18 DR Business Potential Update Module

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Business Potential Updation Module

 Getting there: Login -> Go to master menu -> Select “Dr Potential Update”

 Dr Potential Update:- On Click of the “Dr Potential Update” option from master, Dr Business Potential &
Current Business Update screen opens with following details:

a. Territory – Select the Territory Name from the drop box

b. Patch – Option to display Doctor list Patch wise or “Select Patch” to display all Doctors
c. Specialty – Option to display Doctor list Specialty wise or “Select Specialty” to display all Doctors
d. Class – Option to display the Doctor list Class wise or “Select All” to display all Doctors
e. Show – To display the list of Doctors on the basis on above selected criteria

• On Click of the “Show” button, following details are displayed:

a) Location – Location or HQ Name will be displayed for each Doctor displayed

b) Patch – Patch or Cluster Name of the Doctor will be displayed
c) Doctor Name – Full Name of the Doctor will be displayed
d) Doctor S Name – Name of the Doctor as available in Mobile Handset will be displayed
e) Specialty – Doctors Specialty will be displayed
f) Class – This column displays the Doctors Class
g) VF – This column displays the Visit Frequency of the Doctor
h) CIS No. – This column displays the CIS No of the Doctor. The list is sorted on CIS No.
i) Doctor Type – Displays the Doctor Type of the Doctor (Trade, Govt. Dr, etc)
j) Business Potential – Displays the Business Potential of the Doctor in Rupee value for the month
k) Current Business – Displays the Current Business of the Doctor in Rupee value for the month

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l) Market Share – Displays the Market Share in %age
m) Status – Shows the current status of the module. Status changes from Draft to
Submitted to Approved or Rejected (depending on Managers
Approval \ Rejection)
n) Save – To Save the changes made
o) Submit – The changes made for all Drs can be submitted by clicking on Submit button

 Step 1 – Type the Business Potential and Current Business of the Doctor for the month which has to be in
Rupee value. Keep on entering the values for few Drs.
• Now click on “Save” button.

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 Step 2 - On clicking Save button, “Record Saved Successfully” message will be displayed.
• Market Share (in %ages) will be displayed for all the Dr records which were updated.

 Step 3 – Follow the Step 1 & 2 to complete updation of all Doctors in the CIS. Once all Records are
updated, Submit button will become active.

 Step 4 - Click on Submit button to submit the changes made for all the Doctor Records.

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• Records Submitted Successfully message will be displayed
• Click on Show button will display all Dr records and Status will be displayed as “Submitted” which means
that the revised details are now pending with immediate Manager for approval

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Business Potential Updation Module – Manager Approval
 Getting there: Login -> Go to master menu -> Select “Pending Approvals”

• No of Pending Approvals will be displayed on Home page

 Pending Approvals: Click on the option displays the list of Pending Approvals.

• No of Doctors submitted in the request is displayed under Details column.

 Step 1 - On clicking App/Rej link, the submitted Doctor list gets displayed

 Step 2 – Type your comments in the Remarks column.

 Step 3 – Click on Approve Button will approve the entire Doctor list.

 Step 4 – Click on Reject Button will reject the entire Doctor list and the Frontliner has to again update the
records and then submit the list for approval.

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