumps on the other, allowing the
supporting ecosystem. The ecosystem should development of the absorption, excretion and
necessarily include primary autotrophic pro- breathing functions. The formation of fluids of
ducers, and hydrogenotrophy appears to be an the internal environment enabled the devel-
adequate physiological type for primitive eco- opment of homeostasis and facilitated the bio-
systems. Consideration of life on Earth should logical progress of the animal kingdom.
differentiate between the origin of organisms
in situ and the transportation of organisms 2011010015
from outside with cosmic bodies in the 查尔斯•达尔文,进化生理学和生命起源 =
framework of life as a widespread phenome- Charles Darwin, evolutionary physiology, and
non of the Universe. In the case of transport of origin of life. (英文). Natochin Yu V. Paleon-
life with cosmic bodies, there are no limita- tological Journal, 2010, 44(12): 1471-1481
tions on the transfer of a community rather In the first half of the 19th century investi-
than an individual cell. In the case of the gations began in the field of comparative and
transport of the community with a large piece ontogenetic physiology, and the publication of
of “dirty ice,” the problem lies in the corre- On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
spondence between the community and its became a further stimulus for the development
ecosystem on the parent body and the condi- of problems of evolutionary physiology. The
tions on the primeval Earth rather than func- term evolutionary physiology was coined by
tional divergence from a primary ancestor. A.N. Severtzov in 1914, in the early 1930s the
Subsequent events are within the framework USSR created laboratories for the develop-
of paleontologically observed evolution and ment of problems of evolutionary physiology.
can be described as biogeochemical succes- In 1956 L.A. Orbeli organized the Sechenov
sion without any additional speculations. Institute of Evolutionary Physiology (Acad-
emy of Sciences of the USSR) in Leningrad.
2011010014 This paper discusses the problems of physio-
生物膜的起源 = The origin of membranes. logical paleontology, principles of the evolu-
(英文). Natochin Yu V. Paleontological Jour- tion of functions, regularities in functional
nal, 2010, 44(7): 860-869 evolution, and physiologic approaches to the
The physicochemical conditions of the en- origin of cell and life.
vironment in which life arose are discussed,
along with the appearance of protocells, their 2011010016
membranous envelope and the subsequent 可变性,范本原则和演化理论 = Variability,
appearance of plasma membranes. The hy- template principle, and evolutionary theory.

(英文). Inge-Vechtomov S G. Paleontological tions were realized as a result of manifestation
Journal, 2010, 44(12): 1482-1490 7 图版. of latent characters in adults through various
The central dogma of molecular biology heterochronies. This resulted in mosaic evolu-
(Crick, 1958, 1970), as an expression of the tion and concealment of intermediate forms.
template principle in biology, provides a basis Many characters of new body plans appeared
for the consideration of different variability in the ancestral taxon and their various combi-
types connected with replication, transcription, nations in the newly established taxa formed
and translation from the unified position. the archaic diversity. The maximum rank of
There are also conformational templates (the newly appearing higher taxa decreased with
second order templates), which should be con- geological time. The evolution of metazoans
sidered in addition to the generally accepted passed from the development of the general
templates of the first order. Nevertheless, body plan to less significant details and ap-
there is no direct correspondence between mo- pearance of body plans describing taxa of
lecular mechanisms and organismic (pheno- lower ranks. New body plans of higher taxa
typic) manifestation of variability types. This were superposed on the old body plan rather
explains contradictions in the commonly ac- than replaced it, extending with time the sub-
cepted classification of variability types. Uni- ordination of body plans and respective hier-
form mechanisms may underlie both heredi- archy of taxa. Aromorphoses are always con-
tary and nonhereditary variations, depending nected with the appearance of a new body
on the taxonomic position and stage of the life plan. The appearance of new taxa and an in-
cycle. Hereditary genetic and epigenetic varia- crease in morphological diversity mostly oc-
tions differ in frequency and, hence, have dif- curred at certain boundaries in the develop-
ferent effect on the efficiency of natural selec- ment of the biota, which were connected with
tion, resulting in different tempos of evolution. a sharp increase in the previously limited re-
可能性空间和演化 = Possibility spaces and 2011010019
evolution. ( 英 文 ). Suslov V V; M P; 达尔文主义的形态学解释 = Morphological
Kolchanov N A. Paleontological Jour- interpretation of darwinism. (英文). Mamkaev
nal, 2010, 44(12): 1491-1499 Yu V. Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(12):
Regulatory sequences, protein active sites, 1509-1517 1 图版.
and gene networks contain evolutionarily con- The development of evolutionary theory
servative modules, which define possibility requires the resolution of the problem of rela-
spaces, which restrict variability and canalize tionships between random and regular proc-
evolution. This provides a new insight into esses in historical development of biological
Vavilov’s law of homologous series and other systems. According to the theory of natural
cases of parallel evolution. These modules are selection, ecological factors play a leading
self-sustained due to duplications and conver- role in evolution. Variations are nondirec-
gent molecular evolution. At the same time, tional, unpredictable, and provide chaotic di-
protecting some mutations from the effect of versity of variants, only some of which are
natural selection, the modules facilitate accu- potentially useful. However, based on random
mulation of mutations in the quasineutral processes, new variants that are useful for or-
mode and, thereby, promote further evolution, ganisms and remain adaptive significance in
making it unique. various ecological situations are infrequent. At
the same time, morphology demonstrates cer-
2011010018 tain evolutionary patterns. The morphological
较高级后生动物分类单元形体构型的组合 approach takes into account the role in evolu-
模型:古生物学观点 = Combinatorial model tion of structural features of organism and
for the formation of body plans in higher social systems and evolutionary significance
of “constructive technologies,” which distin-
metazoan taxa: Paleontological insight. (英文).
guish morphological interpretation of evolu-
Rozhnov S V. Paleontological Journal, 2010,
tionary processes. The constructive and evolu-
44(12): 1500-1508 4 图版. tionary patterns revealed in biological systems
The body plans of higher metazoan taxa provide the basis for morphological interpreta-
were formed during a short time (on the geo- tion of the principle of natural selection: both
logical time scale) by combination of the pre- natural and artificial selection is interaction
viously developed characters. The combina- between social systems (populations, ecosys-

tems, biogeocoenoses) and organisms com- ever, it is free from the influence of cold tem-
posing them. peratures and deficiency in water or mineral
supply. The cost for phylogenetic adaptogene-
2011010020 sis of vascular plants to the Neogene climatic
形态演进组织的建立:起因和条件 = Estab- cooling and aridization is a fourfold increase
lishment of aromorphic organization: Causes in genome size. The morphofunctional conse-
and conditions. (英文). Severtsov A S. Pale- quences are reduction of cell systems and life
ontological Journal, 2010, 44(12): 1518-1524 forms in connection with the energy problems
Aromorphoses appear based on specializa- induced by fragmentation of the trophic tract.
tion of ancestral taxon in a narrow adaptive
zone. Aromorphic evolution is accumulation 2011010022
and coordination of particular adaptive Boris Mikhaylovich Kozo-Polyansky (1890–
changes in organismic organization, which 1957)提出的一种关于演化重现的新原则:
provide adaptation to the whole range of envi- 共生起源 = Symbiogenesis. A new principle
ronmental conditions in the initial adaptive of evolution rediscovery of Boris Mikhay-
zone. This provides preadaptation of a taxon lovich Kozo-Polyansky (1890–1957). (英文).
to the expansion of the adaptive zone. A dis- Margulis L. Paleontological Journal, 2010,
tinctive feature of aromorphosis is preserva- 44(12): 1525-1539 12 图版.
tion of fitness in both ancestral and newly ac- The following is a heavily edited transcript
quired adaptive zones. Therefore, aromor- of my illustrated lecture, that included our 14
phoses are retained during subsequent phylog- minute video (with a 2 minute animation
eny and lost only in the case of very strong, model) that shows each step in live organisms
usually hypomorphic specialization. hypothesized in the origin of nucleated cells
from bacteria (“eukaryosis”). New observa-
2011010021 tions presented with modern examples of live
细胞系统的演化与植物生命形式 = Evolu- phenomena make us virtually certain that B.M.
tion of cell systems and plant life forms. (英 Kozo-Polyansky’s “new principle” (1924) of
文 ). Gamalei Yu V. Paleontological Jour- the importance of symbiogenesis in the evolu-
nal, 2010, 44(12): 1540-1551 tionary process of at least 2000 million years
The distribution of photosynthates in the of life on Earth is correct. The widely touted
body of vascular plants is examined by the but undocumented explanation of the origin of
methods of electron and confocal fluorescent evolutionary novelty by “gradual accumula-
microscopy in lifetime dynamics and using tion of random mutations” will be considered
fixed preparations. It is shown that system an erroneous early 20th century hunch prof-
relations of cells are provided by the “trophic fered primarily by Englishmen, North Ameri-
tract,” i.e., endoplasmic membrane meshwork, cans and other anglophones. They (Neodar-
which is induced by photosynthesis and winist “explanations”) will be replaced by the
moves along plasmodesmata from photosyn- details of symbiogenesis: genetic mergers es-
thetic cells to meristematic cells consuming pecially speciation by genome acquisition,
photosynthates. The structure and functions of karyotypic fissions (neocentromere formation,
the trophic tract are controlled by the actomy- related chromosome change) and D.I. Wil-
osin contractile apparatus of the cytoskeleton. liamson’s larval transfer concept for animals.
Climatic cooling and aridization in the Neo- Although ignored and dismissed in his life
gene caused the loss of plasticity of the acto- time, Kozo-Polyansky’s brilliant work will be
myosin complex, elimination of plasmodes- lauded for symbiogenesis in the same style
mata, and fragmentation of the trophic tract, that Gregor Mendel’s studies of inheritance of
which were accompanied by partial transition “factors” in peas was for recognition of his
of plants to the distribution of photosynthates establishment of diploid organism genetic
through the apoplast. This caused the appear- principles by the beginning of the 20th century.
ance in the Miocene of perennial and annual My talk, photographs and moving pictures
herbs, with the trophic tract composed of par- were presented at the Darwin conference, St.
ticular domains without plasmodesmal con- Petersburg, on September 23, 2009 introduced
nections. In contrast to the continuous endo- by E. Kolchinsky.
plasmic trophic tract of trees, the apoplastic
tract of herbs is inefficient, since transdomain 2011010023
transport of sugar along the apoplast is con- 底质集群:文德期固着底栖生物群 = Colo-
nected with high energy consumption. How- nization of substrates: Vendian sedentary ben-

thos. (英文). Serezhnikova E A. Paleontologi- ecosystems, and that current biodiversity pat-
cal Journal, 2010, 44(12): 1560-1569 3 图版. terns are rooted deep in the pre-Quaternary.
Studies of fossils sampled from a single
fossiliferous layer (monotopic series) and a 2011010025
summary of previous data on taphonomy and 过去 650 年内南半球生物量损毁的重大变
morphology of Vendian macroorganisms sug- 化 = Large Variations in Southern Hemi-
gest that most strategies of attachment of sed- sphere Biomass Burning During the Last 650
entary benthos were formed in the Vendian. Years. (英文). Wang Z; Chappellaz J; Park K;
These included: (1) free living with possible Mak J E. Science, 2010, 330(6011): 1663-
organic gluing; (2) fixation on the substrate 1666
using sucker-like structures and various in- We present a 650-year Antarctic ice core
crustations; (3) fixation of the basal parts by record of concentration and isotopic ratios
shallow submergence in the sediment; (4) an- (delta C-13 and delta O-18) of atmospheric
choring into the sediment with discoidal and carbon monoxide. Concentrations decreased
rhizoid-like holdfasts; and (5) partial submer- by similar to 25% (14 parts per billion by vol-
gence and infaunal lifestyle. The most wide- ume) from the mid-1300s to the 1600s then
spread fixation in the Vendian was the at- recovered completely by the late 1800s. delta
tachment by discoid organs, which can be in- C-13 and delta O-18 decreased by about 2 and
terpreted as symbiotrophic structures. Sym- 4 per mil (parts per thousand), respectively,
biotrophy in Vendian organisms submerged in from the mid-1300s to the 1600s then in-
the anoxic sediment can apparently be sup- creased by about 2.5 and 4 parts per thousand
ported by indirect evidence: structural diver- by the late 1800s. These observations and iso-
sity of basal organs, their complex morphol- tope mass balance model results imply that
ogy, large area of contact with substrate, large variations in the degree of biomass burn-
unlimited isometric growth, predominant fos- ing in the Southern Hemisphere occurred dur-
silization of attachment discs; inconsistent ing the last 650 years, with a decrease by
systematization of organisms. about 50% in the 1600s, an increase of about
100% by the late 1800s, and another decrease
2011010024 by about 70% from the late 1800s to present
亚马孙古陆的沧桑变迁:安第斯山脉上 day.
升,气候改变,陆地演化和生物多样性 =
Amazonia Through Time: Andean Uplift, 2011010026
Climate Change, Landscape Evolution, and 埃迪卡拉早期一个肉眼可见的和形态分异
Biodiversity. (英文). Hoorn C; Wesselingh F 的真核生物组合 = An early Ediacaran as-
P; ter Steege H; Bermudez M A; Mora A; semblage of macroscopic and morphologically
Sevink J; Sanmartin I; Sanchez-Meseguer A; differentiated eukaryotes. ( 英 文 ). Yuan
Anderson C L; Figueiredo J P; Jaramillo C; Xunlai; Chen Zhe; Xiao Shuhai; Zhou
Riff D; Negri F R; Hooghiemstra H ; Chuanming; Hua Hong. Nature, 2011,
Lundberg J; Stadler T; Sarkinen T; Antonelli 470(7334): 390–393
A. Science, 2010, 330(6006): 927-931 The deep-water Avalon biota (about 579 to
The Amazonian rainforest is arguably the 565 million years old) is often regarded as the
most species-rich terrestrial ecosystem in the earliest-known fossil assemblage with macro-
world, yet the timing of the origin and evolu- scopic and morphologically complex life
tionary causes of this diversity are a matter of forms1. It has been proposed that the rise of
debate. We review the geologic and phyloge- the Avalon biota was triggered by the oxy-
netic evidence from Amazonia and compare it genation of mid-Ediacaran deep oceans2. Here
with uplift records from the Andes. This uplift we report a diverse assemblage of morpho-
and its effect on regional climate fundamen- logically differentiated benthic macrofossils
tally changed the Amazonian landscape by that were preserved largely in situ as carbona-
reconfiguring drainage patterns and creating a ceous compressions in black shales of the
vast influx of sediments into the basin. On this Ediacaran Lantian Formation (southern Anhui
"Andean" substrate, a region-wide edaphic Province, South China). The Lantian biota,
mosaic developed that became extremely rich probably older than and taxonomically distinct
in species, particularly in Western Amazonia. from the Avalon biota, suggests that morpho-
We show that Andean uplift was crucial for logical diversification of macroscopic eu-
the evolution of Amazonian landscapes and karyotes may have occurred in the early Edia-
caran Period, perhaps shortly after the Mari-

noan glaciation, and that the redox history of cian Radiation of Marine Organisms. (英文).
Ediacaran oceans was more complex than Masuda F; Ezaki Y. Paleontological Re-
previously thought. search, 2009, 13(1): 3-8.
The strontium isotopic composition of the
2011010027 oceans changed markedly at the Cambrian-
演化生物学:生命什麽时候长大 = Evolu- Ordovician transition, some 500 million years
tionary biology: When life got big. (英文). ago. This isotopic shift was greatly affected by
Narbonne G M. Nature, 2011, 470(7334): the first bio-invasion of the land and the ensu-
339–340 ing terrestrial-surface environments in a chain
Deposits in China dating to about 600 mil- reaction that included: 1) an attenuation of
lion years ago contain carbon compressions of weathering on land, 2) changes in the outflow
algae and other organisms. The fossils provide patterns of fluvial floods and the circulation
a new window into the early evolution of patterns of groundwater, 3) marked regional
complex multicellular life differentiation of coastal environments, 4) the
formation of soil layers, and 5) the eutrophica-
2011010028 tion of estuaries by nutrient salts of terrestrial-
前言:古生代和中生代温室期的地生物群 biosphere origin. A series of these environ-
= Preface: Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Geobiota mental changes culminated in the marine Or-
During Greenhouse Intervals. (英文). Ezaki Y; dovician biodiversification, an explosive
Yao A; Liu Jianbo. Paleontological Re- flourishing of the Paleozoic evolutionary
search, 2009, 13(1): 1-1 fauna that is characterized by a variety of filter
The present is not necessarily the key to the and suspension feeders. The bio-invasion onto
past.” This is one of the most important les- land was one of the greatest geobiological
sons of geological study. In the geologic past, events in the Earth's history.
many phenomena have been found to be
unique to specific temporal and environmental 2011010030
circumstances, and the continual change in 奥陶纪生物多样性事件的海洋沉积反应:
such circumstances asserts that incidents 以华南和华北为例 = Marine Sedimentary
should always be interpreted anew in full con- Response to the Great Ordovician Biodiversi-
sideration of context. Past geobiological phe- fication Event: Examples from North China
nomena have contributed to this continued and South China. (英文). Liu Jianbo. Paleon-
evolution of the environment through iterative tological Research, 2009, 13(1): 9-21.
interactions among environmental components, The Great Ordovician Biodiversification
culminating in the present-day Earth. Event (GOBE) introduced both dramatic in-
The Palaeozoic to Mesozoic was punctuated crease in taxonomic diversity and the com-
by extended greenhouse cycles that governed plexity of community structure in the marine
the Earth-surface environment, particularly in realm. However, relative few works have as-
the Middle Cambrian to Devonian (except the sessed comprehensively the changes of sedi-
latest Ordovician) and the Middle Permian to mentary systems in shallow-marine settings
Cretaceous. Those greenhouse intervals responding to the GOBE. Data presented here
marked periods of dramatic changes in geobi- illustrate that the sedimentary systems on the
ota, which were clearly reflected in the rise South China and North China paleoplates
and fall of the Cambrian, Palaeozoic, and changed markedly as a consequence of the
Modern evolutionary faunas. These critical first major phase of the Ordovician biodiversi-
times also saw the establishment of the basic fication. Pre-GOBE sedimentary systems in
geobiological frameworks, such as the marine- the Tremadocian display widespread microbi-
to-terrestrial food webs and habitats, which alites and flat-pebble conglomerates and the
would shape the future Earth environment. It indigent extent of bioturbation. Through the
remains an important question as to how these transitional period of the early Floian, the
series of climatic and environmental fluctua- sedimentary system in the rest of the Early
tions have affected the evolution of the Earth. and Mid Ordovician changes to GOBE-type,
characterized by intensive bioturbation and
2011010029 vanishing flat-pebble conglomerate and sub-
地表环境的重大革命:生物登陆和海洋生 tidal microbial sediment. The irreversible
物奥陶纪辐射的关联 = A Great Revolution changes in the sedimentary systems in North
of the Earth-Surface Environment: Linking the and South China may be a consequence of the
Bio-Invasion Onto the Land and the Ordovi- Ordovician biodiversification instead of its

environmental background. Further detailed 化石"3 类,结合部分新材料的研究,分别对其
and quantitative field studies on the changes in 形态、保存特征和最新研究进展进行评
sedimentary systems are crucial for under- 述。认为其中大部分属假化石、MISS 构造
standing the ultimate causes of the GOBE.
2011010031 能的动物化石,具有进一步研究的价值:1)辽
动物的起源和寒武纪大爆发:来自中国的化 南五行山群的水母状化石;2)辽南兴民村组
石证据 = The Origin And Cambrian Explo- 的水母状化石;3)部分遗迹化石(如辽南五行
sion Of Animals:Fossil Evidences From China. 山群的 Skolithos、北京青白口系的遗迹化
(中文). 朱茂炎. 古生物学报 , 2010, 49(3): 石);以及 4)"淮南生物群"的蠕虫状化石。
近 30 年来,中国埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪发现 2011010033
了包括瓮安生物群和澄江动物群在内一系 3D 复原应用于古生物学的初探 = Applica-
列重要化石群,为揭示动物的起源和寒武纪 tion Of 3D-Reconstruction To Paleontology.
(中文). 陶思宇;张喜光. 古生物学报 , 2010,
49(3): 413-424
目前国际上流行的 3D 复原,其实质是将
的 3D 复原技术不仅能让古生物学家对其研
冠群甲壳动物滇彝虾(Yicaris dianensis)为例,
着重介绍了 3D 复原的流程,包括如何从化
3D 复原技术也是古生物学研究的一得力手
华北地台前寒武纪“后生动物化石”评述 =
半定量分析 = On quantitative and semiquan-
A Brief Review Of The Precambrian "MetaZ-
titative analysis of the paleozoic-mesozoic
zoan Fossils" From North China. (中文). 罗翠;
nonmarine paleoecosystems. (英文). Sadov-
朱茂炎. 古生物学报, 2010, 49(3): 288-307
nikov G N. Paleontological Journal, 2011,
最新的古生物学和分子生物学研究表明, 45(1): 105-111 4 图版.
动物的最早祖先应该早于埃迪卡拉纪,可能 Quantitative analysis of taphocoenoses
在大约 635—850Ma 的成冰纪就已经出现, allows the recognition of dominants and
但是缺乏可靠的化石证据。华北地台的前 codominants of the main associations and
寒武纪沉积地层发育,前人曾在这套地层中 reconstruction of the taph, i.e., simplified
陆续报道过大量的"后生动物化石"。然而, skeletal structure of the lower units of the
这些化石的动物属性均存在疑问。文中通 paleocatena, which is a reconstructed
sequence of benthic communities on the slope
过整理 1979 年以来报道过的相关化石,将其
of a sedimentary basin (Zakharov and
分为"水母状化石"、"遗迹化石"和"蠕虫状 Shurygin, 1985; Krassilov, 2003). Only

aquatic and riparian associations are diversity in the Maranon has been signifi-
connected with the lithological characteristics cantly under-estimated. Further work is
of the taphocoenosis. The composition of needed to identify conservation priority areas
zootaphocoenoses allows the hydrological in the Maranon in order to protect its unique
mode of basins to be determined. The flora.
frequency ratio of basin and lowland
associations is determined by the watering of 2011010037
the bottom of valleys and depressions. The 获得植物标本采集的标签图像样本数据的
frequency ratio of lowland and slope 半自动化工作流程 = Semi-automated work-
associations is determined by the ripeness of flows for acquiring specimen data from label
valleys. The frequency ratio of herbaceous and images in herbarium collections. ( 英 文 ).
arborescent slope associations is determined Granzow-de la Cerda I; Beach J H.
by the ruggedness of terrain adjacent to the Taxon, 2010, 59(6): 1830-1842
basin. Computational workflow environments are
an active area of computer science and infor-
2011010035 matics research; they promise to be effective
俄罗斯古生物学发展史 = On the history of for automating biological information process-
Russian paleontology. (英文). Lobacheva S V. ing for increasing research efficiency and im-
Paleontological Journal, 2011, 45(1): 112- pact. In this project, semi-automated data
115 processing workflows were developed to test
the efficiency of computerizing information
2011010036 contained in herbarium plant specimen labels.
秘鲁北部里约马拉尼翁的安第斯山脉间干 Our test sample consisted of Mexican and
山谷被低估的地方种多样性:来自含羞草 Central American plant specimens held in the
(豆科植物,含羞草亚科)的实例 = Un- University of Michigan Herbarium (MICH).
derestimated endemic species diversity in the The initial data acquisition process consisted
dry inter-Andean valley of the Rio Maranon, of two parts: (1) the capture of digital images
northern Peru: An example from Mimosa of specimen labels and of full-specimen her-
(Leguminosae, Mimosoideae). (英文). Saerki- barium sheets, and (2) creation of a minimal
nen T E; Marcelo-Pena J L; Yomona A D; field database, or "pre-catalog", of records that
Simon M F; Pennington R T; Hughes C E. contain only information necessary to
Taxon, 2011, 60(1): 139-150 uniquely identify specimens. For entering
tool for estimating species diversity when "pre-catalog" data, two methods were tested:
used in combination with traditional morphol- key-stroking the information (a) from the
ogy-based taxonomy. Here we use a densely specimen labels directly, or (b) from digital
sampled plastid gene tree for a morphologi- images of specimen labels. In a second step,
cally complex group within the legume genus locality and latitude/longitude data fields were
Mimosa (sect. Batocaulon ser. Andinae) to filled in if the values were present on the la-
improve estimates of species limits and diver- bels or images. If values were not available,
sity in the poorly known dry inter-Andean geo-coordinates were assigned based on fur-
valley of the Rio Maranon, northern Peru. ther analysis of the descriptive locality infor-
Based on the plastid gene tree, Mimosa ser. mation on the label. Time and effort for the
Andinae, which previously comprised four various steps were measured and recorded.
species, is re-circumscribed to include six An- Our analysis demonstrates a clear efficiency
dean dry-forest species from northern Peru, benefit of articulating a biological specimen
Ecuador and southern Colombia., including data acquisition workflow into discrete steps,
the new species, M. jaenensis, described here. which in turn could be individually optimized.
A further three candidate species are identified First, we separated the step of capturing data
within the section based on high levels of se- from the specimen from most keystroke data
quence variation among accessions. With the entry tasks. We did this by capturing a digital
additional species, the Maranon valley is now image of the specimen for the first step, and
known to harbour nine narrowly restricted also by limiting initial key-stroking of data to
endemic species of Mimosa, a pattern of mul- create only a minimal "pre-catalog" database
tiple congeneric endemics mirrored in many for the latter tasks. By doing this, specimen
other plant genera as well as several animal handling logistics were streamlined to mini-
groups. Our results, in combination with other mize staff time and cost. Second, by then ob-
published studies, suggest that overall species taining most of the specimen data from the

label images, the more intellectually challeng- fundamental question still exists on how to
ing task of label data interpretation could be classify paraphyletic groups. Much of the con-
moved electronically out of the herbarium to troversy appears due to (I) historical shifts in
the location of more highly trained specialists terminology and definitions, (2) neglect of
for greater efficiency and accuracy. This pro- focusing on evolutionary processes for under-
ject used experts in the plants' country of ori- standing origins of natural taxa, (3) a narrow
gin. Mexico, to verify localities, geography, perspective on dimensions involved with re-
and to derive geo-coordinates. Third, with constructing phylogeny, and (4) acceptance of
careful choice of data fields for the "pre- lower levels of information content and prac-
catalog" database, specimen image files linked ticability as a trade-off for ease of arriving at
to the minimal tracking records could be formal classifications. Monophyly in evolu-
sorted by collector and date of collection to tionary biology originally had a broader defi-
minimize key-stroking of redundant data in a nition, that of describing a group with com-
continuous series of labels, resulting in im- mon ancestry. This definition thus includes
proved data entry efficiency and data quality. both paraphyletic and monophyletic groups in
the sense of Hennig. We advocate returning to
2011010038 a broader definition, supporting use of Ash-
Viola montana 和 V. persicifolia ( 堇 菜 lock's term holophyly as replacement for mo-
科):必须取消的两个名字 = Viola mon- nophyly s.str. By reviewing processes in-
tana and V. persicifolia (Violaceae): Two volved in the production of phylogenetic pat-
names to be rejected. (英文). Danihelka J; van terns (budding, merging, and splitting), we
den Hof K; Marcussen T; Jonsell B. demonstrate that paraphyly is a natural transi-
Taxon, 2010, 59(6): 1869-1878 tional stage in the evolution of taxa, and that it
The taxonomic and nomenclatural histories occurs regularly along with holophyly. When
of Viola elatior Fr. (1828), V. pumila Chaix a new holophyletic group arises, it usually
(1785) and V. stagnina Kit. ex Schult. (1814) coexists for some time with its paraphyletic
in central and western Europe are discussed. stem group. Paraphyly and holophyly, there-
The names V. stagnina and V elatior are lecto- fore, represent relational and temporal evolu-
typified with specimens corresponding to the tionary stages. Paraphyletic groups exist at all
current use of these names. The neglected lec- levels of diversification in all kingdoms of
totypification in 1988 of V. montana L. (1753) eukaryotes, and they have traditionally been
with a specimen referable to V elatior is recognized because of their descent-based
briefly reviewed. The name V persicifolia similarity. We review different methodologi-
Schreb. (1771), used in some floras instead of cal approaches for recognition of mono-
V. stagnina, is analysed in detail, and we con- phyletic groups s.l. (i.e., both holophyletic and
clude that this name should be interpreted as paraphyletic), which are essential for dis-
referring also to V. elatior. In addition the criminating from polyphyly that is unaccept-
types of V. hornemanniana Schult. (1819) and able in classification. For arriving at taxo-
V. stipulacea Hartm. (1820) are conspecific nomic decisions, natural processes, informa-
with V. elatior. The use of V. persicifolia and tion content, and practicability are essential
V montana, representing earlier legitimate criteria. We stress using shared descent as a
names for the species widely known as V ela- primary grouping principle, but also empha-
tior, has been notoriously confused for two size the importance of degrees of divergence
centuries, and we herein recommend these two plus similarity (cohesiveness of evolutionary
names for rejection in order to assure nomen- features) as additional criteria for classifica-
clatural clarity and stability. For similar rea- tion.
sons, we recommend conservation of V. ela-
tior against V. hornemanniana and V. stipu- 遗 迹 化 石
lacea. 2011010040
伊朗东北部 Shemshak 群早-中侏罗世节肢
2011010039 动 物 的 繁 殖 构 造 : 一 种 新 遗 迹 种 Celli-
并系类群作为生物分类的自然单元 = Para- calichnus antiquus = Cellicalichnus antiquus
phyletic groups as natural units of biological isp. nov., an Early-Middle Jurassic arthropod
classification. (英文). Horandl E; Stuessy T F. brood structure from the Shemshak Group of
Taxon, 2010, 59(6): 1641-1653 north-eastern Iran. (英文). Fursich F T; Wilm-
Despite the broad acceptance of phyloge- sen M; Taheri J. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie
netic principles in biological classification, a

u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, mains of marine organisms with skeletons
256(1): 61-68 made of calcium carbonate are very poorly
The new ichnospecies Cellicalichnus an- preserved in the Gaiman Formation. Only
tiquus consists of bundles of horizontal tun- large oysters, sparse shell fragments, skeletal
nels, from which at regular intervals elongate moulds, and bioturbation is evident. The fossil
cells opposing each other emerge. The burrow assemblage is mainly composed of phosphatic
has been constructed in floodplain deposits of (e.g. teeth, bones, crustacean parts) and sili-
a braided river system. It is interpreted as an ceous (sponge spicules, diatoms) remains.
arthropod brood structure of either insects,
most likely hymenopterans, lwhich may be- 2011010042
long to the ancestral stock of soil-dwelling 加拿大新斯科舍 Meguma 地体下寒武统遗
bees, or else of terrestrial crustaceans (cray- 迹化石组合的演化意义 = The evolutionary
fishes). significance of a Lower Cambrian trace-fossil
assemblage from the Meguma terrane, Nova
2011010041 Scotia. (英文). Gingras M K; Waldron J W F;
阿根廷南部丘布特中新世企鹅骨骼上的遗 White C E; Barr S M. Canadian Journal of
迹化石 = Trace fossils on penguin bones from Earth Sciences, 2011, 48(1): 71–85
the Miocene of Chubut, southern Argentina. We report a diverse assemblage of trace
(英文). Cione A L; Hospitaleche C A; P rez L fossils from the Lower(?) Cambrian High
M; Laza J H; C sar I. Alcheringa, 2010, 34(4): Head member of the Church Point Formation
433 - 454 near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Based on the
Several traces of biological interaction were presence of sharp-based beds, load casts, and
found on penguin bones from the basal levels flute casts, along with other sedimentological
(Aquitanian) of the Miocene Gaiman Forma- criteria, the strata are interpreted to have a
tion in the lower Chubut valley of the Provin- turbidite origin. Other characteristics, includ-
cia del Chubut, Argentina. The fossil-bearing ing wrinkle structures and high fidelity of
beds were deposited in littoral to sublittoral trace-fossil preservation, suggest that the in-
environments within sediments of mostly py- ter-episode biotope was influenced by the
roclastic origin. We interpret many traces to presence of biomats. The trace-fossil assem-
have been produced by predators and/or scav- blage includes (in approximate order of abun-
engers while the penguins were still in a dance) Planolites, Helminthopsis, Oldhamia,
breeding area. Many bones show cracking Chondrites, Gordia, Cladichnus, Psammich-
marks due to aerial exposure. The material is nites gigas, Treptichnus, Phycodes, Lorenzinia,
disarticulated as is usual in recent breeding Palaeophycus, and Teichichnus. Trace fossils
areas. Potential predators were coeval terres- are increasingly abundant upwards in the sec-
trial mammals, most probably marsupial car- tion, but they are ultimately mitigated by an
nivores. After a marine transgression, these increase in (inferred) sedimentation rates. The
bones were buried or exposed on the sea bot- trace-fossil assemblage, which bears many
tom where they could be colonized by algae, similarities to other Lower Cambrian locales
sponges, cnidarians, and other benthic organ- (e.g., Puncoviscana Formation of northwest
isms. We identified sponge borings in several Argentina, Chapel Island Formation of south-
bones. Other traces are interpreted to have eastern Newfoundland), and the distribution of
been produced by echinoderms feeding on ichnofossils strongly support an earliest Cam-
sponges or algae. No evidence of other inver- brian age for the studied strata. More impor-
tebrate predators such as muricid or naticid tantly, evolutionary trends can be interpreted
gastropods, or decapods was found. Finally, from the trace-fossil assemblage, namely (1)
other traces appear to have been generated by an increase in size and diversity of animals in
shark and possibly teleostean vertebrates feed- deep water; (2) an expansion of motile strate-
ing on epibionts. One coracoid is interpreted gies used to coexist with biomats; and, (3)
to have been marked by a shark that is com- increasingly complex mining strategies below
mon in the Gaiman Formation, the car- the sediment-biomat interface.
charhiniform Galeocerdo aduncus. From an
ethological (Seilacherian) classification, traces 2011010043
on bones from the Gaiman Formation include 俄罗斯北极地区北地群岛晚寒武世芙蓉统
Domichnia (sponge perforations), Praedichnia 遗迹化石 Cruziana semiplicata 兼评这个遗
(terrestrial marsupials, sharks, teleosteans) and 迹种的时空分布 = Cruziana semiplicata from
Pasichnia (echinoderms). Remarkably, re- the Furongian (Late Cambrian) of Severnaya

Zemlya Archipelago, Arctic Russia, with a drift models produced similar estimates. The
review of the spatial and temporal distribution prior on times, which incorporates fossil-
of this ichnospecies. (英文). Jensen S; Bogo- calibration information, had the greatest im-
lepova O K; Gubanov A P. Geological Jour- pact on posterior time estimation. In particular,
nal, 2011, 46(1): 26-33 the strategies used by the 2 programs to incor-
The Furongian (Late Cambrian) Kurchavin- porate minimum- and maximum-age bounds
skaya Formation of October Revolution Island, led to very different time priors and were re-
Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, Arctic Russia, sponsible for large differences in posterior
contains two distinctive morphotypes of the time estimates in a previous study. The results
trace fossil Cruziana, both of which we assign highlight the critical importance of fossil cali-
to Cruziana semiplicata. A wider form shows brations to molecular dating and the need for
characteristics typical of this ichnospecies probabilistic modeling of fossil depositions,
with inner and outer lobes and marginal ridges. preservations, and sampling to provide statis-
A narrow form has only an inner lobe with tical summaries of information in the fossil
siculate, often interfering scratch-marks, and record concerning species divergence times.
rare, narrow marginal ridges. This narrow
form, which shows characters in common with 2011010045
Cruziana tortworthi, probably represents bur- 一种用于评估分子分化时间和化石标尺确
rowing in a strongly head-down orientation. 立的似然法 = A Likelihood Method for As-
The record from October Revolution Island sessing Molecular Divergence Time Estimates
provides additional evidence that the palaeo- and the Placement of Fossil Calibrations. (英
geographical distribution of Cruziana semipli- 文 ). Pyron R A. Systematic Biology, 2010,
cata is not restricted to Gondwana, but also 59(2): 185-194.
extend to parts of Baltica and North Kara. Estimating divergence times using molecu-
Cruziana semiplicata is known from the Fu- lar sequence data has become a common ap-
rongian and Tremadocian of Gondwana, plication of statistical phylogenetics. However,
whereas on Baltica it is known only from the disparities between estimated ages for clades
Furongian produced in different studies have become
equally commonplace. Here, I propose a
分子古生物学 method for the objective assessment of the
2011010044 likelihood of inferred divergence times to
在物种分异时间的贝叶斯测定法中化石定 evaluate the placement of fossil constraints
标代表性的意义 = The Impact of the Repre- using information from the broader fossil re-
sentation of Fossil Calibrations on Bayesian cord. The inclusion of nodes from the Tree of
Estimation of Species Divergence Times. (英 Life for which credible age ranges are known,
文). Inoue Jun; Donoghue P C J; Yang Ziheng. in addition to the fossil constraints used in the
Systematic Biology, 2010, 59(1): 74-89 ingroup, will allow for the comparison of al-
Bayesian inference provides a powerful ternate fossil placements when the phyloge-
framework for integrating different sources of netic affinity of a fossil is ambiguous as well
information (in particular, molecules and fos- as provide a heuristic assessment of the global
sils) to derive estimates of species divergence likelihood of estimated divergence times. The
times. Indeed, it is currently the only frame- use of these “likelihood checkpoints” will al-
work that can adequately account for uncer- low for the comparison of inferred dates
tainties in fossil calibrations. We use 2 Bayes- across data sets and across taxonomic groups
ian Markov chain Monte Carlo programs, to place divergence time estimates into a
MULTIDIVTIME and MCMCTREE, to ana- broader evolutionary timescale. The method is
lyze 3 empirical datasets to estimate diver- illustrated with an example using an expanded
gence times in amphibians, actinopterygians, phylogenetic estimate of the Gnathostomata,
and felids. We evaluate the impact of various inferred with relaxed-clock molecular dating
factors, including the priors on rates and times, methods.
fossil calibrations, substitution model, the vio-
lation of the molecular clock and the rate-drift 2011010046
model, and the exact and approximate likeli- 利用化石打破分子测年中的长链:与运用
hood calculation. Assuming the molecular 于被子植物起源的“休闲钟”的比较 = Using
clock caused seriously biased time estimates Fossils to Break Long Branches in Molecular
when the clock is violated, but 2 different rate- Dating: A Comparison of Relaxed Clocks Ap-

plied to the Origin of Angiosperms. (英文). of spontaneous transesterification of polyribo-
Magallón S. Systematic Biology, 2010, 59(4): nucleotides, which was discovered by A.B.
384-399 Chetverin and colleagues, could result in
Long branches are potentially problematic elongation of short initial oligoribonucleotides
in molecular dating because they can encom- and produce sequence variants for further
pass a vast number of combinations of substi- natural selection of accidentally arising func-
tution rate and time. A long branch is sus- tionally active molecules. Further, the forma-
pected to have biased molecular clock esti- tion of mixed molecular colonies of RNA on
mates of the age of flowering plants (angio- moist solid media, such as clays, could have
sperms) to be much older than their earliest provided compartmentation of functional
fossils. This study explores the effect of the RNA ensembles in the absence of envelopes
long branch subtending angiosperms in mo- or membranes, which were necessary for fur-
lecular dating and how different relaxed ther evolution of the RNA world. The system-
clocks react to it. Fossil angiosperm relatives, atic exponential enrichment of the RNA popu-
identified through a combined morphological lation with functionally the best molecules
and molecular phylogenetic analysis for living because of alternating dissolution of colonies
and fossil seed plants, were used to break the due to flooding and formation of new colonies
long angiosperm stem branch. Nucleotide se- due to drying in ancient pools (“primordial
quences of angiosperm fossil relatives were natural SELEX”) could be critical for the evo-
simulated using a phylogeny and model pa- lutionary process in the RNA world.
rameters from living taxa and incorporated in
molecular dating. Three relaxed clocks, which 2011010048
implement among-lineage rate heterogeneity 蜡质植物球兰(球兰属,牛奶菜族,夹竹
differently, were used: penalized likelihood 桃 科 ) 的 再 研 究 : 使 用 matK 基 因 和
(using 2 different rate smoothing optimization psbA-trnH 基因间隔区做出系统树 = Revis-
criteria), a Bayesian rate-autocorrelated iting the wax plants (Hoya, Marsdenieae,
method, and a Bayesian uncorrelated method. Apocynaceae): Phylogenetic tree using the
Different clocks provided highly correlated matK gene and psbA-trnH intergenic spacer.
ages across the tree. Breaking the angiosperm (英文). Wanntorp L; Gotthardt K; Muellner A
stem branch did not result in major age differ- N. Taxon, 2011, 60(1): 4-14
ences, except for a few sensitive nodes. Break- The genus Hoya includes over 200 species
ing the angiosperm stem branch resulted in a with a geographic distribution covering all
substantially younger age for crown angio- eight currently recognised biodiversity hot-
sperms only with 1 of the 4 methods, but, nev- spots in the Indomalesian-Australasian region.
ertheless, the obtained age is considerably Despite the great horticultural interest in Hoya,
older than the oldest angiosperm fossils. The which includes some of the most commonly
origin of crown angiosperms is estimated be- cultivated ornamental plants, very little is
tween the Upper Triassic and the early Per- known about their evolution and a phyloge-
mian. The difficulty in estimating crown an- netic classification for the genus is lacking.
giosperm age probably lies in a combination Here we explore the phylogeny of 81 species
of intrinsic and extrinsic complicating factors, of Hoya and close relatives by adding DNA
including substantial molecular rate heteroge- sequences of the chloroplast matK gene and
neity among lineages and through time. A the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer to an existing
more adequate molecular dating approach molecular dataset consisting of nuclear ITS
might combine moderate background rate het- sequences and chloroplast sequences of the
erogeneity with large changes in rate at par- trnL, region and the atpB-rbcL spacer. The
ticular points in the tree. topology obtained confirms previously identi-
fied clades in Hoya and resolves the phyloge-
2011010047 netic relationships among a greater number of
远古的 RNA 世界 = Ancient RNA world. (英 species. The phylogenetic position of Erio-
文 ). Spirin A S. Paleontological Jour- stemma, a section that is well defined by mor-
nal, 2010, 44(7): 737-746 7 图版. phological characters, remains unresolved.
Based on the modern concept of multiplic- However, Clemensiella mariae is here shown
ity of RNA functions, certain new mecha- for the first time to be part of Hoya and sister
nisms, which could have played a key role in to sect. Eriostemma, pointing to the urgent
the origin and evolution of the ancient RNA need of intrageneric revisions in the tribe
world, are discussed. In particular, the reaction Marsdenieae. At least two additional sections,

Hoya and Otostemma, do not reflect phyloge- 使用叶绿体序列资料对鸢尾属植物亚属分
netic relationships and should not be retained 类重新修订 = Subgeneric classification in Iris
in taxonomic revisions of the genus. re-examined using chloroplast sequence data.
(英文). Wilson C A. Taxon, 2011, 60(1): 27-
2011010049 35
中国西南青藏高原特有的菊科菊苣族三个 Phylogenetic relationships among the six
密切相关的属(绢毛苣属、肉菊属和合头 Iris subgenera were reconstructed based on
菊属)的分子系统学和生物地理学研究 = chloroplast sequence data using maximum
Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of likelihood and Bayesian inference methods.
three closely related genera, Soroseris, Steb- Previous studies indicated that the current
binsia, and Syncalathium (Asteraceae, subgeneric classification based on an intuitive
Cichorieae), endemic to the Tibetan Plateau, interpretation of morphology was not concor-
SW China. (英文). Zhang J W; Nie Z L; Wen dant with evolution in Iris. This study more
J; Sun H. Taxon, 2011, 60(1): 15-26 than doubled the number of taxa sampled and
Soroseris, Stebbinsia, and Syncalathium are increased the number of molecular markers
three genera of the sunflower family (As- providing a more robust assessment of phy-
teraceae) with restricted distributions on high logeny. Iris subg. Nepalensis and subg.
screes of the Tibetan Plateau. We present a Xiphium were resolved as monophyletic,
molecular analysis to test the monophyly of while subg. Hermodactyloides, subg. Limniris,
the genera, evaluate the phylogenetic relation- subg. Iris and subs;. Scorpiris were not. The
ships and construct their biogeographic diver- three monotypic genera, Belamcanda, Pardan-
sification history. Nuclear ITS and plastid thopsis and Hermodactylus, recognized by
trnL-F and psbA-trnH fragments were ana- some workers were resolved within Iris with
lyzed with parsimony, Bayesian inference, and strong support. The three bulbous subgenera,
relaxed Bayesian dating for all species of So- sometimes recognized as distinct genera, were
roseris, Stebbinsia, and Syncalathium. Steb- resolved within Iris. A preliminary subgeneric
binsia is part of a polytomy with several line- classification is presented.
ages of Soroseris. Syncalathium is biphyletic
with Syn. souliei placed within subtribe Lac- 2011010051
tucinae and the remaining species close to the 中美洲竹 Olmeca(禾本科,竹族)的分子
Soroseris-Stebbinsia clade within subtribe 系统发生学及其分类学意义 = Molecular
Crepidinae. Bayesian dating based on ITS phylogenetics of the Mesoamerican bamboo
sequences and using four fossil calibrations Olmeca (Poaceae, Bambuseae): Implications
suggests that the stem and crown ages of the for taxonomy. (英文). Ruiz-Sanchez E; Sosa
Soroseris-Stebbinsia clade and the two groups V; Mejia-Saules M T. Taxon, 2011, 60(1): 89-
of Syncalathium are between 8.44 and 1.56 98
million years. Stebbinsia should be treated as Phylogenetic analyses based on five DNA
a section of Soroseris and Syncalathium plastid sequences from representative taxa of
souliei should be excluded from Syncalathium the Neotropical woody bamboo subtribe
and either placed in Lactuca s.l. or established Guaduinae were performed to determine the
as a new genus in Lactucinae. The remaining generic limits of Olmeca and the relationships
species are to be treated as Syncalathium s.str. among its species. The phylogenetic position
in Crepidinae. The diversification of these of a putative new taxon from Mexico was also
groups in the Tibetan Plateau is of relatively determined. It appeared that, additional to the
young age, and can be explained by rapid di- two species recognized in Olmeca, two Meso-
versification and radiation of the Soroseris- american species of Aulonemia-A. clarkiae
Stebbinsia clade, allopatric speciation within and A. fulgor-should be transferred to Olmeca.
Syncalathium s.str. and convergent evolution This transfer is supported by morphology.
of Syncalathium s.str. and Syn. souliei. The Individuals of an undescribed taxon from the
speciation events correlated with climatic Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, were also
change and fragmentation of scree habitats retrieved embedded in the Olmeca group and
during the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Possi- are newly described as O. zapotecorum. The
ble migration routes in Syncalathium s.str. distribution range of the redefined genus Ol-
from the northeast to the central and southern meca, currently composed of five species,
part of the Tibetan Plateau are suggested. now extends from southern Mexico to Hondu-

2011010052 from the three plant genomes: the mitochon-
欧洲东南部广泛的基因流模糊了 Veronica drial nadI b/c intron and matR gene, the nu-
barrelieri、V. orchidea 和 V. spicata(车 clear ribosomal 18S, ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, and 28S
前 草 科 ) 三 物 种 之 间 的 界 限 = Extensive genes, and the plastid rbcL, matK, ndhF, atpB,
gene flow blurs species boundaries among trnL, trnL-trnF, rpl20-rps12, trnS-trnG and
Veronica barrelieri, V. orchidea and V. spicata trnH-psbA genes, spacers, and introns. The
dataset includes 664 ingroup species, repre-
(Plantaginaceae) in southeastern Europe. (英
sentating all but two genera and over 25% of
文). Bardy K E; Schonswetter P; Schneeweiss the ca. 2600 species in the order. Maximum
G M; Fischer M A; Albach D C. Taxon, 2011, likelihood analyses yielded mostly congruent
60(1): 108-121 topologies for the datasets from the three ge-
Little is known about the contribution of nomes. Relationships among the eight families
interspecific hybridization, a frequent phe- of Cucurbitales were: (Apodanthaceae, Aniso-
nomenon in plants, to the high plant diversity phylleaceae, (Cucurbitaceae, ((Coriariaceae,
in southeastern Europe, one of the continent's Corynocarpaceae), (Tetramelaceae, (Datisca-
diversity hot spots. A good system to study the ceae, Begoniaceae))))). Based on these mo-
relevance of hybridization for biodiversity in lecular data and morphological data from the
this region is Veronica subg. Pseudolysima- literature, we recircumscribe tribes and genera
chium sect. Pseudolysimachion (Plantagina- within Cucurbitaceae and present a more natu-
ceae). Depending on the presumed frequency ral classification for this family. Our new sys-
of hybridization, existing taxonomic concepts tem comprises 95 genera in 15 tribes, five of
in this group range from distinguishing only them new: Actinostemmateae, Indofevilleeae,
morphological races without explicit taxo- Thladiantheae, Momordiceae, and Siraitieae.
nomic status to recognizing several species Formal naming requires 44 new combinations
each with a series of intraspecific taxa. Using and two new names in Cucurbitaceae.
genetic (plastid sequences and AFLP finger-
prints), ploidy-level and morphometric data, 2011010054
three core groups, pertaining to the currently 系统发生学复合工具应用于基因集合 = The
recognized species V barrelieri, V orchidea,
application of cophylogenic tools to gene sets.
and V spicata, were identified. All three spe-
(英文). Baum B R; Johnson D A. Taxon, 2010,
cies are, however, connected by numerous and
gradual genotypic transitions and show ram- 59(6): 1843-1852
pant discrepancies between genetic and mor- Several studies of host-parasite evolution
phometric-taxonomic assignments. Complete have used gene trees developed for each part-
homogenization of the three core groups is ner as a means to detect the influence of one
probably prevented by geographic isolation, on the evolution of the other, a process known
ecological divergence and ploidy differences. as cophylogeny. We now extend this concept
Misinterpretation of hybrid swarms as sepa- and present a process to test whether two
rate taxa and the mosaic distribution of differ- genes or gene regions within the same species
ent indumentum types have led to a gross have coevolved in order to assess their further
overestimation of taxonomic diversity of V. utility in the same phylogenetic analysis. The
sect. Pseucloly.simachion in southeastern process entails well-established methods;
Europe. Taxonomically, this might be ac- firstly based upon a given set of sequence data,
commodated by reducing V barrelieri, V or- inference of best-fit evolutionary models and
chidea and V spicata to subspeci fie rank and associated parameters through to gene tree
abandoning recognition at least of those sub- building by maximum likelihood. This is fol-
species and varieties included in our study. lowed by a "ParaFit" analysis of pairwise
combination of genes or gene regions. The
2011010053 pairwise combinations that pass the test of
cophylogeny may then be horizontally con-
catenated for phylogenetic inference of the set
统发育关系 = Phylogenetic relationships in of taxa under study. The complete mathemati-
the order Cucurbitales and a new classification cal properties of this process presently remain
of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae). (英文). unexplored; however, we demonstrate the util-
Schaefer H; Renner S S. Taxon, 2011, 60(1): ity of such an analysis prior to phylogenetic
122-138 inference using examples from available data-
We analysed phylogenetic relationships in sets.
the order Cucurbitales using 14 DNA regions

2011010055 warmer climates, a leaf is being eaten in more
古生代节肢动物中几丁质-蛋白质复合体的 ways?
分 子 特 征 = Molecular signature of chitin- We compared forests at seven sites in
protein complex in Paleozoic arthropods. (英 northern Florida (30 degrees N. MAT ca. 19.5
degrees C) to seven sites across the north-
文). Cody G D; Gupta N S; Briggs D E G.
eastern USA (40-42 degrees N, MAT 7-9 de-
Geology, 2011, 39(3): 255-258
grees C). Presence and absence of damage
The conventional geochemical view holds
types were determined using a standard leaf
that the chitin and structural protein are not
damage guide; 93 damage types were found in
preserved in ancient fossils because they are
the Florida samples and 80 in the north-
readily degradable through microbial chiti-
eastern samples.
nolysis and proteolysis. Here we show a mo-
In bulk floras, there was a consistent differ-
lecular signature of a relict chitin-protein
ence in damage diversity, on a per-leaf basis
complex preserved in a Pennsylvanian (310
(as in the fossil studies), between Florida and
Ma) scorpion cuticle and a Silurian (417 Ma)
north-eastern sites. Florida sites had a greater
eurypterid cuticle via analysis with carbon,
number of damage types. When northern and
nitrogen, and oxygen X-ray absorption near
southern populations of individual tree species
edge structure (XANES) spectromicroscopy.
were compared, higher southern damage di-
High-resolution X-ray microscopy reveals the
versity was found in four species (Acer ru-
complex laminar variation in major bio-
brum, Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, and
molecule concentration across modern cuticle;
Quercus coccinea), though with no difference
XANES spectra highlight the presence of the
with latitude in a fifth species (Quercus alba).
characteristic functional groups of the chitin-
These results appear to validate that the trend
protein complex. Modification of this complex
seen in the fossil record is not a spurious ef-
is evident via changes in organic functional
fect of site differences. They also extend a
groups. Both fossil cuticles contain consider-
pattern seen in deep time into the present day,
able aliphatic carbon relative to modern cuticle.
adding greatly to its generality.
However, the concentration of vestigial chitin-
protein complex is high, 59% and 53% in the
fossil scorpion and eurypterid, respectively.
Preservation of a high-nitrogen-content chitin-
protein residue in organic arthropod cuticle 波动:地质生物学的相互关系和结果 =
likely depends on condensation of cuticle- Secular Fluctuations in Palaeozoic and Meso-
derived fatty acids onto a structurally modi- zoic Reef-Forming Organisms During Green-
fied chitin-protein molecular scaffold, thus house Periods: Geobiological Interrelations
preserving the remnant chitin-protein complex and Consequences. (英文). Ezaki Y. Paleon-
and cuticle from degradation by microorgan- tological Research, 2009, 13(1): 23-38
isms. Reefs have formed recurrently in the Phan-
erozoic and occupied a central place in the
古 生 态 学 development of Earth's complex interactions;
2011010056 as such, reefs are essentially a microcosm of
the geobiological system. The long-term wax-
ing and waning of reefs was governed not
损害多样性上真的存在维度差异吗? = only by the evolution of organisms themselves,
Present-day testing of a paleoecological pat- but also by cyclical marine conditions (e.g.,
tern: Is there really a latitudinal difference in calcitic sea vs. aragonitic sea; greenhouse vs.
leaf-feeding insect-damage diversity?. (英文). icehouse; oligotrophy vs. eutrophy; and car-
Adams J M; Brusa A; Soyeong A; Ainuddin A bonate saturation states) that led to the re-
N. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynol- placement of dominant kinds of taxa. Viewed
ogy, 2010, 162(1): 63-70 4 图版. in perspective, Palaeozoic to Mesozoic reefs
The fossil record suggests greater diversity changed fundamentally, particularly during
of insect leaf feeding during warm climate greenhouse periods, due to the shifts in marine
intervals. Much published work in the pa- environmental regimes and ensuing improve-
leobotanical literature has been based on the ments. Metazoan reefs formed temporarily
presumed validity of this pattern. However, immediately after the earliest Cambrian
the existence of this pattern in nature has biomineralization and subsequently became
never been tested from the present-day world. dominant after the Ordovician radiations, as a
Here we ask, is it true that on average, in consequence of networked geobiological in-

terrelationships that were triggered by the in- upwards towards more shallow water envi-
vasion of biota onto land. Major extinctions ronments. The initial post-impact assemblage
were also triggers for the subsequent does not, however, necessarily represent a
(re)diversifications of preexisting, potential benthonic colonization of the crater floor. In-
reef builders, not necessarily accompanied by stead it seems to be a taphocoenosis, as indi-
new higher taxa, and for the replacement of cated by its taxonomic correspondence to the
dominant organisms, whether reef builders or rim facies fauna recovered from Dalby Lime-
not. Given that certain regimes persisted, pro- stone erratics of the Ringson island. The
gressive, internal modifications and improve- Tvaren succession has yielded considerably
ments also accelerated in accordance with richer scolecodont assemblages than hitherto
niche exploitations that are clearly evidenced recorded from the approximately coeval
by changes in the overall growth morpholo- Lockne crater, possibly as a consequence of
gies of reef builders. Reefs as a microcosm shallower water settings in the former area.
should be further deciphered in light of how
both skeletal organisms and microbes mutu- 2011010059
ally responded to ambient, changing habitat 浅海碳酸岩(基米里支阶,瑞士侏罗山
conditions, and how sequential contributors 脉)中古环境的碳氧同位素记录和碳酸盐
prevailed in turn under given conditions at 生产力的改变 = Carbon-and oxygen-isotope
various spatio-temporal scales. Such studies records of palaeoenvironmental and carbonate
would elucidate the evolution of geobiological production changes in shallow-marine carbon-
constituents and their interrelationships with
ates (Kimmeridgian, Swiss Jura). (英文). Co-
the underlying background, and more impor-
lombie C; Lecuyer C; Strasser A. Geological
tantly, irreversibly progressive changes in
Earth history Magazine, 2011, 148(2): 133-153 13 图版.
Carbon-and oxygen-isotope ratios are
2011010058 commonly used to correlate shallow-and deep-
瑞典晚奥陶世早期海相陨星坑中多毛动物 marine successions. Carbon-and oxygen-
isotope analyses were performed on bulk-
的古生态学 = Polychaete palaeoecology in an
carbonate samples from two Kimmeridgian
early Late Ordovician marine astrobleme of sections of the Swiss Jura platform in order to
Sweden. (英文). Eriksson M E; Frisk A M. correlate them with biostratigraphically well-
Geological Magazine, 2011, 148(2): 269- dated coeval sections in the adjacent basin. On
287 10 图版. the platform, a general decrease in delta C-13
The post-impact Dalby Limestone (Kul- and delta O-18 values from the base to the top
cruse; Upper Ordovician) of the Tvaren crater, of the studied interval is measured, whereas
southeastern Sweden, has been analysed with time-equivalent pelagic-hemipelagic carbon-
regards to polychaetes, as represented by ates record an increase in carbon-and oxygen-
scolecodonts. A palaeoecological succession isotope ratios. Moreover, the measured delta
is observed in the Tvaren-2 drill core sequence, C-13 and delta O-18 values are generally
as the vacant ecospace was successively filled lower than those indicated for the Kim-
by a range of benthonic, nektonic and plank- meridgian open ocean and show high-
tonic organisms. Scolecodonts belong to the frequency variations superimposed on the
first non-planktonic groups to appear and con- general trend. Samples were screened for
stitute one of the most abundant fossil ele- diagenetic alteration using optical and ca-
ments. The polychacte assemblage recorded thodoluminescence petrography and coupled
has an overall composition characteristic of carbon-and oxygen-isotope and trace-element
that of the Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia. analyses. Some observations favour a role for
Oenonites, Vistulella, Mochtyella and the en- diagenetic alteration, but isotopic and elemen-
igmatic 'Xanioprion' represent the most com- tal trends as well as sedimentological evidence
mon genera, whereas Pteropelta, Protarabel- suggest that the more negative values of delta
lites?, Atraktoprion and Xanioprion are con- C-13 and delta O-18 relative to Kimmeridgian
siderably more rare. The assemblage differs seawater are also due to local environmental
from coeval ones particularly in its poorly conditions. High-frequency changes in delta
represented ramphoprionid fauna and the rela- O-18 and delta C-13 values most likely result
tively high frequency of 'Xanioprion'. A taxo- from variations in salinity and carbonate pro-
nomic succession and changes in abundance duction and accumulation rates. These varia-
and relative frequency of different taxa is ob- tions were produced by different water masses
served from the deepest part of the crater and that were isolated from the open ocean and

developed their own geochemical signatures. belts in the Central Andean Basin, Northwest-
Repeated isolation was induced by high- ern Argentina.
frequency sea-level fluctuations and helped by
irregular platform morphology. Consequently, 2011010061
carbon-and oxygen-isotope records in shal- 日本西南部长崎县 Takashima 煤田古近纪
low-marine carbonates can be used for strati- Iojima 群钙质超微化石和浮游有孔虫生物
graphic correlation only if their origin is well 地层 = Calcareous nannofossil and planktic
known. foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Paleogene
Iojima Group in the Takashima Coalfield, Na-
微体古生物学 gasaki Prefecture, southwest Japan. ( 英 文 ).
综 论 Yamaguchi T; Tanaka Y; Nishi H. Paleon-
2011010060 tological Research, 2008, 12(3): 223-236
阿根廷西北部东科迪勒拉圣维多利亚地区 The Paleogene Iojima Group is exposed in
the Takashima coalfield of northwestern Kyu-
下奥陶统 Floian 阶几丁虫类:生物地层、
shu, southwest Japan. The group is divided
古生物地理和古环境意义 = Floian Chitino- into four formations: the Okinoshima, Ma-
zoans (Lower Ordovician) from the Santa Vic- gome, Funazu, and Daimyoji formations (in
toria area, Cordillera Oriental, northwestern ascending stratigraphic order). Among these
Argentina. Part 2. biostratigraphic, paleobio- strata, mudstone and muddy sandstone of the
geographic and paleoenvironmental implica- Okinoshima and Funazu formations contain a
tions. (其他). de la Puente G S. Ameghiniana: number of common age-diagnostic calcareous
Revista de la asociacion Paleontologica Ar- microfossils, nannofossils, and planktic fo-
gentina, 2010, 47(3): 317-330 raminifers.
This is the first study of the Floian chitino- Our biostratigraphic study of the Paleogene
zoans in the Acoite Formation exposed at Iojima Group indicates that the Okinoshima
Quebrada La Huerta and Quebrada Grande, Formation corresponds to calcareous nanno-
Santa Victoria area, northeastern end of the fossill Zone CP14 and plankfic foraminiferal
Argentinian Cordillera Oriental (Salta Prov- Zones E10-E13; the Funazu Formation is as-
ince). Biostratigraphic analysis of this group is signed to Zones CP14-CP16. The Okinoshima
calibrated with the graptolite zones Tetragrap- and Funazu formations are assigned to the late
tus akzharensis, "Baltograptus deflexus" and middle Eocene and late middle Eocene to
Didymograptellus bifidus, previously estab- early Oligocene, respectively, suggesting that
lished in the area and ranging from the latest 1) the Okinoshiman molluscan Stage corre-
early Floian to the late Floian. Chitinozoans lates with the middle Eocene, as proposed in
are also calibrated with acritarchs that include previous studies; and 2) the Magome Forma-
some species of the messaoudensis-trifidum tion, which includes coal-bearing strata, corre-
assemblage, among others. According to the lates with the Onga marine regression.
most recent studies on chitinozoans conducted
in Northwestern Argentina two biostrati- 孢 粉
graphically meaningful chitinozoan assem-
blages are proposed for the Santa Victoria area,
Galeacysta etrusca 复合体:墨西拿盐度危
i.e., Lagenochitina sp. A (early middle Floian)
and Eremochitina baculata brevis? (late 机最盛期前后副特提斯洋汇入地中海的沟
Floian). The latest early Floian-latest middle 鞭藻孢囊标志 = Galeacysta etrusca complex:
Floian chitinozoan assemblages reveal affini- dinoflagellate cyst marker of paratethyan in-
ties with North Gondwana and South China fluxes to the Mediterranean sea before and
whereas the late Floian chitinozoan assem- after the peak of the Messinian salinity crisis.
blages are cosmopolitan. Distribution of the (英文). Popescu S M; Dalesme F; Jouannic G;
studied Early Ordovician chitinozoan assem- Escarguel G; Head M J; Melinte-Dobrinescu
blages suggests that the development of the M C ;Suto-Szentai M; Bakrac K; Clauzon G;
active thermohaline oceanic circulation for Suc J P. Palynology, 2009, 33(2): 105-134
this portion of the Western Gondwana margin More than one thousand specimens of a
globally recorded in the Middle Ordovician morphological complex including Galeacysta
occurred earlier than in other regions. Chitino- etrusca Corradini & Biffi 1988 from I I Upper
zoans also reveal paleoenvironmental differe- Miocene and Lower Pliocene localities of the
ces between the eastern and central outcrop Paratethyan and Mediterranean realms have
been studied using a biometric approach in

part relating to the degree of separation be- This was accompanied by moderate Nile
tween endocyst and ectocyst. Four stable bio- flooding and oxygen-deficient or anoxic bot-
metric groups have been distinguished statisti- tom water on the upper Nile Cone, mainly
cally, the occurrence or prevalence of which supporting the increased production and car-
appears closely linked to environmental condi- bon import hypothesis for eastern Mediterra-
tions irrespective of the realm. Group 'a' is nean S1 formation. Dinoflagellate cyst assem-
related to brackish conditions, group V to ma- blages in the Nile Cone S1 differ from those
rine conditions, group V to freshwater, and of the deeper, more northern Levantine and
group V to high nutrient levels. Based on an Cretan basins in the near absence of heterotro-
accurate chronology provided by calcareous phic protoperidinioid cysts, despite the uni-
nannoplankton bioevents and recognition of formly high organic S I carbon content. The
the Messinian Erosional Surface, this Study prevailing climate during the formation of
reveals: sapropelic sediments in the southeastern
Mediterranean was tropical to subtropical, but
2011010063 was interrupted by an early cooler interval
埃及地中海东南部尼罗河冲击扇晚更新世 with reduced humidity, as marked by re-
和全新世气候和海洋环境的孢粉记录 = appearance of Spiniferites elongatus and in-
Palynological records of climate and oceanic creased Ephedra pollen. The carbonate-rich
conditions in the Late Pleistocene and Holo- surface layers were probably deposited under
cene of the Nile cone, Southeastern Mediter- warm dry climatic conditions with minimum
ranean, Egypt. (英文). Kholeif SEA; Mudie PJ. Nile input, but evidence of oxidation prevents
Palynology, 2009, 33(1): 1-24 detailed interpretation.
Variations in palynomorph concentrations
and relative abundances, including pollen and 2011010064
spores, organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts, 大西洋近赤道地区东部更新世晚期和近代
and amorphous organic matter (AOM), were 沉积物中的一个沟鞭藻孢囊新种
studied in sediment core NC Core 2 from the Operculodinium aguinawense = Opercu-
upper slope (1,030 m water depth) of the Nile lodinium aguinawense sp nov., a dinoflagel-
Cone, southeastern Mediterranean, Egypt. late cyst from the Late Pleistocene and recent
Each sample represents palynomorph deposi- sediments of the East equatorial Atlantic
tion for intervals of around 500-1,000 years, Ocean. (英文). Marret F; Kim S Y. Palynol-
and this study provides the first detailed paly- ogy, 2009, 33(1): 125-139
nological record for the Nile Cone. The An organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst, Op-
dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and AOM erculodinium aguinawense sp. nov. is de-
production reflect changes in surface water scribed from recent marine sediments in Bia-
temperature and river discharge in response to fra Bay, Gulf of Guinea, Atlantic Ocean. This
climate forcing as marked by variations in species is characterized by a subspheroidal,
pollen and spore indicators of semi-desert egg-shaped cyst body with a fibroreticulate
vegetation and tropical Monsoon intensity. surface wall, and flexible to stout processes
The basal sediments (approximately 14,600- with wide, fibrous bases and multifurcate ter-
9,500 yr before present [BP]) contain high minations. Paratabulation is only expressed by
concentrations and relative abundances of the loss of a single precingular paraplate (3 '').
Polysphaeridium zoharyi, Polysphaeridium The distribution of this form in recent marine
spp., Spiniferites elongatus, and Spiniferites sediments suggests an affinity for lower salin-
spp. during the transition from postglacial to ity conditions (29) and as such, it could be an
interglacial conditions. Variations in these index of palcosalinity changes. Marine paly-
taxa and total Impagidinium spp. suggest a nomorph records from the Gulf of Guinea
gradual temperature increase, interrupted by a document its occurrence from at least the Last
pre-Holocene cool interval around 11,000 yr Interglacial. Fluctuations in abundance appear
BP. The high African monsoon index for this to be associated with periods of strengthened
pre-Holocene time corresponds with pollen monsoon dynamics and river discharge.
evidence of relatively high Nile discharge.
The organic-rich S I sapropel sediments, dated 2011010065
as around 9,500-6,270 yr BP, were deposited 棉铃象鼻虫携带的的棉花花粉:一个实验
several thousand years later, during a time of 室试验 = Cotton pollen retention in boll wee-
lower Monsoon index, warmer surface water, vils: a laboratory experiment. (英文). Jones G
and increased dinoflagellate cyst production.

D; Greenberg S M. Palynology, 2009, 33(1): ered middle to late Asselian in age, but this
157-165 was later revised to latest Asselian to Early
Cotton pollen is thought to exist in the gut Sakmarian. Converrucosisporites confluens is
of boll weevils for at least 24 hours. Because reported here from the Ganigobis Shale Mem-
finding whole or broken cotton pollen grains ber of Namibia in a well-preserved and di-
are valuable clues in determining when boll verse assemblage including four of the four-
weevils were living in cotton, the retention of teen specified accessory taxa for the Conver-
cotton pollen in the gut of the weevil was ex- rucosisporites confluens Oppel Zone. Ash
amined. Boll weevils were fed cotton buds, layer IIb of the Ganigobis Shale Member is
cotton flowers, and water for five days, then radiometrically dated as 302.0 +/- 3.0 Ma (i.e.
they were placed into cleaned cages without Pennsylvanian; Gzhelian or Kasimovian) thus
any food. However they were allowed to drink the Converrucosisporites confluens Oppel
water freely. Weevils were examined at 0, 24, Zone may range earlier than previously
48, 72, 96, and 120 hours after the buds and thought. Preliminary study of the range top of
flowers were removed. One hundred weevils Converrucosisporites confluens in Argentina
were dissected at each time interval, and each and Uruguay suggests that it ranges younger
gut was placed onto a glass slide. Light mi- there than in Western Australia with the pos-
croscopy was used to determine the presence sibility that the Converrucosisporites conflu-
or absence of cotton pollen. More weevils ens Oppel Zone may also be younger than
(63%) at 0 hours contained pollen than wee- previously thought.
vils at any other interval. Whole pollen grains
were not found in weevils after 24 hours. The 2011010067
120 hour interval contained a single weevil 一个准备和使用透射电子显微镜定向观察
with pollen. In the laboratory test, whole cot- 单个化石沟鞭藻纲孢囊详细方法 = A de-
ton pollen grains indicated that feeding on tailed protocol for the preparation and orienta-
cotton occurred within 24 hours. When only tion of single fossil dinoflagellate cysts for
halves and fragments of pollen were transmission electron microscopy. ( 英 文 ).
found,cotton feeding occurred 48-120 hours Kennaway G M; Eaton G L; Feist-Burkhardt S.
earlier. Additionally, when six or more cotton Palynology, 2008, 32(): 1-15
pollen grains were found in a weevil, it had The relationship between wall layers in
fed on cotton within 24 hours. This informa- dinoflagellate cysts was investigated with
tion narrows the boll weevil dispersal times transmission electron microscopy. A simple
and distances from cotton fields and over- method is described in which small cysts
wintering areas. (<100 mu m) were identified. isolated, and
encapsulated in colored agarose. The individ-
2011010066 ual cysts, now visible to the naked eye, were
石炭纪-二叠纪 Converrucosisporites con- easy to track throughout the multi-step proto-
fluens Oppel 生物带的时代:来自纳米比亚 col. The routine TEM protocol for biological
Ganigobis 页岩段(Dwyka 群)的新资料 = material was modified and simplified for
The age of the Carboniferous-Permian bio- dinoflagellate cysts, and is described in detail.
zone: new data from the Ganigobis Shale This method ensures that all saniples can be
Member (Dwyka Group) of Namibia. (英文). retained, an important consideration when
Stephenson M H. Palynology, 2009, 33(1): working with rare or unique specimens.
167-177 Specimens of Hystrichosphaeropsis Deflandre
The establishment of the Converrucosis- 1935 were orientated for sectioning relative to
porites confluens Oppel Zone in the Canning the natural plane of settlement of the cyst. Se-
Basin of Australia in cored intervals from the rial sections demonstrated that the relationship
Calytrix No. 1 Borehole was considered to be between the endophragm and periphragm is
an advance in Gondwana Carboniferous- complex and irregular. Interpretation of mi-
Permian palynostratigraphy. This was because crographs and some common misinterpreta-
the zone is associated with a marine fauna that tions of artifacts are illustrated and discussed.
suggests a correlation with the standard Rus- The protocol is presented in detail and illus-
sian Early Permian stages. Moreover the index trated so that an inexperienced person, with
species has a wide occurrence in Gondwana the assistance of an electron microscopy unit
outside Australia, for example Antarctica, Ar- could successfully carry out the procedure.
gentina, Brazil, India, Oman, Saudi Arabia, The technique has been used with minor adap-
and Uruguay. The zone was originally consid- tations to prepare a range of biological materi-

als and palynomorph specimens for transmis- tus (HD) Biozone, and possibly the lowermost
sion electron microscopy. part of the Spelaeotriletes balteatus-
Rugospora polyptycha (BP) Biozone in
2011010068 Europe. This indicates the relatively con-
美国明尼苏达州 Dakota 组(上白垩统森诺 densed nature of the succession. Palynofacies
曼阶)的被子植物花粉新种 = New species analysis suggests a shelf to basin depositional
of angiosperm pollen from the Dakota forma- environment for the Hannibal Shale; this is
tion (Cenomanian, Upper Cretaceous) of Min- consistent with the paleogeographic location
nesota, USA. (英文). Hu S S; Jarzen D M; of this area during the Early Carboniferous.
Dilcher D L. Palynology, 2008, 32(): 17-26
Five new species of angiosperm pollen de- 2011010070
scribed from three localities in south-central 美国佛罗里达州北部盖恩斯维尔市螫蝇
Minnesota support a Cenomanian age for the (林耐 1758)外骨骼中的花粉 = Pollen
Dakota Formation in this area. The new taxa, from the exoskeletons of stable flies, Sto-
Cupliferoidaepollenites microscabratus, Dry- moxys calcitrans (Linnaeus 1758), in Gaines-
adopollis minnesotensis, Nyssapollenites mi- ville, Florida, USA. ( 英 文 ). Jarzen D M;
crofoveolata, Phimopollenites striolata, and Hogsette J A. Palynology, 2008, 32(): 77-81
Tricolpites labeonis, are described using both Stable flies ire all important pest of humans
light and scanning electron microscopy, are and livestock. Despite being blood feeders.
easily recognizable, and are useful age indica- they also visit flowers to eat nectar. Stable
tor species. Because of the extent and trans- flies with pollen adhering to their exoskele-
gressive nature of the Dakota Formation. age tons were collected at the University of Flor-
determination hits been difficult. The new ida Horse Teaching Unit and taken to the Pa-
angiosperm pollen species described here may leobotany and Palynology Laboratory at the
help to support age determination for the Da- Florida Museum of Natural History for proc-
kota Formation over a broader geographic essing and identification. The pollen oil all the
area. specimens was identified as Carolina willow,
Salix caroliniana Michaux 1803. This small
2011010069 shrub or tree is found throughout Florida in
美国密苏里州东北部汉尼拔页岩(密西西比 wetland areas. This Study demonstrates the
纪)孢粉学以及与西欧的对比 = The palynol- utility of pollen analysis in interdisciplinary
ogy of the Hannibal Shale (Mississippian) of studies.
Northeastern Missouri, USA and correlation
with Western Europe. (英文). Heal S; Clayton 2011010071
G. Palynology, 2008, 32(): 27-37 红山矿孢粉植物群:美国密西西比河晚古
Mississippian palynomorphs have been recov- 新世一个多样性的沼泽组合 = The Red Hills
ered from two successions of the Hannibal Mine palynoflora: a diverse swamp assem-
Shale in Missouri, U.S.A., which is the low- blage from the Late Paleocene of Mississippi,
ermost Carboniferous unit in the Mississippi USA. (英文). Jardine P E; Harrington G J.
Valley. The assemblages are dominated by Palynology, 2008, 32(): 183-204
acanthomorph acritarchs, with Micrhystridium Lignites from the Red Hills Mine in Missis-
stellatum being the principal species. The sippi, U.S.A. contain pollen and spores de-
miospore assemblages are well-preserved and rived from paratropical swamp vegetation oil
of low taxonomic diversity. They are domi- the U.S. Gulf Coast during the Late Paleocene.
nated by long-ranging taxa that survived the Most previous studies of the Gulf Coast
latest Devonian mass extinction event. This sporomorph record have been limited to a re-
assemblage closely resembles assemblages stricted taxonomic group. or merely those taxa
assigned to the Vallatisporites verrucosus- that are relevant to biostratigraphy, meaning
Retusotriletes incohatus (VI) Biozone of that the true sporomorph diversity may be
Western Europe. However the assemblage higher than previously appreciated. Eight
from the Mississippi Valley is relatively im- samples were collected for palynological
poverished in comparison with European as- analysis from the Red Hills Lignite Mine in
semblages, and many key European zonal taxa Ackerman. Mississippi. All the taxa observed
are absent. Independent biostratigraphic corre- during Counting (a minimum of 300 grains
lation Suggests that the Hannibal Shale is per sample) were included in the sample count.
equivalent to the VI Biozone, the Cristatis- Rarefaction, relative abundance distributions,
porites hibernicus-Umbonatisporites distinc- and non-metric multidimensional scaling were

used to analyze floral composition, richness. Asselian-Sakmarian in age. The Biozone
and evenness. The lignite samples are hetero- 2141A is characterized by common taeniate
geneous in terms of composition and relative and non-taeniate bisaccate pollen and Cy-
abundances, indicating patchiness in the cadopites cymbatus, particularly toward the
swamp communities. Clay horizons represent- top. The Succeeding Biozone 2141 B is rec-
ing temporary marine incursions contain sig- ognized by common Microbaculispora Group
nificantly higher proportions of bisaccate pol- and Cycadopites cymbatus. Biozones 2141A
len, which may have originated a considerable to 2141C are believed to be Sakmarian in age.
distance inland from the swamps. These sam- The Youngest unit, Biozone 2141C is charac-
ples therefore represent a much larger source terized by the Microbaculispora and Horrid-
area (regional to SUb-continental), compared itriletes groups, with the former being more
to the local signal contained in the lignite abundant. This seven-fold subdivision is a
samples. Richness in the Red Hills Mine as- significant improvement on previous palyno-
semblage is higher than has previously been zonations of the Al Khlata Formation, which
recorded for the Late Paleocene of the eastern only allowed three- or four-fold subdivisions.
Gulf Coast. This, combined with the recogni- However, there still remain considerable un-
tion of 23 previously undescribed taxa, sug- certainties in dating the lowermost biozones,
gests that a detailed reappraisal of the Gulf 2159A and 215913. Improvements in the dat-
Coast Paleocene sporomorph record is needed ing of the Al Khlata Formation are most likely
to improve Understanding Of the evolution of to conic from palynological correlations with
the North American vegetation type. radionietrically- or faunally dated successions
in South America, eastern Australia, and
2011010072 southern Africa.
阿曼南部 Al Khlata 组(宾夕凡尼亚期-早
二叠世)的高分辨率孢粉带 = A high reso- 2011010073
lution palynozonation for the Al Khlata For- 使 用 简 约 分 析 法 对 比 墨 西 哥 ( Cuayuca
mation (Pennsylvanian To Lower Permian), 组)晚始新世-早渐新世 Izucar de Mata-
South Oman. (英文). Penney R A; Al Barram moros 蒸发岩 = Correlation of the Late Eo-
I; Stephenson M H. Palynology, 2008, 32(): cene-Early Oligocene Izucar de Matamoros
213-229 evaporites (Cuayuca Formation) in Mexico
Palynology is the main method of correlat- based on parsimony analysis of endemicity.
ing the Subsurface glaciogenic Al Khlata ( 英 文 ). Ramirez-Arriaga E; Martinez-
Formation (Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian) Hernandez E; Flores-Olvera H; Ochotorena H;
of Oman due to the extreme lateral variability Pramparo M B. Palynology, 2008, 32(): 231-
of facies and poor seismic resolution. The 252
chief operating company in Oman. Petroleum Based on the lithology of the Izucar de
Development Oman (PDO), has developed a Matamoros (IzM) sections, and the occurrence
robust in-house palynozonation during almost of index taxa such as Armeria, Cicatricosis-
40 years of exploration and production based porites dorogensis, Corsinipollenites, Eu-
011 thousands of samples and hundreds of connnia, Momipites coryloides, Momipites
well sections. In this paper, the formal defini- tenuipolus, Mutisiapollis, and Ranuculacidites
tions of the biozones are Published and the operculatils, a correlation between the IzM
biozones are correlated in detail with faunally- sections and the CUayuca Formation strato-
calibrated palynomorph biozones in Western types is proposed. The IzM sections are Late
Australia. This allows correlation to the stan- Eocene-Early Oligocene, and they are part of
dard Russian stages. Seven biozones are dis- the evaporitic member (Mcy) of the CUayUca
tinguished. The oldest two Subdivisions, bio- Formation. These new data are consistent with
zones 2159A and 2 15913, of probable Late the palcoenvironmental interpretations pro-
Pennsylvanian age, are characterized by low posed for the formation. It was probably de-
diversity assemblages of Punctatisporites and posited under local xeric conditions in a semi-
monosaccate pollen. Biozone 2159A has it arid climate that allowed the development of
lower proportion of monosaccate pollen than grassland (Grarnineae with Amaranthaceae-
Biozone 2159B. Biozone 2165A. of probable Chenopodiaceae and Ephedra) Lind a thorn
Asselian age, is characterized by common shrub community with Acacia, other Legumi-
cingulicanierate spores and the Microbacilis- nosae, Liman, and Plurnbaginaceae. The
pora Group. Biozone 2165B contains com- neighboring communities were probably
mon Horriditriletes Group and is likely to be tropical deciduous forests. low tropical de-

ciduous forest, thorn forest, and chaparral.
There were also regional temperate vegeta- 2011010076
tions such as a Picea-Pinus forest. and it cloud 棉铃象鼻虫(鞘翅目:象鼻虫科)体内的
forest community. Using parsimony analysis 杏、香瓜和马齿笕花粉滞留分析 = Almond,
of endemicity, a biogeographic method, a pa- melon, and pigweed pollen retention in the
lynofloristic relationship between the Cuayuca boll weevil (Coleoptera : Curculionidae). (英
Formation and the Pie de Vaca Formation
文). Jones G D; Greenberg S M; Eischen F A.
(Late Eocene-Early Oligocene) is proposed.
Palynology, 2007, 31(): 81-93
Both formations are within the Balsas Group,
The boll weevil (Anthonornus grandis Bo-
and are correlated with San Gregorio Forma-
heman) remains a devastating insect pest on
tion (Oligocene) of southern Baja California.
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum C. Linnaeus),
particularly where it has not been eradicated.
Identifying and understanding the survival of
葡萄牙塔霍河下游盆地 Belverde 钻孔的中
overwintered boll weevils, when cotton is not
新世和上新世孢粉研究 = Miocene and Plio- available, is important in designing mitigation
cene palynology of the Belverde borehole, programs and controlling this insect pest, es-
Lower Tagus Basin, Portugal. (英文). Castro pecially in areas where boll weevils are active
L; Vieira M; Pais J. Palynology, 2008, 32: all year. Many non-malvaceous taxa have
257-257 been listed as possible overwintering adult
food sources. The purpose of this research was
2011010075 to determine if pollen from three non-
加拿大安大略省从史前伊洛魁族印第安人 malvaceous taxa could be used as food
栖居地到克劳福德湖加拿大鹅帮助传播分 sources for overwintering boll weevils in the
类不明的花粉 = Canada geese dispersed cul- Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, where
tigen pollen grains from prehistoric Iroquoian weevils are active year-round and during cot-
fields to Crawford Lake, Ontario, Canada. (英 ton-free periods. The taxa are almond [Prunus
dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb], melon (Cucumis
文). Mcandrews J H; Turton C L. Palynol-
melo C. Linnaeus subsp. melo), and pigweed
ogy, 2007, 31(): 9-18
(Amaranthus sp.), Furthermore, it was in-
Crawford Lake, Ontario, Canada (43 de-
tended to determine the retention of these pol-
grees 28.1'N, 79 degrees 56.9'W, 278 mas])
len types in the boll weevil gut. More weevils
has varved and AXIS dated sediments con-
(84%) contained almond pollen when they had
taining fossil pollen that record native Iro-
additional water than those (30%) that did not
quoian farming ca. AD 1268 to 1520. From
have additional water. Almond pollen was
before AD 1000 to 1268, bioturbating organ-
found in 100% of the examined weevils after
isms caused poor varve preservation but since
72 hours, and in 80% after 96 hours. Pigweed
then, well-preserved varves and dung pellets
and melon pollen were never found after 48
reflect anoxic bottom water due to meromixis.
hours. Overall, almond pollen was found in
The onset of varve preservation coincides with
more weevils (96%) than pigweed (40%), or
the occurrences of pollen grains of Zea
melon (12%). In addition, a greater number of
(maize), Helianthus (sunflower), Phaseolus
almond pollen grains (539) were found than
(bean), Cucurbita (squash) and Portulaca
pigweed (41), or melon (21). This shows that
(purslane), and spores of Ustilago cf. maydis
these types of pollen were consumed, and
(maize smut). These pollen grains and spores
could play a part in the survival of overwinter-
are more abundant in pellets between varve
ing weevils. However, more research is
laminae than in the surrounding sediment ma-
needed to examine the nutritional value of
trix. Analyses of DNA from five pellets dem-
these, and other, pollen grains for overwinter-
onstrate that they are dung from wild Canada
ing boll weevil survival, and to determine the
geese (Branta canadensis). In the autumn, as
length of time weevils can survive feeding on
geese foraged in Iroquoian fields, they inad-
these pollen types.
vertently ingested pollen and spores before
flying to the lake. There they roosted and cast
the pollen-rich dung pellets, which became
part of the sediment. This study demonstrates
that birds, wild geese and perhaps ducks, can Messelodinium thielepfeifferae 新属和新种
be important vectors of pollen to lake sedi- 的分布以及古生态意义 = Distribution and
ments located near agricultural settlements. paleoecologic significance of the freshwater

dinoflagellate cyst Messelodinium thielepfeif- Australian dinoflagellate cyst zonal scheme.
ferae gen. et sp nov from the Middle Eocene The ranges of sixty-three dinoflagellate cyst
of Lake Messel, Germany. (英文). Lenz O K; species are documented in detail over this in-
Wilde V; Riegel W; Heinrichs T. Palynol- terval. Apart from the bioevents that define
ogy, 2007, 31(): 119-134 the widely-used dinoflagellate cyst subzones,
An exploration well drilled at the Middle the highest occurrences of Endoceratium
Eocene fossil site of Messel, near Darmstadt, turneri, Craspedodinium indistinctum and
Germany proved that the famous Messel oil Litosphaeridium arundum, and the lowest oc-
shale was deposited in a maar lake. During a currences of Nematosphaeropsis densiradiata,
quantitative palynological investigation of the Canninginopsis denticulata, Leberidocysta
entire succession of lake sediments, a mono- chlamydata, Aptea? sp. cf. Aptea polymorpha,
specific population of dinoflagellate cysts was Litosphaeridium siphoniphorum, Balcattia
encountered. Based on transmitted light and cirribarbata and Stephodinium australicum
scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies, are recognized as potential biostratigraphic
they are assigned to the new peridinioid taxon datums in the Southern Camarvon Basin. Spe-
Messelodinium thielepfeifferae gen. et sp. nov. cies diversity increased in the highest Can-
because they are acavate and lack distinct api- ninginopsis denticulata Zone at approximately
cal or antapical horns. The dinoflagellate cysts the horizon where Diconodinium spp. become
exhibit considerable intraspecific variation in dominant. Foraminiferal data indicate the in-
surface ornamentation. Messelodinium terval from 361.15 m to 312.12 m is margin-
thielepfeifferae gen. et sp. nov. is abundant in ally inner neritic and corresponds with an in-
sediments of the early holomictic stage of terval of abundant Diconodinium spp., and
Lake Messel, but generally is reduced in fre- fewer Spiniferites spp. Diversity increased in
quency in the oil shale which represents the the Xenascus asperatus Zone with an increase
meromictic stage. These dinoflagellate cysts in Spiniferites spp., and a shift to middle
appear in peak abundances in mass flow and neritic paleobathymetry. The age of the top of
debris flow deposits in which material from the Xenascus asperatus Zone is constrained by
the lake shore was transported downslope to calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate
the basin center. Thus, major concentrations cyst correlations to the latest Albian, or possi-
of Messelodinium thielepfeifferae gen. et sp. bly the early Cenomanian. The age of the base
nov. occurred in nearshore environments ei- of the Canninginopsis denticulata Zone is
ther due to primary population density of the constrained by dinoflagellate cyst and fo-
parent motile stage, or due to secondary cyst raminiferal data to the early Albian, above the
accumulation by wind and wave action. The earliest Albian. One new species, Chlamydo-
dinoflagellate cysts are notably absent in the phorella haigii, is erected and aspects of sev-
uppermost 25 m of the core, where Botryo- eral other dinoflagellate cyst taxa are reviewed.
coccus dominates. This shift in algal popula-
tions is interpreted as a response to changes in 2011010079
the chemistry of the water body. 英 国 威 尔 士 北 部 Moel y Gerddi 地 区 的
Kretzschmaria deusta 和西北欧中全新世榆
2011010078 属 的 衰 退 = Kretzschmaria deusta and the
澳洲西部卡那封盆地南部 Gearle 粉砂岩下 northwest European mid-Holocene Ulmus
部阿尔必阶(下白垩统)沟鞭藻孢囊生物 decline at Moel y Gerddi, North Wales,
地 层 学 = Albian (Lower Cretaceous) United Kingdom. (英文). Innes J; Blackford J;
dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the lower Chambers F. Palynology, 2006, 30(): 121-132
Gearle Siltstone, Southern Carnarvon Basin, The decline in Ulmus pollen frequencies
Western Australia. (英文). Backhouse J. Pa- that occurred ca. 5000 C-14 years ago before
lynology, 2006, 30(): 43-68 present (BP) is a key biostratigraphic marker
Rich and diverse assemblages of dinoflagel- horizon in northwest European pollen dia-
late cysts were recovered from the Gearle Silt- grams, although its causes are still a subject of
stone in the Boologooro-1 stratigraphic well, debate. To investigate this event further, fun-
Southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. gal spore analyses were carried out across the
The cored interval through the Winning Group Ulmus decline at Moely Gerddi, north Wales,
is proposed as a reference interval for the United Kingdom. The Ulmus decline was in
Canninginopsis denticulata, Endoceratium three phases, with a primary decline with low
ludbrookiae, Dioxya armata and Xenascus cereal and Rumex pollen records as the only
asperatus dinoflagellate cyst zones of the agricultural indicators. This was followed by a

more significant decline, with general forest ments the presence of a Florida landmass dur-
opening and the grassland/pasture indicator ing middle Eocene time.
Plantago lanceolata. A third, less significant,
decline was again accompanied by cereal-type 2011010081
pollen. Tree pollen frequencies subsequently 美国南卡罗来纳州古新世小型多甲藻类沟
recovered, with cereal-type pollen remaining 鞭藻孢囊 = Small peridinioid dinoflagellate
well represented. The fungal data recorded cysts from the Paleocene of South Carolina,
woodland taxa and a background level of the USA. ( 英 文 ). Lucas-Clark J. Palynol-
obligate dung fungus Sporormiella, a proxy ogy, 2006, 30(): 183-210
for local herbivore abundance. Sporormiella Small peridinioid dinoflagellate cysts are
frequencies increased greatly after the main abundant in Paleocene strata underlying the
Ulmus decline, around which there were high Savannah River Site and surrounding area of
percentages of the ascospores of the wood rot South Carolina, U.S.A. They are thin-walled
fungus Kretzschmaria deusta. The neoecology and light colored, have one apical and two
of Kretzschmaria deusta, and the behavior of antapical horns, and show a high degree of
its spore curve suggests the colonisation of intraspecific variability. They occur in low
local populations of already severely wounded diversity assemblages. The samples in this
trees. At this site Ulmus, and perhaps Tilia study are from three lithostratigraphic units,
were infected at a time of markedly increased the lower Ellenton, upper Ellenton, and Snapp
inferred herbivore concentrations. Neolithic formations. Some of the species are useful
farming techniques could have provided mor- stratigraphic markers in the Paleocene strata
tally wounded trees while enhancing livestock of this area. Paleoenvironments include upper
grazing, although the role of disease must also delta plain, lower delta plain, and shallow
be considered. Elevated Kretzschmaria deusta clastic shelf; some may represent fresh or
values may be of ecological significance in the brackish water environments. All species stud-
interpretation of the causes and nature of the ied belong to the family Peridiniaceae and are
Ulmus decline and similar forest disturbance assigned to eight genera. These are Alterbidin-
events, and the indicator role of this fungus in ium, Arvalidinium, Deflandrea, ?Isabelidin-
forest paleoecology requires further study. ium, Phthanoperidinium, Senegalinium,
Spinidinium, and Vozzhennikovia. The seven
2011010080 new species described here are Alterbidinium
美国佛罗里达州煅烧白云石矿物和 Gulf ellentonense, Arvalidinium cristatum, Deflan-
Hammock 采石场的中始新世陆相孢型 = drea lucyedwardsiae, Phthanoperidinium pa-
Middle Eocene terrestrial palynomorphs from leocenicum, Senegalinium pallidum, Sene-
the Dolime Minerals and Gulf Hammock galinium simplex, and Spinidinium bellum.
Quarries, Florida, USA. (英文). Jarzen D M;
Dilcher D L. Palynology, 2006, 30(): 89-110 2011010082
A small but diverse assemblage of pollen 石炭纪奇特小孢子 Pteroretis Felix & Bur-
and spores recovered from marine sediments bridge 1961 的修订和结构的重新解释 = A
of the Avon Park Formation (middle Eocene) structural reinterpretation of the enigmatic
in west central Florida, represents the oldest Carboniferous miospore Pteroretis Felix &
land flora described from the state. Twenty- Burbridge 1961 Emend. nov.. (英文). McLean
one pollen taxa from terrestrial plants, are D; Owens B; Bek J; Oliwkiewicz-Miklasinska
identified from the Dolime Minerals and Gulf M. Palynology, 2006, 30(): 17-32
Hammock quarries. The presence of man- The structure of the enigmatic Carbonifer-
grove pollen associates such as Acrostichum, ous miospore genus Pteroretis Felix & Bur-
Nypa, and Pelliciera associated with seagrass bridge 1961 is reinterpreted based on well-
macrofossils, combined with evidence from preserved assemblages from Pennsylvanian
invertebrate fossils and sedimentary structures, (Duckmantian-Bolsovian) strata in the Ma-
suggest that the sediments of the Avon Park chrihanish Coalfield, Kintyre, western Scot-
Formation, at these quarry sites, were depos- land. The genus is emended herein, and evi-
ited in a shallow marine lagoon, perhaps near dence is presented of a proximal operculum to
the mouth of a river or stream in a protected justify assignment of the genus to the Infra-
area that had some tidal influence. This is the turma Epitygmati. The complex arrangement
earliest report of terrestrial vegetation and of wings, originally described as being per-
near marine vegetation of Florida and docu- pendicular to the equatorial margin from pole
to pole, are demonstrated to be concentric

structures in the equatorial and subequatorial semblage of Nothofagidites, Podocarpaceae
regions. Wings developed on the distal surface and Proteaceae. Other taxa are representative
commonly form a cuppa structure similar to of warmer rainforest vegetation, with Oligo-
that developed in Fragilipollenites Konyali cene and Neogene taxa that include represen-
1965 emend. McLean 1997. A comparison is tatives of woodland to herbaceous/low
made with Vestispora (Wilson & Hoffmeister shrubby tundra vegetation growing in colder
1956) Wilson & Venkatachala 1963, the only subpolar climates. These assemblages indicate
other operculate Carboniferous miospore ge- either different periods of deposition or re-
nus. Comparisons are also made with other working from diverse sources.
genera such as Columinisporites Peppers 1964 Through seismic correlation and diatom
and Fragilipollenites, which are costate and analysis, the sediments are believed to be Late
cuppa-bearing respectively. Previous records Pliocene in age. On this basis, it is postulated
of Pteroretis from Europe and North America that the major glacial advance, RSU 2 of
are reviewed, and indicate a Late Mississip- Brancolini et al. (1995) or Unconformity 10
pian (Late Visean-Chesterian) to Mid Penn- (U 10) of Bart et al. (2000), occurred before
sylvanian (Bolsovian) age. Paleobotanical 2.3 Ma, which is the oldest age of in-situ spe-
evidence suggests a sphenophyllalean origin, cies recovered in units above U 10. As both
with Pteroretis miospores being recovered terrestrial and marine reworked taxa include
from the fructifications of several species of assemblages of Eocene to Oligocene age, it is
Bowmanites Binney 1871. assumed that those reworked components
were yielded from a single source; most
2011010083 probably Eocene to Oligocene shallow marine
南极洲罗斯海西部北方盆地 NBP03-01A 横 strata eroded and transported from the area of
断面的孢粉学:晚上新世记录 = Palynology Ross Island to the shelf margin through ice
of the NBP03-01A transect in the Northern streams located in the Drygalsky and Joides
Basin, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica: A Late basins.
Pliocene record. (英文). Warny S; Wrenn J H;
Bart PJ; Askin R. Palynology, 2006, 30(): 2011010084
151-182 丹麦中心盆地 Kysing 研究钻孔从中始新世
Fifty-seven samples taken from ten piston 到渐新世最底部(?)序列中的沟鞭藻孢
cores collected along a transect off the conti- 囊 = Dinoflagellate cysts from the Middle
nental margin of the Northern Basin, Ross Sea, Eocene to ?lowermost Oligocene succession
Antarctica were analyzed for palynomorphs. in the Kysing Research Borehole, Central
Moderately diverse assemblages of marine Danish Basin. (英文). Heilmann-Clausen C;
microplankton and terrestrial palynomorphs Van Simaeys S. Palynology, 2005, 29(): 143-
were recovered. The palynomorph assem- 204
blages have been subdivided into two main Rich and well-preserved assemblages of
groups: the in-situ flora (including acritarchs, organic walled dinoflagellate cysts in 50 sam-
dinoflagellate cysts, leiospheres and prasino- ples from a 154 m thick and almost complete,
phyte algae mainly composed of cyma- Middle Eocene to ?lowermost Oligocene sec-
tiosphaerids), and the reworked flora (includ- tion from the Kysing Research Borehole in
ing dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and spores). eastern Jylland, Denmark are systematically
The leiospheres are the most abundant paly- described. One genus Costacysta gen. nov.,
nomorphs. This prominence in the relative and twelve species Chiropteridium eocaeni-
abundance of leiospheres has been reported as cum sp. nov., Costacysta bucina gen. et sp.
typical of assemblages found today at the limit nov., Distatodinium pilosum sp. nov., Echinid-
between seasonal and pack ice in the Arctic. inium? lucidum sp. nov., Hapsocysta kysin-
In-situ dinoflagellate cysts are sparse. They gensis sp. nov., Horologinella ?pentagonalis
are mainly represented by Lejeunecysta, sp. nov., Operculodinium eisenackii sp. nov.,
which, based on species similarities to those Phthanoperidinium cornutum sp. nov., Se-
from Cape Roberts, are believed to be of Oli- lenopemphix septum sp. nov., Svalbardella
gocene to Pliocene age. All other dinoflagel- partimtabulata sp. nov., Thalassiphora
late cysts recovered are the result of reworking gracilis sp. nov. and Thalassiphora microper-
from Eocene to Oligocene sediments. Re- forata sp. nov. are formally described. The
worked spores and pollen comprise the second genus Hapsocysta is emended, and is consid-
most abundant group. They are of moderate ered to be a senior synonym of Piccoladinium.
diversity and include an Eocene or older as- The gradual change of the dinoflagellate cyst

assemblages in this section demonstrates that Kimmeridgian) palynology of the onshore
sedimentation was almost continuous during Moray Firth Basin, northeast Scotland. (英文).
the time span of ca. 12 Ma. The biostrati- Riding J B. Palynology, 2005, 29(): 87-142
graphic resolution based on dinoflagellate cyst The Brora Coal, Brora Argillaceous, Brora
events is generally finer than the calcareous Arenaceous, Balintore and Kimmeridge Clay
nannofossil NP biozonation. A comparison formations of the onshore Moray Firth Basin
with published dinoflagellate cyst data from represent an important Middle to Upper Juras-
the Norwegian-Greenland Sea shows that sev- sic (Callovian to Lower Kimmeridgian) refer-
eral important events are mainly synchronous ence section close to hydrocarbon-rich North
throughout the region, suggesting a general Sea basins. This composite succession at
similarity of the water masses. An isolated Brora and Balintore is c. 233 m thick; it is
occurrence of Svalbardella suggests a short mudstone/siltstone-dominated and largely rich
cooling event during early Bartonian times. in zonal and subzonal ammonites. For exam-
The palynofacies in most of the section is al- ple, the Callovian succession at Brora is virtu-
most purely of pelagic type. A more proximal, ally complete, with coverage of all seven am-
mid shelf palynofacies and a distinctive epi- monite zones. All the five formations exam-
sode of reworking coincide with the Upper ined have yielded abundant palynofloras. The
Eocene Moesgaard Clay and indicate a brief, lithostratigraphic units sampled, except the
but rather large sea level fall during the depo- Brora Coal Formation, have yielded rich asso-
sition of this unit. The Eocene/Oligocene ciations of dinoflagellate cysts. The majority
boundary is tentatively identified near the base of the Inverbrora Member of the Brora Coal
of the Viborg Formation, and approximately Formation at its type section at Brorais of
coincides with increased reworking of early Callovian age based on dinoflagellate
dinoflagellate cysts and a strong increase in cysts; this member yielded Meiourogonyaulax
bisaccate pollen, indicating more proximal caytonensis and Mendicodinium groenlandi-
conditions and possibly also a climatic cooling. cum and these species preclude a Bathonian
age. This member has been previously attrib-
2011010085 uted to the late Bathonian. Dinoflagellate cysts
晚侏罗世沟鞭藻孢囊 Gonyaulacysta cera- are diverse and abundant in the overlying
tophora (Cookson & Eisenack 1960)的新组 Brora Argillaceous to Kimmeridge Clay for-
合和新修订 = The Late Jurassic dinoflagel- mations, therefore indicating open marine
late cyst Gonyaulacysta ceratophora (Cookson conditions. The stratigraphic distributions and
& Eisenack 1960) comb. nov., emend. nov.. relative proportions of these Callovian to
(英文). Riding J B. Palynology, 2005, 29(): Lower Kimmeridgian dinoflagellate cyst flo-
13-22 ras are largely consistent with those reported
The Late Jurassic (early Oxfordian to earli- elsewhere in northern Europe, and the estab-
est Tithonian) dinoflagellate cyst Scriniodin- lished dinoflagellate cyst biozonations can be
ium ceratophorum Cookson & Eisenack 1960 readily applied to the Inner Moray Firth Basin.
from Australia was originally described as Some taxa, such as Gonyaulacysta dentata,
having smooth walls and lacking tabulation are of distinct Boreal affinity. Furthermore,
except for the archeopyle and the cingulum. some minor stratigraphic anomalies were
The type is an atypical end member of this noted, including the range base of Scriniodin-
distinctive species; most forms have partially ium crystallinum being in the early Oxfordian
developed tabulation. The species is closely at Balintore. In England and Germany, this
related to Gonyaulacysta jurassica (Deflandre bioevent occurs in the late Callovian. Some
1939) Norris & Sarjeant 1965. It has a rela- notable dinoflagellate cyst abundance phe-
tively large epicyst, an apparently similar nomena were observed. An example of this is
tabulation pattern to Gonyaulacysta jurassica the prominence of Korystocysta spp. in the
and exhibits neutral torsion. Scriniodinium Middle Callovian. This and other quantitative
ceratophorum is therefore transferred to Gon- phenomena are of correlative significance.
yaulacysta and emended to include partially Marine palynomorph diversity increased
tabulate forms. markedly during the Callovian, stabilizing in
the Lower Oxfordian. A suite of characteristic
2011010086 dinoflagellate cysts became extinct in the
Middle Oxfordian, and some typically Late
Jurassic elements became more prominent at
(卡洛维阶-基米里支阶)孢粉学研究 = this time. The early Kimmeridgian palynoflo-
Middle and Upper Jurassic (Callovian to

