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Sporting Females

This book is an important piece of historical and sociological research.

Based on extensive library research, the use of archival books and artefacts,
original records and documents and media material, the book makes an
outstanding contribution to the feminist study of sports. It provides a superb
critical account of the development of female sports from the nineteenth
century to the present day, examining theoretical ideas, historical material
and topical issues. In doing so, it reveals the complex and paradoxical character
of female sports. Both gender and class relations are analysed, as well as
other aspects of life and culture which are intrinsic to the development of
female sports. No other book is so comprehensive. Most histories and
sociologies of sports focus on those of men, but this book places women at
the centre of the discussion and thus fills an important gap in the market. It
views sports as part of a battle for control of the body and, as such, as an
important area for feminist intervention.

Jennifer Hargreaves is Reader in the Politics and Sociology of Sport at the

Roehampton Institute, London.
Sporting Females

Critical issues in the history and sociology

of women’s sports

Jennifer Hargreaves

London and New York

First published 1994
by Routledge
11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE

Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada

by Routledge
29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group

This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003.

© 1994 Jennifer Hargreaves

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or

reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic,
mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter
invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any
information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publishers.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data

Hargreaves, Jennifer, 1937–
Sporting females: critical issues in the history and sociology of
women’s sports/Jennifer Hargreaves.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Sports for women—Great Britain—History. 2. Sports for women—
Sociological aspects. 3. Feminist theory. I. Title.
GV709.18.G7G37 1994
796´.0194–dc20 93–24575

ISBN 0-203-22194-X Master e-book ISBN

ISBN 0-203-22206-7 (Adobe eReader Format)

ISBN 0-415-07027-9 (hbk)
ISBN 0-415-070287 (pbk)
To Campbell

List of tables xi
Acknowledgements xii
Introduction 1

1 Theories of sports: the neglect of gender 6

Introduction 6
The problem of sexual difference 6
Popular ideas about sports 8
Popular ideas about gender 9
Ethnographic research 11
Figurational sociology 12
Marxism 16
Neo-Marxist approaches: economism 17
Structuralist Marxism: theories of reproduction 18
Cultural Marxism: hegemony theory 21
2 Sports feminism: the importance of gender 25
Feminist perspectives 25
Equality of opportunity 26
Separatism 29
Positive action 32
Unnecessary divisions 33
Capitalist relations and gender relations 34
Gender and class 35
Making women’s sports political 36
Agency and constraint 37
Damaged men 38
Strategies for change 39

3 Nature and culture: introducing Victorian and Edwardian

sports for women 42
Introduction 42

viii Contents

Constructing differences 43
The nature of woman 44
Therapeutic exercise 47
Capitalism and bourgeois prosperity 50
Victorian familism 51
Conspicuous recreation 52
Female education and exercise for girls 55

4 The legitimation of female exercise: the case of physical

education 63
Elite day schools 63
Public boarding schools 65
Health and morality 66
Exercise for working-class girls 68
The legend of Madame Österberg 74
Feminist concerns and limitations 76
Class relations 79
The growth of a new profession 81
A process of struggle 83
5 Recreative and competitive sports: expansion and
containment 88
Introduction 88
Elite sports 88
Sporting sensuality 91
Dealing with opposition 94
Rationalized sports 97
The Poly clubs 103
The constant focus on biology 105
Problems of democratization 108
The problem of leisure 109

6 The inter-war years: limitations and possibilities 112

Introduction 112
Excitement and spectacle 113
Female sports and class 118
Sports in schools 120
Organization and growth 122
Struggling for resources 125
Following the men 126
Further expansion 129
Struggling for women’s athletics 131
The ‘natural’ body 134
Women’s bodies and the state 137
Increased democratization 138
Contents ix

Workers’ sports for women 140

Playing men’s sports 141
‘Low-life’ sports 143
Conclusion 144
7 Femininity or ‘musculinity’?: changing images of female sports 145
Introduction 145
Gender—an organizing principle 146
Girls and boys come out to play 147
Gender differences in children’s weeklies 149
Gender divisions in primary schools 151
Physical education in secondary schools 152
Breaking traditions 154
Dropping out 155
The cult of adolescent femininity 156
The power of girls’ weeklies 157
Image-making and the sexualized female body 158
Body maintenance and ‘the look’ 160
Objectifying the female body 162
Stereotyped femininity 163
Techniques of sexualization 164
Sports and eroticization 166
Redefining sporting images 167
Heterosexual femininity and the fear of masculinization 169
Conclusion 172

