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Strategies For Organizing Qualitative Data

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Strategies For Organizing Qualitative Data


Qualitative data ranges from a written questionnaire to a recorded interview. Despite

lacking meaning, qualitative data is promising in recognizing emotional responses to a particular

subject—providing further profound insight—adding depth to the study. However, organizing

qualitative data is not an effortless duty; it can be ineffective and might injure the study if not

executed accurately. Frankly, the organization is nearly as significant as the study itself.

Strategies For Organize Qualitative Data

Strategies may be applied to be able to organize qualitative data for analysis properly.

One strategy is to be definite about the data collection method. To be random and unbiased, the

researcher must have adequate mastery of the respondents and use a suitable approach in

selecting respondents for the sampling process. Moreover, participants' input must be upright,

sharply recorded, and accurately displayed (White, Oelke, and Friesen, 2012). For instance,

when conducting a focus group - or a set of group discussions - recording conscientiously and

transcribing as much information as possible regarding subjects of each study would be a

convenient technique to be organized. In addition, it is best to include a spreadsheet, keeping a

record which will be advantageous in logging the data from each discussion.

Second, it would be of great help to categorize the data in a structured manner. When

mistakenly assigned to a subject or filed under the wrong group, it is easy to get mislaid in a

mountain of responses, so categorizing is vital. Categorizing can be done by preparing a

transcript of the focus group(s) and a spreadsheet to log the findings; thus, one can immediately

file and classify the data. If audio recordings are included, be sure to label them, write

transcription files, and match labels with a spreadsheet for uniformity to help avoid getting

mixed up on how to organize your qualitative data collection (Trint, 2019).


Taking the extra mile to manage and organize data may be difficult, but it is undoubtedly

necessary. With these strategies, one would be ready to analyze without delay, freeing up

additional time getting stressed into the data and eventually leading up to a profound and

structured study.


Trint. 2019. How to organize your qualitative data collection | Trint. [online] Available at:


[Accessed 16 August 2021].

White, D., Oelke, N. and Friesen, S., 2012. Management of a Large Qualitative Data Set:

Establishing Trustworthiness of the Data. International Journal of Qualitative Methods,

11(3), pp.244-258.

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