ras from Ethic are entirely typical of this in- one outcrop sample and the sample taken from
terval elsewhere in Europe. a boulder hosting plesiosaur vertebrae contain
entirely terrestrially derived palynoassem-
2011010087 blages, suggesting a freshwater habitat for at
坦桑尼亚东南部 Tendaguru 岩层(晚侏罗 least some of the plesiosaurs. The host unit
世-早白垩世)的沟鞭藻孢囊和伴生的水生 spans the Santonian to lowermost Maas-
孢 型 = Dinoflagellate cysts and associated trichtian, while the key pollen taxa Nothofa-
aquatic palynomorphs from the Tendaguru gidites senectus and Tricolpites lilliei, together
Beds (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) of with the dinocyst Isabelidinium pellucidum
and the megaspore Grapnelispora evansii,
southeast Tanzania. (英文). Schrank E. Paly-
indicate a late Campanian to early Maas-
nology, 2005, 29(): 49-85
trichtian age for the fossiliferous boulders.
Dinoflagellate cysts and associated aquatic
The palynoflora indicates a mixed local vege-
palynomorphs have been recovered from the
tation dominated by podocarp conifers and
dinosaur-bearing Tendaguru Beds (Upper Ju-
angiosperms with a significant tree-fern sub-
rassic-Lower Cretaceous) at Tendaguru, a hill
canopy. The presence of taxa with modern
in southeast Tanzania. Palynofloras from these
temperate distributions, such as Nothofagus
beds are generally dominated by pollen grains
(southern beech), Proteaceae and Cyatheaceae
of Mesozoic conifers (mainly Classopollis),
(tree-ferns), indicates a mild-temperate cli-
but dinoflagellate cysts occur sporadically
mate and lack of severe winter freezing during
throughout the succession. They attain highest
the latest Cretaceous, providing an ecosystem
relative abundances and diversities in the ma-
that most probably made it possible for polar
rine intercalations between the Saurian Beds,
dinosaurs to overwinter in this part of the
namely in the Nerinea Bed (between the
Lower and Middle Saurian Beds) and even
more so in the Trigonia smeei Bed (between
the Middle and Upper Saurian Beds). Peak
阿根廷西北部萨尔塔省 Tonono x-1 钻孔中
levels of dinoflagellate cysts correspond to
times when the shallow marine environments 上泥盆统孢粉植物群 = Middle-Upper Devo-
of the Nerinea and Trigonia smeei Beds had nian palynoflora from the Tonono x-1 bore-
access to the open sea, while scarcity or ab- hole, Salta Province, northwestern Argentina.
sence of dinoflagellate cysts in the Saurian (英文). Noetinger S. Ameghiniana: Revista de
Beds is related to intervals of restricted access la asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010,
to the sea in tidal flat and coastal plain envi- 47(2): 165-184
2011010088 Erdtmanitheca portucalensis,葡萄牙早白
新 西 兰 Mangahouanga 地 区 上 白 垩 统 垩世(阿普第阶-阿尔必阶)一种
Tahora 组含蛇颈龙类地层的孢粉研究 = A Eucommiidites 型 新 花 粉 = Erdtmanitheca
palynological investigation of plesiosaur- portucalensis, a new pollen organ from the
bearing rocks from the Upper Cretaceous Ta- Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) of Portugal
hora Formation, Mangahouanga, New Zealand. with Eucommiidites-type pollen. ( 英 文 ).
( 英 文 ). Vajdaa V; Ian Raine J. Alcher- Mendes M M; Pais J; Pedersen K R; Friis E M.
inga, 2010, 34(3): 359-374 Grana, 2010, 49(2): 26-36
High-palaeolatitude plesiosaur, mosasaur A new lignitised, slightly compressed pol-
and, more rarely, dinosaur fossils are well len organ, Erdtmanitheca portucalensis, with
known from the Maungataniwha Sandstone affinities to extinct Erdtmanithecales from the
Member of the Tahora Formation in Manga- Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) of Vale de
houanga Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Agua (Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal), is
A palynological investigation of strata ex- described. The pollen organ is composed of
posed along Mangahouanga Stream and of loosely arranged microsporophylls radiating
transported boulders hosting vertebrate fossils from a central core. The estimated number of
reveals well-preserved assemblages dominated microsporophylls is about 100-150. The mi-
by terrestrial pollen and spores but also in- crosporophylls are sessile and ellipsoidal to
cluding marine dinoflagellate cysts in some barrel-shaped with a flattened or slightly api-
samples. The palynofacies are strongly domi- cally depression containing about ten narrow
nated by wood fragments including charcoal; sporangia. The sporangia enclose abundant

well-preserved pollen grains of Eucommiid- calised occurrence and relative abundance of
ites-type. Pollen grains found in situ are ellip- the spores in a few beds suggest that some of
tical in equatorial outline, about 16.0-27.2 m the parent plants grew close to water bodies
long and 11.9-16.4 m wide. The main (distal) where they were deposited and preserved.
colpus is long with expanded rounded ends. It Their recovery from sediments of late Hau-
is flanked by two subsidiary colpi in an almost terivian-early Barremian age indicates that the
equatorial position. The surface of the pollen species has potential as a biostratigraphic
wall is psilate and occasionally punctate. The marker in the upper Wealden succession of
ektexine is composed of a distinct tectum, southern England and perhaps elsewhere.
granular infratectal layer and a thin foot layer.
The endexine is thick and laminar. The new 2011010092
Early Cretaceous Portuguese pollen-organ is 土壤和湖泊基底相结合的表层样品能否改
similar in several respects to that of 善建立在花粉学研究基础之上的气候模
Erdtmanitheca texensis described from the 型? = Are pollen-based climate models im-
Late Cretaceous of Texas, USA. The new fos- proved by combining surface samples from
sil species further documents the importance
soil and lacustrine substrates?. (英文). Goring
of the Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-
S; Lacourse T; Pellatt M G; Walker I R;
Gnetales group in the Early Cretaceous floras
Mathewes R W. Review of Palaeobotany and
of Portugal extending the stratigraphic and
geographical distribution of the genus with Palynology, 2010, 162(2): 203-212 6 图版.
regard to systematic and phylogenetic signifi- Differences between pollen assemblages
cance of the Eucommiidites-producing plants obtained from lacustrine and terrestrial surface
that may have been co-occurring with the sediments may affect the ability to obtain reli-
Early Cretaceous diversification of angio- able pollen-based climate reconstructions. We
sperms. It is ascertained that perforate tectum test the effect of combining modern pollen
occurs in pollen grains with a well-developed samples from multiple depositional environ-
foot layer as well as in pollen grains in which ments on various pollen-based climate recon-
a foot layer is poorly developed or lacking, struction methods using modern pollen sam-
and that pollen features do not support a sepa- ples from British Columbia, Canada and adja-
ration of the Erdtmanithecales seeds and pol- cent Washington, Montana, Idaho and Oregon
len organs. states. This dataset includes samples from a
number of depositional environments includ-
2011010091 ing soil and lacustrine sediments.
古环境意义 = An unusual megaspore of un-
现代花粉雨 = Modern pollen rain in man-
certain systematic affinity from Lower Creta-
groves from San Andres Island, Colombian
ceous deposits in south-east England and its
biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental sig- Caribbean. (英文). Urrego L E; Gonzalez C;
nificance. (英文). Batten D J. Grana, 2010, Uran G; Polania J. Review of Palaeobotany
and Palynology, 2010, 162(2): 168-182 7 图
48(4): 270-280 5 图版.
An unusual megaspore has been recorded 版.
from beds within the Weald Clay Group of The precise characterisation of present-day
south-east England. Described as Clockhousea mangrove ecosystems from modern pollen
capelensis gen. et sp. nov., it is characterised rain facilitates the accurate use of fossil pollen
by having a thick outer layer of exine consist- data for late Quaternary sea level and envi-
ing of closely packed columnar to clavate ronmental reconstructions. Here, we investi-
elements with constricted bases attached to a gate whether the analysis of pollen rain data
perforated inner layer and a sculpture that corroborates existing floristic and structural
ranges from having the appearance of a nega- characterisation of different mangrove types at
tive reticulum through closely spaced verrucae the Caribbean island of San Andres, Colombia.
to a mixture of verrucate and essentially bacu- At 82 plots along 20 transects of four distinct
late elements, all of which are surface mani- mangrove types, samples were obtained of (i)
festations and extensions of the underlying surface sediments for pollen analysis, and (ii)
structure. These characters do not readily indi- a range of environmental parameters (includ-
cate a systematic relationship with any known ing inundation levels, salinity and pH). This
heterosporous plant genus or family. The lo- information was compared to previously sam-

pled mangrove composition and tree basal distinguished: PA1, PA2 and PA3 are Toar-
area. In surface sediment samples 82 pollen cian in age, PA4 is located at the boundary
taxa were found, from which 19 were present between the Toarcian and the Aalenian and
in the vegetation plots. However, because pol- PAS. This latter palynological assemblage
len may be transported by wind and/or water- which is lower Aalenian in age shows a strong
courses, the overall floristic composition of reduction in palynomorph diversity and pres-
the different forest types may not necessarily ervation in the Comptum Subzone. Pa-
be reflected by the pollen spectra. Local vege- laeoecological analysis of the palynomorphs
tation (i.e. mangroves and beach) represented indicated the presence of calm, oligotrophic
>90% of the pollen spectra, while the regional sea water. The palaeofloral communities of
one (i.e. hinterland forests) represented <5% gymnosperms and vascular cryptogams which
of it. Unlike the four mangrove types that grew in subtropical arid conditions were
were previously described in the vegetation, poorly diversified.
the analysis of pollen samples suggested only
three distinct types of forest. 2011010095
2011010094 的生物地层学和古环境意义 = Megaspores
Fuentelsaz 地区(早-中侏罗世,西班牙伊 from mid Cretaceous deposits in western
比利亚山脉)托尔阶—阿连阶全球层型剖 France and their biostratigraphic and pa-
面 及 点 位 孢 粉 研 究 = Palynology of the laeoenvironmental significance. (英文). Bat-
Toarcian-Aalenian Global Boundary Strato- ten D J; Colin J P; Neraudeau D. Review of
type Section and Point (GSSP) at Fuentelsaz Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2010, 161(3-4):
(Lower-Middle Jurassic, Iberian Range, 151-167 9 图版.
Spain). (英文). Barron E; Ureta S; Goy A; Six localities in western France contain de-
Lassaletta L. Review of Palaeobotany and posits of mid Cretaceous age that have yielded
Palynology, 2010, 162(1): 11-28 11 图版. small assemblages of megaspores. These are
The Fuentelsaz Section is located in the Archingeay-Les Nouillers, Puy-Puy, Les
Castilian Branch of the Iberian Range (Guada- Renardieres, La Buzinie and Le Brouillard
lajara, Spain). Its exceptional Lower-Middle quarries, and Fouras tidal flat. With one ex-
Jurassic transition outcrops led to its designa- ception, all are within the Charente and Char-
tion as the Global Boundary Stratotype Sec- ente-Maritime regions: Le Brouillard is further
tion and Point for the base of the Aalenian. north in Anjou Province. The productive hori-
The sediments of the Toarcian-Aalenian tran- zons are in sub-units of previously defined
sition at Fuentelsaz are composed of marls stratigraphic units A. B and C. and range in
with interbedded limestones in rhythmic alter- age from latest Albian or earliest Cenomanian
nation. Marls are dominant in the Toarcian to earliest mid Cenomanian. Owing to a scar-
and the Opalinum Zone up to the middle part city of records of mid Cretaceous megaspores
of the Comptum Subzone. In the remaining that can be relied upon for comparison with
Comptum Subzone, marly materials are scarce those recovered in this study, a cautious ap-
and limestones predominate. Sedimentation at proach to identification has been adopted.
Fuentelsaz took place over an extensive ma- Most forms are only compared to previously
rine epeiric carbonate platform that was well described species or referred to in open no-
connected with the open sea. In the Fuentelsaz menclature. The most productive sample was
Section, a total of 43 palynomorph taxa were from the lower part of sub-unit A1 at Puy-Puy.
recorded: 23 spore taxa, 13 pollen taxa, 4 acri- The assemblage recovered is dominated by
tarchs, 2 prasinophytes and 1 dinoflagellate spores referable to isoetalean Minerisporites
cyst. The studied sediment samples were al- and Paxillitriletes, with a few baculate, rugu-
ways dominated by terrestrial allochthonous late and other lycopsid spores and mar-
miospores. In general, miospore assemblages silealean Molaspora rugosa in association. The
are biased due to the transport of pollen from occurrence of the last of these in particular
land or islands to the continental platform. might indicate that this lowermost unit of the
Spheripollenites, Classopollis or indeed both mid Cretaceous succession is earliest Ceno-
pollens numerically dominate the assemblages. manian rather than latest Albian in age, but the
Other miospores appear in low numbers. evidence is equivocal. The composition of the
Aquatic palynomorphs are also scarce; assemblages from sub-unit B2 (Fouras tidal
Micrhystridium lymensis is the most common. flat) and higher levels (La Buzinie, Le Brouil-
Five palynological assemblages (PA) were lard) is consistent with a Cenomanian age de-

termination and, in common with those from land which was used previously to reconstruct
Puy-Puy, Archingeay-Les Nouillers and Les the postglacial regional vegetation history
Renardieres, indicates a bias towards parent shows that the pollen rain registered by the
plants that lived in and adjacent to water bod- forest hollow and the peatland margin/forest
ies. Among the forms recorded are species of interface is primarily composed of local and
Ariadnaesporites, Dijkstraisporites and Tenel- extra-local pollen inputs, delivering the long-
lisporites. The mixed character of the assem- term vegetation dynamics at the local stands.
blages and the presence of damaged speci-
mens and fragments in all of them lend sup- 2011010097
port to previous interpretations of lacustrine to 花粉化石说明南半球渐新世和中新世
paralic environments of deposition for the Asteracean 的基部族系和相关科的爆发性
sedimentary units concerned. 辐射 = Fossil pollen indicates an explosive
radiation of basal Asteracean lineages and
2011010096 allied families during Oligocene and Miocene
加拿大魁北克省北方混合林长时间尺度变 times in the Southern Hemisphere. ( 英 文 ).
化 = Long-term stand-scale dynamics of a Barreda V; Palazzesi L; Telleria M C; Katinas
boreal mixed forest in Quebec, Canada. (英 L; Crisci J V. Review of Palaeobotany and
文). Colpron-Tremblay J; Lavoie M. Review Palynology, 2010, 160(3-4): 102-110 4 图版.
of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2010, Much of our knowledge of the past distribu-
161(1-2): 43-58 10 图版. tion and radiation of Asteraceae and allied
We conducted a high-stratigraphic resolu- families depends on the fossil pollen record.
tion palaeoecological study (fossil pollen, In recent years, new discoveries are coming to
plant-macrofossils, charcoal, stomata, sedi- light from southern Africa, Australia, New
ment stratigraphy) of two organic sedimentary Zealand, and southern South America (Pata-
deposits in a mixed balsam fir/white birch gonia). Unequivocally assigned morphotaxa
forest in the Laurentian Highlands in eastern from accurately dated sediments have permit-
Quebec (Canada) to elucidate the long-term ted for the first time a comprehensive review
stand development of this ecosystem (species of the past distribution of the most important
invasions, succession), and to examine the core of the sunflower alliance of families
role and effects of natural disturbances on the (Menyanthaceae, Goodeniaceae, Calyceraceae
vegetation dynamics. The two sites studied, and Asteraceae). The main goal of this contri-
consisting of a forest hollow (Laflamme site) bution is to explore the major evolutionary
and a peatland margin/forest interface (De- radiation of the basal lineages of Asteraceae
sAulnaies site), were dated 10 200 and 5930 (Mutisioideae and Barnadesioideae) and allied
cal. yr BP, respectively. The constitution of relatives (Menyanthaceae, Goodeniaceae and
the balsam fir/white birch forest occurred Calyceraceae) on the basis of the worldwide
9500 cal. yr ago, after an afforestation period fossil pollen records. Several taxa, which to-
(>10 200-9500 cal. yr BP) corresponding to an day are restricted to isolated geographic re-
open coniferous woodland characterized by gions, were widespread in the Southern Hemi-
black spruce. Our results allowed a major re- sphere during Paleogene times. Menyantha-
vision of the chronology of the vegetation dy- ceae, Goodeniaceae and Mutisioideae (As-
namics during the early Holocene for the teraceae), for example, had a wide distribution
study area: spread of the first tree species and over Gondwanan landmasses in the Oligocene
onset of the constitution of the first open for- and are now drastically reduced in their geo-
ests occurred at least 2500 yr earlier than pre- graphic range. Early Neogene records, in con-
viously estimated. Macroscopic wood char- trast, suggest extinction and diversification
coals were found during the afforestation pe- events that progressively led to the present day
riod, but were very scarce thereafter. Only configuration. In broad terms, the distribution
four fires were recorded on the two sites since of Miocene fossils assigned to this clade
the first appearance of firs in the region, 9500 (Barnadesioideae, Nassauvieae, and Caly-
yr ago. This suggests that forest fires have ceraceae) agrees with that of their present dis-
been rare events since the establishment of fir, tribution. The major floristic turnovers coin-
and that fires played a very minor role in the cided with the final isolation of Antarctica,
holocene dynamics of pristine balsam leading to cooler, drier, and more seasonal
fir/white birch forests in eastern North Amer- climates and forced the evolution and distribu-
ica. The comparison of the pollen diagrams of tion of these Gondwanan elements.
the two study sites with that of a nearby peat-

2011010098 species were recognized, 42 corresponding to
土耳其西北部 Sapanca 淡水湖岩芯中咸水 spores, 24 to pollen grains and 10 related to
和海相种的孢型 = Palynomorphs of brackish algae and fungi. Palynomorphs registered in
and marine species in cores from the freshwa- the section here analysed indicate the recogni-
ter Lake Sapanca, NW Turkey. (英文). Leroy tion of the Vittatina costabilis and Lueckis-
SAG; Albay M. Review of Palaeobotany and porites virrkiae zones. Species with strati-
graphic ranges limitated to ltarare Subgroup
Palynology, 2010, 160(3-4): 181-188 4 图版.
and Rio Bonito Formation were identified in a
Lake Sapanca, which is located on the Sa-
higher stratigrapical levels, meaning for in-
karya-Sapanca-Izmit corridor in NW Turkey,
stance, increasing on the stratigraphic range of
is a freshwater lake with numerous fish farms
these taxa. On the other hand, other strati-
in its catchment. Palynological analyses in-
graphic interpretations are possible, constitut-
cluding non-pollen palynomorphs of a short
ing the scope of the present contribution.
(38.5 cm) and a longer sediment core (586
cm), taken in the centre of the lake and dated
in previous investigations, revealed the pres-
ence of brackish and marine palynomorphs.
The longer sediment sequence shows the oc- 地区花粉产量控制的复杂性 = Annual pol-
currence of Brigantedinium sp., lmpagidinium len traps reveal the complexity of climatic
caspienense and Spituferites cruciformis from control on pollen productivity in Europe and
the base of the core at c. AD 580 years up to the Caucasus. (英文). van der Knaap W O;
300 cm depth at shortly after c. AD 910. A van Leeuwen Jacqueline F N; Svitavska-
similar assemblage, but this time with the ad- Svobodova Helena; Pidek Irena A; Kvavadze
ditional presence of dinoflagellate thecae and Eliso; Chichinadze Maia; Giesecke Thomas;
the acritarch, Radiosperma corbiferum, was Kaszewski Boguslaw Michal; Oberli Floren-
found in the recent core, especially from AD cia; Kalnina Laimdota; Pardoe Heather S.;
1986 until the present. Past connections be- Tinner Willy; Ammann Brigit. Vegetation
tween the Gulf of lzmit and the Black Sea, via History and Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(4, Sp.
the River Sakarya and Lake Sapanca, could be Iss. SI): 285-307 4 图版.
the origin of these two microfossil assem- Annual PAR (pollen accumulation rates;
blages. Accidental re-introduction via fish grains cm (-2) year (-1)) were studied with
translocation since the Roman times may have modified Tauber traps situated in ten regions,
been a additional mechanism. The conse- in Poland (Roztocze), the Czech Republic
quences of the survival of brackish and marine (two regions in Krkonoe, two in umava),
forms in a freshwater lake are discussed in Switzerland (4 regions in the Alps), and Geor-
terms of wider euryhalinity than has been sug- gia (Lagodekhi). The time-series are 10-16
gested for those still poorly known organisms. years long, all ending in 2007. We calculated
correlations between pollen data and climate.
2011010099 Pollen data are PAR summarized per region
巴西南里奥格朗德坎迪欧塔 Parana 盆地下 (4-7 traps selected per region) for each pollen
二叠统 Rio Bonito 组和 Palermo 组孢粉: type (9-14 per region) using log-transformed,
新资料和生物地层意义 = Palynology of the detrended medians. Climate data are monthly
Rio Bonito and Palermo Formations (Lower temperature and precipitation measured at
Permian, Parana Basin) In Candiota, Rio nearby stations, and their averages over all
Grande Do Sul, Brazil: new data and bio- possible 2- to 6-month windows falling within
the 20-month window ending with August,
stratigraphic implications. (其他). Mori A L O;
just prior to the yearly pollen-trap collection.
Souza P A. Ameghiniana: Revista de la aso-
Most PAR/climate relationships were found to
ciacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010, 47(1):
differ both among pollen types and among
regions, the latter probably due to differences
New palynologic associations were recov-
among the study regions in the habitats of
ered from an outcrop located at BR 293
plant populations. Results shared by a number
Highway, between Bage and Candiota mu-
of regions can be summarized as follows.
nicipalities, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil,
Summer warmth was found to enhance the
related to the Rio Bonito and Palermo forma-
following year's PAR of Picea, Pinus non-
tions, Lower Permian of Parana Basin. Eight
cembra, Larix and Fagus. Cool summers, in
samples were colected and studied, showing
contrast, increase the PAR of Abies, Alnus
rich and diversified palynofloras. A total of 76
viridis and Gramineae in the following year,

while wet summers promote PAR of Quercus PAR and tree cover, differences in Fagus
and Gramineae. Wetness and warmth in gen- PAR (averaged per pollen trap) were related in
eral were found to enhance PAR of Salix. Pre- each region to the proportion of beech trees in
cipitation was found to be more important for the vegetation within 2 km of the pollen traps,
PAR of Alnus glutinosa-type than temperature. the distance to the nearest pollinating Fagus
Weather did not have an impact on the PAR of tree, regional or local presence of beech for-
Gramineae, and possibly of Cyperaceae in the ests, the degree of landscape openness, and the
same year. Care is advised when extrapolating size of forest opening in which a trap is situ-
our results to PAR in pollen sequences, be- ated. Average Fagus PAR was found to track
cause there are large errors associated with the regional abundance of beech trees in the
PAR from sediments, due to the effects of vegetation, not the distance of the nearest
taphonomy and sedimentation and high uncer- Fagus tree. Regional occurrence of beech-
tainty in dating. In addition, in pollen se- dominated forests was reflected by a Fagus
quences that have decadal to centennial rather PAR of ca. 1,400 grains cm(-2) year(-1), local
than near-annual resolution, plant-interaction abundance very close to pollen traps by ca.
effects may easily out-weigh the weather sig- 2,400 grains, small patches of forest with ad-
nal. mixture of Fagus by ca. 170-220 grains, and
scarcity or absence of Fagus by ca. 40 grains
2011010101 or less.
花粉的年富集率变化 = Variation in annual 2011010102
pollen accumulation rates of Fagus along a N- 改进后的陶伯花粉采样仪和苔藓样品孢粉
S transect in Europe based on pollen traps. (英 谱的比较:横跨欧洲的林地采样 = Compar-
文). Pidek I A; Svitavska-Svobodova H; van ing pollen spectra from modified Tauber traps
der Knaap W O; Noryskiewicz A M; Fil- and moss samples: examples from a selection
brandt-Czaja A ; Noryskiewicz B; Latalowa of woodlands across Europe. (英文). Pardoe H
M; Zimny M; Swieta-Musznicka J; Bozilova S; Giesecke T; van der Knaap WO; Svitavska-
E; Tonkov S; Filipova-Marinova M ; Poska A; Svobodova H; Kvavadze E V; Panajiotidis S ;
Giesecke T; Gikov A. Vegetation History and Gerasimidis A; Pidek I A; Zimny M; Swieta-
Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(4Sp. Iss. SI): 259- Musznicka J; Latalowa M; Noryskiewicz A M;
270 4 图版. Bozilova E ; Tonkov S; Filipova-Marinova M
Annual pollen-accumulation rates (PAR) of V; van Leeuwen JFN; Kalnina L. Vegetation
Fagus (beech) obtained within the framework History and Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(4Sp. Iss.
of the Pollen Monitoring Programme (PMP) SI): 271-283 7 图版.
were analyzed in pollen traps along a N-S This paper compares pollen spectra derived
transect from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea from modified Tauber traps and moss samples
in different European vegetation units. The from a selection of woodland types from Bul-
study regions are situated in the lowlands of garia, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece,
northern Poland, the uplands of SE Poland, the Poland, Switzerland and Wales. The study
Czech Krkonoe Mts, the Czech umava Mts, examines the representation of individual taxa
the Swiss Jura Mts, the Swiss Alps, the Bul- in the two sampling media and aims to ascer-
garian Rila Mts and the Bulgarian Strandzha tain the duration of pollen deposition captured
Mts. Most time series are 10 or 11 years long, by a moss. The latter aim was pursued through
some are 5-16 years long. Inter-annual fluc- the calculation of dissimilarity indexes to as-
tuations in Fagus PAR were analyzed and sess how many years of pollen deposited in a
compared with seed mast years. Years with pollen trap yield percentage values that are
high Fagus PAR and others with low Fagus most similar to those obtained from the moss.
PAR occurred most frequently in parallel The results are broadly scattered; the majority
within each region and often in two of moss samples being most similar to several
neighbouring regions. 2006 was exceptional years of pollen deposition in the adjacent trap.
as it had a very high Fagus sylvatica pollen For a selection of samples, a comparison of
deposition in all study regions and it was also the pollen accumulation rate in pollen traps
a mast year. In Bulgaria, the trend in the 5 with the pollen concentration in the moss per
years of Fagus orientalis PAR in the unit surface indicates that the entrapment
Strandzha Mts differed from that of F. sylva- and/or preservation of individual pollen types
tica PAR in the Rila Mts. Aiming at establish- in the moss differ from that in the pollen trap.
ing the relationship between average Fagus A comparison of the proportion of different

taxa in the moss with the pollen spectrum of 2 cyclicity. These results indicate that, with the
years of pollen deposition in the trap also re- possible exception of Alnus glutinosa, tem-
vealed large differences. There is a tendency perature and precipitation are the main factors
for bisaccate grains such as Pinus and Picea to controlling the annual variability in pollen
have a higher representation in moss than in deposition of the trees in Draved Forest.
traps but there is considerable regional varia-
tion. The results indicate that pollen propor- 2011010104
tions from moss samples often represent the 我们能从植物残迹和花粉的现代样品觉察
pollen deposition of one area over several 挪威西部的林木线吗?通过林木线直接观察
years. However, bisaccate pollen grains tend 近代大化石计划得出的结果 = Can we de-
to be over-represented in moss samples com- tect a west Norwegian tree line from modern
pared to both pollen traps and, potentially, samples of plant remains and pollen? Results
lake sediments.
from the DOORMAT project. (英文). Birks H
H; Bjune A E. Vegetation History and Ar-
chaeobotany, 2010, 19(4Sp. Iss. SI): 325-
用林冠花粉采样仪监测丹麦 Draved 林的气
340 5 图版.
候条件对年际开花变化的影响 = The effect
In the DOORMAT (Direct Observation of
of climate conditions on inter-annual flower- Recent Macrofossils Across Treeline) project,
ing variability monitored by pollen traps be- the modern representation of local vegetation
low the canopy in Draved Forest, Denmark. by pollen and plant remains (plant macrofos-
(英文). Nielsen A B; Moller P F; Giesecke T; sils) across a west Norwegian tree line, com-
Stavngaard B; Fontana S L; Bradshaw RHW. posed of Betula pubescens and Pinus sylves-
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2010, tris, has been studied over 2 years. The aim
19(4Sp. Iss. SI): 309-323 4 图版. was to discover if the modern tree line could
Since 1967 annual pollen deposition has be detected and therefore how precisely past
been monitored in the semi-natural mixed de- tree-line movements could be reconstructed
ciduous woodland Draved Forest by the Geo- and related to Holocene climate changes by
logical Survey of Denmark. In this paper, we using one proxy or a combination of both.
analyse the variability in pollen accumulation Traps were placed in the vegetation from 663
rates for the eight most common deciduous to 1,120 m a.s.l., spanning the pine altitudinal
trees, and their relationships to monthly tem- species limit, the birch tree-line ecotone, and
perature and precipitation. High summer tem- the vegetation zones up to the mid-alpine zone.
peratures in the year before flowering have a Three traps were also set in the small lake
positive effect on pollen deposition for several Trettetjørn close to the modern tree line at
species. A positive correlation between tem- 800 m a.s.l. Traps were emptied twice a year
peratures during the flowering season and pol- to sample both summer and winter seasons.
len accumulation rates is found for Fagus syl- Macrofossils represent their local vegetation
vatica, Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior and well. However, tree Betula remains were
Corylus avellana. The amount of precipitation trapped above the tree line and Pinus and
can have both positive and negative effects on Picea remains were recorded 1.0–1.5 km
pollen accumulation, depending on species away from their sources, demonstrating con-
and on time of year. Linear modelling showed siderable dispersal capacity. This shows that
that combinations of monthly climate parame- rare macrofossil remains do not necessarily
ters could explain between 10 and 80% of the represent the local presence of these trees.
variation observed in different species. There Aerial tree pollen deposition in traps at the
were marked differences in the time series of upper limit of pine woodland and in the subal-
pollen accumulation and pollen/climate rela- pine birch woodland was unexpectedly low,
tionships for some species between traps whereas pollen accumulation rates (PAR)
within the forest related to the location of trees were orders of magnitude higher in the lake
near the traps. This underlines the importance traps. We hypothesise that the lake receives
of using multiple traps in a region for this type regional pollen rain washed in from its catch-
of study. Time series analyses were used to ment by snow meltwater and that high values
test for cyclicity in pollen accumulation rates, in traps are due to continuous suspension of
which could be caused by resource limitations pollen in the lake water during summer. The
or internal biological factors. No significant interpretation of tree-line changes from exist-
autocorrelations were found, although Alnus ing Holocene pollen and plant macrofossil
glutinosa showed a tendency towards 3-year data from Trettetjørn was supported and re-

fined by the DOORMAT macrofossil data, but method'. Extended R-value analysis was used
the modern pollen data were anomalous. to explore the pollen-vegetation relationships
for five main taxa, Calluna vulgaris, Vaccin-
2011010105 ium-type, Cyperaceae, Poaceae and Potentilla-
用复合传播功能的发展估算瑞士阿尔卑斯 type. The estimates of relevant source area of
山脉的绝对花粉产量 = The development of pollen obtained were similar regardless of the
composite dispersal functions for estimating vegetation survey method. Values obtained
absolute pollen productivity in the Swiss Alps. were always under 4 m. However, estimates of
(英文). Sjogren P; Connor S E; van der Knaap relative pollen productivity and the back-
WO. Vegetation History and Ar- ground pollen component (proportion of pol-
chaeobotany, 2010, 19(4Sp. Iss. SI): 341- len coming from vegetation growing beyond
the relevant source area of pollen) differ
349 4 图版.
markedly depending on the method of vegeta-
Considering the complexity of real-world
tion survey chosen. This has important impli-
pollen dispersal, a single set of parameters
cations for the quantitative reconstruction of
may be inadequate to model pollen dispersal,
past vegetation cover.
especially as dispersal occurs on both local
and regional scales. Here we combine more
than one dispersal function into a composite
dispersal function (CDF). The function incor-
porates multiple parameters and different 千年以来的地形变化 = Quantitative land-
modes of pollen transportation, and thus has scape dynamics in Denmark through the last
the potential to better simulate the relationship three millennia based on the Landscape Re-
between deposited pollen and the surrounding construction Algorithm approach. ( 英 文 ).
vegetation than would otherwise be possible. Nielsen A B; Odgaard B V. Vegetation His-
CDFs based on different dispersal functions tory and Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(4Sp. Iss.
and combinations of dispersal functions were SI): 375-387 13 图版.
evaluated using a pollen-trap dataset from the This paper explores the spatial and temporal
Swiss Alps. Absolute pollen productivity land-cover variability within the main cultural
(APP) was estimated at 7,700 +/- A 2,000 landscape units in Denmark during the last
grains cm(-2) year(-1) for Larix decidua, 3,000 years. Quantitative estimates of the
13,500 +/- A 1,900 grains cm(-2) year(-1) for cover of trees, grasses, Cerealia and Calluna
Picea abies and 95,600 +/- A 17,700 grains around nine Danish lakes were obtained using
cm(-2) year(-1) for Pinus cembra (with 95% the recently developed Landscape Reconstruc-
confidence level). The results are consistent tion Algorithm (LRA) (Sugita 2007a, b). The
with previous APP estimates made from the performance of the approach was evaluated by
same dataset using different methods. comparing reconstructed vegetation based on
a.d. 1800 pollen spectra to land cover from
2011010106 historical maps of the same period. Although
植被数据采集策略对评估相关花粉源地和 the model tended to overestimate grassland
非乔木花粉产量的影响 = Effect of vegeta- cover by 10-20%, the reconstructed vegetation
tion data collection strategies on estimates of was much more similar to the observed than
relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) and the uncorrected pollen proportions. The LRA
relative pollen productivity estimates (relative was then applied to 3,000 year long pollen
PPE) for non-arboreal taxa. (英文). Bunting records to reconstruct the vegetation develop-
M J; Hjelle K L. Vegetation History and Ar- ment around each of the nine sites. The results
chaeobotany, 2010, 19(4Sp. Iss. SI): 365- support earlier conclusions regarding the rela-
tive stability of woodland, agrarian and heath-
374 8 图版.
land dominated landscapes in Denmark (Od-
Thirteen surface moss samples were col-
gaard and Rasmussen 2000), with the distribu-
lected for pollen analysis from an area of
tion of the main landscape types determined
heathland in western Norway. Vegetation
by topography and soil characteristics. The
composition at different distances around the
present study indicates that the transition
sampling locations was measured using three
zones between agricultural and forest domi-
different survey methods; rooted frequency
nated landscapes were the most dynamic, act-
within a sub-divided 1 m x 1 m quadrat, visual
ing as buffer zones where most of the expan-
estimates of cover within a 1 m x 1 m quadrat
sions and contractions of agricultural activities
and a modified form of the 'circle-walking
took place. The quantitative vegetation recon-

structions underline the importance of farming Data from 59 sequences studied through
and especially pastoral activities in shaping pollen analysis were used to examine the de-
the Danish landscapes throughout the study cline in Alnus in Estonia during the Iron Age.
period. Between a.d. 300 and 1300, the Alnus pollen
frequency declined markedly in 30 records
2011010108 distributed evenly across the investigated area.
罗兹托切地区(波兰东南部)Abies alba、 The beginning of the decline was time trans-
Fagus sylvatica 和 Pinus sylvestris 花粉的 gressive, coincidental with the start of exten-
分布和沉积特征 = Pollen dispersal and depo- sive cultivation, and was frequently connected
sition characteristics of Abies alba, Fagus syl- with the commencement of rye cultivation and
vatica and Pinus sylvestris, Roztocze region the availability of land suitable for cultivation.
The greatest reduction in Alnus abundance
(SE Poland). ( 英 文 ). Poska Anneli; Pidek
occurred during the Late Iron Age between a.d.
Irena Agnieszka. Vegetation History and Ar-
900 and 1000. This spatially random asyn-
chaeobotany, 2010, 19(2): 91-101 4 图版. chrony suggests that one or more factors af-
Pinus sylvestris L., Abies alba Mill. and fected Alnus populations across the whole
Fagus sylvatica L.-the significant forest form- northern region. Human impact is discussed as
ing tree species in Europe are important for a plausible cause of the decline. To determine
palaeoecological interpretations based on the the initiation of extensive crop farming in the
results of pollen analysis of fossil deposits. eastern Baltic area, pollen diagrams from Lat-
The potential pollen loading for Pinus sylves- via, Lithuania and the Novgorod region were
tris, Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica was mod- also examined.
elled using simulated and actual vegetation
maps, measured fall-speed values and pollen 2011010110
productivity estimates from the literature. The Lac d'Annecy 地区(法国阿尔卑斯山脉北
influx of fir pollen drops sharply with distance
部)西南边界海拔 456m 的 Lathuile 码头
from the pollen source due to the high fall
speed and moderate pollen productivity. The MIS 5 期花粉记录特征 = Characteristics of
vast majority of Abies alba pollen is deposited the MIS 5 pollen record from Lathuile Gare,
within less than 50 m of the sampling site and 456 m a.s.l., at the SW border of the Lac
a major proportion within 100 m. For beech d'Annecy (northern French Alps). ( 英 文 ).
the corresponding numbers would be 300 and Hahne J; Bludau W; Brun A; Hannss C; Klotz
1,800 m, and for pine 1,000 and 4,500 m. The S; Wahr J. Vegetation History and Ar-
observed mean pollen accumulation rate (PAR) chaeobotany, 2009, 18(6): 441-458 7 图版.
values for Pinus and Fagus were ca. 5,800 and The layers studied, parts of banquettes, con-
1,100 grains cm (-2) year (-1), respectively. In sist of limnic clayey-silty fine sediments with
the case of Abies, the mean annual PAR for some intercalated horizons of shaly coal and
the whole region is ca. 700 grains cm (-2) year lacustrine mud flow rubble. In the lower part
(-1). In SE Poland the regional signal is repre- of the record the Bornette interglacial has been
sented by PARs of Abies alba < 200 grains cm established. This is characterised by high val-
(-2) year (-1) and of Fagus sylvatica < 500 ues of Corylus and a significant presence of
grains cm(-2) year(-1). The local pres- Quercus and Hedera in addition to a wide-
ence/absence threshold values for Abies alba, spread presence of Buxus, Ulmus and
Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris are > Carpinus. A linkage of this interglacial to the
1,000 grains cm (-2) year (-1), > 2,000 grains Eemian (MIS 5e) can be considered an appli-
cm (-2) year (-1) and > 3,500 grains cm (-2) cable hypothesis. Quantitatively, however,
year (-1) respectively. Alnus and Picea exceed all these thermo-
phytics. However the lower part of Lathuile
2011010109 Gare is also characterised by palynological
波罗的海地区东部的农业耕作和赤杨属数 duplications untypical of the Eemian, for ex-
量下降之间有关系吗? = Is there a relation- ample two distinct peaks of Corylus linked to
ship between crop farming and the Alnus de- a significant decline in Picea in PZ 3 and 5
cline in the eastern Baltic region?. ( 英 文 ). and higher values of Abies and Picea in PZ 4
Saarse L; Niinemets E; Poska A; Veski S. and 6. Possibly these duplications can be ex-
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2010, plained by a rapid sub-aquatic flow causing a
doubling of the beds. In the upper part of the
19(1): 17-28 8 图版.
Lathuile Gare record two mean climatic reces-
sion periods in the lowest and the second up-

permost section (PZ 9 and 15) were detected 城市沉积花粉分析的潜力:中世纪捷克共
with increased values of NAP and Pinus in PZ 和国布拉格一套资料的多元统计分析 = The
9 and decreased proportions of Picea in PZ 15. potential of pollen analyses from urban depos-
They represent the Chaperon b interstadial and its: multivariate statistical analysis of a data
the Lathuile stadial correlated hypothetically set from the medieval city of Prague, Czech
with the St. Germain Ib (MIS 5c2) and the Republic. (英文). Kozakova R; Pokorny P;
Melisey II (MIS 5b) stadial. The enclosed Havrda J; Jankovska V. Vegetation History
middle part, the Chaparon c interstadial, re- and Archaeobotany, 2009, 18(6): 477-488 5
vealing similarities with the St. Germain Ic
(MIS 5c1), is dominated by Picea and Pinus.
In the 12th and 13th centuries, the land
Only a few thermophilous taxa occur in the
which is now the Czech Republic underwent
middle of this interstadial in PZ 11.
deep social and landscape changes, defined by
historians and archaeologists as a transitional
period between the early and late medieval
periods. This study aims to analyze this transi-
空间范围植被的花粉记录推断挪威西部人 tion as reflected by 142 pollen spectra from
文景观的发展 = From forest to open pastures urban deposits so far excavated in the city of
and fields: cultural landscape development in Prague. Multivariate statistics and critical as-
western Norway inferred from two pollen re- sessment of the results has brought general
cords representing different spatial scales of conclusions on the potential of pollen analysis
vegetation. (英文). Overland A; Hjelle K L. for urban archaeological research. They reveal
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2009, an early medieval urban environment as a fine
18(6): 459-476 9 图版. mosaic formed by extensive management, and
The cultural landscape development of a composed of many habitats without sharp
farming community in western Norway was borders between them. Since human impact
investigated through pollen analyses from a increased with time and the use of land be-
lake and a peat/soil profile. The pollen record came more rationalized and intensive, this
from the lake indicates that there was a de- mosaic developed a relatively coarser struc-
crease in arboreal pollen (AP) by the end of ture in the high medieval period. Our results
the Mesolithic period (ca. 4200 cal B.C.), and support findings of the earlier subjective and
that a substantial forest clearance occurred uncertain characteristics of two differing types
during the Bronze Age (ca. 1500 cal B.C.). of medieval pollen spectra (Cerealia-
The latter, together with grazing indicators dominated ones with low pollen diversity ver-
and cereals, suggests a widespread establish- sus those with a higher proportion of arboreal
ment of farming. At the beginning of the Ro- and wild herbal pollen and high pollen diver-
man Iron Age there is an increase in heath sity) obtained from various archaeological
communities. The pollen diagram from the sites.
peat/soil profile shows the forest clearance in
the Bronze Age more clearly than the lake 2011010113
profile. This local pollen diagram is compared 大 Mazurian 湖地区从觅食到农业:波兰东
with modern pollen samples from mown and 北部 Milkowskie 湖沉积孢粉研究 = From
grazed localities in western Norway. Both foraging to farming in the Great Mazurian
analogue matching and ordination (PCA) indi- Lake District: palynological studies on Lake
cate that the site was characterised by pastures Milkowskie sediments, northeast Poland. (英
and cereal fields from the Late Bronze Age to 文). Wacnik A. Vegetation History and Ar-
the Late Iron Age. An expansion of cereal
chaeobotany, 2009, 18(3): 187-203 6 图版.
cultivation took place during the Pre-Roman
Early and mid Holocene local vegetational
Iron Age, and an arable field was established
history, with special reference to woodland
at the site after ca. A.D. 800. This investiga-
communities, was revealed by pollen analysis
tion illustrates the potential of selecting pollen
of a radiocarbon dated lake sediment profile
sites reflecting different spatial scales, and
from Lake Milkowskie (Jezioro Milkowskie)
complements the cultural history of the area as
in northeastern Poland. The main factor con-
inferred from archaeological and historical
trolling the dynamics of woodland composi-
tion changes until ca. 1950 b.c. was climate.
After that, the role of human activity became
increasingly important. The results of high-

resolution pollen analyses provide evidence 以色列 Gesher Benot Ya'aqov 地区阿舍利
for early woodland disturbances caused by 遗址孢粉研究 = A palynological study of the
Mesolithic people at ca. 6950 b.c. Several epi- Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Is-
sodes of human impact, differing in scale, and rael. (英文). van Zeist W; Bottema S. Vegeta-
separated by subsequent episodes of woodland tion History and Archaeobotany, 2009, 18(2):
regeneration/stabilization were noted. The first
105-121 2 图版.
traces of local crop farming, shown by the
The results are discussed of the palynologi-
presence of Cerealia pollen, were recorded at
cal (pollen-analytical) examination of a sedi-
ca. 3800 b.c. in the Paraneolithic/Neolithic
ment section in the Hula Valley of northern
period. Animal husbandry as well as cereal
Israel, with evidence of Acheulian occupation
cultivation played only a marginal role in the
dated to 700,000-800,000 B.P. In general
economy, which was traditionally based on
there is a fair agreement between the paly-
hunting, fishing and gathering through the
nological data and the wood remains identi-
Neolithic and the early Bronze Age. The
fied from the site, but there are also discrepan-
change in economic strategies from foraging
cies, some of which can be explained and oth-
towards farming, starting around 3750 b.c.,
ers not. Although relatively well represented
was a long-lasting process. An increase of
in the pollen record, Pinus (pine) most proba-
productive economy took place in the middle
bly did not occur in the Hula area. Some pol-
Bronze Age at ca. 1400 b.c.
len types are thought to have been carried in
from hundreds of kilometres away (long-
distance transport). Together the pollen and
wood evidence suggests that Quercus ithabu-
区土地使用的变化 = Pollen accumulation rensis-Pistacia atlantica (Tabor oak Atlantic
rates as a tool for detecting land-use changes terebinth) woodland (open forest) was found
in a sparsely settled boreal forest. (英文). Ku- in the Hula Valley (other than the lake and
oppamaa M; Goslar T; Hicks S. Vegetation marshes) and on the lower reaches of the
History and Archaeobotany, 2009, 18(3): 205- mountains flanking the valley on both sides.
217 5 图版. In addition to deciduous Tabor oak, evergreen
A peat profile from the village of Nellim in Kermes oak (Quercus calliprinos) must have
northern Finnish Lapland was analysed at a been an important component of this wood-
near-annual resolution in order to test to what land. Wild olive (Olea europaea var. oleaster)
degree of accuracy the land-use history of the may also have been quite common here. The
village could be reconstructed on the basis of suggestion of open forest, with fairly widely
organic microfossils. The profile was first spaced trees, is based upon the high non-
AMS C-14 dated and a robust chronology arboreal pollen frequencies and indicates
constructed to enable near-annual sampling. A fairly dry climatic conditions. Various stream-
set of 47 contiguous samples were treated and bank trees and shrubs are represented in the
counted to produce a pollen accumulation rate pollen and/or wood records, such as Fraxinus
diagram (PAR, grains cm(-2) year(-1)). PARs (ash), Ulmus (elm), Salix (willow) and Plata-
enabled a better distinction of the fine-scale nus (plane tree). During the period represented
human induced changes in the pollen assem- by the upper section of the pollen diagram,
blages than the classical percentage represen- Cedrus (cedar) must have reached the Hula
tation because real changes in each pollen area, indicating increased humidity. In the
taxon could be followed. Changes in the ac- steppe-like field layer (undergrowth of the
cumulation rate of pine pollen reflect regional woodland) grasses (Gramineae) must have
changes in forest-use in Lapland and both lo- played a prominent role in addition to a great
cal events and regional logging activity could number of other species. In particular Compo-
be distinguished. Local within-mire changes sitae and Umbelliferae include a large variety
were deduced from the peat stratigraphy and of species (many different pollen types). Two
the testate amoebae. The limitations for using Chenopodiaceae maxima, coinciding with
PARs seem to be connected to the physiology Gramineae minima, are thought to be indica-
of the plants and the taphonomy of the differ- tive of periods of increased climatic dryness.
ent pollen types and this must be taken into The local lake and marsh vegetation is fairly
account when making interpretations. well represented in the pollen record, but in-
terpretation in terms of vegetation succession
2011010115 is only possible to some degree. Mention is
made here of Trapa natans (water chestnut),

the nuts of which were consumed by the phology of the more typical and also the rela-
Acheulian inhabitants. tively rare, aberrant representatives of W. lan-
zonii is illustrated and described in detail.
2011010116 Chronostratigraphically, W. lanzonii is charac-
巴西南部巴拉那盆地下泥盆统孢粉地层以 teristic of and perhaps entirely confined to
及冈瓦纳西部同期几丁虫生物带的修订 = Tournaisian strata, although the possibility
Palynostratigraphy from the Lower Devonian exists that it may extend slightly higher, into
of the Parana Basin, South Brazil, and a revi- the Visean. However, rare occurrences of the
sion of contemporary Chitinozoan biozones species in upper Visean strata are considered
from Western Gondwana. (英文). Mauller P to be a probable consequence of reworking.
M; Grahn Y; Cardoso T R M. Stratigra-
phy, 2009, 6(4): 313-332 2011010118
New palynomorph data from the Parana 日本海南部海岸全新世气候适宜期 = The
Basin, South Brazil. Suggests a discontinuous Holocene climatic optimum at the southern
sedimentation during the Lower Devonian. A coast of the Sea of Japan. (英文). Evstigneeva
comparison is made with coeval beds in Ar- T A; Naryshkina N N. Paleontological Jour-
gentina, Bolivia and other intracratonic basins nal, 2010, 44(10): 1262-12 3 图版.
from Brazil. The Loch kovian/Pragian bound- Palynological spectra were studied from
ary is best developed in Bolivia and is distin- piston-cores of bottom sediments in the
guished by the first appearance of Ramo- southwestern part of the Sea of Japan and the
chitina magnifica Lange 1967. which suc- East Korea Bay. Five palynological assem-
ceeds characteristic late Lochkovian chitino- blages were revealed in the sediments of the
zoan species from underlying strata (e.g. An- deep core and three, in the shelf core. The pa-
gochitina filosa Eisenack 1959, Cingu- lynological assemblages were formed during
lochitina ervensis Paris 1979, Cingulochitina different climatic phases and reflect main
serrata Taugourdeau and Jekhowsky 1960, stages in the development of the vegetation of
Ramochitina jutaiense Grahn et al. 2003, and the region. The Holocene optimum was de-
Urochitina loboi Volkheimer et al. 1986). termined for the southern coast of the Sea of
Based on spore evidence, the Urochitina loboi Japan.
Zone is considered as a subzone in the tipper
late Lochkovian part of the Angochitina 2011010119
strigosa Zone. A palynomorphic barren inter- 黎巴嫩白垩纪 Classopollis Pflug 花粉外壁
val, corresponding to most of the Pragian 的超微结构 = Exine ultrastructure in pollen
(PoW, pre-Su spore Interval Zone of Street et grains of Classopollis Pflug from the Creta-
al. 1987), Occurs in Western Gondwana. No ceous of Lebanon. ( 英 文 ). Zavialova N E;
positive evidence is present for rocks coeval Tekleva M V; Smirnova S B; Mroueh M. Pa-
with the Emsian AB and FD spore Oppel leontological Journal, 2010, 44(10): 1353-
Zones of Street et al. (1987). Ancyrochitina
1367 8 图版.
biconstricta (Lange 1949) is a characteristic
Pollen grains of Classopollis Pflug from the
Emsian species, and not conspecific with
Cretaceous deposits of Lebanon were studied
Cladochitina biconstricta Lange 1949 sensu
by means of light and electron microscopy.
Quadros 1982, which is a new late Eifelian -
Ultrastructurally, they are similar to pollen
late early Givetian species. Ramochitina
grains, extracted from Classostrobus compto-
praemagnifica and Spinachitina aciculata, are
nensis Alvin, Spicer et Watson from the Bar-
described as new species.
remian of England. The differences concern
the shape and size of spinules, ultrastructure
of apertural regions, and preservation of the
杜 内 阶 ( 早 密 西 西 比 期 ) Waltzispora lan-
endexine. An analysis of our data and pub-
zonii 小孢子的形态变化和分布 = Morpho- lished results revealed three types of infratec-
logical variation and distribution of the Tour- tum existed in members of Circumpolles: (1)
naisian (Early Mississippian) miospore with branchy elements, (2) with columella-
Waltzispora lanzonii Daemon 1974. (英文). like non-branching elements, and (3) with
Playford G; Melo J H G. Neues Jahrbuch fur large granules arranged in one row. The paly-
Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlun- nological assemblage is described in detail;
gen, 2010, 256(2): 183-193 problems of dating are discussed.
Based on numerous specimens from the
Tournaisian Oriximina Formation, the mor-

2011010120 Lasioideaecidites with two species,
La Perla 地区含氧化铁火山灰降落的孢粉 Lasioideaecidites hessei and Lasioideaecidites
学证据,墨西哥北部渐新世基律纳型铁矿 bogneri, represents the earliest record of the
床 = Palynologic evidence for iron-oxide ash subfamily Lasioideae (Araceae). Aristolochia-
fall at La Perla, an Oligocene Kiruna-type iron cidites with one species, Aristolochiacidites
viluiensis, is assigned to the subfamily Aris-
ore deposit in northern Mexico. (英文). Co-
tolochioideae (Aristolochiaceae) and repre-
rona-Esquivel R; Martinez-Hernandez E; Hen-
sents the first fossil pollen record of the family.
riquez F; Nystrom J O; Tritlla J. GFF, 2010,
A new species of Liliacidites, Liliacidites
132(3-4): 173-181
goldblattii, is closely similar to pollen of Iso-
La Perla is an Oligocene deposit of apatite
physioideae (Iridaceae) and/or Doryanthaceae
iron ore located in northern Mexico. The main
and is the first fossil evidence of the clade that
ore types are massive ore, ore breccia and
includes these closely related families. A fur-
powdery ore. The latter is of special genetic
ther nine new fossil species are described
interest because it contains well-preserved
(Clavatipollenites timerdyakhensis, Liliacid-
palynomorphs; fossil pollen representing sev-
ites palaeofritillaria, Retimonocolpites longo-
eral plant families growing in the region of
sucatus, R. microreticulatus, R. microrugula-
investigation during the late Paleogene-
tus, R. lysichitonoides, R. chapmaniae, Mono-
Neogene; the assemblages include angiosperm
sulcites parvus and Arecipites tyungensis) and
and gymnosperm pollen grains, and also fossil
assigned to Chloranthaceae, Araceae (Oron-
fungal spores from two genera, Frasna-
tioideae, ?Pothoideae), Liliaceae, ?Hypoxida-
critetrus and Dyctiosporites, indicative of Eo-
ceae and Arecaceae. The Hydatellaceae
cene to Miocene age. The beds of powdery ore
(Nymphaeales) may also be present in the pa-
are stratified and size-sorted, but in some
lynoflora of the Vilui Basin, represented by
places there is no discernible stratification.
pollen similar to M. rivularis Braman from the
The ore consists of a friable open framework
Santonian to Campanian (Upper Cretaceous)
of anhedral to euhedral hematite plates, or less
Milk River Formation, Canada.
commonly, martitized magnetite octahedra.
Locally, the ore is even unconsolidated. The
ore minerals show no abrasive rounding or
英国南部瑞提阶环花粉超微结构 = The ul-
other epiclastic features, and the high porosity
of the iron-oxide crystal aggregate embedding trastructure of some Rhaetian Circumpolles
the palynomorphs rules out formation by from southern England. (英文). Zavialova N;
hydrothermal deposition or replacement. The Buratti N; Roghi G. Grana, 2010, 49(4): 281-
exines of the palynomorphs have a light yel- 299
low color which demonstrates that they are The morphology and exine ultrastructure of
unaffected by thermal alteration. This shows Classopollis torosus, C. meyeriana and Geo-
that the pollen-bearing powdery ore was de- pollis zwolinskae are studied from the Cotham
posited at a temperature below 150 degrees C, Member of the Lilstock Formation (Penarth
probably as volcanic ash that captured wind- Group) in southern England. The palynologi-
blown pollen. cal assemblage that allows dating the deposits
to the Rhaetian is outlined. Although the Cir-
2011010121 cumpolles pollen grains under study show
Vilui 盆地(西伯利亚)Timerdyakh 组上 variations in the exine ultrastructure, some
common characters support their origin from
白垩统具沟类花粉 = Upper Cretaceous sul-
the same plant group, the Cheirolepidiaceae.
cate pollen from the Timerdyakh Formation,
An infratectum formed by large granulae ar-
Vilui Basin (Siberia). (英文). Hofmann C C; ranged mostly in one row and sandwiched
Zetter R. Grana, 2010, 49(3): 170-193 between the tectum and endexine is consid-
One inaperturate and 16 monosulcate pollen ered as the key character of the pollen grains
types are described from the latest Campanian under study. Ultrastructural transformations
to earliest Maastrichtian sediments of the within Circumpolles are discussed. The origin
Vilui basin, Siberia, using both light and scan- of Classopollis-producing plants from any
ning electron microscopy, and assigned sys- plant group with saccate pollen and alveolate
tematically when possible to modern families ectexine is considered much less probable
or subfamilies. Despite their scant occurrence, than from a group with non-saccate pollen
the pollen grains show considerable diversity. with granular ectexine.
Two new genera have been erected.

2011010123 nisporites from the Early Devonian. (英文).
印 度 西 孟 加 拉 邦 Rakshitpur 煤 田 Taylor W A; Gensel P G; Wellman C H. Re-
Rakshitpur 地区地下上二叠统和中生界层 view of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2011,
序的孢粉地层学研究 = Palynostratigraphy of 163(3-4): 264-280 9 图版.
subsurface Upper Permian and Mesozoic Suc- Emphanisporites is a widely dispersed and
cession, Rakshitpur area, Raniganj Coalfield, well recognized spore genus that ranges from
West Bengal. ( 英 文 ). Vijaya. Palae- the Late Silurian throughout most of the De-
oworld, 2011, 20(1): 61-74 vonian. In this contribution, we present basic
In borehole RRK-1, Rakshitpur, Raniganj ultrastructural details for three species in the
Coalfield in Damodar Basin, the lithounits genus: E. rotatus, E. annulatus, and E.
identified in the interval of 115.00–610.00 m schultzii (with one specimen possibly grading
are in unconformable contact with each other. into E. erratic-us). Under the TEM, spores are
Tertiary sediments (115.00–179.70 m) that variable - even within species - with respect to
contain Callialasporites, Araucariacites, and presence of laminae, orientation of laminae,
Podocarpidites show continuity with the un- presence of localized spongy layers, presence
derlying supra-trappean strata (179.70– and prominence of equatorial thickenings, and
185.70 m). The two palynozones identified overall exospore thickness, which ranges from
within the Rajmahal Formation (Foraminis- 1.5 to 5.0 mu m. There are also common ele-
poris asymmetricus 179.70–185.70 m and Fo- ments of the spore ultrastructure, including:
raminisporis wonthaggiensis 198.92– spongy zones at the base of sutures, and or-
216.63 m) suggest Valanginian to Barremian namentation integral to exospores (as opposed
age. The chocolate facies of the Panchet For- to perispore or para-exospore). Two features
mation (253.70–471.70 m) is devoid of pa- that are present in some of the specimens may
lyniferous matter except at 260.55 m depth offer insights into the vexing question of the
where the Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis affinities of the parent plants of these spores.
assemblage of the younger horizon (inter- Some specimens have both a single homoge-
trappean) continues to occur. Downwards, at neous lamina at the exospore surface, and a
261.20–262.40 m depth, Permian taxa Striato- structure we are calling a "pseudosuture",
podocarpites, Faunipollenites, and Densipol- which is a zone of weakness, similar to a
lenites are abundant, but Arcuatipollenites proximal suture, that occurs at the spore equa-
pellucidus, Playfordiaspora cancellosa, and tor. Such a feature is known among extant
Goubinispora indica are rare. Besides, Callia- plant spores only among the hornworts. When
lasporites turbatus/C. microvelatus, first oc- considering all the ultrastructural evidence
curred at 262.40 m depth, are still present in together, and comparing it to that known for
the Panchet Formation. This kind of mixed all extant plant spores, a case can be made for
population of palynomorphs is suggestive of production by both hornworts and lycopsids.
disturbed zone in the deposite, and had hap- Thus, we conclude that the emphanoid condi-
pened at the on-set of volcanic activity in the tion (possessing proximate radially disposed
study area, and re-defines the status of this muri) likely arose in response to some as yet
part (253.70–262.40 m) to be infra-trappean. unknown selective factor, and that members of
Occurrence of pebble bed at 262.40–262.80 m various groups adopted the form by conver-
further supplements this hiatus. In the coal gence.
horizon (471.70–610.00 m), two identified
palynoassemblages, Densipollenites magni- 2011010125
corpus and Gondisporites raniganjensis, indi- 中国青藏高原东北部表土样品现代孢粉组
cate Late Permian age for this part of the 合以及它们和植物和气候之间的联系 =
Raniganj Formation. Abundant wood shreads, Modern pollen assemblages of surface sam-
plant tissues in the chocolate facies of the ples and their relationships to vegetation and
Panchet Formation and at intervals in the Coal climate in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan
horizon suggest high-energy flow during Plateau, China. (英文). Wei H C; Ma H Z;
sedimentation in the study area. Zheng Z; Pan A D; Huang K Y. Review of
Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2011, 163(3-4):
2011010124 237-246 5 图版.
早泥盆世离散孢子 Emphanisporites 三个 We use a data set of 86 surface pollen sam-
种的外壁超微结构 = Wall ultrastructure in ples from moss polsters and surface soils from
three species of the dispersed spore Empha- northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to ex-
plore the relationship between modern pollen

assemblages and contemporary vegetation cations and C-14 dating - relate mainly to the
patterns. The samples span seven main vegeta- early medieval period, analyses of a peat core
tion zones from east to west: mountain forest, from the mire, and a moss sample that was
alpine shrub, alpine meadow, temperate steppe, used as caulk in the trough of a burnt mound
steppe desert, shrub/semi-shrub desert and (fulacht fiadh), extend the environmental re-
desert. Principal components analysis (PCA) cord well into the Bronze Age (c. 1850 cal.
was used to determine the relationships be- BC). Woodland and farming dynamics in the
tween modern pollen, vegetation, and regional late Holocene are reconstructed on the basis of
climatic gradients. The results show that the the investigations at Kilbegly and other sites
major vegetation communities occurring today in the region. An overview of human impact,
in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the intensity and nature of farming, since
can be clearly differentiated by their modern the mid Iron Age (c. 350 cal. BC) in Ireland is
pollen assemblages. The representation of sur- presented, based on a review of fossil pollen
face pollen varies with genera and species. For evidence from key sites, with due considera-
instance, relative to Betula, a low representa- tion being given to factors such as climate
tion of Picea and Cupressaceae was found in change, and cultural and related developments.
the forest zone. Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae The history of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and yew
and Ephedraceae had high representation val- (Taxus baccata) is considered in some detail.
ues, while Cyperaceae, and Nitraria showed The final demise of these species in the study
values in the middle range, and Poaceae, As- area had occurred by the 10th century AD.
teraceae, Tamarixaceae, Calligonum, Poly-
gonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Fabaceae, Scrophu- 2011010127
lariaceae and Primulaceae had low representa- 印度奥里萨邦 Mahanadi Master 盆地上冈
tion values. Rosaceae have low representation 瓦 纳 孢 粉 植 物 群 = Upper Gondwana pa-
values in the sampling sites in alpine shrub lynoflora of Mahanadi Master Basin, Orissa,
community where the dominant plant species India. (英文). GOSWAMI S; MEENA K L;
are Potentilla fruticosa and Potentilla glabra. DAS M; GURU B C. Acta Pa-
PCA results indicated a high correlation be-
laeobotanica, 2008, 48(2): 171-181 3 图版.
tween the modern pollen assemblages and
Athgarh is the only Upper Gondwana Ba-
mean annual precipitations (MAP) and July
sin of Mahanadi Master Basin. Rich pa-
temperature (T-july). The Ar-
lynofloral diversity is recorded for this basin.
temisia/Chenopodiaceae (A/C) ratio is sensi-
For the first time, an Upper Gondwana pa-
tive to variations in MAP in this region and is
lynoflora is reported from the shales of a
a useful tool for qualitative and semi-
megafossil locality, Saradia pahar, in the pre-
quantitative palaeoclimate reconstruction on
sent paper. Till the date the Upper Gondwana
the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
palynofloral assemblage were recovered from
four different localities including Saradia pa-
har. The assemblage is composed of about 138
species in 59 genera. This flora is dominated
探,兼论中世纪早期罗斯康芒郡 Kilbegly by gymnosperm pollen. Pteridophytic spores
地 区 的 水平水 磨 = New insights into late are meagrely represented. On the basis of pa-
Holocene farming and woodland dynamics in lynology it is inferred that the Athgarh Sand-
western Ireland with particular reference to stone is Lower Cretaceous in age. No angio-
the early medieval horizontal watermill at sperm element has been recorded so far from
Kilbegly, Co. Roscommon. (英文). Overland this basin. Thus, its upper limit is within Al-
A; O'Connell M. Review of Palaeobotany and bian.
Palynology, 2011, 163(3-4): 205-226 11 图版.
An early medieval horizontal watermill, 2011010128
discovered during archaeological survey pre- 石羊河流域盆地全新世孢粉记录及其对气
paratory to motorway construction, at the edge 候系统争论的反应 = Holocene palynological
of a small mire in Kilbegly Townland, County records and their responses to the controver-
Roscommon, provided the opportunity for sies of climate system in the Shiyang River
palaeoecological investigations of peat and drainage basin. (英文). Li Yu;Wang NaiAng;
fossil moss-polster samples in a part of west- Li ZhuoLun; Zhang HuaAn. Chinese Science
ern Ireland where there have been few detailed Bulletin, 2011, 56(6): 535-546
pollen analytical investigations. While the
data - pollen and macrofossil (moss) identifi-

The Shiyang River drainage basin is located posits. Eight biozones have been established
in the northwest margin of the Asian monsoon for this succession of seven formations based
region. Previous studies reached different on occurrences and associations of biostrati-
conclusions about Holocene climatic changes graphically significant palynomorph genera.
in the basin. Some studies suggested the Seven of these suggest that there was more or
Holocene climatic changes were mainly con- less continuous deposition from the late Tu-
trolled by the Asian monsoon and that the ronian to the early Paleocene, with the eighth
climate was relatively humid during the early encompassing a Miocene formation that over-
Holocene (11.6-7.1 cal ka BP). Other studies lies the succession unconformably. This zona-
found the mid-Holocene Climatic Optimum tion provides a new chronostratigraphic
(7.0-5.0 cal ka BP), and this climate condition framework for the Late Cretaceous deposits of
was similar to the Holocene westerly wind the Songliao Basin. The ages of most of the
pattern in arid Central Asia. The modern cli- formations involved differ from those deter-
mate is affected by the Asian monsoon and mined previously. One of the sedimentary
westerly wind in the drainage basin, and the units, the Mingshui Formation, includes the
Holocene climatic records showed two differ- Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary, which seems
ent Holocene climatic patterns-a westerly to be indicated by an apparent "mass extinc-
wind pattern and monsoonal pattern. However, tion" of palynomorph taxa, a comparatively
it remains unclear what caused the two differ- rare occurrence outside North America. The
ent Holocene climatic patterns to co-exist in upper Quantou Formation, the lowest unit in
the region. The palynological records are the the succession, is dated as late Turonian-
main evidence for the Holocene climatic Coniacian, which is much younger than previ-
changes in the basin. This paper focuses on ously thought. The same applies to the overly-
palynological records for different parts of the ing Qingshankou and Yaojia formations, and
drainage basin. Among them, QTH02, QTL- also to the other three (Nenjiang, Sifangtai and
03 and Sanjiaocheng records are located in the Mingshui) but to a lesser extent, in the con-
terminal lake, and the Hongshuihe record is formable succession. The Early/Late Creta-
located in the middle reaches of the basin. In ceous boundary must now be located probably
the terminal lake, the palynological records of below the Quantou Formation, either between
QTH02 and QTL-03 are similar, but the San- it and the underlying Denglouku Formation or
jiaocheng record differs. The difference is within the latter.
mainly affected by the variable pollen assem-
blages in the different locations of the lake 疑 源 类
basin. From comparison and synthesis of the 2011010130
four palynological records, we concluded that 疑源类 Veryhachium Deunff 1954:分类学
the millennial-scale Holocene climatic
评价和首现 = The acritarch genus Veryha-
changes were affected by the combined effects
chium Deunff 1954: Taxonomic evaluation
of the Asian monsoon and westerly wind in
the drainage basin, which show the compli- and first appearance. (英文). Servais T; Vecoli
cated Holocene climatic pattern in the north- M; Li J; Molyneux SG; Raevskaya E G;
west margin of the Asian monsoon. Rubinstein C V. Palynology, 2007, 31(): 191-
2011010129 Veryhachium Deunff 1954, originally de-
通过中国东北部松辽盆地晚白垩世-早古新 scribed from the Ordovician of western France,
is one of the most frequently recorded acri-
tarch genera. Over 250 species and subspecies,
物地层意义 = Palynological record from a from the Cambrian to the Neogene, have been
composite core through Late Cretaceous-early attributed to the genus. This genus has a sim-
Paleocene deposits in the Songliao Basin, ple morphology; it displays a triangular, rec-
Northeast China and its biostratigraphic impli- tangular, or polygonal central vesicle, with a
cations. (英文). Li J; Batten D J; Zhang Y. few, simple processes drawn out from the an-
Cretaceous Research, 2011, 32(1): 1-12 6 图 gles of the vesicle in a single plane, and some-
版. times with supplementary or auxillary proc-
Two boreholes drilled approximately 75 km esses arising from the vesicle body. Veryha-
apart in the Songliao Basin, Northeast China, chium has been emended and revised numer-
have together provided a composite core that ous times. The number of valid species is ex-
represents an almost continuous section cessive: most are probably synonyms. To fa-
through Late Cretaceous-early Paleocene de- cilitate effective classification, only a few

morphological categories should be retained. Kasimovian and Gzhelian stages in shallow-
For the Lower Paleozoic, the use of two in- water sediments of the type sections in the
formal groups is proposed. These are the Moscow Basin and the deeper facies of the
Veryhachium trispinosum group for triangular South Urals. This paper discusses the history
specimens, and the Veryhachium lairdii group of studies of the Upper Carboniferous cono-
for rectangular forms. Although generally dont zonation in Russia and abroad, and pro-
abundant and widespread throughout the poses a refined zonal conodont scale for the
Phanerozoic, Veryhachium is of limited bio- Kasimovian and Gzhelian stages, which may
stratigraphic, paleoecologic, or paleo- be included, as a standard, into the general
geographic value. However, its First Appear- Carboniferous scale of Russia. In this scale,
ance Datum (FAD) is of great importance for the Kasimovian and Gzhelian stages corre-
Ordovician stratigraphy; the first Veryha- spond respectively to six (subexcelsus,
chiirm morphotypes appear in the Tremado- makhlinae, sagittalis, cancellosus, toretzianus,
cian Stage, making the genus an important firmus) and five (simulator, vitali, virgilicus,
biostratigraphic marker. bellus, wabaunsensis) zones. The proposed
scale works for the entire East European Plat-
2011010131 form and the Urals from the Novaya Zemlya
中国贵州东部乌溜-曾家崖剖面早—中寒武 Archipelago in the north to the Mugodzhary
世凯里组疑源类 = Acritarchs from the Early- Mountains in the south. These regions of Rus-
Middle Cambrian Kaili Formation in the sia are occupied by Upper Carboniferous ma-
Wuliu-Zengjiaya section,east Guizhou,China. rine facies. At several levels (especially in the
(英文). 尹磊明;赵元龙;杨瑞东;彭进. 古生物 Gzhelian Stage), the scale reliably correlates
with zones of the Missourian and Virgilian
学报, 2010, 49(2): 164-173
stages in North America and also Dalaun and
我国贵州东部乌溜-曾家崖凯里组剖面作 Mapingian stages in China.
良好保存的大型无脊椎动物化石(尤其是三 2011010133
叶虫)。因此,更加详细研究该剖面海洋疑源 波兰中部圣十字山地区中泥盆世碳酸盐台
类的生物地层非常重要,将提供围绕界线的 地的发育: 牙形石 Bipennatus 动物群中的
生物和环境变化的细微记录。乌溜-曾家崖 新包含物 = Mid Devonian carbonate platform
剖面凯里组的疑源类划分两个组合,它们是 development in the Holy Cross Mts. area (cen-
凯 里 组 0-52m 的 Leiomarginata simplex- tral Poland): new constraints from the cono-
Fimbriaglomerella membranacea 组合和 52- dont Bipennatus fauna. (英文). Harkiewicz K;
140m 的 Cristallinium cambriense - Narkiewicz M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie
Heliosphaeridium nodosum - Globosphaerid- u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010,
ium cerinum 组合。140-214m 仅有很少疑源 255(3): 287-300
A unique conodont assemblage dominated
by Bipennatus bipennatus montensis was re-
不适宜有机壁微体化石的保存。距凯里组 covered from the Zachelmie Quarry near the
底部往上约 52m 处疑源类组合出现重大变 top of the redefined and formally established
化,无疑为解释沉积环境提供重要资料。两 wojciechowice Formation. The formation
疑源类组合间界线,位于 52.3-52.7m,此稍低 represents the earliest phase of Middle Devo-
于被三叶虫 Oryctocephalusindicus 首现所指 nian carbonate platform development, an ex-
示的全球寒武系第 5 阶潜在层型剖面界 tensive shallow-water shelf with a flat bottom
线。 relief and restricted dolomitic sedimentation.
The conodonts allow the age of this intal
phase to be constrained to the Eifelian costatus
牙 形 石 Zone. The Bipennatus b. montensis level
2011010132 represents the initial marine incursion into
俄罗斯上石炭统牙形类带及其全球对比 = extremely shallow-marine, intermittently ex-
Upper carboniferous conodont zones of Russia posed dolomitic mud-flats. The conodont sub-
and their global correlation. (英文). Goreva N species was probably characterised by special-
V; Alekseev A S. Stratigraphy and Geological ized palaeoenvironmental requirements since
Correlation, 2010, 18(6): 593-606 it preferred not only shallow-water but also
The last decade has been marked by signifi- low-energy conditions on the sheltered inner
cant progress in the study of the stratigraphic shelf.
ranges of the conodonts characteristic of the

2011010134 是,它仍由土著种类所主导。这表明在浅
产自华南浙江碓边寒武纪第 9 阶底部被建 海区可以识别一个新的古生物地理单元,
议金钉子处的牙形石:修订 = Conodonts 即冷水域的南冈瓦纳省。
from the proposed GSSP for the base of Cam-
brian Stage 9 at Duibian, Zhejiang, South 小 壳 化 石
China: A revision. (英文). Bagnolia G; Qi Yu- 2011010136
Ping. Palaeoworld, 2011, 20(1): 8-14 中国寒武纪小壳化石的分类学和系统学研
The Duibian B section, Zhejiang Province,
South China, has been proposed as a GSSP
candidate for the base of the Stage 9, the sec- 物和软体动物 = Zooproblematica and mol-
ond stage of the Furongian Series, Cambrian. lusca from the Lower Cambrian Meishucun
The base of Stage 9 coincides with the first section (Yunnan, China) and taxonomy and
appearance of the cosmopolitan agnostoid systematics of the Cambrian small shelly fos-
Agnostotes orientalis. In the Duibian B section, sils of China. ( 英 文 ). Parkhaev P Yu;
a small conodont fauna has been found about Demidenko Yu E. Paleontological Jour-
10 m above the base of the A. orientalis Zone, nal, 2010, 44(8): 883-1161 79 图版.
in an interval assigned to the Eolotagnostus The monograph presents the results of the
trilobite Zone. The conodont association with study of the Cambrian small shelly fossil
species of Coelocerodontus, Furnishina, fauna of the Meishucun Locality (east of Yun-
Hertzina, Muellerodus, Phakelodus, nan Province, China), the reference section for
Proacodus, Prooneotodus, Prosagittodontus, the Cambrian stratigraphy and paleontology of
and Gen. et sp. indet., is assigned to the China and the stratotype of the Meishucunian
Westergaardodina cf. calix–Prooneotodus Regional Stage. This publication contains a
rotundatus Zone. Among the re-identified monographic description of 66 species and 52
conodont elements, Proconodontus muelleri is genera of zooproblematica and mollusks and
not recognized. an annotated checklist of the small shelly fos-
sil species of the Cambrian of China. The
2011010135 checklist includes 744 nominal species
阿根廷 Paltodus deltifer 带(早奥陶世特马 (among them 508 species names are zooprob-
豆克晚期):洲际对比和古生物地理分析 lematica, 220 species names are mollusks, and
的 牙 形 类 新 证 据 = The Paltodus deltifer 16 names represent other groups of organ-
isms). A taxonomic revision of all mollusk
zone(Late Termadocian;Early Ordovician)In
and zooproblematic taxa that have ever been
Argentiana:New Conodont Data For Intercon-
described from the Cambrian of China is made
tinental Correlation And Paleobiogeographic
at the species and generic levels. We propose
Analysis. (英文). Albanesi G L; Zeballo F J;
that, of the 508 checklisted species of zoo-
Bergstrom S M. 古生物学报, 2007, 46(增刊): problematica, 221 species should be consid-
16-22 ered valid, 80 of them are considered as tenta-
为了提供跨越 Iapetus 海的区域和洲际对 tively valid, whereas of the 220 checklisted
比的新证据,文中分析阿根廷西北部 species of mollusks, 92 species can be consid-
Cuyania 地块、Famatina 地块、东科迪勒拉 ered valid. It was found out that 28 species
地块的晚特马豆克期 Paltodus deltifer 带。 names of zooproblematica and 7 species
Cuyania 动物群与同时期的劳伦动物群非常 names of mollusks should be considered as
相似,尽管它也含有一些 Baltoscandian 地 nomina nuda, since their descriptions do not
satisfy the availability criterion. We have to
consider 20 species of mollusks and 18 spe-
地层学,Baltoscandian 的 P. Deltifer 带与 cies of zooproblematica as nomina dubia, be-
中-上 Rossodus Manitouensis 带(低分异度 cause these taxa have been described based on
间隔)和北美洲生物带框架的中-下 unsatisfactory or fragmentary preserved mate-
Macerodus dianae 带对比。Famatina 的混杂 rial lacking any diagnostic features. Based on
的牙形类组合包含波罗的和劳伦大陆的分 taxonomic work, it has been shown that the
子。东科迪勒拉 P. Deltifer 带的牙形类组合 great number of synonymous taxa resulted in a
more than double overestimation of the real
可以识别出下部的 P.d.pristinus 亚带和上部
value of the nominal species biodiversity of
的 P.d.pristinus 亚带。在阿根廷盆地中东科 the Cambrian small shelly fossil fauna of
迪勒拉的牙形类动物群的分异度最大,包 China. The following new taxa are described,
括低纬度和高纬度动物群的典型分子。但 i.e. genera: Hexagonellus Demidenko, gen.

nov.; Asiapatella Parkhaev et Zhegallo, nom. 古 植 物 学
nov.; Dorispira Parkhaev, gen. nov.; and spe-
cies: Platyspinites elegans Demidenko, sp. 综 论
nov.; Mongolodus sulcus Demidenko, sp. nov.; 2011010138
Hexagonellus kuzminae Demidenko, sp. nov.; 《分类学》60 年 = Sixty years of Taxon. (英
Halkieria wangi Demidenko, sp. nov.; Asiapa- 文). Mabberley D J. Taxon, 2011, 60(1): 3-3
tella sinuata Parkhaev, sp. nov.; Pseudoscen-
ella levigata Parkhaev, sp. nov.; Trifistulella 2011010139
tortilis Demidenko, sp. nov. 俄罗斯马加丹地区 Arman 植物群以及阿尔
Based on the analysis of biostratigraphic 比期-古新世时期北太平洋植物群的发育 =
and chemostratigrahic data, we propose the Arman' Flora of the magadan region and de-
correlation of the Upper Precambrian-Lower velopment of floras in the North Pacific dur-
Cambrian boundary deposits of the Siberian ing the Albian-Paleocene. (英文). Herman A
Platform and Yangtze Platform. According to B. Stratigraphy and Geological Correla-
this correlation, the base of the Tommotian tion, 2011, 19(1): 71-86
Stage corresponds to the level within the mid- The Arman' Flora from volcanogenic-
dle of the Zhongyicun Member of the Zhu- sedimentary deposits in the Arman' River ba-
jiaqing Formation. The monograph contains sin and Naraula Formation in the Nel'kandzha-
an extensive bibliography of 379 publications Khasyn interfluve includes 82 species of fossil
on the subject. plants comprising liverworts, horsetails, ferns,
caytonealeans, cycadaleans, ginkgoaleans,
2011010137 czekanowskialeans, conifers, gymnosperms
峡东水井沱组顶部微体骨骼化石初探 = incertae sedis, and angiosperms. The Arman'
Note on small skeletal fossils from the upper- Flora appears to be of Turonian-Coniacian age,
most Shuijingtuo Formation(Early Cambrian) as it is close to the reliably dated Penzhina and
In the Yangtze Gorge Area. (中文). 汪洋;李 Kaivayam floras from the Northwest Kam-
勇;张志飞. 古生物学报 , 2010, 49(4): 511- chatka and to Tyl'pegyrgynai Flora of the Pe-
523 kul'nei Ridge. The dating is consistent with
报道湖北宜昌地区寒武纪早期水井沱组 isotopic dates (Ar-40/Ar-39 and U-Pb
顶部灰岩中赋含的壳体动物群及一些骨骼 SHRIMP) characterizing the age of plant-
化石, 主要包括软舌螺、腕足动物、开腔骨 bearing sequences. Based on the considered
类骨针、海绵骨针、原始赫兹刺、阿纳巴 position of the Arman' Flora in the scheme of
Cretaceous florogenesis, a leading role in that
florogenesis was played by the gradual inva-
初步研究认为软舌螺可归属为 2 纲 3 目 8 sion of floras by new, angiosperm dominated,
科 9 属, 2 种、2 相似种和 6 未定种; 腕足动 plant communities. These communities ini-
物主要以乳孔贝和古圆货贝为主; 单板纲归 tially populated unstable habitats in the coastal
属为 1 科 3 属, 1 相似种、2 未定种; 分类位 lowlands of Northeast Asia and Alaska,
置 不 明 的 Coleoloides cf.prindlei Loch- gradually invading with time the Asiatic in-
man,1956 和 Coleolus sp.,归属 1 科 2 属,1 相 tracontinental areas. The peculiar combination
似种,1 未定种。这些骨骼化石中,古杯类 of Early and Late Cretaceous plants character-
istic of the Arman' Flora is strong evidence
Archaeocyaths 和 9 个其他微体骨骼化石种:
that Cenophytic plant communities dominated
如软舌螺四边螺类 Quadrotheca sp.,中槽螺 by angiosperms colonized areas still populated
类 Altaicornus sp.,线带螺类 Linevitus sp.,似 in the Late Cretaceous by Mesophytic com-
软 舌 螺 类 Hyolithellus cf. micans Bil- munities. Absence of Mesophytic and Ceno-
lings,1871 和 Coleoloides cf. prindlei Loch- phytic taxa mixing in the Arman' Flora burials
man,1956, 单 板 动 物 太 阳 女 神 螺 类 suggests a replacement of plant communities
Securiconus sp.和 Igorella cf. minuta,以及腕 as whole rather than of separate plants by
more advanced taxa.
足动物乳孔贝类 Eohadrotreta zhenbaensis
Li and Holmer,在峡东地区水井沱组尚属首 2011010140
次报道。该层位微体骨骼化石丰度大,分 来自内盖夫(以色列)阿尔必期宏观和孢
异度较高,海绵骨针粗壮,骨骼化石保存 粉植物群以及一个新的裸子植物形态分类
分散。 单元的描述 = New Albian macro- and pa-
lynoflora from the Negev (Israel) with de-

scription of a new gymnosperm morphotaxon. Therefore, the Tetori-type flora is restricted to
(英文). Krassilov V; Schrank E. Cretaceous post-Callovian stages in the Tetori Group.
Research, 2011, 32(1): 13-29 10 图版.
New plant macrofossil localities are found 藻 类
in the middle-upper part of the Albian Upper 2011010142
Hatira Formation of Makhtesh Qatan, an ero- 微体藻类模式标本保存:21 世纪科学需要
sion crater in the northern Negev. These are so 的 方 法 = Conservation of microalgal type
far the only outcrop localities in the Negev material: Approaches needed for 21st century
containing plant compressions and well- science. (英文). Day J G; Proschold T; Friedl
preserved sporomorphs. Their age assign- T; Lorenz M; Silva P C. Taxon, 2010, 59(1):
ments are controlled by the ammonite Knemi- 3-6
ceras records below and above the plant- The current edition of the International code
bearing sequence in the adjacent Makhtesh of botanical nomenclature (Vienna Code) ac-
Hatira. The macrofossil assemblages are strik- cepts cultures of fungi and algae as types pro-
ingly different in the sandy fluvial and shaly vided that they are preserved in a metaboli-
lacustrine facies, the former being dominated cally inactive state. In this article the authors
by Araucaria, Athrotaxopsis, Brachyphyllum outline a procedure for cryopreserving type
and pinnatifid Sapindopsis, comparable at the cultures at ultra-low temperatures (<-135 de-
plant assemblage and leaf morphological lev- grees C), thus ensuring that the material is
els to the early to early late Albian assemblage held in a stable, metabolically inactive state.
of the North American Potomac flora. The This procedure would allow direct access to
lacustrine shale macrofossil assemblages ap- live-ex-type cultures, facilitating traditional
pear archaic on account of their diverse pteri- research as well as molecular, metabolomic
dophyte component and sparse angiosperm and proteomic studies.
remains. A new supposedly gnetophytic genus
and species Qataniaria noae Krassilov, gen. et 2011010143
sp. nov. is dominant in the shale horizon. The
sporomorph assemblages are strongly domi-
nated by psilate trilete spores (87–93%). In the 物分带 = Neogene dinocyst zonation for the
absence of elaterate forms, the angiosperm eastern North Sea Basin, Denmark. (英文).
pollen Afropollis jardinus, Pennipollis, Tri- Dybkjaer K; Piasecki S. Review of Pa-
colpites spp. and Walkeripollis sp. is consis- laeobotany and Palynology, 2010, 161(1-2):
tent with the early Albian age. The abundance 1-29 10 图版.
and diversity of conifers and the prominence A dinocyst zonation for the Neogene suc-
of the fern bog assemblage suggest a relatively cession in the eastern part of the North Sea
humid phase of the regional Albian climates. Basin (Denmark) is presented. The zonation is
based on an extensive database comprising
2011010141 data from more than fifty onshore and off-
日本中部福井县 Izumi 地区侏罗纪卡罗夫 shore boreholes and about twenty five out-
期手取群 Kaizara 组植物化石 = The plant crops. Most of the nineteen dinocyst zones
fossils from the Kaizara Formation (Callovian, described and defined herein, are new. The
Jurassic) of the Tetori Group in the Izumi dis- zonation is correlated with previously pub-
trict, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan. (英文). lished dinocyst zonations within the North Sea
Basin, in the North Atlantic and with the re-
Yamada T; Uemura K. Paleontological Re-
vised Northwest European zonation. The pre-
search, 2008, 12(1): 1-17
sented zonation gives a detailed subdivision of
The Middle Jurassic (Bathonian to Call-
the Oligocene-Miocene transition, of the
ovian) Kaizara flora is proposed herein for the
Lower Miocene, and of the Upper Miocene
plant fossil assemblage in the Kaizara Forma-
and Pliocene successions. The previous zona-
tion, Kuzuryu Subgroup, Tetori Group. In ad-
tion of the onshore Danish Middle Miocene is
dition to Otozamites crassipinnatus sp. nov.,
reconsidered and partly redefined.
twelve species are reported, including species
The zonation is correlated with other bio-
of Equisetales, uncertain order of pteri-
stratigraphic subdivisions of the Neogene suc-
dosperms, Cycadeoideales, Cycadales, and
cession in the Danish region in addition to
Coniferales. Some species have very thick
litho- and sequence stratigraphy. The dinocyst
lamina, implying that the climate might in-
zonation and the foraminifer zonation of the
clude dry periods. All species found in the
Danish Miocene (based upon analysis of the
Kaizara flora are new to the Tetori Group.

same boreholes) were independently cali- same locality in west-central Argentina that
brated with the established nannoplankton formed part of the continent of Gondwana,
zonation. This correlation revealed a mis- which broke up during the Mesozoic. During
match generally corresponding to one nanno- the Turonian–Santonian, the pair
plankton zone. Lychnothamnus-Nitella and the first record of
Absolute ages of the new dinocyst zones are Lychnothamnus (Pseudoharrisichara) comb.
proposed based on correlation from the stud- nov. are recognized as Gondwanan indicators.
ied succession within the North Sea Basin However, some associated widespread genera
with the international zonations and strati- of Ostracoda warn of the possible coexistence
graphic schemes. In addition, parts of the suc- of different controls on the biogeographical
cession have been dated by strontium isotope relationships in the region investigated. The
analysis of mollusc shells. Inconsistencies due present Maastrichtian assemblage, character-
to first and last occurrences of some dinocyst ized by several undoubtedly widely distributed
species in previous studies and the present gyrogonite species of Charoideae, testifies to
study, especially within the Lower Miocene, conditions of considerable biogeographical
implied that new Sr-isotope datings from mol- interchange after the Santonian.
lusc shells from the cored Sdr. Vium borehole
and other localities in this study would be in- 2011010145
valuable. Indeed, this method allowed the pre- 伊朗东北部 Shotori 山脉二叠系 Jamal 组
vious last occurrence of Cordosphaeridium 海松藻纲(codiacean)两属 Anchicodium
cantharellus (one of the zonal index fossils) Johnson, 1946 和 Iranicodium(新属) =
dated as between 17.95 My and 19.5 My in The Codiacean Genera Anchicodium Johnson,
previous studies, to be assigned a new dating 1946 and Iranicodium nov. gen. from the
of 18.4 My. The timespan of the zones range Permian Jamal Formation of Shotori Moun-
from 2.6 My for the Amiculospharea um-
tains, northeast Iran. ( 英 文 ). Senowbari-
braculum Zone to 0.4 My for the Achomos-
Daryan B; Rashidi K. Rivista Italiana di Pale-
phaera andalousiensis Zone.
ontologia e stratigrafia, 2010, 116(1): 3-21
Neogene biostratigraphy in the North Sea
Anchicodium is morphologically straight,
Basin has been problematic due to the periodi-
curved, undulating or even irregular tapes and
cally limited connection between the North
not cylindrical as defined by previous authors.
Sea Basin and the North Atlantic Ocean, espe-
Anchicodium is restricted to the Carbonifer-
cially with respect to stratigraphy based on
ous-Permian time interval and known with 14
foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton.
species, described by different authors. The
Many of the stratigraphically most important
majority of species were initially established
taxa, e.g. those defining stratigraphic bounda-
by inadequte description and illustrations.
ries in type sections, have not been found
Iranicodium, a new genus of codiacean family
within the North Sea Basin. This problem
with type species I. asymmetricum nov. sp. is
seems to be solved by correlation based on the
similar to Anchicodium, but differs from ist by
new dinocyst stratigraphy, because strati-
having different skeletal elements on opposite
graphically significant taxa do occur in the
sides of the thallus tape.
North Sea deposits, even in marginal marine
2011010144 意大利西北部第三纪皮特蒙得盆地
阿 根 廷 Zampal 地 区 上 白 垩 统 的 Lithothamnion 属内 M. Airoldi 所建种的修
Lychnothamnus,Nitella 和 Tolypella(轮藻 定和再描述 = Revision and re-documentation
类 ) = Upper Cretaceous Lychnothamnus, of M. Airoldi's species of Lithothamnion from
Nitella and Tolypella (Charophyta) from the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy). (英
Zampal, Argentina. (英文). Musacchio E A. 文). Vannucci G; Quaranta F; Basso D. Ri-
Cretaceous Research, 2010, 31(5): 461-472 4 vista Italiana di Paleontologia e strati-
图版. grafia, 2010, 116(2): 223-235
The species originally attributed by Airoldi
Fossil gyrogonite and oosporangia remains
to the genus Lithothamnion (L. roveretoi, L.
belonging to the three extant Charoideae gen-
obstrusum, L. stefaninii) are here re-examined
era Lychnothamnus, Nitella and Tolypella are
upon the original material, descriptions and
infrequent in pre-Tertiary sediments. The pre-
illustrations. L. roveretoi and L. obstrusum are
sent record is striking owing to the geographi-
confirmed to belong to the genus Lithotham-
cal provenance of these microfossils at the

nion, on the basis of their epithallial and sub- 2011010149
epithallial morphology. 南极麦克默多海峡 AND-1B 岩心中早至中
上新世环境控制硅藻组合 = Early to mid-
2011010147 Pliocene environmentally constrained diatom
沟鞭藻新属种 Pseudorhombodinium cingu- assemblages from the AND-1B drillcore,
loindentatum: 意大利西西里上始新统一新 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. (英文). Winter
的 有 机 质 - 壁 沟 鞭 藻 囊 胞 = Pseudorhom- D; Sjunneskog C; Harwood D. Stratigra-
bodinium cinguloindentaqtum gen. n. sp. n. phy, 2010, 7(2-3): 207-227
(Dinoflagellata): A new orgaqnic-walled An extended lower to mid-Pliocene strati-
dinoflagellate cyst from the Upper Eocene of graphic record of near-shore environmental
Sicily, Italy. (英文). Torricelli S. Rivista Ital- variation in the southwestern Ross Sea, Ant-
iana di Paleontologia e stratigrafia, 2010, arctica is preserved in ANDRILL's McMurdo
116(2): 261-265 Ice Shelf Project AND-1B drillcore. A 94 me-
Pseudorhombodinium cinguloindentatum ter-thick sequence of three diatomite and dia-
consists of a brown coloured, circumcavate tomaceous mudstone intervals represents the
wetzelielloid cyst with marked V-shaped cin- highest latitude record (78 S) of persistent
gular indentations in the pericyst. The pro- open-marine conditions on the Antarctic con-
posed generic name refers to similarities exist- tinental shelf, in response to a protracted pe-
ing in the overall morphology with the genus riod of Pliocene warmth. This core provides
Rhomhodinium Gocht. However, substantial new chronostratigraphic control for Antarctic
differences in archeopyle styling, in the dispo- paleoclimatic events, and describes a sequence
sition of antapical horns, and in the amount of of distinct diatom assemblages comprised of
cingular identation, advocate the erection of both extant and extinct species that are un-
the new genus Pseudorhombodium. known on the Antarctic shelf today. Common
taxa include those with modern distributions
2011010148 close to the Polar Frontal Zone (e.g. Shiono-
El Soplao 地区(西班牙 Cantabria)洞穴 discus tetraoestrupii, Stellarima stellaris, Tha-
中锰质叠层石 = Manganese stromatolites in lassionema nitzschioides), suggesting marine
temperatures in the southwestern Ross Sea
caves: El Soplao (Cantabria, Spain). (英文).
warmer than at present. Representatives of the
Rossi C; Lozano R P; Isanta N; Hellstrom J.
modern sea-ice assemblage (e.g. Fragliariopsis
Geology, 2010, 38(12): 1119-1122
curia, Stellarima microtrias) and cold open-
In the dark regions of caves, the formation
marine species associated with the retreating
of stromatolites is virtually unknown. Al-
sea-ice front (e.g. Eucampia antarctica var.
though Mn oxide crusts presumably induced
recta) are also present, but in much lower
by bacteria have been described in some caves,
abundance than in the Ross Sea today as sug-
they lack stromatolite features, and the evi-
gested by core top and surface sample data.
dence of microbial origin is normally incon-
The co-occurrence of species from these three
clusive. Here we describe for the first time the
distinct modern environments in Pliocene
occurrence of extensive Mn oxide stromato-
sediments, in close proximity to the continent,
lites formed in the deep interior of a cave. The
suggests that Modern ecological zonal con-
stromatolites are of decimeter thickness and
cepts cannot be applied directly in Pliocene
kilometer extent and show features extremely
paleoenvironmental analyses. Species present
similar to typical CaCO3 stromatolites. How-
in the 4 m-thick lowest diatomite unit (similar
ever, unlike most stromatolites, their biogenic-
to 4.5 Ma) indicate a cold open marine envi-
ity is supported by the exceptional abundance
ronment, with the period of deposition likely
of fossil microbes. Our data support that the
comprising the length of one interglacial pe-
stromatolites were mainly induced by chemo-
riod. The middle diatomite unit (similar to 4.1-
lithotrophic Mn-oxidizing microbes, and were
4.3 Ma; 14m) records warmer and perhaps
formed in a low-gradient water-table stream
seasonally mixed conditions with often abun-
passage at least 1 m.y. ago. The El Soplao
dant Thalassionema nitzschioides and Shiono-
stromatolites (Cantabria, Spain) may contrib-
discus tetraoestrupii and little evidence of sea-
ute to increasing our understanding of micro-
ice associated species. Documentation of
bial life in extreme environments, as well as
changes in diatom assemblages through the
the role of bacteria in the genesis of modern
upper 75m-thick diatomite interval (similar to
and ancient Mn deposits.
3.3-3.6 Ma) offers the opportunity to resolve
environmental limits of Pliocene diatom spe-

cies that will serve as a guide to diatom-based the Wakino area, the stratotype of the Wakino
paleoenvironmental interpretatioins for other Subgroup of the Kanmon Group, and analyzed
Pliocene deposits. This upper unit records their mineralogical compositions. These stro-
deposition during several glacial/interglacial matolites occur at 7 horizons all from mud-
cycles indicating an extended interval with stone-dominant facies of the Barremian Lower
open marine productivity during the mid- Wakamiya Formation. The associated tepee
Pliocene. In addition, environmental associa- structure, mud cracks, and gypsum pseudo-
tions for extinct species are inferred by their morphs suggest that the stromatolites of the
co-occurrence with extant taxa. Persistent in- Lower Wakamiya Formation were deposited
tervals of pure diatomite suggest high produc- in extremely shallow-water environments with
tivity in an open-marine setting and minimal intermittent subaerial exposure. The studied
tip no influence of sea ice. Commonly occur- stromatolites comprise 3 distinct morphotypes:
ring species can be placed in five ecological flat, columnar, and nodular. XRD analysis
categories; Neritic/Stratified, Warm, Cold/Sea confirms that all 3 types have the same min-
Ice, Heavy/Wind Mixed and Mixed. Compari- eralogical composition, i.e., calcite, quartz,
son of this long diatom-bearing interval with and clay minerals. They are composed of al-
coeval Antarctic deposits presents a regional ternating clastic layers and calcareous layers,
and continental picture of Pliocene warmth, or alternating siliciclastic carbonate layers and
suggesting East Antarctic Ice Sheet was organic carbon-rich carbonate layers on a
smaller with sub-polar marginal conditions. submillimeter scale. Based on their morpho-
logical characteristics, a sequential transition
2011010150 is suggested from the flat type to columnar
Morphogenesis in Cyclotella ocellata — type, then to nodular type. The columnar type
complex from Lake El'gygytgyn (Chukchi has the greatest morphological variety, and
Peninsula) during the Pleistocene-Holocene shows a characteristic pattern of branching in
= 更新世-全新世期间 El'gygytgyn 湖(西伯 which the bifurcation always initiates from an
利亚东北端楚克奇半岛)Cyclotella ocellata episodically intervened thick layer of silici-
复 合 体 形 态 发 生 学 研 究 . ( 英 文 ). Chere- clastics. This suggests that the branching of
panova M V; Usol’tseva M V; Pushkar V S; stromatolite columns is likely triggered by
Dubrovina Yu F. Paleontological Jour- blocking the upward growth of bacterial mats
with intermittent supply of a thick sediment
nal, 2010, 44(10): 1252-1261 6 图版.
The morphology of valves of Cyclotella
ocellata from bottom sediments of Lake
El’gygytgyn, Chukchi Peninsula, has been
日本东北部更新世 Shiobara 群硅藻纹层岩
studied with help of light and scanning elec-
tron microscopes. Considerable variability in 中的埋葬过程 = Taphonomic Processes in
the morphology of valves and gradual elimi- Diatomaceous Laminites of the Pleistocene
nation of forms with big valves were observed Shiobara Group (Caldera-Fill, Lacustrine),
upwards the section. The complex evolved by Northeastern Japan. (英文). Tuzino T; Maeda
phenotype selection: kuetzingina-morphotype H; Maeda Y. Paleontological Research, 2009,
was replaced by ocellatamorphotype and, in 13(3): 213-229
the latest Pleistocene, also by arctica- Diatomaceous laminites of the Pleistocene
morphotype. Changes in the valve morphol- Shiobara Group (caldera fill), located in the
ogy were mainly caused by paleoclimatic fluc- volcanic front of the Northeastern Japan Arc,
tuations. are the profundal facies of palaeo-Shiobara
Lake. The laminites are subdivided into five
2011010151 types: clastic (Type A), diatom-preserved
日本九州北部下白垩统淡水叠层石 = Lower (Type B), porcelainised (Type C), double
Cretaceous Fresh-Water Stromatolites from (Type D) and reversal (Type E). These varie-
Northern Kyushu, Japan. (英文). Yamamoto ties are mostly induced by lithification, due to
A;Tanabe K; Isozaki Y. Paleontological Re- localised hydrothermal alteration represented
search, 2009, 13(2): 139-149 as the diatom frustules' transformation from
Nonmarine stromatolites sporadically occur opal-A to opal-CT. Type B laminite alters to
in the Lower Cretaceous Kanmon Group in Type C, Type D and finally Type E laminite
northern Kyushu, Japan. We examined the in a progressive order. As alteration proceeds,
mode of occurrence and morphological varia- the rock become more consolidated, and lam-
tions of the stromatolites that were found in ina texture changes from porous to massive.

