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• The pre-recorded presentation must be submitted via this Google Link on or before MAY 7, 2021, 5:00 p.m. (Philippine Standard Time). A
privacy notice is also included in this form. A confirmation will be sent to you via email that will include the
venue and order of presentation.

• Pre-Recorded Oral Presentation Contents:

1. All oral presentations should be in English.
2. Only one author per abstract will be allowed to present.
3. You need to pre-record your presentation and you may do so using Zoom.
a. You need to create you PowerPoint slides
b. Record your presentation
c. Both slides and the speaker should be shown on the pre-recorded video presentation

• Slides should be limited to 10, allowing one minute per slide presentation. You are only allowed a maximum
of 10 minutes to present your research. Your slides may include the following:
1. Title, authors and disclosures
2. Introduction, background and research questions
3. Methods
4. Results, analysis, and discussions
5. Conclusion and recommendation

• The texts in your slides should be readable. Use of common fonts such as Arial, Calibri, Helvetica or Times
New Roman is suggested, as well as use of font sizes between 26-30. The amount of texts to be used in the
slides should be minimal. Use of illustrations whenever appropriate is encouraged.

• For professionals and foreign delegates, may we also request you to upload to the same link the following:
1. Curriculum vitae
2. PRC ID or for foreign delegates, copy of passport
3. For Philippine delegates, filled-out PRC resume of resource person (attachment)

• The best oral presentations will be announced during the awarding ceremony of the congress.

Criteria for ORAL Presentation

Novelty (30%) Originality of contribution to nursing knowledge with emphasis on the paper’s
innovativeness and nursing implications.
Quality of Discussion Quality of discussion and/or argument incorporation critical analysis of concepts,
(40%) theories, and findings, and consistency and coherency of discussion.
Quality of Audio-Visual Evaluates the appearance in terms of readability, manner of delivery, the clarity of
Presentation (30%) the language used and overall impact or audio-visual appeal.

For inquiries, please contact:


Chair, 13th Manila Doctors College of Nursing Research Congress
(+632) 8859-0812 | (+63) 917-1794070 |

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