8 Gender relations of power: institutionalized

discrimination 174
Introduction 174
Gender relations and the state 174
Equal opportunities in the USA 179
Targeting women in sports 180
Internationalization of women and sports 182
Gender relations and the home 185
Relations of power and education 188
The imbalances of gender and the media 193
The printed media 194
Television sports 195
Sports media professionals 196
Sports organizations and gender 198
Gender bias in sports leadership 199
Power in coaching 200
Performance and professionals 203
Separatism 207
Conclusion 208
x Contents

9 Olympic women: a struggle for recognition 209

Introduction 209
The early years 210
Continued resistance to athletics 211
Assimilation or separation? 213
Gender stereotyping 216
Continuing inequalities 217
Male control of female sports 221
Political intervention 224
Globalization of women’s Olympic sports 227
Conclusion 234

10 Sports for all women: problems and progress 235

Introduction 235
‘Sport for all’: gendered facts and figures 237
Women—only philosophies 242
The complexities of separate development 245
Ideological alternatives 248
Politicizing women’s sports 250
Understanding racism and ethnicity 255
Problems for lesbians 260
Looking after the elderly 264
Transforming sports for the disabled 268
Conclusion 271
11 Into the twenty-first century: diversity and empowerment 273
Getting into men’s sports 273
The results of tradition 276
Combating tradition 281
Catching up with the men 283
Sporting diversity 286
Empowerment 287
Conclusion 288

Notes 290
References 292
Author index 321
Subject index 324

8.1 Press photographs of male and female Olympic competitors,

17 September–1 October 1988 195

8.2 Numbers of male and female Olympic athletes and coaches,

1976–88 201
9.1 Summer Olympic Games 1896–1992 219

9.2 Numbers of male and female competitors in Olympic teams,

1988: countries sending more females 228

9.3 Numbers of male and female competitors in Olympic teams,

1988: countries with established sports traditions 228
9.4 Numbers of male and female competitors in Olympic teams,
1988: countries sending no females 229

9.5 Numbers of male and female competitors in Olympic teams,

1988: developing countries 230


During the years that I was collecting material and writing this book I
received help from many friends and colleagues, some of whom read parts
of it along the way and some of whom gave invaluable encouragement and
stimulation when I was flagging—thanks go to Eric Dunning, Mary Evans,
Tony Green, Sheila Miles, Peter Weston, Gary Whannel and Anita White.
Jay Coakley and Margaret Talbot painstakingly read the completed
manuscript for Routledge, but did much more than was required of them
and provided insightful comments for which I am grateful. Jim Riordan
very kindly spent many hours proof-reading the whole text and made helpful
suggestions as well. Thanks also to Chris Rojek, my editor, who has been
consistently supportive of my work and to the Roehampton Institute for
allowing me some time for research.
My children, Carl and Jane, and my partner, Campbell, must be overjoyed
that the book is finally completed because for such a long time they have seen
me disappearing to be with my Amstrad instead of spending time with them.
Their love and support have been indispensable.
Finally, and most importantly, the book would not exist without the women
it is about. My enduring thanks go to all those who have so willingly and
enthusiastically taken time and trouble to talk to me in person and on the
telephone, and to write to me and give me material. Sporting females have
been the inspiration for the book and it is written for them.