Exceptionally, Type A laminite, composed of 醋酸浸泡处理寒武系筇竹寺阶生物屑灰岩
grey terrigenous lamina, shows almost no 后,获得一些磷酸盐化的微体藻类化石,它们
changes, because of its poor content of diatom 的管体均呈螺旋状旋转。这种旋转现象在
frustules. Type B laminite, composed of po-
rous white diatomaceous lamina and grey ter-
rigenous lamina, is replaced by Type C lami- 是在植物界的藤蔓植物中。其中,藤蔓植物
nite, composed of tightly packed opal-CT le- 产生这种不同旋转方向的原因,大多数学者
pispheres. Type D laminite is represented as a 将其成因归因于微管定向。文中对获得的
set of four laminae; grey, white-1, black, and 呈螺旋状的微体藻类化石 Spirellus colum-
white-2, in upwardsequence. The black lami- naris 进行描述,并对该藻体化石的旋转方向
nae result from additional reprecipitation 和成因进行推测和讨论。
within the white laminae, and laterally fade.
Type E laminite is the last stage of the altera- 2011010155
tion series of the laminites in Shiobara and 早 古 新 世 一 个 沟 鞭 藻 囊 孢 新 种
consists of thin couplets of grey and black
Trithyrodinium partridgei:生物地层意义
laminae. White laminae completely alter to
black laminae. These laminite variations are 和古生态 = A new early Paleocene dinoflag-
likely derived from alteration by hydrothermal ellate cyst species, Trithyrodinium partridgei:
water associated with the caldera. Whereas its biostratigraphic significance and pa-
Type A and B laminites are widely distributed laeoecology. (英文). Willumsena P S; Vajda
in the basin, the distribution of Type C is re- V. Alcheringa, 2010, 34(4): 523 - 538
stricted. Type D and E laminites are found A palynological investigation of lower Pa-
only at one quarry which yields exceptionally leocene (lower Teurian) marine sediments of
well preserved megafossils: mice, frogs, a the Abbotsford Formation, exposed in the
feather, fishes, and insects. We hypothesise Fairfield Quarry, Dunedin, New Zealand, re-
that such silica transformation may have con- veals a well-preserved association of dinoflag-
tributed to preservation of the megafossils by ellate cysts and miospores. Thirty-six
stabilization of the remains of biota and pro- dinoflagellate species representing 26 genera
tection of the remains against dissolution. were recorded, including one new peridinioid
dinoflagellate species, Trithyrodinium par-
2011010153 tridgei characterized by a three-layered wall
湖北三峡地区纽芬兰统岩家河组的宏体藻 and a distinct brown, foveolate mesophragm.
类化石 = Fossil macroscopic algae from the Trithyrodinium partridgei has a narrow range
and at Fairfield Quarry co-occurs with typical
Yanjiahe Formation,Terreneuvian of the Three
New Zealand late Danian to Selandian index
Gorges Area,South China. (中文). 郭俊锋;李
species such as Glaphyrocysta perforata and
勇;舒德干. 古生物学报 , 2010, 49(3): 336- Alterbidinium pentaradiatum; hence it may
342 prove an additional useful stratigraphic marker.
文中报道湖北宜昌纽芬兰统岩家河组小 The terrestrial palynomorph assemblage from
壳化石Ⅰ、Ⅱ组合之间的宏体藻类化石:中 samples within the range of Trithyrodinium
华 细 丝 藻 属 Sinocylindra, 崆 岭 藻 属 partridgei includes 36 spore-pollen species
Konglingphyton, 约克那斯藻属 Yuknessia 和 dominated by the podocarp pollen Phyllo-
文德带藻属 Vendotaenia。通过对宏体藻类 cladidites mawsonii. The presence of Not-
化石研究, 表明它们无论从保存形式还是形 hofagidites waipawaensis and Tricolpites phil-
lipsii confirms a Paleocene age for the assem-
态特征上看, 带有庙河生物群的色彩, 同时
blage. The abundance of terrestrial palyno-
与牛蹄塘生物群和澄江生物群可能也有一 morphs and the composition of the dinocyst
定的联系, 这为研究宏体藻类的辐射、演化 assemblages suggest a marine nearshore depo-
提供了化石依据。 sitional environment.

2011010154 2011010156
螺旋状藻类化石的旋向探讨 = Twining di- 阿根廷圣胡安前科迪勒拉东部上寒武统形
rection of the Early Cambrian helically coiled 态属-Favosamaceria 的凝块叠层石(微生
algae fossils. (中文). 郝宝鞘;郝剑. 古生物学 物礁) = Thrombolites (microbial reefs) of
报, 2010, 49(3): 343-347 the form-genus Favosamaceria In the Upper
藻类作为地球上已知最早的生命形式之 Cambrian of the eastern Precordillera, San
一,对研究生命的早期进化至关重要。在用 Juan, Argentina. (其他). Raviolo M M; Bor-

donaro O L; Pratt B R. Ameghiniana: Revista 厚顶盘菌目(子囊菌门:茶渍纲)的主要
de la asociacion Paleontologica Argen- 分支以及与地衣相关和不相关谱系间的线
tina, 2010, 47(3): 331-341 系关系 = Major clades and phylogenetic rela-
In the upper part of the La Flecha Forma- tionships between lichenized and non-
tion (Furongian, Upper Cambrian) of the east- lichenized lineages in Ostropales (Ascomy-
ern Precordillera, Argentina, there are abun-
cota: Lecanoromycetes). (英文). Groeninckx I;
dant, metre-sized, domical patch-reefs flanked
Ochoterena H; Smets E; Dessein S.
by peloidal and intraclastic grainstone. These
Taxon, 2010, 59(5): 1483-1494
shallow-water reefs are thrombolites and they
The fungal order Ostropales is unique in
consist of a radial-columnar microbial frame-
Ascomycota for including both lichen-forming
work composed mainly of clotted micrite with
and non-lichenized species and species with
subordinate micrite, peloids and lumps. In
optional nutritional strategies depending on
between the framework elements are intraclas-
substrate. To address the phylogenetic rela-
tic and bioclastic peloidal grainstones. In lon-
tionships within the order, we assembled a
gitudinal section the framework appears as
dataset of 78 ostropalean species, including all
upward-radiating, branching and anastomos-
major clades and 23 taxa that are only option-
ing columns which in transverse section range
ally lichenized or non-lichenized. The analy-
from roughly circular, elongate, lobate, or
ses are based on sequences of the mtSSU and
labyrinthiform in outline. Morphologically
nuLSU rDNA and the protein-coding gene
they conform to the form-genus Favosa-
RPB2. A close relationship of Graphidaceae
maceria Shapiro and Awramik. However, de-
and Gomphillaceae is suggested with the latter
spite partial dolomitization, they do not ex-
possibly nested within Graphidaceae. Odon-
hibit the distinct secondary microstructure
totremataceae is composed of two distantly
diagnostic of the type form-species, F. cooperi
related groups. Coenogoniaceae and Porina-
Shapiro and Awramik. Accordingly, the
ceae are sister taxa, and their relation to
thrombolites are placed in a new taxon -F.
Gyalectaceae is unresolved. Gyalecta is para-
precordillerana forma-sp. nov.- which is char-
phyletic with Belonia and Pachyphiale nested
acterized by a primary clotted and peloidal
within. A polyphyletic Belonia indicates that
micritic microstructure.
perithecioid ascomata evolved more than once
in Gyalectaceae. The new family Sagio-
lechiaceae is proposed to accommodate Rhex-
俄罗斯堪察加地区东部 Kronotskii 湾始新
ophiale and Sagiolechia and Solorinellaceae is
世中-晚期硅鞭藻 = Silicoflagellates of the reinstated distinct from Gomphillaceae. Belo-
middle-early Late Eocene of the Kronotskii nia and Pachyphiale are reduced to synonymy
Bay (Eastern Kamchatka). (英文). Tsoy I B. with Gyalecta. The distribution of phenotypi-
Stratigraphy and Geological Correla- cal character states is discussed with selected
tion, 2011, 19(1): 87-101 character states mapped onto a phylogenetic
The most complete characterization of Dic- tree. A special focus is given on lifestyles. Our
tyochophyceae (silicoflagellate) assemblages phylogeny suggests that there is more plastic-
from sediments of the Kronotskii Bay, Eastern ity in the evolution of life-styles in these fungi
Kamchatka, which are typical of the Corbi- than was previously assumed.
sema hexacantha (Middle Eocene) and Navi-
culopsis foliacea (terminal middle-initial Late 2011010159
Eocene) zones in the tropical/subtropical 基于分子和形态学证据对 Vuilleminia 属
zonation by Bukry (1981), is considered for (担子菌门)进行的种系发生学和分类学
the first time. In total, 43 silicoflagellate spe-
研究,以及对 Corticiales 的新看法 = Phy-
cies of 8 genera are identified. The prevalence
logeny and taxonomy of the genus Vuil-
of species of the genera Corbisema and Dic-
leminia (Basidiomycota) based on molecular
tyocha in the assemblages suggest warm, close
and morphological evidence, with new in-
to subtropical conditions in a sea basin that
existed in the Eastern Kamchatka region dur- sights into Corticiales. ( 英 文 ). Ghobad-
ing the Middle-Late Eocene Nejhad M; Nilsson R H; Hallenberg N.
Taxon, 2010, 59(5): 1519-1534
Vuilleminia is a corticioid genus common
真 菌 in Europe whose species inhabit decaying and
2011010158 dead attached wood of angio-sperms. To ex-
amine the circumscription of the genus and the

phylogenetic relationships among its species, cases where the original genus is monotypic or
we analyzed nuclear ribosomal sequence data at least clearly monophyletic, and no suitable
from the ITS region and the LSU gene with teleomorph genus is available.
maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods
and also studied morphological characters. 2011010161
Our results challenge the notion that spore size 石蕊科形态多样性:由灌木状的 Cladia 种
and host specificity are critically important (茶渍目,长满青苔的子囊菌门植物)演
factors in delimiting species of Vuilleminia. A 化而来的多叶属 Heterodea = Morphological
taxonomic summary of the accepted species in disparity in Cladoniaceae: The foliose genus
Vuilleminia is provided. Vuilleminia species Heterodea evolved from fruticose Cladia spe-
described from the South America and Africa cies (Lecanorales, lichenized Ascomycota).
are demonstrated to be distinct from those of
(英文). Parnmen S; Rangsiruji A; Mongkol-
the north temperate region. Australovuil-
suk P; Boonpragob K; Elix J A; Lumbsch H T.
leminia coccinea gen. & sp. nov. is proposed
Taxon, 2010, 59(3): 841-849
for the taxon previously reported as V. co-
Phylogenetic relationships of the genera
medens from New Zealand. Punctu-lariopsis
Cladia and Heterodea were reconstructed us-
gen. nov. is proposed for V. subglobispora
ing a combined dataset of nuclear ITS, nuclear
described from Argentina (= Punctulariopsis
LSU and mitochondrial SSU rDNA sequences.
subglobispora) and V.obducens from Ethiopia
Based on different analyses (Bayesian ap-
(= Punctulariopsis obducens). Vuilleminia is
proach, maximum parsimony, maximum like-
shown to be a monophyletic genus, apparently
lihood), the ingroup (Cladia + Heterodea) is
north hemispheric, and currently comprises
strongly supported as monophyletic. Pilopho-
six species. Vuilleminia together with the
rus strumaticus has a well supported sister-
closely related genera Cytidia and Aus-
group relationship to the ingroup and together
tralovuilleminia form a well-supported clade
they form a sister group with a well-supported
clade) and the family name Vuilleminiaceae is
clade, which includes Metus conglomeratus
resurrected to recognize this clade. Vuil-
and Pycnothelia papillaria. The Shimodaira-
leminia quercina (= Corticium quercicola) is
Hasegawa test and the ELW test significantly
not closely related to the other Vuilleminia
rejected monophyly of Cladia excluding Het-
species and is instead nested in a completely
erodea. Within Cladia three main clades can
different clade (Corticium clade). A new ge-
be distinguished which share morphological
nus Marchandiopsis is erected for this taxon.
and chemical characters. The position of the
foliose genus Heterodea within the fruticose
Cladia is supported by anatomical and chemi-
根据真菌有性阶段特征命名的局限性 =
cal characters. The species of clade II that in-
Teleotypification of fungal names and its limi- cludes two Cladia species and Heterodea share
tations. (英文). Gams W; Jaklitsch W M; Kir- a similar type of upper cortex and two-layered
schner R; Reblova M. Taxon, 2010, 59(4): medulla with an inner or lower medulla con-
1197-1200 sisting of dark pigmented, thick-walled hy-
Article 59.7 of the ICBN (Vienna Code) phae. Our phylogenetic estimate and the ana-
allows the epitypification of a name of a fun- tomical studies indicate that the foliose thallus
gus, known until then only as an anamorph, of Heterodea originated from pseudopodetia
with teleomorphic material in order to avoid of Cladia. It is discussed that the species cur-
introducing an additional name. Redhead sug- rently classified in Cladia and Heterodea need
gested calling this procedure teleotypification. to be placed in the same genus.
We demonstrate that it is not desirable to ap-
ply teleotypification to newly discovered
teleomorphs of fungi for which a suitable
teleomorph genus is available. Describing a
newly found anamorphic fungus under a 波罗的海和比特费尔德琥珀中苔藓植物的
teleomorph-typified generic name may be de- 新纪录 = New record of bryophytes from Bal-
fended, provided generic homogeneity is tic and Bitterfeld amber. (英文). Frahm J P.
proven with molecular methods and no suit- Acta Palaeobotanica, 2008, 48(2): 183-190 16
able anamorph genus is available. Alternative 图版.
proposals will be submitted to either return to Twenty one specimens from ten species of
the previous situation without teleotypification mosses are reported from Baltic and Bitterfeld
or to restrict teleotypification explicitly to amber, all of them already known from the

Eocene. Four of them (Campylopodiella hima- lycopsids relative to those present in the Mid-
layana, Ctenidium capillifolium, Haplocla- dle Devonian.
dium angustifolium, Hypnodontopsis mexi-
cana) are extant species which still exist, 2011010164
mainly in E- and SE-Asia. Two species 中国西南部云南省晚二叠世矿化的树蕨
(Brotherella tortifolia and Hypnodontopsis Psaronius housuoensis 新种研究 = Studies
casparyi) are extinct species of extant genera. on the Late Permian permineralized tree fern
Four species (Hypnites subflagellaris, Hyp- Psaronius housuoensis sp nov from Yunnan
nites complanatus, Hypnites flagelliferus, Se- Province, southwest China. (英文). D'Rozario
matophyllites planus) are pleurocarpous A; Sun B; Galtier J; Wang S J; Guo W Y; Yao
mosses described in form genera. Semato- Y F; Li C S. Review of Palaeobotany and Pa-
phyllites planus J.-P. Frahm is described here
lynology, 2011, 163(3-4): 247-263 6 图版.
as new. The new combination Hypnites sub-
Psaronius housuoensis sp. nov. is described
flagellaris (Caspary & G.A.Klebs) J.-P. Frahm
from the Upper Permian Xuanwei Formation
is made for Dicranites subflagellaris Caspary
deposits of Housuo Coal Mine, Fuyuan
& G.A.Klebs to express that this is a pleuro-
County. Yunnan Province, southwest China,
carpous moss of the Hypnaceae and not an
adding to the marattialean fern community of
acrocarpous moss. A list of all moss species
the Cathaysian flora. The permineralized stem
recorded from Baltic and Bitterfeld amber is
shows a polycyclic dictyostele with five leaf
traces arranged in a helical manner and exhib-
iting 2/5 phyllotaxy. Vascular bundles ar-
蕨类植物(广义) ranged in 6 concentric rings with cauline bun-
2011010163 dles in 5 radial rows. Stem bound externally
加拿大 New Brunswick 省 Emsian 地区泥 by a peripheral sclerenchyma sheath. Leaf
盆纪石松类 Leclercqia 的一个新种 = A new trace configuration comprised of three vascu-
species of the Devonian lycopod genus, Le- lar bundles resulting from the division of a
clercqia, from the Emsian of New Brunswick, single originally C-shaped strand. Ground tis-
Canada. (英文). Patricia G Gensel; Andrew E sue replaced with coprolites and sediments.
Kasper, Jr. Review of Palaeobotany and Paly- Stem surrounded by a thick mantle of roots.
nology, 2005, 137(3-4): 105-123 6 图版. Occurrence of coprolites within the stem indi-
A new species of the fossil lycopsid genus, cates well developed plant-animal interaction
Leclercqia, is reported from the Early Devo- during the Late Permian times and that the
nian (Emsian) of northern New Brunswick, habitat in which Psaronius grew was abound-
Canada. The plant remains consist of do- ing with diversity of arthropod or the oribatid
chotomizing axes covered with numerous, mite community preferring the rotting P.
small, closely spaced leaves. The leaves are housuoensis sp. nov. stem ground tissue as a
laminar and divided distally into five seg- suitable microenvironment for shelter. Evolu-
ments which curve upwards. An ellipsoidal tionary pattern of leaf trace development is
sporangium attaches to the adaxial surface, described in the new species and its possible
proximal to divisions, of many leaves. Spo- ecological significance.
rangia contain abundant and well-preserved
spores assigned to the sporae dispersae genus 2011010165
Acinosporites. The habit of the plant is pro- 匈牙利里阿斯统(早侏罗世)化石蕨类枝
posed to be that of an herbaceous lycopsid. 脉蕨和 Todite 的系统学和古环境研究 =
Leclercqia andrewsii differs from the type Systematic and palaeoenvironmental investi-
species, L. complexa, in the organization of its gations of fossil ferns Cladophlebis and To-
leaf segments: all five segments curve or bend dites from the Liassic of Hungary. ( 英 文 ).
upward after the point of forking. The genus Barbacka M; Bodor E. Acta Pa-
has previously been described from mostly laeobotanica, 2008, 48(2): 133-149 9 图版.
Middle Devonian sediments of North America, Macrofossil plant remains of the genera
South America (Venezuela), Australia Cladophlebis Brongniart and Todites Seward
(Queensland), and Europe, and also from the are very common in the Mecsek Mountains
Early Devonian of North America. This ac- (southern Hungary). They are represented by
count adds another Emsian occurrence of the the following species: Cladophlebis
genus Leclercqia in North America, docu- haiburnensis (Lindley&Hutton) Brongniart, C.
ments a new species, and presents evidence of denticulata (Brongniart) Fontaine, C. roesserti
novel variation in early Devonian leclercqioid

(Schenk) Saporta, Todites goeppertianus venation can be similar in many species.
(Münster) Krasser, and T. princeps (Presl) Therefore cuticular analysis is an important
Gothan. The taxonomical investigation of method for distinguishing cordaitalean leaves.
these genera was preceded by the study of Pennsylvanian Cordaites schatzlarensis nov.
their morphological variability within both sp. comes from the Žacléř locality in the Intra-
taxa. The present paper gives taxonomical sudetic Basin, Czech Republic. It has been
description and palaeoecology of the fossil found in mudstone accompanying the upper
taxa from Hungary. coal seams No. 9 and 10 of the Jan Šverma
Coals, Lampertice Member, Žacléř Formation
2011010166 and are late Duckmantian in age. The leaves
辽宁西部侏罗纪具有营养叶和生殖叶的紫 of Cordaites schatzlarensis are lanceolate,
萁根茎化石及原位孢子 = An osmundaceous amphistomatic. Stomata of the adaxial epi-
rhizome with sterile and fertile fronds and in dermis are scarce, isolated, or in very short
situ spores from the Jurassic of western Liaon- stomatal rows. In contrast, the density of sto-
ing. (英文). Yang XiaoJu; Zhang Wu; Zheng mata on the abaxial cuticle is high and stomata
ShaoLin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, are arranged into single or double stomatal
55(34): 3864-3867 rows. The cuticles of C. schatzlarensis are
A well-preserved permineralized osmunda- comparable with the Chinese Upper Permian
ceous fern was discovered from the Middle C. baodeensis Ge. Leaves can be narrow,
Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation of Beipiao, comparable to French Bolsovian Dorycor-
Liaoning Province, China. The rhizome is daites zeilleri Ledran, or relatively wide. Ac-
about 50 cm high and 35-41 cm in diameter companying big seeds more than 5 cm in di-
and can be attributed to the genus Ashicaulis ameter are attributed to Samaropsis newberryi
on the basis of its anatomy. The sterile pinnae (Andrews) Seward. The pith casts Artisia
are referable to Cladophlebis, the fertile pin- Sternberg were found in sandy channel fill
nules are of the Todites type with in situ deposits.
spores of the Osmundacidites type. Osmunda-
ceous rhizomes have been found all over the 裸 子 植 物
world including the Jurassic strata of western 2011010168
Liaoning, China. Until now, however, no rhi- 舌羊齿植物群 Gangamopteris 属的形态重
zomes have been reported to be organically 要性 = Morphological consequence of Gan-
connected with leafy organs. Although im- gamopteris McCoy in Glossopteris flora. (英
pressions and compressions of isolated os- 文). Srivastava A K; Agnihotri D. Journal of
mundaceous sterile and fertile fronds are Asian Earth Sciences, 2010, 39(6): 760-769
common, they were described under separate The leaves of Gangamopteris McCoy are
organ- or morpho-generic names, such as To- the dominant constituent of Glossopteris flora
dites and Cladophlebis. The new discovery in Lower Permian sequences of Gondwana.
provides an opportunity to study an osmunda- Morphologically leaves are similar with Glos-
ceous fern in 'whole plant concept' to learn sopteris Brongniart in having reticulate vena-
more about its morphology and structure, and tion pattern but differ in the absence of midrib.
the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental re- Large number of plant fossils collected from
qurirements of this group the The leaves of Gangamopteris McCoy are
the dominant constituent of Glossopteris flora
早期种子植物 in Lower Permian sequences of Gondwana.
2011010167 Morphologically leaves are similar with Glos-
捷克共和国石炭纪的两种种子植物化石 sopteris Brongniart in having reticulate vena-
Cordaites schatzlarensis ( 新 种 ) 和 tion pattern but differ in the absence of midrib.
Samaropsis newberryi (Andrews) Seward = Large number of plant fossils collected from
Cordaites schatzlarensis sp. nov. and Sama- the carbonaceous shale samples of Barakar
ropsis newberryi (Andrews) Seward from the coal seams (Lower Gondwana) of Satpura
Westphalian (Carboniferous) of the Žacléř Gondwana Basin, India indicates the presence
area (Czech Republic). (英文). Šimůnek Z; of number of specimens of Gangamopteris
Libertín M. Review of Palaeobotany and Pa- belonging to sixteen species including two
lynology, 2006, 138(1): 43-62 6 图版. new species viz., Gangamopteris sethiaensis
The monotonous cordaitalean leaves are sp. nov. and Gangamopteris satpuraensis sp.
usually difficult to determine as leaf shape and nov.

The morphological diversity, stratigraphical Picea, Thuja, Betula maximowicziana, Ptero-
distribution and character affiliation of Gan- carya rhoifolia, and Menyanthes trifoliata.
gamopteris demonstrate its organizational in- Glyptostrobus is distributed only in subtropi-
volvement towards the development of Glos- cal areas at present, but it also grew under a
sopteris and signify the evolutionary lineage cool temperate climate zone in Japan during
in Glossopteridales. carbonaceous shale sam- the latest Pliocene.
ples of Barakar coal seams (Lower Gondwana)
of Satpura Gondwana Basin, India indicates 2011010170
the presence of number of specimens of Gan- 中国晚古生代营养叶显示与苏铁目关系更
gamopteris belonging to sixteen species in- 近于本内苏铁,故需重新评价古生代 Ptero-
cluding two new species viz., Gangamopteris phyllum 的种 = Late Palaeozoic foliage from
sethiaensis sp. nov. and Gangamopteris satpu- China displays affinities to Cycadales rather
raensis sp. nov. The morphological diversity, than to Bennettitales necessitating a re-
stratigraphical distribution and character af- evaluation of the Palaeozoic Pterophyllum
filiation of Gangamopteris demonstrate its
species. (英文). Pott C; Mcloughlin S; Lind-
organizational involvement towards the de-
strom A. Acta palaeontologica Polonica, 2010,
velopment of Glossopteris and signify the
55(1): 157-168
evolutionary lineage in Glossopteridales.
The epidermal anatomy of Pseudoctenis
samchokense is described revealing non-
bennettitalean characters of these leaves from
the Permo-Carboniferous of China. The
为主的化石森林植被重建 = Paleovegetation specimens were originally described as Ptero-
reconstruction of fossil forests dominated by phyllum samchokense suggesting a bennetti-
Metasequoia and Glyptostrobus from the late talean affinity. Based on leaf-architecture and
Pliocene Kobiwako Group, central Japan. (英 epidermal natomical characters, the specimens
文). Yamakawa C; Momohara A; Nunotani T are at best assigned to the cycadalean genus
et al.. Paleontological Research, 2008, 12(2): Pseudoctenis. This genus was formerly known
167-180 only from Mesozoic rocks. Consequently, the
A late Pliocene (1.8-1.9 Ma) wetland fossil specimens are highly significant, as they are
forest community that was dominated by Me- among the oldest known vegetative remains of
tasequoia and Glyptostrobus was recon- cycads. Re-evaluation of the affinities of all
structed based on the species composition of specimens assigned to Pterophyllum from Pa-
the stumps and other plant macrofossil assem- laeozoic rocks is thus essential. Based on a
blages. The plant fossils were recovered from review of other Permaian-Carboniferous fossil
a fossil forest preserved in deposits of the Ko- leaves assigned to Pterophyllum, we conclude
biwako Group that are exposed in the Echi that none yet reveals definitive bennettitalean
River, Shiga Prefecture, central Japan. Fossil characters.
wood of Metasequoia and Glyptostrobus was
distinguished based on anatomical characteris- 2011010171
tics. Apportionment of the wood from differ- 南美杉型木属有多少种? = How many spe-
ent horizons in the fossil forest indicates Me- cies of Araucarioxylon?. (英文). Philippe M.
tasequoia grew over a long period of time in a Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2011, 10(2-3): 201-
stable environment, while Glyptostrobus and 208
Alnus grew in unstable environments charac- Fossil wood, similar to that of modern
terized by short-interval floods. The fossil Araucariaceae, has been known for a long
forest as a whole represents a fluvial back- time, and is usually called Araucarioxylon.
marsh environment. More than 400 morphospecies have been de-
The upland forest was composed of mixed scribed, whereas this wood type displays few
evergreen conifers and deciduous broad- characteristic features. This taxonomical pro-
leaved trees including Chamaecyparis pisifera, fusion is compounded by nomenclatural prob-
Tsuga, Magnolia, and Acer. Aquatic and wet- lems, Araucarioxylon being an illegitimate
land herbs such as Cyperus, Carex, Scirpus, name. The status of the wood morphogenus,
Polygonum, and Menyanthes grew in and the infrageneric structure and the names that
around the wetland forest. The assemblage of apply to the taxa designated for fossil woods
fossil plants recovered from the fossil forest of the Araucarioxylon-type are discussed. A
consists of plants that are currently distributed database with 428 morphospecies designated
in the cool temperate climate zone, such as for Araucarioxylon-type of wood is analyzed.

The name Agathoxylon Hartig seems to be the tion of central Hokkaido. These leaves occur
most appropriate for the corresponding exclusively in carbonaceous mudstone depos-
morphogenus. Albeit theoretically several ited in either lagoon or marsh. Based on their
hundred morphospecies could be recognized mode of occurrence, these remnants may have
within this group, it is at least as probable that been trapped in the sediments without long
only one should be retained. prior transport (parautochthonous).

被 子 植 物 古无脊椎动物学
2011010172 综 论
美国俄勒冈州渐新世已经绝灭的 Platanus
neptuni 复合体的花序和复叶 = Inflorescen- 地中海鲸化石的墓坑和软体动物对极端生
ces and compound leaves of the extinct Plata-
境的适应 = Mediterranean fossil whale falls
nus neptuni complex in the Oligocene of Ore-
and the adaptation of mollusks to extreme
gon, USA. ( 英 文 ). MANCHESTER S R;
habitats. (英文). Dominici S; Cioppi E; Dan-
KVAČEK Z. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2010,
ise S; Betocchi U. Geology, 2009, 37(9): 815-
50(1): 5-15 3 图版.
The extinct species Platanus neptuni (Et- The hypothesis that sunken carcasses of
tingshausen) Bůžek, Holy & Kvaček, formerly Mesozoic marine reptiles and Cenozoic
reported on the basis of infructescences, sta- whales acted as evolutionary stepping stones
minate infl orescences and associated foliage to deep-sea reducing habitats is underlain by
from the Late Eocene to Late Miocene depos- the question of whether vent-like, chemosym-
its of Europe, is now recognized also in North biotic specialization first evolved at shelf
America, based on a population dominating depths. Fossil skeletons of large whales have
the Late Oligocene Yaquina fl ora of coastal long been known from ancient shallow-water
Oregon. Staminate infl orescences are of the strata, but they have never been considered as
same morphology as in Europe: globose to a source of information on ecosystem devel-
ellipsoidal, each borne solitarily on a thick, opment. We present a study on a 3 Ma old
elongate peduncle. A circumsissle raised scar fossil whale fall and a survey of other Plio-
is visible around the peduncle at the base of cene fossil skeletons to show that the associ-
infl orescence heads – a feature diagnostic of ated biota is dominated by heterotrophs, with
the extinct Platanus subgenus Glandulosa subsidiary chemoautotrophs. The taphonomy
Kvaček, Manchester & Guo. Contrary to the of the Mediterranean shelf whale falls shows
European records, which are more variable in some differences with respect to deep-water
foliage (simple to compound tri- and pentafo- studies. Quantitative analyses of abundance
liolate), the leaves at the Yaquina locality are data within a large data set on fossil and mod-
exclusively trifoliolate, sharing short petioles ern mollusk families confirm that deep-and
expanded at the base, as in many European shallow-water communities at reducing habi-
populations of P. neptuni morphoforma frax- tats are composed of a different set of taxa, i.e.,
inifolia (Johnson & Gilmore) Kvaček & Man- specialists occurring only below the shelf
chester. The preservation in coarse deposits break. Mediterranean carcasses sunken in
precludes anatomical investigation, but the coastal settings do not seem to be favorable
morphology of both leaves and reproductive for the evolution of whale-fall specialists
structures provides evidence for confi dent among the mollusks. The situation reverses as
assignment to the same species previously the shelf break is approached
recognized only from Europe.
俄罗斯西伯利亚北部 Kuonamka 组一个中
日本北部塞诺曼期至土仑期 Mikasa 组悬铃
寒武统骨骼化石动物群 = A Middle Cam-
木叶化石及其产出模式 = Platanoid leaves
brian fauna of skeletal fossils from the
from Cenomanian to Turonian Mikasa Forma-
Kuonamka Formation, northern Siberia. ( 英
tion, northern Japan and their mode of occur-
文 ). Kouchinsky A; Bengtson S; Stefan ;
rence. (英文). Narita A; Yamada T; Matsu-
Clausen S; Gubanov A; Malinky J M; Peel J S.
moto M. Paleontological Research, 2008,
Alcheringa, 2011, 35(1): 123 - 189
12(1): 81-88
An assemblage of mineralized skeletal fos-
Ettingshausenia cuneifolia is reported from
sils containing molluscs, hyoliths, chancel-
the Cenomanian to Turonian Mikasa Forma-
loriids, protoconodonts, lobopods, paleo-

scolecids, bradoriids, echinoderms and hex- iron-stained quartz and a rich assemblage of
actinellid sponges is described from the mid- dead foraminifera, of which 75% of plank-
dle Cambrian part of the Kuonamka Forma- tonic foraminifera were stained with iron, as
tion, exposed along the Malaya Kuonamka was 66.5% of the calcareous benthonic fo-
and Bol'shaya Kuonamka rivers, northern Si- raminiferal assemblage. The fauna, both iron-
berian Platform. The sampled succession is stained and unstained, was dominated by Ci-
attributed to the Kuonamkites and lower bicidoides ex. gr. pseudoungerianus, and is
Tomagnostus fissus-Paradoxides sacheri bio- concluded, despite the proximity of the Ori-
zones of the Amgan Stage of Siberia, corre- noco Delta, to be equivalent to a relict Cibici-
lated with Series 3, Stage 5—lower Drumian doides biofacies in carbonate-rich areas of the
Stage of the IUGS chronostratigraphical Gulf of Mexico. Staining was by limonite and
scheme for the Cambrian. This work comple- hematite. Differing percentages of calcareous
ments descriptions of molluscs from the same benthonic species had been stained with iron,
samples published by Gubanov et al. (2004) ANOVA revealing three groups of species
with additional material. It contains forms in within which the mean percentage of iron-
common with coeval faunas from Australia, stained specimens per sample did not differ: (a)
China, Western Gondwana, Avalonia, Lauren- Globocassidulina subglobosa and Hanzawaia
tia and Baltica, increasing potential for global concentrica; (b) Amphistegina gibbosa,
biostratigraphic correlation and understanding Cassidulina norcrossi australis Cibicioides ex.
of palaeogeographic connections. gr. pseudoungerianus, C. io, Elphidium trans-
lucens and Quinqueloculina lamarckiana; and
原 生 动 物 (c) Eponides antillarum and E. repandus. It is
2011010176 concluded that species differ in their suscepti-
埃及 Farafra Oasis 地区古新世-早始新世 bility to iron staining, and that planktonic fo-
raminifera are more susceptible than most
浮游有孔虫 = Paleocene-Early Eocene plank-
benthonic species. Although waters off north-
tic foraminifera of the Farafra Oasis, Egypt.
ern South America are turbid and the photic
(英文). Haggag M A; Strougo A; Luterbacher zone only similar to 25 m deep, the relict as-
H; Wielandt U. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie semblage contained 8.4% algal symbiont-
u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, bearing foraminifera (especially A. gibbosa
256(2): 161-182 and E. translucens) that would be limited to
Three main events affected the stratigraphic the photic zone. These are thought to have
distribution of the planktic foraminifera in the lived at a time early in the Holocene trans-
area of the Farafra Oasis. The first one at the gression when sequestration of sediment
K/Pg boundary is characterized by a strati- within the Orinoco delta rendered the water
graphic gap corresponding to most of the sufficiently clear for viable populations of
lower Paleocene. The second event starts in symbiont-bearing foraminifera. Should iron-
the upper part of the Praemurica uncinata stained foraminifera prove to be restricted to
Zone (P2) and extends into the Globanoma- transgressive systems tracts, this would make
lina pseudomenardii Zone (P4a). The third them a useful sequence stratigraphic tool.
event is the widespread "velascoensis-event".
All three events are also reflected by the in- 2011010178
tensive reworking of older fauna. 日本古生代-中生代之交放射虫动物群的时
空 转 变 和 古 环 境 变 化 = Spatio-Temporal
Changes of Paleozoic-Mesozoic Radiolarian
Faunas in Japan and Paleoenvironmental
南部铁染有孔虫类意义 = The significance
Changes. (英文). Yao A. Paleontological Re-
of iron-stained foraminifera off SE Trinidad,
search, 2009, 13(1): 45-52
West Indies, western central Atlantic Ocean.
The radiolarian faunal changes across the
(英文). Wilson B. Geological Magazine, 2010, Permian/Triassic boundary and during Bajo-
147(5): 728-736 cian (early Middle Jurassic) time in Japan are
Eleven samples of seafloor sediment were briefly summarized, and the relationships be-
taken from water depths of 78-90 m within the tween the radiolarian faunal changes and the
Savonette Field, off SE Trinidad, western At- paleoenvironmental changes are discussed in
lantic Ocean. This surface sediment is relict, this paper. The cause of the radiolarian faunal
having been deposited during an early Holo- change from the latest Permian to earliest Tri-
cene transgression. The samples yielded much assic time is not well understood, but it is be-

lieved due to rapid changes in the marine en- Polycystina Radiolaria, including Bipedis
vironment that were disadvantageous to radio- acrostylus Bragin, Livarella densiporata Ko-
larians. The survival of radiolarians depends zur and Mostler, Fontinella primitiva Carter,
on temperature, depth (quantity of light), the and Ferresium sp. A of Carter (1993). This
amount of dissolved oxygen, nourishment, finding shows that phaeodarian Radiolaria
food and so on. Moreover, it is possible that were already represented in Late Triassic
difference in shell structure may have allowed oceans, with morphologies similar to those
survivors to adapt more easily to the rapid known in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic,
environmental change across the Per- from which they have previously been re-
mian/Triassic boundary. The Bajocian radio- ported. The new taxa described herein repre-
larian fauna in the Unuma section, central Ja- sent the oldest known phaeodarian fossils.
pan is composed of about 320 species in each
horizon and the total reaches about 510 com- 2011010180
bined in 5 horizons. About 50 originated spe- 日本东北部北上川南部地体中二叠世
cies were estimated to replace the extinct spe- Kamiyasse 组 有 孔 虫 = Middle Permian
cies per 0.70.8 million years interval. This (Midian) Foraminifers of the Kamiyasse For-
pattern of radiolarian faunal change through mation in the Southern Kitakami Terrane, NE
the section is steady and is concordant with Japan. (英文). Kobayashi F; Shiino Y; Suzuki
the model of steady faunal change. However, Y. Paleontological Research, 2009, 13(1): 79-
the pattern of change is not steady in orders 99
(Spumellaria and Nassellaria) and some fami- A refined foraminiferal biostratigraphy of
lies, respectively. It is thought that the section the Middle Permian Kamiyasse Formation in
reflects the mixture extent of the cold water the Kamiyasse area north of Kesennuma,
mass (the paleo-Oyashio current) and the Southern Kitakami Terrane, NE Japan, is pre-
warm water mass (the paleo-Kuroshio current). sented. Based on the stratigraphic distribution
Although the outline of faunal change of Pa- of schwagerinid and neoschwagerinid fusuli-
leozoic-Mesozoic radiolarians has been briefly noideans, the Kamiyasse Formation, equiva-
documented, the details of the process in the lent to the Kanokura Formation in the type
extinguishing, recovering and stable periods area (Setamai-Yahagi area), is subdivided into
are not clear except for some studies. Combin- the Monodiexodina sutchanica, Parafusulina
ing our knowledge of the early-middle Paleo- motoyoshiensis and Lepidolina shiraiwensis
zoic events, the Permian/Triassic boundary Zone in ascending order, all of which appear
event and the Triassic/Jurassic boundary event, to correspond to the Midian (latest Wordian to
it becomes clear that the main extinction Capitanian) in age. The M. sutchanica Zone is
events of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic radiolarian here defined as integrated with cross-stratified
faunas happened in greenhouse periods. This sandstone beds in the bottom of the formation,
means the marine environmental changes that and this zone is no longer equivalent to the
influenced remarkably the radiolarian faunas previously defined M. matsubaishi (junior
were caused easily during the greenhouse pe- synonym of M. sutchanica) Zone in the Iwai-
riods zaki Limestone and the Kanokura Formation
of the type area. The other two zones are de-
2011010179 fined with the first occurrences of the zonal
日本四国北 Chichibu 构造带晚三叠世钙放 species. Foraminifers are highly diverse along
射虫 = Late Triassic Phaeodarian Radiolaria the stratigraphic interval between the Para-
from the Northern Chichibu Belt, Shikoku, fusulina motoyoshiensis and Lepidolina
Japan. ( 英 文 ). Hori R S; Yamakita S; shiraiwensis Zones. Fifty-seven species be-
Dumitrica P. Paleontological Research, 2009, longing to 42 genera of foraminifers are iden-
13(1): 53-63 tified. Nineteen species among them are sys-
A new genus (Triassiphaeodina gen. nov.) tematically described and discussed, including
and two new species (Medusetta japonica sp. the following three species: Baisalina ri-
nov. and Triassiphaeodina niyodoensis sp. kuzenensis sp. nov., whose middle and later
nov.) of Late Triassic (Rhaetian) phaeodarian whorls are subdivided into more than fifteen
Radiolaria are described from a phosphatic chamberlets by septal protrusions; Wutuella
nodule found in mélange rocks of the North- sp., previously misidentified as “Cancellina”
ern Chichibu Belt, Shikoku, Japan. The sp.; and Septagathammina sp., exclusively
Rhaetian age of the nodule and of the phaeo- known from South China
darian new taxa is based on co-occurring

2011010181 中瓜德鲁普统西兰塔组的蜓类有 10 个属,分
泰国东部沿 Sra Kaeo 缝合带 Chanthaburi 别为 Neoschwagerina, Yangchienia, Armen-
地区层状燧石中下二叠统放射虫和牙形石 ina, Verbeekina, Paraverbeekina, Kahlerina,
动物群的发现 = Discovery of Lower Permian Lantschichites, Codonofusiella,Chusenella,
Radiolarian and Conodont Faunas from the Nankinella 。 Kahlerina, Lantschichites 和
Bedded Chert of the Chanthaburi Area Along Codonofusiella 的存在表明西兰塔组蜓类动
the Sra Kaeo Suture Zone, Eastern Thailand. 物群的时代为 Midian 期(Guadalupian 世晚
(英文). Saesaengseerung D; Agematsu S; Sa- 期),相当于华南的冷坞期。姜叶玛灰岩和仲
shida K; Sardsud A. Paleontological Re- 巴县拉赛拉灰岩、阿曼 Batain 地区以及巴
search, 2009, 13(2): 119-138
基斯坦盐岭地区一样,Midian 期蜓类动物群
Lower Permian (Asselian to Sakmarian)
radiolarians and conodonts are identified from 缺少 Afghanella-Sumatrina 组合,结合当时古
the bedded chert of the Chanthaburi area along 地理位置认为,这几个地区处于相对较凉水
the Sra Kaeo Suture Zone in eastern Thailand. 温控制之中。
The radiolarian and conodont-bearing bedded
chert including radiolarian species such as 2011010183
Parafollicucullus bulbosus, P. lomentarius, P. 放射虫新属 Gansuceratoikiscum 化石保存
u-formus, Pseudoalbailella scalprata, and 模式和基本构造功能分析 = Fossil Preserva-
others is exposed as large-size exotic blocks tion Modes And Functional Discussion Of
within the Thung Kabin mélange. This radio- The Basic Structures Of A New Radiolarian
larian fauna further includes Triplanospongos Genus Gansuceratoikiscum Wang gen.nov...
musashiensis, Triaenosphaera minuta, Laten- (中文). 王玉净;成俊峰;张元动. 古生物学
tifistula texana, Latentibifistula asper- 报, 2010, 49(4): 472-477
spongiosa and others, which have previously
描述一放射虫新属种 Gansuceratoikiscum
been reported from the Middle to Upper Per-
mian. Except for these Middle to Upper Per- guanzhuangensis Wang,产于甘肃平凉市附
mian species, this radiolarian fauna is quite 近官庄剖面平凉组底部钙质泥岩中,伴生的
similar to those from Japan, Oregon, South 牙形类化石属于 Pygodus anserinus 带,时代
China, West Texas, Cis-Urals and Central and 被确定为晚奥陶世早期桑比期。讨论放射
Northeastern Thailand. Asselian to Sakmarian 虫化石的三种保存模式,它们分别代表壳体
conodont faunas represented by Streptogna- 的幼年、成熟和衰亡三个时期。讨论在角
thodus constrictus which have been reported 舍虫科中,仅仅根据穴肋对的有无及其数目
from the Southern Urals and South China, and
several sponge spicules are also contained in
this bedded chert. Occurrence of these Lower 新属种主要骨骼基本构造功能进行初步分
Permian conodonts is the first record from the 析。
Sra Kaeo Suture Zone. This radiolarian- and
conodont-bearing bedded chert was probably 2011010184
deposited in the Palaeotethys /or Palaeo- 土耳其西北部 Karakaya 复合体中泥盆纪
tethyan back-arc basin which is thought to 放射虫燧石条带:对古特提斯演化的意义
have been a pelagic environment at low lati- = Devonian radiolarian ribbon cherts from the
tudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Karakaya Complex, Northwest Turkey: Impli-
cations for the Paleo-Tethyan evolution. (英
2011010182 文 ). Okay A I; Noble P J; Tekin U K.
西藏普兰县姜叶玛地区瓜德鲁普世晚期蜓 Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2011, 10(1): 1-10
类动物群及其古生物地理意义 = Late Mid- Devonian radiolarian ribbon cherts are
dle Permian(Guadalupian)Fusuline Fauna found as olistoliths and as a thin (<100 m)
From The Gyanyima Area Of Burang tectonic slice in pervasively deformed sand-
County,Tibet,China And Its Paleobio- stone and shale in a Triassic subduction-
geographic Implications. (中文). 张以春. 古 accretion complex (Upper Karakaya Complex)
生物学报, 2010, 49(2): 231-250 in Northwest Turkey. The subduction-
雅鲁藏布江缝合带中自西向东分布着二 accretion complex also comprises exotic
叠纪灰岩块体,被称为西藏相灰岩外来块体 blocks of Lower Carboniferous and Upper
Permian limestone. It lies tectonically over a
thick metabasite series and is unconformably
之一,位于西藏西部普兰县境内。蜓类动物 overlain by little deformed continental to shal-

low marine sedimentary rocks of Jurassic age. then studied under scanning electron
The Devonian radiolarian cherts, along with microscope substantiate the Early Cretaceous
the earlier descriptions of Carboniferous and age of volcanogenic-cherty deposits sampled
Permian radiolarian cherts from the Karakaya from fragmentary rock successions of the East
Complex suggest the subduction of a Late Sakhalin Mountains. Accordingly the
Paleozoic ocean, the Paleo-Tethys, along the Berriasian age is established for jasper packets
southern margin of the Pontides. formerly attributed to the Upper Paleozoic-
Mesozoic Daldagan Group; the Valanginian
2011010185 radiolarians are identified in cherty rock
土耳其东南部 Kocali 复合体火山沉积序列 intercalations in the Upper Paleozoic (?)
中晚三叠世中卡尼期-瑞替期放射虫的发 Ivashkino Formation; the Berriasian-
现:与 Tauride 地区其它地层单元的对比 Barremian assemblage is macerated from
= Discovery of the Late Triassic (Middle cherty tuffites of the Jurassic-Cretaceous
Carnian–Rhaetian) radiolarians in the vol- Ostraya Formation; and the Aptian-early
cano-sedimentary sequences of the Kocali Albian radiolarians are characteristic of
Complex, SE Turkey: Correlation with the tuffaceous cherty rocks sampled from the
Cretaceous Khoe Formation of the Nabil
other Tauride units. ( 英 文 ). Uzuncimen S;
Group. Photographic documentation of
Tekin U K; Bedi Y; Perincek D; Varol E;
radiolarian skeletons specifies taxonomic
Soycan H. Journal of Asian Earth Sci-
composition and age of the Berriasian,
ences, 2011, 40(1): 180-200
Valanginian, Berriasian-Valanginian,
The Kocali Complex in SE Turkey includes
Barremian, and Aptian-Albian radiolarian
pelagic sediments (pelagic limestones, cherts,
assemblages from the East Sakhalin
etc.), basic volcanic rocks of oceanic crust
Mountains, and their evolution as related to
origin together with platform-derived sedi-
abiotic events is considered. Coexistence of
ments. Its depositional age was previously
Tethyan and Pacific species in the same rock
assigned as Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. In
samples evidence origin of radiolarian
order to study the radiolarian contents of vol-
assemblages in an ecotone. Consequently, the
cano-sedimentary sequences in this complex,
assemblages are applicable for intra- and
six stratigraphic sections have been measured
interregional correlations and paleogeographic
mainly at the NE and NW Adiyaman city.
Radiolarian faunas from these stratigraphic
sections reveal that the age of these sequences
ranges from middle Carnian to Rhaetian.
Based on these data, the depositional age of
the complex is older than the previously as- SK-1 孔的证据和确定海水侵入的意义 =
signed. Lithological characteristics (wide- Discovery of Late Cretaceous foraminifera in
spread Triassic basic volcanic rocks associated the Songliao Basin: Evidence from SK-1 and
with pelagic sediments) and radiolarian con- implications for identifying seawater incur-
tents of these sequences have close similarities sions. (英文). Xi DangPeng; Wan XiaoQiao;
with the sequences of the Alakircay Nappe of Feng ZhiQiang; Li Shun; Feng ZiHui; Jia Ji-
the Antalya Nappes in western and central anZhong; Jing Xia; Si WeiMin. Chinese Sci-
Taurides. ence Bulletin, 2011, 56(3): 253-256
Based on taxonomic studies, 99 taxa have The Songliao Basin is the largest oil-
been determined of which one genus (Adiya- bearing basin in China. In the absence of suf-
manium) and four species (Monocapnuchos- ficient evidence, the possibility of seawater
phaera kocaliensis, Paronaella speciosa, Fer- incursion(s) into the Songliao Basin remains
resium okuyucui and Adiyamanium crassum) controversial. Recently, we discovered rela-
are described as new. tively abundant foraminifera fossils from units
1 and 2 of the Nenjiang Formation of borehole
2011010186 SK-1. Benthic foraminifera (Gavlinella sp.,
俄罗斯东萨哈林山早白垩世放射虫组合 = Anomalinoides sp., Pullenia sp., Haplo-
Early cretaceous radiolarian assemblages from phragmoides sp., Karrorulina hokkaidoana,
the East Sakhalin Mountains. (英文). Kurilov Clavulinoides sp.), as well as planktonic fo-
D V; Vishnevskaya V S. Stratigraphy and raminifera (Archaeoglobigerina blowi, Ar-
Geological Correlation, 2011, 19(1): 47–64. chaeoglobigerina cretacea and Hedbergella
Three-dimensional radiolarian skeletons flandrini), were identified. These fossils were
isolated from rock matrix in HF solution and widely distributed in the marine Cretaceous.

According to the global distribution of the within matrix-supported conglomerate of cal-
above-mentioned planktonic foraminifera, the dera-originated lacustrine deposits in the Up-
age of these fossil bearing strata appears to be per Cretaceous Hiromine Formation, which is
Late Coniacian to Santonian. More impor- mostly composed of volcaniclastic rocks. Age
tantly, these foraminifera provide direct evi- distribution of the limestone fragments is vari-
dence for marine water incursions into the able in comparison with their very rare occur-
Songliao Basin during deposition of the rence. Late Visean, Serpukhovian or early
Lower Nenjiang Formation. Bashkirian, Moscovian, Wordian and Lopin-
gian ages were attached to the fragments
2011010188 based on their age diagnostic foraminifers, in
泰国北部沿 Nan-Uttaradit 缝合带 Nan 地 addition to questionable post-Triassic lime-
区中三叠世放射虫动物群的发现 = Discov- stone cobble. All of these limestone fragments
ery of Middle Triassic radiolarian fauna from are thought to have been derived from the
the Nan area along the Nan-Uttaradit suture Akiyoshi and Maizuru terranes, and have spe-
zone, northern Thailand. ( 英 文 ). Sae- cial paleogeographic and tectonic implications
saengseerung, D; Sashida, K; Sardsud, A. Pa- in relation to the nappe tectonics of the Inner
leontological Research, 2008, 12(4): 397-409 Zone of Southwest Japan.
A Middle Triassic radiolarian fauna is pre-
sent in the siliceous rock section at the Nan 2011010190
area along the Nan-Uttaradit suture zone, 现生织纹虫类放射虫 Eucyrtidium hexago-
northern Thailand. The radiolarian fauna is natum , Pterocorys zancleus 和 Dictyo-
composed of Triassocampe deweveri, T. ni- codon prometheus 的伪足特征和摄食习性
shimurai, Annulotriassocampe campanilis, = Pseudopodial features and feeding behavior
Cenosphaera igoi, and other species and corre- of living nassellarians Eucyrtidium hexago-
sponds to the Anisian (Middle Triassic) Trias- natum Haeckel, Pterocorys zancleus (Muller)
socampe deweveri fauna reported from Japan, and Dictyocodon prometheus Haeckel. (英文).
Hungary, Italy, Austria, Far East of Russia, Sugiyama K; Hori R S; Kusunoki Y; Matsu-
and northern and eastern Thailand. More than oka A. Paleontological Research, 2008, 12(3):
fifteen radiolarian species belonging to eight 209-222
genera are investigated. The radiolarian- Light microscopic studies, using both video
bearing rocks were probably deposited in a imaging and normal camera, were made on
pelagic environment within the Nan-Uttaradit living nassellarian radiolarians Eucyrtidium
back-arc basin between the Simao and Indo- hexagonatum Haeckel, Pterocotys zancleus
china blocks during Middle Triassic time. This (Muller) and Dictyocodon prometheus
suggests that the Nan-Uttaradit back-arc basin, Haeckel from the East China Sea off Okinawa
the Palaeo-Tethys ocean and Panthalassa Island, Japan. Continuous and careful observa-
ocean were probably connected by seaways at tions revealed pseudopodial activity related
this time and might have shared the same oce- mostly to feeding behavior. The results are
anic circulation system. Furthermore, the presented in detail with the definition of 11
complete closure of the Nan-Uttaradit back- descriptive terms for nassellarian pseudopodia.
arc basin between the Simao and the Indo- Among them, terminal projections (TP) ex-
china blocks is thought to have occurred at tending as straight projections from the aper-
least after the Middle Triassic ture of the shell body and forming a conical
structure (terminal cone: TC) and axial projec-
2011010189 tions (XP) prolonged outward from the center
日本兵库姬路北部上白垩统 Hiromine 组灰 of the aperture and proximally surrounded by
岩碎片中的石炭纪和二叠纪的有孔虫 = TP are used for feeding. Although there are
Carboniferous and Permian foraminifers from some minor differences, feeding activities of
limestone fragments contained in the Upper the three species can be subdivided into the
Cretaceous Hiromine Formation in north of following three cyclic phases; Phase I charac-
Himeji, Hyogo, Japan. (英文). Kobayashi F. terized by gradual extension of TP and XP
Paleontological Research, 2008, 12(4): 411- from the aperture, Phase 2 marked by an
418 abrupt withdrawal of TP and XP toward the
Limestone fragments with Late Paleozoic aperture to engulf captured prey, and Phase 3
foraminifers were distinguished at Okusukain during which entangled TP used for capturing
and Aisaka, north of Himeji, Nishi-Harima prey are completely retracted into the aperture.
district, Hyogo, Japan. They are contained These lines of evidence suggest that the shell

aperture plays the same role of a feeding appa- Foraminiferal faunas from the Upper Oligo-
ratus as does a mouth. Interestingly, XP of E. cene Minaminaganuma Formation recovered
hexagonatum sometimes shows abnormal from boreholes of the Yufutsu Oil and Gas
branching, fusion and separation, which is Field and MITI Umaoi located in southern
different from the spumellarian axotlagellum. Hokkaido are characterized exclusively by the
large elphidiids Elphidium mabutii and Cri-
2011010191 broelphidium ombetsuense. They indicate cold
日本兵库相生东北部 Kamade 地区上白垩 water temperatures and an inner to middle
统相生群 Kamade 角砾岩内灰岩碎片中的 sublittoral paleobathymetry. The total organic
晚古生代和中生代有孔虫 = Late Paleozoic carbon (TOC) content and hydrogen index (HI)
and Mesozoic foraminifers contained in lime- values obtained by CHN Corder and Rock-
stone fragments of the Kamade Breccia of the Eval pyrolysis indicate the significant deposi-
Upper Cretaceous Aioi Group from Kamade, tion of organic carbon of phytoplankton origin
in the inner sublittoral condition. Elphidium
northeastern part of Aioi, Hyogo, Japan. (英
mabutii and C. ombetsuense show ubiquitous
文 ). Kobayashi F. Paleontological Re- distribution suggesting high tolerance of these
search, 2008, 12(3): 237-253 two species against environmental stresses
Age distribution and provenance of lime- such as fluctuations in primary productivity
stone fragments contained in the Kamade (nutritional condition). This newly recognized
Breccia of the Upper Cretaceous Aioi Group, shallow marine fauna is located between the
distributed in the western part of Hyogo pre- Eocene-Oligocene Poronai-Momijiyama fauna
fecture, Japan were considered. Among 67 (agglutinated foraminifera dominant) and the
samples examined, 19 are Carboniferous (Ser- Miocene Takinoue fauna (Ammonia domi-
pukbovian to Gzhelian), 20 are Permian nant). A comparison between the thickness of
(Sakmarian to Capitanian), and two are Trias- strata and the range of paleobathymetric
sic (early Anisian). Two samples of conglom- changes in the study area suggests that an
eratic limestone contain both Carboniferous equilibrium between basin subsidence and
and Permian foraminifers. The ages of the sediment accumulation existed to keep this
other 28 samples are indeterminable. Of these area under shallow marine conditions during a
28, four are assumed to be post-Triassic. Car- certain period in the Late Oligocene, which
boniferous and Permian limestone fragments preceded the rifting of the Japan Sea during
and a subductionrelated broken limestone the Early Miocene.
pebble of unknown age are concluded to have
been derived from the Akiyoshi Terrane, and
early Anisian ones from the Maizuru Terrane.
The source of the post-Triassic boulders and 2011010193
cobbles consisting of very fine-grained lime- 脊板内沟珊瑚科的内沟珊瑚(泥盆纪;珊瑚
mudstone cannot be determined because there 类 , 四 射 珊 瑚 目 ) = Zaphrentis and the
is no plausible limestone in Japan from which Zaphrentidae (Devonian; Anthozoa, Rugosa).
they could have been derived. Systematically ( 英 文 ). William A Jr. Oliver. Bulletin of
described fusulinoideans comprise seven spe- American Paleontology, 2007, (373): 46/10
cies of ozawainellids, fusulinids, and schwa-
gerinids. They are Eostaffella kannierai, Eo- 2011010194
staffella yowarenshv, Pseudofusulinella itoi, 上奥陶统和志留纪床板珊瑚纲蜂巢珊瑚科
Rauserites stuckenhergi, Schwageriniformis 珊瑚单体壁的构造及其在地层对比上可能
schwageriniformis, Triticites simplex and 的应用 = Structure of the corallite wall of the
Paraschwagerina sp. This paper is the latest Upper Ordovician and Silurian Favositidae
in a series of works whose aim is a complete (Tabulata) and its possible use in stratigraphic
description of the Hyogo foraminifera.
correlation. ( 英 文 ). Zaika Y. Palae-
oworld, 2010, 19(3-4): 256-267
Based on an analysis of the significant col-
lections of Favositidae (tabulate corals) from
虫 = Oligocene shallow marine foraminifera the Upper Ordovician–Lower Devonian of the
from the subsurface of southern Hokkaido. (英 Taimyr Peninsula, Western Slope of the North
文 ). Hanagata S. Paleontological Re- Urals and the Tchernychev Uplift, this paper
search, 2008, 12(2): 99-118 focuses on the macro- and micro-structurе of
the corallite wall. Seven structural types of the

corallite wall have been recognized; some of Five species are described. Four species
them seem to have a definite stratigraphic belonging to the Leptophyllidae, Montlivaltii-
range. The results contribute to the long-time dae, and Cyathophoridae families are quite
discussion on the applicability of skeletal common in outcrops of an Aptian to Early
structure for systematics of the Favositidae, its Cenomanian age, mainly in the central Tethys
evolutionary implications, and stratigraphic and Western Hemisphere. One species be-
correlation. It has been held that the skeletal longs to the Hemiporitidae family and repre-
structure of the fossilized remains of Favositi- sents only the second colonial coral genus
dae is inapplicable for such purposes because known from the Meandrinina suborder in the
diagenetically, it is secondary, being a product Early Cretaceous, the first being Phyllocoenia.
of mineral replacement of the primary struc- A short account is therefore given of the sub-
ture. In contrast, an assumption is made here order Meandrinina, its history, taxonomic
that the “secondary” skeletal macro- and mi- composition and diversity through the time.
cro-structure may reflect in some way the Due to the low quality of the material and the
“primary” skeleton. As a result, it is proposed availability of only one sample, the material is
that some evidence of evolution of the Favosi- preliminarily assigned to the genus Lam-
tidae may be obtained by evaluating the strati- nastrea, which is herein revised on the basis of
graphic range of favositid representatives pos- thin sections obtained from the type of the
sessing different types of structure of the type species.
corallite wall.
2011010195 日 本 西 南 部 Kurosegawa 地 体 志 留 系
波兰西里西亚中三叠世早期六射珊瑚斑礁 Gionyama 组四射珊瑚侯氏泡沫珊瑚科 =
生长的环境控制 = Environmental controls on Silurian Holmophyllidae (Rugosa) from the
growth of early scleractinian patch reefs Gionyama Formation of the Kurosegawa Ter-
(Middle Triassic; Silesia; Poland). ( 英 文 ). rane, Southwest Japan. (英文). Kido E. Pale-
Morycowa E; Szulc J. Palaeoworld, 2010, ontological Research, 2009, 13(3): 293-306
19(3-4): 382-388 Three rugose species of the family Holmo-
Anisian scleractinian corals are known from phyllidae Wang, 1947 are described for the
the Lower and Middle Muschelkalk of the first time from the Gionyama Formation of the
Cracow-Silesian region, but in bioherms they Kurosegawa Terrane, Southwest Japan. They
occur only in the western part, i.e., in the Up- are Holmophyllum sp., Holmophyllum? sp.,
per Silesian area, in the higher part of the and Labechiellata reguloris (Sugiyama, 1939).
Lower Muschelkalk (Karchowice Beds). Sile- These species are found in the Middle Mem-
sian reefs of Anisian (middle Pelsonian-early ber of the Gionyama Formation, which is Late
Illyrian) age are, so far, the oldest in situ coral Llandovery to Early Ludlow (Silurian) in age.
reefs following the Permian/Triassic extinc- Holmophyllum and Labechiellata are typical
tion. In Anisian time, Silesian corals formed a cosmopolitan genera. The compound holmo-
Tethys marginal reefal rim, separating off- phyllids such as Labechiellata may indicate
shore Tethyan open marine waters from the tropical environments and suggest that ‘Proto-
backreef area (Germanic Basin). The shallow- Japan’ was, like other areas that yield these
water coral-bearing facies capped sponge corals, located in subtropical to tropical lati-
buildups, following a general shallowing trend tudes during the Silurian.
in the basin. Final emersion in the early Illyr-
ian halted coral reef growth. Anisian scler- 2011010198
actinian corals appear to have been 贵州丹寨寒武系牛蹄塘组海绵动物化石及
zooxanthellate, as suggested in Morycowa, 其环境背景 = Sponges From The Early Cam-
1988. brian Niutitang Formation At Danzhai,
Guizhou And Their Environmental Back-
2011010196 ground. (中文). 杨兴莲;赵元龙;朱茂炎;崔滔;
西班牙东南部 Alicante 省 Sierra de Seguili 杨凯迪. 古生物学报, 2010, 49(3): 348-359
地区一小的阿尔布阶珊瑚动物群 = A small 贵州丹寨南皋在寒武纪属于扬子板块深
Albian coral fauna from the Sierra de Seguili
(Alicante province, SE Spain). (英文). Loser
H; Castro J M; Nieto L M. Neues Jahrbuch
fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlun- 海绵动物化石,共 9 属 10 种。文中描述其中
gen, 2010, 255(3): 比较典型的海绵动物化石 5 属 5 种:赫兹海

绵未定种 Hintzespongia sp.,杯形对角海绵 苔 藓 动 物
Diagoniella cyathiformis(Dawson,1889),密集 2011010201
鬃毛状海绵 Saetaspongia densa Mehl and Ordovician Bryozoan Diversity Changes
Reitner in Steiner et al.,1993,大坪三岔五射 And Bearing On The Origin Of Bryozoa =
海 绵 Sanshapentella dapingi Mehl and 奥陶纪苔藓动物的多样性演变——兼论苔
Erdtmann,1994 和羽状光芒海绵 Solactiniella 藓动物的起源. (中文). 夏凤生;马俊业;郝家
plumata Mehl and Reitner in Steiner et 胜. 古生物学报, 2010, 49(2): 139-163
al.,1993。在这套整体缺氧的黑色泥页岩中 苔藓动物是一类多为海生、滤食性的群
有如此多而完整的海绵动物化石的保存,可 体生物。奥陶纪是苔藓动物发生、演化辐
能是由于上涌洋流、水流或海平面的变化 射和灭绝的重要时期,也是苔虫礁形成的最
等导致短暂的充氧事件,加上多幕次的热水 早时期。已知最老的化石苔藓动物发现于
沉积,提供大量食料,从而利于需氧量相对较 中国特马豆克晚期。构成苔藓动物基本分
低的原始后生动物--海绵动物的大量繁盛。 类框架的狭唇纲(包括变口目、隐口目、泡
2011010199 目)也都是在奥陶纪时期逐步形成的,其中,
聚类分析法对镣珊瑚类的修订 = Applica- 变口目出现于特马豆克期 Tr2 时间段,在弗
tion Of Cluster Analysis To Classification Of 洛期和大坪期,多样性较低,但从达瑞威尔期
Cateniporids. (中文). 王光旭;邓占球. 古生物 开始,经桑比期至凯迪期,多样性不断增高,并
学报, 2010, 49(4): 478-486 出现辐射。隐口目(特别是"双叶类隐口目苔
镣珊瑚类是奥陶纪-志留纪地层中常见的 虫")也经历了与变口目相类似的发展过程,
以链状珊瑚复体为特征的一类床板珊瑚,地 但它首次出现的时间要相对略迟于变口
理分布广泛,研究历史较长。但不同学者对 目。这两个目在整个奥陶纪苔藓动物群中
其骨骼构造特征的分类学意义认识不一,使 一直占据主导地位。泡孔目、管孔目和窗
得类群中许多属的定义和范围长期存有争 孔目,先后首次出现在弗洛期 Fl2 时间段、
议。本文结合我国的已发表材料,对镣珊瑚 大坪期 Dp1 和 Dp2 时间段,但它们在整个奥
的分类进行简要讨论,依据隔壁刺的有无将 陶纪期间一直处于低多样性态势。至于栉
镣珊瑚分为 Catenipora 和 Quepora 两属,认 口目,它首次出现的时间可能更迟,在凯迪期
为 Procatenipora 和 Eocatenipora 分别是前 Ka4 时间段,犹如昙花一现。苔藓动物的演
者和后者的同义名。运用聚类分析的方法 化在接近奥陶纪末时呈两幕式灭绝,一次发
对我国镣珊瑚类的种进行修订。 生在凯迪期 Ka2 时间段(可能相当于塔凯和
南特期 Hi2 时间段(可能相当于塔凯和安斯
爱沙尼亚 Saaremaa 地区 Sheinwoosian 期
胞内共生的层孔虫 Cornulites = Endosym-
biotic Cornulites in the Sheinwoosian (Early 2011010202
Silurian) stromatoporoids of Saaremaa, Esto-
nia. ( 英 文 ). Vinn O; Wilson M A. Neues
模的 VPS-硅铸型的制作方法 = Method for
Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Ab-
Making Detailed, SEM-Suitable VPS Silicone
handlungen, 2010, 257(1): 13-22
Casts of Colony Molds from Fossil Bryozoans.
The new ensosymbiotic cornulitic Cornu-
lites stromatoporoides n. sp. represents the (英文). Dick M;Osawa T; Nodasaka Y. Pale-
earliest record of cornulitid endosymbiosis, ontological Research, 2009, 13(2): 193-197
probably reflecting increased pressure by bor- Cheilostomes, the dominant group among
ing and durophagous predators on worms with living bryozoans, appeared in the Late Jurassic
mineral tubes in the Silurian. C. stromatopor- and began to extensively diversify late in the
oides n. sp. has thus far only been found as an Early Cretaceous. Knowledge of the early di-
endosymbiont in stromatoporoids. There is a versification phase comes mostly from fossils
range of one to six, averaging, endosymbiotic from Europe and the USA, but recently Early
C. stromatoporoides n. sp. specimens per in- to Late Cretaceous cheilostomes have proven
fested stromatoporoid in the lower Shein- to be much more common in Japan than pre-
woosian. Large stromatoporoids contain more viously suspected. Modes of preservation in
Cornulites endosymbionts than smaller stro- Japanese material include 1) the exposed col-
matoporoids. ony surface, which is rare, 2) zooidal vertical
walls embedded in matrix, and 3) colony

molds, which are common. Here we illustrate loporinidae sp. indet. The paleoecological sig-
and describe in detail a method adapted from nificance of the bryozoan fauna is discussed.
dental technology to produce from colony The ramose bryozoans Lamottopora and
molds fine-quality vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) Aostipora dominate in the Talacasto section.
silicone casts suitable for scanning electron Some colonies probably lived attached di-
microscopy (SEM). Improvements over previ- rectly to the substrate, while others occur at-
ous methods include the use of paraffin dams, tached to the surface of the abundant sponge
direct use of low-viscosity VPS medium for fauna in the section. The majority of bryo-
casts, and pressure curing. Our method will be zoans at the Cerro Viejo section occur as
useful for any preservational mode leaving epibionts, with bases attached to the surface of
molds or imprints organisms, including bio- sponges. Bryozoans collected in the matrix are
immuration. scarce compared to the Talacasto section, and
comprise a few fragments of ramose bryo-
2011010203 zoans and two small fragments of the reticu-
东欧地台侏罗纪和白垩纪具对称群体结构 late Phylloporinidae sp. indet were recorded
的稀有苔藓虫(狭管苔藓纲) = Rare bryo- exclusively in this locality. The presence of
zoans (Stenolaemata) with bilateral colonies this delicate form in Cerro Viejo is further
from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of the East evidence of the quiet water conditions sug-
European Platform. (英文). Viskova L A. Pa- gested for these levels. Only the laminar form
Nicholsonella occurs in slightly older levels
leontological Journal, 2011, 45(1): 40-51 5 图
(Floian) of the San Juan Formation. The low
版. diversity recorded here shows a slight decoup-
New bryozoans characterized by a bilateral ling with the global pattern. The first local
vertical colonies colonies—Cardioecia refuga radiation (three genera) is minor compared
sp. nov. (Tubuliporida), Elea lyapini sp. nov., with the important radiation that the phylum
E. troshkovensis sp. nov., and E. taylori sp. experienced elsewhere.
nov. (Melicerititida) from Middle Jurassic
(Middle Callovian) of the Moscow region
(Russia), and Biforicula legitima sp. nov.
腕 足 动 物
(Melicerititida) from the Upper Cretaceous 2011010205
(Lower Campanian) of the Southern Donets 哈萨克斯坦中部寒武纪乳房贝目的腕足类
Basin (Ukraine)—are described. All species 新种 = New brachiopod species from the or-
described in this paper belong to genera that der acrotretida from the Cambrian of central
have been recorded for the first time in the Kazakhstan. ( 英 文 ). Koneva S P; Ushatin-
East European Platform. Some morphological skaya G T. Paleontological Journal, 2010,
structures in the colonies of these bryozoans 44(6): 632-643 8 图版.
and some distinctive features of the order Four new brachiopod species from the order
Melicerititida that emphasize the difference of Acrotretida (class Lingulata): Picnotreta
this order from bryozoans of other orders of saryarkensis sp. nov., Stilpnotreta propria sp.
the class Stenolaemata are examined. nov., Anabolotreta firma sp. nov., and
Batenevotreta variabilis sp. nov. are described
2011010204 from the Agyrek Mountains, northeastern
阿根廷前科迪耶拉奥陶纪 Darriwilian 期 Central Kazakhstan from two olistoliths of
San Juan 组苔藓虫 = Darriwilian bryozoans limestones, which contain the uppermost
from the San Juan Formation (Ordovician), Middle and lowermost Upper Cambrian fauna
Argentine Precordillera. (英文). Carrera M G; and are located in the Upper Ordovician olis-
Ernst A. Ameghiniana: Revista de la asocia- tostrome. These new species supplement the
cion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010, 47(3): described earlier brachiopod assemblage from
343-354 this region (Koneva and Ushatinskaya, 2008).
A detailed study is carried out on the taxon- Strong age and intraspecific variability of
omy of the bryozoan fauna from the upper some Kazakh acrotretids is shown.
levels of the San Juan Formation (Darriwilian)
in the Talacasto and Cerro Viejo sections, Ar- 2011010206
gentinean Precordillera. Three bryozoan gen- 古生代的有铰腕足类大灭绝和它们的生态
era are described and two new species are 以及演化结果 = Large extinctions of articu-
erected: Lamottopora multispinosa sp. nov., late brachiopods in the paleozoic and their
Aostipora sanjuanensis sp. nov., and Phyl- ecological and evolutionary consequences. (英

文). Afanasjeva G A. Paleontological Jour- ray microtomograph. (英文). Pakhnevich A V.
nal, 2010, 44(7): 1200-1208 3 图版. Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(9): 1217-
The largest Paleozoic extinctions of articu- 1230 9 图版.
late brachiopods occurred at the Frasnian— Fossil and recent brachiopods were studied
Famennian boundary in the Late Devonian with the aid of a Skyscan 1172 microtomo-
and at the Permian—Triassic boundary. Both graph. The capabilities of this method at dif-
extinctions affected taxa of all levels, includ- ferent stages of studying, X-ray scanning and
ing orders, but differed in scale, course, and producing slices and 3D models are described.
ecological and evolutionary consequences. The method enables the study of punctuation,
The Frasnian—Famennian extinction event microornamentation, and inner structures of
was selective and evolutionary activity after the brachiopod shells and soft tissues. The
the crisis varied in different orders. However, contrast of shell structures of fossil brachio-
in the Early Carboniferous, the brachiopod pods is discussed; it depends on differences in
diversity was mostly restored in comparison the mineral composition of the shell and sur-
with the Devonian maximum. In particular rounding matter. This method allows studying
groups, preadaptation played a role in changes the inner structure of the holotypes of
in diversity and reconstruction of communities. brachiopod species without damaging their
The brachiopod composition at this boundary shells. The data on the efficiency of the
changed sharply. The extinction event at the method are provided.
end of Permian was global and accompanied
by changes in the biota. Later, in the Meso- 2011010209
Cenozoic, the brachiopod diversity was not 阐明瑞典中部锡利扬地区 Boda 石灰岩晚奥
restored, and bivalves acquired primary im- 陶世 pentameride(腕足类)热点 = Unrav-
portance in various bottom communities of elling a Late Ordovician pentameride
different sea zones where Paleozoic brachio- (Brachiopoda) hotspot from the Boda Lime-
pods previously dominated. Extinction of stone, Siljan district, central Sweden. (英文).
brachiopods at this boundary was long and Rasmussen CMO; Ebbestad JOR; Harper
gradual. The symptoms of the ecological crisis DAT. GFF, 2010, 132(3-4): 133-152
in the development of Permian brachiopods The correlation of the uppermost Boda Core
are recognized beginning from the Roadian Member of the Boda Limestone is reassessed
Age, which was probably the onset of this and the beds assigned to the upper Katian.
crisis. This is based on the identification of the
brachiopod species Brevilamnulella kjerulfi
2011010207 (Kiaer) and Amphiplecia tardicostata Wright
中生代有铰腕足类壳体微结构 = Shell mi- Jaanusson from the highest beds in the unit.
crostructure in Mesozoic articulate brachio- The former species is overwhelmingly abun-
pods. (英文). Smirnova T N. Paleontological dant in the uppermost beds of the Boda Core
Journal, 2010, 44(7): 1209-1216 3 图版. Member in Osmundsberget quarry, forming an
The shell microstructure was studied based almost monospecific coquina. Also occurring
on extensive material of Triassic, Jurassic, and in the coquina, is Clorilamnulella osmunds-
Cretaceous brachiopods from the orders bergensis gen. et sp. nov., which ranges into
Rhynchonellida, Terebratulida, and The- the overlying Hirnantian Glisstjarn Formation.
cideida. Evolutionary changes in relationships The new genus is here regarded as a transi-
between the shell layers of thecideids were tional form between Brevilamnulella and
revealed; the narrowing of fibers in historical Clorinda. The oldest occurrence of this latter
development of rhynchonellids was estab- genus is here revised and not found in rocks
lished; the importance of the prismatic layer older than the Aeronian. Instead, previous
for taxonomy was recognized; and differences Rhuddanian occurrences of 'Clorinda' are
in width and shape of fibers within the super- transferred to Clorilamnulella based on a dor-
families of rhynchonellids and terebratulids sal cardinalia that differs from both that of
were determined. Brevilamnulella, as well as that of Clorinda.
Moreover, gigantic shells of a new species of
2011010208 Brevilamnulella, B. umbosulcata sp. nov, are
使用 skyscan 1172 X 射线微照相系统研究 described from the nearby Solberga quarry
化石和现生的腕足类 = Study of fossil and where the species occurs in great abundance in
recent brachiopods, using a skyscan 1172 X- a local fossil pocket, that also is correlated
with the upper Katian. These new virgianid

and clorindoid occurrences, together with pre- the Tethyan province and was possibly re-
viously described occurrences of Holorhyn- stricted to a lower latitude than warm-cool
chus and Costilamnulella, demonstrate that water transitional environment.
during the late Katian, the Boda Limestone
was a virgianid hotspot crucial in the evolu- 2011010212
tion of the earliest pentameroid family, the “判别分析”在修正奥陶-志留系腕足动物劣
Virgianidae, as well as a possible early cradle 扭 月 贝 属 (Katastrophomena) 中 的 应 用 =
for the evolution of the hitherto exclusively The Application Of Discriminant Analysis In
Silurian superfamily, the Clorindoidea. A Study Of Ordovician-Silurian Brachiopod
Genus Katastrophomena. (中文). 黄冰. 古生
物学报, 2010, 49(2): 196-209
日 本 西 南 部 Akiyoshi 地 区 上 二 叠 统
Tsunemori 组腕足动物 = Brachiopods from
the Upper Permian Tsunemori Formation of
the Akiyoshi Area, Southwest Japan, and 行定量统计分析。判别分析是一种重要的
Their Tectonic Implications. (英文). Tazawa J. 分类分析方法,也是动植物分类的主要统计
Paleontological Research, 2009, 13(1): 65-78 学基础。劣扭月贝属(Katastrophomena)与
This study describes a brachiopod fauna, 扭月贝属(Strophomena)虽分别归于扭月贝
consisting of 15 species in 15 genera, from the 科的两个亚科,但它们的特征却很相似,对它
Upper Permian Tsunemori Formation of the 们的属征差异各家观点不一致。经过对国
Akiyoshi area, southwest Japan. The fauna 内 外 文 献 中 归 于 Katastrophomena 与
includes a new species, Cathayspirina magna. Strophomena 两属共计 31 种(其中 3 个亚
The Tsunemori fauna is a Boreal-Tethyan
种,3 个未定种)52 个标本(其中 7 个正型,23
mixed fauna and is closely allied with the Late
Permian (Changhsingian) brachiopod faunas 个副型,6 个亚型,4 个选型)进行统计学上的
of Nabekoshiyama in the South Kitakami Belt, 判别分析,建立判别方程并证明其有效性,将
northeast Japan, and of Kawahigashi in the 两属定量地区分开来,较为科学地明确了它
Maizuru Belt, southwest Japan. Palaeobio- 们的属征差异,确证了 Katastrophomena 属
geographical data derived from the Tsunemori 的分类地位。对 K.(Costistrophomena)与 K.
fauna suggest that the Late Permian accretion (Katastrophomena)两个亚属的壳线频率进
site of the Akiyoshi Terrane, including the 行统计分析,认为两者不存在本质差异,建议
Tsunemori Formation, was located within a
trench along the eastern margin of North
China (Sino-Korea).
2011010211 南中国海现代腕足类 Shimodaia 属一新种
日本东北部南北上川山 Kamiyasse 地区中 = A New Species of the Recent Brachiopod
Genus Shimodaia (Laqueoidea: Terebratulida)
二叠世轮刺贝类腕足动物 Vediproductus
from the South China Sea. ( 英 文 ).
属 = Middle Permian Echinoconchoide
MacKinnon D I; Long S L. Paleontological
Brachiopod Vediproductus in the Kamiyasse Research, 2009, 13(4): 309-317.
Area, Southern Kitakami Mountains, North- A new species of laqueoid brachiopod from
east Japan. (英文). Shiino Y. Paleontological Macclesfield Bank, South China Sea, Shimo-
Research, 2009, 13(3): 251-258 daia macclesfieldensis sp. nov., is described
Three species of the Middle Permian echi- and compared with the Japanese type species
noconchoide brachiopod Vediproductus from of the genus Shimodaia, S. pterygiota
the Kamiyasse area, northeast Japan, V. MacKinnon, Saito, and Endo, 1997. S. mac-
mugenjin sp. nov., V. punctatiformis, and V. clesfieldensis sp. nov. is also compared with
sp., are described, and their paleogeographic Frenulina sanguinolenta (Gmelin), a similarly
significance is discussed. V. mugenjin sp. nov. coloured but generally larger laqueoid which
is characterized as having spine bands on both is widely distributed in the tropical western
the outer and inner surface of the valve, show- Pacific. Since the annular adult loop phase of
ing a strong relief with a comparatively wide Shimodaia is comparable with the juvenile
interval of each band and a typical sawtooth loop phases of other laqueoids, the possibility
outline of spine bands in cross-sectional view. of evolutionary convergence of the two geo-
The stratigraphic and paleogeographic distri- graphically disjunct species from independent
butions suggest that the genus flourished in

preexisting laqueoid stocks cannot be ruled 腕足 Chaoiellinae 新亚科:繁殖系统的种
out entirely. 系发生学研究和位置 = Brachiopods of the
subfamily chaoiellinae subfam. nov.: Phylog-
2011010214 eny and position in the productidin systemat-
新疆西北部准噶尔盆地晚泥盆世小嘴贝类 ics. ( 英 文 ). Lazarev S S. Paleontological
腕 足 动 物 = Late Devonian rhynchonellids Journal, 2011, 45(1): 22–32 3 图版.
(Brachiopoda) from the Junggar Basin, north- Two new tribes Chaoiellini and Rugatiini
western Xinjiang. ( 英 文 ). Chen Xiu-Qin; with smoothed ribs on the disk and late
Yang Zhen. Palaeoworld, 2011, 20(1): 46-60 appearance of high corpus cavity in the
Rhynchonellid brachiopods from the Late phylogeny and ontogeny are distinguished
Devonian (broadly late Frasnian–Famennian) within the new subfamily Chaoiellinae. New
Hongguleleng Formation in the Junggar Basin, genera Altaiproductus and Alpavlia are
northwestern Xinjiang, consist of 12 species considered to be phyletic ancestors of
(six not identified to species-level) in 11 gen- Chaoiella. The latter genus is revised and
era. Three new species are established with redescribed.
the aid of serial sections: Sinotectirostrum
triangularum, Evanescirostrum gracilis and 2011010217
Megalopterorhynchus boulongourensis. Some 帕米尔高原东南部晚二叠世新的 Chonetids
previously reported taxa are revised. (腕足类) = New late Permian Chonetids
(brachiopoda) from Southeastern Pamirs. (英
文). Afanasjeva G A. Paleontological Jour-
nal, 2011, 45(1): 35-39 1 图版.
新材料 = New Material Of Brachiopods From
New chonetid genera and species
The Qiandongian(Lower Cambrian) Balang
Subtilichonetes pamiricus gen. et sp. nov.
Formation,Eastern Guizhou,China. (中文). 彭
(subfamily Undulellinae, family
进 ; 赵 元 龙 ; 秦 琴 ; 闫 旭 ; 马 海 涛 . 古 生物学 Rugosochonetidae) and Parvichonetes
报, 2010, 49(3): 365-379 igrimiusensis gen. et sp. nov. (subfamily
贵州寒武纪黔东世杷榔组腕足动物由 3 Tornquistiinae, family Anopliidae) are
属 3 种组成,其中含 2 新种,均属舌形贝亚门, described from the Takhtabulak Formation,
包括舌形贝类的 Lingulellotreta malongen- Changhsingian Stage of the Upper Permian of
sis(Rong,1974) 、 博 茨 傅 徒 贝 类 的 Southeastern Pamir.
Diandongia circularis sp.nov.和隐孔贝类的
Askepasma transversalis sp.nov.。化石产自
动 物 Intermedites Struve,1995 = Inter-
地 杷 榔 组 中 Arthricocephalus chauveaui- medites Struve,1995(Brachiopoda,Middle De-
Changaspis elongata 三叶虫组合带。杷榔组 vonian)——Discovery Of A South Chinese
腕足动物组合与云南黑林铺组和乌龙箐组 Immigrant In Europe And North Africa. (英
腕足动物组合较为相似,均含有舌形贝类、 文). Schemm-Gregory M. 古生物学报, 2010,
博茨傅徒贝类和神父贝类的代表。起源于 49(4): 425-438
早寒武世筇竹寺期的 Lingulellotreta malon- 在北非和欧洲中西部中泥盆世地层中发
gensis 不仅延伸进入了沧浪铺期,还出现在 现的石燕类属 Intermedites 被认为是从早泥
较深水的陆棚斜坡环境,其演化在区域和时 盆世腕足动物属 Arduspirifer 演化而来,二者
代分布上具有一定的继承性。杷榔组 具有相同的地理分布。将 Intermedites 与来
Diandongia circularis sp.nov.的发现是云南 自欧洲和亚洲(华南和越南)的无窗贝型石燕
早寒武世 Diandongia 腕足动物辐射演化适 类属进行详细比较,发现 Intermedites 应该源
应更宽环境的结果。Askepasma Laurie,1986 于 华 南 的 某 种 类 群 , 如 Rostrospirifer 和
仅见于澳大利亚中部 Amadeus 盆地 Todd Otospirifer,分支分析也支持这一解释。文中
河早寒武世白云岩中,杷榔组该属化石的发 还对相关属进行基于系统切片的三维复原,
现,可扩展其地理分布,增加该属动物分 清楚地显示了这些属在形态上的相似性与
类学的新信息。 差异性。自泥盆纪埃姆斯晚期华南石燕类
2011010216 期间华南腕足动物土著性的丧失。

2011010219 Processes. (英文). Benedetto J L. 古生物学
巴西乌巴托巴湾腕足动物小嘴贝类 报, 2007, 46(增刊): 28-36
Bouchardia rosea 壳的埋葬学:在古环境 特马豆克晚期-弗洛早期生存于前科迪勒
分析中对埋葬特征应用的意义 = Taphon- 拉碳酸盐岩台地的首个腕足动物群落是由
omy of Bouchardia rosea (Rhynchonellifor- 少量机会性的 orthoid 和 porambonitoid 种为
mea, Brachiopoda) shells from Ubatuba Bay, 主。Plectambonitoids 首先出现于地台中部
Brazil: implications for the use of taphonomic
环境中的 P.elegans 带。随后,ɑ 分异度的
signatures in (paleo)environmental analysis.
增加主要来源于 taffiids 的区域多样化以及
( 英 文 ). Rodrigues S C; Simoes M G.
Ameghiniana: Revista de la asociacion Pale- 一些 orthides 在重要海平面上升期间的迁
ontologica Argentina, 2010, 47(3): 373-386 入。后继的与礁有关的相则被低分异度的
This study analyzes taphonomic alteration Monorthis 和 Aporthophyla 组所占据。前科
of brachiopod shells, i.e., Bouchardia rosea 迪勒拉盆地在达瑞威尔期的持续变深使富
(Mawe) from Ubatuba Bay, northern coast of 含 plectambonitoid 的群落迅速重建。由于
Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The average age of 碳酸盐岩台地被淹没,一些小型
the studied shell deposits is 674 years BP. The plectambonitoids、orthides 和 skenidiids 群
underlying hypothesis is that taphonomic sig-
natures are not uniformly distributed along a
bathymetric gradient. Assemblages were sam- 的替换主要控制古生态结构和腕足类组合
pled using a Van Veen grab sampler (31 x 的分类多样性,而丰度在陆棚中部和开放
40cm) along transect of fourteen stations from 陆棚环境中最大。近乎一般的腕足动物 ɑ
zero (beach) to 35 m water depth. Four sedi- 分异度增量来自于 plectambonitoids 在陆棚
mentary environments were recognized: (a) 中部和开放陆棚环境中的多样化。前科迪
beach, (b) protected bay with clay bottom, (c) 勒拉地体的位移实质性地影响了属级及更
protected bay with sandy bottom, and (d) in- 高级别的分类组成。现有的证据表明,当
ner shelf with sandy bottom. All brachiopod
shells (i.e., total fraction including fragments)
from each of the five stations with appreciable Famatina 盆地时群落的迁移速率变高。
accumulations (up to 1607 shells) were inves-
tigated following a protocol of ten taphonomic 2011010221
signatures. Six of these ten taphonomic signa- 斯洛文尼亚西北部 Julian Alps 上三叠统无
tures (articulation, fragmentation, edge altera- 绞腕足类 Discinisca 属的新记录 = New re-
tion, color alteration, bioerosion, and encrusta- cord of the inarticulate brachiopod genus
tion) were homogeneously distributed among Discinisca from the Upper Triassic (Carnian)
studied environments, indicating that these of the Julian Alps, NW Slovenia. (英文). Bit-
general types of taphonomic signatures per se ner M A; Jurkovsed B; Kolar-Jurkovsek T.
are not sensitive to environmental conditions Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie
in this case. On the other hand, shell surface / Abhandlungen, 2010, 257(3): 367-372
texture varied along the bathymetric gradient, The collection represents both ventral and
thus showing a high potential to be used in borsal valves which are relatively large, orna-
taphofacies analyses. Several examples of ta- mented by faint radial lines and growth lines.
phonomic generalizations available in the lit- The described here Discinisca cf. zapfei from
erature are neither applicable nor comparable Slovenia by its delicate radial ornamentation
to our results, which further confirm that resembles D. zapfei from the Upper Triassic
overgeneralizations should be avoided in ta- of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria, dif-
phonomic studies. fering in the position of the apex.

