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Business Communication

Solution 1.
In general, there are various types of biases are found in business communication. It is mainly
due to the workplace and its environment. If the manager or any other representative lost control
then sure the bias will automatically start there. Suppose if people are having a difference of
opinion, then there also occurs the bias. The most common bias which is occurring in business
communication is racial bias, gender bias, disability bias, age bias and much more. Have a look
at below to know its concept and application.
Concept and application
1. Gender bias: The gender bias is occurring everywhere. In some place, there is a lack of
equality occurs in between the genders. In some instances, women are treated low than
men and in some places, men are treated lower than women. Both are an injustice to the
gender and hence this kind of problem must be solved.
For example: A girl is working in an IT company and she is a part of a team. During
some important discussions or meetings, the team leader is not ready to hear her opinion,
even though she is having the right solution. There comes the gender bias in the
company, which made the girl look weak and the team leader is trying to pull her
knowledge down. This is really considered to be the injustice to that girl and the
necessary actions should be taken.
2. Racial bias: It is really ashamed to accept the fact that still, racial problems are occurring
in this world. Really it made many groups hate themselves and separate them from this
society. Society is always trying to dominate the black peoples and hence they are
teaching their kids to not get mingled with the black kids. This kind of thoughts must be
completely demolished from the minds of this society.
For example: In an MNC company interview, HR’s are not ready to hire black people,
even they perform much better than other candidates. Here, racial bias occurs in modern
society. Some people are also spreading a bad opinion about those people like they are
very dangerous and many more rumours. Due to that, deserved candidates could not able
to settle on their preferred job in the best company.
3. Age bias: From the various types of bias, this age bias is also one of the most important
to focus on. Seniors are always not ready to hear the idea or opinion of their juniors due
to their egoistic nature. Here, age bias occurs everywhere. Giving an equal opportunity
for all aged candidates is the right opportunity to prove them to be a worthy candidate.
For example: An employee in a company has arranged a business trip along with their
whole company. But the seniors of that company are not happy to take part in the trip
organized by them and also not allowing anyone from the company to participate. This
clearly shows the age bias and they make collapse in the plan and start to arrange a
different trip by avoiding them. This is the injustice to the core and that particular
employee hope would get broke.
4. Disability bias: Still, there are some people in this world thinks that after disability,
people could not able to achieve anything in their career. Hence this makes them look
weaker than their disability. It means to be the disability bias and it affects the people in
many ways.
For example: People are always trying to stay away from the disabled person and do not
ready to accept their company. But they are also human beings and sure they can achieve
a lot in their field by giving good suggestions for their business growth.
Avoiding bias: A business or company must follow certain procedures:
 Build the bias awareness
 Encourage all employee participation
 Get the employee feedback
 Give the chance for everyone to speak during group discussion
 Stay cool when anything goes wrong
From the above-mentioned scenario, you have completely understood the type of bias and the
example. Also, you can able to find out how the bias can be avoided in a most extraordinary
manner. Finally, you have got the idea of the types of biases.
Solution 2.
Advertising through billboards is one of the best choices to market the brand worldwide. Sure
one can able to achieve 100% success in that process. By keeping that in mind, has
decided to put up billboards across the main, arterial roads of Mumbai. The reason for this
process is mainly to advertise the upcoming Mega Independence Day Sale. They are having the
huge hope that it can able to reach across huge peoples. Here, they have to consider the 8 steps of
the basic communication model and they have to apply this model to their billboard ad very
Concept and application
The major concept and application in this scenario are the steps of the basic communication
model and applying that model to’s billboard ad. Have a look at below.
1. Sender: The sender is the first stage of the basic communication model and here the
information transmission will effectively take place. Here the representatives of have to act as the sender to create a message. They also have to make sure
that the message they are generating is reaching the receiver via the transmission
2. Official Message: The official messaging process is the second step of the
communication model. And this step is considered with the particular message that
required going through a certain process of encoding, transmission, reception and some
3. Encoding: The encoding process is the third step of the basic communication model. At
the time of executing this step, the message goes via the encoding process by the
sender of Here, the message which is going to send will be encoded in the
forms of pictures, words, symbols, and many more tactics.
4. Transmission via the choice channel and medium: This step mainly refers to the
process in which the information must be encoded in a top notch manner. During the
transmission process, here the information will be sent to the receiver and hence this
step of the basic communication model is mainly considered. Here, the communication
medium can act as the fax, post or telephone or any other medium. During this time,
the sender has to choose their most suitable communication medium. Based on the
proper reaction, they can make everything possible.
5. Process of decoding and understanding: Already we have seen that the sender will
encode the message and send it to the receiver. Now, the receiver can decode that
message to understand the information sent by them. Hence, this step is mainly
required in the basic communication model after the encoding process. After that, the
reception stage is the main thing.
6. Receiver and reception: The sixth step of the basic communication model is reception.
At the time of this step, the receiver will get the message and they will make the
message in a proper sense to complete the process. The receiver is the final member
who is involved in the encoding, decoding and reception process.
7. Response and feedback: After completing the stage of reception, the receiver has to
send around certain information which should clarify that the information is perfectly
received. Also, they have to depict that the information understood by that particular
receiver. The response and the feedback step is very much needed since it clarifies that
whether the encoding and the reception process is properly conceived or not.
8. Any sort of disturbance: The final step of the basic communication model mainly refers
to any type of obstruction or disturbance that can able to take place over the
communication process. It is very much necessary for the representative to
make sure that there is n disturbance occurs in the surrounding areas in order to do
effective communication.
By applying all the 8 steps of the basic communication model, the’s billboard ad will
be perfectly marketed. The sender and the receiver is the most important one in this process and
they must execute the information very correctly without any obstacles.
From the above mentioned case, you have identified the 8 steps of the basic communication
model. By making use of those models, the’s billboard ad can be effectively applied.
This clarifies the impact of the basic communication model to develop the business in an
effective manner.
Solution 3.