Jennifer Hargreaves


If you go to your local library and look at the sports books, they will almost
certainly be predominantly about men. If you go to a university library, the
bulk of the writing in sports history and sociology assumes male standards.
Switch on your television to look at sports programmes and it’s the same
story—you can be 90 per cent sure to see male rather than female performers;
or go to a pub and listen to conversations about sports and they will inevitably
be conducted by men talking about male competitions. In spite of the fact
that more women are participating in more sports than ever before, and in
spite of a significant number of feminist interventions into sports theory,
much more attention is still given to the role of sports in the lives of men
than to the importance of sports to women. Sporting Females: critical issues
in the history and sociology of women’s sports is therefore a political
intervention into the world of sports scholarship. It is an effort to bring
women’s sports more centrally on to the agenda, to show the importance of
using gender as a fundamental category for analysis, and to explore some of
its complexities.
The twentieth century has seen tremendous changes in patterns of
consumption and leisure, in relations between the sexes, and in the prominence
given to the body in western culture. These are some of the broad social
changes that make women’s sports a fascinating topic for analysis. And
nineteenth-century women as well as twentieth-century women are the subjects
of this book, because they both have relevance to our understanding of
sports today and to the relationship between sports, the body and personal
Sports are increasingly implicated in the social construction of womanhood,
but the meanings attached to them vary tremendously according to a person’s
individual biography. Most people only know about exceptional sportswomen,
however—those who have broken world records, been labelled as ‘unfeminine’,
or behaved bizarrely. Very little is known about the various types of women
who are involved in sports, and the values that they bring to them. This book
looks at sports in the lives of women with working-class and middle-class
backgrounds; single parents and those living with partners; women with different

2 Sporting Females

ethnicities; the old and the young; the able-bodied and the disabled; and
those with different sexual preferences. It is concerned with women who are
sports professionals, administrators and coaches, as well as with those who
participate at all levels of competition, and those who take part in other ways
and for different reasons. There has been a strong tendency in the debate
about women’s sports to dwell on reductive categories (male vs female;
masculinity vs femininity; nature vs culture; aggressive vs co-operative), which
masks the multiple realities of women’s lives. Sporting Females looks at both
the lived experiences of women in sports and the structural forces influencing
In its document Women and Sport (1991), the GB Sports Council adopts
a definition of ‘sport’ which concurs with that given in the Council of Europe
Sport for All Charter. It broadly embodies activities which are institutionalized,
strictly organized and highly competitive, as well as those which are freely
arranged, recreative and aesthetic. A similarly extensive definition is employed
in this book which includes references to mainstream activities and those
that are less well known—for example, aerobics, body-building, croquet,
cycling, hot-air ballooning, korfball, marathon running, punting, rambling,
snooker, soccer, synchronized swimming, tennis, water-polo and wrestling.
In addition, the early history of physical education is examined, as well as
recent developments in the subject. The term ‘sports’ is used through the
book rather than ‘sport’ in order to take account of the diverse and non-
essentialist nature of the activities. The settings for women’s sports are also
varied, and references are made to a wide range of them—for example,
sports-specific and non sports-specific organizations, clubs, leisure centres
and recreative venues.
Although the main context of the book is the UK, there are numerous
examples given of women’s sports in other countries of the world—in particular,
elsewhere in western Europe, and in North America.
The methodological approach is varied. It includes the use of archival
books and artefacts, original records and documents, and media material, as
well as data analyses and a variety of investigative techniques. For example,
interviews have been carried out with hundreds of women from different
social backgrounds involved in various ways in a variety of sports. Elderly
women have been the subjects for oral history. A wealth of secondary source
material has provided the necessary additional empirical evidence and the
background for theoretical analysis. A pivotal procedure has been to link
empirical material with theoretical ideas.
Sporting Females provides a critical account of the development of female
sports from their formative years in the nineteenth century to the present
day. But it is not an attempt to give a comprehensive history; that would be
impossible. However, it is hoped that the examples included, and the critical
and sometimes provocative discussions, will stimulate debate and
understanding. There is a recognition that the problem of male power is
Introduction 3