2011010220 2011010222
阿根廷西部前科迪勒拉地体下-中奥陶统碳 日本西南部九洲中部 Mizukoshi 组二叠纪
酸盐岩地台的腕足动物序列:一个环境、 腕足动物: 系统描述、古生物地理和大地构
生物地理和演化过程之间互相作用的实例 造意义 = Permian brachiopods from the Mi-
= Brachiopod Succession In The Lower- Mid- zukoshi Formation, central Kyushu, SW Japan:
dle Ordovician Carbonate Platform Of The Systematics, palaeobiogeography and tectonic
Precordillera Terrane,Western Argentina:An implications. ( 英 文 ). Tazawa J I. Paleon-
Example Of Interplay Between Environ- tological Research, 2008, 12(1): 37-61
mental,Biogeographic And Evolutionary

This study describes a brachiopod fauna, strongly expressed affinities with eastern Pa-
consisting of 22 species in 19 genera, from the cific areas with Eolytoceras. Nevertheless the
Upper Permian (Lopingian) Mizukoshi For- Early Jurassic of New Caledonia essentially
mation in the Mizukoshi area of central Kyu- reveals a strong endemism due to the presence
shu, southwest Japan. The fauna includes of ammonites like Kammerkarites paucico-
three new species: Anidanthus mizukoshiensis, statum (Avias) and Ectocentrites thibaudi nov.
Terrakea yanagidai and Rhynchopora matsu- sp. and to some New Zealand ammonites like
motoi. The Mizukoshi fauna is a Boreal- Murihikuites mackellari Stevens or Ne-
Tethyan mixed fauna allied with the Middle vadaphyllites (?) pounamuus Stevens. More
Permian brachiopod faunas of central Japan ubiquitous forms like Arnioceras aff. bodleyi
(Rida Gaien Belt), northeast Japan (South Ki- (Buckman) and Phylloceras (?) cf. psilomor-
takami Belt) and eastern Russia (South Pri- phum Neumayr are also present.
morye). Palaeobiogeographical data on the
Mizukoshi fauna suggest that during the Mid- 2011010225
dle-Late Permian the Mizukoshi area was lo- 日本西南部神户城始新世 Tainohata 组软
cated between the Hida Gaien region to the 体动物 = Eocene Mollusca from the Taino-
north and the South Kitakami region to the hata Formation in Kôbe City, Southwest Japan.
south, bordering the eastern margin of North (英文). Matsubara T; Kurita H; Matsuo H.
China (Sino-Korea). This conclusion supports Paleontological Research, 2010, 14(2): 119–
a strike-slip model that describes large-scale 144
sinistral strike-slip movement along the Tana- The Tertiary Tainohata Formation of the
kura Tectonic Line (TTL)-Median Tectonic Kôbe Group has yielded 10 species of Gastro-
Line (MTL) from the Early Cretaceous to poda and 19 species of Bivalvia. The forma-
Palaeogene. tion is of late Middle Eocene age on the basis
of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblage and ra-
软 体 动 物 diometric data. The occurrences of the genera
2011010223 Trinacria, Vicarya, and Sulcobuccinum
软 体 动 物 腹 足 类 新 名 Cerithium harz- strongly support an Eocene age for the Taino-
hauseri 为 Cerithium (Ptychocerithium) hata Formation. The molluscan fauna shows
archiaci Vredenburg, 1928 而非 Cerithium high endemism at the species level, whereas it
archiaci Hébert and Renevier, 1854 的新的 is characterized by Tethyan—Indo-West Pa-
cific genera. Two indigenous molluscan as-
替换名 = Cerithium harzhauseri nom. nov., a
semblages, Potamides-Cyclina and Corbicula,
New Replacement Name for Cerithium
were discriminated. The composition of these
(Ptychocerithium) Archiaci Vredenburg, 1928,
assemblages compares with those of the Neo-
non Cerithium archiaci Hébert and Renevier,
gene intertidal assemblages in embayments.
1854 (Mollusca: Gastropoda). (英文). Matsu- This fact indicates that “temporal parallelism”
bara T. Paleontological Research, 2010, 14(1): in the shallow embayment assemblages can be
81-82 traced back to the late Middle Eocene age in
the Japanese Islands.
2011010224 The following 10 new species are proposed
新喀里多尼亚(西太平洋法属海外领地) herein: Potamides huzitai sp. nov., Cerithid-
早侏罗世(赫塘阶-新涅缪尔阶)菊石 = eopsilla hondai sp. nov., Crepidula taino-
Early Jurassic (Hettangian - Sinemurian) hataensis sp. nov., Cantharus (s.l.) andoi sp.
Ammonites from New Caledonia (French nov., Barbatia nodal sp. nov., Trinacria nip-
Overseas Territory, Western Pacific). (英文). ponica sp. nov., Trapezium (Neotrapezium)
Meister C; Maurizot P; Grant-Mackie J A. kobe sp. nov., Tellina (Gastranopsis?) su-
Paleontological Research, 2010, 14(2): 85- maensis sp. nov., Corbicula (Corbicula) uejii
118 sp. nov., and Pitar ozakii sp. nov.
Seventeen ammonite taxa are described and
placed in their biostratigraphic framework 2011010226
which covers parts of the Hettangian and 日本北海道土仑阶头足类鞘形亚纲
Early Sinemurian ages. They show on the one Vampyromorphida 目 Nanaimoteuthis 属新
hand strong paleogeographic affinities with 种的颚 = Jaws of a New Species of Nanai-
the western Tethys [Ectocentrites, Paradasy- moteuthis (Coleoidea: Vampyromorphida)
ceras and Angulaticeras (Sulciferites) cf. from the Turonian of Hokkaido, Japan. (英文).
marmoreum Oppel] and, at the same time, less

Tanabe K; Hikida Y. Paleontological Re- Conoteuthis cannot be a potential stem-group
search, 2010, 14(2): 145-150 of the Sepiida and/or Spirulida.
A new Late Cretaceous vampyromorphid
coleoid, Nanaimoteuthis yokotai sp. nov. is 2011010228
described on the basis of two lower jaws re- 白垩纪菊石 Takahashia 属的分类位置和起
covered from the Turonian of Hokkaido, Ja- 源 = Systematic Position and Origin of the
pan. The lower jaw of this new species con- Cretaceous Ammonoid Genus Takahashia. (英
sists of equally sized outer and inner lamellae,
文). Shigeta Y; Hoffmann R; Izukura M. Pa-
and the crest portion of the latter is wholly
leontological Research, 2010, 14(3): 196-201
covered by the former. The maximum length
A second specimen of Takahashia
of the outer lamella in the holotype attains
eureka Matsumoto, 1984, from the lowest
63.7 mm, suggesting a remarkably large body
Cenomanian in the Hobetsu area of Hokkaido
size of the living animal. The new specimens
(Northern Japan), is described, and the diag-
reported herein and other occurrences of
nosis of the taxon is revised following a care-
cephalopod jaws and gladii which were previ-
ful reexamination of the holotype. The pres-
ously described from Hokkaido (Japan) and
ence of partially developed, minutely crinkled
Vancouver Island (Canada) demonstrate the
ribs on the shell implies that Takahashia had a
existence of a comparatively highly diverse
close phylogenetic relationship with the long-
coleoid fauna including -in some cases excep-
ranging taxon Lytoceras (upper Sinemurian-
tionally large- specimens of the Teuthida,
Cenomanian), and we therefore assign it to the
Vampyromorphida, Cirroctopodida, Octopo-
subfamily Lytoceratidae of the family Lyto-
dida, and Sepiida in the Late Cretaceous North
ceratidae. Evolution of Takahashia from Lyto-
ceras supports the existence of a unique fauna
in the North Pacific at the Albian-Cenomanian
日本北海道晚白垩世土仑期首个 Diplobelid transition.
鞘形类 = The First Diplobelid Coleoid from
the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) of Hokkaido 2011010229
(Japan). (英文). Fuchs D; Niko S. Paleon- 日本北海道和美国阿拉斯加马斯特里赫特
tological Research, 2010, 14(3): 169-178 阶菊石 Gaudryceras izumiense 及其生物地
Outcrops of the Turonian Saku Formation 层意义 = Gaudryceras izumiense Matsumoto
in the Obira region of Hokkaido (northern and Morozumi, a Maastrichtian Ammonoid
Japan) have yielded two breviconic phragmo- from Hokkaido and Alaska and Its Biostrati-
cones that represent a previously unknown graphic Implications. (英文). Shigeta Y; Ta-
species of Conoteuthis, a comparatively well nabe K; Izukura M. Paleontological Re-
known genus of diplobelid coleoids. The se- search, 2010, 14(3): 202-211
lected holotype of Conoteuthis hayakawai sp. Gaudryceras izumiense Matsumoto and
nov. preserves a spherical protoconch that Morozumi, 1980, an ammonoid of early
deviates slightly from the longitudinal axis of Maastrichtian age, occurs frequently in the
the phragmocone and is the first record of a Izumi Group in the Izumi Mountains, South-
protoconch in Conoteuthis. Conoteuthis haya- west Japan. Described herein are two speci-
kawai sp. nov. differs only slightly from the mens referable to this species that were re-
type species Conoteuthis dupiniana from the cently collected from the Hakobuchi Forma-
Hauterivian-Aptian of Europe and tion of the Yezo Group in the Hobetsu area,
Conoteuthis azizi Fuchs et al. from the Ceno- Hokkaido and from the Matanuska Formation
manian of southeastern India through its in the southern Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska.
weakly developed dorsal saddles. Conoteuthis In the past, a precise biostratigraphic correla-
hayakawai sp. nov. is the youngest report as tion of the uppermost Cretaceous in the North
well as the first record of the Diplobelida from Pacific realm has been difficult because of the
the Paleopacific. This new find considerably lack of common zonal-index taxa, but the dis-
extends the stratigraphical and geographical covery of G. izumiense in Hokkaido and
occurrence of the Diplobelida. Phylogeneti- Alaska has made it possible to correlate lower
cally, the genus Conoteuthis is considered to Maastrichtian strata in these localities with
be an isolated group within the Diplobelida. coeval strata in Southwest Japan. Gaudry-
With respect to the controversial origin of the ceratid ammonoids are fairly abundant in the
Sepiida and Spirulida, morphological com- uppermost Cretaceous of the North Pacific
parisons have shown that the genus realm, and consequently, they are ideal taxa

for the establishment of a precise biostrati- be utilizable for paleoenvironmental analysis
graphic correlation framework for the upper- of terrestrial to freshwater microhabitats.
most Cretaceous in this vast area.
2011010230 越南中部清和省中三叠世 Quy Lang 组菊
美 国 得 克 萨 斯 晚 石 炭 世 头 足 类 石 Balatonites 属的发现 = Discovery of the
Brachycycloceras? spectrum 再评估 = Re- Middle Triassic Ammonoid Balatonites in the
evaluation of the Late Carboniferous cephalo- Quy Lang Formation, Thanh Hoa Province,
pod, Brachycycloceras? spectrum Hansman, Central Vietnam. (英文). Shigeta Y; Komatsu
1965 from Texas, USA. ( 英 文 ). Niko S; T; Nguyen Dinh Huu; Dang Tran Huyen;
Mapes R H. Paleontological Research, 2010, Iwakiri N. Paleontological Research, 2010,
14(4): 227-232 14(4): 244-249
New material of the Virgilian (Upper Car- The discovery of Balatonites sp. in the
boniferous) nautiloid cephalopod Brachycy- lower part of the Quy Lang Formation in the
cloceras? spectrum Hansman, 1965, from the Lang Nuoc area, Thanh Hoa Province, Central
Necessity Shale and the Finis Shale (the type Vietnam establishes that this portion of the
stratum of this species) members of the Gra- formation is of late Middle Anisian age. This
ham Formation in Texas, has prompted a re- ammonoid's cooccurrence with Costatoria
evaluation of this insufficiently described spe- goldfussi mansuyi and Trigonodus tonkinensis
cies. On the basis of morphologic differences suggests that this widely distributed bivalve
between the present material and Brachycy- assemblage in Asian shallow marine facies is
cloceras normale Miller, Dunbar and Condra, at least partly of late Middle Anisian age, and
1933, the type species of the genus, the spe- its discovery may provide an important key
cies is transferred from its previous placement for the establishment of a precise biostrati-
with reservation to the orthoceratid genus graphic framework for the Middle Triassic of
Cryptocycloceras Shimansky, 1968 as C. Asia.
spectrum (Hansman, 1965). Specimens of
Cryptocycloceras have been recovered from 2011010233
Russia, and an older, related genus Hidamich- 斯匹次卑尔根 Volgian 阶菊石和地层新资
elinoceras Niko, 2000 has been recovered in 料 = New data on ammonites and stratigraphy
Japan. of the Volgian stage in Spitzbergen. (英文).
Rogov M A. Stratigraphy and Geological
2011010231 Correlation, 2010, 18(5): 505-531
日本早白垩世 Tetori 群 Kuwajima 组陆生 The stratigraphy of the Volgian in Spitzber-
和淡水肺螺腹足类 = Terrestrial and Fresh- gen is refined based on the new fossil collec-
water Pulmonate Gastropods from the Early tions. The lower Volgian is poorly character-
Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation, Tetori ized by ammonites being not subdivided into
Group, Japan. (英文). Isaji S. Paleontological zones, and the only recognized stratigraphic
Research, 2010, 14(4): 233-243 unit within it are the Beds with Paravirgatites
Five species of pulmonate gastropods are sp. in the upper part of the lower Volgian. The
described from the fluvial deposits of the Pavlovia rugosa, Dorsoplanites ilovaiskii,
Early Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation (Tetori Crendonites anguinus, and Praechetaites ex-
Group) of Shiramine district, Hakusan City, oticus zones, the antiquus, erschovae, sachsi,
Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan. Gyraulus sokolovi, laevigatus, and lambecki faunal ho-
sp., Aplexa kasekikabe sp. nov. and Zap- rizons, and Beds with Laugeites cf. gro-
tychius kuwajimaensis sp. nov. appear to be enlandicus are recognized for the first time in
inhabitants of the marginal zone in shallow the middle Volgian of Spitzbergen. Two suc-
lakes. Pseudarinia wangyingensis and Te- cessive levels are identified in the upper Vol-
toripupa costata gen. et sp. nov. are land gian Craspedites okensis Zone characterized
snails that probably inhabited vegetated by differing morphotypes of Craspedites
swamps located near shallow lakes. T. costata okensis. The Craspedites taimyrense Zone is
is the earliest record of the stylommatophoran proposed instead of the Craspedites nodiger
pulmonate clade Pupilloidea. This fauna con- Zone. No ammonites of the terminal Volgian
tains a common and closely related species to Chetaites chetae Zone have so far been found
the Jehol molluscan fauna from the Early Cre- in Spitzbergen. New species of Epivirgatites
taceous of northern China, and also appears to sokolovi sp. nov., E. laevigatus sp. nov.,
Praechetaites erschovae sp. nov., and P. con-

fusus sp. nov. are described. The diagnosis of in Siberia and East Europe there are species in
the genus Praechetaites is expanded. common C. elatmae (Nik.), C. frearsi (Orb.),
C. tolype Buck., and C. emelianzevi Vor.; cer-
2011010234 tain ammonite zones of Siberian succession
关于伏尔加阶 Praechetaites exoticus 带的 are directly correlated with the East European,
位置 = On position of the Praechetaites exoti- East Greenland and standard zonations. It is
cus Zone in the Volgian Stage. (英文). Mele- concluded that the lower Callovian is com-
dina S V; Alifirov A S; Shurygin B N. Strati- pletely represented in Siberia. The lower part
graphy and Geological Correlation, 2010, of the interval, formerly attributed to the mid-
18(5): 550-554 dle Callovian, represents the upper part of the
The stratigraphic position of the lower Callovian Substage. Zones established
Praechetaites exoticus Zone in the Volgian in the lower Callovian succession of Siberia
Stage is discussed in the context of published are contiguous, whereas equivalents of the
suggestions to place this unit in the middle Elatmae Subzone and Tschernyschewi Zone
Volgian Substage. have not been distinguished in sections of East
Greenland. Evolutionary trends of species in
2011010235 subfamily Cadoceratinae are preliminary dis-
生 = Phylogeny and evolution of ontogeny of 2011010237
the family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958 (Mol- 下侏罗统普林斯巴阶和亚阶界线世界范围
lusca: Bivalvia). (英文). Lutikov O A; Temkin
菊石对比 = Worldwide ammonite correlation
I E; Shurygin B N. Stratigraphy and Geologi-
at the Pliensbachian Stage and Substage
cal Correlation, 2010, 18(4): 376-391
Boundaries (Lower Jurassic). (英文). Meister
We described ontogenies and reconstructed
morphogeneses of hinges in some supraspeci- C. Stratigraphy, 2010, 7(1): 83-101
fic taxa of the bivalve family Oxytomidae The present paper is an inventory of the
Ichikawa, 1958 from the Mesozoic of Russia. biostratigraphical ammonite data at the
The phylogeny of the family is reconstructed boundaries of the Sinemurian and Pliensba-
using evolutionary and cladistic methods. The chian Stages and of the Lower-Upper Pliens-
appearance of the endemic genus Arctotis bachian Substages. Sinemurian and Pliensba-
Bodylevsky, 1960 in the epicontinental seas of chian Stages belong to the Early Jurassic (Lias)
Siberia can be explained in terms of gradual and the age of their boundary is 190 my. fol-
transformations of the ligament and byssal lowing the last version of the Geologic Time
apparatus in the Northern Siberian members scale compiled by Walker and Geissman
of Praemeleagrinella Lutikov et Shurygin, (2009). Since 2006, the Global boundary Stra-
2009 and Praearctotis Lutikov et Shurygin, totype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base
2009. of the Pliensbachian Stage is formally defined
at Wine Haven in Yorkshire Coast (UK). This
2011010236 level coincides with the ammonite association
Bifericeras donovani Dommergues and
西伯利亚北部下卡洛夫阶新的菊石分带 =
Meister and Apoderoceras sp. which define
New ammonite zonation of the lower Call-
the base of the Taylori Sub-chronozone of the
ovian in North Siberia. (英文). Knyazev V G; Jamesoni Chronozone. For the Lower-Upper
Kutygin R V; Meledina S V. Stratigraphy and Pliensbachian boundary, estimated at 186.5
Geological Correlation, 2010, 18(4): 392-410 my. there is no formal definition with a GSSP
The lower Callovian succession observable until now. Several options remain open as
in cliffs of Anabar Bay and Bolshoi Begichev well in the Euroboreal Domain (Hebrides,
Island is described with consideration of zonal Yorshire, Dorset in UK, Causses Basin in
subdivisions and beds with ammonites. The France, Cordillera Iberica in Spain, Lusitanian
unified summary biozonation suggested for Basin in Portugal) as in the Tethyan Domain
North Siberia includes the Cadoceras elatmae (Subbeticas in Spain, Apennines in Italy, Ba-
Zone with C. frearsi and C. elatmae (instead kony in Hungary). Worldwide correlations
former C. anabarense) subzones, subsequent (Euroboreal, Tethyan and East Pacific Do-
C. tschernyschewi and C. tolype zones, and mains) at these boundaries are proposed based
successive C. cf. sublaeve, Rondiceras mi- on ammonites after critical review of their
laschevici, and Cadoceras ex gr. durum (for- taxonomy and biostratigraphy. Indeed for
merly part of the middle Callovian) beds. As Lower Jurassic, ammonites represent the best

fossil group for precise biostratigraphy and mation of Central Iran. (英文). Zakharova Yu
correlation and that is why the standard D; Abnavi N M; Yazdi M; Ghaedi M. Paleon-
chronostratigraphic framework (at zonal level) tological Journal, 2010, 44(6): 614-621 4 图
has been based on them since Oppel (1856-58). 版.
New ammonoid species of the genus Ar-
2011010238 axoceras (A. abarquense sp. nov. and A. ira-
早提塘阶菊石属 Virgatosimoceras 的修正 nense sp. nov.) are described from the Early
和对比价值 = The Early Tithonian (Late Ju- Dzhulfian (Early Wuchiapingian) beds of the
rassic) ammonite genus Virgatosimoceras Hambast Formation of Central Iran (Abade).
Spath (Ammonoidea: Simoceratidae) - revi- The data on the distribution of Paraceltites
sion and value for correlation. (英文). Scherz- (Paraceltites sp.) and Vedioceras (V. umbono-
inger A; Fozy I; Parent H. Neues Jahrbuch fur varum Ruzhencev), for the first time discov-
Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlun- ered in the Dzhulfian beds of Abade, and of
gen, 2010, 256(2): 195-212 Eoaraxoceras are provided. The correlation of
New findings of the Early Tithonian genus the Late Permian assemblages of ammonoids
Virgatosimoceras from Hungary confirm the of Iran and Transcaucasia is amended.
existence of a new chronospecies (Virgatosi-
moceras dunaii n. sp.) which fills the gap be- 2011010241
tween V. albertinum and V. rothpletzi. All fig- 俄 罗 斯 地 台 Volgian 阶 上 部 菊 石
ured records of Virgatosimoceras are revised. Kachpurites = Late Volgian Kachpurites
Micro- and macroconchs are tentatively dis- Spath (Craspeditidae, Ammonoidea) of the
tinguished for the first time. Similarities be- Russian platform. (英文). Mitta V V. Paleon-
tween Virgatosimoceras and some homoeo- tological Journal, 2010, 44(6): 622-631 5 图
morphic perisphinctids are discussed. Based
on the known records, is concluded that the
Ammonites of the genus Kachpurites are
genus was restricted to the western Tethys.
characteristic of the lower part of the Upper
Volgian Substage of the Russian Platform. K.
fulgens fulgens (Trautschold), K. fulgens
伊朗晚三叠世 Nayband 组腹足类及其与其
tscheremkhensis Mitta et al., K. subfulgens
它特提斯动物群的关系并兼评三叠纪腹足 (Nikitin) are established in the fulgens zone.
类的躯体尺寸问题 = Gastropods from the The genus Kachpurites also includes ammon-
Late Triassic Nayband Formation (Iran), their ites previously described as Anivanovia mola
relationships to other Tethyan faunas and re- Kiselev. The holotype of Volgidiscus singu-
marks on the Triassic gastropod body size laris Kiselev belongs to K. mola, wheras some
problem. ( 英 文 ). Nutzel A; Mannani M; of its paratypes belong to Craspedites krylovi
Senowbari-Daryan B; Yazdi M. Neues Jahr- Prigorovsky. The generic name Anivanovia
buch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhand- Kiselev, 2003 is considered as a junior subjec-
lungen, 2010, 256(2): 213-228 tive synonym Kachpurites Spath, 1924. The
A collection of marine gastropods consists beds with Kachpurites mola are in the basal
of 67 specimens representing 11 species (two part of the Upper Volgian subditus Zone. Spe-
species are new: Cryptaulax? hautmanni and cies of the genus Kachpurites are described,
Rhynchocerithium esfahanense). Species rich- and macro- and microconchs are established
ness, diversity indices as well as rarefaction within the species.
analysis suggest a comparatively low diversity.
The gastropods from the Cassian Formation 2011010242
are smaller than two centimetres. However, 前寒武纪软体动物发生的古生物学证据 =
the Cassian gastropod fauna is not necessarily Paleontological evidence for the supposed
dwarfed or stunted because a small size is not precambrian occurrence of mollusks. (英文).
unusual for gastropods and even the majority Ivantsov A Yu. Paleontological Journal, 2010,
of extant gastropod species is smaller than 1-2 44(12): 1552-1559 3 图版.
cm. The paper discusses a group of the Late
Vendian fossils supposedly related to mol-
2011010240 lusks. The fossils include imprints with some
伊朗中部 Hambast 组晚二叠世 Dhulfian 阶 anatomical characteristics of mollusks, traces
菊石新种 = New species of Dzhulfian (Late resembling scratch marks left by radula, and
Permian) ammonoids from the Hambast For- structures resembling soft shells. Kimberella

quadrata, which is represented by all the Wildi W. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.
above kinds of fossils was most likely a tro- Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(3):
chophore animal of a pre-molluscan evolu- 335-351
tionary stage. Remains of Armillifera parva Two additional Early Sinemurian ammonite
and Solza margarita only slightly resemble specimens are also studied and all the Early
shells, and in the absence of the knowledge on and middle Lower Jurassic ammonites col-
the soft body of these animals there are no lected earlier in this area and illustrated in the
enongh evidences affiliate them with mollusks. literature are included in order to clarify the
biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical
2011010243 framework. The Late Hettangian Moroccan
现生鹦鹉螺的体管结构及其与马达加斯加 assemblage which includes Angulaticeras
岛中生代鹦鹉螺和菊石的体管的比较 = marmoreum and Paracaloceras haueri is
Siphuncular structure in the Recent Nautilus, close to the coeval faunas which have been
compared with that in Mesozoic nautilids and known since the 19th century in several fa-
ammonoids from Madagascar. (英文). Mutvei mous fossiliferous localities of the Northern
H; Dunca E; Weitschat W. GFF, 2010, 132(3- Calcareous Alps.
4): 161-166
The connecting ring in the Recent Nautilus 节 肢 动 物
is composed of two layers: a fibrous, organic 2011010245
inner layer, and a porous, spherulitic-prismatic 欧洲化石淡水蟹概述 = Synopsis of the fossil
outer layer. The organic layer is an uncalcified freshwater crabs of Europe (Brachyura; Pota-
continuation from the nacreous layer of the moidea; Potamidae). (英文). Klaus S; Gross
septal neck. In the Mesozoic nautilids Cyma- M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaon-
toceras and Paracenoceras from Madagascar, tologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(1): 39-59
that have the Nautilus type of siphuncles, the All eight species are assigned to the genus
inner fibrous-organic layer of the connecting Potamon (Potamidae). There is no morpho-
ring has been destroyed by diagenesis. The logical evidence for a closer relationship with
outer spherulitic-prismatic layer is twice as African potamonautids. The oldest known
thick as in Nautilus, which indicates that, in European freshwater crab is Potamon
addition to jet-powered swimming, they also quenstedti from Engelswies in southern Ger-
used short-term buoyancy changes for vertical many. The last occurrence of potamids in
migrations, and that the mode of life of these Central Europe prio to the Pleistocene is re-
nautilids was somewhat different from that of corded in the Vienna Basin. In Italy freshwa-
the Recent Nautilus. Moreover, the Madagas- ter crabs (Potamon castelinense) are docu-
car nautilids lack the auxiliary ridge by which mented well before the presumed postglacial
the connecting ring in Nautilus is firmly at- invasion of extant Potamon fluviatile. The
tached to the inner surface of the preceding latest Pliocene-Pleistocene species Potamon
septal neck. The siphuncle in Nautilus can antiquum from northern Hungary probably
therefore withstand a much higher hydrostatic represents extinct populations of Potamon
pressure than that in the fossil nautilids that ibericum at the northern limit of its range.
lacked this deposit. In ammonoids the fibrous-
organic layer of the connecting ring has a 2011010246
solid, semi elastic structure. In all 11 ammon- 蜘蛛化石的形态定量学识别:评论 = Mor-
oid taxa from Madagascar here studied, this phometric identification of fossil spiders:
layer is preserved whereas the nautilids from Comment. (英文). Penney D; Langan A M.
the same stratigraphic horizons have lost this Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(6): 644-
layer. This clearly indicates that the fibrous- 648
organic layer of the connecting ring in nau- Kinchloe Roberts et al. (2008) proposed a
tilids is chemically different from that in am- technique, using outline-morphometric and
monoids. linear analyses to permit identification of spi-
der compression fossils to family level. This
2011010244 work focussed on fossil spiders from the
地中海特提斯地区晚赫塘期菊石的罕现 = Florissant Formation, Colorado, but the aim
A rare occurrence of Late Hettangian ammon- was to investigate a technique that would be
ites (Angulaticeras and Paracaloceras) in the broadly applicable to any compression fossil
Mediterranean Tethys (Rif, Northern Mo- deposit. Essentially, what they were trying to
rocco). (英文). Dommergues J-L; Meister C; accomplish was a shortcut for use in identify-

ing fossil spiders to family. While their claims et sp. nov. (Miocene)], Stenopelmatidae [Sii-
are promising, the methodology they used was nae: Electrosia baltica, gen. et sp. nov. (Eo-
not without its limitations and the aim of our cene); Gryllacridinae: Plesiolarnaca prior,
paper is to discuss these and add further in- gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene)] and Tridactylidae
sights in order to put the application of this [Mongoloxyinae: Birmitoxya intermedia, gen.
technique into a more appropriate context than et sp. nov. (Upper Cretaceous). The Eocene
that originally claimed. species Lipotactes martynovi Zeun. and L.
bispinatus Weidn. are transferred to the genus
2011010247 Eomortoniellus Zeun. (Tettigoniidae: Tym-
驼金龟科(鞘翅目:金龟总科)的类金龟 panophorinae); Prorhaphidophora zeuneri
子甲 虫中生代分 类群 = On the Mesozoic Chop. and P. tachycinoides Chop. are trans-
taxa of scarabaeoid beetles of the family Hy- ferred to the genus Protroglophilus Gor.
bosoridae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). (英文). (Rhaphidophoridae: Protroglophilinae). The
Nikolajev G V. Paleontological Journal, 2010, Eocene species E. handlirschi Zeun., species
of the genus Protroglophilus, and a possible
44(6): 649-653 2 图版.
member of the genus Succinotettix Piton
Three new species of scarabaeoid beetles of
(Tetrigidae: Tetriginae), as well as a Miocene
the family Hybosoridae are described in the
representative of the genus Archaeoellipes
new genus Protohybosorus, gen. nov. from the
Heads (Tridactylidae: Tridactylinae) are also
Middle-Upper Jurassic of Kazakhstan
(Karatau-Mikhailovka locality). The Lower
Cretaceous species Geotrupoides fortus Ren,
Zhu et Lu, 1995 (Inner Mongolia, China) is
爱沙尼亚 Osmussaar 岛奥陶纪沉积侵入中
transferred to the genus Leptosorus Nikolajev,
2006. 丰富和不均匀的介形亚纲动物群化石诠释
一次撞击事件 = Rich and heterogeneous fos-
2011010248 sil ostracod fauna in the Ordovician sediment
哈萨克斯坦侏罗纪(鞘翅目:毛象科) intrusions at Osmussaar Island, Estonia, re-
Arnoldibelus Leg.属的 curculionoid 甲虫综 veals an ancient impact event. (英文). Tinn O;
述 = Review of curculionoid beetles of the Meidla T; Ainsaar L; Kivioja K. GFF, 2010,
genus Arnoldibelus Leg. from the Jurassic of 132(3-4): 201-211
Carbonate quartz-sandstone intrusions,
Kazakhstan (Coleoptera: Nemonychidae). (英
penetrating the brecciated limestone of the
文 ). Legalov A A. Paleontological Jour- Volkhov and Kunda Stages (Dapingian-early
nal, 2010, 44(6): 654-656 1 图版. Darriwilian) in the northwestern part of Esto-
The genus Arnoldibelus is reviewed. Two nia have been posing questions about their
new species, A. zherichini and A. gratshevi, genesis for more than a century. The intru-
closely related to A. karatavicus, from the sions contain a rich, diverse and well pre-
Middle-Late Jurassic of the Karatau Moun- served ostracod fauna, which is extremely
tains are described. An identification key to heterogeneous and shows associations of spe-
species of the genus Arnoldibelus is provided. cies from different habitats or facies zones.
The ostracod fauna in the intrusions refers to
2011010249 rapid horizontal mixing and displacement of a
化石树脂中鲜为人知的直翅类昆虫(多新 thick layer of bottom sediments, possibly re-
翅部)新种:交流 4 = New and little-known sulting from a yet unknown impact event.
orthopteroid insects (Polyneoptera) from fossil
resins: Communication 4. (英文). Gorochov A 2011010251
V. Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(6): 657- 苏格兰西南部碳酸盐岩相晚奥陶世(凯迪
671 6 图版. 期)介形类 = Ostracods from Upper Ordovi-
New taxa of Ensifera and Caelifera orthop- cian (Katian) carbonate lithofacies in south-
terans (Insecta, Orthoptera), from the families west Scotland. (英文). Mohibullah M; Afzal J;
Gryllotalpidae [Marchandiinae, subfam. nov. Williams M; Meidla T; Siveter D J; Zal-
(Lower Cretaceous)], Haglotettigoniidae asiewicz J A. Geological Magazine, 2010,
[?Haglotettigonia aenigmatosa, sp. nov. 147(6): 919-939
(Lower Cretaceous)], Tettigoniidae [Mecone- The Ordovician Craighead Limestone For-
matinae: Archixizicus occidentalis, gen. et sp. mation of southwest Scotland was formed on a
nov. (Eocene), Eogrigoriora gracilis, gen. et carbonate platform on the eastern tropical
sp. nov. (Eocene), Miophlugis rostratus, gen.

margin of the Laurentia palaeocontinent dur- exuvial cuticle takes place around the ex-
ing the early Katian (c. 456 Ma). It yields the tended intracuticular fibres and these fibres
most diverse and well-preserved ostracod maintain the connection between the tendinal
fauna yet recovered from the Scottish Ordovi- cell and the old cuticle. At postecdysis the
cian succession, with some 25 species divisi- cuticle of the carapace begins its calcification,
ble into two distinct marine biotopes compris- and immediately and rapidly increases its
ing shallow lagoonal and deeper platform thickness, but the calcification of the muscle
margin settings, respectively. The ostracods scars evidently progresses later than other
show strong biogeographic links at species- parts of the procuticle, due to the fact that part
level with Sandbian and early Katian faunas of of the tendinal cell is fully occupied with
North America, including Krausella arcuata, force-transmitting structures, like micro-
Steusloffina cuneata, Monoceratella teres and tubules. Only the parts not engaged in force-
species of Levisulculus and Platybolbina. transmitting action have enough space in the
However, many of the ostracod genera that cell to store the granules to start the calcifica-
characterize the Craighead Limestone Forma- tion. Furthermore, the less organic matrix in
tion have earlier origins in the Baltica palaeo- the procuticle of the muscle attachment area
continent, suggesting enhanced migration of also contributes to the delay of calcification.
species from mid-(Baltica about 30 degrees S) The results of this paper provide information
to low (Laurentia) latitudes in the late Sand- on cuticle formation in the calcified arthro-
bian and early Katian interval. Such Baltica- pods, which can be applied to fossil taxa, and
origin genera include Distobolbina, Kiesowia show the relationships between the calcified
and Platybolbina. Notable is the wide bio- and organic matrix during calcification. In
geographic occurrence of Steusloffina cuneata, addition, this study suggests that arthropod
extending from warm tropical Laurentia to muscle scars, including in the fossil state, are
cooler high-latitude Gondwana, an enormous useful characters when discussing the con-
latitudinal range for a shelf-dwelling marine struction of muscular systems at the cellular
species. The possible Tvaerenellidae taxon level, and available as stable criteria through
Duoarcus levigatus gen. et sp. nov. is de- ontogeny for the comparative morphology of
scribed. the exoskeleton.

2011010252 2011010253
速足类介形虫闭肌连接物的角质层组织: 日本中部中更新世 Sagami 群 Naganuma
作为一种钙化的节肢动物的实例 = Cuticle 组介形类:沿太平洋西北边缘海湾动物群
Formation of the Adductor Muscle Attach- 发现的意义 = Middle Pleistocene Ostracods
ment in a Podocopid Ostracod, as an Example from the Naganuma Formation, Sagami Group,
of a Calcified Arthropod. (英文). Yamada S; Central Japan: Significance of the Occurrence
Keyser D. Paleontological Research, 2009, for the Bay Fauna Along the Northwest Pa-
13(2): 103-118 cific Margin. (英文). Ozawa H. Paleontologi-
The ostracod muscle scars have been used cal Research, 2009, 13(3): 231-244
as important characters to define the evolu- The ostracod fauna from the middle Pleis-
tionary lineages of ostracods from the Palaeo- tocene Naganuma Formation (ca. 0.5 Ma) in
zoic to the Recent, though the formation and the Sagami Group near Tokyo Bay, central
calcification of their muscle attachment have Japan, was investigated. This study reports for
never been investigated. The present paper the first time an ostracod fauna around 0.5 Ma
describes, for the first time, the cuticle forma- in the marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 13
tion of muscle attachment in a podocopid os- of Japan. This fauna consists of 58 species,
tracod, as an example of a calcified arthropod. and three assemblages were defined by Q-
The formation of the muscle attachment struc- mode cluster analysis. The depositional envi-
ture in a podocopid ostracod progresses ronment of each assemblage can be defined as
through the nearly same pathway as in other (1) outer bay, influenced by the open sea with
arthropods. The muscle connects to the cuticle relatively high salinity, (2) inner bay, with
by means of a specialised epidermal cell, the relatively low salinity, and (3) central bay,
tendinal cell. Strong desmosomes adhere the with intermediate salinity level between those
muscle cell to the tendinal cell, while the of (1) and (2). A decrease in water depth oc-
tendinal cell is connected to the cuticle by curred from the outer bay through the central
hemidesmosomes with intracuticular fibres bay to the inner bay during the depositional
(tonofibrillae). The deposition of the new pre- period of the studied horizons. The three most

abundant species of each assemblage are C.elongata Lee in Chien, 1961, C.placenta
Krithe japonica, Bicornucythere bisanensis Qian et Lin in Zhang et al.,1980,
and Amphileberis nipponica. The fossil fauna C.longispina(Lee,in Egorova et al.,1963),
does not include the shallow-bay species C.nangaoensis Lu et Chien in Yin and
Neomonoceratina delicata, currently found Lee,1978, C. ? transversa Zhou in Zhou et
south of the Japanese main islands. This result al.,1977 和 C.taihuensis Zhang et Zhou,1985
is consistent with previous palaeobio- 之 间 形 态 差 异 并 不 明 显 。 C.micropyge,
geographical studies of Japanese bay-dwelling C.placenta 应为 C.elongata 的晚出同义名,而
ostracods. Its absence near Tokyo Bay at 0.5
C.longispina, C.nangaoensis, C.taihuensis 和
Ma would be due to the distance from its
original southern habitats and timing of the C. ?transversa 建种时化石标本少,保存不
species' northward migration. 好,应是 C.elongata 晚出同义名。

2011010254 2011010256
贵州遵义松林寒武纪早期牛蹄塘生物群埋 英国东安格里 Red Crag 组 Pre-Ludhamian
藏 学 特 征 初 探 = Preliminary Taphonomic 阶(晚上新世-早更新世)甲壳动物介形类
Analyses Of The Early Cambrian Niutitang 冷水种的系统发育和古动物地理涉及太平
Biota Near Songlin,Zunyi,Guizhou. (中文). 崔 洋 种 的 最 早 到 达 期 = The Phylogeny and
滔;杨兴莲;赵元龙. 古生物学报, 2010, 49(2): Palaeozoogeography of Cold-Water Species
210-219 of Ostracod (Crustacea) from the Pre-
通过系统发掘发现遵义松林寒武纪早期 Ludhamian Stage (Late Pliocene-Early Pleis-
牛蹄塘生物群自下而上存在 3 个化石富集 tocene), Red Crag Formation, East Anglia,
England; with Reference to the Earliest Arri-
层:锐虾 Perspicaris 富集层、海绵动物富集
val of Pacific Species. (英文). Wood A M.
Paleontological Research, 2009, 13(4): 345-
形虫 Sphenothallus 富集层。牛蹄塘生物群 366
化石保存完整、分选性差、无明显的定向 The Pliocene Epoch represents a significant
性、缺少软躯体化石和底内生物,结合岩 period in the palaeozoogeography of North
性、地球化学、构造等特征综合认为牛蹄 Atlantic, Arctic and northern Pacific po-
塘生物群是弱水动力作用下缓慢沉积的原 docopid ostracods. A climate crash during
地埋藏群落。牛蹄塘组沉积时期曾有过多 Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) G6 (c. 2.74 Ma)
resulted in the extinction of early-mid Plio-
cene thermophilic ostracods and the subse-
水氧化-还原界面的差异导致了不同的生物 quent emergence of oligothermal assemblages
组合。 during the late Pliocene. During the numerous
cold stages of the late Pliocene-early Pleisto-
2011010255 cene Arctic ostracod species were able to dis-
贵州黔东世(早寒武世)杷榔组 Changaspis perse southwards into the mid-latitudes of the
Lee in Chien,1961 的再研究 = Restudy Of North Atlantic. The Pre-Ludhamian Stage of
Changaspis(Lee),1961 From Qian- the Red Crag Formation, Suffolk, England
dongian(Early Cambrian)Balang Formation spans one such episode (c. 2.7–2.41 Ma) and
Near Eastern Guizhou,South China. (中文). thus offers new insight into the vagility of
秦琴;彭进;傅晓平;达扬. 古生物学报, 2010, shallow marine ostracods as they responded to
49(2): 220-230 glacio-eustatic and isostatic changes. Five po-
掘头虫类三叶虫张氏虫 Changaspis Lee in docopid ostracods are described from the
Sizewell Member (Pre-Ludhamian Stage) of
Chien,1961 是黔东、湘西广泛分布的杷榔
the Red Crag Formation and new information
组中常见的化石。本属化石建立 7 个种,具 regarding their phylogeny and palaeozo-
有较高的多样性。近年在贵州东部地区的 ogeography is presented. Four of the species
杷榔组采集到此属化石的大量标本,特别是 are new to science, Microcytherura gelida sp.
在剑河交榜村的杷榔组发现了 Changaspis nov., Thaerocythere liebaui sp. nov., Thaero-
丰富的化石,提供了分类学再研究的重要材 cythere russus sp. nov. and Pectocythere hol-
料。据新的化石标本的详细鉴定、个体发 lowayae sp. nov., while the fifth, Neo-
育观测及数理统计数据的对比、化石埋藏 monoceratina tsurugasakensis (Tabuki), is
reexamined and reassigned. The comparative
状态的研究,Changaspis 已描述的 7 个种是
morphology of Pectocythere Hanai and Ko-
过高估计,原属 C. micropyge Chien, 1961, toracythere Ishizaki is reviewed and a mor-

phological continuum recognized between total faunal diversity reached its peak in the
phenotypic end-members. Pectocythere hol- shallow outer shelf, from which it decreased
lowayae sp. nov. forms part of a distinctive both seawards and shorewards. The benthic
morphological group comprising Arctic and forms generally exhibited increased endemic-
northern Pacific species: P. ishizakii Irizuki ity shorewards, but atheloptic taxa were con-
and Yamada, Pectocythere? sp. cf. P.? dentar- fined largely to the outer shelf, with the ge-
ticulata (Smith) sensu Swain and Gilby, Ko- neric diversity increased seawards, while the
toracythere sp. Irizuki, P. janae Brouwers and mesopelagic trilobites were associated mainly
P. parkerae Swain and Gilby. Although lack- with the deep-outer-shelf biofacies. The pro-
ing a distinctive caudal process, Paijenbor- gressive alternations of trilobite biofacies
chella tsurugasakensis Tabuki is reassigned to spectra indicate that continual transgressions
Neomonoceratina sensu Zhao and Whatley. may have played an important role in a con-
Neomonoceratina tsurugasakensis displays secutive palaeogeographic development in the
some minor polymorphism over an enormous Yangtze Block, including mainly the drown-
geo-temporal range that extends from the ing of the huge platform in the early Arenig
early Miocene of the northwestern Pacific to (early Floian) (TI 2), the shoreward expansion
the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene of the of the deep outer shelf (TI 5) and the ongoing
southern North Sea Basin. Despite its lack of shoreward retreats of the inner shelf (TIs 6–7)
pelagic larvae N. tsurugasakensis was capable in the Yangtze Sea, and the successive deep-
of transoceanic dispersal, evidenced by its ening of the southern Shaanxi sea especially in
occurrence in the early Pliocene (c. 4.90–4.81 the late Arenig (Dapingian–early Darriwilian)
Ma), Oosterhout Formation, Western Nether- (TIs 5–8) since its taking shape in TI 3.
lands Basin, alongside other pan-Arctic and
North Pacific ostracod taxa. Mechanisms of 2011010258
dispersal remain unclear but could involve 山东寒武系馒头组等刺虫化石的发现 =
passive transport on Fucus brown algae, aided New Isoxys(Arthropoda) From The Cambrian
by the Transpolar Drift. Further agents of dis- Mantou Formation,Shandong Province. (中文).
persion could include fish and birds. The vi- 王雨楠;黄迪颖;Lieberman B S. 古生物学
ability of water birds as vectors of invertebrate
报, 2010, 49(3): 398-406
dispersal is given further credence by the dis-
covery of Phoebastria anglica (Lydekker), a 等刺虫(Isoxys)是寒武纪海洋中一类分布
fossil albatross, in the Pliocene crags of East 广泛的双瓣壳节肢动物,在北美、欧洲、澳
Anglia. 大利亚、西伯利亚及中国均有发现,但延续
时间并不长,目前已经描述了 16 个已命名的
2011010257 种以及一些未定种化石。等刺虫在我国扬
中国扬子地块奥陶纪阿伦尼克阶三叶虫生 子地台云南滇东地区、贵州凯里、湖北长
物相和古地理发育 = Trilobite biofacies and 阳等地寒武系第二、第三统均有发现。文
palaeogeographic development in the Arenig 中报道的等刺虫发现于山东省临沂市刘庄
(Ordovician) of the Yangtze Block, China. (英 镇馒头组顶部,没有保存软体部分,被命名为
文 ). Zhou Zhi-Yi; Bergström J; Zhou Zhi- 一 个 新 种 Isoxys shandongensis Wang and
Qiang; Yuan Wen-Wei; Zhang Yun-Bai. Pa- Huang sp.nov.。同时,对美国寒武系 Spence
laeoworld, 2011, 20(1): 15-45
Cluster analysis was conducted using Pear-
son's coefficient based on the relative abun- 行修订,并进行形态比较。等刺虫的新发现
dance data of 73 trilobite genera and subgen- 对探讨这类常见的寒武纪节肢动物的演
era in 72 collections, and fourteen Arenig 化、分布和多样性均有一定意义
(Floian–early Darriwilian) trilobite biofacies
are recognized from the inner shelf to deep 2011010259
outer shelf of the Yangtze Block. The biofa- 节肢动物自然腐解埋藏学实验 = Decay And
cies patterns and faunal dynamics across the Disarticulation Experiments Of Three Arthro-
eight successive time intervals suggest that the pod Species. (中文). 邓辉;华洪;惠威. 古生物
progressive changes in generic composition, 学报, 2010, 49(3): 407-412
diversity, and dominant components may have 通过实验,研究节肢动物在自然状态下的
been affected by bathymetric gradients and
lithofacies transition along the palaeoramp of
the block, and by temporal constraints on the 的 Eh 值和 pH 值的变化规律,并结合其宏观
different trilobite clades. On the whole, the 表现将腐解过程分为 3 个阶段。实验结果

表明腐解过程受周围环境影响较大,不同的 俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦二叠
底质条件、水介质条件下的腐解速率有所 纪和三叠纪新的鲜为人知的 blattogryllidae
差异,沉降在沙质表面上的尸体腐解最快,富 (昆虫纲:Grylloblattida) = New and lit-
含有机质的淤泥较慢,浸泡在淡水里面的尸 tle known blattogryllidae (Insecta: Grylloblat-
体腐解最慢。由于有机质的分解,使得周围 tida) from the Permian and Triassic of Russia,
环境的 Eh 值和 pH 值均下降而呈强还原性 Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. (英文). Aristov
但未明显呈酸性。不同类型的生物其腐解 D S. Paleontological Journal, 2011, 45(1):
方式差异很大,研究节肢动物腐解过程,为节 65-72 3 图版.
New members of the family Blattogryllidae
are described, including Permoblattogryllus
提供依据。 praecox gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle
Permian Soyana locality in Russia,
2011010260 Protoblattogryllus nedubrovensis from the
地中海地区寒武纪三叶虫纲双岛虫科双岛 Lower Triassic Nedubrovo locality in Russia,
虫属的首次发现 = The first record of Dine- Madygenocephalus micropteron gen. et sp.
sus (Trilobita, Dinesidae) in the Cambrian of nov. (the second known case of brachyptery in
the Mediterranean region. (英文). Gozalo R; grylloblattids), and Costatoviblatta similis sp.
Lin E; Martorell J B C. Alcheringa, 2011, nov. from the Middle Triassic Madygen
35(1): 1 - 9 locality in Kyrgyzstan. Protoblattogryllus
An important problem facing inter-regional zajsanicus Storozhenko, 1990 from the Upper
correlation in the Cambrian is the scarcity of Permian Karaungir II locality in Kazakhstan is
shared taxa between different palaeo- redescribed. The genus Microblattogryllus
geographic domains. Currently, species of the Storozhenko, 1990 from Madygen is
Corynexochida are proposed as tools to define considered to be a synonym of
the base of Cambrian Series 3. However, few Protoblattogryllus Storozhenko, 1990.
Mediterranean Corynexochida species are Protoblattogryllus abruptus Storozhenko,
known. A specimen of Dinesus truyolsi comb. 1990 from the Madygen locality is transferred
nov. from the middle Cambrian of Spain to the genus Mesoblattogryllus Storozhenko,
represents the first record of this genus in the 1990.
Acadobaltic province. Erbia and Tingyuania
are accepted as junior subjective synonyms of 2011010263
Dinesus, and we now recognize 22 species 乌克兰罗夫诺琥珀(始新世晚期)中梨头
within this genus. Dinesus has been found 蜂 科 ( 膜 翅 目 Chrysidoidea ) 的 首 次 记
previously in lower to middle Cambrian strata 录:Ampulicomorpha succinalis 昆虫分类
of Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, North 的雄蜂 = The first record of Embolemidae
America and China providing the potential for
(Hymenoptera Chrysidoidea) in the Rovno
improved global correlation for this interval.
amber (Upper Eocene) of Ukraine: A male of
Ampulicomorpha succinalis brues. ( 英 文 ).
Olmi M; Rasnitsyn A P; Guglielmino A. Pa-
Gorny 阿 尔 泰 山 东 北 部 奥 陶 系 Tuloi 和
leontological Journal, 2011, 45(1): 73-76 1 图
Karasu 组的介形类 = Ostracodes from the
Tuloi and Karasu formations (Ordovician) of
A male of Ampulicomorpha succinalis
northeastern Gorny Altai. (英文). Melnikova
Brues (Hymenoptera Chrysidoidea:
L M. Paleontological Journal, 2011, 45(1):
Embolemidae) from the Upper Eocene Rovno
60-64 1 图版. amber (34–37 Ma) is described for the first
Ostracodes from the Tuloi (Floian, time.
Dapingian and the lower Darriwilian) and
Karasu (Darriwilian and Sandbian) formations 2011010264
of the northeastern Gorny Altai are discussed 中生代大象甲科甲虫(鞘翅目)新发现 =
and several ostracode localities are briefly
New Mesozoic Ithyceridae Beetles (Coleop-
described. Two new species Soanella tuloica
tera). (英文). Gratshev V G; Legalov A A.
sp. nov. and Maraphonia caliginosa sp. nov.
are described and figured. The previously Paleontological Journal, 2011, 45(1): 77–82 2
described forms are only illustrated. 图版.
A new subfamily, Mongolocarinae subfam.
2011010262 nov. of the family Ithyceridae, from the

Middle-Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous are described and illustrated. Also, K. colom-
of Asia is described. It includes five genera biana Harrington and Kay from the Guejar
with five species: Palaeocar gen. nov. (with P. Group (Tremadocian-Floian, Sierra de La Ma-
princeps sp. nov.), Mongolocar gen. nov. (M. carena, Colombia) is tentatively referred to
orcinus sp. nov.), Praecar gen. nov. (P. Naustia Ludvigsen of Late Cambrian age.
stolidus sp. nov.), Karacar gen. nov. (M.
contractus sp. nov.), and Baissacar gen. nov. 2011010267
(B. passarius sp. nov.). 阿根廷西北部和玻利维亚南部早奥陶世三
叶虫 Kainella 属。生物地层意义 = Kainella
2011010265 Walcott, 1925 (Trilobita, Early Ordovician) in
中生代 Ceratocanthinae (Coleoptera: Hy- northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia.
bosoridae)化石首次发现 = First Record Of biostratigraphic significance. (其他). Vaccari
Mesozoic Ceratocanthinae (Coleop- N E; Waisfeld B G; Marengo L F; Smith L.
tera:Hybosoridae). (英文). Vnikolajev G; 王 Ameghiniana: Revista de la asociacion Pale-
博; 刘煜; 张海春. 古生物学报, 2010, 49(4): ontologica Argentina, 2010, 47(3): 293-305
443-447 The Tremadocian Kainella meridionalis
记述内蒙古杨树湾子下白垩统义县组鞘 Zone in the Central Andean Basin is is reas-
翅 目 化 石 一 新 属 新 种 Mesoceratocanthus sessed. This zone has been widely used for
regional and intercontinental correlations, but
tuberculifrons sp.nov.。该标本隶属于
such correlations mostly involved an extended
驼 金 龟 科 Ceratocanthinae 亚 科 Ivieolini interval that corresponds, in fact, to the whole
族。这是 Ceratocanthinae 亚科在中生代的 range of the genus. Species of Kainella re-
首次发现。化石表明 Ivieolini 族曾经广布 corded in northwestern Argentina and south-
全球,尽管现在只局限于南美地区。 ern Bolivia exhibit a relatively wide geo-
graphic distribution and a constrained strati-
2011010266 graphic range. On the basis of their record a
阿根廷西北部和玻利维亚南部早奥陶世三 succession of biozones is proposed, ranging
叶虫 Kainella 属的系统古生物学 = Kainella from the basal Tremadocian to possibly the
Walcott, 1925 (Trilobita, Early Ordovician) in early middle Tremadocian. Three biozones are
northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia. proposed on the basis of integrated informa-
systematic paleontology. (其他). Vaccari N E; tion drawn from several localities, i.e., the K.
Waisfeld B G. Ameghiniana: Revista de la andina, K. meridionalis, and K. teiichii zones.
asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010, In addition, the Jujuyaspis keideli Subzone is
47(3): 273-292 here upgraded to the rank of zone. The defini-
A taxonomic study is presented involving tion of this succession of biozones is a signifi-
different species of Kainella from the Central cant progress in the establishment of a high
Andean Basin. These early Tremadocian spe- resolution biostratigraphic framework based
cies come from the Santa Rosita, Cardonal, on trilobites, leading to more precise correla-
and Devendeus formations, and also from the tions in the future.
Guayoc Chico Group; all units lie exposed at
numerous localities in the Argentine Cordil- 2011010268
lera Oriental. Also analyzed are Kainella spe- 湖南衡阳盆地岭茶地区古近纪介形类动物
cies from the Iscayachi Formation exposed in 群 = Paleogene Ostracods From The Hengy-
the Yunchara Segment in southern Bolivia. A ang Basin Of Hunan. (中文). 张显球;李茜. 古
group of eight species is recognized, suggest- 生物学报, 2010, 49(4): 487-501
ing a significantly greater diversity than pre- 描述衡阳盆地东北部岭茶地区介形类化
viously assessed. An emmended diagnosis of 石 9 属 23 种。岭茶地区古近纪介形类动物
K. meridionalis Kobayashi is provided, and a 群以 Cypris 和 Limnocythere 两属最繁盛,可
lectotype is designated. On this basis, some of
划分为两个化石组合:栗木坪组为 Cypris
the former assignments to this species are now
rearranged into the taxa described herein. henanensis-Cyprois reniformis-Limnocythere
Complete morphological information is pro- honggangensis 组合,岭茶组为 Limnocythere
vided on K. andina Suarez Soruco, based on irregularis-Cypris favosa-Ilyocypris gaoy-
new collections from its type locality (Cuesta ouensis 组合。岭茶地区栗木坪组与珠江三
de Erquis), and from Argentina. The new spe- 角洲地区宝月组的介形类动物群相同,岭茶
cies K. teiichii sp. nov., K. morena sp. nov., 组与华涌组的介形类面貌也基本相同,因此
Kainella sp. nov. A and Kainella sp. nov. B

早始新世,这与栗木坪组和岭茶组中哺乳动 2011010271
物、古地磁和碳氧同位素的研究结果相一 朝鲜芙蓉统(晚寒武世)remopleuridioid
致。 三叶虫 Haniwa quadrata Kobayashi, 1933
的个体发生学对分类的意义 = Ontogeny of
2011010269 the Furongian (late Cambrian) remopleuridi-
关于我国晚出同名三叶虫属及其替代名 = oid trilobite Haniwa quadrata Kobayashi,
On The Junior Homonyms Of Trilobite Gen- 1933 from Korea: implications for trilobite
era Recorded In China And Their Replace- taxonomy. (英文). Park T Y; Choi D K. Geo-
ment Names. (中文). 袁金良;朱学剑;彭进. 古 logical Magazine, 2011, 148(2): 288-303 13
生物学报, 2010, 49(4): 502-510 图版.
回顾近年来所发现的与我国三叶虫有关 The monophyly of the trilobite Order As-
aphida has been challenged. The Superfamily
的 11 个晚出同名属及其替代名的研究现状,
Remopleuridioidea was included in the Order
详细报导最近新发现的 37 个晚出同名三叶 Asaphida, based on the ventral median suture
虫属中的 13 个属及其替代名。这些属涉及 and highly bulbous protaspis of the late Fu-
到寒武纪,奧陶纪,志留纪和泥盆纪的三叶 rongian-Tremadocian representatives of the
虫。此外,河南龙 Honania Young,1979(模式 group. The remopleuridioid, Haniwa quadrata
种 H.complicidentata Young,1979)是产于河 Kobayashi, 1933 from the Furongian (late
南济源晚二叠世爬行类锯齿龙科的一个属, Cambrian) Hwajeol Formation of Korea,
由于晚于三叶虫河南虫 Honania Lee in Lu represents a primitive morphology of the Re-
mopleuridioidea. This trilobite does not have a
et al.,1963( 模 式 种 H.lata Lee in Lu et
typical globular morphology of asaphoid pro-
al.,1963)所建,成为无效属名,建议将河南龙 taspis, and the free cheeks remained yoked
的 属 名 更 名 为 钟 键 龙 ( 新 属 )Zhongjiania together during the whole of the development.
gen.nov.。 This supports the previous proposition that the
Superfamily Remopleuridioidea should be
2011010270 excluded from the Order Asaphida. In addition,
加拿大西北部寒武纪 Sekwi 组小油栉虫三 the evolution of a highly globular protaspis of
叶虫新的信息 = New information on olenel- the Ordovician remopleuridioid trilobites from
line trilobites from the Cambrian Sekwi For- the less bulbous protaspis corroborates the
mation in northwestern Canada. (英文). Abe F possibility of multiple evolutions of a highly
R; Lieberman B S; Pope M C; Dilliard K. Ca- globular protaspis. It can be argued that the
nadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, possession of a highly globular protaspis does
47(12): 1445-1449 not guarantee the membership of the Order
A new species of olenelline trilobite, Ne- Asaphida, and thus the concept of the Order
vadella keelensis, is described from the Early Asaphida should be emended.
Cambrian (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3) in the
Sekwi Formation, Mackenzie Mountains, 2011010272
Canada. The difficulty in discerning between 奥地利 Grunbach 组(坎帕阶,格绍群)
Nevadia Walcott, 1910 and Nevadella Raw, 的 ( 似 ) 翼 手 龙 残 迹 : 'Ornithocheirus
1936 is discussed, and a revision of the two buenzeli' = The pterosaurian remains from the
genera is suggested, particularly with the addi- Grunbach Formation (Campanian, Gosau
tion of Nevadella keelensis n. sp. A holmiid Group) of Austria: a reappraisal of 'Ornitho-
trilobite, perhaps conspecific with Esmerald- cheirus buenzeli'. (英文). Buffetaut E; Osi A;
ina rowei (Walcott, 1910), was also confirmed Prondvai E. Geological Magazine, 2011,
from the same locality. The E. sp. aff. rowei 148(2): 334-339 2 图版.
represents the narrow form of a species known The fragmentary pterosaur material from
for great variability in cephalic form. The tri- the Campanian Grunbach Formation (Gosau
lobite material comes from a low diversity, Group) of Muthmannsdorf (Austria), previ-
shallow water, peritidal facies that was not ously identified as Ornithocheirus buenzeli
sampled in previous studies of Cambrian fos- Bunzel, 1871, is revised. A lower jaw frag-
sils in the area, and could prove useful in fa- ment shows a helical type of articulation,
cilitating biostratigraphic correlation across which is known in several families of ptero-
the Selwyn Basin and with other parts of saurs, and cannot be identified with great ac-
Laurentia as well. curacy. The proximal part of a humerus shows

distinctive features that allow it to be referred 合的成分,其中包括三叶虫和笔石。文中
to as a member of the family Azhdarchidae, 涉及该组合构成上的一些地层学和古地理
which is widespread in the Late Cretaceous 差异。
Period of Europe. Ornithocheirus buenzeli is
considered a nomen dubium. The pterosaur 2011010276
material from the Grunbach Formation cannot
西班牙早白垩世琥珀中的 Serphitid 黄蜂
be used as evidence for the presence of orni-
thocheirids in the Late Cretaceous of Europe. (膜翅目:Serphitidae) = Serphitid wasps
in Early Cretaceous amber from Spain (Hy-
2011010273 menoptera: Serphitidae). ( 英 文 ). Ortega-
西班牙西南部和葡萄牙西北部三叶虫及伴 Blanco J; Delclos X; Penalver E; Engel M.
生 无 脊 椎 动 物 的 埋 藏 学 = Taphonomy of Cretaceous Research, 2011, 32(2): 143-154 8
trilobites and associated invertebrates from 图版.
SW Spain and NW Portugal. (英文). Gil Cid The diversity of serphitid wasps (Proctotru-
pomorpha: Serphitoidea) in Early Cretaceous
M D; Lebron Moreno J A. Neues Jahrbuch fur
(Albian) amber from Spain is described. Four
Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlun-
new species have been found representing the
gen, 2010, 257(2): 169-179
genera Serphites Brues 1937, Aposerphites
Taphonomic and palaeoichnological evi-
Kozlov and Rasnitsyn 1979, and Microser-
dence confirms the occurrence of detritus or
phites Kozlov and Rasnitsyri 1979. From the
deposit burrowers as producers of Arach-
Penacerrada I (Moraza) outcrop two species
nostega gastrochaenae, and adds to the infor-
are described as Aposerphites angustus Or-
mation on Cambrian/Ordovician marine
tega-Blanco, Delclos, Penalver and Engel,
communities from the Ossa-Morena and Cen-
new species and Serphites lamiak, new species.
tral Iberian zones as well as on the ichnodiver-
A single species was found at the San Just
sity of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification
(Teruel) outcrop and is described as S. silban,
new species. Another single specimen was
found in El Soplao (Cantabria) outcrop, de-
scribed as Microserphites soplaensis, new
奥陶纪 caryocaridid 叶虾类: 多样性和演化
species. This last specimen is especially inter-
趋势 = The Ordovician caryocaridid phyllo- esting in sharing typical serphitid and myma-
carids (Crustacea): diversity and evolutionary rommatoid characters, giving additional sup-
tendencies. (英文). Racheboeuf P R; Crasquin port to the apparent close relationship of both
S. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaon- groups.
tologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 257(2): 237-
248 2011010277
Three new genera are described: Jellicaris n. 日本西南部冈山县 Kurashikii 市古近纪介
g. from Australia, Saltericaris n. g. from 型类 = Paleogene ostracodes from Kurashikii
Behmia, and Soomicaris n. g. from South Af- City, Okayama Prefecture, southwestern Japan.
rica, which andd to the three previously de-
(英文). Yamaguchi T; Matsubara T; Suzuki S;
scribed taxa, namely Caryocaris, Janvieri-
Tanaka H. Paleontological Research, 2008,
caris, and Ivocaris; hence the Family Caryo-
12(4): 355-369
carididae now includes six genera. Hypotheti-
Six ostracode species were discriminated
cal phyletic relationships between caryo-
from the latest Eocene-earliest Oligocene ma-
caridid genera are briefly discussed and are
rine sediments in Kurashiki City, Okayama
suggestive of two parallel lineages within the
Prefecture along the Seto Inland Sea in south-
Family Caryopcarididae.
western Japan. The ostracode assemblage is
characterized by Munseyella setouchiensis
and Acanthocythereis kurashikiensis sp. nov.
They inhabited the lower sublittoral zone, af-
SARKA 组的动物群组合 = Faunal Associa- fected by ocean waters. The new record from
tions Of The SARKA Formation (Middle Or- the Kurashiki area indicates that the eastern
dovician, Darriwilian, Prague Basin, Czech area of the Seto Inland Sea was under a cooler
Republic). (英文). Budil P; Kraft P; Kraft J; marine climate than the Kyushu region from
Fatka O. 古生物学报, 2007, 46(增刊): 67-70 the late Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene.
文章论述波西米达瑞威尔阶 Sarka 组的部 All the species including a new species, Acan-
分化石类群,即 Placoparia-Euorthisian 组

thocythereis kurashikiensis sp. nov., are de- 中,奥陶系的表已明确地与国际标准接轨。
scribed systematically 本人在就任国际奥陶系分会主席期间,在前
历 了 奥 陶 系 内 全 部 统 、
日 本 东 北 部 Moniwa-Goishi 地 区 中 新 世
阶两级全球界线层型剖面及点位( GSSP) 的
Natori 群原地生活的节肢动物藤壶化石的
意义 = Significance of autochthonous fossil
barnacles from the Miocene Natori Group at
the Moniwa-Goishi area, northeast Japan. (英
文). Nomura S I; Maeda H. Paleontological
Research, 2008, 12(1): 63-79 地与国际标准进行了对比,使英国作为奥陶
In situ fossil barnacle populations (Cirripe- 系建立的所在国(Lapwort h , 1879a 、b 、c) ,
dia, Balanomorpha) are described from the 在国际奥陶系研究中继续发挥其重要作
Miocene Natori Group of the Moniwa-Goishi 用。
area, northeast Japan. The Natori Group ex-
hibits a transgressive sequence from subaerial 2011010280
lavas and volcaniclastics (Takadate Formation) 湖南益阳早奥陶世弗洛期的笔石 =
to shoreface-shelf deposits (Moniwa and Hata- Floian(Lower Ordovician)Graptolites From
tate formations) in ascending order. In the Ta- The Yiyang Aera,Hunan Province. (中文). 李
kadate Formation, volcaniclastics locally in- 丽 霞 ; 冯 洪 真 ; 王 文 卉 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2010,
tercalate bay deposits in which the fossil bar- 49(2): 174-195
nacle Balanus bisulcatus occurs on gravel sur-
faces in situ. The Takadate Formation is un-
conformably overlain by the basal conglomer- 洛期笔石 16 属 30 种,描述其中具有重要地
ate of the Moniwa Formation, which is inter- 层意义的笔石 10 属 16 种:Acrograptus af-
preted as a ravinement deposit formed in an finis, A.gracilis, Baltograptus geometricus,
open coast. An extinct barnacle species, B.vacillans, Clonograptus rigidus, Corym-
Coneavus sendaicus, is found as gregarious bograptus deflexus, Cymatograptus undulatus,
clusters and solitary individuals on boulder Didymograptellus bifidus, "Didymograp-
surfaces in the basal conglomerate in situ. tus"demissus, "D."rigoletto, Expansograptus
These features suggest that B. bisulcatus in- holmi, E.constrictus, Pendeograptus frutico-
habited in bay environments at the early trans- sus, P. pendens, Tetragraptus akzharensis, T.
gressive stage. On the other hand, C. sen- approximatus。南坝剖面弗洛期笔石动物群
daicus was distributed over open-coast envi- 以均分笔石为主,同时含有少量反称笔石。
ronments during subsequent marine flooding. 该地区弗洛期笔石动物群的分异度、丰度
The in situ C. sendaicus provides strong evi- 均较高,展示了笔石演化辐射早期斜坡相沉
dence for the reconstruction of the extinct spe- 积环境下的笔石动物群特征。本文研究为
cies habitat.
笔 石 动 物
2011010279 2011010281
英国奥陶纪和志留纪笔石带的最新划分方 阿根廷前科迪勒拉圣胡安的 Los Saltitos
案 = An introduction to the new classification Creek 地区达瑞威尔阶(中奥陶统)和桑
of the British Ordovician and Silurian grapto-
比阶(上奥陶统)的 Gualcamayo 组和 Las
lite biozonation. ( 中 文 ). 陈 旭 . 地 层 学 杂
Vacas 组的笔石动物群 = Darriwilian(Middle
志, 2010, 34(2): 161-164
Ordovician) And Sandbian(Upper Ordovician)
最近 Zalasiewicz 等 6 位英国笔石研究学 Graptolite Faunas Of The Gualcamayo And
者发表了他们对英国奥陶纪和志留纪的笔 Las Vacas Formations,Los Saltitos Creek,San
石带划分表(Zalasiewicz et al . , 2009) ( 图 Juan Precordillera,Argentina. (英文). Brussa E;
1 ,2) 。英国的笔石带划分一百多年来一直 Flores L. 古生物学报, 2007, 46(增刊): 50-56
是全球奥陶系和志留系的对比标准,尽管目 La Rioja 省和圣胡安省交界(阿根廷前科
前英国在全球奥陶系年表中已不占重要份 迪勒拉)Guandacol 市西南 Los Saltitos 的
额,但英国奥陶系和志留系笔石带仍不失其 Gualcamayo 组和 Las Vacas 组的奥陶纪笔
为重要的区域对比标准。我本人认为这一 石动物群包括 18 属和 32 种。该笔石动物
最 新 的 英 国 笔 石 带 划 分 方 案 群包含 3 个类群。Undulograptus austroden-

tatus 带 ( Undulograptus sinicus 带 ) but we show how these can be distinguished
( Darriwilian/Da1 ) 和 一 个 含 有 from causes of the opisthotonic posture, which
Climacograptus bicornis 类 群 is a biotic syndrome. Traditional biotic expla-
nations nearly all involve postmortem causes,
(Sandbian/early Caradocian/Gi2)分别发现
and have included rigor mortis, desiccation,
于 Los Saltitos Creek 的 Gualcamayo 组和 and contraction of tendons and ligaments.
Las Vacas 组 。 该 动 物 群 可 指 示 However, examination of the process of rigor
Hustedograptus teretiusculus 带(late Llan- mortis and experimental observations of dry-
virn/Da4)。 ing and salinity in carcasses of extant animals
show that these explanations of the "dead bird"
2011010282 (opisthotonic) posture account for few or no
玻利维亚和秘鲁的 Nemagraptus Gracilis cases. Differential contraction of cervical
( J.Hall ) = Nemagraptus Gracilis ligaments after death also does not produce the
( J.Hall ) In Bolivia And Peru. ( 英 文 ). opisthotonic posture. It is not postmortem con-
Brussa E; Maletz J; Mitchell C E; Goldman D. traction but perimortem muscle spasms result-
ing from various afflictions of the central
古生物学报, 2007, 46(增刊): 57-63
nervous system that cause these extreme pos-
重新研究 Balston 和 Nordenskiold 的标 tures. That is, the opisthotonic posture is the
本,结果表明 Nemagraptus Gracilis 存在于 result of "death throes," not postmortem proc-
秘鲁。Bulman 曾描述来自 Chaquimay 地区 esses, and individuals so afflicted assumed the
的奥陶纪笔石,并鉴定出许多细长的具有 posture before death, not afterward. The clini-
单列笔石枝和明显的侧向分枝的标本。该 cal literature has long recognized that such
材料的详细分析发现其始端与 Nemagraptus afflicted individuals perish from asphyxiation,
典型形式相同,可能是 cladial 分支的分支 lack of nourishment or essential nutrients, en-
vironmental toxins, or viral infections, among
碎 片 。 因 此 , 该 化 石 应 为 Nemagraptus
other causes. Accepting the actual causes of
Gracilis。Bulman 描述了一个翻卷的笔石, the opisthotonic posture as perimortem and
它带有一个规则间隔的侧向分支。他认为 not postmortem provides insights into the
该 笔 石 与 同 一 篇 论 文 中 描 述 的 causes of death of fossilized specimens, and
Trichograptus(?)balstoni 密 切 相 关 。 如 同 also revises interpretations of paleoenviron-
Bulman 的 观 点 , 它 的 分 枝 方 式 显 然 与 mental conditions of many fossil deposits. The
Nemagraptus 不同。文中早先报道的发现于 opisthotonic posture tells us more about the
南玻利维亚 Atocha 段东科迪勒拉西部地区 circumstances surrounding death than about
what happened after death. Finally, the opist-
的 Nemagraptus Gracilis 首次被详细描述。
hotonic posture appears to have a phylogenetic
一 些 保 存 很 差 的 Dicellograptus 和 signal: it is so far reported entirely in orni-
Dicranograptus 的标本也出现于该地区,但 thodiran archosaurs (dinosaurs and pterosaurs)
它们与 Nemagraptus Gracilis 没有联系。 and in crown-group placentals, though the dis-
tribution in mammals may expand with further
古脊椎动物学 study. It seems important that the opisthotonic
posture has been observed extensively only in
综 论 clades of animals that are known or thought to
2011010283 have high basal metabolic rates: hypoxia and
脊椎动物骨架的背向弯曲姿势——死后收 related diseases would be most likely to affect
缩还是临死挣扎? = The opisthotonic pos- animals with high oxygen use rates.
ture of vertebrate skeletons: postmortem con-
traction or death throes?. (英文). Faux C M; 2011010284
Padian K. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 201-226 以白垩纪蛇颈龙骨架组合为基础的化能合
An extreme, dorsally hyperextended posture 成 = Chemosynthesis-based associations on
of the spine (opisthotonus), characterized by Cretaceous plesiosaurid carcasses. ( 英 文 ).
the skull and neck recurved over the back, and Kaim A; Kobayashi Y; Echizenya H; Jenkins
with strong extension of the tail, is observed in R G; Tanabe K. Acta palaeontologica Polo-
many well-preserved, articulated amniote nica, 2008, 53(1): 97-104
skeletons (birds and other dinosaurs, ptero- The objective of this report is to document
saurs, and at least placental mammals). Post- first Mesozoic occurrences of chemosynthe-
mortem water transport may explain some sis-based communities feveloped on large ma-
cases of spinal curvature in fossil tetrapods, rine reptile carcasses. Micro-grazing provan-

nid gastropods are associated with plesio- sand dunes: A discussion. (英文). Odier G P.
saurid skeletons in the Upper Cretaceous de- Journal of Geology, 2007, 115(6): 707-708
posits of Hokkaido, northern Japan. The can-
cellous bones of the examined plesiosaurid 2011010287
bones contain a ubiquity of iron sulfides 估算四足动物的双平型脊椎侧向和垂向运
within the bone trabeculae, which provides 动的一种新方法 = A method for estimation
evidence of anaerobic sulfate reduction of the of lateral and vertical mobility of platycoelous
bone lipids. We also report numerous mi-
vertebrae of tetrapods. (英文). Kuznetsov A N;
croborings in the bone trabeculae, which
Tereschenko V S. Paleontological Jour-
might result from the activity of sulfur-
oxidizing bacteria. This finding addresses the nal, 2010, 44(2): 209-225 7 图版.
hotly debated problem of the emergence and A new method for the estimation of
radiation of whale bone faunas. dorsoventral and lateral mobility of platy-
coelous vertebrae with V-shaped (radial) ar-
2011010285 ticular facets on the zygapophyses is devel-
四足动物的四肢掌(跖)骨:关于指节间 oped. This vertebral pattern is observed in
dinosaurs, some other fossil reptiles, and in
关节线的多种假说 = Interpreting the autopo-
the cervical and lumbar regions of mammals.
dia of tetrapods: interphalangeal lines hinge Based on theoretical biomechanical analysis
on too many assumptions. (英文). Hone D W of the intervertebral discs and articulations
E; Sullivan C; Bennett S C. Historical Biol- between zygapophyses, the estimation formu-
ogy, 2009, 21(1 & 2): 67-77 las are developed and calibrated, using precise
Recently Peters proposed the concept of measurements of mobility between cervical
'interphalangeal lines', defined as sub-parallel vertebrae of domestic sheep. The method is
lines that could supposedly be drawn across applied to the presacral vertebrae of the
the joints of the digits of all tetrapods. The horned dinosaur Protoceratops andrewsi. In
lines were viewed as potential axes of rotation, its cervical, lumbar, and anterior thoracic re-
and it was suggested that they could be used to gions, the differences between the calculated
determine the resting position of the digits, amplitudes of movements and the sought true
reconstruct missing digital elements of fossil values are expected to range within ±5°. As
tetrapods, and provide information on system- compared to the sheep, Protoceratops shows a
atic relationships. Evidence was adduced from greater lateral mobility in the presacral region
the skeletons of recent and fossil vertebrates and reduced vertical mobility in the cervical
and from footprints. However, detailed analy- region.
sis shows that these claims are largely un-
founded. Linear alignments of joints on 2011010288
neighbouring digits are not consistently pre- 中生代海洋四足类的多样性:集群绝灭和
sent in tetrapods, especially across locomotor
地 质 偏 离 中 的 时 间 不 均 匀 性 = Mesozoic
cycles. Even if present, interphalangeal (IP)
marine tetrapod diversity: mass extinctions
lines would rarely be in an appropriate orien-
and temporal heterogeneity in geological
tation to facilitate joint movements during
locomotion. There is no reason to believe that megabiases affecting vertebrates. (英文). Ben-
IP lines would be homologous across different son R B J; Butler R J; Lindgren J; Smith A S.
taxa, so they cannot be used to infer system- Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biologi-
atic relationships. Finally, the alleged support cal Sciences, 2010, 277(1683): 829-834
from the ichnological record is undermined by The fossil record is our only direct means
the uncertain relationship between the joint for evaluating shifts in biodiversity through
structure of the skeleton and the form of the Earth's history. However, analyses of fossil
print. We conclude that IP lines cannot be marine invertebrates have demonstrated that
consistently constructed on tetrapod extremi- geological megabiases profoundly influence
ties, and would have minimal functional rele- fossil preservation and discovery, obscuring
vance or predictive power in any case. true diversity signals. Comparable studies of
vertebrate palaeodiversity patterns remain in
2011010286 their infancy. A new species-level dataset of
大型脊椎动物在雨湿的中侏罗世沙丘中挖 Mesozoic marine tetrapod occurrences was
compared with a proxy for temporal variation
掘的洞穴:讨论 = Burrows dug by large ver-
in the volume and facies diversity of fos-
tebrates into rain-moistened Middle Jurassic siliferous rock (number of marine fossiliferous

formations: FMF). A strong correlation be-
tween taxic diversity and FMF is present dur- 2011010290
ing the Cretaceous. Weak or no correlation of 日本西部九州北部中更新世松滨动物群 =
Jurassic data suggests a qualitatively different The Middle Pleistocene Matsugae Fauna,
sampling regime resulting from five apparent Northern Kyushu, West Japan. (英文). Ogino
peaks in Triassic–Jurassic diversity. These S; Otsuka H; Harunari H. Paleontological
correspond to a small number of European Research, 2009, 13(4): 367-384
formations that have been the subject of inten- The middle Pleistocene Matsugae mammal-
sive collecting, and represent ‘Lagerstätten ian fauna from the Matsugae limestone cave
effects’. Consideration of sampling biases al- deposits in northern Kyushu, West Japan is
lows re-evaluation of proposed mass extinc- reexamined based on the original fossil
tion events. Marine tetrapod diversity declined specimens and its biostratigraphical age is
during the Carnian or Norian. However, the estimated. The Matsugae fauna includes 13
proposed end-Triassic extinction event cannot mammalian species representing 6 orders, 10
be recognized with confidence. Some evi- families and 12 genera that can be confirmed
dence supports an extinction event near the based on currently available fossil specimens.
Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, but the pro- The taxa of the Matsugae fauna fall into four
posed end-Cenomanian extinction is probably categories: the first encompasses a mammal
an artefact of poor sampling. Marine tetrapod that has been in existence since the early mid-
diversity underwent a long-term decline prior dle Pleistocene; the second comprises mam-
to the Cretaceous–Palaeogene extinction. mals that existed only during the middle mid-
dle Pleistocene; the third includes those that
2011010289 have specific characteristics of this age but
用 X 射线同步相位对照微层面 X 射线照相 may have a phyletic relationship to later Japa-
术得出脊椎动物微体化石的高质量的 3D 图 nese mammals; and the fourth includes the
像 = High quality 3D imaging of vertebrate direct ancestors of modern Japanese endemic
microremains using X-ray synchrotron phase species. The second and the third categories
contrast microtomography. (英文). Pouech J; include several endemic taxa which are only
Mazin J-M; Tafforeau P. Comptes Rendus known from this fauna. The mammalian fauna
Palevol, 2010, 9(6-7): 389-395 suggests an age referable to the Quaternary
Vertebrate microremains, particularly teeth, Mammal zone 4 (QM4), which is the middle
represent a substantial part of known verte- part of the middle Pleistocene.
brate biodiversity. Many groups, such as
Mesozoic mammals, are known mostly 2011010291
through isolated teeth. Classical imaging tech- 中 国白垩 纪蜂 窝蛋化 石的 分类订 正 = A
niques of such complex millimetric to in- Parataxonomic Revision Of The Cretaceous
framillimetric objects are most often limited Faveoloolithid Eggs Of China. (中文). 张蜀康.
by problems of manipulation, depth of focus 古脊椎动物学报, 2010, 48(3): 203-219
or limited orientation. The methods generally 重新系统描述了蜂窝蛋科蜂窝蛋属的模
used are stereomicroscopy (including in-focus 式 蛋 种 宁 夏 蜂 窝 蛋 (Faveoloolithus ningxi-
z-series reconstruction) and Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM), which provide good im-
ages. Nevertheless, both provide 2D static (Youngoolithus xiaguanensis),并记述了产自
images or partial and directional 3D data, 浙江天台的蜂窝蛋科新材料,建立一个新的
making complete observation difficult. Propa- 蛋属-副蜂窝蛋属(Parafaveoloolithus),及 3
gation phase contrast synchrotron X-ray mi- 个新的蛋种-Parafaveoloolithus microporus,
crotomography is a powerful technique allevi- P.macroporus 和 P. tiansicunensis。根据赵
ating these limitations. Thanks to submicron 资奎 1994 年提出的恐龙蛋分类中具有鉴定
resolution and to the edge detection effect, it 意义的几个特征,重新讨论了现有蜂窝蛋的
rapidly provides 3D data from minute samples
with levels of quality and detail unattainable
using conventional microtomographs. Com- 的分类单元,总结了蜂窝蛋科内属级和种级
plex morphology of small specimens can be 分类单元的主要鉴定特征以及蜂窝蛋类的
studied with unlimited orientation possibilities 鉴定方法。
and, when coupled with 3D printing, it allows
enlarged 3D reproductions of such small and 2011010292
fragile fossils

阿根廷丘布特 Canadon Blanco 地区早渐新 分期的 Lancian 期)和 Puercan1 期(Pu1)
世 typotheria 的系统分类的再解释 = Taxo- 的地方动物群组成的认识,也揭示了这些地
nomic reinterpretation of a Notoungulata Ty- 方动物群生物年代学对比的局限。总的来
potheria from the early Oligocene of Canadon 说,北美西部内陆地区北部的 Pu1 地方动物
Blanco (Chubut, Argentina). (英文). Cerdeno 群主要由多瘤齿兽类和真兽类组成,而
E; Reguero M; Vera B. Ameghiniana: Revista Lancian 期存在的有袋类各类群绝灭。大多
de la asociacion Paleontologica Argen-
数的 Pu1 哺乳动物是由其他地区迁移而来,
tina, 2010, 47(3): 401-405
其中许多类群在 K/T 界线后不久就迁徙到
2011010293 这个地区。北美洲古纬度高的地区和亚洲
法国上诺曼底 Mortemer 组恰在古新世-始 太平洋沿岸地区的白垩纪最晚期或者古新
新世界线之后一个新的陆生脊椎动物产地 世最早期哺乳动物群的缺乏,妨碍了对异地
= A new terrestrial vertebrate site just after the 迁移到北美的哺乳动物起源于亚洲这一假
Paleocene–Eocene boundary in the Mortemer 说的验证。另一个假说认为,大多数迁入北
Formation of Upper Normandy, France. (英 美西部内陆地区北部的 Pu1 哺乳动物可能
文). Smith T; Dupuis C; Folie A; Quesnel F. 来自北美大陆的其他地区。这一假说得到
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2011, 10(1): 11-20 了越来越多的支持,并且没有证据表明是错
European terrestrial vertebrate sites of the 误的。
Upper Paleocene–Lower Eocene deposits are
predominantly known from the central and 2011010295
eastern parts of the Paris Basin. However, 蒙古中部湖泊之谷沉积岩-玄武岩共存的渐
several outcrops covering this interval are
新世地层:蒙古-奥地利合作项目回顾 =
scattered along the Upper Normandy coast, in
Oligocene Stratigraphy Based On A Sedi-
the western part of the Paris Basin. Here we
ment-Basalt Association In Central Mongolia
report the discovery of a new terrestrial verte-
brate site in the Mortemer Formation, at the ( Taatsiin Gol And Taatsiin Tsagaan Nuur
top of the cliffs of Sotteville-sur-Mer in Upper Area,Valley Of Lakes ) : Review Of A
Normandy, France. The vertebrate level is Mongolian-Aurtrian Project. (英文). Daxner-
situated about 1.5 m above the onset of the Hock; Badamgarav D; Erbajeva M. 古脊椎动
Paleocene–Eocene Carbon Isotope Excursion 物学报, 2010, 48(4): 348-366
(CIE) based on dispersed organic carbon and Taatsiin Gol 和 Taatsiin Tsagaan Nuur 地区
is therefore Earliest Eocene in age. The verte- 的渐新世沉积序列具有重要的地层学意
brate fauna is composed of fish, amphibians,
义:这里出露的三达河组和 Loh 组沉积含
lizards and mammals, including the earliest
peradectid marsupials and paromomyid ple- 有多个化石层和玄武岩夹层。在蒙古-奥地
siadapiform of Europe. A diverse and rich 利合作项目中,从研究区域的 33 个剖面/化
charophyte flora is well represented through- 石地点的 85 个化石层中采集了 289 种化石
out the lower part of the outcrop and allows (11 种腹足类、2 种两栖类、9 种爬行类和
the conclusion that the CIE falls in the Pecki- 267 种哺乳类)。本文提供了所有地点的完
chara disermas biozone. 整哺乳动物清单,并结合大、小哺乳动物的
新资料,对蒙古非正式的生物带 A,B,C 和 C1
进行了更新。40Ar/39Ar 测年给出了至少两
组玄武岩年龄:早渐新世玄武岩 I 组大约
31.5Ma,晚渐新世玄武岩 II 组大约 28Ma。
分吗? = Were Immigrants A Significant Part
Of The Earliest Paleocene Mammalian Fauna
Of The North American Western Interior?. 代校正点。从早渐新世至晚渐新世,哺乳动
( 英 文 ). Clemens W A. 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 物群发生了显著的变化,包括晚渐新世种数
报, 2010, 48(4): 285-307 的明显减少。这种趋势在肉齿类、食肉类
K/T 界线绝灭事件后残存类群的迁入和 和反刍类中最为突出。
最早期(Puercan 期)哺乳动物群的进化中
绝灭的历史模式与本体质量有关 = Primate
室内研究极大地扩展和提升了我们对北美 extinction risk and historical patterns of speci-
地区的白垩纪最晚期(北美陆相哺乳动物 ation and extinction in relation to body mass.

(英文). Matthews L J; Arnold C; Machanda Z; Horsefly beds, specimens can be assigned pre-
Nunn L. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: cisely to their position in the stratigraphic sec-
Biological Sciences, 2011, 278(1709): 1256- tion by comparing the laminations enclosing
1263 the fossils with those of a reference section.
Body mass is thought to influence diversifi- Each fossil can thus be assigned to a relative
cation rates, but previous studies have pro- year of death. Some 700 specimens of the ca-
duced ambiguous results. We investigated tostomid fish Amyzon aggregatum from the 10
patterns of diversification across 100 trees 000-year "H3" varved interval are examined
obtained from a new Bayesian inference of for meristic variation. Very few of the meristic
primate phylogeny that sampled trees in pro- variables are significantly correlated with each
portion to their posterior probabilities. First, other. Meristic series that are the last to de-
we used simulations to assess the validity of velop ontogenetically are also the most pheno-
previous studies that used linear models to typically variable. In the studied interval, mer-
investigate the links between IUCN Red List istic variation has a strong temporal compo-
status and body mass. These analyses support nent, particularly in the case of fin rays and in
the use of linear models for ordinal ranked the ratio between precaudal and caudal verte-
data on threat status, and phylogenetic gener- bral counts. Much, but not all, of this temporal
alized linear models revealed a significant variation occurs in conjunction with environ-
positive correlation between current extinction mental changes in the lake as estimated by
risk and body mass across our tree block. We taphonomy and is consistent with some com-
then investigated historical patterns of speci- bination of ecophenotypic and (or) evolution-
ation and extinction rates using a recently de- ary responses of the fish population to the en-
veloped maximum-likelihood method. Spe- vironmental change.
cifically, we predicted that body mass corre-
lates positively with extinction rate because 2011010298
larger bodied organisms reproduce more 中生代海洋以浮游生物为食的大型硬骨鱼
slowly, and body mass correlates negatively 长达 1 亿年的繁盛时代 = 100-Million-Year
with speciation rate because smaller bodied Dynasty of Giant Planktivorous Bony Fishes
organisms are better able to partition niche in the Mesozoic Seas. (英文). Friedman M;
space. We failed to find evidence that extinc- Shimada K; Martin L D; Everhart M J; Liston
tion rates covary with body mass across pri- J; Maltese A; Triebold M. Science, 2010,
mate phylogeny. Similarly, the speciation rate 327(5968): 990-993
was generally unrelated to body mass, except Large-bodied suspension feeders (plank-
in some tests that indicated an increase in the tivores), which include the most massive ani-
speciation rate with increasing body mass. mals to have ever lived, are conspicuously
Importantly, we discovered that our data vio- absent from Mesozoic marine environments.
lated a key assumption of sample randomness The only clear representatives of this trophic
with respect to body mass. After correcting for guild in the Mesozoic have been an enigmatic
this bias, we found no association between and apparently short-lived Jurassic group of
diversification rates and mass. extinct pachycormid fishes. Here, we report
several new examples of these giant bony
鱼 类 fishes from Asia, Europe, and North America.
2011010297 These fossils provide the first detailed ana-
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚飞马地区始新世鱼 tomical information on this poorly understood
在一万年季节间隔期中比率变化的微地层 clade and extend its range from the lower
研究 = Microstratigraphic study of meristic Middle Jurassic to the end of the Cretaceous,
variation in an Eocene fish from a 10 000-year showing that this group persisted for more
varved interval at Horsefly, British Columbia. than 100 million years. Modern large-bodied,
planktivorous vertebrates diversified after the
(英文). Barton D G; Wilson M V H. Cana-
extinction of pachycormids at the Cretaceous-
dian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999, 36(12):
Paleogene boundary, which is consistent with
an opportunistic refilling of vacated ecospace.
Varved, lacustrine rocks of the Middle Eo-
cene Horsefly deposits in British Columbia
are ideal for microstratigraphic studies. Tem-
硬骨鱼青鳉鱼卵巢干细胞的识别 = Identifi-
poral resolution in such varved deposits can
theoretically be as small as a year. In the cation of Germline Stem Cells in the Ovary of
the Teleost Medaka. ( 英 文 ). Nakamura S;

Kobayashi K; Nishimura T; Higashijima S; of low-frequency phonoreception in elasmo-
Tanaka M. Science, 2010, 328(5995): 1561- branchs. ( 英 文 ). Maisey J G; Lane J A.
1563 Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010, 9(6-7): 289-
Germline stem cells continually produce 309
sperm in vertebrate testes, whereas there is no Labyrinth morphology in extant elasmo-
direct evidence showing that germline stem branchs (neoselachians: sharks, skates and
cells are present in adult vertebrate ovaries. rays) and several extinct chondrichthyans
By using transgenic methods and clonal ranging in age from Pliocene to Devonian is
analysis, we identified germline stem cells that investigated using high-resolution computed
supported oogenesis and the production of tomography (CT scanning) and digital recon-
offspring in the ovaries of adult medaka fish. stitution techniques. The elasmobranch laby-
Early-stage germ cells were localized in clus- rinth is highly specialized toward low-
ters along interwoven threadlike cords of frequency semi-directional sound detection
sox9b-expressing somatic cells (termed ger- (LFSDP), optimally around 100 Hz. Several
minal cradles) where the germ cells developed. features associated with LFSDP in neoselachi-
Germline stem cells gave rise to germ cells ans also occur in Mesozoic hybodonts (e.g.,
that divided to produce cysts, which then un- Egertonodus, Tribodus) and in some incertae
derwent cell death or separated to form folli- sedis extinct sharks (Acronemus, Tristychius),
cles. Our results provide insight into the germ- but are absent in osteichthyans, extant and
line stem cell biology of medaka and provide fossil holocephalans, and certain Paleozoic
a model system for studying vertebrate stem chondrichthyans (ctenacanths, symmoriiforms,
cell niches. Pucapampella). Thus, LFSDP is regarded as
an evolutionary novelty of elasmobranchs that
2011010300 arose some time after their divergence from
摩洛哥晚白垩世土仑期结核体中的新鳐类 chimaeroids. The suite of characters associ-
(软骨鱼类,板鳃类族)的 3D 数字图像 = ated with LFSDP was probably acquired pro-
3D digital imaging of a concretion-preserved gressively, some characters being more widely
batoid (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from distributed among fossil chondrichthyans than
the Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Morocco. others. LFSDP evolved only within chon-
(英文). Claeson K M; Ward D J; Underwood drichthyans whose otico-occipital fissure be-
C J. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010, 9(6-7): came secondarily closed during ontogeny.
We describe the manual and digital meth- 2011010302
ods used to prepare an exceptional fossil 用微层面 X 射线照相术方法对美国堪萨斯
specimen, as well as the composition of this 和俄克拉何马晚石炭世脊椎动物软骨鱼类
specimen revealed by these methods. The fos- sibyrhynchid iniopterygians 类肩带和鳍的
sil, a rhinobatoid, is 3-dimensionally pre- 研究兼评 iniopterygians 类的亲缘关系 =
served in a concretion. Fossils like these are Study of the pectoral girdle and fins of the
seldom encountered, because flat-bodied ani- Late Carboniferous sibyrhynchid inioptery-
mals are traditionally preserved in lithographic gians (Vertebrata, Chondrichthyes, Inioptery-
beds, or more commonly, are only represented gia) from Kansas and Oklahoma (USA) by
by disassociated dentition. Manual preparation means of microtomography, with comments
was best conducted with needles and a local on iniopterygian relationships. (英文). Pradel
application of buffered formic acid and neu- A; Tafforeau P; Janvier P. Comptes Rendus
tralised sodium carbonate. High-resolution Palevol, 2010, 9(6-7): 377-387
computed tomography and post-analysis using The latest works on iniopterygians question
the invert ramp option in VGStudio Max 2.0 their monophyly when considering only the
produced the best results to see the complete neurocranium of the two families
skeleton of this specimen. The specimen is (Sibyrhynchidae and Iniopterygidae), which
distinguishable from the only other known 3D have different conditions of preservation.
preserved fossil rhinobatoid, the Lower Creta- Some of the synapomorphies of the Inioptery-
ceous (Albian) genus †Iansan, and is probably gia concern the pectoral girdle and fins. How-
a member of Platyrhinidae. ever, the anatomy of these different elements
is still poorly known in this taxon. Here we
2011010301 describe in details three dimensionally pre-
板鳃类低频声子接受的演化和内耳迷路形 served cartilages of the pectoral girdle and fins
态 = Labyrinth morphology and the evolution of the sibyrhynchid Iniopera sp. These struc-

tures have been extracted virtually from phos- Jasper, New South Wales. (英文). Hunt J R;
phatised nodules thanks to conventional and Young G C. Alcheringa, 2011, 35(1): 53 - 75
synchrotron microtomography, using absorp- A new genus and species of placoderm
tion and phase contrast based techniques in the (Edgellaspis gorteri) has a parallel-sided skull
later case. The pectoral girdle of Iniopera sp. including a deep orbital notch, a large crown-
consists of three elements, which are, from shaped nuchal plate reaching forward past the
dorsal to ventral, a paired suprascapular carti- level of the orbits to contact the pineal plate,
lage, a pair of robust scapulocoracoids and an and three pairs of sensory grooves meeting at
unpaired intercoracoid cartilage. The scapular a central point on the nuchal plate. The trunk
part of the scapulocoracoids is extremely re- armour is generally similar to that of acti-
duced and the suprascapular cartilages link the nolepid arthrodires but the new taxon shares
scapulcoracoids to the rear of the neurocra- significant similarities with various placoderm
nium. These characters may be iniopterygian subgroups that have been aligned with basal
synapomorphies. Iniopterygians, stem and nodes of the order Arthrodira, including Ant-
crown-holocephalans share a basipterygium arctaspidae, Wuttagoonaspidae and Phyl-
that articulates with the pectoral girdle and lolepidae. Its affinities are yet to be resolved.
bears an enlarged first pectoral fin radial. Pos-
teriorly, the basipterygium articulates with 2011010305
either a well-defined metapterygium (in 摩洛哥晚白垩世真骨鱼 Sorbinichthys 属一
crown-holocephalans) or a metapterygial axis 新 种 = A new species of Sorbinichthys
(in stem-holocephalans). (Teleostei: Clupeomorpha: Ellimmichthyifor-
mes) from the Late Cretaceous of Morocco.
(英文). Murray A M; Wilson M V H. Cana-
始 新 世 高 加 索 地 区 北 部 一 新 科
dian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2011, 48(1):
Caucasichthyidae = The new family Cau- 1–9
casichthyidae (Pisces, Perciformes) from the A new species of ellimmichthyiform fish,
Eocene of the North Caucasus. (英文). Ban- represented by three specimens, has been re-
nikov A F; Carnevale G; Parin N V. Paleon- covered from deposits of the Akrabou Forma-
tological Journal, 2011, 45(1): 83-89 5 图版. tion of Morocco. The new species is described
Caucasichthys kumaensis gen. et sp. nov., a in the existing genus Sorbinichthys, family
representative of a new monotypic perciform Sorbinichthyidae, as Sorbinichthys africanus,
family Caucasichthyidae, from the Middle sp. nov., closely related to the type species
Eocene (Bartonian, Kuma Horizon) of the Sorbinichthys elusivo. The Ellimmichthyifor-
North Caucasus (Gorny Luch locality) is mes is an extinct order of clupeomorph fishes
described. The new family is characterized by that includes both freshwater and marine spe-
elongated body, strong preopercular spine in cies ranging from the Early Cretaceous
adults, absence of supraneurals, large pelvic through the Eocene. Sorbinichthys elusivo is
fins, long caudal peduncle, and anal fin longer known from Cenomanian deposits of the east-
at the base than soft dorsal fin. Scales vary ern Mediterranean Tethys (Lebanon), whereas
from cycloid to spinoid on different parts of the new species is possibly early Turonian but
the body. Caucasichthys shares a number of more probably late Cenomanian in age, from
apomorphic features with members of certain the western Tethys (eastern Morocco). At
percoid families, most notably the lower taxonomic levels, the assemblage from
Priacanthidae. However, because of its unique the Akrabou Formation has a primarily
combination of features, the new family Tethyan composition, exemplified by the ge-
cannot be properly placed within any existing nus Sorbinichthys, whereas supra-generic taxa
perciform suborder and it is placed incertae found there include groups with trans-Atlantic
sedis among the Perciformes. (e.g., Sorbinichthyidae, Macrosemiidae) or
near-cosmopolitan (e.g., Paraclupeidae) distri-
2011010304 butions.
澳大利亚新南威尔士 Wee Jasper 地区早-
中泥盆世 Hatchery Creek 序列一个亲缘关 2011010306
系未定的盾皮鱼类 = A new placoderm fish 意大利 Monte Bolca 地区始新世奇异的多
of uncertain affinity from the Early-Middle 刺-辐肋鱼 = Enigmatic spiny-rayed fish from
Devonian Hatchery Creek succession at Wee the Eocene of Monte Bolca, Italy. ( 英 文 ).

