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-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-WEEK 6 – Lesson 3-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST WEEK?

DESCRIPTION OF PLACES Things I did last week

- I studied for my courses.
Remember…. - I saw a movie on Netflix with me family
BE- PAST - I met with a friend
- I rode a bike with my friends
- I met with me cousin.

Things I didn’t do last week

- I didn’t go the supermarket
- I didn’t understand the economy book
- I didn´t feel sick.
- I didn´t clean my car.

Video: Story

A: Darling! Do you remember the days when we were

B: Sweetheart! Alzheimer’s disease is wiping away my
A: But I’m here. I will never let you forget. Do you
remember! There was a fountain here.
It was very beautiful. And that cinema. It was a theatre and
it was red. That supermarket. It was a restaurant. It was
purple. Your favorite colour. I was waiter there and I was
very awkward INCOMODO. You were a student.
B: I remember, I was 18 years old. I was very beautiful
A: you are still very beautiful
B: you were 20. You were always on that corner ESQUINA.
A: And my eyes were always on you! And your father was
always at the balcony. He was always angry with me.
There was a dancer club at the end of the road CAMINO.
B: I will never forget it, because it was the place where I fell
in love with you.

What is the story about? → It is a story about two lovers in

their young life. She can’t remember memories.

What happen in the past? → she was a student when she

was 18 years old.

How was your life before the pandemic? → I went to

university. I was free. We went go to the supermarket. I
talked with my friends. I was a little more happy. I miss the
old days.
ROOMS OF THE HOUSE Kitchen= cocina ------------------------------------------------
Dining room DÁINING RUUM = comedor
Living room = living --------------------------------------------

Refrigerator-fridge=refrigerador Stove= estufa

Hood= campana Cabinets= gabinetes
Drawers= cajones Sink= fregadero
Sofa SOUFA-couch CAUSH Cushion= cojín
Faucet FOCET= grifo Island = isla
Coffee table= mesa Wall unit= mueble modular
Microwave= microondas
Drawers= cajones Window= Ventana
Rug= alfombra Vase with flowers= jarron con flores
What are the typical things we are do in the dining
- There are two windows
room?→ We eat, we talk after eating, we do homework
- There is a green sofa with two cushions. Usually
What do you do in the living room? → we can talk with the
cushions are for decorations.
family, I watch TV
- The cushions decorate this green sofa.
What to you do in your bedroom? → I sleep, I studied, I
view my class, I do homework
Bedroom= dormitorio-----------------------------

Lamp= lampara Pillow= almohada

Bed=cama Some pictures= algunas fotos
Blanked= cubierta Chest of drawers= cómoda
Dresser-dressing table= tocador
Night table-bedside table= mesa de noche

The is a bed – There is a TV on the wall – There is a small
In my room, there are two night table – In my kitchen there
isn’t a hood.

1. There is a funnel EMBUDO on the table. DESCRIBING LOCATIONS

2. There is some butter in the refrigerator.
3. There are a lot of apples in the basket CANASTA.
4. There are no pans SARTENES in the cabinet GABINETE.
5. There is a fork TENEDOR under the plate PLATO.
6. There is a knife CUCHILLO next to the spoon CUCHARA.
7. There is a lot of meat in the freezer.
8. There are some glasses VASOS in the sink FREGADERO.
9. There are no spoons in that drawer CAJÓN.
10. There are some dishes to wash in the kitchen.
11. There are two spatulas in the bowl TAZÓN In = dentro
12. There is a wastebasket. On= sobre
13. There is a sofa in the living room. Under= bajo
14. There are six chairs in the dining room. In front of= en frente de
15. There is a fireplace CHIMENEA in the house. Behind= detrás
Next to= junto a
Above= por sobre (sin tocar)
Below= abajo
Between= entre
On the left= a la izquierda
On the right= a la derecha
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-WEEK 7 – Lesson 3-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. What did you do yesterday? → My family prepared a
DESCRIPTION OF PLACES special lunch for me, they cooked spaghetti
– I tidy up my bedroom and I saw a movie with me nephew.
ED endings – I talked with my parents about the next weekend.
– I studied a lot.

Talk about house

1. My house is… big and comfortable COMODA
2. It’s… in a quiet neighborhood, in front of a park, near
Invited /D/ Stayed /D/ Prepared /D/ Worked /T/ the city stadium.
3. There is… living room and dining room together.
Cleaned /D/ Painted /ID/ Planted /ID/ Fixed /T/
4. There are… four big bedrooms and there are two
toilet. There are two garage
5. It has… small garden, it has a garage – It has one floor.
6. It doesn’t have… swimming pool

Does it have a garage? → Yes, it does – No, it doesn’t

Is there a garage? → Yes, there is – No, there isn’t.