fundamental, but also that sports do not produce a straightforward system

of domination of men over women. The book analyses changes that have
occurred, the conditions under which advances in women’s sports have
been made, and how we can make sense of what has happened in the past
and what is happening today. The ways in which conventional gender relations
have been built, reproduced and contested are examined, as well as examples
of unexamined sexism. Time and time again, the evidence suggests that
female sports have been riddled with complexities and contradictions
throughout their history.
The particular issue of freedom and constraint is integrated into the text:
it is examined as a theoretical problem in Chapters 1 and 2; it is embodied
in the account of the historical development of women’s sports in Chapters
3 to 6; and it is treated critically in the examples of contemporary sports in
Chapters 7 to 11.
The purpose of theorizing is to help us understand the nature of sports
in society. But Chapter 1 reveals the misleading implications of popular
accounts of gender divisions in sports, and the general inability of different
sociological perspectives to deal adequately with this problem. Although
they represent different and sometimes conflicting theories of society, all
the perspectives discussed, without exception, have marginalized gender
in one way or another. In this respect they fail to provide a satisfactory
analysis. Part of this failure is the strong tendency to treat gender as a
variable, rather than as a relationship of power. Chapter 2 examines different
feminist perspectives which have developed as a reaction to the general
neglect of gender in ‘mainstream’ accounts. By placing women at the centre
of the analysis, they provide an important challenge to the way in which
male standards have become generalized standards in sports theory. Sports
feminists have ‘politicized’ experience by drawing connections between
ideas and practice. This highlights the complex and paradoxical character
of female sports and exposes the need to understand better the complex
link between capitalist relations and gender relations. Both Chapters 1
and 2 point to the impoverishment of separating and stereotyping the
sexes. They also illustrate how gender oppression in sports can be understood
as oppression of men as well as of women.
Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 provide a social history of the development of
female sports and physical education in the UK from the late nineteenth
century until the Second World War. Western culture has been profoundly
influenced by the nature/culture dichotomy, and so have women’s sports.
Underpinning all these chapters are ideas about the ‘nature of woman’
and popular arguments about women’s physical inferiority as biologically
determined. It becomes clear that in the Victorian period the physical
body was a fundamental symbol of power relations between men and
women and moulded the development of women’s sports for years to
come. Patriarchal ideology had an important influence on the development
4 Sporting Females

of physical education (as well as sports), and the conservatizing influences

of this subject, as well as the advances, are explored in Chapter 4. Historical
evidence shows us how women had to struggle against popular definitions
of their biologies in order to participate in physical activities; it also shows
the link between other social factors and female physical education and
sports, in particular the ways in which gender has interacted with social
class. Even during the inter-war years, which represent a remarkable period
of change when increasing numbers of women were actively flaunting old
restrictions and participating in numerous and varied sports, in some
contexts they faced harsh opposition which resulted in limited opportunities
and slowed growth. These four chapters show how the whole of the history
of women’s sports embodies themes of continuity and change: although
the movement of women into sports symbolizes emancipation, it was never
without resistance. The history of women’s sports also provides a basis
for understanding sports today.
The second part of the book—Chapters 7–11—is concerned mostly with
contemporary sports. Chapter 7 discusses the nature of gender as an organizing
principle, and explores ways in which sporting images of masculinity and
femininity are linked to the creation of socially created gender identities in
other spheres. It incorporates material which illustrates that current
representations of the female sporting body show some collapse of conventional
points of reference, some acceptance of values which have previously been
marginalized, and the emergence of new, radicalized images of female physicality.
Chapter 8 is to do with gender relations of power and institutionalized
discrimination. It raises issues about some of the economic, practical and
structural constraints which act as a material force upon women’s participation
in sports. It provides examples of women’s lack of power and control in
different national and international contexts. The internationalization of
women’s sports is also dealt with in a separate chapter about the Olympics.
In Chapter 9 a gendered history of the modern Olympic Games accounts for
the long-term resistance to women’s full participation, but also shows how in
recent years the globalization of Olympic sports has added new dimensions
to the problem of female participation. This chapter illustrates the tremendous
cultural power of international sports.
The final two chapters of Sporting Females focus on recent developments.
They cover numerous sports and contexts, varied issues and controversies, and
include references to women with different experiences and expectations. Chapters
10 and 11 are to do with the politicization of women’s sports; with power and
control; with sensitive issues such as homophobia and racism; and with morality
and empowerment. What happens today will have inevitable repercussions for
women in the next century.
Throughout the book we can see ways in which sports are related to other
aspects of life and culture and how they are part of the battle for control of
the physical body which is, of course, a social struggle. It is a critical analysis
Introduction 5

of women’s sports which raises questions about the extent to which sports
are radical activities for women, and how they might be viewed as a process
of accommodation to existing structures of power and control, and to dominant
ideologies. But sporting females symbolize freedom, and this book is also a
celebration of women’s achievements and their continuing determination to
forge new definitions. It is clear that sports can be oppressive for both men
and women, but that they also have the potential to be liberating for both
sexes. Sports are therefore important contexts for feminist intervention.
However, redefining relations of gender has important implications for men
as well as women.
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