Bannikov A F; Carnevale G. Geological Jour- apomorphic decay bias, previously recognized
nal, 2011, 46(1): 52-62 in early chordates, is more pervasive, and
A new genus and species of percomorph needs to be taken into account when interpret-
fish, Pietschellus aenigmaticus gen. et sp. nov., ing the anatomy of any non-biomineralized
is described from the Eocene (Ypresian) mic- fossil vertebrate, such as Haikouichthys,
ritic limestone of the Monte Postale site of the Mayomyzon and Hardistiella.
Monte Bolca locality, northern Italy. This new
percomorph taxon is based on a single well- 2011010308
preserved nearly complete specimen that ex- 德国西北部早白垩世鼠鲨类两新种: Lep-
hibits a unique combination of features. A tostyrax stychi 和 Protolamna sarstedtensis
detailed comparative analysis indicates that = Two new lamniform sharks (Leptostyrax
Pietschellus possibly was a benthic fish which stychi sp. nov. and Protolamna sarstedtensis
shares several character states with certain sp. nov.) from the Early Cretaceous of NW
lophiiform, callionymoid, trachinoid, blenni- Germany. (英文). Schmitz L; Thies D; Kriwet
oid, pterygocephalid, cottoid and scorpaenoid J. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaon-
taxa. Most of these shared character states, tologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 257(3): 283-
however, are reductive and seem to be related 296
to the convergent benthic lifestyle and/or to The new species are the earliest representa-
the relative elongation of the body, being the tives of the corresponding genera, Leptostyrax
product of parallel or convergent evolution. and Protolamna. The validity of the genus
Therefore, the present evidence does not fa- Protolamna is confirmed, and diagnoses for
vour any sister-group relationship and, as a both genera are amended. Teeth of Lep-
consequence, Pietschellus is placed as incer- tostyrax differ in many aspects from teeth of
tae sedis within the percomorph fishes Protolamna including non-continuous cutting
edges between main cusp and lateral cusplets,
2011010307 basally compressed main cusp, short root
圆口类盲鳗类和七鳃鳗类脊椎动物特性的 branches forming a "V", and a less developed
衰减及对脊椎动物化石记录的启示 = Decay lingual protuberance compared to teeth of
of vertebrate characters in hagfish and lam- Protolamna.
prey (Cyclostomata) and the implications for
the vertebrate fossil record. (英文). Sansom R 2011010309
S; Gabbott S E; Purnell M A. Proceedings of 阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚地区早白垩世内乌肯群
the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011, (Portezuelo 组)鲱形类的首次发现 = First
278(1709): 1150-1157 record of a clupeomorph fish in the Neuquén
The timing and sequence of events underly- Group (Portezuelo Formation), Upper Creta-
ing the origin and early evolution of verte- ceous of Patagonia, Argentina. (英文). Valéria
brates remains poorly understood. The palae- G; Jorge O C; Alexander W.A. K. Cretaceous
ontological evidence should shed light on
Research, 2011, 32(2): 223-235 8 图版.
these issues, but difficulties in interpretation
A new genus and species of clupeomorph
of the non-biomineralized fossil record make
fish, Leufuichthys minimus, is described from
this problematic. Here we present an experi-
the fluvial deposits of the Portezuelo Forma-
mental analysis of decay of vertebrate charac-
tion, Upper Cretaceous (Turonian–Coniacian)
ters based on the extant jawless vertebrates
of the Neuquén Group, Patagonia, Argentina.
(Lampetra and Myxine). This provides a
It is a small-sized fish with an estimated body
framework for the interpretation of the anat-
length up to 46 mm. Among other characters,
omy of soft-bodied fossil vertebrates and puta-
the new species shows the following: abdomi-
tive cyclostomes, and a context for reading the
nal scutes; abdomen moderately convex; anal
fossil record of non-biomineralized vertebrate
fin elongate-based; three uroneurals; two epu-
characters. Decay results in transformation
rals; caudal fin bearing very elongate rays; and
and non-random loss of characters. In both
cycloid scales. Leufuichthys minimus gen. et
lamprey and hagfish, different types of carti-
sp. nov. shows a greater similarity with
lage decay at different rates, resulting in ta-
Kwangoclupea dartevellei, a clupeomorph
phonomic bias towards loss of ‘soft’ cartilages
described from a marine Cenomanian deposit
containing vertebrate-specific Col2α1 ex-
of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Africa),
tracellular matrix proteins; phylogenetically
mainly due to the presence of an elongate-
informative soft-tissue characters decay before
based anal fin, bearing more than 20 fin-rays,
more plesiomorphic characters. As such, syn-

differing from it by the presence of a not hy- cranium and multiple vertebral centra. A sagit-
pertrophied abdomen. As far as known, L. tal section through a centrum shows that this
minimus gen. et sp. nov. is the first clupeo- shark deposited 18 annual marker bands after
morph described in the Upper Cretaceous of its birth and adult size was attained by the
Patagonia and represents one fortuitous pres- 10th band. The robust but penetrating tooth
ervation of an articulated fish in fluvial depos- morphology and large jaw circumference sug-
its. gest that A. kopingensis likely fed upon large
prey items.
巴西中生代腔棘鱼一新类群 = A new Meso- 2011010312
zoic coelacanth from Brazil (Sarcopterygii, 对乍得晚中新世 Mochokus,包括新种 M.
Actinistia). ( 英 文 ). Yabumoto Y. Paleon- Gigas 的首次描述 = Giants in a Minute Cat-
tological Research, 2008, 12(4): 329-343 fish Genus: First Description of Fossil Mo-
A new genus and species of coelacanth, chokus (Siluriformes, Mochokidae) in the
Parnaibaia maranhaoensis gen. et sp. nov. is Late Miocene of Chad, Including M. Gigas, sp.
described on the basis of four specimens from nov.. ( 英 文 ). Pinton A; Otero O; Likius
the Pastos Bons Formation in Maranhao, Bra- A;Taïsso H; Mackaye M; Vignaud;Brunet M.
zil. This new genus and species differs from Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2011,
other genera of the family Mawsoniidae by 31(1): 22-31
having a stout median ridge on the scales, six The first Mochokus (Siluriformes, Mo-
free extrascapulars, seven elements in the su- chokidae) remains of the fossil record are de-
praorbital-tectal series and absence of large scribed, including a new species based on a
teeth. R maranhaoensis bridges the gap be- sub-complete neurocranium discovered in the
tween the Triassic Chinlea and Cretaceous Late Miocene deposits of Toros-Menalla,
Mawsonia and Axelrodichthys Chad, Central Africa, dated to 7.0 Ma. Mo-
chokus gigas, sp. nov., is the first fossil spe-
2011010311 cies described for the family Mochokidae,
美国西部堪萨斯州晚白垩世 Archaeolamna which is the largest family of African catfishes.
kopingensis 的 部 分 骨 骼 化 石 = A Partial The description is based on the comparison
Skeleton of the Late Cretaceous Lamniform with the two living species of the genus, M.
Shark, Archaeolamna kopingensis, from the niloticus and M. brevis. Mochokus gigas, sp.
Pierre Shale of Western Kansas, U.S.A.. (英 nov., is a very large species presenting origi-
文). Cook T D; Newbrey M G; Murray A M; nal features, notably on the pectoral spines
Wilson M V; Shimada K; Takeuchi G T; and on the anterior part of the neurocranium.
Stewart J D. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontol- One of the apomorphies characterizing the
modern genus Mochokus is found on the fossil:
ogy, 2011, 31(1): 8–21 6 图版.
the root of the mesocoracoid arch is located on
All previous records of the lamniform shark,
the posterior side of the vertical lamina of the
Archaeolamna kopingensis, are based on iso-
coracoid and lacks any dorsally directed
lated teeth. Here we describe a partial skeleton
prominence. Several other Mochokus fossil
from the Sharon Springs Formation of the Pi-
remains, including nuchal plates, cleithra, and
erre Shale Group of western Kansas, U.S.A.
dorsal spines, are described and attributed to
The specimen includes portions of the upper
Mochokus, sp. indet., or Mochokus sp. Finally,
and lower jaws with articulated teeth. The
and on the basis of preliminary observations
dentition consists of two files of upper and
of the fossil fish assemblages from different
lower anterior teeth that, together with a single
sites of Toros-Menalla, the lack of Mochokus
file of intrabullar intermediate teeth, are
fossil remains is discussed.
housed in a dental bulla, as well as multiple
files of lateral teeth, along with at least two
files of lower symphysial teeth and a single 两 栖 类
file of upper symphysial teeth. The intrabullar 2011010313
intermediate tooth is slightly shorter than the 合弓型类无牙兽孔类中的鼻孔大小和次生
other anterior teeth and has a median cusp 腭长度的演化模式-把缺氧作为二叠纪末期
with distinctive distal curvature. The dental 四足动物灭绝的一个原因的意义 = Patterns
sequence of A. kopingensis is unique among in the evolution of Nares size and secondary
both extinct and extant lamniforms. Associ- Palate length in Anomodont Therapsids (Syn-
ated with the jaws are fragments of the neuro- apsida): Implications for Hypoxia as a cause

of End-Permian Tetrapod extinctions. (英文). A morphometric analysis based on 16
Angielczyk K D; Walsh M L. Journal of Pa- landmarks (specific geometric points) identi-
leontology, 2008, 82(3): 528-542 1 图版. fied on the skull roof of different growth
Seemingly consistent proportional differences stages of various temnospondyls revealed pat-
in several palatal structures have been noted terns of shape change during ontogeny. Data
between Permian and Triassic anomodont from 50 individuals from 12 taxa, encompass-
therapsids for nearly a century. These patterns ing euskelians (dissorophoids, eryopids and
have been cited as evidence in support of a zatracheids) and stereospondylomorphs were
decline in atmospheric oxygen concentrations plotted in a morphospace diagram defined by
that may have contributed to end-Permian ter- two principal-component axes (PC 1 and PC 2)
restrial extinctions. However, it is not known of a principal-component analysis of the shape
whether the observed differences are signifi- variables. The morphospace occupation re-
cant, or whether they stem from continued flects phylogenetic relationships of the main
directional selection. If they are not significant, clades of temnospondyls. All stereospondylo-
or if their timing does not match that proposed morphs investigated here have similar ontoge-
for the oxygen decline, support for the hy- netic trajectories with long intervals on PC 1.
poxia-based extinction scenario would be Eryopids and zatracheids have shortened their
weakened. We tested whether the internal trajectories on PC 1 and are separated in mor-
nares and bony secondary palate, two palatal phospace relative to the stereospondylo-
features proposed to be related to respiratory morphs and dissorophoids. Outgroup compari-
efficiency, are significantly larger in Triassic son with Cochleosaurus bohemicus (Fri ,
anomodonts, and whether the variation can be 1876) suggests that a long ontogenetic trajec-
attributed to a long-term tendency for increase. tory with gradual development represents the
Results based on raw data indicate that Trias- plesiomorphic condition for temnospondyls.
sic anomodonts have significantly larger sec- More derived stereospondylomorphs (among
ondary palates than Permian anomodonts. the taxa considered here, but excluding groups
They also have significantly larger internal such as derived rhytidosteids and
nares, but only when primitive, morphologi- brachyopoids) increased the length of their
cally-divergent specimens are not considered. trajectories on PC 1 and show a peramorphic
Although nares and palate size are correlated pattern, resulting in the long and slender skull
with stratigraphic occurrence, available data of piscivorous predators. Dissorophoids ex-
reject the hypothesis that the observed differ- hibit truncated ontogenetic trajectories and
ences were the result of a long-term trend. occupy the morphospace region of larval
Most of these findings are consistent with the stereospondylomorphs, thus attaining a pae-
predictions of the hypoxia scenario. However, domorphic appearance probably by hypomor-
removing the effects of body size and phylog- phosis. Amphibamid and branchiosaurid dis-
eny causes some of the differences to break sorophoids have clearly distinguishable larval
down, indicating that if selection for increased and postlarval developments, indicating that
respiratory efficiency affected these characters, these forms had evolved a lissamphibian-like
it was most likely not the only factor to do so. type of metamorphosis.
Therefore, the characters provide only weak
evidence in support of the hypoxia scenario, 2011010315
and we recommend against their use for this 确定化石两栖类骨骼矿化程度的新方法:
purpose. Our results emphasize the need for 以法国奥顿盆地晚古生代鳃龙 Apateon 属
caution when invoking presumed differences 为例 = A new tool for determining degrees of
between Permian and Triassic vertebrates as mineralization in fossil amphibian skeletons:
support for hypoxia, or other extinction sce- The example of the Late Palaeozoic branchio-
narios, without a rigorous study of the charac- saurid Apateon from the Autun Basin, France.
ter(s) in question. (英文). Sanchez S; de Ploëg G; Clément G;
Ahlberga P E. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010,
2011010314 9(6-7): 311-317
远古两栖类 temnospondyl 系列生长的形态 Studying ontogenetic features of fossil
空间占位:几何形态测量方法 = Morpho- tetrapods is of major interest for investigating
space occupation of temnospondyl growth the adaptive strategies of early tetrapods to
series: a geometric morphometric approach. their palaeoenvironments. To determine the
(英文). Witzmann F; Scholz H; Ruta M. Al- degree of calcification of skeletal elements,
cheringa, 2009, 33(3): 237 - 255 biologists have until now relied on X-ray ra-

diographs of organisms or isolated bones, or fragmentary remains (except for the Argentin-
on thin sections. An X-ray tomographic scan ean chigutisaurids, and the Brazilian Aus-
of Apateon, a Carboniferous – Permian bran- tralerpeton cosgriffi—a rhinesuchoid, and
chiosaurid from the Autun Basin, France, re- Sangaia lavinai—a rhytidosteid), and this
veals distinct density properties related to dif- situation constrains generalized attempts to
ferent mineralized tissues (calcified cartilage understand their likely sequence of occupation
versus bone). The rendering of Apateon as a in this part of Gondwana during the upper Pa-
“test individual” provides a 3D map of the laeozoic and lower Mesozoic. Nevertheless,
degrees of ossification of the axial and cranial this new record is important, since it increases
elements. The combination of these anatomi- the representation of stereospondyls in south-
cal observations with histological information ern Brazil. Moreover, it expands their bio-
from classical thin sections made in limb stratigraphic range in the Ros rio do Sul
bones of several other specimens of the same Group.
locality allows the detailed determination of
their ontogenetic stage. A comparison with the 2011010318
well-known specimens of the Saar-Nahe Basin, 西班牙早更新世绿蟾蜍的首次报告:古生
Germany, makes it possible to investigate the 物 地 理 和 古 生 态 意 义 = First report of a
influence of different palaeoenvironments on green toad (Bufo viridis sensu lato) in the
ontogenetic features. Early Pleistocene of Spain: Palaeobio-
geographical and palaeoecological implica-
2011010316 tions. (英文). Blain H-A; Gibert L; Ferràndez-
匈牙利晚白垩世一先进的无尾目 = An ad- Cañadell C. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010,
vanced anuran from the Late Cretaceous (San- 9(8): 487-497
tonian) of Hungary. (英文). Szentesi Z; Venc- For the first time unequivocal fossil remains
zel M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. of a green toad (Bufo viridis s.l.) are described
Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(3): in the Iberian Peninsula. The fossils come
291-302 from the Cueva Victoria site, a late Early
A new anuran genus and species is de- Pleistocene (ca. 1.1–1.2 Ma) karstic filling in
scribed based on isolated ilia and tibio-fibulae semi-arid southeastern Spain (Murcia region).
from the Iharkut locality. The distinctive ilium By extension, other remains from two other
exhibits at least two autapomorphies: (1) an Early Pleistocene Spanish localities, Barranco
liac crest that is heavily built, extremely high, León D (ca. 1.3 Ma) and Almenara-
and sculptured laterally by longitudinal Casablanca 3 (ca. 1.1 Ma), are cautiously at-
grooves and bony ridges that anastomose pos- tributed to the group B. viridis. The B. viridis
teriorly and (2) an interiliac tuberele that is group was previously reported with some un-
huge and medially bears an extensive sutural certainty to the west of its current distribution
surfacedeveloped at the level of the area in Western Europe (Spain and France) in
preacetabular region. the Pliocene (Bufo cf. viridis) and less proba-
bly in the Early Miocene (Bufo aff. viridis).
2011010317 Since no osteological differences have been
巴西南部中/上三叠统圣玛丽亚组两栖类巨 established between the recently described
型全椎类动物化石的发现 = Occurrence of extant species of B. viridis s.l. (e.g. Bufo bale-
giant stereospondyl remains in the Santa aricus, Bufo siculus, Bufo boulengeri, B. viri-
Maria Formation (Middle/Upper Triassic of dis sensu stricto and Bufo variabilis) no pre-
southern Brazil). ( 英 文 ). Dias-da-Silva S; cise palaeobiogeographical relationships can
Cabreira S F; Roberto Da Silva L. Alcher- be drawn for the Spanish fossils. However, the
inga, 2011, 35(1): 11 - 19 occurrence of a third species of bufonid toad
The first occurrence of stereospondyl re- during the Pleistocene in the South of the Ibe-
mains in the Santa Maria Formation (Mid- rian Peninsula raises some interesting ecologi-
dle/Upper Triassic) of the Paran Basin is cal questions in relation to the local disappear-
reported. The material is fragmentary but indi- ance of the green toad, which can be hypo-
cates the presence of large stereospondyls in thetically linked to the intensification of the
the Carnian of this unit. The lack of informa- Pleistocene glacial/interglacial climate dy-
tive characters is an obstacle, but the speci- namic or to probable competition with another
mens probably belong to metoposaurids, tre- toad, Bufo calamita.
matosaurids or mastodonsauroids. Most South
American reports of stereospondyls record 2011010319

土耳其下中新统罕见的蝌蚪: 无尾目中的幼 orly than one-half of the length of the external
体生殖有可能吗? = Strange tadpoles from naris. We included Rubeostratilia in a recently
the lower Miocene of Turkey: Is paedogenesis published amphibamid matrix, to which we
possible in anurans?. (英文). Dubois A; Gros- added four characters, and conducted two
jean S; Paicheler J C. Acta palaeontologica separate phylogenetic analyses, differing in
Polonica, 2010, 55(1): 43-55 the coding of three characters in the genus
Fossil material from the lower Miocene Plemmyradytes. The results demonstrate the
collected in the basin lake of Beskonak in- importance of precision in coding for each
cluded 19 slabs showing 19 amphibian anuran character, because these minor changes lead to
tadpoles of rather large size, at Gosner stages two different topologies. A brief morphomet-
36-38. They are here tentatively referred to the ric analysis of amphibamid cranial anatomy
genus Pelobates. Two of these tadpoles show was conducted to better understand the nature
an unusual group of black roundish spots in of the different morphotypes among which the
the abdominal region, and a third similar new species clusters. The results of both mor-
group of spots is present in anotherslab but we phometric and phylogenetic analysis add sup-
were unable to state if it was associated with a port to the emerging consensus that amphi-
tadpole or not. Several hypotheses can be pro- bamids cluster into two distinct clades.
pose to accout for these structures: artefacts;
intestinal content; internal or external parasites; 2011010321
diseases; eggs produced by the tadpole; The 阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚西北始新世一新蛙类 =
latter hypotheses is discussed in detail and is A New Helmeted Frog (Anura: Calypto-
shown to be unlikly for several reasons. How- cephalellidae) from an Eocene Subtropical
ever, in the impobable case where these spots Lake in Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina.
would correspond to eggs, this would be the (英文). Gómez R O; Báez A M; Muzzopappa
first reported case of natual paedogenesis in P. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2011,
anurans, a phenomenon which has been so far 31(1): 50–59
considered impossible mostly for anatomical Eocene caldera-lake deposits from Río
reasons. Pichileufú have yielded anuran remains in
association with a taxonomically diverse flora.
2011010320 The floral evidence suggests that these an-
美国得克萨斯州早二叠世 Amphibamid 的 urans lived under climatic conditions similar
新 类 群 = A New Amphibamid (Temno- to those of extant subtropical rainforests. One
spondyli: Dissorophoidea) from the Early of the anurans is a helmeted neobatrachian,
which is represented by articulated remains
Permian of Texas. (英文). Bourget H; Ander-
and represents a new species that can be as-
son J S. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontol-
signed to the extant genus Calyptocephalella
ogy, 2011, 31(1): 32-49
on the basis of both cranial and postcranial
The Amphibamidae are undergoing inten-
traits. Calyptocephalella pichileufensis, gen. et
sive investigation at present, with many new
sp. nov., indicates that, despite the relatively
species recently described to better understand
conservative skeletal anatomy of the genus,
their interrelationships and role in the origin of
Calyptocephalella has not always been associ-
extant amphibians. A new genus and species
ated with the temperate austral forests that it
of amphibamid, Rubeostratilia texensis, repre-
inhabits today. The new species also provides
sented by a skull from the Early Permian of
evidence of a biotic link with Australia, which
Texas, shows many similarities with a recent
has been proposed on the basis of other faunal
described species from Richards Spur, Okla-
and floral records, as well as on the paleo-
homa, Pasawioops mayi. The skull is elongate
geographic history of Patagonia during the
and oval, with enlarged external naris and or-
mid-Cretaceous—Eocene interval. We also
bits, typical of the other amphibamids within
discuss the significance of neobatrachian cra-
the Micropholis-Tersomius cluster. The skull
nial features that might reflect hyperossifica-
exhibits the laterally exposed palatine (LEP)
and the dorsal quadrate process typical of the
Dissorophoidea. Unlike Pasawioops, the new
species preserves only a few additional char- 爬 行 类
acters relevant to amphibamid relationships: 2011010322
the pterygoid contacts only the ectopterygoid, 浮点——蛇颈龙浮力、平衡和胃石的计算
the postfrontal's shape is falciform, and the 研究 = Floating point: a computational study
alary processes do not extend further posteri- of buoyancy, equilibrium, and gastroliths in

plesiosaurs. ( 英 文 ). Henderson D M. Le- tracks and other subsurface deformation struc-
thaia, 2006, 39(3): 227 - 244 tures, both slabs were sectioned vertically at
Three-dimensional mathematical / computa- closely-spaced intervals, perpendicular to the
tional models of three types of plesiosaur length of the axis of the impression of digit III.
(Liopleurodon - short neck, Cryptoclidus - Each section was subsequently polished and
medium neck, and Thalassomedon - long neck) internal structures revealed. The digit impres-
were used to investigate aspects of their flota- sions of both tracks were associated with well-
tion and stability. Equivalent models of an defined undertracks which were cut by deep
extant alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and narrow claw imprints at the distal end of
and leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys cori- the digit impressions. Marginal ridges at the
acea) were used as tests. With full lungs, and tracking surfaces were typically associated
uniform tissue densities of 1,050 g/l, all five with subsurface marginal folds. The marginal
models would float at the surface, with the ridges were asymmetrically developed sug-
alligator and sea turtle models replicating the gesting an outward movement of the proximal
depths of immersion and inclinations observed part of the foot, probably during the kick-off;
in living forms. Impractically large amounts of this is in contrast to what is observed in tracks
gastroliths were needed to initiate sinking - from Lower Jurassic theropods. The study
even with the lungs 50% inflated,10 kg of shows that cross-sections through dinosaur
stones were still required in a 218 kg Crypto- tracks display large structural variation and it
clidus to produce negative buoyancy, and the is suggested that some disturbed layers in con-
hypothesis that gastroliths were for control of tinental deposits could be the result of tram-
buoyancy is rejected. However, gastroliths pling by vertebrates.
equal to 1% of body weight in the Thalas-
somedon model were effective at damping out 2011010324
buoyant oscillations of the neck when at the 对化石脊椎动物覆盖物首次作骨胶原 D 带
surface and minimizing instability when fully 超微构造的研究 = First investigation of the
immersed at 10 meters depth. The oblate bod- collagen D-band ultrastructure in fossilized
ies of Cryptoclidus and Liopleurodon pro- vertebrate integument. (英文). Lingham-Soliar
vided effective passive mechanisms for right- T; Wesley-Smith J. Proceedings of the Royal
ing the body if perturbed by waves at the sur- Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,
face, but the almost circular cross-section of 275(1648): 2207-2212
the Thalassomedon body was ineffective in The ultrastructure of dermal fibres of a
self-righting. The relatively longer flippers of 200Myr thunniform ichthyosaur, Ichthyosau-
Thalassomedon may have provided higher rus, specifically the 67nm axial repeat D-
drag to resist rolling. The idea that plesiosaurs banding of the fibrils, which characterizes
could maintain their necks above the water collagen, is presented for the first time by
surface in an erect manner is rejected due to means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
unbalanced buoyancy torques acting on the analysis. The fragment of material investi-
body. gated is part of previously described fossilized
skin comprising an architecture of layers of
2011010323 oppositely oriented fibre bundles. The wider
东格陵兰晚三叠世湖相沉积恐龙足迹的垂 implication, as indicated by the extraordinary
直剖面——下足迹和其他面下变形构造揭 quality of preservation, is the robustness of the
示 = Vertical sections through dinosaur tracks collagen molecule at the ultrastructural level,
(Late Triassic lake deposits, East Greenland) - which presumably contributed to its survival
undertracks and other subsurface deformation during the initial processes of decomposition
structures revealed. (英文). Milàn J; Clem- prior to mineralization. Investigation of the
mensen L B; Bonde N. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): elemental composition of the sample by
285 - 296 SEM–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
Tracks and trackways of theropod dinosaurs indicates that calcite and phosphate played
(Grallator footprints) are abundant in the Late important roles in the rapid mineralization and
Triassic lake sediments of East Greenland. For fine replication of the collagen fibres and fi-
this study we selected a rather diffuse thero- brils. The exceedingly small sample used in
pod track preserved on the upper surface of a the investigation and high level of information
red heterolithic mudrock, and a better pre- achieved indicate the potential for minimal
served track seen on the upper surface of a damage to prized museum specimens; for ex-
greyish mudrock. In order to examine under- ample, ultrastructural investigations by SEM

may be used to help resolve highly conten- The subarctometatarsus is a plesiomorphic
tious questions, for example, ‘protofeathers’ in form of arctometatarsus. Five individual su-
the Chinese dinosaurs. barctometatarsalian specimens are examined
in this study including Microraptor gui, Si-
2011010325 nornithosaurus millenii, Sinovenator changii,
加拿大艾伯塔上白垩统 Santonian Milk 组 Sinovenator sp. and Sinornithoides youngi.
最上部兽足恐龙牙齿的多样性和变异:支 Bivariate analysis illustrates a closer relation-
持加拿大最老恐龙牙齿组合鉴定的一种定 ship between subarctometatarsalians and small
theropods possessing the plesiomorphic thero-
量方法 = Diversity and variation of theropod
pod metatarsus (e.g. Compsognathidae and
dinosaur teeth from the uppermost Santonian
Archaeopteryx). Reduced major axis (RMA)
Milk River Formation (Upper Cretaceous),
analysis supported this conclusion but also
Alberta: a quantitative method supporting
indicates a distinct statistical difference be-
identification of the oldest dinosaur tooth as-
tween the three categories of theropod meta-
semblage in Canada. (英 文 ). Larson D W. tarsus. Additionally, development of the su-
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008, barctometatarsus is inferred to have been
45(12): 1455-1468 linked to advanced cursoriality as implicated
The Santonian Deadhorse Coulee Member for the arctometatarsus. Structural similarity
of the Milk River Formation preserves the between the subarctometatarsus and the arc-
oldest dinosaur body fossils found in Alberta. tometatarsus portrays a common mechanical
However, vertebrate remains consist almost function of being able to withstand the forces
exclusively of isolated elements and microver- of high impact with the substrate. Phyloge-
tebrate assemblages. Here, 1572 relatively netic analysis reveals five independent origins
complete shed non-avian theropod teeth from of the arctometatarsus
20 localities in the Deadhorse Coulee Member
are measured and analyzed to assess species 2011010327
diversity. Teeth are referred to or similar to 南非中二叠世具有颞颥窗孔的一个新的副
Tyrannosaurinae indet., cf. Richardoestesia
爬行类动物 = A new parareptile with tempo-
gilmorei, cf. Richardoestesia isosceles, Dro-
maeosauridae indet., Dromaeosaurinae indet., ral fenestration from the Middle Permian of
Velociraptorinae indet., and cf. Paronychodon South Africa. (英文). Modesto S P; Scott D M;
lacustris. For the taxa identified, the large Reisz R R. Canadian Journal of Earth Sci-
sample size allows for the assessment of their ences, 2009, 46(1): 9–20
range of variation and accurate identification, The partial skeleton of a small reptile, from
without the benefit of comparable material of the Middle Permian Tapinocephalus Assem-
this age. Multivariate statistics, including a blage Zone of South Africa, is described as a
principal component analysis and a canonical new parareptile. Australothyris smithi gen. et
variate analysis, provide reasonable separation sp. nov. is diagnosed by contact between the
of all taxa, although better results are achieved postfrontal and the supratemporal, a relatively
by separate analyses based on qualitative ob- large pineal foramen, a small interpterygoid
servations of denticle shape. The best results vacuity, the presence of teeth on the ventral
of the canonical variate analysis identified surfaces of the basipterygoid processes, and
96.0% of specimens correctly. This corrobo- several other autapomorphies. Phylogenetic
rates the qualitative identification of speci- analysis of an augmented data matrix from the
mens and illustrates a valid way of evaluating literature positions A. smithi basally within
diversity in areas and formations from which Parareptilia, as the sister taxon of Ankyramor-
no described jaw material is known. pha. Our results indicate that the presence of a
lateral temporal fenestra is synapomorphic for
2011010326 procolophonomorphs (as regarded in this pa-
亚北极跖骨:中间型跖骨的结构证明兽足 per) and that this structure was variously
modified in procolophonians. Australothyris
恐龙中北极跖骨和高度灵敏性的演化 = The
smithi is the phylogenetically youngest mem-
subarctometatarsus: intermediate metatarsus
ber of a grade of Gondwanan parareptiles that
architecture demonstrating the evolution of the
includes mesosaurids and millerosaurs, a to-
arctometatarsus and advanced agility in thero-
pology intimating that parareptiles diversified
pod dinosaurs. (英文). White M A. Alcher- first in Gondwana and then dispersed into
inga, 2009, 33(1): 1 - 21 Laurasia. This biogeographic scenario is at
odds with observations that the bolosaurids of

Laurasia predate mesosaurids and other mesial and distal sides of the primary ridge,
Gondwanan parareptiles by approximately 15 and increase in tooth size in neoceratopsians.
million years. Premaxillary teeth in the basalmost ceratop-
sian Yinlong and basal neoceratopsian Ar-
2011010328 chaeoceratops oshimai exhibit wear facets and
从某些精选的新兽孔目(特着重于二齿 denticles along the carina, which imply use for
兽)的骨微细构造推断生长模式:系统发 feeding. Maxillary and dentary teeth of basal
育学意义 = Growth patterns as deduced from ceratopsians were probably not as effective in
bone microstructure of some selected neo- feeding as those in ceratopsids because of the
therapsids with special emphasis on dicyno- relatively less prominent primary ridges.
Some dental characters can be used to identify
donts: Phylogenetic implications. (英文). Ray
taxon and tooth position of isolated basal cera-
S; Bandyopadhyay S; Bhawal D. Palae-
topsian teeth.
oworld, 2009, 18(1): 53-66
Osteohistological analysis of the dicyno-
donts Endothiodon, Diictodon, Lystrosaurus
and Wadiasaurus reveals distinctly different
growth patterns within a framework of an 点 Bulgo 砂岩古鳄型初龙化石早三叠世 =
overall fast growth. The late Permian endemic Proterosuchid archosaur remains from the
taxon from India, Endothiodon mahalanobisi Early Triassic Bulgo Sandstone of Long Reef,
and the South African Diictodon feliceps had New South Wales. (英文). Kear B P. Alcher-
periodic fast growth. The early Triassic Ly- inga, 2009, 33(4): 331 - 337
strosaurus murrayi and the middle Triassic Two associated anterior dorsal vertebrae of
Wadiasaurus indicus had an initial fast growth a primitive archosaur are described from the
followed by a relatively slow growth later in Early Triassic (Dienerian-Spathian) Bulgo
ontogeny as is observed from the presence of Sandstone at Long Reef, New South Wales,
peripheral parallel fibred bone. Although all Australia. Character states including antero-
examined dicynodont genera had an indeter- posteriorly elongate centra, dorsal neural
minate growth strategy, the bone microstruc- spines with height greater than length, the
ture of Wadiasaurus suggests that its growth possible presence of intercentra, double-
was much slower than that of other dicyno- headed rib articulations and well-developed
donts examined. Mapping of osetohistological apical tables on the neural spines suggest af-
character states on a cladogram depicting the finity with proterosuchid archosauriforms and
inter-relationship between available neo- permit some comparisons with previously de-
therapsid genera shows that fibrolamellar bone scribed Australian taxa. The Bulgo Sandstone
tissue, overall fast growth and indeterminate vertebrae represent the first record of ar-
growth strategy were plesiomorphic for the chosaurian body fossils from the Sydney Ba-
neotherapsids. A considerable reduction in sin and are one of only a handful of occur-
developmental plasticity and evolution of ap- rences thus far documented from the Triassic
parently independent growth trajectories from of Australia.
environmental conditions are evident within
the non-mammalian cynodonts, with the ad- 2011010331
vanced tritylodontids achieving almost a 摩洛哥晚白垩世兽脚恐龙过量了吗?从野
mammalian growth traject 外数据和化石商店比较生物多样性估量 =
A surfeit of theropods in the Moroccan Late
2011010329 Cretaceous? Comparing diversity estimates
部分基干角龙类齿型的比较解剖学 = Com- from field data and fossil shops. ( 英 文 ).
parative anatomy of selected basal ceratopsian McGowan A J; Dyke G J. Geology, 2009,
dentitions. ( 英 文 ). Tanoue K; You Hailu; 37(9): 843-846
Dodson P. Canadian Journal of Earth Sci- An unusually high proportion of large-
ences, 2009, 46(6): 425–439 bodied carnivorous theropod dinosaurs has
The dental structure of basal ceratopsians is been reported from the Moroccan Late Creta-
described. Evolutionary trends in maxillary ceous Kem Kem Formation, a well-known
and dentary teeth of basal ceratopsians include package of North Africa vertebrate fossil-
decrease and possible loss of enamel on the bearing sediments. We investigate whether
occluding side of tooth crowns, increase in the recorded proportions of predator and prey taxa
angle of wear facet, development of a promi- in Kem Kem sediments are real, or an artifact
nent primary ridge and deep indentations on generated by collecting biases, by comparing

field data to counts of fossil vertebrates from 白垩纪恐龙和鸟类石化色素体和颜色 =
Moroccan fossil shops. The application of Fossilized melanosomes and the colour of
common techniques for standardizing ecologi- Cretaceous dinosaurs and birds. (英文). Zhang
cal survey data confirms that previous workers Fucheng; Kearns S L; Orr P J; Benton M J;
have been misled by the acquisition by muse- Zhou Zhonghe; Johnson D; Xu Xing; Wang
ums of specimens from commercial collectors Xiaolin. Nature, 2009, 463(7284): 1075-1078
rather than from detailed field surveying. Spectacular fossils from the Early Creta-
Claims that an unusual number of theropod ceous Jehol Group of northeastern China have
dinosaurs were present in North Africa Late greatly expanded our knowledge of the diver-
Cretaceous ecosystems are likely the result of sity and palaeobiology of dinosaurs and early
biases due to both commercial activity and birds, and contributed to our understanding of
collectorship biases. the origin of birds, of flight, and of feathers.
Pennaceous (vaned) feathers and integumen-
2011010332 tary filaments are preserved in birdsand non-
恐龙结构:运用兽脚亚目行走动力学重建 avian theropod dinosaurs, but little is known
兽脚亚目运行轨迹的结构分析 = Dinosaur of their microstructure. Here we report that
tectonics: A structural analysis of theropod melanosomes (colour-bearing organelles) are
undertracks with a reconstruction of theropod not only preserved in the pennaceous feathers
walking dynamics. (英文). Graversen O; Mi- of early birds, but also in an identical manner
lan J; Loope D B. Journal of Geology, 2007, in integumentary filaments of non-avian dino-
115(6): 641-654 saurs, thus refuting recent claims that the fila-
A dinosaur trackway in the Middle Jurassic ments are partially decayed dermal collagen
eolian Entrada Sandstone of southern Utah, U. fibres. Examples of both eumelanosomes and
S. A., exposes three undertracks that we have phaeomelanosomes have been identified, and
modeled as isolated tectonic regimes showing they are often preserved in life position within
the development of fold-thrust ramp systems the structure of partially degraded feathers and
induced by the dinosaur's feet. The faulted and filaments. Furthermore, the data here provide
folded sequence is comparable to crustal-scale empirical evidence for reconstructing the col-
tectonics associated with plate tectonics and ours and colour patterning of these extinct
foreland fold-thrust belts. A structural analysis birds and theropod dinosaurs: for example, the
of the dinosaur tracks shows the timing and dark-coloured stripes on the tail of the thero-
direction of the forces exercised on the sub- pod dinosaur Sinosauropteryx can reasonably
strate by the animal's foot during the stride. be inferred to have exhibited chestnut to red-
Based on the structural analysis, we establish dish-brown tones.
a scenario for foot movements and weight
distribution in the feet. During the end of the 2011010334
weight-bearing phase of the stride, the weight 从北美新的上侏罗统畸齿恐龙类推断鸟臀
of the animal was transferred to the front of 类恐龙躯体大小的的下限 = Lower limits of
the digits, creating a rotated disk below the ornithischian dinosaur body size inferred from
foot that was bounded by an extensional fault a new Upper Jurassic heterodontosaurid from
at the front and a thrust ramp toward the back. North America. (英文). Butler R J;Galton P M;
As the body accelerated, the foot was forced Porro L B; Chiappe L M ;Henderson D M.
backward. The rotated disk was forced back- Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biologi-
ward along a detachment fault that was cal Sciences, 2010, 277(1680): 375-381
bounded by lateral ramps. The interramp seg- The extremes of dinosaur body size have
ment matches the width of the dinosaur's foot, long fascinated scientists. The smallest (<1 m
which created an imbricate fan thrust system length) known dinosaurs are carnivorous sau-
that extended to the far end of the undertrack. rischian theropods, and similarly diminutive
The total length of the tectonic disturbance herbivorous or omnivorous ornithischians (the
created by the dinosaur is up to three times other major group of dinosaurs) are unknown.
that of the original footprint. Early, near- We report a new ornithischian dinosaur, Frui-
surface cementation gave the substrate the tadens haagarorum, from the Late Jurassic of
rheological properties necessary for develop- western North America that rivals the smallest
ment of the observed structures. theropods in size. The largest specimens of
Fruitadens represent young adults in their
2011010333 fifth year of development and are estimated at
just 65–75 cm in total body length and 0.5–

0.75 kg body mass. They are thus the smallest 2011010336
known ornithischians. Fruitadens is a late- 澳大利亚和新西兰地区白垩纪非鸟类恐龙
surviving member of the basal dinosaur clade 的 重新认 识: 他们亲 冈瓦 纳的证 据 = A
Heterodontosauridae, and is the first member reappraisal of the Cretaceous non-avian dino-
of this clade to be described from North saur faunas from Australia and New Zealand:
America. The craniodental anatomy and di- evidence for their Gondwanan affinities. (英
minutive body size of Fruitadens suggest that
文). Agnolin F L; Ezcurra M D; Pais D F;
this taxon was an ecological generalist with an
Salisbury S W. Journal of Systematic Palae-
omnivorous diet, thus providing new insights
ontology, 2010, 8(2): 257-300
into morphological and palaeoecological di-
It has often been assumed that Australasian
versity within Dinosauria. Late-surviving
Cretaceous dinosaur faunas were for the most
(Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) hetero-
part endemic, but with some Laurasian affini-
dontosaurids are smaller and less ecologically
ties. In this regard, some Australasian dino-
specialized than Early (Late Triassic and Early
saurs have been considered Jurassic relicts,
Jurassic) heterodontosaurids, and this ecologi-
while others were thought to represent typical
cal generalization may account in part for the
Laurasian forms or endemic taxa. Furthermore,
remarkable 100-million-year-long longevity of
it has been proposed that some dinosaurian
the clade.
lineages, namely oviraptorosaurians, dro-
maeosaurids, ornithomimosaurians and proto-
ceratopsians, may have originated in Australia
before dispersing to Asia during the Early
演化的证据 = Evidence for modular evolu- Cretaceous. Here we provide a detailed review
tion in a long-tailed pterosaur with a pterodac- of Cretaceous non-avian dinosaurs from Aus-
tyloid skull. (英文). Lü Junchang; Unwin D M; tralia and New Zealand, and compare them
Jin Xingsheng; Liu Yongqing; Ji Qiang. Pro- with taxa from other Gondwanan landmasses.
ceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Our results challenge the traditional view of
Sciences, 2010, 277(1680): 383-389 Australian dinosaur faunas, with the majority
The fossil record is a unique source of evi- of taxa displaying affinities that are concor-
dence for important evolutionary phenomena dant with current palaeobiogeographic models
such as transitions between major clades. of Gondwanan terrestrial vertebrate faunal
Frustratingly, relevant fossils are still com- distribution. We reinterpret putative Austra-
paratively rare, most transitions have yet to be lian 'hypsilophodontids' as basal ornithopods
documented in detail and the mechanisms that (some of them probably related to South
underpin such events, typified by rapid large American forms), and the recently described
scale changes and for which microevolution- protoceratopsians are referred to Genasauria
ary processes seem insufficient, are still un- indet. and Ornithopoda indet. Among Thero-
clear. A new pterosaur (Mesozoic flying rep- poda, the Australian pigmy 'Allosaurus' is re-
tile) from the Middle Jurassic of China, Dar- ferred to the typical Gondwanan clade Abeli-
winopterus modularis gen. et sp. nov., pro- sauroidea. Similarities are also observed be-
vides the first insights into a prominent, but tween the enigmatic Australian theropod Ra-
poorly understood transition between basal, pator, Australovenator and the South Ameri-
predominantly long-tailed pterosaurs and the can carcharodontosaurian Megaraptor. Timi-
more derived, exclusively short-tailed ptero- mus and putative oviraptorosaurians are re-
dactyloids. Darwinopterus exhibits a remark- ferred to Dromaeosauridae. The present revi-
able ‘modular’ combination of characters: the sion demonstrates that Australia's non-avian
skull and neck are typically pterodactyloid, Cretaceous dinosaurian faunas were reminis-
exhibiting numerous derived character states, cent of those found in other, roughly contem-
while the remainder of the skeleton is almost poraneous, Gondwanan landmasses, and are
completely plesiomorphic and identical to that suggestive of faunal interchange with these
of basal pterosaurs. This pattern supports the regions via Antarctica.
idea that modules, tightly integrated com-
plexes of characters with discrete, semi- 2011010337
independent and temporally persistent histo- 澳大利亚昆士兰西部阿尔比期 Toeboluc 组
ries, were the principal focus of natural selec- 新的孤立的翼手龙骨骼化石兼评澳大利亚
tion and played a leading role in evolutionary
翼手龙动物群 = New isolated pterodactyloid
bones from the Albian Toolebuc Formation

(western Queensland, Australia) with com- Vincent P; Amiot R; Bardet N; Buffetaut E;
ments on the Australian pterosaur fauna. (英 Cuny G; Fourel F; Martineau F; Mazin J M;
文). Alexander W A K; Thomas H R; Fabiana Prieur A. Science, 2010, 328(5984): 1379-
R C; Patricia V-R; B P. Keard; Lesley K. Al- 1382
cheringa, 2010, 34(3): 219-230 What the body temperature and thermo-
New isolated pterodactyloid bones from the regulation processes of extinct vertebrates
Toolebuc Formation are described. The first were are central questions for understanding
one consists of a complete wing metacarpal their ecology and evolution. The thermo-
212 mm long, representing an individual with physiologic status of the great marine reptiles
an estimated wing span of 4 m. Small depres- is still unknown, even though some studies
sions on the anterior surface are present and have suggested that thermoregulation may
represent tooth marks showing that this have contributed to their exceptional evolu-
specimen was subjected to scavenging prior to tionary success as apex predators of Mesozoic
fossilization. The other bone consists of a aquatic ecosystems. We tested the thermal
three-dimensionally preserved cervical verte- status of ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosa-
bra lacking most of the neural arch. The saurs by comparing the oxygen isotope com-
specimens are clearly referable to the derived positions of their tooth phosphate to those of
pterosaur clade Pterodactyloidea. Based on coexisting fish. Data distribution reveals that
several features such as the position of the these large marine reptiles were able to main-
pneumatic foramen and the particular shape tain a constant and high body temperature in
and proportions of those elements, they possi- oceanic environments ranging from tropical to
bly are members of, or closely related to, the cold temperate. Their estimated body tempera-
Anhangueridae. The record of the Australian tures, in the range from 35 degrees +/- 2 de-
pterosaurs is reviewed here and represents the grees C to 39 degrees +/- 2 degrees C, suggest
known southern distributional limit for Creta- high metabolic rates required for predation
ceous pterosaurs, arguing against some older and fast swimming over large distances off-
ideas of a more geographically restricted shore.
range for these flying reptiles.
2011010338 澳大利亚东部白垩纪蜥脚类动物的埋葬学
澳大利亚晚白垩世海龟类化石的首次发现 观察 = Taphonomic observations on eastern
= First evidence of a Late Cretaceous sea tur- Australian Cretaceous sauropods. ( 英 文 ).
tle from Australia. (英文). Keara B P; Siver- Molnar R E. Alcheringa, 2010, 34(3): 421 -
son M. Alcheringa, 2010, 34(3): 265-272 429
The isolated scapula of a chelonioid sea Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) sauropod
turtle is described from the Upper Cretaceous body fossils are known from the Eromanga
(upper Maastrichtian) Miria Formation of the Basin of central Queensland and Surat Basin
Giralia Ranges in Western Australia. Charac- of northern New South Wales/southeastern
ter states including the wide angle of diver- Queensland. Most bones are uncrushed and
gence between the scapular processes (possi- undistorted. Associated components of the
bly reaching 140°), projection of the glenoid caudal and forelimb skeleton are dominant in
on a constricted scapular neck, and highly current collections and probably derived from
vascular glenoid articular surfaces suggest more complete skeletons now lost to erosion,
affinity with dermochelyoids—the most di- or yet to be exposed. Dorsal and cervical ver-
verse and geographically widespread clade of tebrae have rarely been reported and no cra-
Mesozoic chelonioids. The Miria Formation nial material has yet been found. None of the
chelonioid scapula constitutes the first defini- Australian sauropod remains shows evidence
tive record of a Late Cretaceous sea turtle of predation or scavenging, but at least two
from Australia and is one of the few occur- specimens of Wintonotitan wattsi were inti-
rences thus far documented from Upper Cre- mately associated with plant macrofossils al-
taceous-Paleogene deposits in the Southern lowing limited inference of their postmortem
Hemisphere. environments.

2011010339 2011010341
中生代陆相爬行动物体温调节 = Regulation 西班牙伊比利亚半岛上马斯特里赫特阶鸭
of Body Temperature by Some Mesozoic Ma- 嘴龙类和赖氏龙类共生的证据 = Evidence
rine Reptiles. (英文). Bernard A; Lecuyer C; of the coexistence of hadrosaurine and lam-

beosaurine dinosaurs in the Upper Maas- and ecologically marginal until the latest Cre-
trichtian of the Iberian Peninsula (Aren, taceous. Anatomical, biomechanical, and his-
Huesca, Spain).. (其他). Cruzado-Caballero P; tological studies of T. rex and other derived
Ruiz-Omenaca J I; Canudo J I. Ameghiniana: tyrannosaurs show that large tyrannosaurs
Revista de la asociacion Paleontologica Ar- could not run rapidly, were capable of crush-
gentina, 2010, 47(2): 153-164 ing bite forces, had accelerated growth rates
Many cranial and postcranial remains of and keen senses, and underwent pronounced
hadrosaurid ornithopods from the upper Maas- changes during ontogeny. The biology and
trichtian have been recovered in Aren (Huesca, evolutionary history of tyrannosaurs provide a
Spain) in the sites Blasi 1-5. Three of these foundation for comparison with other dino-
cranial remains, found at Blasi 1 (Aren For- saurs and living organisms.
mation), and Blasi 4 and 5 (Conques Forma-
tion) are jugals and are the only jugals de- 2011010343
scribed from Western Europe. The jugals from 阿根廷里奥内格罗省上白垩统恐龙蜥脚亚
Aren differ from those of Telmatosaurus 目 Titanosaurs 属 的 齿 系 : 形 态 、 植 入
transsylvanicus (Nopcsa, 1900) by being these (implantation)和替换 = Dentition of Ti-
more slender and presenting an anterior proc- tanosaurs (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the
ess isosceles-triangle-like. The jugals found at Upper Cretaceous of Rio Negro Province, Ar-
Aren are assigned provisionally to the sub- gentina: morphology, implantation and re-
families Hadrosaurinae (Blasi 5) and Lam- placement.. (其他). Garcia R A; Cerda I A.
beosaurinae (Blasi 1 and 4). The hadrosaurine Ameghiniana: Revista de la asociacion Pale-
jugal presents an asymmetrical anterior proc- ontologica Argentina, 2010, 47(1): 45-60
ess along the maxilla-lacrimal contact and a A fragment of dentary of a titanosaur
wide jugal neck, while the jugals of lam- sauropod from the Anacleto Formation (Upper
beosaurines have an anterior process very Cretaceous of the Rio Negro Province) is de-
wide dorsoventrally and symmetric, narrow scribed. Inside the alveoli, functional and re-
jugal neck and maxillary process perpendicu- placement teeth in successive "premature"
lar to the antero-posterior axis of the jugal. stages are observed. At least in the preserved
The hadrosaurine from Aren represents the portion, an alternate teeth replacement pattern
first mention of the subfamily in Europe and, is observed. The histological analysis of this
together with the remains of lambeosaurines specimen allowed identifying the attachment
found in Europe, shows an active interaction dental tissues (alveolar bone, cementum and
with the migratory route existing then between periodontal ligament). Numerous isolated
Asia and North America. Remains found in teeth from the same unit and from the overly-
Aren are essential in the knowledge of the ing Allen Formation are described. Based on
phylogenetic relationships and the biogeogra- these, a classification of the wear facets is
phy of this clade in Europe. proposed: 1) Teeth with only one facet: on the
labial side, on the lingual side, or on the lateral
2011010342 side. 2) Teeth with two facets: the bigger on
霸王龙古生物学:远古范本生物的新研究 the labial side and the smaller on the lingual
= Tyrannosaur Paleobiology: New Research side; the bigger on the lingual side and the
on Ancient Exemplar Organisms. (英文). Bru- smaller on the labial side; the bigger on the
satte S L; Norell M A; Carr T D; Erickson G lingual side and the smaller on the mesial or
M; Hutchinson J R; Balanoff A M; Bever G S; distal edge. 3) Teeth with three facets: one on
Choiniere J N; Makovicky P J; Xu X. Sci- the lingual side, the others on the mesial and
ence, 2010, 329(5998): 1481-1485 distal edges; one on the lingual side, the others
Tyrannosaurs, the group of dinosaurian car- on the labial and mesial or distal edges; one on
nivores that includes Tyrannosaurus rex and the labial side, the others on the mesial and
its closest relatives, are icons of prehistory. distal edges. 4) Teeth with four facets: the
They are also the most intensively studied smaller on the labial side, the bigger on the
extinct dinosaurs, and thanks to large sample lingual side, and two lateral facets, one on the
sizes and an influx of new discoveries, have mesial and the other on the distal edges. Fi-
become ancient exemplar organisms used to nally, we propose a hypothesis about the ori-
study many themes in vertebrate paleontology. gin of the wear facets.
A phylogeny that includes recently described
species shows that tyrannosaurs originated by 2011010344
the Middle Jurassic but remained mostly small

“Tustea 迷惑”:罗马尼亚 Hateg 盆地马斯 crevasse splay deposits, typifing a fine-
特里赫特阶鸭嘴龙雏崽与 Megaloolithidae grained, mixed load, meandering fluvial sys-
蛋关联性 = The "Tustea Puzzle": hadrosaurid tem. Twenty five km toward south (Los Bar-
(Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) hatchlings associ- reales locality) these deposits become progres-
ated with Megaloolithidae eggs in the Maas- sively to distal floodplain facies. Egg-layers
are exposed along this 25 km, however a
trichtian of the Hateg Basin (Romania). (英文).
higher concentration of egg-clutches occur
Grigorescu D. Ameghiniana: Revista de la
into paleosols and abandoned channel deposits
asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010,
developed at ancient levee and meander belt
47(1): 89-97
areas. Lithofacial evidences allow attributing
Since 1991 when the coinciding occurrence
for this lower section semiarid climatic condi-
of megaloolithid eggs and hatchlings of the
tion, with marked alternations of wet and dry
hadrosaurid Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus
seasons. Exceptional muddy sheet-floods
was suggested by few limb bone remains
burying the eggs and nests with a thick bed of
found close to the first discovered eggs in the
mud, facilitating their preservation. The upper
Hateg Basin, tens of eggs grouped in clutches
section (17 m), is composed by finer sedi-
together with neonate bones were unearthed
ments of sloughs and lacustrine deposits de-
within the place that become "Tustea nesting
veloped over a poorly drained floodplain, un-
site". In the meantime the original vertical
der conditions of major aridity. South toward
escarpment near the village of Tustea was lev-
Los Barreales, evaporitic deposits was formed
eled and converted into a horizontal platform.
in saline-lakes. The tectonic and volcanic
By their external characters and eggshell mi-
processes that affected the basin from the
crostructure all the eggs belong to the Mega-
middle to upper Campanian were responsible
loolithus oogenus, closer to M. siruguei; simi-
for the variations in the environmental condi-
larly, all the baby remains whose state of pres-
tions during the latest phase of the Anacleto
ervation allows their taxonomic assignment
Formation deposition. Possibly, these changes
belong to Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, one
provoked the abandonment of this area as
of the common dinosaur species from the rich
Maastrichtian faunal assemblage of the Hateg
Basin (Romania), and the basalmost hadro-
saurid. Most of the baby remains consist of
Albertosaurus sarcophagus 标准系列的系
isolated bones and teeth, but partial skeletons
with articulated elements were also found. The 统分类评估和产自晚白垩世坎佩期-马斯特
preliminary ontogenetic study reveals a rapid 里 赫 特 期 Horseshoe Canyon 组
growth of the hatchlings, a fact also supported Albertosaurus Albertosaurus 骨 层 的
by the discovery of most of the skeletal re- Tyrannosauridae 的一致性 = A taxonomic
mains outside the egg clutches, but in their assessment of the type series of Albertosaurus
close vicinity. In few cases bones were found sarcophagus and the identity of Tyrannosauri-
within the egg clutches and even inside the dae (Dinosauria, Coelurosauria) in the Alber-
egg. It is worth to mention that no sauropod tosaurus bonebed from the Horseshoe Canyon
remains were found within the nesting horizon Formation (Campanian–Maastrichtian, Late
from Tustea. Cretaceous). ( 英 文 ). Carr T D. Canadian
Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(9): 1213–
2011010345 1226
阿根廷内乌肯省晚白垩世 Auca Mahuevo The type series of Albertosaurus sarcopha-
和 Los Barreales 蜥脚龙类硒息地的古环境 gus, consisting of a type (CMN 5600) and a
= Paleoenvironment of the Auca Mahuevo and paratype (CMN 5601) is inadequately estab-
Los Barreales sauropod nesting-sites (Late lished, since it has not been demonstrated that
Cretaceous, Neuquen Province, Argentina). the specimens represent the same taxon. This
(英文). Garrido A C. Ameghiniana: Revista de problem has arisen because the original diag-
la asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010, nostic characters have a wider distribution
47(1): 99-106 among Tyrannosauridae or they are in error,
Outcrops of Anacleto Formation at Auca and both specimens consist of incomplete and
Mahuevo nesting site (Neuquen Province, Ar- damaged skulls. The type series was studied to
gentina) can be divided into two main sections. test for the presence of diagnostic characters
The lower section (51 m), exhibits a succes- in the type specimen and, if so, to provide a
sion of point bar, levee, crevasse channel and rationale for referring the paratype to the
taxon. Of the bones shared between the skulls,

only five could be compared. One character, tious approach when interpreting multivariate
the enlarged posterior pneumatic recess of the analyses to identify novel tooth morphologies.
palatine, is shared between the two specimens; Multivariate analyses on teeth of A. sarcopha-
this condition differs from the situation seen in gus and published tooth data from other North
other tyrannosaurids. This character provided American tyrannosaurid species reveals spe-
the rationale for assessing the identity of the cies-level clusters with little separation. The
specimens collected from the Albertosaurus degree of separation among tooth clusters may
bonebed, from which one palatine was col- reveal a phylogenetic signal in tyrannosaurid
lected that exhibits the diagnostic recess. Iso- teeth.
lated cranial bones from the bonebed were
compared with those preserved in the type 2011010348
series to evaluate their referral to A. sar- Albertosaurus sarcophagus 和 Tyranno-
cophagus; additional characters shared be- saurus rex: 的异齿类型:通过 3-D 模式推
tween the type series and the specimens from 断生物机械学意义 = The heterodonty of Al-
the bonebed were identified in the maxilla, bertosaurus sarcophagus and Tyrannosaurus
lacrimal, and palatine. This evidence supports rex: biomechanical implications inferred
the hypothesis that A. sarcophagus is the tyr-
through 3-D models. (英文). Reichel M. Ca-
annosaurid preserved in the bonebed. A hy-
nadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(9):
pothesis of the principal growth changes in the
skull in A. sarcophagus, which includes the
The objective of this study is to analyze
type series and bonebed material, is proposed.
how different crown morphologies and differ-
ent root lengths respond to stresses generated
by the bite forces of Albertosaurus sarcopha-
在 兽 脚 类 霸 王 龙 科 Albertosaurus sar-
gus and Tyrannosaurus rex. Six well-
cophagus 的单一种群中定量确定齿的变化 preserved teeth of A. sarcophagus from the
和鉴定霸王龙孤立的牙齿的意义 = Quanti- Albertosaurus bonebed in Dry Island Park
fying tooth variation within a single popula- (southern Alberta) were selected to study their
tion of Albertosaurus sarcophagus (Theropoda: biomechanics, and T. rex teeth were included
Tyrannosauridae) and implications for identi- for comparison. The three-dimensional (3-D)
fying isolated teeth of tyrannosaurids. (英文). models were obtained through computerized
Buckley L G; Larson D W; Reichel M; Sam- tomography (CT) scanning and 3-D digitizing.
man T. Canadian Journal of Earth Sci- Finite element analyses were performed in
ences, 2010, 47(9): 1227–1251 Strand7®. Bite forces for Albertosaurus and
Documenting variation in theropod dino- Tyrannosaurus were calculated based on cra-
saurs is usually hindered by the lack of a large nial and jaw proportions. The results were
sample size and specimens representing sev- viewed with the Tresca yield criterion. The
eral ontogenetic stages. Here, variation within ratios of shear stresses observed along the me-
140 disassociated and seven in situ tyranno- sio-distal versus labio-lingual axes of all mod-
saur teeth from the Upper Cretaceous (lower els allows the identification of similar stress
Maastrichtian) monodominant Albertosaurus distribution patterns in the upper and lower
sarcophagus (Theropoda: Tyrannosauridae) jaws of Albertosaurus and the upper jaws of
bonebed is documented. This sample repre- Tyrannosaurus, with a higher amount of shear
sents the largest data set of teeth from one along the mesio-distal axis occurring in the
population of A. sarcophagus containing both mid-maxillary teeth. The dentary teeth of
adult and juvenile specimens. Tooth variation Tyrannosaurus, however, show a different
was assessed using multivariate analyses stress distribution pattern, with a higher
(principal component, discriminant, and ca- amount of shear occurring along the labio-
nonical variate analyses). Heterodonty in the lingual axis of the mid-dentary teeth. These
teeth of A. sarcophagus contributes to the differences in jaw mechanics suggest that the
large amount of variation in the data set. Pre- function of teeth in the lower jaw of Tyranno-
maxillary teeth are significantly different from saurus shifted a few positions to compensate
maxillary and dentary teeth, but there is no different proportions in the dentary that cause
quantifiable difference between a priori identi- the anterior dentary teeth to be aligned with
fied maxillary and dentary teeth. Juvenile and the largest maxillary teeth in Tyrannosaurus.
adult teeth of A. sarcophagus show apparent These results suggest that heterodonty in these
quantitative differences that are size depend- groups is different and that tooth form and
ent on closer investigation, suggesting a cau- function are sensitive to jaw proportions.

Some 353 isolated skulls and partial to
2011010349 complete skeletons with known locations have
根据干旱岛集群死亡组合对 Albertosaurus been collected in ~100 years from the 80 km2
sarcophagus 做出一个修订的生命表和残存 of badlands in Dinosaur Provincial Park
曲线 = A revised life table and survivorship (DPP), Alberta, Canada. We wanted to esti-
curve for Albertosaurus sarcophagus based on mate how many skeletons were lost to erosion
before collection began and how many await
the Dry Island mass death assemblage. (英文).
discovery. Within the boundaries of DPP, a
Erickson G M;Currie P J;Inouye B D;Winn A
volume of rock 145 m thick between the sur-
A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010,
face of the down-cutting Red Deer River and
47(9): 1269–1275
the capping prairie was subdivided into 5 m
Abstract: In 1910 a crew from the Ameri-
thick slabs using digital elevation data with an
can Museum of Natural History discovered a
average horizontal spatial resolution of 19 m
bone bed composed primarily of the large tyr-
and a vertical resolution of 1 m. The exposed
annosaurid Albertosaurus sarcophagus in
surface area of each slab was calculated. Di-
what is now Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provin-
nosaur fossil localities were determined with
cial Park in Alberta, Canada. Study of the re-
high-precision GPS surveys. The number of
mains from the site allowed the first life table
dinosaurs collected from the surface of a 5 m
and survivorship curve for a non-avian dino-
slab was divided by the product of the ex-
saur to be created. These have served as a
posed area and an estimated erosional thick-
model for subsequent studies of dinosaurian
ness of 80 cm to give a volume density of di-
population biology. Since 2006, the discovery
nosaur fossils. Multiplying the volumes of
and preparation of hundreds of new elements
rock lost from each layer by the dinosaur den-
from the bone bed stand to substantially in-
sities for each layer, the numbers of skeletons
crease the minimum number of individuals
lost was determined. Estimates of the numbers
(MNI) represented. This would allow testing
of raisins in two loaves of raisin bread were
of previous conclusions regarding the popula-
made using a limited number of slices as a test
tion biology of these animals and refinement
of the method. Of the original volume of DPP,
of our understanding of the patterns of survi-
6.58 km3 (60%) has eroded away, taking with
vorship. Here, four formerly unrecognized
it a mean number of 6310 hadrosaurs, 1640
individuals from the Dry Island assemblage
ceratopsians, 1030 ankylosaurs, and 1600
are revealed and a revised life table presented.
theropods. The 5.02 km3 (40%) of rock re-
As in the previous analysis, a left skewed age
maining in the park can be expected to pro-
distribution and sigmoidal survivorship pat-
duce more dinosaur fossils of similar quality,
tern were found. Annual mortality rates aver-
with mean values of 6700 hadrosaurs, 1700
aged 3.47% between ages two and 13 and then
ceratopsians, 1010 ankylosaurs, and 1720
increased to a mean of 19.5% prior to extinc-
theropods. These estimates are minima as the
tion of the cohort after 28 years of age. Mean
estimation process excluded bone beds, the
life expectancy for individuals surviving to
plethora of isolated bones littering the land
two years of age was 15.19 years. Mid-life
surface of DPP, and the 100+ skulls and skele-
increase in attrition corresponds to entrance
tons from the region that lack locality infor-
into the breeding population. The MNI is
unlikely to substantially increase, and new
individuals are unlikely to affect the pattern of
survivorship inferred here. Nevertheless, fu-
ture excavations stand to reveal more about
the anatomical and pathological variance 颅骨的演化 = The parabasisphenoid complex
within the Dry Island Albertosaurus popula- in Mesozoic turtles and the evolution of the
tion. testudinate basicranium. ( 英 文 ). Sterli J;
Müller J; Anquetin J;Hilger A. Canadian
2011010350 Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(10):
测定加拿大艾伯塔恐龙省公园过去和将来 1337–1346
恐龙骨骼的丰度 = Estimating past and future During the early development of turtles and
dinosaur skeletal abundances in Dinosaur Pro- other amniotes, the parabasisphenoid, or ba-
sisphenoid s.l., is formed by at least two cen-
vincial Park, Alberta, Canada. (英文). Hen-
ters of ossification: the endochondral ba-
derson D M;Tanke D H. Canadian Journal of
sisphenoid s.s. and the dermal parasphenoid.
Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(10): 1291–1304
This fusion is usually so dramatic that the two

elements cannot be distinguished from each Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Ab-
other in the adult stage. Here, we describe the handlungen, 2010, 256(1): 109-121
basicranium of two species of Mesozoic tur- The holotype of Phuwiangosaurus sirind-
tles from Europe, Plesiochelys etalloni and hornae complete sauropod skeleton, was ex-
Pleurosternon bullockii, partly using micro- cavated in the early 1980s by a Thai-
CT (computer tomography) scans, and show Frenchexpedition. On the basis of the size and
that in both taxa para- and basisphenoid re- shape of the vertebrae and the absence of
main distinguishable throughout life. We also identical bones from the type locality, we con-
identify the extent that each of the two ele- clude that these vertebrae belong to the same
ments has contributed to the formation of the individual as lthe holotype of P. sirindhornae
braincase floor. Because the structure of the and consider lthem as topotypes. A phyloge-
parabasisphenoid determines the course of the netic analysis, which for the first time includes
internal carotid artery into the skull, our find- recently described cranial and postcranian
ings allow us to discuss the early evolution of material, indicates that Phuwiangosaurus is a
the carotid pattern and the turtle basicranium basal member of Titanosauriformes.
in new detail. By surveying the main patterns
of carotid circulation in extinct and extant tur- 2011010354
tles, we bring new evidence to the idea that it 东 欧 晚 二 叠 世 二 齿 兽 = Late Permian di-
was largely the ossification of the parasphe- cynodonts of Eastern Europe. (英文). Kurkin
noid that, along with the closure of the in- A A. Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(6):
terpterygoid vacuity and the posterior exten- 672-681 2 图版.
sion of the pterygoids, shaped the internal ca- The data on morphology and systematics of
rotid patterns as seen in modern turtles. Late Permian dicynodonts of Eastern Europe
are considered. The taxonomic position of
2011010352 dicynodonts and probable evolutionary trends
Lauésn 氏的翼手龙作品:在塑造艺术中翼 in their development are discussed.
龙 的 早 期 应 用 = Lasuén's pterodactyl: An
early use of a pterosaur in plastic arts. (英文). 2011010355
Knoll F; López-Antoñanzas R. Comptes Ren- 东欧二叠纪滑翔的 weigeltisaurid 爬行动物
dus Palevol, 2010, 9(5): 245-254 形态学新数据 = New data on the morphology
Among the sculptures adorning the former of permian gliding weigeltisaurid reptiles of
building of the Faculties of Medicine and Sci- Eastern Europe. (英文). Bulanov V V; Sen-
ences (1893) in Saragossa (Spain) is one that nikov A G. Paleontological Journal, 2010,
represents a pterosaur. It is a work by D.
44(6): 682-694 6 图版.
Lasuén based on one of the first, but little
New specimens of the Permian gliding rep-
known, restorations of these animals, drawn
tile Rautiania from the Kul’chumovo-A local-
and engraved by T. Susemihl more than half a
ity (Russia, Orenburg Region) are described.
century before. Although it seems out of place,
The morphology of Rautiania strongly sug-
this sculpture was simply seen as a symbol of
gests adaptation for an obligatory arboreal
zoology. We suggest that it may have several
mode of life and gliding flight (which are sup-
significations. Besides embodying the animal
ported by the consolidated sacrum; free
kingdom, it may have been a surrogate of the
movements of the autopodial elements; spe-
dragon and thus a reference to the House of
cific manus morphology, typical of living ar-
Aragon through its dragon-slaying holy patron,
boreal vertebrates; strongly pneumatic struc-
Saint George.
ture of cranial bones and rodlike bones form-
ing the frame of the gliding skin membrane;
etc.). The homology of bones of the posterior
泰国早白垩世 Sao Khua 组一蜥脚类 Phu-
wall of the temporal fenestra of weigelti-
wiangosaurus sirindhornae 地模标本的描 saurids is revised; according to the new con-
述及其系统发育意义 = Description of topo- cept, it consists of two dermal elements, the
types of Phuwiangosaurus sirindhornae, a squamosal and quadratojugal. The outgrowths
sauropod from the Sao Khua Formation (Early on the cranial bones of weigeltisaurids are of
Cretaceous) of Thailand, and their phyuloge- osteodermal nature. The diagnostic characters
netic implications. ( 英 文 ). Suteethorn S; in the dental system of the genus Rautiania
Loeuff J L; Buffetaut E; Suteethorn V. Neues are considered, and the structure of the quad-
rate-articular complex of weigeltisaurids is

described in detail for the first time. The 2011010358
original name of the family, Weigeltisauridae 中国南部广东省茂名地区晚始新世茂名无
Kuhn, 1939, is restored. The appearance in the 盾 龟 : 新 资 料 和 重 新 描 述 = Anosteira
Late Permian of specialized gliding reptiles, maomingensis (Testudines: Carettochelyidae)
such as the Weigeltisauridae, is accounted for from the Late Eocene of Maoming, Guang-
by climactic conditions of terrestrial vertebrate dong, southern China: new material and re-
communities in the pre-Triassic time, which description. ( 英 文 ). Tong H; Zhang Jiang-
resulted in the penetration of tetrapods into Yong; Li Jian-Jun. Neues Jahrbuch fur Ge-
new adaptive zones, in particular, forest bio- ologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010,
topes. The global distribution of weigelti- 256(3): 279-290
saurids is evidence of the widespread of high The present study is based on new speci-
thin forests, the ecotopes most favorable for mens collected by the IVPP in Maoming dur-
the appearance and subsequent dispersal of ing 2005-2006 and unpublished specimens
gliding animals, in the Late Permian and later housed in the Beijing Museum of Natural His-
on. tory, which include more than twenty shells
and a lower Jaw. A. maomingensis is charac-
2011010356 terized by its large size, absence of all mar-
伏尔加河地区森诺曼阶的(似)翼手龙新 ginal scutes and reduced pleural scutes, which
发现 = A new pterosaurian record from the do not cover the laterial part of the costal
Cenomanian of the Volga Region. ( 英 文 ). plates. The lower jaw has a wide, posteriorly
Averianov A O; Kurochkin E N. Paleon- expanded and concave triturating surface, a
tological Journal, 2010, 44(6): 695-697 2 图 strong and tall coronoid process lying on the
版. middle of the jaw ramus and deeply excavated
Abstract-A rostral fragment of the dentary lateral surface under the coronoid process.
symphysis from the Cenomanian Melovatka-3
locality (Volgograd Region) is referred to the 2011010359
genus Lonchodectes based on the presence of 贵州普安中三叠统混鱼龙(鱼龙类:爬行动物)
elevated jaw borders, longitudinal groove on 一 新 种 = A New Species Of Mixosau-
the dorsal surface of the dentary symphysis, rus(Reptilia:Ichthyosauria)From The Middle
and small alveoli of teeth, almost uniform in Triassic Of Pu'an,Guizhou,Chian. (中文). 陈
size and widely spaced. Lonchodectes sp. 孝红;程龙. 古生物学报 , 2010, 49(2): 251-
from Melovatka-3 is closely similar to L. 260
platystomus from the Albian of England. This 贵州普安青山至新店一带发育有与盘县
is the first record of the family Lonchodecti-
dae in Russia and outside Great Britain.
2011010357 关岭组上部一件完整保存的混鱼龙骨架标
克里米亚始新世海蛇的脊椎 = Vertebrae of 本的修理和系统研究,识别并描述了一个混
sea snakes from the Eocene of the Crimea. (英 鱼 龙 的 新 种 —— 新 店 混 鱼 龙 (Mixosaurus
文 ). Snetkov P B; Bannikov A F. Paleon- xindianensis sp. nov.)。结合三叠纪已知鱼龙
tological Journal, 2010, 44(6): 698-700 1 图 类化石属种性状的支序分析,比较和讨论了
版. 新种与其它已知混鱼龙属种的异同,指出新
A sea snake vertebra from the Middle Eo- 种兼具以往在欧洲圣乔治山和北美内华达
cene (Kuma Horizon) of the vicinity of the 地区中三叠世地层中发现的 M.cornalianus
town of Bakhchisarai (Crimea) is referred to 和 M.callawayi 的特征。
Palaeophis nessovi Averianov, 1997, which
was previously recorded in the Middle and 2011010360
Upper Eocene of northern and western Ka- 澳大利亚东部上新世鳄类股骨的古病理学
zakhstan. P. udovichenkoi Averianov, 1997 = Palaeopathology of a crocodile femur from
described from the Crimea based on the mate- the Pliocene of eastern Australia. ( 英 文 ).
rial from the Prolom locality (Bartonian- Mackness B S; Cooper J E; Wilkinson C;
Priabonian?) is a junior subjective synonym of Wilkinson D. Alcheringa, 2010, 34(4): 515 -
P. nessovi. A vertebra from the Belaya Skala 521
locality (Middle Eocene, outskirts of the town A large fossilized crocodilian left femur
of Belogorsk) is determined as Palaeophis sp. recovered from the Pliocene Chinchilla Local
Fauna of southeastern Queensland, Australia,

exhibits a region of proliferative bone, consis- to the biogenetic law, as it was understood by
tent with an episode of osteitis. The nature and de Beer. In particular, embryo of the pouched
location of the pathology suggest a simple tree frog Gastrotheca shows a retarded
fracture with puncture wounds, possibly the development and is spread over the yolk
result of a crushing bite of another crocodile, surface. As a result, it becomes similar
followed by infection. The size and morphol- somewhat to embryos of amniotes. After the
ogy of the femur most closely resembles the metamorphosis, Xenopus returns to
now extinct Plio-Pleistocene crocodile Pal- ammonotelism. The integrity of ontogeny at
limnarchus. the molecular level has much in common with
the neutrality theory.
非 洲 莱 索 托 ( Lesotho ) 埃 利 奥 特 组 2011010363
(Elliot Formation)上部的原始蜥脚类 = 欧洲三叠纪 tanystropheids 新发现(爬行
A primitive sauropodomorph from the upper 类 : 主 龙 形 下 纲 ) = New tanystropheids
Elliot Formation of Lesotho. (英文). Knoll F. (Reptilia: Archosauromorpha) from the Trias-
Geological Magazine, 2010, 147(6): 814-829 sic of Europe. (英文). Sennikov A G. Paleon-
A well-preserved, articulated dinosaur tological Journal, 2011, 45(1): 90-104 8 图版.
skeleton from southern Africa is described. A new prolacertilian species and genus,
The specimen comes from the upper Elliot Augustaburiania vatagini gen. et sp. nov.
Formation (?Hettangian) of Ha Ralekoala (Le- (Reptilia: Archosauromorpha), from the
sotho) and represents a new species: Igna- Lower Triassic of the Don River Basin is
vusaurus rachelis genus et species nova. described. It is the first representative of the
Acladistic analysis suggests that Ignavusaurus Tanystropheidae in the Eastern Europe and the
is more derived than Thecodontosaurus- world oldest member of this family. Another
Pantydraco, but more primitive than Efraasia. new genus (Protanystropheus gen. nov.) from
Ignavusaurus indeed shares a number of un- Central and Western Europe is also
ambiguous synapomorphies with the taxa established. The diversity, systematics,
more derived than Thecodontosaurus- phylogeny, evolution, and stratigraphic and
Pantydraco, such as a fully open acetabulum, geographical distribution of prolacertilians are
but it is more plesiomorphic than Efraasia and discussed. The ecological role of
more derived sauropodomorphs as shown by prolacertilians in Early Triassic communities
the evidence of, for instance, the distal ex- and adaptation to marine environments are
tremity of its tibia that is is longer (cranio- analyzed.
caudally) than wide (latero-medially). The
discovery of Ignavusaurus increases the 2011010364
known diversity of the early sauropodomorph 西澳大利亚 Devils Lair 地区晚更新世有鳞
fauna of the upper Elliot Formation, which 类 石 龙 子 动 物 = Late Pleistocene Egernia
stands as one of the richest horizons in the group skinks (Squamata: Scincidae) from
world in this respect.
Devils Lair, Western Australia. (英文). Hol-
lenshead M G; Mead J I; Swift S L. Alcher-
inga, 2011, 35(1): 31 - 51
作为整体的个体发生学:一些发展趋势 =
Research on squamate evolution of Austra-
Ontogeny as a whole: Some developmental lia has predominantly focused on the eastern
trends. (英文). Tatarinov L P. Paleontological portion of the continent, whereas little is
Journal, 2011, 45(1): 3-6 known about the record from Western Austra-
In many animal groups, rudimentary organs lia. Deposits in Devils Lair provide a glimpse
of adult organisms appear at early stages of of late Pleistocene Egernia group skink repre-
egg cleavage, when there is no trace of sentation from the Cape Leeuwin-Naturaliste
morphological differentiation. More than half region of southwestern Western Australia.
a century ago, I. I. Schmalhausen developed a Previous studies of fossils from the cave indi-
profound concept of integrity of the organism cate a peak in the number of lizard remains
in the course of development. He emphasized during the last glacial maximum, a time when
that mutual adaptation of organs is based on mammal and charcoal remains suggest an
correlations, involving the so-called open, dry environment. Previous studies of
nonhereditary modifications, which are Devils Lair have not attempted to identify liz-
transformed into hereditary traits by means of ard remains beyond 'lizard'. Here, we identify
natural selection. There are many exceptions

Egernia group lizard remains as Liopholis spp., assigned to this genus. In Spain, the only ref-
Egernia spp., Lissolepis spp. and Tiliqua erence to this genus is ?Elochelys sp. from the
rugosa, which range in age from ca 48 000 to upper Campanian fossil site of Lano, in
13 000 yr B.P. Trevino County, Burgos. Abundant specimens
of pleurodiran turtles have been recognized at
2011010365 the new Upper Cretaceous fossil locality of Lo
江苏下白垩统孟疃组的恐龙足迹群及蜥脚 Hueco (Fuentes, Cuenca, Spain). Herein, we
类 足 迹 形 态 的 多 样 性 = Dinosaur Tracks refer to Elochelys convenarum a carapace
From The Lower Cretaceous Mengtuan For- from this site. This carapace is the most com-
mation In Jiangsu,China And Morphological plete specimen referred to Elochelys and con-
Diversity Of Local Sauropod Tracks. (英文). stitutes the first robust evidence of the pres-
ence of this genus in the Iberian Peninsula,
邢立达;杰瑞德 D 哈里斯;贾程凯. 古生物学
expanding the chronostratigraphic distribution
报, 2010, 49(4): 448-460 of the species to the late Campanian-early
中国江苏省东海县南古寨孟疃组发现了 Maastrichtian.
迹。这些足迹出现在同一层位的四个相邻 2011010367
的足迹化石点。这些足迹化石点至少保存 美国北卡罗来纳州上三叠统北方阔齿兽
了三种不同形态的兽脚类足迹和未成年— (犬齿兽类:横齿兽科)的齿系和牙齿替
成年的蜥脚类足迹。南古寨三号足迹化石 换 = Dentition And Tooth Replacement Of
点的兽脚类足迹和蜥脚类足迹出现了"回填 Boreogomphodon ( Cynodontia :
"现象,这是在足迹所附带的沉积物与基底地 Traversodontidae) From The Upper Triassic
面相互作用下,产生的流体和塑性行为下形 Of North Carolina,USA. (英文). 刘俊; Sues H
成的。 D. 古脊椎动物学报, 2010, 48(3): 169-184
2011010366 横齿兽类北方阔齿兽新材料的牙齿。基于
伊比利亚半岛上白垩统 Elochelys convena- 牙齿的特征,尤其是犬后齿的形态,这些标本
run 的地理及时空范围的扩张 = Expansion 被 暂 归 入 杰 斐 逊 北 方 阔 齿 兽
of the geographical and temporal range of Boreogomphodon jeffersoni;不过它们的下阔
Elochelys convenarun (Chelonii Bothremydi- 齿型犬后齿前横脊一般有两个而不是 3 个
dae) from De Upper Cretaceous of the Iberian
Peninsula. ( 其 他 ). Garcia A P; Ortega F;
Murelaga X. Ameghiniana: Revista de la aso-
ciacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010, 47(3): 群仅有一代阔齿型犬后齿;至少有一代,可能
307-315 是两代裂齿型犬后齿。
The Campanian and Maastrichtian chelo-
nian fauna of Western Europe was mainly 2011010368
composed of endemic taxa. The Bothremydi- 四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 = A
dae-represented by the genera Rosasia, Foxe- New Sauropod From The Lower Jurassic Of
mys, Polysternon and Elochelys-are very Huili,Sichuan,China. (中文). 李奎;杨春燕;刘
abundant in this record. Elochelys is known 建;王正新. 古脊椎动物学报 , 2010, 48(3):
through relatively scarce material consisting 185-202
only of isolated plates and carapaces, which 记述了四川会理下侏罗统益门组的蜥脚
are presently assigned to two species, i.e.,
Elochelys perfecta and Elochelys convenarum.
In France, two specimens from the Campanian 立新属新种何氏通安龙 Tonganosaurus hei
of Fuveau, Provence, have been assigned to sp.nov.。通安龙具有进步蜥脚类的特
the species Elochelys perfecta; one carapace is 点:颈椎细长、荐前椎发育侧凹、前肢较长,
now taken to be the holotype of the species, 为后肢的 0.80 等;同时,通安龙也具有原始蜥
while the anterior half of another carapace was 脚类的特点:脊椎骨组织坚实不中空、肱骨
described as the paratype. The holotype of 和股骨骨干粗而圆。从国内外已有的资料
Elochelys convenarum consists of a carapace 看,原始蜥脚类主要发现于侏罗纪早期,而进
from the upper Maastrichtian at Cassagnau-2
(Haute-Garonne), and specimens from the
upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian at Fox 于通安龙兼具原始蜥脚类和进步蜥脚类的
Amphoux, Provence, have been tentatively 特点,且时代为早侏罗世,因此,通安龙化石材

料的发现对中国西南地区早期蜥脚类的系 la asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010,
统演化研究具有重要的意义。 47(3): 387-400
Bite marks and injuries caused by intras-
2011010369 pecific predation or aggressive social behavior
伊比利亚半岛上白垩统 Elochelys convena- are uncommon in fossil vertebrates, and in the
fossil record of suchian archosaurs they are
run 地理和时空范围的扩张 = Expansion of
extremely unusual. A peirosaurid crocodyli-
the geographical and temporal range of
form collected from the Upper Cretaceous
Elochelys convenarun (Chelonii Bothremydi-
beds of the Neuquen Group (northern Patago-
dae) from de Upper Cretaceous of the Iberian
nia, Argentina) shows abundant bite marks
Peninsula. ( 其 他 ). Garcia A P; Ortega F; and injuries. These injuries are spread across
Murelaga X. Ameghiniana: Revista de la aso- all the preserved parts of the specimen, with
ciacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010, 47(3): the highest concentration of bite marks, perfo-
307-315 rations and breakage in the caudal region.
The Campanian and Maastrichtian chelo- Characteristics of these injuries are analyzed,
nian fauna of Western Europe was mainly and their possible origin and related ta-
composed of endemic taxa. The Bothremydi- phonomic aspects are assessed. Results indi-
dae-represented by the genera Rosasia, Foxe- cate that the injuries were not produced by
mys, Polysternon and Elochelys-are very intraspecific fighting, but probably by the pre-
abundant in this record. Elochelys is known dating action of a theropod dinosaur.
through relatively scarce material consisting
only of isolated plates and carapaces, which 2011010371
are presently assigned to two species, i.e., 西班牙韦斯卡 Arén 地区白垩纪最晚期鸭嘴
Elochelys perfecta and Elochelys convenarum.
龙一新新属种 Blasisaurus canudoi = Blasi-
In France, two specimens from the Campanian
of Fuveau, Provence, have been assigned to saurus canudoi gen. et sp. nov., a new lam-
the species Elochelys perfecta; one carapace is beosaurine dinosaur (Hadrosauridae) from the
now taken to be the holotype of the species, Latest Cretaceous of Arén (Huesca, Spain).
while the anterior half of another carapace was ( 英 文 ). Cruzado-Caballero P; Pereda-
described as the paratype. The holotype of Suberbiola;X; Ruiz-Omeñaca J. I. Canadian
Elochelys convenarum consists of a carapace Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(12):
from the upper Maastrichtian at Cassagnau-2 1507–1517
(Haute-Garonne), and specimens from the Blasisaurus canudoi gen. et sp. nov. is de-
upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian at Fox scribed on the basis of disarticulated skull and
Amphoux, Provence, have been tentatively lower jaw remains found in the Blasi 1 local-
assigned to this genus. In Spain, the only ref- ity of Arén (Huesca, south-central Pyrenees of
erence to this genus is ?Elochelys sp. from the Spain), located in the upper part of the Arén
upper Campanian fossil site of Lano, in Formation, late Maastrichtian in age. This new
Trevino County, Burgos. Abundant specimens lambeosaurine hadrosaurid is characterized by
of pleurodiran turtles have been recognized at a jugal combining a hook-like dorsal edge of
the new Upper Cretaceous fossil locality of Lo the posterior process and a narrow, D-shaped
Hueco (Fuentes, Cuenca, Spain). Herein, we infratemporal fenestra. Blasisaurus differs
refer to Elochelys convenarum a carapace from Arenysaurus from the Blasi 3 site of
from this site. This carapace is the most com- Arén mainly by the absence of secondary
plete specimen referred to Elochelys and con- ridges in the dentary teeth, and from Koutali-
stitutes the first robust evidence of the pres- saurus (probably a junior synonym of
ence of this genus in the Iberian Peninsula, Pararhabdodon) from the Isona region of
expanding the chronostratigraphic distribution Lleida by the anteriormost portion of the den-
of the species to the late Campanian-early tary that is modestly deflected ventrally. A
Maastrichtian. phylogenetic analysis places Blasisaurus as
closely related to Arenysaurus in a clade of
2011010370 basal lambeosaurines more derived than Tsin-
阿根廷内乌肯省上白垩统 peirosaurid 类动 taosaurus and Jaxartosaurus; this clade forms
part of a polytomy with Amurosaurus and
物身上的捕食咬痕 = Predation bite-marks on
with more derived lambeosaurines. Palaeobio-
a peirosaurid crocodyliform from the Upper
geographically, the presence of Blasisaurus
Cretaceous of Neuquen Province, Argentina.
and other hadrosaurids in the Maastrichtian
(英文). Fiorelli L E. Ameghiniana: Revista de European archipelago suggests one or, more

probably, a series of dispersal events from previously determined 40Ar/39Ar date of 73.04
Asia across intermittent land bridges during ± 0.25 Ma for an ash bed near this site. The
the second half of the Late Cretaceous. second dinosaur bone sample from Paleocene
strata just above the Cretaceous-Paleogene
2011010372 interface yielded a Paleocene U-Pb date of
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚 Hornby 岛上白垩 64.8 ± 0.9 Ma, consistent with palynologic,
统 Nanaimo 群的 istiodactylid 类群 = An paleomagnetic, and fossil-mammal biochro-
istiodactylid pterosaur from the Upper Creta- nologic data. This first successful direct dating
ceous Nanaimo Group, Hornby Island, British of fossil vertebrate bone provides a new meth-
Columbia, Canada. (英文). Arbour V M; Cur- odology with the potential to directly obtain
rie P J. Canadian Journal of Earth Sci- accurate dates for any vertebrate fossil.
ences, 2011, 48(1): 63–69
An unusual jaw found in a calcite nodule 2011010374
from Collishaw Point, Hornby Island, British 北美最早蜥脚类的分异和多样性以及对一
Columbia (off the east coast of Vancouver 新分类单元的描述 = Dispersal and diversity
Island) represents the first definitive pterosaur in the earliest North American sauropodo-
found in British Columbia, and the first istio- morph dinosaurs, with a description of a new
dactylid from Canada. The nodule was derived taxon. (英文). Rowe T B Sues H-D; Reisz R R.
from the Northumberland Formation Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biologi-
(Nanaimo Group), a fossiliferous formation cal Sciences, 2011, 278(1708): 1044-1053
known for producing numerous plants, inver- Sauropodomorph dinosaurs originated in
tebrates, sharks, and mosasaurs. The pterosaur the Southern Hemisphere in the Middle or
is represented by the anterior portion of the Late Triassic and are commonly portrayed as
rostrum, including the anterior edge of the spreading rapidly to all corners of Pangaea as
nasoantorbital fenestra, and numerous small, part of a uniform Late Triassic to Early Juras-
triangular teeth lacking denticles. These teeth sic cosmopolitan dinosaur fauna. Under this
are similar in overall morphology to the teeth model, dispersal allegedly inhibited dinosaur-
of istiodactylids, but are smaller, more numer- ian diversification, while vicariance and local
ous, more tightly packed, and have propor- extinction enhanced it. However, apomorphy-
tionately smaller crowns. Although fragmen- based analyses of the known fossil record in-
tary, this specimen is diagnostic and repre- dicate that sauropodomorphs were absent in
sents a new genus of istiodactylid pterosaur. North America until the Early Jurassic, re-
Its presence in the upper Campanian North- framing the temporal context of their arrival.
umberland Formation makes this the latest We describe a new taxon from the Kayenta
occurring istiodactylid and extends the strati- Formation of Arizona that comprises the third
graphic and geographic range of this enig- diagnosable sauropodomorph from the Early
matic group of pterosaurs. Jurassic of North America. We analysed its
relationships to test whether sauropodomorphs
2011010373 reached North America in a single sweep-
美国新墨西哥圣胡安盆地白垩纪和古新世 stakes event or in separate dispersals. Our
恐龙骨骼的直接 U-Pb 数据 = Direct U-Pb finding of separate arrivals by all three taxa
dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur suggests dispersal as a chief factor in dino-
bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico. (英文). saurian diversification during at least the early
Fassett J E; Heaman L M; Simonetti A. Geol- Mesozoic. It questions whether a ‘cosmopoli-
ogy, 2011, 39(2): 159-162 tan’ dinosaur fauna ever existed, and corrobo-
Vertebrate fossils have been important for rates that vicariance, extinction and dispersal
relative dating of terrestrial rocks for decades, did not operate uniformly in time or under
but direct dating of these fossils has heretofore uniform conditions during the Mesozoic.
been unsuccessful. In this study we employ Their relative importance is best measured in
recent advances in laser ablation in situ U-Pb narrow time slices and circumscribed geo-
dating techniques to directly date two dinosaur graphical regions.
fossils from the San Juan Basin of northwest-
ern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado, 2011010375
United States. A Cretaceous dinosaur bone 足印痕把恐龙谱系的起源和多样性带进至
collected from just below the Cretaceous- 早三叠世 = Footprints pull origin and diversi-
Paleogene interface yielded a U-Pb date of fication of dinosaur stem lineage deep into
73.6 ± 0.9 Ma, in excellent agreement with a Early Triassic. ( 英 文 ). Brusatte S; Niedź-

wiedzki G; Butler R J. Proceedings of the of occurrence, we argue that spatial niche par-
Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011, titioning helped reduce competition for re-
278(1708): 1107-1113 sources between the herbivorous dinosaurs.
The ascent of dinosaurs in the Triassic is an Within coastal lowlands ceratopsians pre-
exemplary evolutionary radiation, but the ear- ferred habitats farther away from rivers,
liest phase of dinosaur history remains poorly whereas hadrosaurs and Thescelosaurus pre-
understood. Body fossils of close dinosaur ferred habitats in close proximity to rivers,
relatives are rare, but indicate that the dino- and T. rex, the ecosystem's sole large carni-
saur stem lineage (Dinosauromorpha) origi- vore, inhabited both palaeoenvironments. Spa-
nated by the latest Anisian (ca 242–244 Ma). tial partitioning of the environment helps ex-
Here, we report footprints from the Early– plain how several species of large herbivorous
Middle Triassic of Poland, stratigraphically dinosaurs coexisted. This study emphasizes
well constrained and identified using a con- that different lithologies can preserve dramati-
servative synapomorphy-based approach, cally dissimilar vertebrate assemblages, even
which shifts the origin of the dinosaur stem when deposited in close proximity and within
lineage back to the Early Olenekian (ca 249– a narrow window of time. The lithology in
251 Ma), approximately 5–9 Myr earlier than which fossils are preserved should be recorded
indicated by body fossils, earlier than demon- as these data can provide unique insights into
strated by previous footprint records, and just the palaeoecology of the animals they pre-
a few million years after the Permian/Triassic serve.
mass extinction (252.3 Ma). Dinosauromorph
tracks are rare in all Polish assemblages, sug- 2011010377
gesting that these animals were minor faunal 海平面,恐龙的多样性和采样偏见:在陆
components. The oldest tracks are quadru- 地生物区系中研究调查‘共同原因’的假设 =
pedal, a morphology uncommon among the Sea level, dinosaur diversity and sampling
earliest dinosauromorph body fossils, but bi- biases: investigating the ‘common cause’ hy-
pedality and moderately large body size had pothesis in the terrestrial realm. (英文). Butler
arisen by the Early Anisian (ca 246 Ma). Inte- R J; Benson R B J; Carrano M T. Proceedings
grating trace fossils and body fossils demon- of the Royal Society B: Biological Sci-
strates that the rise of dinosaurs was a drawn- ences, 2011, 278(1709): 1165-1170
out affair, perhaps initiated during recovery The fossil record is our primary window
from the Permo-Triassic extinction. onto the diversification of ancient life, but
there are widespread concerns that sampling
2011010376 biases may distort observed palaeodiversity
北美白垩纪最晚期马斯特里赫特期恐龙的 counts. Such concerns have been reinforced
空间小生境状况 = Spatial niche partitioning by numerous studies that found correlations
in dinosaurs from the latest cretaceous (Maas- between measures of sampling intensity and
trichtian) of North America. (英文). Lyson T observed diversity. However, correlation does
R; Longrich N R. Proceedings of the Royal not necessarily mean that sampling controls
Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011, observed diversity: an alternative view is that
278(1709): 1158-1164 both sampling and diversity may be driven by
We examine patterns of occurrence of asso- some common factor (e.g. variation in conti-
ciated dinosaur specimens (n = 343) from the nental flooding driven by sea level). The latter
North American Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek is known as the ‘common cause’ hypothesis.
Formation and equivalent beds, by comparing Here, we present quantitative analyses of the
their relative abundance in sandstone and relationships between dinosaur diversity, sam-
mudstone. Ceratopsians preferentially occur in pling of the dinosaur fossil record, and
mudstone, whereas hadrosaurs and the small changes in continental flooding and sea level,
ornithopod Thescelosaurus show a strong as- providing new insights into terrestrial com-
sociation with sandstone. By contrast, the gi- mon cause. Although raw data show signifi-
ant carnivore Tyrannosaurus rex shows no cant correlations between continental flood-
preferred association with either lithology. ing/sea level and both observed diversity and
These lithologies are used as an indicator of sampling, these correlations do not survive
environment of deposition, with sandstone detrending or removal of short-term autocorre-
generally representing river environments, and lation. By contrast, the strong correlation be-
finer grained sediments typically representing tween diversity and sampling is robust to vari-
floodplain environments. Given these patterns ous data transformations. Correlations be-

tween continental flooding/sea level and taxic 2011010380
diversity/sampling result from a shared up- 中国晚白垩世 Pinacosaurus grangeri 的幼
ward trend in all data series, and short-term 年标本以及对绘龙的特殊分类学点评 =
changes in continental flooding/sea level and Juvenile specimens of Pinacosaurus grangeri
diversity/sampling do not correlate. The hy- Gilmore, 1933 (Ornithischia: Ankylosauria)
pothesis that global dinosaur diversity is tied from the Late Cretaceous of China, with
to sea-level fluctuations is poorly supported, comments on the specific taxonomy of Pina-
and terrestrial common cause is unsubstanti- cosaurus. (英文). Burns M E; Currie P J; Sis-
ated as currently conceived. Instead, we con- sons R L; Arbour V M. Cretaceous Re-
sider variation in sampling to be the preferred
search, 2011, 32(2): 174-186 8 图版.
null hypothesis for short-term diversity varia-
Four juvenile specimens referable to Pina-
tion in the Mesozoic terrestrial realm.
cosaurus grangeri (Ankylosauria: Dinosauria)
are described from the Campanian (Upper
Cretaceous) locality Bayan Mandahu in north-
中 国 辽 宁 省 西 部 早 白 垩 世 Juifotang 组
ern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Chaoyangopterus 新资料 = New material of (People’s Republic of China). All the speci-
Chaoyangopterus (Pterodauria: Pterodacty- mens preserve the skulls as well as, in some
loidea) from the Early Cretaceous Jiutotang cases, mandibles, postcrania, and osteoderm.
Formation of western Liaoning, China. (英文). They are not taphonomically deformed by
Zhou Chang-Fu. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie expanding matrix distortion, unlike many
u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, Gobi specimens, including the holotype of P.
257(3): 341-350 grangeri. Bayan Mandahu is also the type lo-
A new edentulous pterosaur is described. cality for Pinacosaurus mephistocephalus.
The fossil, an incompleteand scattered skele- The proximity in space and time of these two
ton, including partial skull and lower jaws, is closely related species warrants a generic and
identified as Chaoyangopterus zhangi, based specific revision for Pinacosaurus. The dis-
on similar proportions of the limb bones. The tinction of the two species is based on charac-
specimen shows that Chaoyangopterus pos- ters of the squamosal dermal elaborations,
sessed moderately elongate mid-cervical ver- cranial roof posterior to the orbits, premaxil-
tebrae with low, blade-like neural spines and lary notch, and distal margin of the ilium. Al-
lacked lateral pneumatic foramina. This dis- though a relatively well-represented anky-
covery not only further supports a distinct losaur taxon, the phylogenetic position of
Chaoyangopteridae within the Azhdarchoidea, Pinacosaurus has not been unequivocally re-
but also provides a new scope for reviewing solved. A new analysis recovers Pinacosaurus
the evolution of the family Azhdarchidae. as the most basal member of the Ankylosauri-
英格兰 pre-planorbis 层一可能的海相植龙 2011010381
类 = A presumably marine phytosaur (Reptilia: 中国河南省晚白垩世一 ornithomimid 类新
Archosauria) from the pre-planorbis beds 种以及北美亲缘关系 = A new ornithomimid
(Hettangian) of England. (英文). Maisch M W; dinosaur with North American affinities from
Kapitzke M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. the Late Cretaceous Qiupa Formation in He-
Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 257(3): nan Province of China. (英文). Xu L; Kobaya-
373-379 shi Y; Lue J; Lee Y N; Liu Y; Tanaka K;
A mandibular fragment of a longirostrine Zhang X; Jia S; Zhang J. Cretaceous Re-
archosaur is decribed from the lowermost Ju- search, 2011, 32(2): 213-222 9 图版.
rassic of Watchet, Somerset, England. The A partial skeleton of the ornithomimid di-
specimen is compared to both marine croco- nosaur, discovered from the Late Cretaceous
dilians and phytosaurs, groups which are ei- Qiupa Formation of Luanchuan County, Tan-
ther unknown or only doubtfully represented tou Basin, Henan Province, China, is de-
in lowermost Jurassic strata so far. The speci- scribed here and assigned to a new genus and
men shows striking morphological similarity species, Qiupalong henanensis, with unique
to the Late Triassic phytosaur Mystriosuchus, features (a notch on the lateral surface of the
but differs from known teleosaurid and lateral posterior process of the proximal end of
metriohynchid thalattosuchians. It is conse- tibia and a small pit at the contact between
quently determined as aff. Mystriosuchus. astragalus and calcaneum). A phylogenetic

analysis in this study suggests that it is a de- ferentiated from Saurolophus angustirostris
rived ornithomimid and form a monophyly by a relatively shorter frontal contribution to
with North American ornithomimids the nasal crest, a relatively straight premaxilla
(Struthiomimus altus and Ornithomimus ed- in lateral view, a weakly upturned oral margin
montonicus), sharing two characters (straight of the premaxilla, and the absence of a vertical
pubic shaft and large acute angle between pu- sulcus on the prootic above cranial nerve V. A
bic shaft and boot). Some characters (small reassessment of the phylogenetic affinities of
anterior process of the pubic boot and curved S. osborni, exclusive of S. angustirostris, sug-
pedal unguals) are seen in basal ornithomimo- gests it is most closely related to the Laurasian
saurs as well, but these features in Q. he- taxa Prosaurolophus and Kerberosaurus.
nanensis are reversal. Qiupalong is the first
definitive ornithomimid from outside of the 2011010384
Gobi Desert and is the southern-most occur- 日 本北海 道上 白垩统 一兽 角类恐 龙 = A
rence of Late Cretaceous ornithomimid from theropod dinosaur (Saurischia: Maniraptora)
eastern Asia, demonstrating southern exten- from the Upper Cretaceous Yezo Group of
sion of ornithomimid distribution in Asia. Hokkaido, Northern Japan. (英文). Murakami
M; Hirayama R; Hikida Y et al.. Paleon-
2011010382 tological Research, 2008, 12(4): 421-425
巴西桑塔纳组(白垩纪)的一翼龙新种 =
A new pterodactyloid pterosaur from the 2011010385
Santana Formation (Cretaceous) of Brazil. (英 蒙古上侏罗统兽脚类恐龙的首次发现及其
文). Martill D M. Cretaceous Research, 2011, 地层 = First discovery of a theropod (Dino-
32(2): 236-243 5 图版. sauria) from the Upper Jurassic in Mongolia
A partial skull comprising fused max- and its stratigraphy. ( 英 文 ). Watabe M;
illa/premaxilla and palate of a ctenochasma- Tsogtbaatar K; Barsbold R. Paleontological
toid pterosaur from the Santana Formation of Research, 2008, 12(1): 27-36
the Araripe Basin in NE Brazil is named as the A theropod dinosaur is described for the
new genus and species Unwindia trigonus gen. first time from the Upper Jurassic of Mongolia.
et sp. nov. on account of its long slender ros- It is represented by a partial skull from the
trum, isodonty with raised dental alveoli and upper Jurassic Dariv Suite in Dariv, Ikhes
dentition of seven tooth pairs restricted to the Nuur Basin, Gobi-Altai Aimag, western Mon-
portion of the rostrum anterior to the nasoan- golia, situated relatively close to the Xinjiang
torbital. fenestra. Unwindia is assigned to the Uygur Autonomous Province in the western
Ctenochasmatoidea, and is probably basal part of China. From the same beds of the lo-
within the clade cality, sauropod bones were also abundantly
found. Those fossil discoveries suggest that
2011010383 both carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs
对 Saurolophus osborni Brown 1912(鸟臀 existed in the Jurassic of Mongolia, as in
目:鸭嘴龙科)头盖骨的重新描述 = Rede- China.
scription of the skull of Saurolophus osborni
Brown 1912 (Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae). 2011010386
(英文). Bell P R. Cretaceous Research, 2011, 利用 X 射线电子同步辐射加速器揭示
32(1): 30-44 14 图版. Eupodophis descouensi 骨盆及肢骨的三维
A detailed redescription of the skull of the 解 剖 结 构 = Three-Dimensional Pelvis and
hadrosaurine Saurolophus osborni based on Limb Anatomy of the Cenomanian Hind-
the three known specimens of this taxon, elu- Limbed Snake Eupodophis descouensi
cidates for the first time several important as- (Squamata, Ophidia) Revealed by Synchro-
pects of the cranial morphology. Details of the tron-Radiation Computed Laminography. (英
braincase, palate, and nasal crest that were 文). Xu F; Helfen L; De Buffrénil V; Baum-
either missed or disputed by previous authors bach T; Tafforeau P. Journal of Vertebrate
are clarified. The nasal crest is buttressed cau- Paleontology, 2011, 31(1): 2-7
dally and caudolaterally by elongations of the Cretaceous marine hind-limbed snakes are
frontals and prefrontals, respectively. The considered to be key fossils for understanding
unique morphology of the frontals and pre- the origin and evolution of snakes. In view of
frontals permit differentiation of S. osborni the rarity of such fossils, performing new
from other hadrosaurs. S. osborni can be dif- analyses on described specimens using emerg-

ing, cuttingedge techniques should bring im- gen. et sp. nov., A New Pleurosternid Turtle
portant new insights on these forms. We in- (Testudines: Paracryptodira) from the Upper
vestigated the three-dimensional morphology Jurassic of Portugal. (英文). Pérez-García A;
and inner architecture of the pelvic girdle and Ortega F. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontol-
hind-limb bones of the type specimen of ogy, 2011, 31(1): 60-69
Eupodophis descouensi Rage and Escuillié, A new pleurosternid turtle from the Upper
2000, one of the three taxa for which at least Jurassic of the Central West of Portugal is
one hind-limb is known, using synchrotron- described. Pleurosternids are abundant in the
radiation computed laminography (SRCL), a European and American Upper Jurassic and
recently developed non-destructive technique Lower Cretaceous fossil record. Despite this,
that overcomes some of the limitations of syn- at present, there is no reference to any genus
chrotron microtomography for flat, laterally of pleurosternids before the upper Tithonian in
extended objects. This experiment allowed a Europe. Selenemys lusitanica, gen. et sp. nov.,
virtual exhumation of the second, hidden leg represented by several specimens from the
of the specimen. The morphology and propor- upper Kimmeridgian of the Lusitanian Basin
tions of the regressed pelvic and hind-limb (Portugal), constitutes the most ancient ge-
bones of Eupodophis resemble those of the neric attribution to a pleurosternid turtle in
hind-limbed snakes Pachyrhachis and Haasio- Europe. A cladistic analysis shows that Se-
phis. As in Haasiophis, four tarsals are ob- lenemys is more closely related to the Euro-
served in each limb, but there are no traces of pean Lower Cretaceous pleurosternids than to
metatarsals or phalanges. Moreover, despite the Jurassic North American representatives of
the presence of osteosclerosis and pachyosto- this group. This is interpreted as a vicariant
sis in the vertebrae and the ribs of Eupodophis, biogeographical distribution of the group on
the inner structure of its limb bones is devoid both sides of the North Atlantic during the
of these osseous specializations and displays a Uppermost Jurassic, in contrast to that ob-
microanatomical organization similar to that served in other groups of reptiles
of extant terrestrial lizards. This suggests that
limb regression in Eupodophis was not due to 2011010389
a qualitative alteration of growth but, more 关于鳍龙类 Wumengosaurus delicatoman-
likely, to a local decrease in growth rate or dibularis 的新材料及对该类群骨骼学及世
shortening of growth duration.
系 演 化 的 修 订 = New Information on
Wumengosaurus delicatomandibularis Jiang et
al., 2008 (Diapsida: Sauropterygia), with a
Revision of the Osteology and Phylogeny of
兽足类恐龙 = A new large-bodied theropod the Taxon. (英文). Wu X; Cheng Y; Li; Zhao
dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of War- L; Sato T. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontol-
wickshire, United Kingdom. (英文). Benson R ogy, 2011, 31(1): 70-83
B J; Radley J D. Acta palaeontologica Polo- Wumengosaurus delicatomandibularis Jiang
nica, 2010, 55(1): 35-42 et al., 2008, is restudied on the basis of three
Cruxicheiros newmanorum gen. et sp. nov. new specimens. Many elements of the skele-
is diagnosed by a single autapomorphy, the ton that were either briefly or not described at
presence of a proximomedially inclined ridge all in the original study are detailed. With the
within the groove that marks the lateral extent additional information derived from the new
of the posterior flange of the femoral caput. C. specimens, we have revised the diagnosis of
newmanorum shows three tetanuran features: W. delicatomandibularis. A phylogenetic
widely separated cervical zygapophyses, a analysis further demonstrates that the Pachy-
swollen ridge on the lateral surface of the iliac pleurosauria is not a monophyletic group and
blade and an anterior spur of the caudal neural questions that W. delicatomandibularis is
spines. However, due to fragmentary preserva- closely related to the Pachypleurosauria. W.
tion its affinities within Tetanurae remain un- delicatomandibularis might represent the
certain: phylogenetic analysis places it as the basal-most member of a monophyletic clade
most basal tetanuran, the most basal mega- that includes the Nothosauroidea and those
losauroid or the most basal neotetanuran. taxa assigned to the ‘Pachypleurosauria.’ The
five known specimens show morphological
2011010388 variation in W. delicatomandibularis, as in
葡萄牙晚白垩世龟类一新属新种: Keichousaurus and in pachypleurosaurs such
Selenemys lusitanica = Selenemys lusitanica, as Neusticosaurus and Serpianosaurus.