Washed /T/ Vacuumed /D/ Dusted /ID/

The living room
Cooked /T/ Baked /T/ Finished /T/ Looked /T/
- There is a chair
- There is a sofa
- There is a big window
- There are some curtains

What’s your bedroom like?

Where do you keep your book? → On the desk.
Arrived /D/ Talked /T/ Where do you keep your clothes? → I have a closet.
What’s your bedroom like? → My bedroom is cozy ACOGEDOR
and light. There is a bed with red bedspread CUBRE CAMA and
matching pillows. There’s a desk and chair, and a
bookshelf ESTANTE for my stuff COSAS.
- My bedroom is cozy and light because it has two big
windows. There are two night table. There are two
Served /D/ Enjoyed /ID/ Liked /T/
mirrors. There is a bed with red bedspread CUBRE CAMA and
Loved /D/ Asked /T/
matching pillows. There’s a desk for my stuff and chair.
There is a TV on the wall.

Played /D/ Showed /D/ Turned /D/

Danced /T/ Wanted /ID/
Badroom= baño----------------------------- Objects in the kitchen
1. Cookware = utensilios de cocina
2. Chinaware = vajilla
3. Silverware = cubiertos

Mirror = Espejo Faucet = grifo Vanitory =

Toilet= inodoro Bathtub= bañera Towels = toallas Plate = plato Bowl
- There is a vanitory Fork= tenedor Knife= cuchillo
- There are two faucets. One is for cold water and one is for Spoon= cuchara Tongs = pinzas
hot water Measuring cup = taza medidora Mixing bowl
- There are towels Colander= colador Tea kettle= tetera
- There is a bathtub Cutting board= table de cortar
- This badroom It has a small window. Baking pan or baking dish= plato de ornear
Cookie sheet Tupperware= tupper
Kitchen= cocina ------------------------------------------------ Dishwasher= lavavajillas Wine glass= copa
Mug= taza Paper towel= toalla de papel
Coffee maker= cafeteria Oven= horno
Stove= estufa Skillet= sarten
Ladle= cucharón Spatula= espatula
Can opener= abridor Grater= rallador
Funnel= embudo Bottle opener= abridor de botella
Blender= licuadora Mixer= mezclador
Aluminum foil= papel de aluminio
Baggie= bolsa Plastic wrap= envoltura plastica
Hot pad= guante para la cocina Spices= especias
Refrigerator-fridge=refrigerador Stove= estufa
Hood= campana Cabinets= gabinetes
Where something is located in the kitchen
Drawers= cajones Sink= fregadero
Faucet FOCET= grifo Island = isla
Microwave= microondas
Present Perfect Regular Verbs

She has arrived = ella ha llegado → NO “ella llegó”

→Cuando ocupamos el verbo “have” como “haber”, si se

puede usar como “haven’t o hasn’t”.
→No podemos ocuparlo para decir “no tiene”. Por ejemplo
“mi casa NO TIENE balcón”, decimos “My house doesn’t
have valcony”. Pero para decir “Ella no ha llegado”, se dice
“She hasn’t arrived yet”
Present Perfect
Present perfect tense Examples
1. We have never studied for an English test.
2. They have always worked here.
3. She has already arrived.
4. He hasn't recovered yet.
5. I have read that book several times.
6. How long have you lived here?
7. He has been the manager of this company for five
8. It hasn't rained a lot this year.
9. Richard has had this car since last month.
10. Have you ever seen “The Money Heist”
11. How have you been? = How’ve you been?
I have work HAVE YOU EVER..? = ¿alguna vez haz…?
I have studied for three years.
I have lived in Chillán all my live Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? →
I have lived in Chillán for more than twenty years - Yes, I have ridden a motorcycle before.
I have studied Agronomy for three years. - No, I’ve never ridden a motorcycle.
Time expressions (signals) FOR / SINCE
Ever Never Just Already
Yet For Since So far
How long? Lately/recently Always
→ Para cosas que ocurrieron recién, se utiliza este tiempo.

- They have just got married= ellos acaban de casarse

- They just seen a ghost= ellos acaban de ver un
- She has just taken a shower= ella acaba de ducharse FOR→ se utiliza por un periodo de tiempo
- She has just been shopping=ella acaba de ir de SINCE →se utiliza por un punto de tiempo.
- He has just participated in a race= el acaba de
participar en una carrera 1. For six months
- They have just painted their house= ellos acaban de 2. For ages
pintar su casa. 3. Since last July
- They have just had an accident = recien han tenido un 4. For a momento
actidente 5. Since september 5th
- They have just played a soccer match= ellos acaban de 6. Since 2018
jugar un Partido de futbol 7. Since I was a little kid
- The plane has just landed= el avion acaba de aterrizar 8. For 30 years
- They have just baked cupcakes= ellos acaban de 9. Since her mother died
hornear cupcakes. 10. Since yesterday
11. For two hours.