Part a)
In case you have completed drafting a proposal for the coveted project and want to ensure to you
do not ignore anything. At that time, proofreading techniques play a major role. In general, the
proofreading process seems to be an easy process in business communication. But the real fact is
that it is challenging and it is very important. There are many tactics are involved to make sure
that this task is finished.
Concept and application
To be frank, the proofreading is very much helpful in improving the quality and readability of
your documents. It is very necessary to make sure that your project is professional and error-free.
It mainly includes the format, grammar and corrects language usage.
Different proofreading techniques:
1. Prepare a hard copy of the project: Instead of checking on the monitors, you can able
to find more errors on the hard copy and hence you can easily correct it.
2. Focus on the initial stage: You have to concentrate on your content from the
beginning. In case you find any errors, immediately you can change it and make it
3. Avoid excess words: In general, business writing is direct and concise. You must
avoid most of the excess words like adverbs and adjectives. Avoid repetitive words
also to get the error-free project.
4. Follow the proper company style alignment: Most of the companies will have a
proper style and alignment. If you follow it perfectly, then the look of your project
will be very unique.
5. Use any official tools: Proofreading is incomplete without the use of the tools. The
official tools are having the potential to correct all your mistakes in the documents
and make it perfect.
6. Check the sentence structure: Sentence structure is very much important in any kind
of document and hence the sentence you have framed must have a proper flow
without any errors.
From the above mentioned case, you can able to clearly understand the techniques involved in
the proofreading process. By making use of it, you can ensure that you do not ignore anything.
Part b)

Getting shortlisted for an interview at our dream company is one of the greatest achievements
that everyone experiences. But the major thing to keep in mind that, there are different common
types of interviews is available that you must prepare yourself mentally. You are strong enough
in those types of interviews, and then sure you can pass the interview and get your job. If you
have an aim and goal, then sure you have to thoroughly prepare the type of interviews and
proceed further.
Concept and application
Different Types of Interviews are as follows:
1. One on one interview: Most of the company will conduct a one on the interview
process. It is a traditional method. Here, the HR will directly ask some questions to
the candidate and the candidate has to properly answer it. The HR will check
everything during this time, your eye contact, dressing sense, knowledge, way of
speaking and much more. If they think, you are a deserved candidate, and then sure
you will get a job in your dream company.
2. Phone interview: In case you have applied for an interview in a foreign country, then
they will contact you through the phone and then will conduct the interview. Really,
HR is very smart and they can easily identify your current process and decide
whether to hire you or not. The performance is up to you. If you perform well, then
sure you will get placed.
3. Group interview: Some companies conduct this interview secretly. They will initially
call the entire candidate and arrange them to sit in a particular place. Among that
candidate, there will be one HR who act as a candidate and monitor or spy all the
activities of the candidates. The person he/she found to be more deserved will get a
job and others are not. Hence you have to focus on this too.
From the above mentioned case, you can clearly know about the different common types of
Interviews you should mentally prepare yourself for. Follow it properly and perform the
interview well and show your uniqueness. So, why are you still waiting? Your time is now!!!
Start preparing for your interview now.

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