Cerda I; Salgado L. Journal of Vertebrate Pa-
2011010390 leontology, 2011, 31(1): 93-110
蒙古 Nemegt 组 Homalocephale calathocer- Titanosauriform sauropods were one of the
cos 的颅骨形态及个体发育位置 = Cranial most widely distributed groups of dinosaurs
Ornamentation and Ontogenetic Status of during the Cretaceous. In contrast to most de-
Homalocephale calathocercos (Ornithischia: rived forms from the Upper Cretaceous, the
Pachycephalosauria) from the Nemegt Forma- most basal taxa of the group are poorly known.
tion, Mongolia. (英文). Evans D C; Brown C Thus, studies on these forms are of special
M; Ryan M J; Tsogtbaatar K. Journal of Ver- interest for understanding the origin and early
tebrate Paleontology, 2011, 31(1): 84-92 evolution of Titanosauria. Chubutisaurus in-
The cranial roof ornamentation and the de- signis del Corro, 1975, is known from post-
gree of neurocentral closure in the holotype of cranial remains found in the Bayo Overo
the pachy cephalosaurian dinosaur Homalo- Member of the Cerro Barcino Formation
cephale calathocercos is described in detail for (Chubut Group), which is commonly regarded
the first time in order to assess its ontogenetic as Aptian—Cenomanian in age. Phylogenetic
status and taxonomic validity. The parie- analyses that include Chubutisaurus recovered
tosquamosal ornamentation consists of five this taxon as the sister group to Titanosauria.
primary nodes along the posterior margin of Nevertheless, most published studies have not
the skull roof on each side of the midline. The included this taxon, probably due to its brief
medial-most node is prominently enlarged description and fragmentary remains. Field-
relative to the others in the series and is bi- work conducted in the quarry where the holo-
sected by the parietal-squamosal suture. Be- type was found yielded new materials that are
neath the primary node row, a second enlarged regarded as part of the same specimen. These
node occurs immediately medial to lateroven- new materials, together with additional unde-
tral corner node on each side of the parie- scribed, and briefly described elements, origi-
tosquamosal bar. The degree of suture closure nally collected by G. del Corro, are described
in the vertebral column suggests that the holo- here. The new information allows the recogni-
type specimen of H. calathocercos is immature, tion of a more extensive diagnosis of this
rather than adult. The presence of cranial taxon. The phylogenetic analysis presented
doming at maturity is therefore unknown in H. here resolves Chubutisaurus as the most basal
calathocercos, and hypotheses that it repre- somphospondylian
sents a primitive flat-headed stage in pachy-
cephalosaur evolution or is pedomorphic in 2011010392
the development of its skull roof cannot be Ornithomimus edmontonicus 的 颅 部 气 腔
supported or refuted at this time. Despite the 解剖 = Cranial Pneumatic Anatomy of Orni-
probable immaturity of the holotype, H. ca- thomimus edmontonicus (Ornithomimidae:
lathocercos has a unique pattern of parie- Theropoda). (英文). Tahara R; Larsson C E.
tosquamosal ornamentation that is distinct Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2011,
from all other pachycephalosaurs, including 31(1): 127-143
Prenocephale prenes from the same host for- Modern archosaurs have extensive pneu-
mation. Morphological differences in the cra- matic diverticula originating from paranasal
nial ornamentation, jaws, and dentition be- and tympanic sinuses. This complex anatomy
tween the similarly sized holotype skulls of H. is present in many fossil archosaurs, but few
calathocercos and P. prenes provide weak descriptions of the complete cranial pneumatic
support for recent suggestions that H. calatho- system exist. The cranial pneumatic morphol-
cercos is conspecific with the latter taxon. ogy of birds and non-avian theropods are the
This study tentatively reaffirms the presence best studied, but complete description of this
of two pachycephalosaur species in the Ne- anatomy for an ornithomimid was lacking. We
megt Formation describe the cranial pneumaticity of a well-
preserved ornithomimid theropod dinosaur,
2011010391 Ornithomimus edmontonicus (RTMP
阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚中部‘中’白垩世 95.110.1), from computed tomography (CT)
Chubutisaurus insignis 的骨骼学 = The Os- scan data and computer-aided reconstruction
teology of Chubutisaurus insignis Del Corro, with quantitative measurements. New details
1975 (Dinosauria: Neosauropoda) from the for ornithomimids include an internal promax-
‘Middle’ Cretaceous of Central Patagonia, illary recess, an internal palatine recess,
Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Carballido J L; Pol D; pneumatic communications between the su-

praoccipital recess and posterior tympanic
recess, and a complex basioccipital recess that 2011010394
connects to the anterior tympanic recess and 白垩纪优势飞鸟反鸟类的化石记录和翅膀
median pharyngeal system. The pneumatic 歧异 = The fossil record and limb disparity of
morphology of the quadrate is similar to mod- enantiornithines, the dominant flying birds of
ern birds, which have a complete siphoneal the Cretaceous. (英文). Dyke G J; Nudds R L.
duct. We interpret the jugal diverticulum of Lethaia, 2009, 42(2): 248-254
non-avian theropods to be homologous or at Morphometric and stratigraphic analyses
least morphologically related to the avian sub- that encompass the known fossil record of
orbital diverticulum. Cranial pneumatic mor- enantiornithine birds (Enantiornithes) are pre-
phologies present in Ornithomimus and tyran- sented. These predominantly flighted taxa
nosaurids include an extensive internal pala- were the dominant birds of the second half of
tine recesses and a pneumatic articular that is the Mesozoic; the enantiornithine lineage is
likely derived from a separate siphoneal diver- known to have lasted for at least 60 million
ticulum similar to modern birds. Recent phy- years (Ma), up until the end of the Cretaceous.
logenetic hypotheses of theropods imply two Analyses of fossil record dynamics show that
equally most parsimonious solutions: that enantiornithine 'collectorship' since the 1980s
these shared morphologies are either inde- approaches an exponential distribution, indi-
pendently derived in each taxon or diagnose cating that an asymptote in proportion of
Coelurosauria. specimens has yet to be achieved. Data dem-
onstrate that the fossil record of enantiornithi-
鸟 类 nes is complete enough for the extraction of
2011010393 biological patterns. Comparison of the avail-
鸟类基本的翅膀的拍打为飞翔演化中提供 able fossil specimens with a large data set of
新的前景 = A fundamental avian wing-stroke modern bird (Neornithes) limb proportions
provides a new perspective on the evolution of also illustrates that the known forelimb pro-
flight. (英文). Dial K P;Jackson B E; Segre P. portions of enantiornithines fall within the
Nature, 2008, 451(7182): 985-989 range of extant taxa; thus these birds likely
The evolution of avian flight remains one of encompassed the range of flight styles of ex-
biology's major controversies, with a long his- tant birds. In contrast, most enantiornithines
tory of functional interpretations of fossil had hindlimb proportions that differ from any
forms given as evidence for either an arboreal extant taxa. To explore this, ternary diagrams
or cursorial origin of flight. Despite repeated are used to graph enantiornithine limb varia-
emphasis on the 'wing-stroke' as a necessary tion and to identify some morphological oddi-
avenue of investigation for addressing the ties (Otogornis, Gobipteryx); taxa not directly
evolution of flight, no empirical data exist on comparable to modern birds. These exceptions
wing-stroke dynamics in an experimental evo- are interesting – although anatomically uni-
lutionary context. Here we present the first form, and similar to extant avians in their
comparison of wing-stroke kinematics of the wing proportions, some fossil enantiornithines
primary locomotor modes (descending flight likely had flight styles not seen among their
and incline flap-running) that lead to level- living counterparts.
flapping flight in juvenile ground birds
throughout development. We offer results that 2011010395
are contrary both to popular perception and 对“孔子鸟和始祖鸟初级飞羽狭长羽轴说明
inferences from other studies. Starting shortly 飞行能力很差”的评论 = Comment on "Nar-
after hatching and continuing through adult- row Primary Feather Rachises in Confuciu-
hood, ground birds use a wing-stroke confined sornis and Archaeopteryx Suggest Poor Flight
to a narrow range of less than 20°, when refer- Ability". ( 英 文 ). Paul G S. Science, 2010,
enced to gravity, that directs aerodynamic 330(6002): 320 2 图版.
forces about 40° above horizontal, permitting Nudds and Dyke (Reports, 14 May 2010, p.
a 180° range in the direction of travel. Based 887) reported that the primary features of the
on our results, we put forth an ontogenetic- early birds Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis
transitional wing hypothesis that posits that were too weak to power flight. This conclu-
the incremental adaptive stages leading to the sion is not supported because the authors
evolution of avian flight correspond behav- overestimated the mass of the subjects and
iourally and morphologically to transitional understated the strength of the primary shafts
stages observed in ontogenetic forms.

in at least one example. The total biology of closest extant lovebird individuals, likely is
the birds indicates that they could achieve related to the significant climatic and envi-
flapping flight. ronmental lchanges that affected the region
during that period of time. his fossil appears to
2011010396 be from an extinct species within the crown
对“孔子鸟和始祖鸟初级飞羽狭长羽轴说明 clade of the genus and likely indicates the past
飞行能力很差”评论的回复 = Response to presence of wooded conditions near the cave
Comments on "Narrow Primary Feather Ra- when the sediemnts were deposited approxi-
chises in Confuciusornis and Archaeopteryx mately 1 million years ago.
Suggest Poor Flight Ability". (英文). Nudds R
L; Dyke G J. Science, 2010, 330(6002): 320 2011010399
Paul and Zheng et al. challenge our conclu- 乌拉圭更新世晚期 phorusrhacid 鸟的最年
sions regarding the flight of Confuciusornis 轻记录 = The youngest record of phorusrha-
and Archaeopteryx, which derive from our cid birds (Aves, Phorusrhacidae) from the late
method of assessing flight ability from esti- Pleistocene of Uruguay. (英文). Alvarenga H;
mated feather strength. They suggest that our Jones W; Rinderknecht A. Neues Jahrbuch fur
mass and rachis data for these fossil birds are Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlun-
incorrect. Neither comment, however, invali- gen, 2010, 256(2): 229-234
dates our method nor alters conclusions of This fossil comes from late Pleistocene sedi-
poor flight ability based upon our original data. ments of Uruguay. The age determination was
We encourage researchers to use our method based on lithological features, biostratigraphi-
before critiquing our conclusions regarding cal studies and absolute dating. The evidence
early bird flight. indicates that these ground birds co-occurred
with the typical Pleistocene South American
2011010397 megafaunal mammals. The so far youngest
对“孔子鸟和始祖鸟初级飞羽狭长羽轴说明 fossils of phorusrhacids stem from the Plio-
飞行能力很差”的评论 = Comment on "Nar- cene or lower Pleistocene of South and North
row Primary Feather Rachises in Confuciu- America.
sornis and Archaeopteryx Suggest Poor Flight
Ability". (英文). Zheng X T; Xu X; Zhou Z H; 2011010400
Miao D S; Zhang F C. Science, 2010, 带羽飞行的起源 = Origin of feathered flight.
330(6002): 320 1 图版. ( 英 文 ). Kurochkin E N; Bogdanovich I A.
Nudds and Dyke (Reports, 14 May 2010, p. Paleontological Journal, 2010, 44(12): 1570-
887) compared the rachis diameters of the 1588 10 图版.
primary feathers of Archaeopteryx and Confu- The origin of flight in birds and theropod
ciusornis to those of modern birds and found dinosaurs is a many-sided and debatable prob-
that the primary feathers of these two basal lem. We develop a new approach to the reso-
birds were too weak to support sustained flight. lution of this problem, combining terrestrial
Our measurements of Confuciusornis speci- and arboreal hypotheses of the origin of flight.
mens suggest that their conclusions need to be The bipedalism was a key adaptation for the
further evaluated. development of flight in both birds and thero-
pods. The bipedalism dismissed the forelimbs
2011010398 from the supporting function and promoted
南非 Plovers 湖更新世一小的相思鸟 = A transformation into wings. For the develop-
small Pleistocene lovebird (Psittacidae: Aga- ment of true flapping avian flight, a key role
pornis)from Plovers Lake, South Africa. (英 was played by the initial universal anisodacty-
lous foot of birds. This foot pattern provided a
文). Stidham T A. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geolo-
firm support on both land and trees. Theropod
gie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010,
dinosaurs, archaeopteryxes, and some other
256(1): 123-128
early feathered creatures had a pamprodacty-
A quadrate from the external cave deposits
lous foot and, hence, they developed only
of Plovers Lake is the first fossil bird to be
gliding descent. Early birds descended by flat-
described from the locality and is the youngest
tering parachuting with the use of incipient
known lovebird fossil from southern Africa.
wings; this gave rise to true flight. Among
The past presence of Agapornis in the Pleisto-
terrestrial vertebrates, only bats, pterosaurians,
cene of Gauteng Province, South Africa, hun-
and birds developed true flapping flight, al-
dreds of kilometers from the geographically
though they followed different morphofunc-

tional pathways when solving this task. How- South America, we hypothesize that giant
ever, it remains uncertain what initiated the darters disappeared from South America in the
adaptation of the three groups for the air lo- early Pliocene due to climatic deterioration,
comotion. Nevertheless, the past decade has regression of marine and freshwater environ-
provided unexpectedly abundant paleontologi- ments, the arrival of placental carnivorous
cal data, which facilitate the resolution of this mammals, and also probably by competition
question with reference to birds. with phalacrocoracid cormorants. The new
anatid Ankonetta is based on an incomplete
2011010401 but informative tarsometatarsus, with superfi-
企鹅羽毛形状和颜色演化的化石证据 = cial similarities to extant Dendrocygna. A
Fossil Evidence for Evolution of the Shape brief overview of several fossil ducks from the
and Color of Penguin Feathers. (英文). Clarke Patagonian Cenozoic concludes that most pre-
J A; Ksepka D T; Salas-Gismondi R; Al- Pliocene examples belong to non-anatine taxa,
tamirano A J; Shawkey M D; D'Alba L; Vin- indicating that plesiomorphic ducks were the
ther J; DeVries T J; Baby P. Science, 2010, dominant anseriforms in those times, a pattern
330(6006): 954-957 also evident on other continents.
Penguin feathers are highly modified in
form and function, but there have been no fos- 2011010403
sils to inform their evolution. A giant penguin 中国辽宁早白垩世的一新反鸟 = A New
with feathers was recovered from the late Eo- Enantiornithine Bird(Aves) From The Early
cene (similar to 36 million years ago) of Peru. Cretaceous Of Liaoning,China. (中文). 李莉;
The fossil reveals that key feathering features, 巩恩普;张立东;杨雅军;侯连海. 古生物学
including undifferentiated primary wing 报, 2010, 49(4): 524-531
feathers and broad body contour feather shafts, 记述产于辽宁省朝阳市早白垩世九佛堂
evolved early in the penguin lineage. Analyses
of fossilized color-imparting melanosomes
reveal that their dimensions were similar to 的叉骨;乌喙骨较宽且末端凹陷;胸骨侧突细
those of non-penguin avian taxa and that the 长,并在远端扩大,将其归入反鸟亚纲。此外,
feathering may have been predominantly gray 依据新材料所特有的头骨结构,如吻长、粗
and reddish-brown. In contrast, the dark 壮;有具钩状的牙齿;额骨大而低等不同于其
black-brown color of extant penguin feathers 它反鸟亚纲鸟类的特点,建立新属新种:杨氏
is generated by large, ellipsoidal melanosomes 弯齿鸟 Camptodontus yangi sp.nov.。
previously unknown for birds. The nanostruc- 新种隶属于长翼鸟科,与长翼鸟的某些特征
ture of penguin feathers was thus modified
after earlier macrostructural modifications of
feather shape linked to aquatic flight. 重要新成员,同时也说明早期鸟类分化辐射
蛇鹈鸟科最南的记录和阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚 2011010404
早-中中新世鸟类鸭科一新的基干种 = The 全北区古近纪的鸟类动物群 = Paleogene
southernmost records of Anhingidae and a Avifauna Of The Holaretic. (英文). Martin L
new basal species of Anatidae (Aves) from the D. 古脊椎动物学报, 2010, 48(4): 367-374
lower-middle Miocene of Patagonia, Argen- 中国的较高纬度地区有着丰富且交通无
tina. (英文). Cenizo M M; Agnoln F L. Al- 阻的含化石地层,故在全北区生物地理的研
cheringa, 2010, 34(4): 493 - 514 究中占有独特的位置。它提供了欧洲和北
New bird fossils from the Santa Cruz For- 美新生代早期沉积之间的联系。这些动物
mation (lower-middle Miocene), Santa Cruz 群中所含丰富多样的鸟类动物群,直到目前
Province, Patagonia, Argentina, are described.
They represent an indeterminate species of the
extinct anhingid Macranhinga and a new ge- 围内,甚至在高纬度地区,都遍布着热带森林;
nus and species of basal Anatidae Ankonetta 在怀俄明州的绿河湖区,还发现了棕榈叶的
larriestrai. The record of the giant darter 化石。因而,德国 Messel 的鸟类动物群表现
Macranhinga constitutes the southernmost 出与非洲热带森林较近的亲缘关系,怀俄明
record for the family, and expands the known 州绿河的鸟类动物群与南美洲热带地区关
stratigraphic range of the genus, previously 系密切,也就不足为奇了。实际上,古近纪的
restricted to the upper Miocene. Based on an 标志性特征是温暖潮湿的生态系统在全球
analysis of the fossil anhingid record from

广泛分布,削弱了高纬度地区对生物分布所 mes, because this trait also occurs in stem-
起的屏障作用。晚始新世-渐新世全球温度 group representaives of several avian groups,
的下降,致使新近纪加剧了大陆隔离并促成 as well as in Mesozoic non-neornithine birds,
and is a plesiomorphic character.
的多样性。 2011010407
蒙古西部中中新世的潜水鸭 = Diving ducks
from the Middle Miocene of western Mongo-
阿 根 廷 西 北 部 晚 白 垩 世 一 新 的
lia. (英文). Zelenkov N V. Paleontological
enantiornithine 鸟 类 群 = New enantior-
Journal, 2011, 45(2): 191-199 2 图版.
nithine bird (Aves, Ornithothoraces) from the
Medium-sized diving ducks from the
Late Cretaceous of NW Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality
Novas F E; Agnolín F L; Scanferla C A. (western Mongolia) are described.
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010, 9(8): 499-503 Sharganetta mongolica gen. et sp. nov. and
A new enantiornithine bird, Intiornis inex- Nogusunna conflictoides gen. et sp. nov. are
pectatus gen. et sp. nov, is described here. It is evolutionary more advanced than the
based on a partial hind limb found in beds of thoroughly studied Early Miocene genus
the Upper Cretaceous Las Curtiembres Forma- Mionetta, but more primitive than Anatinae
tion (Campanian), North-West Argentina. The and Oxyurinae. The humeral morphology
new taxon is referred to the family Avisauri- gives evidence of an aberrant position of the
dae on the basis of its cranially convex third two new genera. Another taxon,
metatarsal. Several features suggest close rela- Protomelanitta gracilis gen. et sp. nov.
tionships between Intiornis and the avisaurid presumably belongs to basal Mergini.
Soroavisaurus, from the Lecho Formation
(Maastrichtian; North-West Argentina). In- 2011010408
tiornis was the size of a sparrow, thus repre- 中国辽西晚白垩世 Enantiornithine 一新类
senting the smallest Enantiornithes known
群 = A New Enantiornithine Bird from the
from South America. The new species shows
adaptations for a perching mode of life. More- Lower Cretaceous of Western Liaoning, China.
over, the hypothesis suggesting that the flying (英文). Hu D; Li L; Hou L; Xu X. Journal of
pterosaur reptiles decrease in taxonomic di- Vertebrate Paleontology, 2011, 31(1): 154-
versity due to competitive interaction with 161
birds is discussed. The new species shows A new enantiornithine bird, Bohaiornis guoi,
adaptations for a perching mode of life. More- gen. et sp. nov., is described in this paper. The
over, the hypothesis suggesting that the flying holotype, presumably a sub-adult, is a com-
pterosaur reptiles decrease in taxonomic di- plete, fully articulated skeleton from the
versity due to competitive interaction with Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of west-
birds is discussed. ern Liaoning, northeastern China. Bohaiornis
exhibits some similarity in morphology to
2011010406 Eoenantiornis, but Bohaiornis is much larger
德国早渐新世新的骨骼指示 diomedeoidid than Eoenantiornis and differs from all previ-
ously known enantiornithine birds including
鸟的主干群位置 = New skeleton from the
Eoenantiornis in having the following features:
early Oligocene of Germany indicates a stem-
caudal end of the articular pointed caudoven-
group position of diomedeoidid birds. (英文). trally, sacral centra strongly compressed
De Pietri V L; Berger J-P; Pirkenseer C; transversely, and clavicular ramus straight
Scherler L; Mayr G. Acta palaeontologica with a laterally expanded omal end. The al-
Polonica, 2010, 55(1): 23-34 most perfectly preserved skeleton of this new
We report a new specimen of the extinct specimen not only reveals many morphologi-
procellariiform species Diomedeoides brod- cal features previously unknown in basal birds,
korbi from Germany. The well-preserved par- but also clarifies many fine details of previ-
tial skeleton allows the recognition and reas- ously known features.
sessment of new osterological dentails that
bear on the phylogenetic affinities of dio-
medeoidids. The presence on the coracoid of a
哺 乳 类
deeply excavated, cup-like facies articularis 2011010409
for the scapula suggests a stem group positon “伊甸园”或“愚人的天堂”?系统发生、扩
of the Diomedeoididae within Procellariifor- 散和具胎盘类哺乳动物起源的南部大陆假

说 = "Garden of Eden" or "Fool's Paradise"? wear surface topography and dimensions
Phylogeny, dispersal, and the southern conti- closely correspond to observed patterns in
nent hypothesis of placental mammal origins. Russellagus, Hesperolagomys, and Ondatra.
( 英 文 ). Hunter J P; Janis C M. Paleobiol- Model results on wear in theoretical tooth
ogy, 2006, 32(3): 339-344 morphologies identify two major shape factors
Where did the modern lineages of placental influencing wear: orientation of the wear sur-
mammals originate? Recent molecular data face (incisor-like or cheek-tooth-like), and
seemingly have overturned not only schemata tooth curvature ("concentric" or "nonconcen-
of placental relationships based on morpho- tric"). Modeled wear also suggests two geo-
logical data, but also hypotheses about the metric constraints on crown height. Teeth with
time and place of origin of the modern line- nonconcentric curvatures can have crown
ages. The original hypothesis of Northern height limited by potential tooth area. "Incom-
Hemisphere origin, based on the fossil record, plete wear" in any tooth can present severe
has been replaced by a "Garden of Eden" hy- constraints on increasing crown height, caus-
pothesis of origins on a southern continent, ing structurally untenable morphologies in
based on molecular phylogenies. But, do the very tall-crowned to hypselodont teeth.
molecular data really support this new view of
placental mammal origins?...... 2011010411
2011010410 中黑格兽南方有蹄类的实例研究 = Analysis
哺乳类弯曲牙齿磨损模型——对兔形类咬 of function in the absence of extant functional
合形态和高冠齿演化的控制 = A model of homologues: a case study using mesotheriid
wear in curved mammal teeth: controls on notoungulates (Mammalia). (英文). Shockey
occlusal morphology and the evolution of B J; Croft D A; Anaya F. Paleobiology, 2007,
hypsodonty in lagomorphs. (英文). Bair A R. 33(2): 227-247
Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 53-75 We use two approaches to test hypotheses
Cheek teeth of some mammalian herbivores regarding function in a group of extinct mam-
exhibit pronounced changes in occlusal size mals (Family Mesotheriidae, Order Notoungu-
and shape through wear, purportedly caused lata) that lack any close extant relatives: a
by strong curvature. Such changes are extreme principle-derived paradigm method and em-
in the upper cheek teeth of extinct, dentally pirically derived analog method. Metric and
archaic lagomorphs. Morphologic and taxo- discrete morphological traits of mesotheriid
nomic turnover in lagomorphs suggests that postcranial elements are found to be consistent
these dentally archaic forms may have been with the morphology predicted by a modified
unable to develop hypselodont (ever-growing) version of Hildebrand's paradigm for scratch
cheek teeth. This study investigates how the diggers. Ratios of in-force to out-force lever
interaction of tooth shape and wear can cause arms based on skeletal elements indicate that
occlusal size and shape changes, and poten- the mesotheriids examined had limbs modified
tially impose structural constraints on crown for high out-forces (i.e., they were "low
height. These constraints may help explain geared"), consistent with the digging hypothe-
extinction of mammals with teeth like archaic sis. Other mesotheriid characters, such as cleft
lagomorphs, evolution and diversification of ungual phalanges, a curved olecranon, and a
other mammalian herbivores during the late highly modified pelvis (with extra vertebrae
Miocene, and the relative paucity of hyp- incorporated into the sacrum and fusion be-
sodont cheek tooth shapes in extant mammals. tween the ischium and the axial skeleton) are
I first quantify two-dimensional curvature ac- regarded as being functionally significant for
counting for shape differences observed in digging and also occur in a variety of extant
hypsodont teeth, P4s of the archaic lago- diggers. Analog methods indicate that
morphs Russellagus and Hesperolagomys, mesotheriids share numerous traits common to
which exhibit pronounced change with wear, a variety of extant diggers. Principal compo-
and Ondatra lower incisors, which show nent analyses of postcranial elements indicate
minimal change with wear. Using this quanti- that mesotheriids consistently share mor-
fication, I generate theoretical curvature mor- phometric space with larger extant fossorial
phologies and describe a geometric model of mammals: aardvark, anteaters, wombats, and
tooth wear that generates values for qualitative badger. Likewise, discriminant function
and quantitative aspects of the occlusal surface analyses categorized mesotheriids as fossorial,
at different wear stages. Modeled results of though imperfectly analogous to the extant

diggers analyzed. Thus, both theory-driven
and empirically derived methods of estimating 2011010413
function in these extinct taxa support a digging 法国 Caune de l'Arago 洞穴中更新世沉积
hypothesis for the mesotheriids examined. 序列(OIS 14-12)有蹄类哺乳动物与气候有
Adaptations for digging in both the forelimb 关 的 摄 食多样 性 = Climate-related dietary
and sacropelvic functional complexes of diversity of the ungulate faunas from the mid-
mesotheriids provide independent support for dle Pleistocene succession (OIS 14-12) at the
the fossorial hypothesis.
Caune de l'Arago (France). (英文). Rivals F;
Schulz E; Kaiser T M. Paleobiology, 2008,
34(1): 117-127
古新世—始新世踝节类 Ectocion 属牙齿形
The Caune de l'Arago Cave (southern
态 的 多元 停滞 = Multivariate stasis in the France) has yielded one of the best preserved
dental morphology of the Paleocene-Eocene and best documented sedimentary successions
condylarth Ectocion. ( 英 文 ). Wood A R; of the European Middle Pleistocene (Oxygen
Zelditch M L; Rountrey A N; Eiting T P; Isotopic Stages 14 to 12). Herbivorous ungu-
Sheets H D; Gingerich P D. Paleobiol- lates (horse, reindeer, red deer, fallow deer,
ogy, 2007, 33(2): 248-260 bison, musk ox, argali, and tahr) are well rep-
Evolutionary stasis has often been ex- resented in the three major stratigraphic units
plained by stabilizing selection, intrinsic con- CM1, CM2, and CM3. CM1 and CM3 corre-
straints, or, more recently, by spatially pat- spond to cold and dry climate and CM2 repre-
terned population dynamics. To distinguish sents temperate and humid environmental
which of these mechanisms explains a given conditions. Dental microwear and mesowear
case of stasis in the fossil record, stasis must analyses were performed for the ungulates
first be rigorously documented in a high- from CM1–3 to test whether these methods of
resolution stratigraphic time series of fossil dental wear evaluation were suitable for de-
specimens. Furthermore, past studies of evolu- tecting climate-driven changes in the dietary
tionary mode in fossil mammalian lineages resources of the Arago ungulate community.
have often been limited to univariate traits We found that both dental mesowear and mi-
(e.g., molar crown area). It is reasonable to crowear indicate dietary traits and their rela-
assume that tooth shape, a multivariate trait, tionship to climatic conditions as reflected by
reflects important additional aspects of tooth vegetation cover and community structure. In
form and function. Here we present the results all units, even if some species seem to share
of a geometric morphometric analysis of the habitats or resources, it appears that the over-
lower dentition of the Paleocene-Eocene lap in their feeding ecology is very low. The
condylarth species Ectocion osbornianus col- CM1 and CM3 units, where pollen analysis
lected from the Bighorn and Clarks Fork Ba- indicates that the climate was cold and dry,
sins of northwestern Wyoming. Tooth margin show the lowest diversity in dietary traits. The
shape, cusp configuration, and shearing crest CM2, where climate is known to be more
shape were digitized for the last lower premo- temperate and humid, the spectrum of dietary
lar, p4, and for two lower molars, m1 and m3. traits is large—grazers, browsers, and mixed
Multivariate statistical tests of evolutionary feeders are present.
mode were used to analyze the change in
shape variance over time in addition to the 2011010414
magnitude and direction of shape change. Test 模拟 arvicolid 类啮齿动物齿曲线(冠根结合
results characterize the shape time series as 处)的形态和演化——利用美国堪萨斯上新
consisting of counteracting changes with less
世的 Ogmodontomys 进行检验 = Modelling
change than expected under a random walk
the morphology and evolution of the linea
(i.e., stasis). The temporal structure of shape
sinuosa (crown–root junction) in arvicolid
variance implies that the sampled E. osbor-
rodents; a test with Pliocene Ogmodontomys
nianus most likely represent a single popula-
tion, which is not concordant with the popula- from Kansas, USA. (英文). Martin R A; Sie-
tion dynamic mechanism of stasis. Stabilizing fker A; Marcolini F. Lethaia, 2009, 42(2):
selection and/or intrinsic constraints remain as 155-166
the mechanisms that could explain stasis in the The linea sinuosa of 39 specimens of Plio-
lower dental shape of E. osbornianus despite cene Ogmodontomys sawrockensis and Og-
the variable environmental conditions of the modontomys poaphagus from the Meade Ba-
Paleocene–Eocene. sin of southwestern Kansas, USA, was decon-

structed into eight enamel segments, repre- is discussed and an updated classification of
senting the major peaks and troughs that char- the Palaeochoeridae is presented. The new
acterized Ogmodontomys. Coordinates for the names Schizoporcus and Schizoporcini replace
positions of the major peaks and troughs were the junior homonyms Schizochoerus and
determined from standard Cartesian coordi- Schizochoerini .
nate drawings, and then scaled for uniformity.
Descriptive statistics for the amplitude (verti- 2011010417
cal) and drift (lateral) variation were calcu- 德国南部中新世 Gomphotherium subtapi-
lated for each coordinate. A modified cubic roideum 在其生存寿命和地质时期的摄食
spline analysis showed that accurate represen- 选 择 : 牙 齿 微 磨 损 分 析 的 证 据 = Feeding
tations of the linea sinuosa, both of individuals preferences of Gomphotherium subtapi-
and species, could be generated given these roideum (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the
coordinate data. Comparisons of individual Miocene of Sandelzhausen (Northern Alpine
coordinates by analyses of variance distin- Foreland Basin, southern Germany)through
guished O. sawrockensis from O. poaphagus, life and geological time: evidence from dental
and the same coordinates were statistically
microwear analysis. (英文). Calandra I; Goh-
distinguishable when the samples of O. saw-
lich U B; Merceron G. Palaeontologische
rockensis were combined and tested against
Zeitschrift, 2009, 83(4): 205-215
the combined samples of O. poaphagus by
The dietary changes are first evaluated
Student's t-tests. A mosaic of evolutionary
throughthe ontogeny of this species, between
trends, predominantly in peak morphology,
juveniles and adults, and are then studied
was documented for Ogmodontomys from
through geological time, from early Middle
early through middle Pliocene time. Principal
Miocene to middle Late Miocene localities of
components analysis of coordinate data distin-
the German Molasse Basin. The microwear
guished the linea sinuosa pattern of Ogmodon-
patterns of juvenile and adult individuals of G.
tomys from a small sample of Pliomys lenki.
subtapiroideum differ merely by the variable
This combined statistical approach offers a
"length of scratches", emphasizing longer jaw
new and relatively simple quantitative method
movements during mastication in adults. The
to model the form and evolution of the arvi-
microwear signatures do not vary significantly
colid linea sinuosa, thereby leading to more
between the two geological time periods stud-
accurate phylogenetic and biostratigraphic
ied, but reflect mixedfeeding preferences in
both cases. These results imply that, espite an
important environmental change at that time,
the ecology of G. subtapiroideum and, espe-
关于老骨头的新想法 = New Ideas About
cially, its feeding habits were not affected.
Old Bones. (英文). Fisher D. American Pale-
ontologist, 2008, 16(3): 18-22 3 图版. 2011010418
2011010416 物 Sulestes 新材料的研究及对后兽齿亚纲
德国南部 Sandelzhausen 地区中新世猪和 和真兽齿亚纲二分法的重新认识 = New
"Old World peccaries": Hyotheriinae 亚科 material of the Late Cretaceous deltatheroidan
和 Palaeochoeridae 科的系统发育和校正后 mammal Sulestes from Uzbekistan and phy-
的 分 类 = The pigs "Old World peccaries" logenetic reassessment of the metatherian-
(Suidae and Palaeochoeridae, Suoidea, Artio- eutherian dichotomy. (英文). Averianov A O;
dactyla) from the Miocene of Sandelzhausen Archibald J D; Ekdale E G. Journal of Sys-
(southern Germany):. (英文). van der Made J. tematic Palaeontology, 2010, 8(3): 301-330
Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, 2009, 83(4): Sulestes karakshi Nessov, 1985b (= Del-
43-121 tatheroides kizylkumensis Nessov, 1993 =
The fossil remains of two species of Marsasia aenigma Nessov, 1997) from the
Suoidea from the Early/Middle Miocene local- Late Cretaceous (Turonian) Bissekty local
ity of sandelzhausen are described. A skull fauna, Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan, is re-
and some isolated teeth and bones reveal hith- vised based on additional material from the
erto unknown features of Schizoporcus muen- type locality. It is characterized by an absence
zenbergensis, Schizoporcini, Taucanaminae, of palatal vacuities, double-rooted P1, an
Palaeochoeridae (Old World peccaries), asymmetrical M3 with reduced metastylar
Suoidea. The phylogeny of the Taucanaminae lobe, an unreduced M4 and m4, obliquely ori-

ented p1, anterior wall of the upper canine 哺乳动物南方有蹄目 Homalodotherium 属
alveolus formed by premaxilla, and Meckelian 的附属骨骼的生物机械学和形态功能研究
groove on the dentary. PAUP analyses using a = Biomechanical and morphofunctional study
data matrix modified from Rougier etal. (1998, of the appendicular skeleton of Homalo-
2004) places Sulestes within Deltatheridiidae dotherium Flower 1873 (Mammalia, Notoun-
in an unresolved trichotomy with the Mongo- gulata).. (其他). Elissamburu A. Ameghiniana:
lian Campanian Deltatheridium and Del- Revista de la asociacion Paleontologica Ar-
tatheroides. Oklatheridium from the Early gentina, 2010, 47(1): 25-43
Cretaceous of North America is sister taxon to Homalodotherium (Santacrucian- Friasian;
these Late Cretaceous Asiatic deltatheridii- early Miocene) is the best represented genus
dans. Deltatheridiidae is the sister group to of the Family Homalodotheriidae (Notoungu-
other Metatheria including the crown clade lata). It was proposed as a digging form,
Marsupialia. A Deltatheroides-like taxon from browser on trees in food habits, and with po-
the Maastrichtian at Guriliin Tsav, Mongolia, tential for adopting bipedal posture. The ap-
is not related to the Stagodontidae but is sister pendicular skeleton is studied morphometrical
taxon to other Boreometatheria. The North and biomechanically, considering proportions,
American Early Cretaceous Atokatheridium, principal bone accidents, and muscular inser-
Pappotherium, and Montanalestes are stem tions, comparing with extant mammals. Bone
tribosphenic mammals, while Holoclemensia elements of the appendicular skeleton are de-
is at the base of the eutherian lineage. scribed, the musculature reconstructed, and 10
morphometric measurements used for calcu-
2011010419 lating eight functional indices. Indices include
对“ 气候,生物和鲸类物种:现代鲸鱼演 deltoid proportion and epicondilar develop-
化的新生代驱动力”的评论 = Comment on ment of the humerus, ulnar robustness and
"Climate, Critters, and Cetaceans: Cenozoic olecranon proportion, femoral and tibial ro-
Drivers of the Evolution of Modern Whales". bustness, and distal extension of the fore and
(英文). Pyenson N D; Irmis R B; Lipps J H. hind limbs. The forelimb preponderates force
Science, 2010, 330(6001): 178 development in humeral flexion and protrac-
Marx and Uhen (Reports, 19 February 2010, tion of the limb, but it can develop speed
p. 993) suggested that correlated diversity movements in the distal portion of the limb.
changes in the fossil record of whales and dia- The hindlimb lies upon the lateral side of the
toms reflects secular evolutionary signals of autopodium, and has an important develop-
underlying ecological drivers. We question the ment of force for body support and ankle sta-
meaning of this association and outline ave- bilization (flexion and adduction of the femur,
nues for more complete testing of correlations limb flexion, extension of the pelvic girdle,
between productivity and marine consumers zeugopodium flexion, and extension, inver-
through geologic time. sion and reversion of the autopodium).
Homalodotherium would be able of adopting a
2011010420 bipedal posture. An arboreal browser habit is
对“ 气候,生物和鲸类物种:现代鲸鱼演 supported, but digging habit is discarded. Pos-
化的新生代驱动力”评论的回应 = Response sibility of speed flexion of the zeugopodium
to Comment on "Climate, Critters, and Ceta- could indicate a use of the forelimb for de-
ceans: Cenozoic Drivers of the Evolution of fence.
Modern Whales". (英文). Marx F G; Uhen M
D. Science, 2010, 330(6001): 178 1 图版.
美国华盛顿州东南部更新世末期 Marmes
Pyenson et al. raise concerns about the cor-
relation we identified between diatom and ce- Rockshelter (45FR50) “巨麋”的埋葬学、病
tacean diversity through time. Although the 理学和古生态 = Taphonomy, pathology, and
issues raised are of investigative interest, they paleoecology of the terminal Pleistocene
do not invalidate our conclusions. We agree Marmes Rockshelter (45FR50) “big elk”
that localized studies combined with global (Cervus elaphus), southeastern Washington
data sets will further our understanding of the State, USA. (英文). Lyman R L. Canadian
factors that have helped shape cetacean evolu- Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(11):
tion. 1367–1382
In 1968, remains of what were reported to
2011010421 be a larger-than-modern elk (Cervus elaphus)

were recovered from terminal Pleistocene in spite of the specialized bone-cracking cra-
sediments associated with the Marmes Rock- niodental morphology which imparted superb
shelter archaeological site in southeastern capability for processing bone.
Washington State. Originally thought to have
been butchered by humans, it is associated 2011010424
with radiocarbon dates suggesting an age of 乍得托罗斯密纳拉晚中新世的新的长着锐
about 9800 14C years B.P. Taphonomic analy- 利的长犬牙的猫科动物 = New sabre-toothed
sis in 2009 indicates the elk likely died of cats in the Late Miocene of Toros Menalla
natural causes during winter months; it was (Chad). ( 英 文 ). de Bonis L; Peigné S;
lightly scavenged by carnivores prior to burial Mackaye H T; Likius A; Vignaud P; Brunet M.
from silt-rich spring runoff. The elk suffered Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010, 9(5): 221-227
from two pathological conditions: one result- The Toros Menalla Late Miocene Forma-
ing in fusion of the fourth and fifth cervical tion (7 Ma), Djurab desert, Chad, has yielded
vertebrae, and the other resulting in excessive a large number of vertebrate remains, and
bone tissue on the proximal ends of the first among them around twenty taxa of carnivores.
ribs, seventh cervical, and first and second Recent collections allow us to describe two
thoracic vertebrae. The Marmes elk is larger sabre-toothed felids assigned to the genera
than modern Rocky Mountain elk (C. e. nel- Lokotunjailurus and cf. Megantereon. The
soni) and is on the large end of the size range former does exist in the Nawata Formation,
of modern Roosevelt elk (C. e. roosevelti). It Lothagam, northern Kenya with a slightly de-
is also larger than the similarly aged elk skele- rived species and the TM specimens are con-
ton from Three Hills, Alberta. A single elk sidered as belonging to a new species. The
bone from the Sentinel Gap archaeological latter cannot be identified to the species level,
site in central Washington State, dated to but it could be one of the earliest specimens of
about 10 200 14C years BP and located 130 km Megantereon known in the world and it would
west of Marmes Rockshelter, is the same size reinforce the hypothesis of an Old World ori-
as the same bone of the Marmes elk. Terminal gin for this taxon. Both allow us to put for-
Pleistocene elk in eastern Washington likely ward some biogeographical conclusions
grew to exceptionally large size as a result of
abundant grass at the time, forage that de- 2011010425
creased in abundance as Holocene climatic
conditions developed.
耳岩的 3D 电脑图像及其古生物学推断 =
2011010423 3D computational imaging of the petrosal of a
巨鬣狗主动捕食习态的骨骼学证据 = Oste- new multituberculate mammal from the Late
Cretaceous of China and its paleobiologic in-
ological evidence for predatory behavior of
the giant percrocutid (Dinocrocuta gigantea) ferences. (英文). Ladevèze S; de Muizon C;
as an active hunter. (英文). Deng Tao; Tseng Colbert M; Smith T. Comptes Rendus
Palevol, 2010, 9(6-7): 319-330
Zhijie. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(17):
The derived middle and inner ears of
mammals are the major features distinguishing
We present osteological evidence that a
them from non-mammalian vertebrates.
rhinocerotid skull belonging to a female
Among them, multituberculate mammals rep-
Chilotherium wimani was bitten by a giant
resent an important transitional stage and a
percrocutid, Dinocrocuta gigantea. Aided by
ground plan for further therian ear evolution.
comparative evidence of black rhino (Diceros
We present the reconstruction of petrosal fea-
bicornis) predation by extant spotted hyenas
tures of a new multituberculate from the Late
Crocuta crocuta, we interpret the healed
Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia (China) based
wound on the C. wimani female as an injury
on high resolution computed tomography and
incurred by the late Miocene D. gigantea. The
three-dimensional imaging analysis. Besides
hunting paleoecology of the giant percrocutid
questioning some aspects of previous interpre-
D. gigantea has long been speculated, but thus
tations, this study reveals a combination of
far no clear evidence has been discovered to
derived and primitive characters, such as a
point to the predatory habits of this carnivore.
therian-like vascular and nervous pattern and
The present specimen of C. wimani provides
internal acoustic meatus, and a monotreme-
evidence to indicate that the giant percrocutid
like inner ear, but with a derived semicircular
shared similarities in predatory behavior to the
canal planarity. The possible presence of a
modern spotted hyena: it was an active hunter
primary bony lamina for the basilar membrane

could demonstrate that the first step in the Gasparini G M; Ferrero B S. Neues Jahrbuch
elaboration of a coiled cochlea was already fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlun-
present in multituberculates. Auditory capa- gen, 2010, 256(2): 151-160
bilities can be deduced for this animal, which Three genera of Tayassuidae (Platygonus,
was certainly terrestrial and possibly fossorial. Catagonus and Tayassu) are recognized in this
continent. this paper aims to: 1) describe the
2011010426 tayassuid materials found in the Pleistocene in
西印度卡奇中部早中新世哺乳动物及其地 Entre Rios Province; 2) review and update the
质年代, 生物地层, 海平面升降和洲际分布 palaeontological record of the family in the
意义 = Early Miocene mammals from central Mesopotamian region during the Quaternary;
Kutch (Gujarat), Western India: Implications and 3) check the geographic and stratigraphic
for geochronology, biogeography, eustacy and distribution in South America, specially in
Argentina, of the tayassuids from the Mesopo-
intercontinental dispersals. (英文). Bhandari
tamian region.
A; Mohabey D M; Bajpai S; Tiwari B N;
Pickford M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.
Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(1):
意大利北部 Pale Rosse 岩洞中穴居熊下颚
Terrestrial mammals comprising eight taxa 的牙齿病理学 = Dental pathologies in the
occur at Pasuda in the Khari Nadi Formation mandibles of cave bears from Grotta delle
of central Kutch, Gujarat State, Western India. Pale Rosse (Passo Brocon, Trentino alto
The Kutch mammal assemblages provide evi- Adige - North Italy). (英文). Toledano L; rossi
dence for other Early Miocene faunal ex- M; Santi G. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.
changes between Afro-Arabia and the Indian Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(3):
subcontinent, including anthracotheres, suids, 257-266
tragulids and possibly giraffids. The new col- Often Late Quaternary remains of cave
lections assume significance in view of the bears(now have been recognized at least three
hitherto poorly known nature of the earliest species or subspecies in the Alps: Ursus spe-
Neogene fossil mammals of India, not only laeus eremus, U. ladinicus and U. ingressus)
from Kutch but from broadly coeval deposits show clear evidence of pathologies particu-
including the Murree, Dagshai/Kasauli, and larly so in some of the dental components. In
Dharamsala beds in the NW Outer Himalaya, the mandibular remains from the Grotta delle
and the Kargil Formation of Ladakh in the Pale Rosse the dental pathologies are more
NW Trans-Himalaya. frequent in 4th premolars and first molars,
probably due to the structureal fragility linked
2011010427 to the conformation of these teeth. Apical in-
美国内布拉斯加州早渐新世新的 leptictids fections of the last molars as consequence of
= New leptictids (mammalia: Insectivora) the opening of the pulpar cavity are also dis-
from the Early Oligocene. (英文). Meehan J J; cussed. A rare agenesia of a mandibular pre-
Martin L D. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. molar has been also found.
Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(1):
99-107 2011010430
A new genus and two new species of primi- 日 本 中 部 早 中 新 世 Mizunami 群 鲸 亚 目
tive, saltatorial, insectivorous mammals (Lep- Platanistoid = Early Miocene Platanistoid
tictida: Leptictidae) are described from the from the Mizunami Group, Central Japan. (英
Lower Oligocene, Brule Formation, Nebraska. 文 ). Kimura T; Hasegawa Y; Okumura Y.
The new forms have narrower skulls with rela- Paleontological Research, 2009, 13(2): 167-
tively longer snouts than Leptictis, to which 171
all North American Oligocene species have A platanistoid fossil was recovered from the
been thought to belong. upper Lower Miocene Akeyo Formation, Mi-
zunami Group, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. It con-
2011010428 sists of a right scapula, two cervical and three
阿 根 廷 Entre Rios 省 第 四 纪 偶 蹄 类 thoracic vertebrae, and an isolated tooth. The
Tayassuidae 科: 阿根廷古动物群评述 = following key apomorphies of Platanistoidea
The Tayassuidae (Mammalia; Artiodactyla) are found in the scapula of the specimen: loss
from the Quaternary of Entre Rios Province. of or greatly reduced coracoids process, ac-
A palaeofaunal review in Argentina. (英文). romion located on the anterior edge of the
scapula, and disappearance of the supraspina-

tus fossa on the lateral side of the scapula. 俄罗斯外贝加尔哺乳动物食肉类
This is the fourth platanistoid to be reported Parailurus baikalicus 的下颌骨和下齿型 =
from Japan. Mandible and Lower Dentition of Parailurus
baikalicus (Ailuridae, Carnivora) from Trans-
2011010431 baikal area, Russia. (英文). Ogino S; Nakaya
日本神奈川县晚中新世 Oiso 组哺乳动物奇 H; Takai M; Fukuchi A; Maschenko E N;
蹄目犀牛化石 = A Rhinocerotid (Mammalia, Kalmykov N P. Paleontological Re-
Perissodactyla) from the Late Miocene Oiso search, 2009, 13(3): 259-264
Formation, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. (英 Although the modern lesser panda (Ailurus;
文). Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein1, Taru H;Takai Ailuridae; Carnivora; Mammalia) only lives in
M; Fukuchi A. Paleontological Re- the temperate highland forests of the southern
search, 2009, 13(2): 207-210 Himalayan region, its fossil remains of late
We describe a fragmentary tooth of a rhi- Miocene to Pliocene age have been found
nocerotid perissodactyl recovered from the widely across the Holoarctic region. Very few
middle unit of the upper Miocene Oiso Forma- mandibles or lower teeth of these animals,
tion, Japan. Although the specimen is frag- however, have been identified. Here, we pro-
mentary and heavily worn, it is worth describ- vide a detailed description of the mandible and
ing because the fossil record of the Miocene lower dentition of a large-sized lesser panda,
rhinoceroses in Japan is little known. Taxon- Parailurus baikalicus (Sotnikova, 2008),
omy used in this paper follows Antoine et al. which has been discovered from the middle
(2003) and dental terminology follows the Pliocene of Udunga, Transbaikalia, Russia. In
convention by Guérin (1980). the Transbaikalian species, lower molars are
low crowned and shows highly crenulated
2011010432 enamel pattern. The main cuspids of cheek
蒙古上始新统 Ergilin Dzo 组新的哺乳动物 teeth are heavily worn horizontally, suggest-
食肉类半犬类 = New Amphicyonid (Mam- ing a high specialization for leaf eating. The
malia: Carnivora) from the Upper Eocene Er- distinctive lower tooth morphology of P. bai-
kalicus differs from those of other fossil lesser
gilin Dzo Formation, Mongolia. (英文). Egi N;
pandas discovered from Europe and North
Tsubamoto T; Tsogtbaatar K. Paleontological
America and from those of modern species,
Research, 2009, 13(3): 245-249
suggesting that the morphology found in P.
A mammal tooth discovered from the upper
baikalicus is derived in the Ailuridae.
Eocene Ergilin Dzo Formation of southeastern
Mongolia is identified as an upper second mo-
lar of a small amphicyonid (Mammalia: Car-
nivora). It is similar to Cynodictis, which is a
primitive amphicyonid from the late Eocene to 标 本 = New Neogene Hyracoid Specimens
early Oligocene of Europe, in overall size, from the Peri-Tethys Region and East Africa.
relative size of the trigon cusps, and smooth ( 英 文 ). Pickford M. Paleontological Re-
lingual cingulum. However, it differs from search, 2009, 13(3): 265-278
Cynodictis and other amphicyonids in having This contribution describes and interprets
an extremely thick lingual cingulum that fossil hyracoids from four localities in the
bulges posterolingually and a parastyle that Peri-Tethys region and one in East Africa.
positions anterior to the paracone, indicating Two of the Peri-Tethyan localities (Ad Dabti-
that it belongs to a new genus of the family. yah, Saudi Arabia and Reguba, Libya) are of
Reappraisals of previously reported “Cynodic- basal Middle Miocene age (MN 5=P III, ca.
tis” materials from the Paleogene of Asia im- 16.5 Ma), the third (Beglia, Tunisia) is basal
ply that none of them belong to the Amphi- Vallesian (ca. 11–10.5 Ma) and the fourth
cyonidae, and only the present material con- (Maragheh, Iran) is Late Miocene (MN 12=P
firms the existence of an amphicyonid in the VII, ca. 9.5–7 Ma). The East African locality,
Eocene of northern East Asia. This opens Bukwa, Uganda, is basal Middle Miocene in
questions on the previously proposed exis- age (ca. 17.5 Ma). A new genus and species of
tence of Cynodictis and migration of amphi- hyracoid, Regubahyrax Selleyi, is described
cyonids in the Paleogene of Asia. from Libya, characterised by lower molars
ornamented by well developed cristids and
2011010433 spurs and a new species, Prohyrax bukwaensis,
is described from East Africa, intermediate in
dimensions between Prohyrax tertiarius from

the Early Miocene of Namibia, and Prohyrax 属最早的化石记录出现在中亚地区,推测它
hendeyi from the basal Middle Miocene of the 很可能起源于中亚,然后向西亚、欧洲和北
same country. The Saudi Arabian hyracoid is 非地区扩散。依据伴生动物群和相关古植
attributed to Afrohyrax championi and the Tu-
物的研究成果推测,Atlantoxerus 属可能生活
nisian and Iranian ones to Pliohyrax kruppi or
rossignoli and Pliohyrax graecus, respectively. 在温暖湿润的环境中。随着晚新生代全球
2011010435 表明了其地理分布与温度变化密切相关。
关于 Euowenia robusta 分类位置的正身兼 同时推测,温度对其生存的影响似乎比湿度
颧骨类一个新属的描述 = On the identity of 更大。
Euowenia robusta De Vis, 1891 with a de-
scription of a new zygomaturine genus. (英文). 2011010437
Mackness B. Alcheringa, 2010, 34(4): 455 – 甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世鬣狗类群头骨的几
469 何形态测量学及生态形态学分析 = Geomet-
An occluded skull and dentaries, recovered ric Morphometrics Analysis Of Cranial Shape
from the Floraville Local Fauna, northern Among Late Miocene Hyaenid Ecomorpholo-
Queensland, is referred to Euowenia robusta gies In The Linxia Basin,Gansu,China. (英文).
De Vis, 1891. The specimen has distinctive 曾志杰;何文;陈善勤. 古脊椎动物学报, 2010,
zygomaturine features including a quinquetu- 48(3): 235-246
bercular upper third premolar and lower mo- 在晚新生代大型食肉目动物中,鬣狗科动
lars with cristids obliqua, directly challenging
the synonymy of E. robusta with Nototherium
inerme and N. mitchelli proposed by Woods 于中中新世至更新世晚期的地层中。形态
(1968). Comparison with the genotypic 功能学家将鬣狗科的 60 多个化石种分为似
Euowenia grata (De Vis, 1887) has further 豺、似狼和似灵猫等生态类群,这些生态类
confirmed that E. robusta does not belong 群和现生仅存的 3 个食骨和 1 个食虫类群
within the Diprotodontinae. After examining 形成鲜明的对比。生态形态学是基于生物
all named zygomaturine genera, including a 形态与生态环境的密切关系研究不同物种
large data set of Zygomaturus trilobus Mac- 形态所代表的生态位的一种方法;研究者依
leay, 1858, it is concluded that Euowenia ro-
busta can not be placed within any known
zygomaturine genus and, therefore, a new ge- 形 态 的 相 似 度 进 行 了 生 态 形 态
nus is proposed. It is perhaps the most derived (ecomorphology)的分类,但尚未对这些已
of all the zygomaturines described to date 定的生态形态进行过多变量的头骨形状分
from the Australian Cenozoic. 析。本文拟采用平面几何形态测量学的方
2011010436 并探讨以头骨形状划分其生态形态类型的
新疆准噶尔盆地北缘中中新世阿特拉旱松 可行性。几何形态测量法是以生物形态的
鼠及其生态环境讨论 = Atlantoxerus From 轮廓作为数据的计算方法,虽然目前尚未被
The Middle Miocene Of Northern Junggar 国内古生物研究者广泛采用,但自 20 世纪
Basin And Their Environmental Significance.
30 年代多变量统计学的理论成熟以来,这一
( 中 文 ). 魏 涌 澎 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2010,
48(3): 220-234
记述了新疆准噶尔盆地北缘中中新世哈 速 发 展 , 至 今 已 成 为 近 代 生 物 学
拉玛盖组的两种阿特拉旱松鼠化 (neontology)和古生物学形态研究领域的
石:Atlantoxerus junggarensis 和 A.xiyuensis 一个常用工具。三维几何形态测量分析也
sp.nov. 。 依 据 新 的 化 石 材 料 将 因为三维激光扫描仪的普及而变得更简单
A.junggarensis 特 征 进 行 了 修 订 。 新 种 和直观。然而,化石标本由于埋藏和保存的
A.xiyuensis 颊齿较小,齿冠低;P4 大于或等于 关系通常会出现变形或残缺不全,使目前几
M1/2,次尖明显,原小尖发育,后小尖强大、 何形态测量方法在古生物学的应用仍主要
明显大于后尖且一般不与后边脊相连,通常 以平面数据分析为主。平面数据采集的第
无中附尖;M1/2 原小尖弱;m3 无下前边尖和 一步是从与标本某一平面相垂直的角度拍
前齿带,无下中尖、下中附尖和下次小尖,下 摄数码照片;虽然拍摄平面的选择通常由研
后脊粗壮、由下原尖伸向跟凹、不与下后 究者自定,但一般会选择待研究类群形状变
尖相连,下内尖及下内脊发育。Atlantoxerus 异最具代表性的一面(如,鱼类一般选取侧

视)。第二步是形态的数字化,即使用某一 鬣狗和斑鬣狗之间的趋同演化不仅表现在
种形态测量软件来标出地标点(landmarks; 成年头骨的粗壮程度上,而且在幼年发育模
或称界标点、标志点、标点)。地标点的 式中也存在平行演化现象。现生发育学与
选择对于分析的结果有直接而且重要的影 行为生态学已经证实,相对其他大型食肉动
响,一般会选择 Bookstein 分类中的 I 型或 II 物,现生斑鬣狗发育粗壮头骨形态的机制不
型作为地标点的标准。这两种地标点的共 是以增速生长,而是以延长发育期来实现
同点是可以从解剖学特征上准确地在每一 的。由此推断,巨鬣狗的发育期有可能和现
个标本上找到,而无不明确或复现困难的可 生鬣狗相当(35 个月),也可能由于具有相
能性。数字化后的数据在软件中用数学算 对粗壮和巨大的头骨形态,其发育期会延长
法叠加起来(superimposition,或称叠合,重 些。当然,这个新解释仍需要更多的化石数
叠),以去除原始图片数据中标本位置、角 据和发育研究来证实。
有的数字化数据叠加起来后,利用软件计算 2011010438
所有标本之间的几何距离。现在常用的软 内蒙古上新世高特格地点的仓鼠化石 =
件中都会以平均几何形状作为中心,而且利 Note On The Cricetids From The Pliocene
用类似主成分分析(principal components Gaotege Locality,Nei Mongol. (英文). 李强.
analysis ) 的 多 变 量 计 算 来 呈 现 相 对 扭 曲 古脊椎动物学报, 2010, 48(3): 247-261
(或称相对反卷)轴(relative warp axis), 对历年来采自高特格地点 3 个不同层位
后者即是可以用来把形态差异视觉化的多 的共 227 件仓鼠类标本进行了分类描述和
变量数据。这些数据可以用平面坐标图来 研究,这些标本可以归入 2 属 3 种,分别为进
看不同形态的空间分布,也可以用所谓的薄 步中华仓鼠 Sinocricetus progressus,大中华
板样条曲线图(thin-plate spline grid)来表 仓鼠(新种)S.major sp.nov.和蒙古微仓鼠
示相对形态上的变化。相对扭曲轴所代表 Nannocricetus mongolicus。作为内蒙古中部
的形状数据还经常被拿来与代表几何物体 地区新近纪动物群序列中的最晚代表,上新
大 小 的 距 心 值 ( 或 称 重 心 距 离 ,centroid 世高特格动物群存在一些特有的进步的小
size)做回归曲线分析,以便发现种群中某 哺乳动物种类,S.major 新种就是仓鼠类中的
些形态的异速生长模式(allometry)。本 一例。大中华仓鼠新种特征为:个体显著
文采用几何形态测量的方法对产自和政地 大,齿冠高,下臼齿发育有较发达的(假)下
区 的 鬣 狗 科 Hyaenictitherium, Ictitherium, 中脊,其中 m1 的下中脊指向前内方向,m2 的
Adcrocuta 和旁鬣狗科 Dinocrocuta 的材料 假下中脊(或称下原尖后臂)前内向与下
进行研究,分析了这 4 个属保存完好的头骨 后尖后壁连接。古地磁的测定表
标本的侧面形态。与东非大草原现生食肉 明,Sinocricetus progressus 和 Nannocricetus
动物的头骨整体形态分布的比较和分析表 mongolicus 在高特格剖面上的年限大致为
明,和政的鼬鬣狗(Ictitherium)和鬣型鼬鬣 4.2~3.9Ma,S.major 只出现于剖面下部,其年
狗(Hyaenictitherium)的头骨形状分布介 限约为 4.2Ma.Sinocricetus 和 Nannocricetus
于现生斑鬣狗(Crocuta crocuta)、犬科猎 两属目前主要发现于中国北方晚中新世早
狗 ( Lycaon pictus ) 和 金 豺 ( Canis 期至最晚上新世的地层中,它们可能都是中
aureus)之间,为二者似豺生态形态的解释 国特有的新近纪仓鼠。对内蒙古中部地区
提供了几何形态测量证据。再者,上述两属 最晚中新世二登图和哈尔鄂博、早上新世
化石鬣狗的形状分布与现生斑鬣狗的幼年 比例克和高特格地点的材料对比表
个体形状重叠,表明现生斑鬣狗头骨的发育 明,Sinocricetus 牙齿特征可能存在如下演化
机制可能是在鼬鬣狗祖先类型的异速生长 趋势:M1-2 原脊 I 发育频率逐渐增高,M1-2
规律基础上的持续发育,进而演化出现有的 的中脊与后尖前壁连接的程度逐渐增高,m1
粗壮形态。此外,巨鬣狗(Dinocrocuta)和 下前脊从双支分别与唇舌两侧下前边小尖
副鬣狗(Adcrocuta)的头骨形状与现生的 连接向单支与唇侧下前边小尖连接转变,以
斑鬣狗在几何形态测量空间内有普遍重叠 及 m2 的假下中脊与下后尖后壁发生连接的
的现象,指示了这些异时出现的种类具有相 频率逐渐增高。Nannocricetus 在其演化中
似的生态形态,因而可能占据相近的生态 牙齿形态变化可能存在的趋势是:M1-2 的
位。结果还显示巨鬣狗和斑鬣狗的幼年个 牙根数由 3 增加到 4,M1-2 的后小脊 II 逐渐
体形状相近,以及两者从幼年到成年发育的 退化消失,m1 的下前边尖逐渐收缩变窄和分
形状变化过程也具有相似的规律。因而,巨 裂,M2-3 和 m2-3 的舌侧(下)前边脊逐渐

退化消失,及 m3 下中脊出现频率逐渐增 店第 1,2,6,20,山顶洞和东岭子洞等地点以及
高。 山 东 平 邑 发 现 的 兔 标 本 归 入 草 兔 Lepus
2011010439 capensis。以前被归入 Lepus wongi 种内的
加拿大西部晚古新世哺乳动物混齿科新种 标本,除周口店第 13 地点及蓝田陈家窝子的
Eudaemonema webbi:已知最年轻的混齿 应属于 Lepus teilhardi 外,其余地点的皆为
类 动 物 = Eudaemonema webbi sp. nov. Lepus capensis,因此 L.wongi 失去了原有的
(Mammalia, Mixodectidae) from the late Pa- 意义,为无效种。周口店第 16 地点的标本归
leocene of western Canada: the youngest 入华南兔 Lepus sinensis,是该种目前惟一的
known mixodectid. (英文). Scott C S. Cana- 化石记录。辽宁营口金牛山的标本暂时归
dian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(12):
入东北兔 Lepus mandschuricus。我国更新
Mixodectidae (Mammalia, Archonta) are an 世共发现两个化石种和 4 个现生种。其中
unusual, poorly known family of dermop- 化石种 Lepus teilhardi 和 L.ziboensis 出现在
teran-like mammals that have been discovered 早更新世晚期至中更新世早期,现生种
at several North American localities of pri- L.capensis,L.mandschuricus,L.sinensis 和
marily early Paleocene age. Among the three L.comus 分别出现在中更新世与晚更新世。
or four recognized mixodectid genera, Eu- 初步讨论了兔属的起源,认为兔属可能起源
daemonema Simpson is perhaps one of the 于上新世的 Trischizolagus。
least understood, being known from only a
few localities of late Torrejonian and earliest 2011010441
Tiffanian age. This paper reports on a new
species of Eudaemonema from the late Paleo-
cene of Alberta, Canada, that significantly 步 报 道 = A Partial Skeleton Of Macaca
extends the geographic and stratigraphic ( Mammalia,Primates ) From The Early
ranges of the genus. Eudaemonema webbi sp. Pleistocene Queque Cave
nov. is known from middle and late Tiffanian Site,Chongzuo,Guangxi,SouthChina. ( 英 文 ).
localities in central and south central Alberta, 张颖奇;金昌柱;高井正成. 古脊椎动物学
and it represents the youngest and northern- 报, 2010, 48(3): 275-280
most species of Eudaemonema so far discov- 初步报道了缺缺洞发现的猕猴化石。新
ered. E. webbi differs from the genotypic spe- 材料为一具雄性老年猕猴个体的骨架,保存
cies E. cuspidata in being larger and in having
了几乎完整的下颌、全部 7 节颈椎、9 节胸
a suite of dental characters (e.g., molariform
posterior premolars, enlarged molar protocone 椎、两侧前肢肢骨、右侧后肢部分肢骨以
and hypocone, development of a second grind- 及绝大部分的腕(跗)骨、掌(蹠)骨和
ing platform on the lower molars) that sug- 指(趾)骨。这是目前为止中国发现的最
gests an increased emphasis on grinding dur- 为完整的猕猴骨架化石。鉴于化石对比材
ing mastication. E. webbi possesses several 料的缺乏,仅对下颌及牙齿形态进行了描述,
dental features (e.g., broad, shelf-like molar 并将之与中国已知各化石种进行了对比。
paraconid–paracristid, lingually shifted molar 由于中国猕猴属各化石种之间的系统关系
hypoconulid) that resemble those of cyno-
cephalids (Mammalia, Dermoptera), with
these resemblances interpreted herein as con- 深入的研究将另文发表。
vergent. The occurrence of E. webbi at Gao
Mine extends the stratigraphic range of Eu- 2011010442
daemonema into the late Tiffanian (Ti5) and 北美西部古新世-始新世极热事件
represents the youngest known record of ( PETM ) 期 间 的 哺 乳 动 物 群 序 列 =
Mixodectidae. Mammalian Faunal Succession Through The
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
2011010440 (PETM)In Western North American. (英
中国更新世兔属化石的厘定 = Revision Of 文). Gingerich P D. 古脊椎动物学报, 2010,
Chinese Pleistocene Lepus ( Leporiade, 48(4): 308-327
Lagomorpha). (中文). 张兆群. 古脊椎动物 跟随一队研究哺乳动物群在古新世-始新
学报, 2010, 48(3): 262-274 世变化的生物地层学和古地理学的学者,已
在对我国现生兔属各种骨骼特征研究的 故周明镇教授开始了他的古脊椎动物学事
基础上,通过形态特征的观察与测量数据的 业。这是化石记录中偶蹄类、奇蹄类和灵
分析,修订了已有的兔属化石材料。将周口 长类(APP 类群)首次出现的时期。随着

北美西部 Polecat Bench 新的最晚古新世 “假磨楔式”:一个概念的发展历史 = Pseu-
Clarkforkian 哺乳动物群的发现,古新世作为 dotribosphenic:The History Of A Concept.
一个独立于始新世的分期从 1911 年开始被 (英文). Rich T H; Vickers-Rich P. 古脊椎动
接受。后来,研究证明古新世-始新世界线包 物学报, 2010, 48(4): 336-347
括了一段时间,这期间发育了矮小型哺乳动 大多数情况下古生物学是事后解释的科
物支系。古新世-始新世碳同位素漂移 学,也就是说,在大多数情况下它的中心任务
(CIE)与哺乳动物矮小化以及 APP 类群 是解释存在的资料。古生物学成为预测科
的首次出现是同时的。据此可以对 CIE 进 学的一个罕见的实例见诸于"假磨楔式"
行全球性总结,结果表明它与古新世-始新世 这个概念的发展历史中。根据一个假磨楔
极热事件(PETM)相关。PETM 这一全球 式哺乳动物的单个齿骨上的下臼齿结构,推
温室变暖事件不仅对地球气候和生物群有 测出当时尚不知道的上臼齿结构。随后,被
短暂的影响,而且对生物群同样具有深远持 认为很可能属于假磨楔式哺乳动物的单个
续的影响。我们所知的哺乳动物与 CIE 和 上臼齿以及更晚的一件具有咬合在一起的
PETM 之 间 关 系 的 大 部 分 内 容 是 通 过 对 上下臼齿的标本的发现证实了最初的假
Polecat Bench 周边剖面独特地层记录的高 设。磨楔式臼齿结构作为哺乳动物历史中
分辨率研究得到的。周教授早年曾在那里 一个关键的创新结构,本身相当复杂。假磨
工作过,如今他的骨灰也撒在那里。 楔式概念的被接受在认识磨楔式臼齿结构
2011010443 一次。"假磨楔式"这个术语最初提出之
硅藻鼠科(哺乳纲,啮齿目)与亚洲中始新 后,随着它的使用,一些后来的研究者的用法
世 啮 齿 类 的 双 脊 齿 = The Diatomyidae 严重偏离了它的本义。这一术语既被用来
(Mammalia,Rodentia)And Bilophodonty In 描述并不以原始定义的假磨楔式方式咬合
Middle Eocene Asian Rodents. (英文). Daw- 的柱齿兽类牙齿,也被用于描述明显属于原
son M R; 李 传 夔 ; 齐 陶 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 始定义的磨楔式而不是假磨楔式牙齿。结
报, 2010, 48(4): 328-335 果是古生物学界对其定义的理解变得更不
亚洲特有的啮齿类硅藻鼠科自渐新世以 准确,这个概念的实用性因此大大削弱。所
来分布于东亚和南亚。现生硅藻鼠类的分 以,回归最初的定义是合适的。
这些具有豪猪型头骨-松鼠型下颌的啮齿类 2011010445
的颊齿都是不同程度的横向双脊齿。时代 内蒙古苏崩地点的古新世软食中兽(哺乳
最早的硅藻鼠类产于巴基斯坦渐新世地层 纲,中兽目):古新世-始新世界线附近“东
中,其颊齿的双脊齿构造上仍保留齿尖残迹, 方伊甸园”扩散模式的新证据 = Paleocene
基本符合双脊齿型牙齿结构。至渐新世末 Hapalodectes ( Mammalia : Mesonychia )
期,硅藻鼠科的牙齿出现分化。中新世及以 From Subeng,Nei Mongol:Further Evidence
后硅藻鼠类的化石记录相对较少。分子生 Of "East Of Eden" Dispersal At The Paleo-
物学证据将硅藻鼠类归入 Ctenohystrica,这 cene-Eocene Boundary. (英文). 毕丛山;王元
种归属也从始新世梳趾鼠类的臼齿形态上 青;孟津;倪喜军;Cebo D L;李传夔. 古脊椎动
得到一定的支持。除此之外,有关硅藻鼠类 物学报, 2010, 48(4): 375-389
的起源问题几乎一无所知。亚洲中始新世 记述了发现于内蒙古苏崩晚古新世格沙
的 Hydentomys 臼齿表现出轻微的双脊型,然 头期的中兽类软食中兽 Hapalodectes 属的
而其他方面却与硅藻鼠类不同。另一个具 一个新种。这是软食中兽在中国古新世地
双脊齿的啮齿类 Dolosimus(新属)产于江 层中的首次发现,也是亚洲格沙头期的第二
苏中始新世,其具有更为发育的双脊齿,特别 种软食中兽。已有的系统学和生物地层学
是臼齿型下牙。新属的不完整记录及其形 证据支持软食中兽属和软食中兽科
态不能解决如下问题:它是否与后来出现 (Hapalodectidae)亚洲起源的观点。软食
的像硅藻鼠类和跃兔类这些具有明显双脊 中兽显然是在古新世-始新世极热事件
齿型颊齿的啮齿类有亲缘关系,或者只是这 (PETM)期间通过白令陆桥扩散到北美大
种形态发育中没有留下后继者的早期试验 陆的,因而符合"东方伊甸园"学说中的生
品。 物地理格局。软食中兽有限的(即非欧洲
2011010444 地理学历史。如同软食中兽一样的"东方

伊甸园"式的扩散模式,可以看作是大的环 cent of the world's roughly 11 000 grass spe-
境变化事件导致多个支系产生相似的系统 cies and has been empirically shown to in-
学和生物地理学分布格局的生物地理扩散 crease plant productivity but to reduce protec-
tion against mammal grazing. This result sug-
gests that release from a selective pressure can
世界线上或其附近的与"东方伊甸园"模 lead to species radiations. This seemingly
式相矛盾的大陆间哺乳动物扩散事例,结果 anachronistic adaptation may represent an
发现这些例子都是不可靠的。"东方伊甸 overlooked factor contributing to the severe
园"生物地理学说充分解释了 PETM 时期 decline in the geographical extent and species
哺乳动物群更替以及劳亚古陆哺乳动物地 diversity of New Zealand's indigenous grass-
理分布格局的成因。 lands following the introduction of herbivo-
rous terrestrial mammals in the 19th century.
中国内蒙古最早始新世最早期的新啮齿类 2011010448
化石 = New Rodents From The Earliest Eo- 哺乳动物中绝灭的监测能力和再发现的相
cene Of Nei Mongol,China. (英文). 李传夔; 互关系 = Correlates of rediscovery and the
孟津. 古脊椎动物学报, 2010, 48(4): 390-401 detectability of extinction in mammals. (英文).
Fisher D O; Blomberg S P. Proceedings of the
Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011,
Gomphos 层的啮齿类新材料并命名了一个 278(1708): 1090-1097
新属种:周氏原鼠(Yuanomys zhoui)。新 Extinction is difficult to detect, even in
属种与其他早始新世的梳趾鼠区别在于颊 well-known taxa such as mammals. Species
齿具有纤细且孤立的齿尖和小尖,前尖与后 with long gaps in their sighting records, which
尖横向延伸,面对三角座盆的齿尖面陡直。 might be considered possibly extinct, are often
这 些 特 征 在 一 定 程 度 上 与 alagomyids 类 rediscovered. We used data on rediscovery
似。依据古地磁与生物地层对比,这些啮齿 rates of missing mammals to test whether ex-
tinction from different causes is equally de-
tectable and to find which traits affect the
射演化,很可能位于中古新世到最早始新世 probability of rediscovery. We find that spe-
这个时间段中。 cies affected by habitat loss were much more
likely to be misclassified as extinct or to re-
2011010447 main missing than those affected by intro-
哺乳动物的缺失和新西兰草地的演化 = duced predators and diseases, or overkill,
Absence of mammals and the evolution of unless they had very restricted distributions.
New Zealand grasses. (英文). Antonelli1 A; We conclude that extinctions owing to habitat
Humphreys A M; Lee W G; Linder H P. Pro- loss are most difficult to detect; hence, im-
ceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological pacts of habitat loss on extinction have proba-
Sciences, 2011, 278(1706): 695-701 bly been overestimated, especially relative to
Anthropogenic alteration of biotic distribu- introduced species. It is most likely that the
tions and disturbance regimes has dramatically highest rates of rediscovery will come from
changed the evolutionary context for the dif- searching for species that have gone missing
ferentiation of species traits. Some of the most during the 20th century and have relatively
striking examples in recent centuries have large ranges threatened by habitat loss, rather
been on islands where flightless birds, which than from additional effort focused on charis-
evolved in the absence of mammalian carni- matic missing species.
vores, have been decimated following the
widespread introduction of exotic predators. 2011010449
Until now, no equivalent case has been re- 西班牙 Barranc de Can Vila 1 地区中新世
ported for plants. Here, we make use of robust 含人化石产地中的啮齿类和兔形类化石 =
analytical tools and an exceptionally well- Rodents and lagomorphs from the Middle
sampled molecular phylogeny to show that a Miocene hominoid-bearing site of Barranc de
majority of New Zealand danthonioid grasses Can Vila 1 (els Hostalets de Pierola, Catalonia,
(Poaceae) may have adapted to the relaxed Spain). (英文). Casanovas-Vilar I; Angelone
vertebrate herbivore pressure during the late C; Alba D M; Moya-Sola S; Kohler M;
Cenozoic through the development of a dis- Galindo J. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.
tinctive and unusual habit: abscission of old Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 257(3):
leaves. This feature occurs in only about 3 per 297-315

In this paper the rodents and lagomorphs where a sequence of mammalian faunas has
are described. The faunal list includes been identified. The discovery of the Wulan-
Prolagus oeningensis, Spermophilinus bredai, hua Fauna provides an important indicator of
Miopetaurista cf. crusafonti, Glirudinus undo- the paleogeographical distribution of the Hip-
sus. The rodentfauna of BCV 1 is diverse and parion fauna, and this study also contributes to
includes a number of forest-dwelling genera a better understanding of the climatic and en-
indicating the existence of humid forest envi- vironmental significance of red clays. Most
ronments. The assemblage is very similar to forms of the Wulanhua Fauna are the same as
that of other primate-bearing sites of the or close to taxa within the Baode Fauna. How-
Valles-Penedes Basin and markedly contrasts ever, some forms are slightly more derived
with that of similarly-aged sites from nearby than those of the Baode Fauna, which may
areassuch as the Calatayud-Daroca Basin. indicate a slightly younger geological age of
This suggests that this kind of environments, about 7 Ma. The components of the Wulanhua
wihich appear to have been the favoured ones Fauna suggest that the habitat was a typical
by great apes and pliopithecids, did not extent steppe and therefore yield direct evidence to
to the inner areas of the Iberian Peninsula. delineate the boundary between the east and
west subregions of the Late Miocene Hip-
2011010450 parion fauna in North China.
西班牙 Bierzo 盆地下渐新统啮齿目 = Ro-
dents from the Lower Oligocene of the Bierzo 2011010452
Basin (Leon, Spain). (英文). Freudenthal M; 对 Galve 地区(特鲁埃尔,西班牙)早白
Martin-Suarez E; Carballo N H; Rodriguez- 垩世多尖齿兽类系统分类的重新鉴定 = A
Fernandez L R; gonzalez F M. Neues Jahr- systematic reassessment of Early Cretaceous
buch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhand- multituberculates from Galve (Teruel, Spain).
lungen, 2010, 257(3): 317-340 ( 英 文 ). Badiola A; Ignacio C J; Cuenca-
Two new fossiliferous localities between Bescos G. Cretaceous Research, 2011, 32(1):
Fresnedo and Tombrio de Arriba in the Bierzo 45-57 6 图版.
Basin permit such a dating for the first time. This paper includes a systematic reassess-
The fossil rodent collection from REY 1, in- ment of the Early Cretaceous (late Hauterivian
cludes Issiodoromys bergidensis sp. nov., Pro- early Barremian) multituberculate fossils of
techimys cf. truci, Pseudocricetodon simplex, Galve (Teruel, Spain), previously studied by
and Gliravus majori. Its age is late Early Oli- Crusafont-Pairo and Adrover, and Crusafont-
gocene (MP24). The second locality, REY 3B, Pairo and Gibert in 1966 and 1976, respec-
contains Issiodoromys minor, Protechimys cf. tively, as well the study of other unpublished
gracilis, Allocricetodon sp. no., Pseudocrice- specimens found in the revised collection of
todon simplex, Heterocricetodon aff. Institut Catala de Paleontologia (ICP). We
schlosseri, and Oligodyromys planus. Its age here include for the first time the emended
is lates Early Oligocene age (MP25). descriptions and comparisons as well as the
SEM photographs of all the specimens found
2011010451 in the collection and update the biostrati-
内蒙古四子王旗晚中新世哺乳动物群的发 graphic data that they have provided. The
现及其古动物地理的意义 = Discovery of a multituberculate fossil assemblage from Calve
Late Miocene mammalian fauna from Sizi- comprises at least four taxa: the paulchoffatiid
wang Banner, Inner Mongolia, and its paleo- Gat-veodon nannothus, the eobaatarid Eo-
zoogeographical significance. ( 英 文 ). Deng baatar hispanicus, another eobaatarid or a pos-
Tao; Liang Zhong;Wang ShiQi; Hou SuKuan; sible plagiaulacid, Iberica hahni gen. et sp.
Li Qiang. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, nov., and the pinheirodontid Lavocatia alfam-
56(6): 526-534 brensis. The species Parendotherium herreroi
The Wulanhua Fauna (similar to 7 Ma) de- has been removed from the multituberculate
rives from the basal part of Late Miocene red faunal list of Calve. Another two different
clays in Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia. taxa, provisionally classified as Paulchoffatii-
Chinese red clay deposits are rich in fossils of dae indet. and Plagiaulacidae or Eobaataridae
the Hipparion fauna, and are relatively widely indet. could be added to the list if their valid-
distributed across Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, ity can be assessed once more specimen are
and Gansu provinces. The Mongolian Plateau found. The presence of more than four differ-
also contains well-developed Neogene depos- ent "plagiaulacidan" multituberculate taxa in
its, especially in central Inner Mongolia, the late Hauterivian early Barremian of the

Calve area suggests a high biodiversity of nipponica). Recently, we have identified new,
these mammal faunas in the Early Cretaceous well preserved dentitions of this mustelid in
age of the Iberian Peninsula. their original collection. We suggest that the
definition of L. nipponica given by Naora
2011010453 should be emended, and that the specimens
蒙古晚始新世 Ergilin Dzo 组石炭兽类偶蹄 belong to a new genus of the tribe Galictini
动物的新标本 = New specimens of anthra- (Mustelidae, Carnivora), namely, Oriensictis
cotheriid artiodactyls from the upper Eocene gen. nov., according to the following charac-
Ergilin Dzo Formation of Mongolia. (英文). teristics: short muzzle; transversely expanded
Tsubamoto T; Tsogtbaatar K. Paleontological P4; and anteroposteriorly expanded M1. The
Research, 2008, 12(4): 371-386 extinct Chinese otter L. melina (Pei, 1934)
We describe fossil specimens of two taxa of from the Middle Pleistocene cave deposits of
anthracotheriid artiodactyls (Mammalia) dis- Choukoutien locality 1 is also included in
covered in the upper Eocene Ergilin Dzo For- Oriensictis based on the characteristics of M1
mation of southeastern Mongolia and briefly and a short mandible. These two occurrences
review the late Eocene anthracotheriids of of this genus are the first records of East Asian
northern East Asia. The specimens described galictines, and this suggests that the Galictini
here are: (1) an upper molar, an astragalus, might have been extensively distributed over
and a calcaneum of a small bunodont anthra- areas in the Northern Hemisphere until the
cotheriid; and (2) upper and lower postcanine Middle Pleistocene.
dentitions, an astragalus, and a distal tibia of a
Bothriodon/aepinacodon-like selenodont an- 2011010455
thracotheriid. This paper provides the first 日本西部熊本上白垩统 Mifune 群新的哺乳
description and figures of the Anthracotherii- 动 物 化 石 = Additional mammalian fossils
dae from the formation, which were hitherto from the Upper Cretaceous Mifune Group,
poorly understood. The anthracotheriid fauna Kumamoto, western Japan. (英文). Kusuhashi
of the formation currently consists of two spe- N; Ikegami N; Matsuoka H. Paleontological
cies, an indeterminate bunodont anthra- Research, 2008, 12(2): 199-203
cotheriid and cf. Bothriodon sp. This is the
first discovery of a bunodont anthracotheriid 2011010456
in the late Eocene of the northern part of East 埃及早中新世 Wadi Moghra 地区猪科和沙
Asia. The anthracotheriids are mainly repre- 尼兽科化石 = Suidae and Sanitheriidae from
sented by selenodont and bunoselenodont spe- Wadi Moghra, early Miocene, Egypt. (英文).
cies and are rare faunal elements in the late Pickford M; Miller E R; El-Barkooky A N.
Eocene of northern East Asia; in contrast, they Acta palaeontologica Polonica, 2010, 55(1):
are mainly represented by bunodont and bun- 1-11
oselenodont species and are predominant fau- The new material greatly improves the
nal elements in the late Eocene of southern sample size and diversity of suoids known
East Asia. This implies a paleobiogeographi- from North Africa, and includes one species
cal separation between the northern and the of Sanitheriidae and three species of Kubano-
southern parts of East Asia during the late Eo- choerinae. The Moghra suoid assemblage
cene. most closely resembles that from Gebel Zelten,
Libya, suggesting that at least part of the
2011010454 Moghra deposits may overlap in time with
日本西部九洲北部 Matsugae 洞穴沉积中新 part of Zelten, i. e., is equivalent in age to MN
的中更新世食肉目鼬科 Galictini 属化石 = 4-5 of the European mammal zonation, or PIII
New middle Pleistocene Galictini (Mustelidae, of the East African one. Information from
Carnivora) from the Matsugae cave deposits, suids and sanitheres is consistent with previ-
northern Kyushu, West Japan. (英文). Ogino ous interpretations, that the Moghra depostis
S; Otsuka H. Paleontological Research, 2008, were formed under swampy and littoral pa-
12(2): 159-166 leoenvironmental conditions.
In the early 20th century, Tokunaga, fol-
lowed by Naora, reported a Middle Pleisto- 2011010457
cene mammalian fauna from the Matsugae 缅甸中新世爪兽类的首次纪录 = First record
limestone cave deposits in northern Kyushu, of a chalicothere from the Miocene of Myan-
West Japan. Within this fauna Naora (1968) mar. ( 英 文 ). Chavasseau O; Chaimanee Y;
described a new extinct species of otter (Lutra

Coster P; Emonet E-G; Soe A N. Acta palae- D W E. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontol-
ontologica Polonica, 2010, 55(1): 13-22 ogy, 2011, 31(1): 111-126
The chalicothere, documented by a partial Sixteen isolated theropod teeth were dis-
mandible, was unearthed from the lower por- covered in two areas in the upper Middle-
tion of the Irrawaddy Formation in the region lower Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of
of Magway, Central Myanmar. The Burmese the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,
material belongs to an early late Miocene northwest China. This sample can be divided
fauna which recently yielded hominoid re- on the basis of qualitative features and simple
mains attributed to Khoratpithecus. The quantitative metrics into seven tooth morpho-
specimen, which is attributed to a chalicotheri- types, each of which probably represents a
ine, does not reliably match with any de- distinct taxon. Three of the morphotypes may
scribed Miocene Eurasian species of this sub- be attributable to theropods already known
family, suggesting the possibility it belongs to from the Shishugou Formation, namely the
a new taxon. The discovery of a chalicotheri- alvarezsauroid Haplocheirus and the basal
ine in the surroundings of Magway contributes tetanurans Monolophosaurus and Sinraptor.
to the hypothesis that closed habitats were an The other four morphotypes, however, appear
important component of the paleoenvironment to represent new taxa, taking the known ther-
of Khoratpithecus. opod diversity of the Shishugou Formation
from six species to at least ten. One of the new
2011010458 taxa is probably a dromaeosaurid. Another
古生物学中的林奈二名法: 在哺乳动物啮齿 appears to represent a troodontid or a relative
目啮齿动物实例中的应用 = The Linnaean of the potentially troodontid-like Paronycho-
binomial nomenclature in palaeontology: Its don, itself so far known only from isolated
use in the case of rodents (Mammalia, Roden- teeth. Of the remaining two taxa, one appears
tia). ( 英 文 ). Vianey-Liaud, M; Gomes- to be a basal tetanuran or tyrannosauroid,
Rodrigues, H; Michaux, J. Comptes Rendus whereas the other either belongs to one of
Palevol, 2011, 10(2-3): 117-131 these same groups or represents a ceratosaur.
Many species concepts have been proposed, The probable deinonychosaurian teeth in our
but biologists and palaeontologists can use the sample are among the oldest fossils known for
same concept to interpret present and past this clade, and highlight the diversity of coelu-
biodiversity as well as evolution at the species rosaurs in the Shishugou Formation.
level. But the present development of many
disciplines creates the opportunity of recipro- 古 人 类 学
cal enlightenment of the pictures obtained of 古 人 类 学
species according to different criteria: mor- 2011010460
phology, hybridization, and affiliation. Obser-
vations of long (geological) and short (bio-
logical, ecological) time intervals can conse- Payre 产地石英和石英质的人工制品的技
quently be more easily integrated. The in- 术和形态功能研究 = Middle Paleolithic local
crease in number of developmental studies is raw materials status: Technological and mor-
also an important event for understanding phofunctional studies of quartz and quartzite
morphological evolution. In this context, the artefacts of the site of Payre (MIS 7 and 5,
present work aims to comment on a few stud- Ardèche, France). (法文). Moncel M H; Borel
ies done on rodents (Rodentia, Mammalia), A; De Lombera A; Sala R; Deniaux B.
which successively deal with species recogni- Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(7): 441-451
tion, estimation of past biodiversity, and the The results of studies applied to pieces
pictures given by fossils of morphological made of quatrz and quartzite at the site of
evolution. (C) 2011 Academie des sciences. Payre (isotopic stages 7 and 5) testify to the
Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights peculiar handling of these stones which were
reserved. collected in the neighbourhood of the site and
are little abundant in the assemblages found.
2011010459 The two rocks were worked outside the cave,
中国新疆西北中-上侏罗系石树沟组兽脚类 according to techniques similar to those ap-
牙齿化石 = Theropod Teeth from the Middle- plied in the case of silex. These observations
Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of concern all the levels of the sequence. The
Northwest Xinjiang, China. (英文). Han F; techno-economic study of the artefacts indi-
cates a handling of these materials that ex-
Clark J; Xu X; Sullivan C; Choiniere J; Hone

ceeds the strict frame of the site, such as rocks last common ancestor shared with chimpan-
being often considered as a makeshift com- zees. By generating the sequence of one Ne-
plement and little used in the sites of the andertal and 50 present-day humans at these
Rhone middle valley. positions, we have identified 88 amino acid
substitutions that have become fixed in hu-
2011010461 mans since our divergence from the Neander-
阿舍利时代工艺综合体中视觉皮层和对称 tals.
出现的进化 = Evolution of the visual cortex
and the emergence of symmetry in the 2011010463
Acheulean techno-complex. (英文). Hodgson 以色列 Gesher Benot Ya'aqov 遗址古人类
D. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(1): 93-97 活动的空间结构 = Spatial Organization of
Several recent studies have examined hu- Hominin Activities at Gesher Benot Ya'aqov,
man evolution with reference either to the Israel. ( 英 文 ). Alperson-Afil N; Sharon G;
symmetry of Acheulean tools or brain struc- Kislev M; Melamed Y; Zohar I; Ashkenazi S;
ture but although these investigations have Rabinovich R; Biton R; Werker E; Hartman G;
been informative they have not generally Feibel C; Goren-Inbar N. Science, 2009,
taken into account the psychology of percep- 326(5965): 1677-1680
tion in relation to recent insights into neural The spatial designation of discrete areas for
pathways of the visual brain. Similarly, the different activities reflects formalized concep-
interest in symmetry has largely been re- tualization of a living space. The results of
stricted to understanding tool morphology that spatial analyses of a Middle Pleistocene
has ignored research on how this property Acheulian archaeological horizon ( about
might be processed by the brain that could 750,000 years ago) at Gesher Benot Ya'aqov,
help provide new insights into cognitive evo- Israel, indicate that hominins differentiated
lution. The purpose of this paper is therefore their activities (stone knapping, tool use, floral
to bring these diverse approaches together in and faunal processing and consumption)
an effort to assimilate the various findings so across space. These were organized in two
that a fuller understanding of the cognitive main areas, including multiple activities
profile of hominins during the early to Middle around a hearth. The diversity of human ac-
Pleistocene can be achieved. tivities and the distinctive patterning with
which they are organized implies advanced
2011010462 organizational skills of the Gesher Benot
利用基于芯片的序列捕获技术对尼安德特 Ya'aqov hominins.
人的基因组进行靶向研究 = Targeted Inves-
tigation of the Neandertal Genome by Array- 2011010464
Based Sequence Capture. (英文). Burbano H 中石器时代莫桑比克草籽消耗 = Mozambi-
A; Hodges E; Green R E; Briggs A W; Krause can Grass Seed Consumption During the Mid-
J; Meyer M; Good J M; Maricic T; Johnson dle Stone Age. ( 英 文 ). Mercader J. Sci-
PLF; Xuan Z Y; Rooks M; Bhattacharjee A; ence, 2009, 326(5960): 1680-1683
Brizuela L; Albert F W; de la Rasilla M; The role of starchy plants in early hominin
Fortea J; Rosas A; Lachmann M; Hannon G J; diets and when the culinary processing of
Paabo S. Science, 2010, 328(5979): 723-725 2 starches began have been difficult to track
图版. archaeologically. Seed collecting is conven-
It is now possible to perform whole-genome tionally perceived to have been an irrelevant
shotgun sequencing as well as capture of spe- activity among the Pleistocene foragers of
cific genomic regions for extinct organisms. southern Africa, on the grounds of both tech-
However, targeted resequencing of large parts nological difficulty in the processing of grains
of nuclear genomes has yet to be demonstrated and the belief that roots, fruits, and nuts, not
for ancient DNA. Here we show that hybridi- cereals, were the basis for subsistence for the
zation capture on microarrays can successfully past 100,000 years and further back in time. A
recover more than a megabase of target re- large assemblage of starch granules has been
gions from Neandertal DNA even in the pres- retrieved from the surfaces of Middle Stone
ence of similar to 99.8% microbial DNA. Us- Age stone tools from Mozambique, showing
ing this approach, we have sequenced similar that early Homo sapiens relied on grass seeds
to 14,000 protein-coding positions inferred to starting at least 105,000 years ago, including
have changed on the human lineage since the those of sorghum grasses.

2011010465 Fumaria sp. (fumitory), and small fruits of
人类演化:正餐吃什么?研究人员探索人 Vitis (grape), Ficus (fig), Olea (olive) and
类 祖 先 的 答 案 = HUMAN EVOLUTION Phoenix (date). The sample analyzed also in-
What's for Dinner? Researchers Seek Our An- cluded Rumex (dock), Carex (sedge) and An-
cestors' Answers. ( 英 文 ). Gibbons A. Sci- drosace which may not have come from the
ence, 2009, 326(5959): 1478-1479 feed. Apparently the pigeons were free to for-
Sixteen researchers from multiple disci- age in the desert, the fallowed fields and re-
plines chewed on the question of whether fuse piles or/and were intentionally fed agri-
there is an ideal diet for humans as part of a cultural by-products including wild plants.
recent workshop on evolution and modern
diseases. Those focusing on diet hoped to test 2011010467
the common belief that diseases such as obe- 中更新世晚期古人类获取动物资源的几种
sity, diabetes, and high blood pressure arise 不同的方法:西班牙巴伦西亚 Bolomor 洞
because our bodies are poorly adapted to the 穴 XII 层的实例 = Several different strate-
modern diet, rich in fat, sugar, and salt. After gies for obtaining animal resources in the late
comparing emerging evidence from ancient Middle Pleistocene: The case of level XII at
humans and diverse modern cultures, the re- Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain). ( 英 文 ).
searchers concluded that many factors— Blasco R; Peris J F; Rosell J. Comptes Rendus
including genes, sex, ancestry, and fetal and Palevol, 2010, 9(4): 171-184
childhood conditions—influence how we di- Bolomor Cave, located in Tavernes de la
gest foods and store fat. Physiological stress in Valldigna (Valencia, Spain), contains a sedi-
mothers can leave lingering imprints on de- mentary deposit composed of seventeen strati-
scendants for generations. So although it's true graphic levels ranging from MIS 9 to MIS 5e.
that humans evolved to eat a diet relatively This extensive sequence allows us to ask dif-
high in protein and low in carbohydrates and ferent questions about how the human groups
fat, there's no single Paleolithic prescription of this chronological period related to their
for better health. environment. We report several different
strategies by which animal resources were
2011010466 obtained from level XII faunal assemblage
绿色沙漠的迹象:以色列 Shivta 地区附近 (MIS 6). These practices range from scaveng-
拜占庭式鸽房的考古植物学遗迹的初步研 ing to the complex hunting techniques, such as
究 = Signs from a green desert: a preliminary multiple predation. This practice is inferred in
examination of the archaeobotanical remains the case of horses (Equus ferus) on the basis
from a Byzantine dovecote near Shivta, Israel. of: (1) the proportional representation of
(英文). Ramsay J; Tepper Y. Vegetation His- skeletal elements (elements with high marrow
tory and Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(3): 235- content, such as stylopodials and zeugopo-
dials); (2) age at death of these animals (from
242 12 图版.
infantile to advanced adult); (3) the position
This paper presents a preliminary examina-
and function of cutmarks and toothmarks
tion of archaeobotanical material from pigeon
(mainly oblique and longitudinal incisions on
dung samples obtained from Byzantine period
limb bones diaphyses); (4) archaeostrati-
destruction levels of a dovecote near the site
graphic distribution of their remains in the
of Shivta, Israel. Such pigeon dung was a
assemblage; and (5) presence of refits among
valuable fertilizer in antiquity and would not
the bones located at this archaeostratigraphical
have been abandoned without a reason. The
line. Evidence of anthropogenic processing of
plant remains from the dung provide direct
small prey (Oryctolagus cuniculus and Cygnus
evidence of pigeon diet and the local envi-
olor) is also identified at level XII. These dis-
ronment during the Byzantine period. Eleven
coveries imply the development of techniques
plant taxa, represented by either seeds and/or
different from those used to capture large and
plant parts (cereal chaff material), including
medium ungulates. From this perspective, a
five wild taxa, one legume, four fruit/nut taxa
variety of strategies to obtain animal food can
and several unidentified seed fragments were
be documented at Bolomor Cave. This phe-
recovered. The most common seeds found
nomenon can be related to the highly adaptive
were from weeds of the genus Thymelaea sp.,
subsistence strategies of these hominids, who
and Ficus (fig). The finds indicate that the
could take advantage of the benefits offered
birds in the dovecote consumed a mixed diet
by a diverse and rich environment. In general,
of wild seeds including Thymelaea sp. and
the aim of this study is to provide data about

the subsistence strategies of human groups (± 122), Pinus cembra grew close to the site.
from Bolomor Cave and contribute to knowl- Grasslands without shrubs were established at
edge about the human groups’ way of life of around 4624 ± 86 cal. years BP. Due to human
in the late Middle Pleistocene. activities, spruces extended little after 3600
cal. BP. The intense grazing that resulted in
2011010468 the current alpine meadows goes back to 1436
法国地中海地区晚 Mousterian 期新资料: cal. years BP (± 81). After 4624 cal. BP three
圣马塞兰洞穴(阿尔代什)第一个放射性 clay layers show that from this period, the
碳(AMS)数据 = New data on the Late Mous- erosion became as active as during the first
terian in Mediterranean France: First radiocar- steps of the colonization of the vegetation
bon (AMS) dates at Saint-Marcel Cave prior to 10,050 cal. BP. During peat growth
only a millimetre of clay at the end of the
(Ardèche). (英文). Szmidt C C; Moncel M-H;
9400–9050 cal. BP climatic event was re-
Daujeard C. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010,
9(4): 185-199
This article presents new accelerator mass
spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates of
阿尔及利亚 Tighenif 地区中更新世早期人
cutmarked ungulate remains from one of the
uppermost archaeological layers (f) at the 类脱落臼齿组织比例和珐琅质厚度分布 =
Grotte de Saint-Marcel, Ardèche, France. This Tissue proportions and enamel thickness dis-
site is situated in a key location regarding tribution in the early Middle Pleistocene hu-
population dispersal and potential interaction man deciduous molars from Tighenif, Algeria.
between Neanderthals and modern humans, as (英文). Zanollia C; Baylea P; Macchiarellia R.
it lies at the crossroads of two main routes of Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2010, 9(6-7): 341-
passage. Attributing the upper sequence of this 348
site to a precise chronological period within The present study of three human upper
the Mousterian was difficult until now. Previ- deciduous molars from the early Middle Pleis-
ous conventional 14C analyses done on bulk tocene site of Tighenif, Algeria, constitutes
samples over twenty years ago were consid- the first microtomographic-based endostruc-
ered too young (23,000–30,000 BP). Our new tural exploration of African fossil teeth likely
AMS radiocarbon results give two statistically representative of the Homo heidelbergensis
identical dates of 37,850 ± 550 BP and morph. Comparative morphological observa-
37,850 ± 600 BP, thus confirming the Late tions and 2-3D measurements describing sub-
Mousterian attribution of the upper levels of tle tooth organization (crown tissue propor-
this site. A third date overlaps them at two tions) and enamel thickness topography (site-
standard deviations. These are among the very specific distribution and global patterning)
few chronometric dates available for the indicate that their virtual extracted structural
Mousterian (especially its late phases) in signature better fits the modern human, rather
Mediterranean France. The Late Mousterian than the Neanderthal condition. Accordingly,
of this zone, a key region in recent debates we predict that the inner structural morphol-
about late Neanderthal behaviour, is discussed ogy of the deciduous molars from the Middle
in light of these results. Pleistocene western European series better fits
the primitive, and not the derived Neanderthal
2011010469 figures
的实例 = An example of the consequences of 2011010471
human activities on the evolution of subalpine 高分辨率微层面 X 线照相术显示灵长类胫
landscapes. (英文). David F. Comptes Rendus 骨平台的内部构造变化:对化石运动器官
Palevol, 2010, 9(5): 229-235 行为的重建意义 = The inner structural varia-
A pollen study at Survilly (2235m asl, 06° tion of the primate tibial plateau characterized
49′ 12″ E, 45° 59′ 24″ N), a small peatbog by high-resolution microtomography. Implica-
located on the Anterne mountain (Upper-Arve tions for the reconstruction of fossil locomotor
Valley, French north-western Alps) highlights behaviours. (英文). Mazuriera A; Nakatsukasa
the local role of human activities in Holocene M; Macchiarellic R. Comptes Rendus
vegetation dynamics of the currently treeless Palevol, 2010, 9(6-7): 349-359
subalpine belt and the consecutive resumption Within the limits imposed by a variety of
of erosion. As early as 8890 cal. years BP developmental and rheological constraints,

cortical bone adapts to biomechanical loads by G;Ibáñez J J. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2011,
partial alteration of its shape, mass and (mi- 10(1): 35-47
cro)structure. As bone thickness variation lo- In this work new data on the archaeological
cally reflects the nature, direction, frequency, and palaeoenvironmental evolution of one of
and magnitude of such loads, some locomo- the main foci for the neolithization, the central
tion-related differences are expected in the Levant region is provided. The study of the
structural organization of the primate tibial Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentary
plateau. Here we summarize the results from record of the Bouqaia Basin (Homs Gap, Syria)
the first microtomographic-based (SR-μCT) makes it possible to define a general strati-
extensive analysis of the topographic variation graphical framework for the Late Pleistocene
of the cortico-trabecular complex underlying and Holocene of the studied area. The sedi-
the adult tibial plateau in a number of primate mentological characterization of the identified
taxa, including Homo. The goals of the study fluvio-alluvial sedimentary sequences sug-
are: (i) to assess the relationships between gests a Late Pleistocene/Holocene aridifica-
habitual postural/locomotion-related joint tion phase. Progressive aridification is re-
loads and the structural signature recorded by flected by rapid changes in fluvial sedimen-
the cortical shell of the articular plateau by tary dynamics that can be ascribed to an in-
comparing the evidence from a bipedally- creasingly seasonal precipitation pattern com-
trained (Sansuke) and a wild Macaca fuscata; bined with lowering precipitation rates. The
(ii) to assess an “anthropic” (bipedal) pattern; integration of sedimentological and archaeo-
(iii) to explore the possibility to perform simi- logical information from the studied area
lar quantitative analyses on fossil specimens. shows that palaeoenvironmental changes con-
tributed to differentiate settlement strategies in
2011010472 the study area.
49,000 到 44,000 年前新几内亚高地人类适
应和种植业 = Human Adaptation and Plant 历史地质学、地层学
Use in Highland New Guinea 49,000 to
综 论
44,000 Years Ago. (英文). Summerhayes G R;
Leavesley M; Fairbairn A; Mandui H; Field J;
Ford A; Fullagar R. Science, 2010, 330(6006):
78-81 地层 = Zonal biostratigraphy in the solution
After their emergence by 200,000 years of the fundamental and applied problems of
before the present in Africa, modern humans geology. (英文). Gladenkov Yu B. Stratigra-
colonized the globe, reaching Australia and phy and Geological Correlation, 2010, 18(6):
New Guinea by 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. 660-673
Understanding how humans lived and adapted The problems of zonal stratigraphy of the
to the range of environments in these areas has early 21st century are discussed. The great
been difficult because well-preserved settle- advances achieved in recent years in using
ments are scarce. Data from the New Guinea zones in geological practice are noted. At the
Highlands (at an elevation of similar to 2000 same time, attention is drawn to the controver-
meters) demonstrate the exploitation of the sies existing in the interpretation of the con-
endemic nut Pandanus and yams in archaeo- cepts “biostratigraphic zone” and “chrono-
logical sites dated to 49,000 to 36,000 years zone,” in the methods of drawing the bounda-
ago, which are among the oldest human sites ries of such zones, and in the assessment of
in this region. The sites also contain stone the spatial scale of zones and in the under-
tools thought to be used to remove trees, standing of them as stratigraphic units.
which suggests that the early inhabitants
cleared forest patches to promote the growth 古地理学、古气候学
of useful plants. 2011010475
PRISM3D 古环境再造 = The PRISM3D pa-
2011010473 leoenvironmental reconstruction. ( 英 文 ).
叙利亚 Levant 中部 Bouqaia 盆地晚更新世 Dowsett H; Robinson M; Haywood A;
和全新世沉积记录:一种地考古学的方法 Salzmann U. Stratigraphy, 2010, 7(2-3): 123-
= Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentary 139
record of the Bouqaia Basin (central Levant, The Pliocene Research, Interpretation and
Syria): A geoarchaeological approach. (英文). Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) paleoenviron-
Iriarte E; Balbo A; Sánchez M A; Urquijo J E mental reconstruction is an internally consis-

tent and comprehensive global synthesis of a 校 准 成 冰 纪 = Calibrating the Cryogenian.
past interval of relatively warm and stable (英文). Macdonald F A; Schmitz M D; Crow-
climate. It is regularly used in model studies ley J L; Roots C F; Jones D S; Maloof A C;
that aim to better understand Pliocene climate, Strauss J V; Cohen PA ; Johnston D T; Schrag
to improve model performance in future cli- D P. Science, 2010, 327(5970): 1241-1243
mate scenarios, and to distinguish model- The Neoproterozoic was an era of great
dependent climate effects. The PRISM recon- environmental and biological change, but a
struction is constantly evolving in order to paucity of direct and precise age constraints
incorporate additional geographic sites and on strata from this time has prevented the
environmental parameters, and is continuously complete integration of these records. We pre-
refined by independent research findings. The sent four high-precision U-Pb ages for Neo-
new PRISM three dimensional (3D) recon- proterozoic rocks in northwestern Canada that
struction differs from previous PRISM recon- constrain large perturbations in the carbon
structions in that it includes a subsurface cycle, a major diversification and depletion in
ocean temperature reconstruction, integrates the microfossil record, and the onset of the
geochemical sea surface temperature proxies Sturtian glaciation. A volcanic tuff interbed-
to supplement the faunal-based temperature ded with Sturtian glacial deposits, dated at
estimates, and uses numerical models for the 716.5 million years ago, is synchronous with
first time to augment fossil data. Here we de- the age of the Franklin large igneous province
scribe the components of PRISM3D and de- and paleomagnetic poles that pin Laurentia to
scribe new findings specific to the new recon- an equatorial position. Ice was therefore
struction. grounded below sea level at very low paleo-
Highlights of the new PRISM3D recon- latitudes, which implies that the Sturtian gla-
struction include removal of Hudson Bay and ciation was global in extent.
the Great Lakes and creation of open water-
ways in locations where the current bedrock 2011010478
elevation is less than 25m above modem sea 西 伯 利 亚 地 台 南 部 文 德 系 Nemakit-
level, due lathe removal of the West Antarctic
Daldynian 阶生物地层新资料 = New data
Ice Sheet and the reduction of the East Antarc-
on biostratigraphy of the Vendian Nemakit-
tic Ice Sheet. The mid-Piacenzian oceans were
Daldynian stage in the southern Siberian plat-
characterized by a reduced east-west tempera-
ture gradient in the equatorial Pacific, but form. (英文). Kochnev B B; Karlova G A.
PRISM3D data do not imply permanent El Stratigraphy and Geological Correla-
Nino conditions. The reduced equator-to-pole tion, 2010, 18(5): 492-504
temperature gradient that characterized previ- New paleontological finds in sediments of
ous PRISM reconstructions is supported by the Upper Vendian Nemakit-Dadynian Stage
significant displacement of vegetation belts from different areas of the southern Siberian
toward the poles, is extended into the Arctic Platforms (Yenisei Range, Sayany region,
Ocean, and is confirmed by multiple proxies central areas, Patom Highland) are discussed.
in PRISM3D. Arctic warmth coupled with The base of the Lower Cambrian Tommotian
increased dryness suggests the formation of Stage ( 540 Ma) is established at the first
warm and salty paleo North Atlantic Deep appearance level of characteristic small-
Water (NADW) and a more vigorous thermo- shelled fossils in the western part of the Patom
haline circulation system that may have pro- Highland. This boundary coincides with the
vided the enhanced ocean heat transport nec- episode of a brief sea-level fall and enhanced
essary to move warm surface water to the Arc- terrigenous sedimentation in the basin with
tic. New deep,ocean temperature data also dominant carbonate sediment deposition. The
suggests greater warmth and further south- base of the Purella antiqua Zone (544 Ma),
ward penetration of paleo NADW. which is registered by paleontological data in
the Yenisei Range sections, is marked by the
2011010476 replacement of terrigenous sedimentation by
上 新 世 气 候 = Pliocene Climate. ( 英 文 ). the carbonate one. In the northwestern Yenisei
Range, this boundary coincides, in addition,
Dowsett H J; Gill R P C. Stratigraphy, 2010,
with a major hiatus and subsequent paleobasin
7(2-3): 106-110
extension. The base of the Nemakit-Daldynian
Stage (base of the Anabarites trisulcatus Zone,
前 古 生 界 550 Ma) in most sections corresponds to the
2011010477 onset of sea transgression. In addition to

small-shelled remains, sediments of this zone bution and relatively narrow stratigraphic
contain characteristic ichnofossils and Vendo- range. Their occurrence in the upper part of
taenia flora. It is shown that defined bounda- the Dal’nyaya Taiga Group of the Baikal-
ries are traceable through the entire southern Patom region indicates that host sediments
part of the Siberian Platform. This makes should be attributed to the Lower Vendian, not
them useful for wider stratigraphic interpreta- the Upper Riphean as is currently accepted.
2011010479 艾迪卡拉期末期(Gaskiers 之后)冰期和
西伯利亚东部下文德统微体化石组合:解 后生动物起源的放射性同位素和地层学研
决区域地层问题的意义 = Lower Vendian 究 = Radiometric and stratigraphic constraints
microfossil assemblages of East Siberia: Sig- on terminal Ediacaran (post-Gaskiers) glacia-
nificance for solving regional stratigraphic tion and metazoan evolution. (英文). Hebert C
problems. ( 英 文 ). Golubkova E Yu; L; Kaufman AJ; Penniston-Dorland SC; Mar-
Raevskaya E G; Kuznetsov A B. Stratigraphy tin A J. Precambrian Research, 2010, 182(4):
and Geological Correlation, 2010, 18(4): 353- 402-412 8 图版.
375 Radiometric constraints on mid-Ediacaran
Both published and original data are used Period glaciation (Gaskiers) in Newfoundland
for the analysis of the stratigraphic position narrowed the known temporal gap between
and taxonomic characteristics for acantho- widespread ice ages and the evolution of com-
morphic microfossils of the Pertatataka type in plex metazoans to several million years. To
Lower Vendian sediments of the central and further evaluate this claim we studied an Edia-
southeastern Siberian Platform and its sur- caran glacial diamictite at the base of the Fau-
rounding structures. Four taxonomically dif- quier Formation of northern Virginia, and dis-
ferent microbiotas are distinguished in sec- covered a conformable relationship between
tions of the Nepa-Botuoba, Fore-Patom; the post-glacial cap carbonate and overlying
Syugdzher, Anabar, Zhuya-Lena, and Bere- volcanic rocks of the Catoctin Formation.
zovo lithotectonic zones: two diverse (Nepa U/Pb zircon age constraints for the rift-related
and Ura) and two impoverished (Otradnino volcanic flows suggest initial emplacement
and Torga) each including diagnostic Early around 571 million years ago. Application of
Vendian taxa. Beyond the Siberian Platform, the Catoctin age to the Fauquier succession
genera and species characterizing these mi- indicates the occurrence of an ice age about 10
crobiotas occur in single assemblages and rep- million years younger than the 582 Ma Gaski-
resent diagnostic taxa of the second (Tc-Sr-Vl) ers event, supporting the view of multiple
and third (Ti-Cg-Mp) zones of the acritarch Ediacaran Period glaciations. Furthermore, the
scale proposed by Australian geologists as a age constraint from eastern Laurentia falls
biostratigraphic basis for subdividing the within radiometric uncertainty of fossiliferous
Ediacarian of the Standard stratigraphic scale strata in Avalonia, indicating that the Fauquier
(SSS). In the Russian General stratigraphic glaciation was coincident with early metazoan
scale, the distribution of Pertatataka acritarchs evolution.
corresponds to the Lower Vendian. The ap-
pearance and mass development of acantho- 2011010481
morphic microorganisms represents a global 纳米比亚北部奥塔维群 Rasthof 组 Sturtian
biological event, which should be taken into
期盖帽碳酸岩的微生物相 = Microbial facies
consideration as a biostratigraphic criterion for
in a Sturtian cap carbonate, the Rasthof For-
defining the Vendian System. For substantiat-
ing age, the following species among diagnos- mation, Otavi Group, northern Namibia. (英
tic Lower Vendian forms of East Siberia 文). Pruss S B; Bosak T; Macdonald F A;
should be used: Appendisphaera grandis, McLane M; Hoffman P F. Precambrian Re-
“Appendisphaera” tabifica, A. tenuis, Cera- search, 2010, 181(1-4): 187-198 9 图版.
tosphaeridium glaberosum, Dicro- Microbial structures in Neoproterozoic cap
spinosphaera virgata, Multifronsphaeridium carbonates record the environmental processes
pelorium, “Polygonium” cratum, Tanarium present in the aftermath of global glaciation.
conoideum, Variomargosphaeridium lito- The Rasthof Formation of northern Namibia is
schum, and Talakania obscura. These taxa are a unique carbonate depositional sequence that
readily recognizable, morphologically stable, formed during post-glacial transgression and
and characterized by their wide lateral distri- highstand following the Chuos glaciation.