Desde que año estas en la universidad? → since 2019

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.WEEK 8 – Lesson 3 -4 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
Lesson 3: Description of places

This is a living room

- There are two big sofas
- There are some cushions
- There is a coffee table in front of the fireplace and
between the two sofas.
- On the coffee table, there is small vase with flowers.
- There are two bookcases with many books.
- There is a stand red lamp and it is in front of the
bookcase and next to the window.
- There is a painting on the wall, above the fireplace and
here are the some decorations.


I have lived in new York since 2009

I have lived here for 11 years.


She has lived in NY Christina is living in NY

She lives in NY

We use the present perfect simple to refer to events in the

past but which connect to the present.
Time expressions (signal word)
Ever Never Just Already
Yet For Since So far
How long? Lately/recently Always

Have you finished your homework, yet? No, not yet

Have you finished your homework, yet? I’ve already
finished it, and I´ve just turned on my radio, so shut up!

Have you ever…? = ¿alguna vez…?

Let’s review & practice!

How long have you studied English at the Uviversity? → I
have studied English for 2 semesters.

How long have you lived in Chillán? → I have lived in

Chillán for 21 years.
- I have lived in Chillán since I was born.
Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? – No, I’ve never ridden
a motorcycle.
For or since Have you ever been to Argentina? – Yes, I’ve been to
1. He has been in Santiago since Sunday Argentina before
2. She has studied engineering for three years. Have you ever been on TV? – No, I’ve never been on TV.
3. My uncle has lived in Australia for 15 years Have you ever gotten a tattoo? – No, I’ve never gotten a
4. We have been in class since 10.15 am. tattoo.
5. I have joined online lessons since April 2020 Have you ever met a famous person? – Yes, I’ve met a
6. We have been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes famous person before.
7. I haven't gone to school since the pandemic started Have you ever dyed your hair blond? – No, I’ve never dyed
my hair blond.
Something that you haven’t done since the pandemic Have you ever been on YT? – Yes, I’ve been on YT before.
started? → Have you ever gone fishing? – Yes, I´ve gone fishing before.
- I haven’t gone to the university since the pandemic Have you ever eaten octopus? – No, I’ve never eaten
started. octopus.
- I haven´t gone to the beach since the pandemic started Have you ever smoked a cigar? – Yes, I’ve smoked a
- I haven´t met with my friends since the pandemic cigarette before.
Lesson 4 leisure activities= free time activities Expressing preferences

What do you like to do in your free time? = What do you

like to do in your spare time? = What do you like to do in
your leisure time? →
- Going to the beach
- Camping
- Cycling
Prefer se utiliza por ejemplo, para comparar dos cosas “I
- Chatting on the internet
- Doing puzzles prefer cooking to washing the dishes”
I don’t like es como decir “me da igual”.
- Going to the cinema
I hate es como decir “me carga tal cosa”
- Fishing
- Going out with friends
- Watching TV
- Listening to music
- Going to a concert
- I like swiming
- Hiking
- I love dancing
- Playing billiards
- Taking photos - I don’t like shopping
- Sightseeing - I hate singing
- I hate cleaning my room
- Doing crosswords
- Plying cards - I love watching movies in my room.
- Painting
- Swimming -I love reading
- Surfing -I like listening to
- Playing tennis music
- Doing gymnastics -I enjoy doing yoga
- Playing chess -I don’t like studying
- Going rock climbing -I hate cooking
- Dancing
- Reading
- Playing the guitar.

Do you love watching TV? → I don’t love watching TV, but I

think I like it.
- I haven’t gone to the movies since the pandemic
- I don’t like play videogames very much, but I like
listening to music, I like reading, I love surfing on
- I love spending time with my friends.
- I like going shopping.
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-WEEK 9 – Lesson 4 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
Daily routines
So: de acuerdo en oraciones positivas
What did they do? →
Neither: desacuerdo en oraciones negativas

→Dependiendo de la oración a la que se responda, cambia

la forma de aplicar SO o Neither.
What did you do yesterday after lunch? →
- I saw a movie on Netflix.
- I worked and I helped my nephew studied
- I prepared a dinner for my mom.
- I washed the dishes after lunch.
- I had two classes.
- I studied English

→Si la oración tiene el verbo BE en presente, se dice I AM

→Si la oración está en presente simple, se usa DO o DOES
→ Si la oración tiene un pasado, se utiliza el auxiliar del
pasado; DID. Por ejemplo “I went to the supermarket – So
did I”

What are the types of films?