Carbon isotope profiles from four examined global significance-the Johnnie Oolite, an in-
localities reveal that onlap was diachronous cised valley with a carbonate breccia fill, and
over post-glacial, syn-rift topography. The an enigmatic bed of giant ooids (the Rain-
lower Rasthof Formation consists primarily of storm giant ooids). Although the Johnnie
dark gray thinly (<mm) and thickly (1-4 mm) Oolite and the incised valley occur in most
laminated microbialites that exhibit different Johnnie Formation outcrops scattered
rheological responses to the emplacement of throughout the Death Valley region, the giant
syndepositional dikes. The thinly laminated ooids have only been observed in one area,
microbialaminite facies commonly host cm- restricted to the southern Nopah Range. If
sized syndepositional folds of microbially these giant ooids were deposited as part of the
laminated sediment called roll-up structures. Rainstorm Member, they would represent the
In more thickly laminated facies, layers are youngest known occurrence of Neoprotero-
deformed into broad decimeter-sized folds, zoic giant ooids and the only such unit depos-
but roll-up structures are absent. Large synde- ited after the last Precambrian glaciation (the
positional carbonate clastic dikes (0.5-1 m Gaskiers). However, since the giant ooid bed
wide) and smaller veins (0.1-0.5 m) cut across is associated with the incised valley fill, it
bedding in both the thinly and thickly lami- could simply be a large block of oolite derived
nated facies, but are conspicuously absent from the stratigraphically lower Beck Spring
from underlying and overlying beds. These Dolomite, known to contain giant ooids. This
carbonate clastic dikes and veins contain con- study uses mapping, petrography, and isotope
voluted microbial mats and abundant marine geochemistry to compare giant ooids from the
cements. The lack of evidence for wave action Rainstorm Member and the Beck Spring
or current scouring in the form of bedforms, Dolomite, with the goal of determining the
scour marks, or intraclasts indicates that these provenance of the Rainstorm giant ooids. All
microbialaminites formed below storm wave lines of evidence suggest that the Rainstorm
base. The close spatial association of deep- giant ooids form a unit distinctly different
water microbialaminite facies in the Rasthof from those of the Beck Spring Dolomite. Car-
cap carbonate with carbonate clastic dikes bon isotope values from the ooid bed indicate
suggests that the emplacement of dikes pro- that it was probably deposited after the
duced both dm-sized broad folds and cm-scale Shuram delta C-13 excursion, making this the
laterally discontinuous roll-up structures. The youngest known Precambrian giant ooid unit.
emplacement of the dikes, most likely due to The most plausible explanation for this bed is
the release of fluids into incompletely lithified that it is a raft derived from a so far unob-
mats, deformed cement-rich thick laminites served pre-incision Rainstorm Member giant
into broad folds, while thinly laminated and ooid bed, which would also have been the
more slowly lithifying mats were rolled into source of many of the giant ooid clasts in the
roll-up structures. Micro-bialaminite facies in incision breccia.
the Rasthof cap carbonate thus not only reflect
the depositional and environmental processes 2011010483
that operated in the aftermath of the Sturtian 西澳古元古代晚期 Duck Creek 组地球生物
glaciation, but may also provide clues for the 学 = Geobiology of the late Paleoproterozoic
formation of roll-up structures found in even Duck Creek Formation, Western Australia.
older Precambrian carbonates. (英文). Wilson J P; Fischer W W; Johnston D
T; Knoll A H; Grotzinger J P; Walter M R;
2011010482 McNaughton N J ; Simon M; Abelson J;
加利福尼亚死谷地区艾迪卡拉纪 Johnnie Schrag D P; Summons R; Allwood A ; Andres
组 Rainstorm 段巨大鲕粒岩的沉积学、成 M; Gammon C; Garvin J; Rashby S ;
岩 作 用 和 地 层 分 布 = Sedimentology, Schweizer M; Watters W A. Precambrian
diagenesis, and stratigraphic occurrence of Research, 2010, 179(1-4): 135-149 11 图版.
giant ooids in the Ediacaran Rainstorm Mem- The ca. 1.8 Ga Duck Creek Formation,
ber, Johnnie Formation, Death Valley region, Western Australia, preserves 1000 m of car-
California. (英文). Trower, E J; Grotzinger J P. bonates and minor iron formation that accu-
Precambrian Research, 2010, 180(1-2): 113- mulated along a late Paleoproterozoic ocean
124 6 图版. margin. Two upward-deepening stratigraphic
The Rainstorm Member of the late Neopro- packages are preserved, each characterized by
terozoic Johnnie Formation contains several peritidal precipitates at the base and iron for-
distinctive features of possibly regional to mation and carbonate turbidites in its upper

part. Consistent with recent studies of Neoar- tion of central Australia and similar to 3050
chean basins, carbon isotope ratios of Duck Ma Farrel Quartzite of northwestern Australia;
Creek carbonates show no evidence for a and objects we regard to be pseudofossils
strong isotopic depth gradient, but carbonate from the similar to 770 Ma Chanda Limestone
minerals in iron formations can be markedly of southern India, similar to 800 Ma Myrtle
depleted in C-13. In contrast, oxygen isotopes Springs Formation of South Australia, similar
covary strongly with depth; delta O-18 values to 1020 Ma Lakhanda Formation of southeast-
as positive as 2%. VPDB in peritidal facies ern Siberia, similar to 1700 Ma Vempalle
systematically decline to values of 6 to 16% in Formation of central India, and similar to
basinal rocks, reflecting, we posit, the timing 2629 Ma Marra Mamba Iron Formation of
of diagenetic closure. The Duck Creek Forma- northwestern Australia. The results demon-
tion contains microfossils similar to those of strate that no single criterion, by itself, is suf-
the Gunflint Formation, Canada; they are re- ficient to establish the biological origin of
stricted to early diagenetic cherts developed in such objects. Instead, as shown here, this
basinal facies, strengthening the hypothesis problem appears solvable by the use of an in-
that such fossils capture communities driven terdisciplinary approach that combines the
by iron metabolism. Indeed, X-ray diffraction data and techniques of geology, biology, and
data indicate that the Duck Creek basin was chemistry.
ferruginous throughout its history. The persis-
tence of ferruginous waters and iron formation 2011010485
deposition in Western Australia for at least 遗迹化石还是实体化石:Oldhamia recta
several tens of millions of years after the tran- 再讨论 = Trace fossils versus body fossils:
sition to sulfidic conditions in Laurentia sug- Oldhamia recta revisited. (英文). Tacker R C;
gests that the late Paleoproterozoic expansion Martin A J; Weaver P G; Lawver D R. Pre-
of sulfidic subsurface waters was globally cambrian Research, 2010, 178(1-4): 43-50 8
New discoveries in North Carolina's Neo-
proterozoic Carolina Terrane, combined with
a reexamination of the holotype of Oldhamia
方案 = Precambrian microbe-like pseudofos- recta and other material from the Yale Pea-
sils: A promising solution to the problem. (英 body Museum, reveal these specimens as body
文). Schopf J W; Kudryavtsev A B; Sugitani fossils of a rod-like organism, rather than
K; Walter M R. Precambrian Research, 2010, ichnofossils. Close examination of fossils
179(1-4): 191-205 5 图版. originally identified as O. recta lack: levees
Of various problems that have hindered made by movement of a tracemaker through a
progress in documenting the Precambrian his- sediment; internal structures indicating back-
tory of life, the difficulty in distinguishing filling or fecal material; scratch marks (denot-
between bona fide microbial fossils and non- ing a recumbent lifestyle); or evidence of peri-
biological microscopic pseudofossils has been staltic movement. Crossovers of rods in some
among the most serious. Though errors in the instances also indicate rigidity in the fossils.
interpretation of putative Precambrian fossil Most importantly, quantitative analyses indi-
microbes have diminished greatly over recent cate Gaussian size distributions and narrow
years, mistakes continue to be made. We sug- ranges of alignment for the fossils, with each
gest that such errors can be avoided by the use respective line of evidence interpreted as body
of a multifaceted strategy based on a specified fossils aligned by currents. Because this newly
series of biologically definitive characteristics discerned evidence favors a body fossil origin
that document the presence of interrelated bio- for these specimens, we propose that O. recta
logical morphology and biologically derived is invalid as an ichnospecies. Our research
chemistry. To illustrate this promising ap- supports more quantitative approaches to
proach, we use optical microscopy, confocal augment qualitative descriptions when evalu-
laser scanning microscopy, and Raman spec- ating whether Ediacaran-age structures are
troscopy, together, to distinguish between au- trace or body fossils.
thentic microbial fossils and microscopic
"look-alikes." both coccoidal and filamentous, 2011010486
rock-embedded in five Proterozoic and two 中国西北柴达木盆地新元古代全吉群碳和
Archean geological units: bona fide fossils of 硫同位素地球化学地层学:艾迪卡拉冰期
the similar to 800 Ma Bitter Springs Forma-

之后的盆地水体层化是否在 Shuram 事件 Zhoujieshan cap dolostone, and the high delta
之 后 = Carbon and sulfur isotope S-34(PY) values in the upper part of the cap
chemostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic dolostone indicate inverse sulfur isotope frac-
Quanji Group of the Chaidam Basin, NW tionations (delta S-34(CAS) < delta S-34(py)).
China: Basin stratification in the aftermath of The decoupling of delta S-34(CAS) and delta
an Ediacaran glaciation postdating the Shuram S-34(PY) suggests that CAS and pyrite were
event?. (英文). Shen B; Xiao S H; Zhou C M; derived from different sulfur pools (a possible
Kaufman A J; Yuan X L. Precambrian Re- scenario if the post-glacial Oulongbluq basin
was restricted and stratified) and/or that aero-
search, 2010, 177(3-4): 241-252 7 图版.
bic oxidation of sulfide was intense in the
The Neoproterozoic Quanji Group in the
post-glacial Oulongbluq basin. Published by
Chaidam Basin, northwest China, consists of,
Elsevier B.V.
in ascending order, the Mahuanggou, Ku-
baimu, Shiyingliang, Hongzaoshan, Heitupo,
Hongtiegou, and Zhoujieshan formations. It is
加蓬南部(Schisto-Calcaire 亚群,Nyanga
a siliciclastic-dominated sequence with only
two carbonate units, the similar to 300-m- 盆地)新元古代的潮汐带周缘蒸发环境 =
thick Hongzaoshan dolostone and the similar A peritidal evaporite environment in the Neo-
to 4-m-thick Zhoujieshan cap dolostone, the proterozoic of South Gabon (Schisto-Calcaire
latter of which lies above the Hongtiegou gla- Subgroup, Nyanga Basin). (英文). Preat A;
cial diamictite. In this study, we analyzed the Kolo K; Prian J P; Delpomdor F. Precambrian
delta C-13 and delta O-18 of the Hongzaoshan Research, 2010, 177(3-4): 253-265 7 图版.
dolostone and Zhoujieshan cap dolostone, and The Neoproterozoic (similar to 630 Ma)
the delta S-34(CAS), delta S-34(PY), and Nsc3 or SCIII Formation (Schisto-Calcaire
trace element compositions (Fe, Mn, Sr, and S) Subgroup) of the Nyanga Basin is a muddy
of the Zhoujieshan cap dolostone. delta C-13 peritidal carbonate (dolomite) shelf succession
profile of the Hongzaoshan dolostone shows a that is exposed in the old Mouila quarry (Keri
shift from -5%. to 0%.. This shift could be quarry), South Gabon. Its 20 m-thick lower
correlated with a similar shift in the Shuiquan member is dominated by microbially lami-
Formation (<615 +/- 6 Ma) in the Quruqtagh nated dolomites and domal stromatolites rep-
area of the Tarim Block (NW China), and may resenting shallow subtidal to supratidal envi-
be equivalent to negative delta C-13 excur- ronments. Abundant pseudomorphs after gyp-
sions in the middle or uppermost Doushantuo sum and anhydrite relicts indicate carbonate
Formation, the latter of which is widely be- precipitation in sulphate-rich hypersaline envi-
lieved to be correlative with the Shuram nega- ronments. Dolomitization of the muddy mi-
tive delta C-13 excursion. This correlation, crobial sediments probably occurred by the
together with available paleontological evi- evaporite reflux of groundwaters. Silica pre-
dence (fragments of Redkinia from the Hei- cipitates constitute the ultimate diagenetic
tupo Formation, a genus that also occurs in phase. Dolomites of the NSc3 Formation re-
similar to 555 Ma successions in the East tain a pattern of oxygenic isotopic variation
European Platform), suggests that the Hong- that reflects the depositional environment.
tiegou diamictite may represent an Ediacaran Shallow subtidal microbialites and stromato-
glaciation postdating the Gaskiers glaciation lites record the lightest values (delta O-18 = -
or occurring near the Precambrian-Cambrian 5.1 parts per thousand) consistent with the
boundary. The Zhoujieshan cap dolostone is isotopic values of Neoproterozoic marine wa-
characterized by positive delta C-13 values ters whereas strongly dolomitized facies dis-
ranging from 0 parts per thousand to +1.7 play heavier oxygen isotope values (delta O-
parts per thousand, in sharp contrast to cap 18 = -1.3 parts per thousand) with the heaviest
carbonates overlying the Sturtian and Mari- values in subaerially exposed caps (enrich-
noan diamictites. delta S-34(CAS) of the ment of 3.8 parts per thousand). Fungal hy-
Zhoujieshan cap dolostone varies strongly phae and spores have been discovered in these
between +13.9 parts per thousand and +24.1 upper parts.
parts per thousand, probably due to relatively The delta O-18 pattern through the pluri-
low-sulfate concentration in seawater. delta S- metric recognized sequences (thicknesses
34(PY) values, however, show a steady in- from similar to 2 to similar to 6 m) suggests a
crease from +12.9 parts per thousand to +26.4 constant exposure in a sabkha-like environ-
parts per thousand. Thus, delta S-34(CAS) and ment. Although the timing of the series is
delta S-34(PY) trends are decoupled in the poorly constrained, the C-isotopic values of

the Nsc3 carbonates with values of +2 and +3 subdivided into three main units, in upward
parts per thousand approximate depositional succession the Bombouaka, Oti and Obosum
conditions. Minor variations in C-isotopes Groups, but poor exposure has resulted in ma-
have been observed. jor disagreements on stratigraphical correla-
tions and on the areal extents of these units.
2011010488 Geochemical data (major and trace element
西班牙埃迪卡拉纪末期后生动物管状化石 concentrations as well as Rb-Sr, Pb and Sm-
Cloudina 属 一 新 种 = A new species of Nd isotope data) on siltstones and mud-stones,
Cloudina from the terminal Ediacaran of intercalated with the sandstones from the dif-
Spain. (英文). Cortijo I; Mus MM; Jensen S; ferent units, were used in an attempt to solve
Palacios T. Precambrian Research, 2010, some of these problems. Siltstones and mud-
stones from the Bombouaka Group can be
176(1-4): 1-10 10 图版.
unequivocally distinguished from similar
The terminal Ediacaran genus Cloudina in-
rocks from the Oti and Obosum Groups by
cludes some of the earliest biomineralized
higher K2O and Rb, larger Eu anamalies,
fossils. It consists of a tube formed by stacked
higher Sr-87/Sr-86, and more negative epsi-
funnel-shaped elements, and is usually inter-
lon(Nd) values. Geochemical distinction be-
preted as the external skeleton of an early
tween samples from the Oti and Obosum
metazoan. Although a number of species have
Groups is ambiguous because published geo-
been described within this genus, their dis-
logical maps differ with respect to the relative
tinctiveness remains unclear and they may all
extents of the Oti and Obosum Groups. Rb-Sr
belong to the type species, Cloudina hartman-
isotope data, combined with high degrees of
nae Germs, 1972. Here we describe the new
correlation between the concentrations of K
species Cloudina carinata, from central Spain.
and Rb, and Ca and Sr, indicate that mobility
C. carinata n. sp. has a distinct morphology
of these elements did not significantly change
characterized by external longitudinal crests,
their concentrations during surface weathering.
which confer on the tube an irregular polygo-
The clear geochemical distinction between
nal cross-section. The funnels have a thick-
mudstones and siltstones from the Bombouaka
ened apertural rim and a basal, slightly con-
Group and similar rocks from the Oti and
stricted circular opening. Successive funnels
Obosum Groups is used to solve one of the
appear less deeply imbricated than in previ-
outstanding controversies regarding the strati-
ously described material of Cloudina. The
graphy of the Volta basin.
evidence of tube disarticulation in the material
studied, particularly the abundance of loose
funnels, indicates that funnels were secreted as
芬兰坦佩雷和帕堪玛带 Fennoscandia 地区
independent elements, not fused to the previ-
ous ones. However, they could become fused 多期造山演化过程中的古元古代沉积物再
during the life of the organism through the 循环 = Paleoproterozoic sediment recycling
precipitation of inorganic cements between during multiphase orogenic evolution in Fen-
their walls. Several specimens of C. carinata n. noscandia, the Tampere and Pirkanmaa belts,
sp. show evidence of asexual reproduction. Finland. ( 英 文 ). Lahtinen R; Huhma H;
Kahkonen Y; Manttari I. Precambrian Re-
2011010489 search, 2009, 174(3-4): 310-336 16 图版.
前寒武纪沉积岩石地球化学用来解决地层 Geochronology of detrital zircons and their
学问题:加纳伏尔特盆地新元古代的例子 overgrowths combined with whole-rock geo-
= Geochemistry of Precambrian sedimentary chemical and Sm-Nd isotopic data can be used
rocks used to solve stratigraphical problems: to distinguish different stages of sediment re-
An example from the Neoproterozoic Volta cycling and metamorphism during multiphase
basin, Ghana. ( 英 文 ). Kalsbeek F; Frei R. orogenic evolution. This approach is applied
Precambrian Research, 2010, 176(1-4): 65- to the Paleoproterozoic sedimentary rocks of
76 8 图版. the Tampere and Pirkanmaa belts (southern
The Neoproterozoic Volta basin of Ghana Finland) in the center of the composite Sve-
(similar to 115,000km(2); depth up to 5-7km) cofennian orogen.
consists of flat-lying sedimentary rocks, The lower part of the Tampere belt succes-
mainly sandstones that unconformably overlie sion and bulk of the Pirkanmaa belt are char-
the crystalline basement of the West-African acterized by turbidites whereas the upper part
craton. The stratigraphical column has been of the Tampere belt succession is dominated
by 1.90-1.89 Ga mature arc-type volcanic

rocks Detrital zircon geochronology indicates 埃迪卡拉纪海水温度:来自震旦纪岩盐包
that the Tampere and Pirkanmaa belts have a 裹体的证据 = Ediacaran seawater tempera-
coeval 1 92-1 89 Ga depositional and tectonic ture: Evidence from inclusions of Sinian halite.
history Ages of pre-depositional zircon over- (英文). Meng F W; Ni P; Schiffbauer J D;
growths vary from 1.91 Ga to 2.0Ga with Yuan X L; Zhou C M; Wang Y G ; Xia M L.
clusters at 1.92Ga and 1.98 Ga. Within the Precambrian Research, 2011, 184(1-4): 63-
Pirkanmaa belt, post-depositional zircon over-
69 5 图版.
growths indicate metamorphic culmination at
Seawater temperatures throughout Earth's
c. 1885 Ma in the Vammala Ni-zone and at c.
history have been suggested to illustrate a
1875 Ma in the northern part.
long-term cooling trend from nearly 70 de-
The lower conglomerates and graywackes in
grees C at similar to 3500 Ma to around 20
the Tampere belt and their equivalents in the
degrees C at similar to 800 Ma. The terminal
Pirkanmaa belt are rich both in Neoarchean
Neoproterozoic prior to the "Cambrian Explo-
and Paleoproterozoic grains, the latter ranging
sion" is a key interval in evolutionary history,
in age from 1 9 to 2.1 Ga. Compared to these,
as complex multicellularity appeared with the
a sample from the Vammala Ni-zone has an
advent of the Ediacara fauna. These organisms
exotic provenance with at least c. 1 90 Ga.
were likely the first that required higher levels
2.04-2.15 Ga. 2.38-2.48 Ga and 2.57-2.63 Ga
of atmospheric and dissolved marine oxygen
for their sustainability. It is known that most
A sedimentary recycling and tectonic model
modern macroinvertebrates are intolerant of
for the central Fennoscandia is proposed, in
temperatures in excess of 45 degrees C. Per-
which the Paleoproterozoic Keitele
haps more importantly, these high seawater
+Bergslagen continent was formed during an
temperatures limit the potential of dissolved
unnamed orogeny at 198-1.97 Ga. The Ar-
oxygen, and therefore become an integral part
chean Norrbotten microcontinent was attached
of this evolutionary story. Previously, our un-
to the continent at 1 97-193 Ga. Upper Kaleva
derstanding of seawater temperature during
turbidites, derived from the Lapland-Kola
the terminal Neoproterozoic comes only from
orogen in the north, were deposited before
O-18/O-16 and Si-30/Si-28 ratios ascertained
1.92 Ga on a passive margin of the Archean
from a limited number of cherts. Isotopic ratio
Karelia craton. The Karelia craton collided
methods for assessing seawater temperatures
with the Keitele+Bergslagen+Norrbotten con-
are inherently indirect and have a wide range
tinent at c. 1.92Ga forming the Lapland-Savo
of oscillation. However, maximum homogeni-
orogen. Subsequent evolution led to rifting
zation temperatures (Th-max) of primary fluid
and break-up of the latter continent into two
inclusions in halite provide a direct means of
microcontinents in the hinterland. At 1.92-
assessing brine temperature, and have been
1.91 Ga the rift was developed into a subsid-
shown to correlate well with average maxi-
ing passive margin of the Keitele microconti-
mum air temperatures. The oldest halites date
nent with voluminous turbidite deposition,
to the Neoproterozoic-lower Paleozoic (simi-
now seen as graywackes in the Tampere,
lar to 700-500 Ma), and Ediacaran representa-
Pirkanmaa and Pohjanmaa (western Finland)
tives can be found in Sichuan Province, China,
belts. The turbidite material was derived from
which do preserve primary fluid inclusions for
the rising Lapland-Savo orogen and included
analysis via cooling nucleation methods. We
recycled Upper Kaleva, recycled (sandstones)
utilized halite samples from the Changning-2
and first-cycle 2.03-1.97 Ga detritus from
well, correlative to the Dengying Formation
Keitele, 1.93-1.92 Ga Savo arc material. as
(551-542 Ma), to provide a direct assessment
well as detritus from the Archean craton and
of terminal Neoproterozoic seawater tempera-
its cover deposits. The collision between Ka-
ture. Our measurements indicate that seawater
relia and Keitele caused a subduction reversal
temperatures where these halites formed are
and the onset of Tampere arc volcanism at
highly similar to tropical Phanerozoic sea-
1.90 Ga. Arc-derived materials started to de-
water temperature estimates. From compiled
posit and were mixed with older sedimentary
paleotemperature data, the decline in seawater
rocks, and trench-parallel distal turbidites
temperatures over the course of the Protero-
from exotic Source were being deposited in
zoic, accompanied by the reduction of sea-
the accretionary wedge.
water salinity with the sequestration of salt in
massive halite deposits in the Neoproterozoic,
allowed the ocean system to accumulate more
dissolved oxygen, and potentially paved the

way for the evolutionary innovation of com- ancient Earth can inform interpretations and
plex multicellularity. suggest new approaches. This paper reviews
recent advances in our understanding of the
2011010492 biological diversity of two environments rele-
寻找前寒武纪化石:简短的历史回顾 = The vant to Archean paleobiology: those of ex-
hunt for Precambrian fossils: an abbreviated treme acidity and temperature (the Mt. Hood
genealogy of the science. (英文). Schopf J W. and White Island volcanoes), and high salinity
Precambrian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): 4-9 (living stromatolites in Shark Bay). The com-
In 1859, in his great work on the Origin of bination of traditional microbial isolation with
Species, Darwin repeatedly raised what he the use of modern molecular techniques has
regarded to be the most serious problem fac- revealed that the microbial communities in
ing his theory of evolution - the lack of fossils these environments are much more diverse
predating the rise of shelly invertebrates that than originally thought. Through the extrac-
marks the beginning of the Cambrian Period tion of whole microbial community DNA,
of geological time (similar to 550 Ma), an "in- enzymatic amplification of evolutionarily con-
explicable" absence that could be "truly urged served genes, and cloning and sequencing of
as a valid argument" against his all-embracing these genes, more specific and informed infer-
synthesis. This missing early fossil record ences concerning functional complexity in
posed a major dilemma, for Darwin's theory these extreme environments have now been
demanded firm linkage from the less advanced made. Studies of the modern stromatolites
to the more evolved, from primitive microbes have demonstrated that they have a very di-
to protozoans to the rich faunas of the basal verse range of micoorganisms, and contrary to
Phanerozoic for which no fossil evidence was previous interpretations, cyanobacteria are not
known. For more than 100 years, the history the most abundant microbes present. In addi-
of Precambrian life stood out as one of the tion, many of the microorganisms are unique
greatest unsolved problems in natural science. with no known close relatives, and these mi-
In recent decades, however. understanding of croorganisms may also possess novel physi-
life's early evolution has changed markedly as ologies vital to the integrity and persistence of
the documented fossil record has been ex- stromatolites through space and time. Mi-
tended sevenfold to some 3500 Ma, an age crobes in the volcanoes studied are present
more than three-quarters that of the planet. ubiquitously and include geochemically sig-
This long-sought solution to Darwin's di- nificant sulfur- and iron-cycling taxa. The
lemma was set in motion by a small vanguard findings from the studies reviewed here sug-
of workers who blazed the trail in the 1950s gest that the Archean biota may have been
and 1960s, just as their course was charted by functionally diverse and much more complex
a few prescient pioneers of the previous cen- than has yet been revealed. The importance of
tury. All workers today, including the 28 par- studying modern analogues is stressed in that
ticipants in the recently held World Summit the biogeochemical processes occurring in
on Ancient Microscopic Fossils, have roots these communities leave morphological, min-
that can be traced to the pathfinders of a half- eralogical, lipid and isotopic signals that could
century ago. be sought in the rock record.

2011010493 2011010494
微生物的早期历史以及现生相似类群 = 元古代微体化石细菌脂类的微红外光谱特
Modern analogues and the early history of 征 = Micro-FTIR spectroscopic signatures of
microbial life. (英文). Burns B P; Anitori R; Bacterial lipids in Proterozoic microfossils.
Butterworth P; Henneberger R; Goh F; Allen (英文). Igisu M; Ueno Y; Shimojima M; Na-
M A; Ibanez-Peral R ; Bergquist P L; Walter kashima S; Awramik S M; Ohta H; Maruyama
M R; Neilan B A. Precambrian Re- S. Precambrian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): 19-
search, 2009, 173(1-4): 10-18 5 图版. 26 6 图版.
Revealing the geological history of micro- Precambrian microbial fossils show carbo-
bial life is very challenging. Microbes rarely naceous cellular structure, which often resem-
are preserved with morphological fidelity, and ble in shape and size cyanobacteria and other
even when they are, morphology is a poor prokaryotes. Morphological taxonomy of
guide to phylogeny and metabolism. Biologi- these minute, simple, and more or less de-
cal studies of environments considered analo- graded fossils is, however, often not enough to
gous to those of paleobiological interest on the determine their precise phylogenetic positions.

Here we report the results of micro-FTIR ture allows discrimination between fossilized
spectroscopic analyses of well-preserved mi- prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Composite
crofossils in similar to 850 Ma and similar to wall ultrastructure provides evidence that
1900 Ma stromatolites, together with those of some Proterozoic and Cambrian leiosphaerids
8 species of extant prokaryotes and 5 of eu- are of algal affinities (but not, per se, that they
karyotes for comparison. These Proterozoic are referable to "Leiosphaeridia"). Certain
fossils have low CH3/CH2 absorbance ratios Cambrian specimens represent chlorophy-
(R-3/2 < 0.5) of aliphatic CH moieties, sug- ceaens, having the multilayered composite
gesting selective preservation of long, straight, wall with TLS structure known from vegeta-
aliphatic carbon chains probably derived from tive and resting cells in modern genera of the
bacterial membrane lipids. All the observed R- Chlorococcales and Volvocales. The wall ul-
3/2 values of coccoids, filaments and amor- trastructure of the studied Cambrian and Pro-
phous organic matter resemble lipid fractions terozoic acanthomorphs resembles the resting
of extant Bacteria including cyanobacteria, but cysts of green microalgae, but there is no evi-
not Archaea. The results indicate that Protero- dence to suggest a close relationship of these
zoic microfossils belong to Bacteria,which is taxa, to dinoflagellates. It is apparent that al-
consistent with the cyanobacterial origin in- though there is no single and direct method to
ferred from morphology. Moreover, the R3/2 recognize the precise phylogenetic relations of
Value of fossilized cell would reflect chemical such microfossils, ultrastructural studies of
composition of its precursor membrane lipid, their preserved cell walls and encompassing
thus could be a useful new tracer for distin- sheaths, combined with biochemical analyses
guishing Archaea, Bacteria and possibly Eu- and other advanced methods, may further elu-
carya for fossilized and extant microorganisms. cidate their affinities to the modern biota.

2011010495 2011010496
远古微体化石细胞壁的超微结构指示生物 远古微体化石的激光显微共聚焦扫描和拉
亲缘性的重要指标 = Ultrastructure of cell 曼成像 = Confocal laser scanning microscopy
walls in ancient microfossils as a proxy to and Raman imagery of ancient microscopic
their biological affinities. ( 英 文 ). Moc- fossils. (英文). Schopf J W; Kudryavtsev A B.
zydlowska M; Willman S. Precambrian Re- Precambrian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): 39-
search, 2009, 173(1-4): 27-38 3 图版. 49 6 图版.
Bacteria and protoctists dominated the bio- Among all problems confronting the study
sphere in the Archean and Proterozoic, their of ancient permineralized (petrified) micro-
affinities being deduced by studies of their scopic fossils, two stand out, the need for (1)
comparative morphology, palaeoecology, bio- accurate documentation of their three-
geochemistry, and wall ultrastructure. How- dimensional morphology, and (2) direct analy-
ever, exact phylogenetic relationships are un- sis of their chemical composition and that of
certain for most such microfossils. Because of their surrounding mineral matrices. To address
the limitations imposed by the simple mor- these problems we demonstrate the use of two
phology and small dimensions of such micro- techniques that we have recently introduced to
organisms and their little known biochemistry, Precambrian paleobiology: confocal laser
new techniques in microscopy, tomography scanning microscopy and Raman imagery.
and spectroscopy are applied to examine indi- These techniques, both of which are non-
vidual microfossils at the highest attainable intrusive and non-destructive, can provide
spatial resolution. TEM/SEM studies of the data by which to characterize, in situ and at
wall ultrastructure of sphaero- and acantho- micron-scale resolution, the cellular and or-
morphic acritarchs have revealed complex, ganismal morphology of thin section-
single to multilayered walls, having a unique embedded organic-walled fossils. In addition,
texture in sub-layers and an occasionally pre- Raman imagery provides direct analyses of
served trilaminar sheath structure (TLS) of the the molecular-structural composition of the
external layer. A variety of optical characteris- kerogenous components of such fossils and of
tics, the electron density and texture of fabrics their surrounding matrices, and a means to
of discrete layers, and the properties of bio- assess quantitatively the geochemical maturity
polymers may indicate the polyphyletic af- of the preserved organics. Use of these tech-
filiations of such microfossils and/or the pres- niques for studies of ancient microscopic fos-
ervation of various stages (vegetative, resting) sils can provide information in three dimen-
in their life cycle. Primarily, wall ultrastruc- sions at high spatial resolution about their

morphology and cellular anatomy, taphonomy Other complex morphologies are present and
and fidelity of preservation, composition and include aligned or associated bodies of thin-
mode of preservation, and their biogenicity walled spheroids with diffuse envelopes, and
and syngenetic origin with the rocks in which spindle-like structures containing inner spher-
they occur. oidal bodies. The degree of morphological
complexity and associations between struc-
2011010497 tures suggest the presence of reproductive
西 澳 皮 尔 巴 拉 地 盾 东 北 部 地 区 phases. If correct, this implies that the early
Goldsworthy 山-Grant 山地区太古代球状 Earth (ca. 3.0 Ga) showed a higher level of
微体化石(约 30 亿年)的分类学和生物和 biodiversity than is currently postulated.
生 物 成 因 = Taxonomy and biogenicity of
Archaean spheroidal microfossils (ca. 3.0 Ga)
from the Mount Goldsworthy-Mount Grant
area in the northeastern Pilbara Craton, West- 微体化石(约 30 亿年)的浸渍法研究:生
ern Australia. (英 文 ). Sugitani K; Grey K; 物成因的进一步证据 = Palynology of Ar-
Nagaoka T; Mimura K ; Walter M R. Pre- chean microfossils (c. 3.0 Ga) from the Mount
cambrian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): 50-59 5 Grant area, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia:
图版. Further evidence of biogenicity. (英文). Grey
Microstructures recently reported from an K; Sugitani K. Precambrian Research, 2009,
Archaean sedimentary succession (ca. 3.0 Ga) 173(1-4): 60-69 7 图版.
in the Mount Goldsworthy-Mount Grant area Palynological techniques have only rarely
in the northeastern Pilbara Craton meet the been applied to Archean rocks, mainly be-
criteria for compelling evidence of biogenicity cause of concerns about contamination. How-
[Sugitani, K., Grey, K., Allwood, A., Nagaoka, ever, where microstructures are abundant and
T., Mimura, K., Minami, M., Marshall, C.P., well documented, palynology can add consid-
Van Kranendonk, M.J., Walter, M.R., 2007. erably to interpretations based on thin-section
Diverse microstructures from Archaean chert examination. A modified palynological prepa-
from the Mount Goldsworthy-Mount Grant ration method, which avoids vigorous physical
area, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: mi- or chemical methods that might cause the
crofossils, dubiofossil, or pseudo-fossils. Pre- fragmentation of fragile specimens, was ap-
cambrian Res. 158, 228-262]. The structures plied to black chert from the c. 3.0 Ga Farrel
are morphologically diverse. Although they Quartzite of the Mount Grant area, Pilbara
were tentatively classified into five major Craton, Western Australia, known to contain
morphological types (thread-like, film-like, abundant microstructures of putative biogenic
small (<15 mu m) and large (>15 mu m) origin.
spheroidal, and spindle-like), the possible Four main morphological types have been
taxonomic significance of these groups was reported from chert thin sections: threads,
not discussed. Building on our earlier analysis, films, hollow spheres and spindles. These mi-
we focus on the morphology of the larger crostructures exhibit morphological and
spheroids, as well as presenting further evi- chemical signatures consistent with a biologi-
dence relating spindles and several bizarre cal origin as well as showing features indica-
forms, and attempt to group them taxonomi- tive of taphonomic degradation. Nevertheless,
cally and adduce additional evidence for their the possibility remains that they are artefacts.
biogenicity. Similar structures have been attributed to
Taphonomic features were identified in physical processes, such as the accretion of
each of the various morphological groups, but fine particulate matter that has subsequently
the range of morphological diversity of the been redistributed as a result of crystal growth.
spheroids cannot be attributed solely to ta- By extracting structures palynologically, we
phonomic alteration. Four subdivisions of have increased the probability of a biogenic
spheroids are proposed: (1) simple single- origin. Firstly, examination of the morphology
walled spheroids, (2) thin-walled spheroids free of the encompassing matrix demonstrates
having a diffuse envelope, (3) thick-walled that they are indeed three-dimensional struc-
spheroids, and (4) spheroids having an exten- tures with complex morphology; secondly, the
sively folded wall. Simple single-walled sphe- extraction of entire specimens militates
roids, 15-60 mu m in diameter, with various against them being particulate matter aggrega-
wall textures but commonly lacking envelopes tions, which would simply disintegrate during
or appendages form the dominant subgroup. preparation and thirdly, the chemicals used

remove silicates and most other minerals, con- even extraterrestrial materials. An example of
firming the organic composition of the struc- such an application is provided by comparison
tures. To date, we have extracted films, hol- of Bitter Springs results with NanoSIMS of
low spheres and a few poorly preserved spin- Archaean carbonaceous structures from West-
dles, but preparation continues. The fact that ern Australia, including a spheroid in the simi-
the specimens retain their morphological in- lar to 3 Ga Farrel Quartzite and material in a
tegrity during palynological extraction argues secondary vein in the 3.43 Ga Strelley Pool
strongly in favour of a biogenic origin for the Chert. Results reinforce a biogenic, syngenetic
microstructures. interpretation for the Archaean spheroid.
NanoSIMS has several advantages in the
2011010499 study of ancient organic materials: the tech-
纳米级次级离子质谱法:探究太古代碳酸 nique allows characterization of extremely
岩结构的生物成因和同质性 = NanoSIMS: small structures that are present in low con-
Insights to biogenicity and syngeneity of Ar- centrations; organic matter does not have to be
chaean carbonaceous structures. ( 英 文 ). isolated by acid treatment but can be analyzed
Oehler D Z; Robert F; Walter M R; Sugitani K; in polished thin section; preparation is simple;
Allwood A; Meibom A; Mostefaoui S; Selo M; samples are minimally altered during analysis;
Thomen A ; Gibson E K. Precambrian Re- results provide sub-micron scale spatial distri-
bution coupled with concentration information
search, 2009, 173(1-4): 70-78 4 图版.
for at least five elements; the biologically im-
NanoSIMS is a relatively new technology
portant elements of carbon and nitrogen can
that is being applied to ancient carbonaceous
be assessed; and the ability to study organic
structures to gain insight into their biogenicity
remains in situ permits petrographic assess-
and syngeneity. NanoSIMS studies of well
ment of spatial relationships between organic
preserved organic microfossils from the Neo-
matter and mineral constituents. These advan-
proterozoic (similar to 0.8Ga) Bitter Springs
tages could be of significant benefit for inter-
Formation have established elemental distri-
pretation of poorly preserved and fragmentary
butions in undisputedly biogenic structures.
carbonaceous remains that might occur in
Results demonstrate that sub-micron scale
some of Earth's oldest samples as well as in
maps of metabolically important elements
meteorites or extraterrestrial material brought
(carbon [C], nitrogen [measured as CN ion],
to Earth in future planetary missions.
and sulfur [S]) can be correlated with keroge-
nous structures identified by optical micros-
copy. Spatial distributions of C, CN, and S in
individual microfossils are nearly identical,
and variations in concentrations of these ele- 非新太古代碳酸岩形成过程中的作用 =
ments parallel one another. In elemental maps, Mass occurrence of benthic coccoid cyanobac-
C, CN, and S appear as globules, aligned to teria and their role in the production of Neoar-
form remnant walls or sheaths of fossiliferous chean carbonates of South Africa. ( 英 文 ).
structures. The aligned character and parallel Kazmierczak J; Altermann W; Kremer B;
variation of C and CN are the strongest indica- Kempe S; Eriksson P G. Precambrian Re-
tors of biogenicity. search, 2009, 173(1-4): 79-92 10 图版.
Nitrogen/carbon atomic ratios (N/C) of The sparse Archean fossil record is based
spheroids, filaments, and remnants of a mi- almost entirely on carbonaceous remnants of
crobial mat suggest that N/C may reflect microorganisms cellularly preserved due to
original biochemical differences, within sam- their early post-mortem silicification. Hitherto
ples of the same age and degree of alteration. as an exception, sedimentary carbonate rocks
Silicon (Si) and oxygen (0) maps illustrate that from the Neoarchean Nauga Formation of
silica is intimately interspersed with organic South Africa contain calcified microbial mats
carbon of the microfossils. This relationship is composed of microbiota closely resembling
likely to reflect the process of silica perminer- modern benthic colonial cyanobacteria
alization of biological remains and thus may (Chroococcales and Pleurocapsales). Their
be an indicator of syngeneity of the fossilized remains, visible under the scanning electron
material with the mineral matrix. microscope (SEM) after etching of polished
The NanoSIMS characterization of Bitter rock samples, comprise capsular envelopes,
Springs microfossils can be used as a baseline mucilage sheaths, and groups of cells mineral-
for interpreting less well preserved carbona- ized by calcium carbonate with an admixture
ceous structures that might occur in older or of Al-K-Mg-Fe silicates. The capsular organi-

zation of the mucilaginous sheaths surround- Vindhyan Supergroup exposed in Katni dis-
ing individual cells and cell clusters forming trict of central India. These megascopic re-
colonies and the mode of mineralization are mains are preserved as impressions, compres-
the characteristic common features of the sions, partially mineralized remains, and/or
Neoarchean microbiota described and their epi-relief. Some of the forms are typical fila-
modern analogues. The new findings indicate mentous empty sheaths and others are
massive production of calcium carbonates by trichomes, with cell like entities under various
benthic coccoid cyanobacteria in the Neoar- stages of degradation. This study, based on
chean, and offer a solution to the problem of fresh collections and also of the topotype ma-
the origin of Archean carbonate platforms, terial of the helically coiled megascopic fos-
stromatolites and microbial reefs. sils, straight forms and related fossilized re-
mains occurring as epi-relief from Katni indi-
2011010501 cate that the two morphotaxa are distinct enti-
华北 18 亿年的常州沟组中真核生物多样化 ties and possibly appear to be prokaryotes.
的证据 = Evidence for eukaryotic diversifica- Grypania spiralis and Katnia singhii are most
tion in the ~1800 million-year-old Chang- likely of cyanobacterial origin. Spirally coiled
zhougou Formation, North China. ( 英 文 ). and circular fossils, with epi-relief, and which
Lamb D M; Awramik S M; Chapman D J; probably represents a tissue grade organism,
Zhu S. Precambrian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): are considered as Spiroichnus beerii Mathur,
1983. Linear sheet-like carbonaceous solitary
93-104 9 图版.
form has been placed in the morphotaxon Pro-
Shales and silty shales of the similar to
terotainia and described as P. katniensis n. sp.
1800 million-year-old Changzhougou Forma-
Certain rare circular, carbonaceous forms are
tion (lowermost Changcheng Group) in the
considered as Chuaria sp. A few circular disc-
Pangjiapu Region of North China contain
like forms found in the assemblage are treated
well-preserved, acritarchs. These microbial
as dubiofossils.
body fossils, although sphaeromorphs, have a
size and fine-scale morphological complexity
that would attribute them to the eukaryotic
关于 Chuaria-Tawuia 复合体的亲缘性:多
domain on the tree of life. Sphaeromorphs
range in size from 62 mu m to 216 mu m. 学 科 研 究 = On the affinity of Chuaria-
Shapes include spheroidal, ellipsoidal, and Tawuia complex: A multidisciplinary study.
fusiform. Some have medial splits indicating (英文). Sharma M; Mishra S; Dutta S; Baner-
excystment and others have a complex wall jee S; Shukla Y. Precambrian Research, 2009,
structure with three or more wall layers. Thir- 173(1-4): 123-136 14 图版.
teen distinct morphological entities have been In this study, biometric and structural engi-
identified. These results indicate that eu- neering tool have been used to examine a pos-
karyotic microbial life was well established by sible relationship within Chuaria-Tawuia
close of the Paleoproterozoic and had already complex and micro-FTIR (Fourier Transform
undergone a moderate amount of diversifica- Infrared Spectroscopy) analyses to understand
tion. the biological affinity of Chuaria circularis
Walcott, collected from the Mesoproterozoic
2011010502 Suket Shales of the Vindhyan Supergroup and
印度 Vindhyan 超群 Rohtas 组早中元古代 the Neoproterozoic Halkal Shales of the
宏体螺旋形盘绕的化石以及相关化石的分 Bhima Group of peninsular India. Biometric
类学和亲缘性研究 = Taxonomy and affinity analyses of well preserved carbonized speci-
of Early Mesoproterozoic megascopic heli- mens show wide variation in morphology and
cally coiled and related fossils from the uni-modal distribution. We believe and dem-
Rohtas Formation, the Vindhyan Supergroup, onstrate to a reasonable extent that C. circu-
laris most likely was a part of Tawuia-like
India. (英文). Sharma M; Shukla Y. Precam-
cylindrical body of algal origin. Specimens
brian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): 12 12 图版. with notch/cleft and overlapping preservation,
A well preserved assemblage of compressed, mostly recorded in the size range of 3-5 mm,
straight, circular to sinuously coiled are of special interest. Five different models
megascopic and helical carbonaceous fossils proposed earlier on the life cycle of C circu-
and other varied megascopic morphoforms are laris are discussed. A new model, termed as
known from the Early Mesoproterozoic 'Hybrid model' based on present multidiscipli-
Rohtas Formation, Semri Group within nary study assessing cylindrical and spherical

shapes suggesting variable cell wall strength Tasmanites, Obruchevella, Glomovertella, as
and algal affinity is proposed. This model dis- well as branching and anastomosing filamen-
cusses and demonstrates varied geometrical tous microfossils of putative fungal affinities
morphologies assumed by Chuaria and and peculiar short trichomes, that together
Tawuia, and also shows the inter-relationship substantially increase the biodiversity of the
of Chuaria-Tawuia complex. Tappania Association. Stratigraphic position
Structural engineering tool (thin walled and geochronological constraints indicate a
pressure vessel theory) was applied to investi- relatively young Late Mesoproterozoic age of
gate the implications of possible geometrical the Tappania-bearing sediments. There ap-
shapes (sphere and cylinder), membrane pears to be a continuity between the Tappania
(similar to cell wall) stresses and ambient Association and the Neoproterozoic microbi-
pressure environment on morphologically ota, the latter being firmly rooted in the Late
similar C circularis and Tawuia. The results Mesoproterozoic.
suggest that membrane stresses developed on
the structures similar to Chuaria-Tawuia com- 2011010505
plex were directly proportional to radius and 西伯利亚中元古代 Lakhanda 特异埋葬化
inversely proportional to the thickness in both 石库:微生物群古生态学和埋藏学研究 =
cases. In case of hollow cylindrical structure, Mesoproterozoic Lakhanda Lagerstatte, Sibe-
the membrane stresses in circumferential di- ria: Paleoecology and taphonomy of the mi-
rection (hoop stress) are twice of the longitu- crobiota. (英文). Podkovyrov V N. Precam-
dinal direction indicating that rupture or frag-
brian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): 146-153 2 图
mentation in the body of Tawuia would have
occurred due to hoop stress. It appears that 版.
notches and discontinuities seen in some of The preservation of the organic-walled mi-
the specimens of Chuaria may be related to crobiota of the Lakhanda Lagerstatte in the
rupture suggesting their possible location in Kumakha mudstone succession of the late
3D Chuaria. Mesoproterozoic Lakhanda Group (Uchur-
The micro-FTIR spectra of C. circularis are Maya region, southeast Siberia) is a result of
characterized by both aliphatic and aromatic unusually favorable paleoecologic, ta-
absorption bands. The aliphaticity is indicated phonomic, and diagenetic conditions. Well
by prominent alkyl group bands between known for its marked taxonomic diversity and
2800-3000 and 1300-1500 cm(-1). The exquisite preservation, the biota inhabited a
prominent absorption signals at 700-900 cm(- warm, shallow, epicontinental basin rich in
1) (peaking at 875 and 860 cm(-1)) are due to nutrients into which were dispersed clay min-
aromatic CH out of plane deformation. A nar- erals, from weathering of continental crust,
row, strong band is centred at 1540 cm(-1) and minor amounts of volcanic detritus. The
which could be COOH band. The presence of fossils were preserved by compression in fine-
strong aliphatic bands in FTIR spectra sug- grained smectite-illite-kaolinite mudstones
gests that the biogeopolymer of C. circularis is deposited in a sulfur-deficient disoxic and an-
of aliphatic nature. The wall chemistry indi- oxic environment. Subsequently, the long-
cates the presence of 'algaenan'-a biopolymer term (similar to 1 Ga) tectonic stability of the
of algae. southeast margin of the Siberian platform has
provided an exceptional environment for the
2011010504 preservation of the microfossil assemblage
西伯利亚地台产塔潘藻岩体:生物多样 without significant diagenetic alteration. Con-
clusions drawn here from studies of the pa-
性、地层位置以及地质年代学研究 = Tap-
leoecology, taphonomy, and diagenesis of the
pania-bearing association of the Siberian plat- Lakhanda Lagerstatte may provide a globally
form: Biodiversity, stratigraphic position and useful model in the search for additional evi-
geochronological constraints. ( 英 文 ). Nago- dence of the Precambrian rise to dominance of
vitsin K. Precambrian Research, 2009, 173(1- eukaryotes in the Earth's biosphere.
4): 137-145 5 图版.
A new fossil microbiota yielding eukaryotic 2011010506
Tappania is described from the Mesoprotero- 晚里菲世 Eosolenides 属性的新观点 = New
zoic Karno Group of the Central Angara Basin, insights into the nature of the Late Riphean
Siberian Craton. The assemblage also includes Eosolenides. (英文). German T N; Podkovy-
Valeria, Satka, Lophosphaeridium, Pulvi-
nosphaeridium, Miroedichia, Osculosphaera,

rov V N. Precambrian Research, 2009, 173(1- only from pre-Sturtian successions. In contrast,
4): 154-162 6 图版. the upper, nearly 400 rn of the succession con-
Studies of a morphologically diverse popu- tains abundant and diverse large acanthomor-
lation of Eosolenides, organic-walled macro- phic acritarchs attributable to the Ediacaran
fossils from the Upper Mesoproterozoic Complex Acanthomorph Palynoflora (ECAP).
(1015-1025 Ma) Lakhanda Group of south- This distinctive set of taxa. is known else-
eastern Siberia, suggest that these elongate where only from lower, but not lowermost,
fossils may be remains of soft-bodied organ- Ediacaran rocks. In between lies an additional
isms having tube-grade organization. The assemblage of relatively simple filaments and
compressed, originally cylindrical fossils, of stratigraphically long ranging sphaeromorphic
more or less constant diameter along their acritarchs interpreted as early Ediacaran in age.
length, are subdivided by transverse mem- Bearing in mind that knowledge of late Cryo-
branes into a regular series of distinct cham- genian (post-Strurtian/pre-Marinoan) micro-
ber-like segments. The lateral walls of the fossils is sparse, the Vychegda record is con-
segmented tubes are double-layered, the outer sistent with data from Australia and China
sheath- or cuticle-like layer of which was which suggest that diverse ECAP microfossil
originally flexible and commonly exhibits assemblages appeared well into the Ediacaran
very fine and closely spaced transverse stria- Period. Accumulating paleontological obser-
tions. The presence of structures inferred to be vations underscore both the promise and chal-
basal attachment disks suggests a benthic lenges for the biostratigraphic characterization
habit, whereas the morphological variability of the early Ediacaran Period.
of the population can be interpreted as show-
ing that their body shape changed as the or- 2011010508
ganisms grew and increased markedly in 华南扬子地区埃迪卡拉系陡山陀组带刺疑
length. Reproduction may have been by bud- 源类生物地层学分布的定量研究 = Quanti-
ding. An important peculiarity exhibited by tative evaluation of the biostratigraphic distri-
these tubular fossils is the presence within bution of acanthomorphic acritarchs in the
many specimens of small spherical unicells, Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the Yang-
interpreted possibly to be algal endosymbionts. tze Gorges area, South China. (英文). McFad-
Although in some respects these fossils re- den K A; Xiao S H; Zhou C M; Kowalewski
semble cnidarians, the biological affinities of M. Precambrian Research, 2009, 173(1-4):
Eosolenides tubes remain enigmatic. 170-190 11 图版.
Doushantuo acanthomorphic acritarchs are
2011010507 large morphologically complex organic-
东欧地台边缘的新元古代微体化石和埃迪 walled microfossils broadly constrained be-
卡拉系下部岩石的生物地层学模型探究 = tween the similar to 635 Ma Nantuo glaciation
Neoproterozoic microfossils from the margin and the similar to 551 Ma Miaohe Biota. They
of the East European Platform and the search are potential biostratigraphic tools for subdivi-
for a biostratigraphic model of lower Ediaca- sion and correlation of the Ediacaran System
ran rocks. (英文). Vorob'eva N G; Sergeev V in South China. However, major variations in
N; Knoll A H. Precambrian Research, 2009, sedimentary facies and stratigraphic thickness
173(1-4): 163-169 4 图版. present challenges in understanding the spatial
A ca. 600 m thick siliciclastic succession in and temporal distribution of these acritarchs.
northern Russia contains abundant and diverse Further, the distribution of acritarchs in the
microfossils that document early to middle Doushantuo Formation is associated with the
Ediacaran deposition along the northeastern presence of early diagenetic chert and phos-
margin of the East European Platform. The phate, implying a certain degree of preserva-
Vychegda Formation is poorly exposed but is tional bias and/or environmental control. The
well documented by a core drilled in the Ti- purpose of this paper is to document the
man trough region (Kel'tminskaya-1 borehole). stratigraphic distribution of Doushantuo acri-
Vychegda siliciclastics lie unconformably tarchs and to quantitatively evaluate their bio-
above Tonian to lower Cryogenian strata and stratigraphic significance and possible ta-
below equivalents of the late Ediacaran Red- phonomic-environmental biases, based on
kino succession that is widely distributed high-resolution paleontological data from six
across the platform. The basal 10 m of the sections over similar to 100 km in the Yangtze
formation preserve acritarchs and fragments of Gorges area, South China.
problematic macrofossils known elsewhere

A total of 1082 acritarch fossils were re- the Marinoan glaciation, the last extensive
corded from 84 chert horizons in the six sec- glaciation of Snowball Earth. Radiometric age
tions of the study area. These chert horizons dating indicates that the Doushantuo is older
are not uniformly distributed throughout the than 580 my, and hence that these microfossils
Doushantuo Formation, thus the pres- are older than the Ediacara Biota. However,
ence/absence of early diagenetic chert does the diversity represented by these fossils has
play a role in controlling the distribution of yet to be fully documented. A recent techno-
acritarchs. The sampled chert horizons can be logical approach that has increasingly been
grouped into two stratigraphic intervals in the used to image fossils, propagation phase con-
lower and upper Doushantuo Formation, re- trast synchrotron X-ray microtomography, has
spectively, based on regional stratigraphic allowed non-destructive study of both exterior
correlation. Quantitative analysis shows that and interior features of a variety of Doushan-
the two intervals are distinct taxonomically tuo microfossils from the gray facies of the
and largely independent of taphonomic or fa- Weng'an Phosphate Member, cropping out
cies controls. Thus, the two intervals can be along the axis of the Mt. Beidou anticline.
regarded as assemblage biozones. The lower Studies of Doushantuo embryos demonstrate
biozone (biozone 1) is numerically dominated the existence of a large suite of modern em-
by Tianzhushania spinosa (n = 587; 68.3%) bryonic features, including macromeres and
and Meghystrichosphaeridium magnificum (n micromeres, cell lineage, polar lobes, com-
= 74; 8.6%), whereas the upper biozone (bio- pacted epithelia, equal and unequal cleavage,
zone 2) is dominated by Ericiasphaera rigida blastulation and gastrulation, and chorionic
(n = 104; 47.1%) and Tianzhushania spinosa protection. Because embryos such as those
(n = 34; 14.1%). The three most common gen- here studied provide only a limited amount of
era, Meghystrichosphaeridium, Tianzhushania, phylogenetic information, and because adult
and Ericiasphaera, have been identified in all metazoans of the types that produced these
sections. Correspondence analysis (CA), de- embryos have yet to be discovered in Dou-
trended correspondence analysis (DCA), dis- shantuo-age rocks, these fossilized embryonic
criminant analysis (DA). and pairwise com- forms can at present be assigned only to the
parisons of samples (Spearman rank coeffi- various superclades represented amongst liv-
cient and Jaccard-Chao index), all consistently ing Metazoa. The diversity of the embryos
support biostratigraphic zonations. Thus, the here studied suggests that the metazoan fauna
distribution of the Doushantuo acanthomorphs of the Doushantuo may well have included
is primarily controlled by biostratigraphic po- animals of poriferan, cnidarian, and both pro-
sition of samples, with facies and taphonomic tostomial (representatives possibly of basal
differences playing a secondary role. Our case protostome lineages) and deuterostomial affin-
study suggests that acanthomorphic acritarchs ity. If this interpretation is correct, it would
can offer a viable toot for regional correlation then follow that the last common ancestor of
of the Ediacaran System. the bilaterian metazoan lineage, as well as the
last common ancestor of sponges, cnidarians
2011010509 and bilaterians. pre-dated deposition of the
埃迪卡拉纪(陡山陀组)后生动物微体化 Doushantuo strata.
石同步辐射 X 射线微断层摄影相位对比:
系统发生学多样性和演化意义 = Phase con- 2011010510
trast synchrotron X-ray microtomography of 前埃迪卡拉纪多细胞化模式 = Modes of
Ediacaran (Doushantuo) metazoan microfos- pre-Ediacaran multicellularity. ( 英 文 ).
sils: Phylogenetic diversity and evolutionary Butterfield N J. Precambrian Research, 2009,
implications. (英文). Chen J Y; Bottjer D J; 173(1-4): 201-211 9 图版.
Davidson E H; Li G; Gao F; Cameron R A; A multicellular grade of organization is
Hadfield M G; Xian D C; Tafforeau P ; Jia Q widely distributed among extant organisms
J ; Sugiyama H; Tang R. Precambrian Re- and widely represented in the pre-Ediacaran
search, 2009, 173(1-4): 191-200 7 图版. fossil record. A review of the pre-Ediacaran
Microfossils from the Ediacaran Weng'an record identifies nine general categories of
Phosphate Member of the Doushantuo Forma- multicellular organization: (I) simple clonal
tion (Guizhou Province, southern China) have colonies; (2) integrated coenobial colonies; (3)
received widespread attention. The Doushan- simple uniseriate filaments; (4) simple multis-
tuo, which overlies the glacial deposits of the eriate filaments; (5) simple coenocytic fila-
Nantuo Formation, was deposited following ments; (6) branched coenocytic filaments; (7)

complex multicellular filaments; (8) complex zoic (Stenian)/upper Middle Riphean, 1.2-1.03
multicellular vesicles; and (9) problematic Ga: (4) Uchuromayan, lower Neoproterozoic
macrofossils. A small subset of these fossils (late Stenian-Tonian)/lower Upper Riphean,
can be assigned to extant lineages based on 1.03-0.85 Ga: (5) Yuzhnouralian, upper Neo-
taxonomically diagnostic patterns of cell divi- proterozoic (Cryogenian)/upper Upper
sion, including compelling evidence for Riphean, 0.85-0.63 Ga; (6) Amadeusian,
chroococcacean, oscillatoriacean and pleuro- lower Ediacaran/lower Vendian, 0.63-0.55 Ga;
capsalean cyanobacteria, bangiophycaceaen (7) Belomorian, upper Ediacaran/upper Ven-
red algae and hydrodictaceaen green algae. dian, 0.55-0.542 Ga.
The identification of pre-Ediacaran vaucheri-
aceaen xanthophyte algae and siphono- 2011010512
cladalean green algae is almost as secure, 古太古代长英质沉积岩(Hooggenoeg 组,
whereas the case for early multicellular nosto- 巴伯顿绿岩带,南非)中成岩 Fe-碳酸盐:
calean/stigonematalean cyanobacteria and 对二氧化碳隔离和海水化学通量的指示意
fungi requires further corroboration: a distinc-
义 = Diagenetic Fe-carbonates in Paleoar-
tively patterned acritarch is tentatively identi-
chean felsic sedimentary rocks (Hooggenoeg
fied as an early Neoproterozoic poriferan. De-
Formation, Barberton greenstone belt, South
spite this breadth of early multicellular ex-
Africa): Implications for CO2 sequestration
perimentation, there is no evidence for organ-
grade differentiation prior to the Ediacaran. and the chemical budget of seawater. (英文).
Indeed, it is the absence of eumetazoans and Rouchon V; Orberger B; Hofmann A; Pinti D
embryophytes that distinguishes the pre- L. Precambrian Research, 2009, 172(3-4):
Ediacaran world from the fundamentally 255-278 17 图版.
richer and more dynamic biosphere of the In order to evaluate the potential of felsic
Phanerozoic. sediments as a CO2-sink in the Archean, we
studied felsic volcaniclastic/epiclastic sedi-
2011010511 mentary rocks of the 3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg
元古代岩石中微体化石组合的分布 = The Formation, Barberton greenstone belt, which
distribution of microfossil assemblages in Pro- were affected by metasomatic processes dur-
terozoic rocks. (英文). Sergeev V N. Precam- ing seafloor alteration and diagenesis. Water-
rock interactions leading to K-, Si- and CO2-
brian Research, 2009, 173(1-4): 212-222 3 图
metasomatism were quantified. The precursor
版. rock, a K-metasomatized dacite, was leached
A biostratigraphic model of the temporal of Ca, Mg, Fe, Na, Sr, and Ba and enriched in
distribution of distinctive Proterozoic micro- K, Rb and Si prior to erosion and deposition.
fossil assemblages is suggested, based on The formation of K-mica and quartz (and mi-
studies of upper Precambrian chert-embedded nor K-feldspar) in the dacites suggests low pH
and compression-preserved organic-walled metasomatic conditions, likely produced by
microfossils from the reference sections of hydrothermally induced circulation of hot,
Eurasia, North America and Australia. Micro- acidic and reduced Archean seawater in equi-
fossils from 2.0 to 0.542 Ga can be divided librium with a high P-CO2 atmosphere. Ero-
into seven successive informal global units sion and transport of K-metasomatized dacitic
which can be compared to standard units of detritus away from the felsic volcanic centers
the International and Russian time scales. resulted in the deposition of conglomerate,
Each unit is characterized by a particular asso- sandstone and shale by mass flow processes.
ciation of taxa, typified by the fossil assem- Early diagenetic silicification affected mainly
blage that gives it its name. These form broad the fine-grained sediments with higher silica
biostratigraphic units comparable to assem- sorption capacity, forming impermeable lay-
blage zones of Phanerozoic successions; in ers,while sand-rich sediments were partly sili-
general (but with minor differences) they cor- cified and remained permeable. Trapped fluids
respond to chronostratigraphic units accepted precipitated two generations of Fe-rich dolo-
by the Internal Commission on Stratigraphy. mites and finally calcite. Up to 30 vol.% of
The units are: (1) Labradorian, the upper part siliciclastic coarse-grained sediment was re-
of the Paleoproterozoic (Orosirian and Stathe- placed by carbonates in a shallow-burial, high
rian), 2.0-1.65 Ga; (2) Anabarian, lower heat-flow diagenetic regime (depth: similar to
Mesoproterozoic (Calyrnmian-Ectasian) / 750 m, temperature: 80-160 degrees C), and
Lower Riphean-lower Middle Riphean, 1.65- likely throughout deposition of overlying vol-
1.2Ga; (3) Turukhanian, upper Mesoprotero- cano-sedimentary units. The carbon isotopic

composition of Fe-rich dolomites (delta(13) phy. This is compatible with an active rift ba-
C-PDB = +1.9 to +2.4 parts per thousand) and sin in which glacigenic diamictites of the end-
the strong Fe-Ca-Mg leaching of the Paleoar- Cryogenian (Marinoan) pan-glacial episode
chean volcanic formations support the influ- were lodged.
ence of seawater-derived fluids throughout
CO2-metasomatism. For each gram of eroded 2011010514
dacite, the overall chemical exchange in- Grand Conglomerat 组(中非)沉积历史
volved by K-Si-CO2-metasomatism was char- 对于解释成冰纪主要冰期事件期间气候的
acterized by a mass transfer of Fe (1.2 相关性 = The relevance of the sedimentary
mmol/g), Na (2.1 mmol/g) and O2- (2.0 history of the Grand Conglomerat Formation
mmol/g) to seawater. In contrast, seawater (Central Africa) to the interpretation of the
was depleted in Si (10 mmol/g), Ca (0.51 climate during a major Cryogenian glacial
mmol/g), Mg (0.43 mmol/g), K (1.5 mmol/g)
event. (英文). Wendorff M; Key R M. Pre-
and H (0.93 mmol/g) during incorporation of
cambrian Research, 2009, 172(1-2): 127-
these elements in the volcanic and sedimen-
tary rocks. The average CO2 Uptake by the 142 10 图版.
sedimentary rocks studied here is estimated to The Cryogenian Grand Conglomerat For-
be 1.8 mmol/g, in the same order of magni- mation (<765 and >735 Ma in age and with
tude as previous estimates for the Paleoar- considerable thickness variations up to a
chean basaltic crust. Although mafic- maximum thickness of about 950 m) is an as-
ultramafic rocks are the most abundant rocks sociation of interbedded glaciogenic, clastic,
in Paleoarchean greenstones belts, and repre- periglacial and non-glacial deposits topped by
sent the most important atmospheric CO2-sink the Kakontwe Limestone cap carbonate. These
upon seafloor alteration in the Paleoarchean, units occur within the Nguba Group of the
coarse felsic sedimentary rocks provide a non- Katanga Supergroup, which was deposited in
negligible contribution to the build-up of the a rift basin and subsequently deformed as part
continental CO2 reservoir. of the Pan African Lufilian orogenic belt that
separates the Congo and Kalahari cratons.
2011010513 Both, correlation of regional unconformities
塔斯马尼亚 King 岛 Cottons 角砾岩:冰成 and facies distribution suggest that the Grand
Conglomerat sediments were deposited (dur-
或非冰成,成冰纪或埃迪卡拉纪? = Cot-
ing and after eruption of flood basalts) in an
tons Breccia of King Island, Tasmania: Gla- asymmetrical rift, with a strongly uplifted
cial or non-glacial, Cryogenian or Ediacaran?. southern shoulder, and a graded shelf defining
(英文). Hoffman P F; Calver C R; Halverson the northern margin. Glaciomarine sedimen-
G P. Precambrian Research, 2009, 172(3-4): tary rocks along the southern margin of the
311-322 9 图版. Katangan rift are preserved within fan delta
The Cottons Breccia of King Island, Tas- conglomerates supplied from an elevated rift
mania, is a 100-m-thick carbonate-clast shoulder. By contrast, the northern margin of
diamictite traditionally interpreted as the the rift was the site of continental glaciation
product of a Cryogenian or Ediacaran glacia- with cross-bedded, glaciofluvial and marginal
tion. It was recently reinterpreted as a mass- marine sandstones and conglomerates, associ-
flow deposit, unrelated to glaciation, within an ated with massive tills (glaciogenic diamictites)
active rift basin. We reaffirm the glacial- that pass laterally towards the south into gla-
periglacial interpretation on the basis of sedi- ciomarine mixtite interlayered with wedges of
mentary facies, internal facies relations, clast dolomitic sandstone. The Kakontwe Lime-
lithology and isotopic composition, clast fab- stone cap carbonate is present only in the dis-
ric analysis, and consistent stratigraphic posi- tal parts of the basin. Its absence in proximal
tion beneath a typical post-glacial cap dolos- regions is considered to reflect very high rates
tone. The Cumberland Creek Dolostone of sedimentation of fine-grained, glaciogenic
closely resembles basal Ediacaran cap dolos- debris derived from deglaciated source areas.
tones world-wide in terms of colour, texture, Palaeomagnetic data indicates that the Grand
sedimentary structures and isotopic character- Conglomerat glaciogenic sediments were de-
istics. Because it was deposited above storm posited close to the Equator during the Cryo-
wave-base, differences in delta C-13 between genian. This low latitude setting coupled with
closely adjacent sections suggest diachronous the absence of a topographical trigger would
deposition during post-glacial marine trans- suggest that glaciation was related to global
gression of a basin with steep local topogra- atmospheric cooling. However, the presence

of water-borne, glaciogenic, on-shore sedi- ammonium, assimilation and denitrification at
ments and offshore sediments derived from the time of sedimentation.
floating glaciers suggests that the ocean dur- In contrast, carbonaceous shales from the
ing this part of the Cryogenian was not com- non-phosphate domain of the Jhamarkotra
pletely frozen. Associations of glaciogenic Formation contain trace element abundances
facies with non-glaciogenic sedimentary rocks characteristic of more oxygenated conditions.
imply glaciation with interglacial periods and They contain less than 3 wt% organic matter
gradual deglaciation, instead of severe condi- with delta C-13(org) values often between -13
tions of permanent sea ice cover and rapid and -18 parts per thousand, whole-rock delta
change to the greenhouse environment. N-15 values between +5 and +12 parts per
thousand and C/N-WR below 56. Acid-
2011010515 insoluble organic matter from these shales has
印度 Aravalli 超群古元古代成磷事件之后 high H/C and O/C, and Raman spectral char-
高的初级生产力和氮循环 = High primary acteristics typical of lower greenschist facies
productivity and nitrogen cycling after the metamorphism, which suggests only minor
Paleoproterozoic phosphogenic event in the alteration of isotope compositions. Data
Aravalli Supergroup, India. (英文). Papineau gleaned from carbonaceous shales of the non-
D; Purohit R; Goldberg T; Pi D H; Shields G phosphate domain are interpreted to indicate
A; Bhu H; Steele A ; Fogel M L. Precambrian high rates of primary productivity as well as
the existence of a modern-like nitrogen cycle
Research, 2009, 171(1-4): 37-56 10 图版.
in this open-marine environment at the mouth
The causes of atmospheric oxygenation in
of the Udaipur Epicontinental Sea. The inter-
the Paleoproterozoic are multifaceted yet
pretation of high primary productivity in car-
poorly understood. An increase in the level of
bonaceous shales from both domains of the
primary productivity however may have been
Jhamarkotra Formation is consistent with
an important factor in producing large
stratigraphically underlying C-13-enriched
amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere. A
carbonates and with their associated stromato-
likely environmental consequence of atmos-
litic phosphorites. Therefore, increased fluxes
pheric oxygenation is an increased abundance
of phosphorous in Paleoproterozoic seawater
of seawater nitrate, which would have resulted
may have played an important role in stimulat-
in a fundamental change from the Archean
ing increased levels of primary productivity
nitrogen cycle. in this study, we investigate
and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
these questions using the carbon and nitrogen
isotope compositions of carbonaceous shales
from the Paleoproterozoic Aravalli Super-
阿根廷 Neuquen 盆地中侏罗世(晚卡洛
group, India. The shales occur stratigraphi-
cally above one of the oldest phosphogenic 期)Lotena 组沟鞭藻囊孢以及它们的古地
events that took place around 2.0 Ga. Shales 理 意 义 = Mid Jurassic (Late Callovian)
in the phosphate domain of the Jhamarkotra dinoflagellate cysts from the Lotena Forma-
Formation from the Lower Aravalli Group tion of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina and
have distinct characteristics from coeval their palaeogeographical significance. (英文).
shales in the non-phosphate domain. Carbona- Riding J B; Quattrocchio M E; Martinez M A.
ceous shales of the phosphate domain contain Review of Palaeobotany and Palynol-
relatively high V and U/Th, typical of oxygen- ogy, 2011, 163(3-4): 227-236 4 图版.
deficient environments. These shales also The Lotena Formation from two localities,
have a high organic content of up to 14 wt%, Plain Leufu and Portada Covunco, in the Neu-
generally homogeneous delta C-13(org) val- quen Basin of west-central Argentina was
ues around -29 parts per thousand, C/N-WR studied palynologically. The material exam-
up to 360 and a large range of delta N-15 val- ined produced moderately diverse Late Call-
ues between -5 and +27 parts per thousand. ovian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. This
Their organic matter has low H/C and O/C age assignment is consistent with ammonite
and Raman spectra characteristic of lower evidence. The dinoflagellate cyst floras are
greenschist to lower amphibolite facies meta- reminiscent of the Middle Jurassic associa-
morphism, which suggests a moderate altera- tions of northwest Europe and surrounding
tion of geochemical compositions. Data from areas. Marine palynomorphs typical of Aus-
these shales also suggest high primary produc- tralasia and the Arctic are absent. The similar-
tivity under eutrophic conditions, as well as ity with Europe is strongly suggestive of an
intense recycling of organic nitrogen through open marine connection between western

Tethys and the Neuquen Basin during the Late the Gwna Group, Anglesey. (英文). Horak J
Callovian. This is interpreted as being via the M; Evans J A. Geological Magazine, 2011,
Hispanic Corridor, with the palynofloras being 148(1): 78-88 7 图版.
passively dispersed to the southwest by the Limestone megaclasts up to hundreds of
circum-Tropical Marine Current. Earlier stud- metres in size are present within the Gwna
ies indicate that this trans-Pangean equatorial Group melange, North Wales, UK. The me-
seaway first began to allow biotic interchange lange has been interpreted as part of a Peri-
during the Mid Jurassic and this study proves Gondwanan fore-arc accretionary complex
that this open marine connection was estab- although the age of deposition remains con-
lished by the Late Callovian. The similarities tentious, proposals ranging from Neoprotero-
between the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of zoic to Early Ordovician. This paper uses
Europe and the Neuquen Basin are consistent strontium isotope chemostratigraphy to estab-
with the distribution of other marine fossils lish the age of the limestone blocks and thus
and the existence of geographically continu- provide a maximum age constraint on me-
ous marine facies belts. lange formation. Results show that, although
the carbonates are locally dolomitized, pri-
2011010517 mary Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios can be identified and
对“西伯利亚埃迪卡拉纪有疑问的化石 indicate deposition sometime between the late
Gaojiashania 首次发现以及它的起源”的讨 Tonian and earliest Cryogenian. This age is
论 = Discussion of 'First finds of problematic older than that suggested by stromatolites
Ediacaran fossil Gaojiashania in Siberia and within the limestone and indicates that the
its origin'. (英文). Cai Y; Hua H; Zhuravlev A limestone did not form as cap carbonate de-
Y; Vintaned JAG; Ivantsov A Y. Geological posits.
Magazine, 2011, 148(2): 329-333 2 图版.
Zhuravlev, Gámez Vintaned & Ivantsov 2011010519
(2009) reported the problematic Ediacaran 南澳大利亚 Kangaroo 岛下寒武统(第二
fossil Gaojiashania annulucosta in Siberia 统)Emu Bay 页岩化石库及相邻地层单元
and they considered that this is the first find of 的地质关系 = The geological context of the
Gaojiashania outside China, since Gaojiasha- Lower Cambrian (Series 2) Emu Bay Shale
nia had previously only been reported from Lagerstatte and adjacent stratigraphic units,
the Gaojiashan Member of the middle Dengy- Kangaroo Island, South Australia. ( 英 文 ).
ing Formation in the Ningqiang area, southern Gehling J G; Jago J B; Paterson J R et al..
Shaanxi Province, South China. However, we Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2011,
believe that the so-called Siberian Gaojiasha- 58(3): 243-257
nia was mis-identified, and what was de- The lower Cambrian (Cambrian Series 2,
scribed as Gaojiashania annulucosta by Stage 4) Emu Bay Shale Lagerstatte, which is
Zhuravlev, Gámez Vintaned & Ivantsov (2009) by far the most important Burgess Shale-type
is more appropriately ascribed to Shaanx- (BST) deposit in Australia, occurs mainly in
ilithes ningqiangensis, another problematic the bottom 10m of the Emu Bay Shale at Big
Ediacaran fossil that has also been known Gully on the north coast of Kangaroo Island,
from the Gaojiashan Member in Shaanxi South Australia. In this area, the exposed
Province of South China (Chen, Chen & Lao, Cambrian succession commences with the
1975; Xing et al. 1984), as well as the strati- White Point Conglomerate, the bulk of which
graphically equivalent Taozichong Formation comprises a crudely cross-bedded cobble to
in Guizhou Province (Hua, Chen & Zhang, boulder conglomerate with minor mudstone
2004) and the Jiucheng Member (Dengying and sandstone facies. The conglomeratic hori-
Formation) in Yunnan Province of South zons thin markedly to the south. The White
China (Zhu & Zhang, 2005), the Zhoujieshan Point Conglomerate was deposited as coa-
Formation in Qinghai Province (Shen et al. lesced fan deltas derived from an uplifted tec-
2007), and the Zhengmuguan Formation in tonic margin immediately to the north of the
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of North present coastline. The White Point Conglom-
China (Shen et al. 2007). erate is overlain by the sandstone, siltstone
and conglomerate beds of the Marsden Sand-
2011010518 stone (new name), the basal 3m of which is a
安格尔西岛 Gwna 群的新元古代早期石灰 distinctive fossiliferous argillaceous limestone
岩 = Early Neoproterozoic limestones from and shale, the Rouge Mudstone Member (new
name). Syndepositional folding and faulting

affected both the White Point Conglomerate mains. The lower and middle units are corre-
and Marsden Sandstone prior to the deposition lated with the Neoalbaillella optima Zone
of the Emu Bay Shale, the base of which (Changhsingian). The basal part of the upper
represents a sequence boundary. The Lager- unit is referable to the Hindeodus parvus Zone
statte occurs within dark grey to black lami- (basal Griesbachian), and the major part of the
nated micaceous mudstone facies, some of upper unit is possibly correlated with the mid-
which show evidence of syndepositional dis- dle to upper Dienerian. We position the PTB
turbance, and are interpreted to have been de- at the sharp lithologic boundary between the
posited in isolated stagnant, anoxic to oxic upper Upper Permian chert and lower Lower
depressions on the sea floor, beneath a nor- Triassic black claystone. The examined PTB
mally oxic water column, with a sharp redox siliceous rocks are stratigraphically attributed
boundary at the sediment-water interface; be- to the upper part of the Hashikadani Forma-
low this boundary the pore water was anoxic. tion, reconstructed as an oceanic rock unit
Thin (up to 20cm) structureless fine sandstone characterized by Lower Permian to Lower
horizons within the mudstone are interpreted Triassic siliceous rocks that accumulated upon
as either sediment gravity flow or storm de- the lower flank of a mid-oceanic seamount in
posits. The Lagerstatte-bearing mudstone beds a pelagic realm of the Panthalassa Ocean. Our
thin southwards and disappear 500-600m results present the world's first record of deep-
south of the coast. The Emu Bay Shale coars- marine PTB siliceous rocks associated with a
ens upwards; arthropod tracks are abundant in Panthalassan seamount.
fine sandstone beds towards the top of the
Emu Bay Shale. In coastal sections the sand- 2011010521
stone facies of the Boxing Bay Formation rest 南乌拉尔 Verkhnyaya Kardailovka 剖面谢
conformably on the Emu Bay Shale; inland 尔普霍夫阶 = The Serpukhovian Stage in the
the contact is channelled. Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section, South Urals.
( 英 文 ). Pazukhin V N; Kulagina E I; Ni-
古 生 界 kolaeva S V; Kochetova N N; Konovalova V
2011010520 A. Stratigraphy and Geological Correla-
日本中部 Mino 地体泛古洋海山相联的二 tion, 2010, 18(3): 269-289
叠纪-三叠纪界线硅质岩石地层 = Panthalas- The paper describes a Serpukhovian Stage
san Seamount-Associated Permian-Triassic section, exposed along the Ural River near the
Boundary Siliceous Rocks, Mino Terrane, village of Verkhnyaya Kardailovka (Bashkor-
Central Japan. (英文). Sano H; Kuwahara K; tostan). The section is uniquely complete and
Yao A; Agematsu S. Paleontological Re- is proposed as a GSSP candidate for the base
search, 2010, 14(4): 293-314 of the Serpukhovian. The Upper Visean and
We describe the lithology and age of an Serpukhovian beds are represented by rela-
intact section (NF 1212R) and two reference tively deep facies, which contain ammonoids,
sections of Panthalassan seamount-associated conodonts, ostracods, foraminifers, and other
Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) siliceous fossils. The section is described bed-by-bed
rocks. The sections occupy the upper part of and subdivided into zones based on four fau-
the Hashikadani Formation of the Mino ter- nal groups. The lower boundary of the Ser-
rane in the Mt. Funabuseyama area, central pukhovian is placed at the base of the
Japan. Section NF 1212R comprises a lower Lochriea ziegleri conodont zone. The strati-
unit of gray chert (ca. 1.7 m thick), a middle graphic units are correlated with synchronous
unit of dark gray to black chert (ca. 0.8 m) beds of the East European Platform, the Do-
with a pyrite-rich layer at the top (ca. 0.1 m), nets Basin, Western Europe, Central Asia, and
and an upper unit of black claystone with thin, North America.
intermittent beds of black to dark gray chert
(ca. 1.2 m), in ascending order. The chert of 2011010522
the lower and middle units is rich in radiolar- 法国阿莫里克地块 Sainte-Anne 组年龄修
ian remains with minor siliceous sponge spi- 正: 对 Variscan 带造山起始的意义 = A re-
cules. The black chert of the middle unit is vised age (Emsian-Eifelian) for the Sainte-
carbonaceous and includes tiny pyrite grains. Anne Formation (Armorican Massif, France):
The black claystone consists of microcrystal- implications for the onset of mountain build-
line quartz and clay minerals rich in carbona- ing in the Variscan belt. (英文). Ballevre M;
ceous matter. The chert of the upper unit is Ducassou C; Lardeux H; Regnault S. Neues
also carbonaceous and rich in radiolarian re-

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Ab- the Basal Member of the Chalonnes Forma-
handlungen, 2010, 255(3): 237-254 tion. A sedimentological and palaeontological
The Sainte-Anne Formation consists of analysis of these fossiliferous deposits from
immature sandstones conformably deposited the Chateaupanne quarry (Montjean/Loire,
upon reefal limestones. Plant debris are abun- Maine et Loire, France) is presented here for
dant in the Saint-Anne sandstones, but only the first time. The age determination based on
rarecrinoids and brachiopods have been found. palynology indicates that the locality records
The faunal content is analyzed in detail, con- the earliest occurrence of plant megafossils in
sisting of a few columnals of crinoids and the Armorican Massif. Their presence sug-
brachiopods (Ambocoelia and Plectodonta gests an emergence event that has never been
minor, the most common species). The distri- described before. Our study highlights the
bution in space and time of the genus )Plecto- promising potential of the Basal Member of
donta in Europe is analyzed, and allows pro- the Chalonnes Formation to aid in understand-
posing an Emsian to early Eifelian age for lthe ing these occurrences, and provides new in-
Sainte-Anne Fm. Consequently, the Sainte- sights into the history of the Variscan belt.
anne Fm (Armorican Massif) could be the
earliest record of the relief crated at the begin- 2011010525
ning of the Variscan orogeney. 西班牙利比亚地块南部中利比亚带早寒武
世生物年代学修订 = Revised biochronology
2011010523 of the Lower Cambrian of the Central Iberian
阿根廷中部科尔多瓦西部 Post-Pampean 的 zone, southern Iberian massif, Spain. (英文).
冷却和 Sierras Pampeanas 的上升 = Post- Jensen S; Palacios T; Mus M M. Geological
Pampean cooling and the uplift of the Sierras Magazine, 2010, 147(5): 690-703
Pampeanas in the west of Cordoba (Central Trilobites from the upper unit of the Lower
Argentina). (英文). Steenken A; Wemmer K; Cambrian Pusa Formation (south-central
Martino R D; de Luchi M G L; Guereschi A; Spain) substantially antedate other Iberian
Siegesnund S. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. trilobites, according to widely published cor-
Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(2): relation schemes, and arguably would be
235-255 among the earliest trilobites globally. These
An extensive survey on the cooling history trilobites, previously only briefly mentioned in
by K/Ar biotite and muscovite dating of the texts, are here described and illustrated, and
basement rocks of the Sierras de Cordoba and their biochronological context examined. The
San Luis was carried out and interpreted in Pusa Formation trilobites are treated in open
terms of a differential uplift history of the dif- nomenclature but with suggested affinity to
ferent blocks. Large pegmatitic muscovites the genus Abadiella. They are associated with
from the Sierras de Cordoba record Late small shelly fossils, including Pelagiella sp.,
Cambrian to Early Ordovician ages. Begin- chancellorid spicules and Cupitheca sp., and
ning of cooling in the Sierra de San Luis id unidentfied archaeocyathans. Trace fossils
documented by muscovite booklets from from the upper unit of the Pusa Formation,
pegmatites yielding ages between 448 Ma and down-section of the trilobites, include Dacty-
438 Ma. loidites isp. and Rusophycus isp., the latter
representing the lowest occurrence of this ich-
2011010524 nogenus in the region. This biostratigraphical
Armorican 地块早期陆地植物:关于年龄 context demonstrates that the Pusa Formation
和环境的沉积学和孢粉学思考 = The early trilobites are substantially younger than had
land plants from the Armorican Massif: sedi- traditionally been thought. In terms of Iberian
mentological and palynological considerations regional stages they are Ovetian, not Cordu-
on age and environment. ( 英 文 ). Strullu- ban as previously thought. As a consequence
Derrien C; Ducassou C; Ballevre M; Dabard of the data presented here, the definitions of
M P; Gerrienne P; Lardeux H; Le Herisse A; Iberian Lower Cambrian regional stages are
Robin C; Steemans P; Strullu D G. Geological discussed and a substantially revised correla-
Magazine, 2010, 147(6): 830-843 tion between key Lower Cambrian strata of
The Chateaupanne Unit belongs to the the Central Iberian and Ossa Morena zones is
South Armorican domain of the Armorican proposed.
Massif (France), which is part of the Variscan
belt. This unit includes two Lower Devonian 2011010526
plant levels and one of them corresponds to

德国莱茵片岩山脉 Nellenkopfchen 组下泥 普尼莫耶南部 Markovsky 半岛(滨海省南
盆统三角洲海-陆过渡区的高分辨率相分析: 部)早白垩世 Nilssoniocladus Kimura et
对 海 岸 环 境 小 尺 度 波 动 的 意 义 = High- Sekido 一新种 = A new species of Nilssonio-
resolution facies analysis of a Lower Devo- cladus Kimura et Sekido from the Lower Cre-
nian deltaic marine-terrestrial transition (Nel- taceous of the Markovsky peninsula (Southern
lenkopfchen Formation, Rheinisches Primorye). ( 英 文 ). Volynets E B. Paleon-
Schiefergebirge, Germany): implications for tological Journal, 2010, 44(10): 1348-1352 4
small-scale fluctuations of coastal environ- 图版.
ments. ( 英 文 ). Wehrmann A; Wilde V; An imprint of shoot Nilssoniocladus Ki-
Schindler E; Brocke R; Schultka S. Neues mura et Sekido bearing leaves Nilssonia
Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Ab- Brongniart was found for the first time in the
handlungen, 2010, 256(3): 317-334 Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Markovsky
The homogeneous succession of high- peninsula near the city of Vladivostok. A new
energy intertidal, predominantly sandy depos- species, Nilssoniocladus anatolii, is identified.
its in the Lower Devonian Nellenkopfchen The finds of such shoots in organic connection
Formation is interrupted by two finer-grained with leaves are rare, and new data supplement
fossiliferous units, LAFU and UAFU which our knowledge on the diversity, stratigraphic
hve been subject to high-resolution facies and geographic distribution of the genus Nils-
analysis. The present high-resolution approach soniocladus.
shows that both fossiliferous units are the re-
sult of sedimentary processes in a distal del- 2011010529
taic setting that comprised a number of differ- 利比亚西北部 Cabao 组早白垩世脊椎动物
ent depositional sub-environments including 群 = An Early Cretaceous vertebrate assem-
iterdistributary areas of the lower delta plain. blage from the Cabao Formation of NW Libya.
(英文). Le Loeuff J; Metais E; Dutheil D B;
中 生 界 Rubino J L; Buffetaut E; Lafont F; Cavin L;
2011010527 Moreau F; Tong H Y; Blanpied C; Sbeta A.
伊朗中部侏罗纪 Nain 蛇绿岩混杂堆积的变 Geological Magazine, 2010, 147(5): 750-759
质 作 用 和 交 代 作 用 = Metamorphism and Fossil vertebrates from the Cabao Forma-
metasomatism in the Jurassic Nain opiolitic tion discovered in the area of Nalut in north-
melange, Central Iran. (英文). Shirdashtzadeh western Libya include the hybodont shark
N; Torabi G; Arai S. Neues Jahrbuch fur Ge- Priohybodus, the crocodilian Sarcosuchus, an
ologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2010, abelisaurid, a baryonichine spinosaurid and a
255(3): 255-275 large sauropod with spatulate teeth. The Ca-
This opiolite has experienced several bao Formation may be Hauterivian to Barre-
metamorphic events since its formation. Dur- mian in age, although an earlier Berriasian to
ing Jurassic times, a regional metamorphism Valanginian age cannot be excluded. Its dino-
(M1) caused the formation of amphibolitic saur assemblage is reminiscent of that of the
rocks from the oceanic basic rocks. These am- El Rhaz and Tiouraren formations of Niger
phibolites were often covered by skarns and strongly differs from both the Cenoma-
formed during M2 metasomatism of carbon- nian assemblages of Morocco and Egypt and
ates. There are also evidences claiming a ret- the Late Aptian to Albian fauna of Tunisia.
rograde regional metamorphism (M3) that has Fossil vertebrates may be an important tool to
affected both skarns and amphibolites. Addi- establish the stratigraphical framework of the
tionally, some less highly metamorphosed poorly dated Early Cretaceous continental
sheeted dykes and pillow lavas occur in this deposits of Africa.
ophiolite. Based on their geochemistry they
were originally different from the amphibolitic 2011010530
rocks. Therefore, two phases of magma gen- 澳大利亚西北大陆架中三叠世-晚侏罗世沟
eration can be recognized: The first one, in 鞭藻囊孢的年代地层学年龄回顾 = A re-
Lower Jurassic, led to the formation of the view of the chronostratigraphical ages of
basaltic protolith of the amphibolites. The Middle Triassic to Late Jurassic dinoflagellate
second one, in Upper Cretaceous, caused the cyst biozones of the North West Shelf of Aus-
generation of sheeted dykes and pillow lavas. tralia. (英文). Riding J B; Mantle D J; Back-
house J. Review of Palaeobotany and Paly-
2011010528 nology, 2010, 162(4): 543-575

The chronostratigraphical ages of the 20 (Climate Leaf Multivariate Program) to de-
dinoflagellate cyst zones and one dinoflagel- termine the effect of endemism on these pa-
late cyst assemblage for the Middle Triassic laeoclimate proxies. We examined whether
(Ladinian) to the Jurassic-Cretaceous transi- existing calibrations using either locally re-
tion of the North West Shelf of Australia are corded climate data or globally gridded cli-
comprehensively reviewed. Evidence from mate data are appropriate for South Africa, or
macro- and micropalaeontology, palynology whether new calibrations specific to the region
and strontium isotopes made available after provide more accurate results. The results
the establishment of these biozones in the suggest that calibrations using gridded data
1980s has been used to reassess the ages of yield slightly cooler estimates using LMA
this important zonal scheme and to calibrate it when the percentage of entire margined spe-
to the international stratigraphical stages. The cies is over 25. Overall, however, the differ-
Shublikodinium Superzone is renamed herein ences are small and both gridded and local
as the Rhaetogonyaulax Superzone, and based climate station calibration data can be used
on conodont evidence is determined to span with equal accuracy. Xeric sites differ from
the Ladinian to Early Sinemurian. This is sig- mesic sites regarding the relationship between
nificantly shorter in duration than was origi- leaf margin proportion (LMP) and MAT, but
nally envisaged (Late Anisian to Late Pliens- with the exception of Fynbos sites, the differ-
bachian). The Luehndea Assemblage is a low ences are small when the percentage of entire
diversity dinoflagellate cyst association which margined species is <65. Fynbos sites plot up
marks a eustatic rise; it is subdivided into two to 8 degrees C cooler for a given leaf margin
subzones. It is of latest Pliensbachian to Early percentage (LMP) than do other sites. LMA
Toarcian age, based largely on palynological was also sensitive to the number of taxa
evidence. The Bajocian to earliest Oxfordian scored and in general should not be attempted
Pareodinia ceratophora Superzone represents on less than 15 leaf morphotypes per site. For
the inception of a continuous Mesozoic- CLAMP, the African non-Fynbos sites plotted
Cenozoic dinoflagellate cyst record in Austra- within the parameters characterized by the
lia. It comprises seven zones, which are con- existing PHYSG3BRC data set, indicating that
sidered to be slightly older than originally in- they had a leaf physiognomic response to cli-
terpreted. The overlying Pyxidiella Superzone mate consistent with that of the rest of the
is characterised by diverse dinoflagellate cyst world. However, the African non-Fynbos sites
associations. It is Early Oxfordian to Kim- did fill a previously unoccupied void within
meridgian in age, and comprises three zones. that space, indicating the existence of a re-
The bases of the Wanaea spectabilis and Wan- gional variance from the global pattern. This
aea clathrata zones are reinterpreted as being suggests that endemism per se does not pre-
slightly older than originally proposed. The vent CLAMP from yielding reliable climate
superjacent Fromea cylindrica Superzone is predictions. The inclusion of African non-
Tithonian to earliest Valanginian and modified Fynbos sites into the calibration improved the
ages are indicated for four of the nine zones. ability of CLAMP to predict Fynbos site cli-
This unit is dominated by endemic dinoflagel- mate, although this remained poor for non-
late cysts, reflecting a global trend towards coastal xeromorphic Fynbos vegetation. The
provincialism at this time due to a regressive addition of the African non-Fynbos vegetation
eustatic regime. did not degrade significantly the
PHYSG3BRC calibration, particularly regard-
2011010531 ing key climatic variables such as enthalpy.
南非是不同的么?南非湿地植被叶貌和气 Enthalpy appears to be a particularly robust
候之间关系的调查 = Is southern Africa dif- variable with which to test climate model per-
ferent? An investigation of the relationship formance against CLAMP palaeoclimate pre-
between leaf physiognomy and climate in dictions.
southern African mesic vegetation. ( 英 文 ).
Steart D C; Spicer R A; Bamford M K. Re- 2011010532
view of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2010, 德国多瑙河 Regensbur 和 Neuburg 之间上
162(4): 607-620 白垩统海侵的时代 = On the age of the Upper
Leaves from 24 South African vegetation Cretaceous transgression between Regensburg
sites, including 3 Fynbos sites, exhibiting high and Neuburg an der Donau (Bavaria, southern
levels of endemism, were assessed by both Germany). (英文). Wilmsen M; Niebuhr B.
LMA (Leaf Margin Analysis) and CLAMP

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie bourg are reanalysed and assigned to a teleost
/ Abhandlungen, 2010, 256(3): 267-278 fish.
The basal marine units of the Danubian
Cretaceous Group of Bavaria have been dated 2011010534
by means of macrofossil biostratigrpahy and 伊比利亚华力西带(Ponga-Cuera 单元,
stratigraphic events. The recognition of the 西班牙西北部)的成岩单元的构造热演化
crippsi Event in the lower part of the forma- 和牙形石序列 = Conodont alteration and tec-
tion provides further stratigraphic constraints tonothermal evolution of a diagenetic unit in
for the age of the Cenomania transgression in the Iberian Variscan belt (Ponga-Cuera unit,
that region. The early Early Cenomanian age
NW Spain). (英文). Blanco-Ferrera S; Sanz-
for the bases of these lowest marine forma-
Lopez J; Garcia-Lopez S; Bastida F; Valin M
tions of the Banubian Cretaceous Group
L. Geological Magazine, 2011, 148(1): 35-
places the underlying terrestrial Schutzfels
formation into the Lower Cretaceous. The 49 4 图版.
Early Cenomanian sea already inundated wide Tectonothermal analysis of a mainly car-
regions north of the Landshut-Neuottinger bonate unit located in the external part of the
Hoch, and the shoreline position was north of Variscan orogen in NW Spain is dealt with
Solnhofen and Regensbur at that time. The using the conodont colour alteration index
marine onlap of the lower Banubian Creta- (CAI) and the study of textures of these mi-
ceous Group during the Cenomanian was crofossils. The Kubler index of the illite (KI)
eustatically controlled and diachronous as in is used as a complementary method. The area
most other places around the Mid-European is characterized by a great uniformity in the
Island. CAI values, which in most cases are < 2, indi-
cating diagenetic conditions. In spite of the
2011010533 low CAI values, textures show great variety
Pachyvaranus crassispondylus Arambourg, and were mainly originated by diagenetic
1952 回顾,摩洛哥和叙利亚共和国晚白垩 processes of apatite dissolution and precipita-
tion. The conodonts underwent a long period
of heating (probably from the Pennsylvanian
椎动物 = A review of Pachyvaranus crassis- to the Cenozoic) to low temperatures (< 100
pondylus Arambourg, 1952, a pachyostotic degrees C) to reach the low CAI values meas-
marine squamate from the latest Cretaceous ured. Assuming a normal geothermal gradient,
phosphates of Morocco and Syria. ( 英 文 ). these temperatures required an overburden < 3
Houssaye A; Bardet N; Rage J C; Suberbiola km that in part was due to burial and in part to
X P; Bouya B; Amaghzaz M; Amalik M. Geo- tectonic superimposition. Minor local anoma-
logical Magazine, 2011, 148(2): 237-249 6 图 lies in the CAI values and some textural al-
版. terations, related to dissolution and precipita-
The discovery of new specimens of Pachy- tion of authigenic minerals, could be due to
varanus crassispondylus Arambourg, 1952 epithermal activity that gave rise to various
from the Maastrichtian phosphates of Mo- ore deposits in the studied area mainly during
rocco and Syria enables us to (1) redescribe in Permian times.
detail this poorly known varanoid lizard, (2)
provide a more detailed diagnosis and (3) re- 2011010535
evaluate the systematic affinities of this taxon 匈牙利切克山脉早侏罗世的楔叶植物门 =
within squamates. The latter is placed in Sphenophyta from the Early Jurassic of the
Pachyvaranidae nov., considered a new un- Mecsek Mts., Hungary. (英文). Barbacka M.
ranked clade of non-pythonomorph Vara- Acta Palaeobotanica, 2009, 49(2): 221-232 3
noidea. The intense pachyosteosclerosis ob- 图版.
served in the vertebrae and ribs suggests a Sphenophytes are frequent in the Hungarian
primarily aquatic mode of life for Pachyvara- Lower Jurassic which is represented in one
nus. This is in accordance with the sedimen- locality in the Mecsek Mts., the region of Pecs
tological context (shallow marine environ- and Komlo. Although the material seems to be
ment). As for its palaeobiogeographical distri- rich in specimens, a number (about half of the
bution, Pachyvaranus is a component of the total amount) is so poorly preserved, that
marine reptile assemblages from the southern specifi c determination is impossible. In the
margin of the Mediterranean Tethys, around total number of examined specimens which
palaeolatitudes 20 degrees N. The osteoderms means 155 pieces, only two genera were rec-
previously referred to this taxon by Aram-

ognized: Neocalamites represented by one on Aquitanian-Langhian biozonation. (英文).
species N. carcinoides Harris and Equisetites, Hakyemez A; Toker V. Stratigraphy, 2010,
with three species E. columnaris (Brongniart) 7(1): 33-59
Phillips, E. muensteri Sternberg, and Equi- wA rich planktonic foraminiferal assem-
setites sp. blage including two new species, Globorotalia
sinuososuturalis n. sp. and Paragloborotalia
2011010536 lefkaraensis n. sp., have been recorded in the
新 西 兰 Murihiku 地 体 Kawhia 沿 岸 和 uppermost part of the sedimentary cover of
Awakino 峡三叠纪-侏罗纪界线序列地层 = Troodos Massif, exposed in Northern Cyprus.
Stratigraphy of Triassic-Jurassic boundary The continuity of chalk and marl deposits
sequences from the Kawhia coast and throughout the Aquitanian-Langhian time in-
Awakino gorge, Murihiku Terrane, New Zea- terval, with an abundant and well diversified
land. ( 英 文 ). Akikuni K;Hori R S;Vajda assemblage, has provided to establish a de-
V;Grant-Mackie J A;Ikehara M. Stratigra- tailed biostratigraphic framework which can
phy, 2010, 7(1): 7-24 be generally comparable with the recent stan-
We have examined the stable carbon iso- dard and regional zonations. The mabioevents
tope stratigraphy, bio- and litho-stratigraphy defining the zonal boundaries are the LOs of
of the Upper Triassic (Otapirian) - Lower Ju- Paragloborotalia kugleri and Catapsydrax dis-
rassic (Aratauran) boundary strata from the similis, the FOs of Globigerinoides bispheri-
Awakino gorge and Kawhia coast sections, cus, Praeorbulina sicana, Praeorbulina
Murihiku Terrane, North Island, New Zealand. glomerosa curva. Praeorbulina glomerosa
Successive occurrences of species of the bi- glomerosa and Orbulina summits. Quantitative
valve genus Otapiria, O. dissimilis, O. mar- planktonic foraminiferal analyses performed
shalli and O. aff. marshalli, and also of age on two studied sections have allowed to de-
diagnostic ammonites indicate that the Het- termine several secondary bioevents for the
tangian strata in both sections are very thin latest Aquitanian-early Burdigalian time inter-
compared with the Rhaetian sequences. Lami- val. They are in stratigraphical order, the FOs
nation structures are well developed at the Tr- of Globigerinoides altiaperturus and Globig-
Jr (Rhaetian-Hettangian) boundary transition erinoides trilobus, the LO of Globigerinoides
interval. The delta C-13 values of organic primordius, the FOs of Paragloborotalia
matter from siltstone and carbonate nodules in acrostoma and Globigerinoides subquadratus,
the sedimentary rocks range from -28.5 to - the LO of Globoquadrina praedehiscens and
25.5 parts per thousand and there is no corre- finally the FO of Globigerinella praesiphonif-
lation between delta C-13(org) and C/N ratios. era. On the basis of the biostratigraphic and
The excursion patterns of delta C-13(org) quantitative data, it has been concluded that
from both sections are similar, showing a the FO of Globigerinoides subquadratus,
negative spike at the uppermost Rhaetian and within the Globigerinoides altiapertu-
a positive spike immediately below the Tr-Jr rus/Catapsydrax dissimilis Zone spanning a
boundary. A long-lived positive shift is also long interval in the Mediterranean region, may
recognized in the Awakino gorge section, be a correlative bioevent.
which coincides in pattern with those reported Therefore, Globigerinoides subquadratus /
in Tr-Jr boundary successions from the Queen Catapsydrax dissimilis Concurrent Range
Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Zone has been proposed for the upper part of
These results suggest that although magnitude this zonal interval in order to improve the bio-
and absolute values are slightly different, the stratigraphic resolution of the Burdigalian.
integrated pattern of stable carbon isotope sig- Furthermore, the evolutionary lineage of ge-
natures over the Tr-Jr boundary could be a nus Praeorbulina, which ranges from Praeor-
valuable tool for correlation, at least between bulina sicana to Orbulina suturalis via Praeor-
sedimentary rocks from similar depositional bulina glomerosa subspecies, has been recog-
settings in the Panthalassa. nized in the studied sequence. Thus. Langhian
interval has been subdivided into Praeorbulina
2011010537 sicana Zone, Praeorbulina glomerosa curva
塞浦路斯北部 Troodos 地块沉积岩浮游有 Subzone, Praeorbulina glomerosa glomerosa
Subzone and Othulina suturalis Zone.
孔虫生物地层;评论 Aquitanian-Langhian
生 物 分 带 = Planktonic foraminiferal bio- 2011010538
stratigraphy from the sedimentary cover of
Troodos Massif, Northern Cyprus: Remarks