Thriller or suspense Animated Western
Musicals Romantic Science fiction
Action Fantasy Horror
War Comedy

What types of movies do you like? → I like romantic and

thriller movies. Sometimes I like science fiction movies.
Video: SO & Neither. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-WEEK 1o– Lesson 4 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
Fijarse en el modo de la oración, para saber que responder SO & Neither
I work So do I Examples:
I don’t work Neither do I - Francisco likes listening to music, dancing and going to
I’m working So am I the movies. So does Barbara.
I’m not working Neither am I - Barbara is fond of La Ley and so is Francisco.
I worked So did I - My sister lives in Chillán and so does my mother.
I didn’t work Neither did I
I was working So was I 1. Max isn’t a vegetarian, and Neither am I
I wasn’t working Neither was I 2. Max won’t eat spinach. Neither will George
I’ll work So will I 3. Steve likes to do yoga, and so does Sally
I won’t work Neither will I 4. Bob can juggle with his eyes closed, and so can Max
I’m going to… So am I 5. Mary plays soccer everyday. So does Nicole.
I’m not going to… Neither am I 6. Sally has been to Paris many times. So has Julie
7. Tom is wearing blue, and so are the girls
Examples: 8. Joe can’t swim. Neither can Steve
1. I like jazz So do I
2. Mark didn’t go to school Neither did I BE PAST (Affirmative)
3. Jim isn’t studying Neither am I
4. Dad’s traveling to Santiago So am I
5. Susan doesn’t dance Neither do I
6. I like romantic movies So do I
7. I read books sometimes So do I
8. I’m an honest person So am I
9. I will buy a house in the future So will I
10. I listened to music yesterday So did I PAST SIMPLE (Affirmative)
11. I don’t like horror movies Neither do I
12. I didn’t cook yesterday Neither did I
13. I’m not happy Neither am I
A weekend in NY BE PAST (Negative)
Last weeken, Lilly and Tpm were on holiday in NY city...
1. On Saturday, they arrived at Kennedy Airport at 11
2. First, they visited the Guggenheim Museum...
3. Then they walked around Central Park…
4. The weather was sunny and hot…
5. So, they went up the Empire State Building…
6. Finally, they watched a show in Broadway…
7. On Sunday, the weather was rainy and cold…
8. First, they took the circle line Around Manhattan…
9. And they saw the Statue of Liberty…
10. Then they had lunch at the Hard Rock Café…
11. Finally, they did some shopping at Macy’s…
12. And they bought souvenirs…
13. Their hotel was amazing!


Verano= summer Primavera= spring
Invierno = winter Otoño= autumn

What is your favorite season? → I like spring, because all Michael / do / his homework?
trees have flowers. I like spring because I can go to the park Did Michael do his homework? → Yes, he did.

The weather Ann/ eat / pizza?

It’s sunny SOL →The sun is shining. Did Ann eat pizza? → No, she didn’t. She ate salad.
It’s cloudy NUBLADO→ There are clouds in the sky.
It’s windy VIENTO→ The wind is blowing hard. They / win / the game?
It’s foggy BRUMOSO→ There’s a lot of fog everywhere Did They win the game? → Yes, they did.
It’s drizzling LLOVIZNANDO → It’s raining very lightly.
It’s hailing GRANIZO→Stones of ice are falling from the sky. Sue / ride her bike to work?
It’s snowing NEVANDO→ snowflakes are falling from the sky. Did Sue ride her bike to work? → No, she didn’t. She
There’s a thunderstorm TORMENTA ELECTRICA→ There are drove to work.
lightning bolts and crashes of thunder.
It’s hot CALIENTE→ 32°C. They/ go / to the beach?
It’s warm CALOR→ 23°C. Did they go to the beach? → Yes, they did.
It’s cool FRIO→ 17°C. You need a sweater.
It’s chilly FRIO→ 11°C. You need a sweater and jacket. Michael / do / his homework?
It’s cold FRIO→ 5°C. You need a sweater, jacket and scarf. Did Michael do his homework? → Yes, he did.
It’s freezing CONGELANDO→ -5°C. You need a You need a
sweater, jacket, scarf, hat and gloves.
→ Cuando decimos IS WINDY, en español no referimos a
que HAY VIENTO, pero cuando queremos decir que HAY
→Lo anterior también pasa con FOGGY.

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