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 下 Black Bear per Cretaceous. (英文). Bragina L G. Strati-
Ridge 剖面的地层和沉积:作为诺利底部 graphy and Geological Correlation, 2011,
金钉子的候选剖面 = Stratigraphy and sedi- 19(1): 65–71.
mentology of the lower Black Bear Ridge sec- In the last decades, our knowledge of Late
tion, British Columbia: candidate for the base- Cretaceous radiolarians has considerably
Norian GSSP. (英文). Zonneveld J P; Beatty improved. Nevertheless, there are still
T W; Williford K H et al.. Stratigraphy, 2010, significant problems concerning correlation
7(1): 61-82 between radiolarian communities of low,
The upper Ludington and lower Pardonet temperate, and high latitudes. This work
formations at Black Bear Ridge, northeastern shows the possibility of using species that
British Columbia, Canada represent a con- belong to the phylogenetic lineages of the
tinuously exposed succession through the up- genera Afens Riedel et Sanfilippo, 1974, and
per Carnian and lower Norian (medial Upper Multastrum Vishnevskaya, 1991, for
Triassic). These strata were deposited in a biostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper
deep marine setting (distally steepened car- Cretaceous at low and high latitudes.
bonate ramp / medial to distal slope) on the
northwestern margin of Pangaea. The Black 2011010540
Bear Ridge section is apparently continuous, 法国上阿尔卑斯省 Col de Palluel 地区中上
with no evidence for either subaerial exposure 阿尔必阶顶部序列综合研究(菊石,叠瓦
or submarine erosion. The absence of ero- 蛤科双壳类,浮游有孔虫,微化石,地球
sional scours in the study interval confirms 化学,稳定碳氧同位素,回旋地层) = The
emplacement of these strata below both fair- uppermost Middle and Upper Albian succes-
weather and storm wave base. sion at the Col de Palluel, Hautes-Alpes,
Event beds, particularly those resulting France: An integrated study (ammonites,
from sediment gravity flows, dominate the inoceramid bivalves, planktonic foraminifera,
Carnian-Norian boundary interval at Black nannofossils, geochemistry, stable oxygen and
Bear Ridge. Upper Carnian strata, primarily carbon isotopes, cyclostratigraphy). ( 英 文 ).
assigned to the Ludington Formation at Black Gale A S; Bown P; Caron M; Crampton J;
Bear Ridge, record an upward transition from Crowhurst S J; Kennedy W J; Petrizzo M R;
moderate-scale, olistolith-bearing debris flow Wray D S. Cretaceous Research, 2011, 32(2):
deposits (debrites) to medium / thin-bedded 59-130 60 图版.
turbidites remobilised as small-scale sediment An integrated study of the ammonites,
slump /slides. The Carnian-Norian boundary inoceramid bivalves, planktonic foraminifera,
interval and the lower Norian succession is calcareous nannofossils, geochemistry, stable
dominated by medium- to thin-bedded cal- carbon isotopes, and cyclostratigraphy is pro-
careous turbidites and lesser hemipelagic sus- vided for the upper Middle to upper Upper
pension deposits. Albian sucession exposed in the Col de Palluel
Diverse and abundant fossil assemblages, section east of Rosans in Hautes-Alpes,
particularly conodonts and bivalves, occur France. The Albian-Cenomanian boundary
within the study interval. Despite evidence of interval described by Gale et al. at Mont Risou
post-depositional sediment remobilisation (i.e is re-examined, a total thickness of 370 m of
debrites and turbidites) conodont faunal suc- the Marnes Bleues Formation. Zonal schemes
cessions indicate that the Black Bear Ridge based on ammonites, inoceramid bivalves,
section represents a complete and continu- planktonic foraminifera, and calcareous
ously exposed Carnian-Norian boundary suc- nannofossils are integrated with the stable
cession. Rapid and relatively continuous carbon isotope curve and key lithostrati-
sedimentation is attested to by the thickness of graphic markers to provide a sequence of
the section, the abundance of calcareous tur- more than 70 events in the uppermost Middle
bidites and the thin nature of intercalated Albian to basal Cenomanian interval. Time
hemipelagic beds. series analysis of the Al2O3 content of the
500 m Albian sequence present in the Col de
2011010539 Palluel and Risou sections reveals the pres-
放射虫 Afens 属和 Multastrum 属对上白垩 ence of the 20 kyr precession, 40 kyr tilt, 100
统北方区-特提斯区对比的意义 = Signifi- kyr short eccentricity, and 406 kyr long eccen-
cance of the radiolarian genera Afens Riedel tricity cycles. Correlation using planktonic
et Sanfilippo and Multastrum Vishnevskaya foraminiferan and nannofossil data provide a
for the Boreal-Tethyan correlation of the Up-

link between the Col de Palluel and Risou sec- this ichnogenus is thought to represent (a non-
tions and the Italian sequence at Gubbio, and hadrosaurid styracosternan) and the age and
in the Piobbico core. This provides a basis for geography of Lark Quarry, we suggest that the
the extension of the orbital time scale of track-maker may have been a dinosaur similar
Grippo et al. to the sequence. It reveals a ma- to Muttaburrasaurus langdoni.
jor break in the Col de Palluel succession at
the top of the distinctive marker bed known as 2011010543
the Petite Verde that may represent as much as 凡兰吟阶鱼龙的首次明确发现以及它对早
2 Ma. It also provides a basis for the estima- 株罗系后里阿斯期演化的意义 = The first
tion of the length of the Albian Stage at 4.12 definite record of a Valanginian ichthyosaur
Ma, 0.8 Ma for the early Albian, 2.84 Ma for and its implications on the evolution of post-
the Middle Albian, and 3.68 Ma for the late Liassic Ichthyosauria. ( 英 文 ). Fischer V;
Albian substages. Clement A; Guiomar M; Godefroit P. Creta-
ceous Research, 2011, 32(2): 155-163 5 图版.
A complete ichthyosaur rostrum, with 124
Acanthoscaphites tridens ( 晚 白 垩 世 菊
associated teeth, was recently discovered in
石)的表型可塑性:补充的数据 = Pheno- Laux-Montaux locality, department of Drome,
typic plasticity of Acanthoscaphites tridens southeastern France. The associated belem-
(Late Cretaceous ammonites): additional data. nites and ammonites indicate a late Valangin-
( 英 文 ). Kin A. Cretaceous Research, 2011, ian age (Neocomites peregrinus Zone, Ol-
32(2): 131-134 1 图版. costephanus nicklesi Subzone) for this fossil,
The concept of phenotypic plasticity of the which consequently represents the first diag-
temporal species Acanthoscaphites tridens s. nostic ichthyosaur ever reported from
str., as recently proposed by myself is elabo- Valanginian strata. This specimen also repre-
rated upon, in response to issues raised in a sents the first occurrence of Aegirosaurus out-
commentary to the original paper. The terms side the Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) litho-
phenomorphic class and dominant phenotype graphic limestones of Bavaria (southern Ger-
are explained in greater detail, as well as the many). Tooth morphology and wear pattern
evaluation of phenotypic plasticity in studies suggest that Aegirosaurus belonged to the
for extinct species. "Pierce II/Generalist" feeding guild, which
was hitherto not represented in post-Liassic
2011010542 ichthyosaurs. Most Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs
澳洲昆士兰中西部 Lark 采石场中白垩世温 actually crossed the Jurassic-Cretaceous
顿组的大型兽脚亚目恐龙的重新思考:错 boundary.
误 鉴 定 的 例 子 = A reassessment of large
theropod dinosaur tracks from the mid- 2011010544
Cretaceous (late Albian-Cenomanian) Winton 新西兰晚白垩世中型植物化石群 = Meso-
Formation of Lark Quarry, central-western fossil flora from the Late Cretaceous of New
Queensland, Australia: A case for mistaken Zealand. (英文). Cantrill D J; Wanntorp L;
identity. (英文). Romilio A; Salisbury S W. Drinnan A N. Cretaceous Research, 2011,
Cretaceous Research, 2011, 32(2): 135-142 8 32(2): 164-173 6 图版.
图版. This study presents the first report of meso-
Multivariate analysis is used to differentiate fossils of flowers, fruits and seeds found in the
shape variations between ichnites of theropod Cretaceous of New Zealand. The specimens
and ornithopod dinosaurs. Tracks of an al- were recovered from the Late Cretaceous
leged theropod cf. Tyrannosauropus from the (Maastrichtian, ca. 70 Ma) at Kai Point Mine,
mid-Cretaceous (late Albian-Cenomanian) South Island in a sequence of floodplain sedi-
Winton Formation of Lark Quarry, central- ments sampled just below the Barclay Coal
western Queensland, Australia were examined Seam. Angiosperm flowers, fruits and seeds
and foot shape ratios calculated. Multivariate occur in the sample. The most common form
analysis of these shape variables indicates this is an actinomorphic flower with two whorls of
track-maker was an ornithopod dinosaur. A three tepals. Anther bases are preserved and
strong morphological similarity exists be- the ovary develops into a drupe. all features
tween the Lark Quarry ichnites and those of that are consistent with placement in the Lau-
the iguanodontian ichnotaxon Amblydactylus raceae. Reproductive structures including
gethingi. Considering the grade of ornithopod seeds of conifers are also described, with

some allied to the Podocarpaceae. This con- two expressions: an archetypal one character-
trasts with interpretations of the flora based on ized by high diversity in carbonate substrates,
macrofossils that indicate abundant Araucari- along with a depauperate expression in other
aceae and highlights the different perspectives types of substrates (e.g., metamorphic and
that mesofossil floras give to any assemblage. igneous rocks). The extreme hardness of the
The results of the present study support a Late substrate is regarded as the stress factor re-
Cretaceous flora at this site mainly dominated sponsible for the reduction in ichnodiversity.
by conifers with affinities to Podocarpaceae
but also including lauraceous angiosperms. 2011010546
2011010545 古红土壤的分布以及它们的形成机制 =
对智利中部早白垩世岩石海岸线痕迹学、 Distribution of continental red paleosols and
序列地层和沉积演化研究:违背变质基底 their forming mechanisms in the Late Creta-
的 生 物 侵 蚀 构 造 = Ichnology, sequence ceous Yaojia Formation of the Songliao Basin,
stratigraphy and depositional evolution of an NE China. (英文). Du X; Xie X; Lu Y; Ren J;
Upper Cretaceous rocky shoreline in central Zhang S; Lang P; Cheng T; Su M; Zhang C.
Chile: Bioerosion structures in a transgressed Cretaceous Research, 2011, 32(2): 244-
metamorphic basement. (英文). Buatois Luis 257 12 图版.
A; Encinas Alfonso. Cretaceous Re- Red paleosols accumulated in the Yaojia
search, 2011, 32(2): 203-212 8 图版. Formation of the Songliao Basin during the
Exposures of upper Paleozoic slates of the Late Cretaceous period, which are enclosed by
metamorphic basement near Concepcion, cen- underlying Qingshankou dark mudstones and
tral Chile, are covered by transgressive depos- overlying Nenjiang dark mudstones. Accord-
its belonging to the Upper Cretaceous Quiri- ing to core descriptions and lithological analy-
quina Formation. Presence of clusters of the ses, three types of redsols are recognized.
bivalve boring Gastrochaenolites isp. at the Type A red paleosol with a thickness of 4-15
irregular and erosive contact between these m is characterized by a complete redsol suc-
two units indicates the development of an an- cession and observed in fluvial, delta plain,
cient rocky shoreline, illustrating a rare exam- lakeshore facies and shallow lacustrine envi-
ple of bioerosion in a metamorphic substrate. ronments. Type B paleosol is developed in
Coarse-grained deposits mantling the bio- flood plains of fluvial systems and interdis-
eroded surface represent a transgressive lag tributary areas of delta plains, and is charac-
produced due to ravinement. In sequence- terized by thin-bedded red mudstones. Type C
stratigraphic parlance, the bioeroded surface is paleosol is featured by large complete sets of
classified as a FS/SB or co-planar surface red mudstones or silty mudstones with some
formed due to amalgamation of erosion during celadon(=pale gray green) mudstones, which
lowstand and the subsequent transgression. are formed onshore or in shallow lacustrine
Unburrowed trough cross-bedded upper- fades in weak hydrodynamic and oxic condi-
shoreface to intensely bioturbated middle- tions. Combined with the analysis of tectonics,
shoreface deposits record continuous trans- paleoclimate and lake-level variation, it is
gression. Logs bioeroded by Teredolites shown that the type A paleosol is the result of
clavatus are also present. Middle-shoreface strong pedogenesis due to a relative long pe-
deposits are dominated by deep Ophiomorpha riod exposure caused by the underthrust of
isp., commonly showing laminated infill. Tha- Pacific plate beneath the Euro-Asian plate
lassinoides suevicus occurs locally. Intense since 88 Ma, while the other types of paleo-
bioturbation also suggests that the shoreface sols are the exposure products of the devel-
developed in embayed shorelines, protected opment of relatively stable lake facies. The
from oceanic waves. While rocky shorelines variation in mudstone color and thickness of
in limestone are characterized by a high abun- different kinds of red paleosols can be a typi-
dance and diversity of bioerosion structures, cal marker in the boundary of different se-
those formed in other types of substrates con- quence units.
tain less diverse, commonly monospecific,
suites of borings. In terms of Seilacherian 2011010547
ichnofacies, the bioerosion structures analyzed 格林兰岛三叠纪-侏罗纪之交由于气候驱动
are attributed to a low-diversity expression of 的植物群改变造成的火情增多 = Increased
the Trypanites ichnofacies. It is proposed that fire activity at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary
the Trypanites ichnofacies thus may display in Greenland due to climate-driven floral

change. (英文). Belcher C M; Mander L; Rein scars. This sedimentary record comprises mul-
G; Jervis F X; Haworth M; Hesselbo S P; tiple sequences of tills, outwash, mudflows,
Glasspool I J; McElwain J C. Nature geo- loess, and paleosols. The glacial sediments are
science, 2010, 3(6): 426-429 the product of both local (montane) and re-
One of the largest mass extinctions of the gional (Cordilleran) ice advances that chan-
past 600 million years (Myr) occurred 200 neled into the trench, while loess and well-
Myr ago, at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary. developed paleosols (brunisols and luvisols)
The major floral and faunal turnovers(1) have reflect nonglacial and interglacial conditions,
been linked to a marked increase in atmos- respectively. The Tintina Trench exposures
pheric carbon dioxide levels(2), probably re- provide the most complete record of glaci-
sulting from massive volcanism in the Central ations for the region. Paleomagnetism, paleo-
Atlantic Magmatic Province(3,4). Future cli- sols, and palynology provide age constraints
mate change predictions suggest that fire ac- for the geological events. A formal strati-
tivity may increase(5), in part because higher graphic nomenclature is proposed for this re-
global temperatures are thought to increase gion. The name West Tintina Trench Al-
storminess(6,7). Here we use palaeontological logroup is assigned to the glacial-interglacial
reconstructions of the fossil flora from East and nonglacial strata that occurs above a ma-
Greenland to assess forest flammability along jor regional Miocene-Pliocene unconformity.
with records of fossil charcoal preserved in the The allogroup spans the late Pliocene (3.6 Ma)
rocks to show that fire activity increased to middle Pleistocene (0.126 Ma), based on
markedly across the Triassic/Jurassic bound- magnetostratigraphy and pollen data. The se-
ary. We find a fivefold increase in the abun- quence includes an alluvial deposit at the base,
dance of fossil charcoal in the earliest Jurassic, overlain by an extensive sequence of tills and
which we attribute to a climate-driven shift outwash, and capped by loess. Paleosols and
from a prevalence of broad-leaved taxa to a weathering horizons occur throughout the se-
predominantly narrow-leaved assemblage. quence. Tintina Trench; Beringia; glacial
Our fire calorimetry experiments show that chronology; magnetostratigraphy; early and
narrow leaf morphologies are more flammable middle Pleistocene; Yukon paleoenvironments;
than broad-leaved morphologies. We suggest Yukon paleosols; Yukon pollen; North
that the warming associated with increased American glaciations; West Tintina Trench
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels favoured a Allogroup.
dominance of narrow-leaved plants, which,
coupled with more frequent lightening strikes, 2011010549
led to an increase in fire activity at the Trias- 白垩纪-古近纪之交的 Chicxulub 小行星碰
sic/Jurassic boundary. 撞和大灭绝 = The Chicxulub Asteroid Im-
pact and Mass Extinction at the Cretaceous-
新 生 界 Paleogene Boundary. (英文). Schulte P; Ale-
2011010548 gret L; Arenillas I; Arz J A; Barton P J; Bown
加拿大育空中西部 Tintina 峡谷保存有多重 P R; Bralower T J; Christeson GL ; Claeys P;
冰川的广泛的晚新生代陆相记录:地层、 Cockell C S; Collins G S; Deutsch A; Goldin
古地磁、古土壤和孢粉 = An extensive late T J; Goto K; Grajales-Nishimura J M ; Grieve
Cenozoic terrestrial record of multiple glaci- RAF; Gulick SPS; Johnson K R; Kiessling W;
ations preserved in the Tintina Trench of west- Koeberl C; Kring. Science, 2010, 327(5970):
central Yukon: stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, 1214-1218
The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary similar
paleosols, and pollen. (英文). Duk-Rodkin A ;
to 65.5 million years ago marks one of the
Barendregt R W; White J M. Canadian Jour-
three largest mass extinctions in the past 500
nal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 47(7): 1003-1028
million years. The extinction event coincided
The Tintina Trench in west-central Yukon
with a large asteroid impact at Chicxulub,
is a late Miocene graben formed along the
Mexico, and occurred within the time of Dec-
antecedent early Tertiary Tintina fault. Since
can flood basalt volcanism in India. Here, we
its formation the trench has served as a sedi-
synthesize records of the global stratigraphy
ment trap for alluvial and glacial deposits. An
across this boundary to assess the proposed
extensive record of preglacial, glacial, and
causes of the mass extinction. Notably, a sin-
interglacial sediments spanning the late Plio-
gle ejecta-rich deposit compositionally linked
cene to late Pleistocene has been preserved
to the Chicxulub impact is globally distributed
and is exposed today in modern landslide
at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The

temporal match between the ejecta layer and tation started ca. 10200 cal yrs BP. Between
the onset of the extinctions and the agreement ca. 10200 and 6800 cal yrs BP pollen indica-
of ecological patterns in the fossil record with tors point to a change from intermediately
modeled environmental perturbations (for ex- humid conditions to comparatively drier
ample, darkness and cooling) lead us to con- grassy environments. This is in good agree-
clude that the Chicxulub impact triggered the ment with Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
mass extinction. fluctuations from a core in the Mozambique
Channel which influence precipitation in
2011010550 coastal KwaZulu-Natal, and the beginning of
北美洲更新世大型动物群落衰败,新植物 the Holocene Thermal Maximum ca. 10500
群 落 和 增 强 的 火 环 境 = Pleistocene cal yrs BP. The lower section of the core cor-
Megafaunal Collapse, Novel Plant Communi- responds to gradually increasing Holocene sea
ties, and Enhanced Fire Regimes in North levels along the coast and development of
America. ( 英 文 ). Gill J L; Williams J W; freshwater or estuarine conditions at Lake
Jackson S T; Lininger K B; Robinson G S. Eteza. The middle Holocene (ca. 6800-3600
Science, 2009, 327(5958): 1100-1103 cal yrs BP), when the sea level reached its
Although the North American megafaunal highest stand and SST peak, indicate humid
extinctions and the formation of novel plant climatic conditions that favoured an increase
communities are well-known features of the of forest trees, e.g. Podocarpus, and under-
last deglaciation, the causal relationships be- growth plants like Issoglossa. As a conse-
tween these phenomena are unclear. Using the quence of higher precipitation and increase of
dung fungus Sporormiella and other pa- the water table, conditions were favourable for
leoecological proxies from Appleman Lake, the spread of mangrove, swamp and possibly
Indiana, and several New York sites, we es- riverine forest. During the late Holocene after
tablished that the megafaunal decline closely ca. 3600 cal yrs BP a decrease of Podocarpus
preceded enhanced fire regimes and the de- and other trees as well as an increase of
velopment of plant communities that have no Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, grasses and
modern analogs. The loss of keystone mega- Phoenix coincide with a return to lower sea
herbivores may thus have altered ecosystem levels and drier conditions. The decrease of all
structure and function by the release of palat- trees including Phoenix at ca. 700 cal yrs BP,
able hardwoods from herbivory pressure and accompanied by rapid sedimentation rates,
by fuel accumulation. Megafaunal populations possibly reflect forest clearing and upland ero-
collapsed from 14,800 to 13,700 years ago, sion induced by activities of Iron Age settlers.
well before the final extinctions and during the A dry period at the globally recognized onset
Bolling-Allerod warm period. Human impacts of the Little Ice Age might have contributed to
remain plausible, but the decline predates these changes. Late Iron Age settlers have
Younger Dryas cooling and the extraterrestrial probably already introduced Zea mays, which
impact event proposed to have occurred was detected in the profile since ca. 210 BP.
12,900 years ago. The appearance of neophytes like Pinus,
Casuarina and pollen of Ambrosia-type in the
2011010551 youngest sediments indicates increased distur-
bance of European settlements and land use
南非 KwaZulu-Natal 沿海地区 Eteza 湖的
since ca. 100 cal yrs BP.
全 新 世 植 物 变 化 序 列 = A Holocene se-
quence of vegetation change at Lake Eteza, 2011010552
coastal KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (英文). 对 Witham 的两种木化石的重新评估以及
Neumann F H; Scott L; Bousman C B; van As 对 Planoxylon Stopes 、 Protocedroxylon
L. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynol-
Gothan 和 Xenoxylon Gothan 的分类和命
ogy, 2010, 162(1): 39-53 5 图版.
名 注 释 = Reappraisal of two of Witham's
Palynological and sedimentological data
from a core extracted from Lake Eteza shed species of fossil wood with taxonomical and
new light on the Holocene vegetation and cli- nomenclatural notes on Planoxylon Stopes,
mate history in KwaZulu-Natal and can be Protocedroxylon Gothan and Xenoxylon
linked to regional and global climate change. Gothan. (英文). Philippe M; Hayes P. Review
A 2072 cm core with nineteen radiocarbon of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2010,
dates and chronological extrapolation to the 162(1): 54-62 5 图版.
bottom of the sequence suggests that sedimen- Fossil wood collections at the Natural His-
tory Museum, London, were searched for the

type material of two important species, de- mid Holocene. Our new data suggest that iso-
scribed as early as 1831 by Witham, on the lated and minor Picea abies populations sur-
basis of material at least partly furnished by vived the Late-glacial in the foothills of the
Nicol and collected in the Liassic of Whitby northern Apennines and that at the onset of the
(Yorkshire, UK). The names given to these Holocene they moved upwards, reaching the
two species by Witham are the basionyms for site of Lago del Greppo. Today stands of
more than ten other species names, while Picea abies occur only in two small areas in
these species names also provide syntypes for the highest part of the northern Apennines,
several generic names. Despite this, the origi- and they have become extinct elsewhere.
nal material has been only rarely and partly Given the forecast global warming, these relict
revised. leading to much confusion. Picea abies stands of the northern Apennines,
which have a history of at least 13,000 years,
2011010553 appear severely endangered.
意大利亚平宁山脉北部 Greppo 湖末次冰
期和全新世植被以及火情历史的新纪录 = 2011010554
A new Late-glacial and Holocene record of 厄瓜多尔南部一个近代湖泊的植被序列、
vegetation and fire history from Lago del 水文变化和人为影响,及其起源的高分辨
Greppo, northern Apennines, Italy. ( 英 文 ). 率研究 = High-resolution studies on vegeta-
Vescovi Elisa; Ammann Brigitta; Ravazzi tion succession, hydrological variations, an-
Cesare; Tinner Willy. Vegetation History and thropogenic impact and genesis of a subrecent
Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(3): 219-233 5 图版. lake in southern Ecuador. (英文). Brunschon
Detailed Late-glacial and Holocene pa- C; Haberzettl T; Behling H. Vegetation His-
laeoenvironmental records from the northern tory and Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(3): 191-
Apennines with a robust chronology are still 206 7 图版.
rare, though the region has been regarded as a A lake sediment record from Laguna Cam-
main area of potential refugia of important pana at 2,488 m a.s.l. in the eastern Ecuador-
trees such as Picea abies and Abies alba. We ian Andes allows the reconstruction of local
present a new high-resolution pollen and sto- environmental conditions over the past similar
mata record from Lago del Greppo (1,442 m to 500 years. A high-resolution multi-proxy
a.s.l., Pistoia, northern Apennines) that has approach using pollen, spore, charcoal and
been dated relying on 12 terrestrial plant mac- XRF analyses provides information about lake
rofossils. Late-glacial woodlands became es- genesis, hydrological variations and the de-
tablished before 13000 cal b.p. and were velopment of the surrounding vegetation. Re-
dominated by Pinus and Betula, although sults suggest that Laguna Campana originated
more thermophilous taxa such as Quercus, from a landslide, which are naturally common
Tilia and Ulmus were already present in the and anthropogenically promoted in the study
Greppo area, probably at lower altitudes. area. Human activities, e.g. deforestation or
Abies and Picea expanded locally at the onset slash and burn cultivation, impacted the local
of the Holocene at ca. 11500 cal b.p. Fagus vegetation development and biodiversity dur-
sylvatica was the last important tree to expand ing the recorded period. After a first dense
at ca. 6500 cal b.p., following the decline of layer of pioneer grasses developed on open
Abies. Human impact was generally low soil around the small lake, successional stages
throughout the Holocene, and the local woods of secondary upper mountain rainforest forest
remained rather closed until the most recent mainly composed of Alnus and Weinmannia
time, ca. a.d. 1700-1800. The vegetational were observed. The record shows no signs of
history of Lago del Greppo appears consistent dense forest regeneration but rather open
with that of previous investigations in the vegetation with trees and a grassy understory.
study region. Late-glacial and Holocene vege- Especially since ca. a.d. 1980, the proportion
tation dynamics in the northern Apennines are of forest in the area was reduced, most proba-
very similar to those in the Insubrian southern bly by fire use for pastures, cultivation and
Alps bordering Switzerland and Italy, across wood extraction. Hydrological variability was
the Po Plain. Similarities between the two ar- derived from differences in minerogenic input
eas include the Late-glacial presence of Abies and variations in Botryococcus braunii and
alba, its strong dominance during the Holo- Sphagnum occurrence. After wettest condi-
cene across different vegetation belts from the tions at the study site, probably triggering the
lowlands to high elevations, as well as its final landslide, humid conditions persisted until a
fire and human-triggered reduction during the time of drier conditions between a.d. 1900 and

1960. A subsequent return to wetter conditions ceptibility-scanning. Three of the four pollen
was observed over the last decades. XRF records show a marked change in the floristic
analyses suggest an increase in deposition of composition between ca. 900 and 350 cal b.p.
atmospherically derived lead since the forma- (interpolated age). Past fires have strongly
tion of the lake. influenced the floristic composition of the
mountain rainforest ecosystem. Frequent fires,
2011010555 together with the relatively high occurrence of
厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯群岛木材燃料的历史 grasses and some Zea mays plantations docu-
使用:炭屑的识别 = Historic fuel wood use ment past human activities in the upper Rio
in the Galapagos Islands: identification of San Francisco valley. A large number of areas
charred remains. (英文). Froyd C A; Lee J A; of probably ancient Z. mays cultivation in the
Anderson A J; Haberle S G; Gasson P E; upper Rio San Francisco valley has been iden-
Willis K J. Vegetation History and Ar- tified, using GIS-based calculation. High oc-
currences of Cyperaceae and Isoetes indicate
chaeobotany, 2010, 19(3): 207-217 3 图版.
the development of marshy lake shores in re-
Charcoal fragments from five historic
sponse to a lower lake level at Laguna Zurita
campsite locations in the Galapagos Islands
before ca. 700 cal b.p. The decrease of Isoetes
were identified and radiocarbon dated to in-
and Cyperaceae after ca. 1200 cal b.p. reflects
vestigate postulated early human presence in
a lake level rise, due to increasing moisture
the archipelago, historic fuel wood collection
and/or human activities.
patterns and the resultant impact on native
vegetation. A variety of taxa and fuel types
were revealed to be present in the charcoal
assemblages, indicating geographically driven
rather than species-specific methods of collec- 湖边居落样品不同处理方法的比较 = Re-
tion. Historic anthropogenic impact was there- covery techniques for waterlogged archaeo-
fore spread amongst woody taxa in the low- logical sediments: a comparison of different
land plant communities, with severity depend- treatment methods for samples from Neolithic
ent on proximity to campsite location. All lake shore settlements. ( 英 文 ). Tolar T;
charred remains were found to date from Jacomet S; Veluscek A; Cufar K. Vegetation
within the historic period, supporting the pre- History and Archaeobotany, 2010, 19(1): 53-
ponderance of archaeological evidence indi- 67 7 图版.
cating that human presence did not begin in This paper presents the first comparable
Galapagos until after European discovery. overview of different recovery techniques
used for waterlogged Neolithic sediments in
2011010556 the surroundings of the Alps in the last dec-
从厄瓜多尔安第斯山脉东南部三个土壤剖 ades. Such an investigation became necessary
面以及 Zurita 小湖多证据记录推断晚全新 because it was not known which parts of
世 环 境 变 化 和 人 类 影 响 = Late Holocene plants and types of remains were absent or
environmental change and human impact in- completely underrepresented due to inappro-
ferred from three soil monoliths and the La- priate recovery techniques in Slovenian ar-
guna Zurita multi-proxy record in the south- chaeobotany up to 2006. During the 2007 ex-
cavation of the approximately 5,200 years old
eastern Ecuadorian Andes. (英文). Niemann H;
Neolithic pile dwelling site of Stare gmajne,
Behling H. Vegetation History and Ar-
Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia, we compared
chaeobotany, 2010, 19(1): 1-15 9 图版. three methods for the investigation of botani-
Late Holocene vegetation, climate and fire cal macroremains: method 1 (M1) included
dynamics of mountain forest and paramo eco- rough wet-sieving and subsequent drying of
systems, as well as human impact, are pre- the fractions; method 2 (M2) rough wet siev-
sented from the upper Rio San Francisco val- ing and keeping the fractions wet; and method
ley, southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Pa- 3 (M3) washing over and keeping the fractions
laeoenvironmental changes, inferred from wet. M3 with gentle washing, systematic sub-
three soil monoliths, spanning an altitudinal sampling, examination, and sorting of
gradient between 1,990 and 3,200 m and the macroremains while wet, as well as using
high resolution multi-proxy sediment record 0.355 mm as the smallest sieve mesh size gave
from Laguna Zurita (2,590 m), were investi- the best results. When using the cruder M2 or
gated by pollen, spore and charcoal analyses, M1 methods, waterlogged uncarbonized seeds
in combination with XRF- and magnetic sus- of taxa such as Linum usitatissimum, Papaver

somniferum and Brassica rapa, waterlogged sumer end of centrally organized food distri-
chaff of Cerealia and pericarps of Maloideae bution is suggested.
and Quercus sp., which are all fragile, were
underrepresented or even completely absent 2011010559
and therefore the plant spectra were strongly 伊比利亚西北部 Terronha de Pinhovelo 罗
biased. On the contrary, taxa with lignified 马定居点的植物大化石 = Plant macrofossils
seed/fruit walls like Cornus mas, Corylus from the Roman settlement of Terronha de
avellana or Rubus sp. were overrepresented Pinhovelo, northwest Iberia. (英文). Tereso
when using the M2 and particularly the M1 Joao Pedro. Vegetation History and Ar-
method. The application of the M3, instead of
chaeobotany, 2009, 18(6): 489-501 7 图版.
the M1 method which has been traditionally
Several samples were collected during the
used in Slovenian archaeobotany, helped us to
archaeological excavations at the proto-
identify uncarbonized remains of Linum usita-
historic and Roman settlement of Terronha de
tissimum and various species of Triticum for
Pinhovelo, northeast Portugal, in order to ob-
the first time in a waterlogged Neolithic site in
tain plant macrofossils. The relevant ar-
Slovenia. Our study should contribute to a
chaeobotanical data gathered from the Roman
standardization of methods, which is desper-
structures of Sector B at the site allow a fur-
ately needed in archaeobotany. The study
ther understanding of the settlement and its
clearly shows that the plant spectra can be
community's daily life between the 4th and 5th
strongly biased if inappropriate handling tech-
centuries A.D. In the charcoal analysis, the
niques are used. The conclusions hold for all
main types recovered were Pinus pinaster,
kinds of waterlogged sediments of different
Quercus pyrenaica type, Q. faginea type, Q.
suber type, Arbutus unedo and Fraxinus an-
gustifolia. The shrubs, significantly less abun-
dant in the samples, were represented by Cis-
安纳托利亚东南部早青铜时代晚期 Titriş
tus sp., Leguminosae and Erica spp. It must be
Höyük 地区农作物的分布:集中计划食物 stressed that the samples were taken from
分配制度下消费者的识别建模 = Distribu- well-delimited domestic hearths and the bo-
tion of crops at late Early Bronze Age Titriş tanical remains result from specific choices of
Höyük, southeast Anatolia: towards a model firewood in short episodes of time, and there-
for the identification of consumers of centrally fore not the most appropriate for pa-
organised food distribution. (英文). Hald M M. laeoecological approaches, which usually
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2010, cover a longer time span. The cereals are the
19(1): 69-77 5 图版. most frequent group of plants represented in
The extensively excavated areas of domes- the fruit and seed assemblages. Triticum aesti-
tic architecture at the late Early Bronze Age vum/durum, T. compactum, T spelta and Hor-
urban settlement of TitriAY Hoyuk in south- deum vulgare were the dominant crops, fol-
east Turkey provide us with a rare opportunity lowed by T dicoccum and Panicum miliaceum.
to study the distribution of crops and their The only pulse identified was Vicia faba var.
processing by-products between different minor, in quite abundant quantity although it
households, as well as to assess differences in came almost exclusively from just one hearth.
indoor and outdoor activities, with the poten- Two of the compartments sampled seem to be
tial of identifying patterns of spatial organisa- directly connected to plant processing, but the
tion in the processing and storing of crops, and presence together of several plant taxa in the
the preparation of food. The Outer Town area domestic structures makes their understanding
of TitriAY Hoyuk was substantially reorgan- quite difficult. These palaeo-economic data
ized in the late EBA, possibly to make room are consistent with the records already avail-
for victims of regional political conflicts. The able for northwest Iberia, and are significantly
similarity in the range of agricultural products representative of a regular Romanised rural
found in the households, matching the regular- community.
ity of the centrally planned houses, indicates
that not only the rehousing of the new occu- 2011010560
pants of Outer Town, but also their supply of 人类过度开采导致比利牛斯山脉林地的改
agricultural products, may have been organ- 变:伊比利亚半岛东北部 Vallferrera 地区
ized and provided by a central power in the 两千年的冶金 = Changes in Pyrenean wood-
city. A model for the identification of the con- lands as a result of the intensity of human ex-

ploitation: 2,000 years of metallurgy in Sub-Atlantic, the Esbjerg area offered good
Vallferrera, northeast Iberian Peninsula. (英 natural resources with extensive grazing areas
文 ). Pelachs Albert; Nadal Jordi; Manuel in the marine marshes in addition to good pos-
Soriano Joan; Molina David; Cunill Raquel. sibilities for farming and use of the woodland
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2009, on higher ground, but devastating floods oc-
18(5): 403-416 7 图版. curred.
This research is based on the discovery of a
large number of charcoal kiln sites and aban- 2011010562
doned iron mines in Vallferrera (Axial Pyre- 意大利西西里岛南部沿海 Biviere di Gela
nees, northeastern Spain). The study reveals 湖中-晚全新世期植被和火情历史 = Mid-
that this region has been affected by the metal and late-Holocene vegetation and fire history
mining and smelting industry for at least 2,000 at Biviere di Gela, a coastal lake in southern
years, with maximum intensity in the eight- Sicily, Italy. (英 文 ). Noti R; van Leeuwen
eenth and nineteenth centuries, followed by JFN; Colombaroli D; Vescovi E; Pasta S; La
abandonment of the activity. The region's Mantia T; Tinner W. Vegetation History and
woodland dendrochronology and historical Archaeobotany, 2009, 18(5): 371-387 7 图版.
records indicate that exploitation of wood The vegetation and fire history of few
charcoal for metalworking affected the past coastal sites has been investigated in the
vegetation in the area and impeded the devel- Mediterranean region so far. We present the
opment of mature woodland. Our findings first paleoecological reconstruction from
suggest that the greatest changes in vegetation coastal Sicily, the largest island in the Medi-
and landscape history occurred at times of terranean Sea. We analysed pollen and char-
particular specialization in socioeconomic coal in the sediments of Biviere di Gela, a lake
activities. (lagoon) on the south coast of Sicily. Our data
suggest that the area became afforested after a
2011010561 marine transgression at ca. 7200 cal b.p. (5250
丹麦日德兰半岛西部埃斯比约地区全新世 b.c.). Build-up of forest and shrublands took
环境和植被历史 = Vegetational and envi- ca. 200-300 years, mainly with the deciduous
ronmental history during the Holocene in the trees Quercus, Ostrya and Fraxinus. Juniperus
Esbjerg area, west Jutland, Denmark. (英文). expanded ca. 6900 cal b.p. (4950 b.c.), but
Kolstrup E. Vegetation History and Ar- declined again 6600 cal b.p. (4650 b.c.). Af-
chaeobotany, 2009, 18(5): 351-369 3 图版. terwards, evergreen trees (Q. ilex-type and
A pollen diagram from a site in the Esbjerg Olea) became dominant in the forest and Pis-
area, western Denmark, is used for reconstruc- tacia shrublands were established. Forest and
tion of the Holocene vegetational and envi- shrubland reached a maximum ca. 7000-5000
ronmental history there. During the Atlantic cal b.p. (5050-3050 b.c.); subsequently forest
there was a parallel development of the land- declined in response to human impact, which
scape to that of other areas in Jylland (Jutland). was probably exacerbated by a general trend
From the late Neolithic onwards the develop- towards a more arid climate. During the Neo-
ment took its own course related to the ap- lithic, fire was used to open the landscape,
proaching North Sea, which periodically in- significantly reducing several arboreal taxa (Q.
undated parts of the Esbjerg area. The record ilex, Fraxinus, Juniperus) and promoting
reflects landscape development in a formerly herbs and shrubs (Achillea, Cichorioideae,
marine valley where sediments seem to be Brassicaceae, Ephedra). Final forest disrup-
missing from parts of the Bronze Age and the tion occurred around 2600 cal b.p. (650 b.c.)
early Iron Age. Consequently the landscape with the onset of the historically documented
development during these times is only re- Greek colonization. We conclude that the
flected in glimpses in the vegetation record, open maquis and garrigue vegetation of today
which shows gradually more open woodland is primarily the consequence of intensive land-
and increasing human impact. During the late use over millennia. Under natural or near-
part of the Iron Age, Viking period and Mid- natural conditions arboreal taxa such as Q. ilex,
dle Ages, the woodland was diverse in taxa Olea and Pistacia would be far more impor-
but became increasingly open, finally reaching tant than they are today, even under the hot
a stage during which there may have been too and rather dry coastal conditions of southern
little wood even for daily use. At the same Sicily.
time the use of the land intensified. During the

叙利亚西南部大马士革地区晚更新世到全 Stallo settlement site. Stallo settlements con-
新世植被发展和人类进驻 = Vegetation de- sist of round hut foundations that have a
velopment and human occupation in the Da- hearth in the middle and are surrounded by a
mascus region of southwestern Syria from the low turf wall. They were probably established
Late Pleistocene to Holocene. (英文). Deckers by Sami people using the mountain areas for
Katleen; Riehl Simone; Jenkins Emma; Rosen hunting and/or reindeer herding. In order to
Arlene; Dodonov Andrey; Simakova Alek- separate the effects of humans and climate on
sandra N.; Conard Nicholas J.. Vegetation the vegetation, a reference area approach was
History and Archaeobotany, 2009, 18(4): 329- adopted, i.e. the vegetation development at the
Stallo settlement site Hiednikvalta was com-
340 8 图版.
pared with the vegetation development in a
Rockshelter Baaz in the Damascus region
forested reference area AvvuhatjAy-
of Syria provided a variety of botanical re-
enhkkAyen, at the same altitude as Hiednik-
mains from the Late Pleistocene and Early
valta but with no archaeological remains of
Holocene period. These remains provide new
settlements. Peat stratigraphies were retrieved
information about the vegetation evolution in
at the two sites and pollen analysis, loss-on-
this region. The earliest occupational levels
ignition (LOI), pollen accumulation rates
correspond with a moisture peak during the
(PAR), macrofossil analysis and Betula pollen
Late Pleistocene, between ca. 34-32 kyr b.p.,
size statistics were all examined. The results
when pine expanded. The next occupations
indicate that Hiednikvalta was forested with
took place during extreme arid conditions, ca.
Betula trees prior to the Stallo settlement pe-
23-21 kyr b.p., and probably during the Last
riod, which occurred between the eighth and
Glacial Maximum when a steppe vegetation
thirteenth centuries. Human activities resulted
was established. The occupation level of the
in a decrease in tree cover at the site, as found
Younger Dryas, represented by Natufian re-
in a previous study at Adamvalta, another
mains, suggests that the area had been covered
Stallo settlement site in the region. However,
by almond-pistachio steppe, similar to later
the magnitude of vegetation change, and the
periods of the Early Holocene, and was
post-Stallo vegetation development differed
probably located just outside the range of
between the two areas, suggesting that site-
dense wild cereal stands. There is no drastic
specific factors are important. The use of ref-
impact of the Younger Dryas visible on the
erence areas in palynological studies is also
vegetation in the botanical remains. The lack
of fruits and seeds at Baaz indicates that the
site was more likely to have been a temporary
hunting post rather than a plant processing site
for much of its history. It is ideally suited to
this purpose because of its location over the 落末次冰期和全新世气候变化:阿根廷湖
Jaba'deen Pass and the associated springs. 狭 长 海 湾 附 近 沼 泽 的 花 粉 记 录 = Late-
However, archaeological remains from the glacial and Holocene climate dynamics at the
Natufian period, suggest that the site was steppe/forest ecotone in southernmost Patago-
more permanently occupied during this time. nia, Argentina: the pollen record from a fen
near Brazo Sur, Lago Argentino. (英文). Wille
2011010564 M; Schabitz F. Vegetation History and Ar-
全新世晚期瑞典 Scandes 地区一个山区村 chaeobotany, 2009, 18(3): 225-234 5 图版.
落的植被发展:人类森林砍伐的古生态证 We present a pollen record from a fen at the
据 = Vegetation development at a mountain eastern shore of Brazo Sur south of Lago Ar-
settlement site in the Swedish Scandes during gentino, Argentina (core BRS 1/06, 50A de-
the late Holocene: palaeoecological evidence grees 34'54aEuro(3)S, 72A degrees
of human-induced deforestation. ( 英 文 ). 54'52aEuro(3)W, 198 m a.s.l.). The coring site
Karlsson H; Shevtsova A; Hornberg G. Vege- is located in the transition zone from humid
tation History and Archaeobotany, 2009, grass steppe to Andean Nothofagus forest.
With the exception of a mid-Holocene sand
18(4): 297-314 8 图版.
layer, the record covers the interval between
A palaeoecological study was conducted
13,350 and 1,700 cal b.p., indicating that there
close to the forest limit in the northern Scan-
could have been no recurrence of Late-glacial
dinavian mountain range. The aim was to elu-
conditions in Brazo Sur, as has been suggested
cidate the degree to which human impact has
in the literature as having been contemporary
affected the vegetation at Hiednikvalta, a
with the Younger Dryas interval in the north-

ern hemisphere. The Late-glacial and early Sciences. (英文). Vangengeim E A. Stratigra-
Holocene periods at Brazo Sur are character- phy and Geological Correlation, 2010, 18(6):
ized by fluctuations between humid grass- 674-684
dominated steppe associations and drier ones The Pliocene and Quaternary stratigraphic
dominated by Asteraceae and Ericaceae. At schemes of Russia elaborated during the last
the start of the Holocene, the pollen influx 60 years by the scientists of the Department of
increased. Nothofagus dominance began by Quaternary Geology (presently the Laboratory
7,700 cal b.p. probably due to increasing of the Quaternary Stratigraphy) of the Geo-
moisture. Present-day closed Nothofagus for- logical Institute, RAS, are analyzed. Principles
est developed around 2,500 cal b.p., related to of compilation of the schemes, taxonomic
a further increase in moisture. rank of subdivisions, and the problem of the
lower boundary of the Quaternary, are dis-
2011010566 cussed. All the schemes are based on mammal
关于北海盆地南部鲁佩尔阶和夏特阶层型 paleontology of East European continental
的年代地层位置和状况 = On the nature and sediments and on correlation with the West
chronostratigraphic position of the Rupelian European faunas.
and Chattian stratotypes in the southern North
Sea basin. (英文). De Man E; Van Simaeys S; 2011010568
Vandenberghe N; Harris W B; Wampler J M. 俄罗斯鄂霍次克海海洋研究所隆起南部上
Episodes, 2010, 33(1): 3-14 第四系沉积的生物地层 = Biostratigraphy of
The nature and chronostratigraphic position Upper Quaternary sediments in the southern
of the Rupelian-Chattian boundary (Early- part of the Oceanology Institute Rise, Sea of
Late Oligocene) unconformity in its historical Okhotsk. (英文). Pletnev S P; Cherepanova M
type region (Belgium) is examined using bio- V; Ivanova E D; Utkin I V; Kuz’min Ya V;
stratigraphy, strontium isotope dating of ben- Burr G S. Stratigraphy and Geological Corre-
thic foraminifera and K-Ar dating of glauco- lation, 2010, 18(4): 450-463
nites. The diversified analysis (data on radiocar-
The duration of this unconformity is de- bon ages, diatoms, planktonic and benthic fo-
rived from the absence of the globally syn- raminifers) of sediments from the central part
chronous Svalbardella dinocyst event associ- of the Sea of Okhotsk (core from a depth of
ated with the important mid-Oligocene Oi2b 1186 m) made it possible to define five sedi-
cooling that occurred in the middle and upper mentary units corresponding to five marine
part of chron C9n. This hiatus represents a gap oxygen-isotope stages MIS 5-MIS 1 (the last
in the rock record of about 500,000 years. 120 ka) and provide their thorough paleon-
Two Sr-87/Sr-86 dates from the upper Rupe- tological characteristic, using different micro-
lian Boom Formation and two from the lower fossil groups. Microfossil assemblages dem-
part of the Chattian Voort Formation suggest onstrate variations in their abundance, distri-
that the boundary lies between 28.6 Ma and bution of individual species, and representa-
27.2 Ma. Although there is some inconsis- tives of different ecological groups through
tency in the K-Ar glauconite dates, those con- the section.
sidered correct from the upper part of the
Boom Formation and from lower part of the 2011010569
Voort Formation suggest that the boundary 塞浦路斯北部岩体沉积盖层的浮游有孔虫
lies between 29.2 Ma and 27.0 Ma. Sr and K- 生物地层:对 Aquitanian-Langhian 生物
Ar dating indicate the top of the Rupelian not
带 的 评 述 = Planktonic foraminiferal bio-
to be older than 29 Ma and the basal Chattian
stratigraphy from the sedimentary cover of
not younger than about 27 Ma. The recently
Troodos Massif, Northern Cyprus: Remarks
proposed GSSP in the Apennines with an es-
timated date of 28.2 +/- 0.2 Ma therefore hon- on Aquitanian-Langhian biozonation. (英文).
ours the position of the historically defined Hakyemez A; Toker V. Stratigraphy, 2010,
Rupelian-Chattian boundary. 7(1): 33-59
A rich planktonic foraminiferal assemblage
2011010567 including two new species, Globorotalia sinu-
对俄罗斯科学院地质研究所编制的第四纪 ososuturalis n. sp. and Paragloborotalia le-
fkaraensis n. sp., have been recorded in the
地层表的演绎评述 = Evolution of views on
uppermost part of the sedimentary cover of
Quaternary stratigraphic scales worked out in Troodos Massif, exposed in Northern Cyprus.
the Geological Institute, Russian Academy of

The continuity of chalk and marl deposits stratified gravelly diamicton are exposed.
throughout the Aquitanian-Langhian time in- Large folds and shear-planes indicate post-
terval, with an abundant and well diversified depositional deformation of the sorted sedi-
assemblage, has provided to establish a de- ments, which according to OSL dating have a
tailed biostratigraphic framework which can maximum Middle Weichselian (60ka) age.
be generally comparable with the recent stan- The sand and gravel are interpreted as gla-
dard and regional zonations. The mabioevents ciofluvial sediments that were deposited later-
defining the zonal boundaries are the LOs of ally during a Middle Weichselian deglaciation,
Paragloborotalia kugleri and Catapsydrax or possibly subglacially during the Late
dissimilis, the FOs of Globigerinoides Weichselian. The large-scale deformation was
bisphericus, Praeorbulina sicana, Praeorbu- due to glaciotectonics, caused by an overrid-
lina glomerosa curva. Praeorbulina ing wet-based ice sheet during the last degla-
glomerosa glomerosa and Orbulina summits. ciation. The subglacial hydrostatical pressure
Quantitative planktonic foraminiferal analyses was high and led to the formation of down-
performed on two studied sections have al- ward-injected clastic dykes. A basal till, which
lowed to determine several secondary bio- forms the cover moraine in the area, caps the
events for the latest Aquitanian-early Burdiga- succession. The fairly frequent occurrence of
lian time interval. They are in stratigraphical sub-till sediments on the South Swedish Up-
order, the FOs of Globigerinoides altiapertu- land demonstrates the limited effect of glacial
rus and Globigerinoides trilobus, the LO of erosion in parts of this area. During the Last
Globigerinoides primordius, the FOs of Glacial Maximum, the South Swedish Upland
Paragloborotalia acrostoma and Globigeri- was an 'island' of slow-moving, polythermal
noides subquadratus, the LO of Globo- and at least partly non-erosive ice, surrounded
quadrina praedehiscens and finally the FO of by faster ice-streams in the Baltic and in the
Globigerinella praesiphonifera. On the basis Skagerrak. The ice sheet may have left its
of the biostratigraphic and quantitative data, it main impact on the landscape during short
has been concluded that the FO of Globigeri- periods during advance and deglaciation only.
noides subquadratus, within the Globigeri-
noides altiaperturus/Catapsydrax dissimilis 2011010572
Zone spanning a long interval in the Mediter- 瑞典中东部耶斯特里克兰地区中全新世
ranean region, may be a correlative bioevent. Litorina 海海岸的迁移和花粉分析指示的
森林演替 = Litorina Sea shore displacement
2011010570 and pollen analytical indications of forest suc-
Zeya-Bureya 盆地(阿穆尔河地区)的古 cession during the Mid-Holocene in Gastrik-
近 纪 成 煤 植 物 = Paleogene coal-forming land, east central Sweden. (英文). Berglund M.
plants of the Zeya-Bureya Basin (Amur River GFF, 2010, 132(3-4): 213-226
Region). (英文). Markevich V S; Bugdaeva E This paper deals with the mid-Holocene
V; Nichols D J; Sun Ge. Paleontological shore level history and vegetation develop-
Journal, 2010, 44(10): 1321-1331 7 图版. ment in Gastrikland, east-central Sweden. This
Coal-forming plants from the Early Paleo- is investigated using sediment and microfossil
gene coal mines of the Zeya-Bureya Basin records and 14C datings. The time span cov-
(Amur River Region) were studied. Dispersed ered is c. 8000-5000 cal yr BP. Vegetation
cuticles of taxodialeans were obtained from history during this time includes an increase in
coals for the first time in this region. Since the Tilia pollen 6500-6300 cal yr BP and a de-
Danian, taxodialeans became dominant ele- crease in Ulmus and Corylus c. 5500 cal yr BP.
ments in peat-forming environments and pro- The former change coincides with a sharp
vided abundant plant material that transformed drop in relative sea level (RSL) of some 5 m;
into coal. this RSL drop can be correlated to the regres-
sion from the L3 transgression of the Litorina
2011010571 Sea, identified in other areas around the Baltic
瑞典高地南部 Hultsfred 冰碛下冰水沉积 = Sea. The possible connections between RSL
Sub-till glaciofluvial sediments at Hultsfred, and climate (in particular changes on a mari-
South Swedish Upland. (英文). Alexanderson time-continental continuum), as indicated by
H. GFF, 2010, 132(3-4): 153-159 new pollen data and other records, are investi-
In a gravel pit near Hultsfred, at the eastern gated. The new material shows, in comparison
margin of the South Swedish Upland, gravelly, to other pollen records from southern and cen-
sandy and silty-sandy beds covered by a thick, tral Scandinavia, unusually high percentages

of Tilia, Ulmus and Corylus pollen, but less geological setting of the studied area are
Quercus. The change in pollen spectra around briefly reported here, and at least three units
5500 cal yr BP can be correlated to the north- have been identified in successive strati-
ern European oelm declineo. A regional cool- graphical sequences according to their fossil
ing is recorded in widespread data for this content. The first preliminary list of vertebrate
time, but observations suggest that other fac- associations is reported and consists mainly of
tors must be considered here, including dis- isolated teeth belonging to selachian and bony
ease and change in the physical landscape due fishes, a proboscidean tooth currently assigned
to the ongoing land uplift. to ?Numidotherium sp. and many remains of
archaeocete whales (Basilosauridae). At least
2011010573 48 species of selachians are presently identi-
阿摩力克地块早期陆地植物:关于年龄和 fied; many of them are new and others are
环境的沉积学和孢粉学思考 = The early recorded in the late Middle Eocene (Bartonian)
land plants from the Armorican Massif: sedi- and Late Eocene (Priabonian) of Wadi Al-
mentological and palynological considerations Hitan (Egypt) or Wadi Esh-Shallala Formation
on age and environment. ( 英 文 ). Strullu- (Jordan) as in other African localities (e. g.
Derrien C; Ducassou C; Ballevre M; Dabard Otodus cf. sokolowi, 'Cretolamna' twiggsensis,
M P; Gerrienne P; Lardeux H; Le Herisse A; Xiphodolamia serrata, Misrichthys stromeri,
Robin C; Steemans P; Strullu DG. Geological Hemipristis curvatus, Galeocerdo cf. eagle-
Magazine, 2010, 147(6): 830-843 somi, Propristis schweinfurthi), probably indi-
The Chateaupanne Unit belongs to the cating a Late Eocene age for unit 2 of the bed-
South Armorican domain of the Armorican rock successions. The evolutionary trend no-
Massif (France), which is part of the Variscan ticeable on the proboscidean tooth is in
belt. This unit includes two Lower Devonian agreement with such an assumption, by com-
plant levels and one of them corresponds to parison with the close relative species known
the Basal Member of the Chalonnes Forma- from the Eocene of Egypt, Libya and Algeria.
tion. A sedimentological and palaeontological Indeed, the faunal associations from the Dak-
analysis of these fossiliferous deposits from hla area clearly demonstrate the erroneous age
the Chateaupanne quarry (Montjean/Loire, of these deposits, previously thought to be
Maine et Loire, France) is presented here for Mio-Pliocene. It suggests a correlation in age
the first time. The age determination based on (late Middle Eocene-Late Eocene) and a simi-
palynology indicates that the locality records lar environment with the famous marine de-
the earliest occurrence of plant megafossils in posits from Egypt and Jordan. It opens new
the Armorican Massif. Their presence sug- opportunities to understand the biogeography
gests an emergence event that has never been and the surprising similarity of landscape be-
described before. Our study highlights the tween West and Northeast Africa during the
promising potential of the Basal Member of Bartonian-Priabonian period.
the Chalonnes Formation to aid in understand-
ing these occurrences, and provides new in- 2011010575
sights into the history of the Variscan belt. 马略卡岛(巴利阿里群岛,地中海西部)
上新世早期 Myotragus Bate, 1909(偶蹄
2011010574 类,羊亚科)一新种 = A new species of
摩洛哥西南部中-晚始新世脊椎动物群(海 Myotragus Bate, 1909 (Artiodactyla, Caprinae)
洋鱼类和哺乳动物):初步报道:年龄和 from the Early Pliocene of Mallorca (Balearic
古生物地理意义 = A Middle-Late Eocene Islands, western Mediterranean). ( 英 文 ).
vertebrate fauna (marine fish and mammals) Bover P; Quintana J; Alcover J A. Geological
from southwestern Morocco; preliminary re- Magazine, 2010, 147(6): 871-885
port: age and palaeobiogeographical implica- Myotragus palomboi n.sp. (Artiodactyla,
tions. (英文). Adnet S; Cappetta H; Tabuce R. Caprinae) is described from the Early Pliocene
Geological Magazine, 2010, 147(6): 860-870 of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, western Medi-
Recent field work in the southern Moroccan terranean). This species is the earliest repre-
Sahara ('Western Sahara'), south of the city of sentative of the Myotragus lineage known to
ad-Dakhla, has led to the discovery of several date in the Balearic Islands. A metatarsal, and
new fossiliferous sites with fossil vertebrates several teeth and postcranial remains were
in sedimentary deposits previously reported found in a karstic deposit located on the east
for the Mio-Pliocene. The sedimentology and coast of the island, near Calo den Rafelino
(Manacor), together with remains of Hypo-

lagus, two rodent species, an insectivore and 土耳其厄斯帕尔塔 İncesu 地区西 Taurides
several reptiles. The metatarsal and phalanges 北部早-“中”渐新世地层和古环境 = Strati-
of the new bovid are short and robust and dis- graphy and palaeoenvironment of the Lower-
play a combination of characters only ob- “middle” Oligocene units in the northern part
served in Myotragus. The presence of a larger of the Western Taurides (İncesu area, Isparta,
p2, a metatarsal robustness index lower than Turkey). ( 英 文 ). Akkiraz S M; Akgün F;
in M. pepgonellae (the earliest known species Örçen S. Journal of Asian Earth Sci-
to date), together with the morphology of the ences, 2011, 40(2): 452-474
incisors, all suggest that M. palomboi should This study describes the stratigraphic and
be considered as the ancestor of M. pepgonel- palaeoenvironmental significance of the
lae. Short metapodials and the reduction of p2 Lower-“middle” Oligocene sediments based
displayed by M. palomboi could be linked to a on the fauna from the Delikarkası Formation
first stage of evolution in insular conditions. and the microflora from the İncesu Formation
The arrival of this bovid to the island of Mal- of the İncesu area (northern part of the west-
lorca probably took place during the Mediter- ern Taurides, Isparta province, Turkey). In the
ranean Messinian Salinity Crisis (LateMio- area, the Oligocene sediments show a regres-
cene, 5.6 5.32 Ma ago). Although the relation- sive succession, which begins with the lime-
ship of the new taxon to other fossil caprines stones of the Delikarkası Formation indicating
cannot be definitively established, it could be marine conditions followed by conglomerates,
phylogenetically close to the Late Miocene sandstones and coaly mudstones of alluvial
European species Aragoral mudejar and Nor- and fluvial (shallow marine-continental) ori-
bertia hellenica. gin. A well preserved foraminiferal assem-
blage including Nummulites intermedius,
2011010576 Nummulites vascus and Halkyardia maxima
古新世-始新世之交全球快速变暖对新热带 proves an Early Oligocene age for the De-
区 植 被 的 影 响 = Effects of Rapid Global likarkası Formation. Due to palynological
Warming at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary markers such as Boehlensipollis hohli,
on Neotropical Vegetation. (英文). Jaramillo Slowakipollis hippophaëoides, Dicolpopollis
C; Ochoa D; Contreras L; Pagani M; Carvajal- kockelii, Magnolipollis neogenicus ssp. minor,
Ortiz H; Pratt L M; Krishnan S; Cardona A ; Plicapollis pseudoexcelsus, Caryapollenites
Romero M; Quiroz L; Rodriguez G; Rueda M simplex and Intratriporopollenites instructus
J; de la Parra F; Moron S; Green W; Bayona the İncesu Formation, which concordantly
G; Montes C ; Quintero O; Ramirez R; Mora rests on the Delikarkası Formation, may be
G; Schouten S; Bermudez H; Nava. Sci- assigned to the Early-“middle” Oligocene.
ence, 2010, 330(6006): 957-961 From the palynomorph assemblage, three
Temperatures in tropical regions are esti- zones have been recognised according to
mated to have increased by 3 degrees to 5 de- abundance of species. Zone 1 is characterized
grees C, compared with Late Paleocene values, by predominance of C. simplex and Momipites
during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maxi- punctatus and rarely presence of tricolpate and
mum (PETM, 56.3 million years ago) event. tricolporate pollen. Zone 2 consists mainly of
We investigated the tropical forest response to Inaperturopollenites dubius, Leiotriletes
this rapid warming by evaluating the paly- maxoides ssp. maximus, Verrucatosporites
nological record of three stratigraphic sections favus, Verrucatosporites alienus and infre-
in eastern Colombia and western Venezuela. quently marine dinoflagellate cysts. Zone 3 is
We observed a rapid and distinct increase in characterized by a high percentage of ferns
plant diversity and origination rates, with a set such as Echinatisporis?chattensis and Polypo-
of new taxa, mostly angiosperms, added to the diaceoisporites saxonicus. The presence of
existing stock of low-diversity Paleocene flora. marine dinoflagellate cysts like Apectodinium
There is no evidence for enhanced aridity in sp. and Cleistosphaeridium sp., back-
the northern Neotropics. The tropical rainfor- mangrove elements such as Acrostichum
est was able to persist under elevated tempera- aureum and lepidocaryoid palms (e.g. Lon-
tures and high levels of atmospheric carbon gapertites discordis, Longapertites punctatus
dioxide, in contrast to speculations that tropi- and Longapertites psilatus) in the sediments
cal ecosystems were severely compromised by of the İncesu Formation imply coastal or near-
heat stress. coastal conditions. Terrestrial palynomorphs
in more inland settings were transported by
2011010577 running water towards the sea. Conifers are

represented by poorly preserved and rare pol- pendent meta-population surviving over the
len grains of Pityosporites, Cathayapollis and entire Holocene, rather than a component of
Piceapollis which may have been transported metapopulations stretching from other parts of
by wind. In this study, the terrestrial climate Europe where the species is more common. In
of the İncesu Formation is also discussed on the Czech Republic Cladium mariscus has so
the basis of the Coexistence Approach method. far been found at 11 modern localities and at 5
The climate was warm at the coast (over fossil sites as macrofossils. Its recent localities
20 °C), as evidenced by A. aureum and lepi- are restricted to the last remnants of fen mires
docaryoid palms, whereas there was a mean in the middle course of the Labe (Elbe) River,
annual temperature of 17.2–17.4 °C must be whereas the fossil sites occupy a much
assumed for the upland environment(s). broader area. Also habitats for the species
were more diverse during the past. The eco-
2011010578 logical strategies of C. mariscus are rather
利用孢粉学分析研究 Tomisław(波兰下西 similar in the short-term perspective, as well
里西亚森林)附近的当地全新世历史 = The as on a millennial scale. The species is a
local Holocene history near Tomisław (Lower strong competitor forming in optimal condi-
Silesian Forests, Poland) in the light of pollen tions compact and uniform stands. Its clonal
analysis. (英文). MALKIEWICZ M; MAJ J. populations easily overcome the effect of
weak or short-term disturbances such as mow-
Acta Palaeobotanica, 2010, 50(1): 55-63 1 图
ing or burning. Although the occurrence of C.
版. mariscus is centred on fens and fen swamps,
A sedimentary core obtained from a mire ca. the plant is not strictly calciphilous; rather it
2 km north-west of the village of Tomisław, requires dissolved salts suppressing the acces-
about 10 km west of the town Bolesławiec sibility of other nutrients. The spread of the
(Silesian Forests) in western Poland, was in- species is considerably limited by its ineffi-
vestigated by pollen analysis. The core is 1.90 cient dispersal of fruits and low survival ratio
m long and preserves Holocene sediments that of seedlings. The clear ability of C. mariscus
range from the older part of the Boreal period to persist in existing localities is in sharp con-
to the older part of the Subboreal period. Ab- trast with its difficulties in colonizing new
sence of the younger part of the Subboreal and habitats. Moreover, parental populations are
the entire Subatlantic periods seems to suggest rare and poor at present in the Czech Republic
the gradual disappearance of mires in this re- – for this reason the species cannot still keep
gion, corresponding with the previous fi up with the changing patterns of appear-
ndings of peat researchers. Peat disappearance ance/disappearance of vacant sites suitable for
probably resulted from drainage of the area colonization and growth of the species.
and its subsequent use for agriculture or for-
estry. 2011010580
波兰南部(西喀尔巴阡山脉)Huba 地区含
孢粉的中更新世沉积 = Pollen-bearing Mid-
捷克共和国 Cladium mariscus (L.) Pohl 的
dle Pleistocene deposits at Huba, southern
全新世发展史.种群变化和古生态意义 =
Poland (West Carpathians). (英文). Birkenma-
Holocene history of Cladium mariscus (L.)
jer K; Hrynowiecka-Czmielewska A; Stuchlik
Pohl in the Czech Republic. Implications for
L. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2010, 50(2): 89-99 4
species population dynamics and palaeoecol-
ogy. (英文). Pokorný P; Sádlo J; Bernardová
Pollen-bearing lacustrine sediments devel-
A. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2010, 50(1): 65-76 3
oped as plastic clays, and silty to sandy clays
图版. with sand intercalations, over 5.75 m thick
The occurrence of Cladium mariscus (L.) (bottom not exposed) occur in the lower part
Pohl (Cyperaceae), a rare species in the Czech of the Middle Pleistocene section at Huba, the
Republic, is often considered a relict of earlier Orawa-Nowy Targ Intramontane Basin, West
phases of the Holocene. Hitherto its relict Carpathians (southern Poland). Their pollen
status had only been assumed, based on diagram indicates middle to late climatic
analogies from other European countries. We phases of the Mazovian (Holsteinian, Min-
confirm this assumption to a high degree, del/Riss) Interglacial. The lacustrine sedi-
based on palaeobotanical finds. We argue that ments are overlain by a fl uvioglacial/fl uvial
local occurrences of C. mariscus in the Czech gravel cover (5–8 m thick) which is correlated
Republic can be considered as part of an inde- with the Riss Glaciation of the Tatra Moun-

tains and, probably, with the beginning of the 根据波兰 Woźniki-Wieluń 山地全新世森林
Riss/Wurm Interglacial. The pollenbearing 史研究 Jezioro 湖的植被变化 = Vegetation
sediments at Huba are the fi rst and the only changes in the Jezioro Lake on the back-
site of the Mindel/Riss Interglacial fossilifer- ground of the Holocene history of forests,
ous deposits discovered so far in the West Woźniki-Wieluń Upland, Poland.. ( 英 文 ).
Carpathians. They were slightly tectonically Nita M; Szymczyk A. Acta Pa-
tilted during Late Pleistocene.
laeobotanica, 2010, 50(2): 119–132 4 图版.
The results of pollen and macrofossil analy-
sis of organic deposits from the Jezioro Lake
下圣山谷 Grodzisko Nowe 地区(波兰东南
site are described here. It is one of a few sites
部桑多梅日盆地)附近的末次冰期和全新 in the Silesian-Cracovian Upland where al-
世植被和人类影响的发展 = The develop- most complete transformation of vegetation at
ment of Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation the end of Vistulian (Younger Dryas) and
and human impact near Grodzisko Nowe in Holocene were recorded (i.e. from the Prebo-
the Lower San Valley (Sandomierz Basin, real to the Subboreal). Six local pollen assem-
south-eastern Poland). ( 英 文 ). Kołaczek P. blage zones record vegetation transformations
Acta Palaeobotanica, 2010, 50(2): 101–117 6 from the open assemblages of Younger Dryas
图版. herbaceous, through older Holocene birch-
Vegetation changes in the Lower San Val- pine, to multispecies deciduous forest vegeta-
ley close to the Wisłok and San river conflu- tion of the Atlantic and Subboreal chrono-
ence has been reconstructed from at least 12 zones. It is also the only natural water body
700 cal. yr BP to the present on the basis of a (apart from ox-bow lakes) in the Woźniki-
palynological analysis of the Grodzisko Nowe Wieluń Upland that is protected by law as an
profile supplemented with radiocarbon dating. ecological site. The analysis of plant macro-
During the Younger Dryas chronozone vege- fossils (7 local macrofossil assemblage zones)
tation was characterized by high tree cover, made it possible to study the development of
which significantly exceeded the area of forest aquatic and rush vegetation and trophic trans-
nowadays. Radiocarbon datings (AMS tech- formations. The oligotrophic character of the
nique) confirmed the palynologically estab- lake at the beginning of the Preboreal is de-
lished Late Glacial/Holocene boundary, which noted by numerous micro- and megaspores of
is demonstrated by a decrease in Artemisia, Isoëtes lacustris.
Larix, and Juniperus curves with a decline in
NAP. A rapid expansion of Pinus probably 2011010583
related to edaphic conditions caused the dis- Orawa-Nowy Targ 盆地(波兰东南部)过
appearance of Betula from most habitats at the 去两千年的植被发展和人类活动 = The last
beginning of the Preboreal chronozone (before two millennia of vegetation development and
11 387–11 126 cal. yr BP). However, the latter human activity in the Orawa-Nowy Targ Ba-
taxon dominates in the Holocene part of the sin (south-eastern Poland). (英文). Kołaczek P;
profile. In the pollen assemblages the probable Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B; Karpińska-Kołaczek M;
influence of the Mesolithic groups Gałka M. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2010, 50(2):
(Janisławicka Culture) and the Tarnobrzeska 133–148 5 图版.
Group of the Lusitanian Culture on the local The aim of this paper was to reconstruct
vegetation has been recorded by visible rises environmental changes during the last 2 kyr in
in NAP. Sediments which represent the activ- the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin based on paly-
ity period of the Przeworska Culture, underlie nological anlaysis and the radiocarbon dating
modern sediments which makes interpretation of two peat bog profi les from Puścizna Mała
difficult. The pollen profile from Grodzisko and Puścizna Krauszowska. So far, pollen pro-
Nowe, like most of the profiles from the San- files from this area have failed to include any
domierz Basin, presents discontinuous sedi- radiocarbon dates from this period. The first
ment sequences, which is reflected in a lack of human activity was recorded between the 1st
records from the late Boreal/early Atlantic and the 6th centuries AD when the sporadic
chronozone up to the late Subboreal/early presence of Cerealia pollen may point to agri-
Subatlantic chronozones, and the older part of cultural activity by the Przeworsk Culture
the Subatlantic chronozone. tribes. The reversal of the chronological order
of layers between the 7th and the 17th century
2011010582 in Puścizna Krauszowska is also the result of

human activity on the peat bog dome. This has results were used for reconstruction of
led to the exclusion of this part from consid- changes in local vegetation during the sedi-
eration. Busier economic activity in the 9th– mentation of deposits under study. The fol-
11th centuries in Puścizna Mała is apparent lowing types of fossil plant communities were
from more frequent occurrences of Cerealia distinguished: swamp forest, bush swamp,
type and Secale cereale pollen, as well as riparian forest, mixed mesophytic forest, and
from the rise in the proportions of open reed marshes. The clear and constant pre-
ground herbs. However, historical sources do dominance of swamp forest pollen taxa in the
not confirm constant settlement in this area at total sum implies a dominant role of this type
that time. The beginning of medieval coloni- of communities in formation of the lignite
zation caused strong deforestation in the deposits. The presented pollen diagrams show
Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, when mainly beech- their strong similarity to elaborated earlier
fir forests and on a smaller scale spruce were diagrams from the Polish Lowland, but in the
destroyed. The domes of reclaimed peat bogs Mużaków series marine in-gression’s influ-
were colonized by Calluna vulgaris and Pinus ence and presence of reed marshes (consid-
sylvestris. An increase in the percentage of ered to be an early stage of succession on the
coprophilous fungi in the profiles indicates Miocene peat-bogs) were confirmed.
development of pastures. Between medieval
and present times the sharp rise in the fre- 2011010585
quency of charred particles may be explained 波兰下西里西亚省莱格尼察市附近新近纪
by peat bog fires and/or the foundation of fac- 褐煤沉积中的分散角质层 = Dispersed cuti-
tories in the 20th century. cles from the Neogene Ruja lignite deposit
near Legnica, Lower Silesia, Poland. (英文).
2011010584 Worobiec G; Kasinski J. Acta Pa-
波兰下西里西亚省莱格尼察市褐煤沉积复 laeobotanica, 2009, 49(1): 135-191
合体的中中新世孢粉植物群 = Middle Mio- Dispersed cuticles from two boreholes,
cene palynoflora of the Legnica lignite deposit Komorniki 97/72 and 97/73, drilled in Ruja
complex, Lower Silesia, Poland. ( 英 文 ). lignite deposit near Legnica, Lower Silesia,
Worobiec E. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2009, Poland were investigated. Altogether 19 taxa
49(1): 5-133 26 图版. from 13 genera were identified, belonging to
Palynological analysis of three profiles of 11 families of pteridophyta, gymnosperms and
the Miocene deposits from Legnica site (east angiosperms. Two new taxa were described
field, 33/56 and 41/52 profiles) and Ruja site (Salix semihausruckensis sp. nov. and Dicoty-
(fragment of the Komorniki 97/72 profile) has lophyllum rujense sp. nov.). As with the leaf
been presented. The samples consisted of ma- macroremains from the same samples, all dis-
terial from the 2nd Lusatian lignite seam, the persed cuticle assemblages are characterized
Mużaków series, the 1st Henryk lignite seam by dominance of floristic elements of the wet-
and grey clays of the Poznań series. The age land vegetation. The floristic composition
of the flora was defined as Badenian (?Late confirms their Middle Miocene (Badenian)
Karpatian – Late Badenian). During the stud- age, and the existence of warm temperate cli-
ies a total of 201 taxa from 96 genera (includ- mate conditions with mild winters.
ing 195 taxa from 92 genera of pollen and
spores) were identified. The systematic part of 2011010586
this work gives descriptions of selected 印度阿萨姆邦北 achar 山 Kopili 组(晚始
sporomorphs and phytoplankton microfossils. 新世)的孢粉调查 = Palynological investi-
Some informations about botanical affinity, gation of the Kopili Formation (Late Eocene)
occurrence in fossil floras and in the studied in North Cachar Hills, Assam, India. (英文).
material, as well as about allied recent plants Saxena R K; TrivedI G K. Acta Pa-
are given in remarks. The results are presented laeobotanica, 2009, 49(2): 253-277 6 图版.
in three pollen diagrams. The taxa have been A rich and diverse palynoassemblage has
classi-fied to an appropriate palaeofloristical been recorded from the Kopili Formation
element mainly on the basis of the checklist of (Late Eocene) exposed in North Cachar Hills,
selected pollen and spores taxa from the Neo- Assam, India. The assemblage contains dinofl
gene deposits. The dominance of warm- agellate cysts (1 genus and 1 species), fungal
temperate (A1) element and frequency of pa- remains (9 genera and 9 species), bryophytic
laeotropical taxa in various parts of the pro- spores (1 genus and 1 species), pteridophytic
files point to a warm-temperate climate. The

spores (16 genera and 44 species), gymno- development from the Plenivistulian ca. 16
spermous pollen (4 genera and 5 species), an- 600 cal. BP, when the sediment deposition
giospermous pollen (19 genera and 23 species) process began, until the younger Holocene ca.
and reworked palynomorphs (7 genera and 7 3800 cal. BP. Special attention is paid to Late
species). Of these, one species and 22 combi- Glacial palynostratigraphy which is poorly
nations are proposed as new. These are: Bacu- known so far. Detailed radiocarbon chronol-
latisporites cephalus (Saxena) comb. nov., B. ogy has made it possible to determine the age
microgranifer (Sah & Jain) comb. nov., of particular phenomena, which is especially
Hammenisporis aidaensis (Kar) comb. nov., H. important in the context of sedimentological
assamensis sp. nov., H. microverrucosus (Kar gaps present in the Late Glacial section. The
& Saxena) comb. nov., H. multicostatus (Kar studied profi le is the longest pollen record of
& Saxena) comb. nov., H. paucicostatus (Kar) post-glacial evolution of vegetation in north-
comb. nov., H. susannae (van der Hammen) east Poland. Pollen analysis, for example, re-
comb. nov., Laevigatosporites chatterjii (Kar) vealed the local presence of Larix since the
comb. nov., L. indicus (Singh et al.) comb. Plenivistulian; the early dominance of Hippo-
nov., L. intrapunctatus (Kar & Jain) comb. phaë rhamnoides ca. 14 400–14 200 cal. BP;
nov., L. levis (Sah) comb. nov., L. punctatus the early immigration of tree birches (confi
(Singh et al.) comb. nov., L. strictus (Kar & rmed by macrofossil remains) and the estab-
Saxena) comb. nov., Polypodiisporonites for- lishment of woodland at ca. 14 200–14 150 cal.
mosus (Salujha et al.) comb. nov., P. minor BP; the rapid opening up of the landscape and
(Sah) comb. nov., P. ornatus (Sah) comb. nov., intensive development of juniper at ca. 12
P. speciosus (Sah) comb. nov., P. splendidus 600–12 000 cal. BP and the late migration of
(Salujha et al.) comb. nov., P. tuberculensis spruce ca. 3900 cal. BP. Palaeoalgological
(Baksi) comb. nov., and P. turbinatus (Sah) studies showed a close correlation among cli-
comb. nov., Monocolpopollenites kutchensis mate, sediment type and fossil green algae
(Venkatachala & Kar) comb. nov., and M. taxonomic composition.
nadhamunii (Venkatachala & Kar) comb. nov.
The palynofl ora indicates a tropical- 2011010588
subtropical, warm-humid climate with heavy 用加速质谱仪对 Miłkowskie 湖晚冰期沉积
precipitation during the sedimentation of the 物作碳同位素测年 = Radiocarbon dating of
Kopili Formation. The environment of deposi- Late Glacial sediments of Lake Miłkowskie
tion has been interpreted as coastal with fresh by accelerator mass spectrometry. ( 英 文 ).
water swamps and ponds nearby. The source Czernik J. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2009, 49(2):
area of the reworked Permian palynomorphs
337-352 11 图版.
may be Lower Gondwana exposures at Sin-
This paper presents results of 14C dating of
grimari, Garo Hills, Meghalaya. The present
Late Glacial sediments from Lake Miłkowskie,
assemblage is identical to the Kopili assem-
NE Poland. This sediments reveal annual
blage recorded from the neighbouring Jaintia
lamination, biogenic in the upper part and
Hills, Meghalaya and is Late Eocene in age.
minerogenic at the bottom, however, the lami-
nation is not continuous over the profi le.
Along the Late Glacial part of sediments 6
波 兰 东 北 部 Miłkowskie 湖 地 区
individual laminated sequences were distin-
Plenivistulian 期-晚全新世的植被发展 = guished. The youngest analysed laminated
Vegetation development in the Lake sequence corresponds to Allerod/Younger
Miłkowskie area, north-eastern Poland, from Dryas and 14C dates of this part of sediments
the Plenivistulian to the late Holocene. (英文). fi t 14C calibration curve quite well. In the
Wacnik A. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2009, 49(2): deeper part, at a transition from biogenic to
287-335 11 图版. minerogenic lamination a period of birch tree
Pollen and fossil green algae studies of bot- development is documented on pollen diagram.
tom sediments from Lake Miłkowskie provide By calibration of 14C dates from this transi-
new data about the post-glacial history of ter- tion, the development of birch has been dated
restrial and lacustrine vegetation in the Great to 12 500±60 14C BP against INTCAL04. In
Mazurian Lake District region. The studied the lowermost sediments (with clastic lamina-
basin is a small gully lake fi lled up with tion) plant macroremains from different envi-
sediments almost 25 m thick, which were ronments (terrestrial, aquatic and intermediate)
partly annually laminated. This paper de- were found. 14C dates of all these macrore-
scribes the events and stages of plant cover mains are similar to each other, claiming for

their reliability, and confi rming that this well developed record of environmental
fragment of sediments covered quite short changes during the Eemian interglacial. From
period of time. Altogether 14C dating at the the data obtained it occurs that this record reg-
Late Glacial part of Lake Miłkowskie sedi- isters two intra-Eemian fluctuations of the
ments indicated that pollen diagram drawn in climate. The first of them fell to the middle
relationship to age has quite different propor- part of the hornbeam zone (ENP5 Carpinus R
tions from that present at a depth scale. This PAZ) being probably manifested only by a
show that pollen analysis of Late Glacial significant decrease in precipitation with no
sediments, made without careful study of their fluctuations in temperature level. Hiatus, that
chronology, may give a wrong picture of the in the numerous profiles from northern Pod-
vegetation dynamics. lasie contains a younger part of the hornbeam
phase of the Eemian interglacial and the entire
2011010589 spruce phase (ENP6 Picea-Pinus-(Abies) R
波 兰 Podlasie 省 北 部 Eemian 间 冰 期 和 PAZ), is probably the effect of that climate
Vistulian 冰 期 早 期 湖 区 的 植 被 和 气 候 = change. Additionally, as a result of that
Vegetation and climate of the Eemian and change water level in lakes and bogs de-
Early Vistulian lakeland in northern Podlasie. creased. It was then followed by a temporal
( 英 文 ). Mirosława K. Acta Pa- stopping of sediment accumulation in those
basins or even through deposit decomposition
laeobotanica, 2008, 48(1): 3-130 65 图版.
(through drying) of what was earlier accumu-
Material for the study comes from 22 pa-
lated there. The paper deals also with other
laeolakes and palaeobogs in three macrore-
hypothetical causes of such abrupt decrease in
gions – Białystok Upland, Sokółka Hills and
water level, such as melting of permafrost,
Bielsk Upland – of northern Podlasie (north-
lowering of riverine erosion level, or other
eastern Poland). Six hundred and fourteen
local conditions. The second climate fluctua-
samples from 28 cores were examined by
tion took place in the middle part of the pine
means of pollen analysis, and 300 samples
phase (subzones b and c of the ENP7 Pinus R
from two most important profiles – Solniki
PAZ). The decrease in forested areas and the
and Dzierniakowo – using lithological analy-
increase in open plant communities of a cold
ses of the sediments were carried out, namely
step type with domination of the Artemisia
magnetic susceptibility, grain size distribution,
genus was a result of environment change into
concentration of 13C and 18O isotopes, organic
a cool continental climate. Profiles from
carbon and calcium carbonate content. The
Dzierniakowo and Solniki contain a high-
results of the pollen analysis are presented
resolution record of the early glacial stage of
graphically on diagrams. In each of them bio-
the Vistulian glaciation. This permitted a de-
stratigraphical units at the level of local pollen
tailed reconstruction of environment changes
assemblage zones (L PAZ) were distinguished.
during that period to be done. Cold fluctuation
On that basis it was determined that the stud-
of the climate appeared in the Brørup intersta-
ied sediment sequences span the closing phase
dial sensu lato. It seems likely that it repre-
of the late glacial of Wartanian (Saalian) gla-
sented the cooling that separated the Amers-
ciation, the Eemian interglacial and the early
foord and Brørup sensu stricto interstadials.
glacial of the Vistulian (Weichselian). Corre-
lation of local pollen zones from all investi-
gated profiles allowed to distinguish 14 re-
gional pollen assemblage zones (R PAZ).
They were correlated with pollen zones rec- 近纪 Ruja 褐煤沉积钻芯中的植物组合 =
ognized in other pollen profiles from Poland Plant assemblages of the drill cores from the
and Europe, and also with bio- and Neogene Ruja lignite deposit near Legnica
chronostratigraphical units marked with vari- (Lower Silesia, Poland). (英文). Worobiec G;
ous methods in Greenland’s ice cores and sea Worobiec E; Kasiński J. Acta Pa-
sediments. The results of investigation were laeobotanica, 2008, 48(2): 191-275 24 图版.
used to reconstruct vegetation succession and Fossil plant remains (mainly macroremains
climate changes across the great part of the of leaves and sporomorphs) were investigated
last interglacial-glacial cycle, from the final from two boreholes of Ruja lignite deposit
stage of the Wartanian glaciation to the end of near Legnica, Lower Silesia, Poland. In the
the Early Vistulian. Two sites – Solniki and fossil plant assemblages there were found 34
Dzierniakowo – play vital role in this recon- taxa belonging to the families Betulaceae,
struction. Profile from Solniki contains very Blechnaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Cupressaceae,

Fagaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Juglandaceae, beginning of the Lateglacial drowned this en-
Malvaceae, Myricaceae, Nyssaceae, Osmun- vironment and a lake formed. The vegetation
daceae, Poaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, development shows a phase with an open re-
Ulmaceae, and Zingiberaceae. All assem- gional vegetation (Oldest Dryas or earlier part
blages are characterized by dominance of wet- of the Meiendorf), a period with prominence
land vegetation (swamp and riparian) elements. of Hippophaë (Bølling or later part of the
Floristic composition of all investigated hori- Meiendorf), and a subsequent second phase
zons point to their Middle Miocene (Badenian) with a more open regional vegetation (Older
age and suggest warm temperate climate con- Dryas). The sediment parameter, together with
ditions with mild winters. the reconstructed vegetation, point at a gradual
shift to a more humid climate during these
2011010591 vegetation phases. Deposition of CaCO3
科宁褐煤盆地(波兰中部)中中新世植物 ceased during the Hippophaë phase. During
群新知 = Contribution to the knowledge of the Lateglacial Betula/Pinus forest phase (Al-
the Middle Miocene flora from Konin Brown lerød) forests dominated the dry grounds. Soil
Coal Basin (Central Poland). ( 英 文 ). erosion had largely stopped and organic sedi-
Kowalski R. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2008, ments were deposited. A prominent pollen
fluctuation around the Laacher See tephra
48(2): 277–299 5 图版.
shows a minor vegetational and environmental
Carpological remains from Miocene aged
reaction on the eruption of the Laacher See
Lubstów open-pit mine in the Konin Brown
volcano. Silicate input by the tephra favoured
Coal Basin are reported. Fossils were col-
diatom populations to expand and prohibited
lected from rich fluvial deposits belonging to
solution of dead diatoms. Open vegetation
the uppermost part of the Adamów Formation.
phase III (Younger Dryas) shows a tripartite
From this horizon 20 taxa have been identified
opening-up of the regional vegetation. The
and comprise mostly angiosperm plants. Four
vegetation was denser and soil erosion was
species (Cupressoconus rhenanus Kilpper,
less severe than during the early vegetation
Cupressospermum saxonicum Mai, Leucothoe
phases of the Lateglacial. At the transition to
lusatica Mai, and Cladium cf. europaeum
the Holocene, a prominent lowering of water
Dorofeev) represent first reports from the Ter-
levels caused destruction and/or removal of
tiary of Poland. Determined macroremains
the upper Lateglacial sediments. After water
evidence wetland domination and the col-
levels rose again, a peatland developed in the
lected carpological materials indicates warm
temperate or subtropical climates.
印度 Kumaun 喜马拉雅温带晚第四纪植被
和气候(有关新构造运动扰动的讨论) =
世 Reinberg 盆地(德国东北部前波莫瑞)
Late Quaternary vegetation and climate from
及其周边的植被和环境 = Vegetation and temperate zone of the Kumaun Himalaya, In-
environment in and around the Reinberg basin dia (with remarks on neotectonic disturbance).
(Vorpommern, NE Germany) during the (英文). Gupta A. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2008,
Weichselian late Pleniglacial, Lateglacial, and
48(2): 325-333 3 图版.
Early Holocene. (英文). DE Klerk P; Helbig
The past vegetation and climate that existed
H; Janke W. Acta Palaeobotanica, 2008,
in the temperate zone of the Kumaun Hima-
48(2): 301–324 7 图版. laya, have been traced back to the early Holo-
Combined palaeoecological and sedimen- cene by means of palynological investigations
tological analyses of a core from a kettle-hole of the lacustrine sediments at Sukha Tal in the
in Vorpommern (NE Germany) allow the re- Naini Tal District of Kumaun. Pollen data
construction of the interaction between vege- show that around 8700 ± 170 years B.P. the
tation and environment during the Weich- study area had a predominance of non-
selian late Pleniglacial, Lateglacial, and Early arboreal pollen with a poor presence of arbo-
Holocene. A humus-containing soil horizon real pollen which soonafter (around 7600
(Reinberg horizon) occurs in the upper part of years B.P.) expanded, resulting in the estab-
Pleniglacial sand. This humus formed in a lishment of mixed oak forests, with a corre-
local environment of shallow wet ponds and sponding fall in non-arboreal pollen. This in-
low dry mineral mounds. Water levels were dicates a change in climate to warm and hu-
generally rather low. Rising water levels at the mid conditions. Around 4200 years B.P. oak

considerably declined with a rise in pine, re- upper part of the Miyazaki Group is Middle to
flecting a deterioration in climatic conditions. Late Pliocene in age.
Near the onset of the Late Holocene, mixed
oak forests returned, indicating that the cli- 2011010595
mate soon ameliorated and again became 日射和二氧化碳促成中布容事件前后的间
warm and humid. The study site consists of a 冰期气候 = Insolation and CO2 contribution
concealed fault and the contemporary zones of to the interglacial climate before and after the
both arms of this fault are broadly comparable Mid-Brunhes Event. (英文). Yin Q Z; Berger
which further strengthens the reconstruction of A. Nature geoscience, 2010, 3(4): 243-246
the past vegetation and corresponding climate Reconstructions of climate from marine
of the region. sediment and ice cores show that the ampli-
tude of glacial-interglacial climate cycles in-
2011010594 creased substantially after the Mid-Brunhes
日本西南部南九洲中-晚上新世上宫崎群的 Event, about 430,000 years ago. Interglacial
综合地层学研究 = Integrated stratigraphy of periods before the event seem to be character-
the Middle to Late Pliocene upper Miyazaki ized by larger continental ice sheets, lower sea
Group, southern Kyushu, Southwest Japan. level, cooler temperatures in Antarctica and
(英文). Morimoto J; Oda M; Torii M, et al.. lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations, rela-
Stratigraphy, 2010, 7(1): 25-32 tive to the more recent interglacials. Here we
Neogene sedimentary deposits are present use an Earth system model of intermediate
in the Miyazaki region, southern Kyushu, on complexity to assess the contributions of inso-
the Pacific side of southwestern Japan. The lation and greenhouse-gas concentrations to
upper part of the Miyazaki Group, exposed in the climate associated with the peaks of all the
the Tsuma-Takanabe region of northern Miya- interglacials over the past 800,000 years. Our
zaki, is divided into the Tsuma. Sadowara, and simulations recreate the expected warmer in-
Takanabe formations, in ascending order, and terglacials after the Mid-Brunhes Event and
contains a planktic foraminiferal and calcare- suggest that later interglacials are warmer
ous nannofossil record of Pliocene events of primarily because of increased global mean
the mid-latitude northwestern Pacific. The temperatures during Northern Hemisphere
geological age of these units is based on mag- winters. This warmth arises from increased
neto- and biostratigraphy. Five calcareous insolation during this season, relative to the
nannofossil datum horizons are recognized: interglacials that preceded the Mid-Brunhes
the last occurrence (LO) of Reticulofenestra Event, in conjunction with increased atmos-
pseudoumbilicus, the termination of acme pheric greenhouse-gas concentrations. The
zone II of Reticulofenestra minutula var. C, effect of boreal winters and of the Southern
the LO of R. minutula var. B, calcareous Hemisphere, which is also warmer during aus-
nannofossil datum plane A, and the termina- tral winters, on the carbon cyle should be as-
tion of acme zone I of R. minutula var. C. Six sessed when investigating the underlying
planktic foraminiferal bioevents are also rec- causes of the higher CO2 concentrations dur-
ognized: a coiling direction change, from sin- ing the later interglacials.
istral to dextral, in the genus Pulleniatina; the
first occurrence (FO) of Globorotalia crassa- 2011010596
formis; the LOs of Globorotalia margaritae, 过去海洋钙化对大量二氧化碳释放的约束
Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina, and Den- = Past constraints on the vulnerability of ma-
toglobigerina altispira; and the FO of rine calcifiers to massive carbon dioxide re-
Neogloboquadrina asanoi. The presence of lease. (英文). Ridgwell A; Schmidt D N. Na-
two calcareous nannofossil bioevents, Datum ture geoscience, 2010, 3(3): 196-200
A and the termination of acme zone I of R. Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide
minitula var. C, suggests that the normal and in sea water are driving a progressive acidifi-
reversed polarity intervals of the upper part of cation of the ocean. Although the associated
the Takanabe Formation correspond to Chron changes in the carbonate chemistry of surface
C2An.1n (latest Gauss Normal Epoch) and and deep waters may adversely affect marine
Chron C2r.2r (earliest Matuyama Reversed calcifying organisms, current experiments do
Epoch), respectively. Based on combined flo- not always produce consistent results for a
ral and faunal data and magnetostratigraphic given species. Ocean sediments record past
chron boundaries from the ATNTS2004, the biological responses to transient greenhouse
warming and ocean acidification. During the

Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum, for 2011010598
example, the biodiversity of benthic calcifying 根据上新世二氧化碳浓度所判定的地球系
organisms decreased markedly, whereas ex- 统气候的高敏感度 = High Earth-system cli-
tinctions of surface dwellers were very limited. mate sensitivity determined from Pliocene
Here we use the Earth system model GENIE-1 carbon dioxide concentrations. (英文). Pagani
to simulate and compare directly past and pre- M; Liu Z H; LaRiviere J; Ravelo A C. Nature
sent environmental changes in the marine geoscience, 2010, 3(1): 27-30
realm. In our simulation of future ocean con- Climate sensitivity-the mean global tem-
ditions, we find an undersaturation with re- perature response to a doubling of atmos-
spect to carbonate in the deep ocean that ex- pheric CO2 concentrations through radiative
ceeds that experienced during the Palaeocene- forcing and associated feedbacks-is estimated
Eocene thermal maximum and could endanger at 1.5-4.5 degrees C . However, this value in-
calcifying organisms. Furthermore, our simu- corporates only relatively rapid feedbacks
lations show higher rates of environmental such as changes in atmospheric water vapour
change at the surface for the future than the concentrations, and the distributions of sea ice,
Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum, which clouds and aerosols. Earth-system climate
could potentially challenge the ability of sensitivity, by contrast, additionally includes
plankton to adapt. the effects of long-term feedbacks such as
changes in continental ice-sheet extent, terres-
2011010597 trial ecosystems and the production of green-
在海洋缺氧 2 事件中因火山二氧化碳增多 house gases other than CO2. Here we recon-
而导致的碳封存 = Carbon sequestration acti- struct atmospheric carbon dioxide concentra-
vated by a volcanic CO2 pulse during Ocean tions for the early and middle Pliocene, when
Anoxic Event 2. (英文). Barclay R S; McEl- temperatures were about 3-4 degrees C
wain J C; Sageman B B. Nature geo- warmer than preindustrial values, to estimate
science, 2010, 3(3): 205-208 Earth-system climate sensitivity from a fully
The Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 2 equilibrated state of the planet. We demon-
(about 94 million years ago) is thought to be strate that only a relatively small rise in at-
linked to extensive volcanism, which triggered mospheric CO2 levels was associated with
a biogeochemical chain of events that eventu- substantial global warming about 4.5 million
ally led to widespread marine anoxia and a years ago, and that CO2 levels at peak tem-
remarkable increase in carbon burial in marine peratures were between about 365 and 415
sediments. It has been suggested that the event ppm. We conclude that the Earth-system cli-
was accompanied by a substantial decrease in mate sensitivity has been significantly higher
atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but the quan- over the past five million years than estimated
tification of the drawdown remains controver- from fast feedbacks alone.
sial. Here we reconstruct atmospheric
CO2 concentrations throughout the ocean an- 2011010599
oxic event from counts of the stomata in fossil 过去两个冰期千年尺度的气候变化的性质
leaves, and use terrestrial carbon isotopes to = The nature of millennial-scale climate vari-
link the reconstruction to marine records of ability during the past two glacial periods. (英
the event. We find that before the onset of 文). Margari V; Skinner L C; Tzedakis P C;
ocean anoxia, atmospheric CO2 concentra- Ganopolski A; Vautravers M; Shackleton N J.
tions increased by 20% over background lev- Nature geoscience, 2010, 3(2): 127-131
els of 370(+100)/(-70) ppm. This was part of a During the last glacial period, iceberg dis-
long-term rise in atmospheric CO2 levels, charges into the North Atlantic disrupted the
presumably caused by volcanism, which meridional overturning circulation, leading to
reached a peak of 500(+400)/(-180) ppm. cooling in the Northern Hemisphere and
However, two pulses of extensive carbon bur- warming in Antarctica. This asymmetric re-
ial during the ocean anoxic event, as indicated sponse can be explained by a bipolar see-saw
by positive carbon isotope excursions, are as- mechanism, whereby changes in the strength
sociated with decreased atmospheric of the meridional overturning circulation lead
CO2 concentrations. We conclude that the to changes in the interhemispheric heat trans-
sequestration of marine organic carbon led to port. It is unclear, however, to what extent the
a decrease in atmospheric CO2 concentration response of the overturning circulation is a
of up to 26% during Ocean Anoxic Event 2. function of freshwater flux and boundary cli-
mate conditions. Here we use foraminiferal

isotope and pollen records from the Portu-
guese margin to reconstruct surface-and deep-
water hydrography and atmospheric changes
during the last and penultimate glacial periods.
When we compare our records with tempera-
ture reconstructions from Antarctica6, we find
that the bipolar see-saw was a characteristic
feature of both glacial periods. However, the
comparison also underlines the dependence of
the bipolar see-saw on background climate
and magnitude of iceberg discharge. It also
suggests that an intensified hydrological cycle
may lead to a weaker overturning circulation
with a smaller disruption threshold and ex-
tended North Atlantic stadial durations.

北极区在始新世极热事件 2 中的温暖和潮
湿条件 = Warm and wet conditions in the
Arctic region during Eocene Thermal Maxi-
mum 2. (英文). Sluijs A; Schouten S; Donders
T H; Schoon P L; Rohl U; Reichart G J; San-
giorgi F; Kim J H; Damste JSS ; Brinkhuis H.
Nature geoscience, 2009, 2(11): 777-780
Several episodes of abrupt and transient
warming, each lasting between 50,000 and
200,000 years, punctuated the long-term
warming during the Late Palaeocene and
Early Eocene (58 to 51 Myr ago) epochs.
These hyperthermal events, such as the Eo-
cene Thermal Maximum 2 (EMT2) that took
place about 53.5 Myr ago, are associated with
rapid increases in atmospheric CO2 content.
However, the impacts of most events are
documented only locally. Here we show, on
the basis of estimates from the TEX proxy,
that sea surface temperatures rose by 3-5 de-
grees C in the Arctic Ocean during the EMT2.
Dinoflagellate fossils demonstrate a concomi-
tant freshening and eutrophication of surface
waters, which resulted in euxinia in the photic
zone. The presence of palm pollen implies that
coldest month mean temperatures over the
Arctic land masses were no less than 8 de-
grees C, in contradiction of model simulations
that suggest hyperthermal winter temperatures
were below freezing. In light of our recon-
structed temperature and hydrologic trends,
we conclude that the temperature and hydro-
graphic responses to abruptly increased at-
mospheric CO2 concentrations were similar
for the ETM2 and the better-described Palaeo-
cene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 55.5 Myr


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