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Determine Your Coaching Style Preferences Worksheet A-1 This exercise is designed to help you learn mare about your own. coaching style prefer- ‘ences—that is, how you prefer to be coached. Research shows that coaches who know how to adapt to the coaching style preferences of theircoachees are more effective than those whodon't. By learning about your own coaching style preferences, you can increase your awareness and knowledge of the preferences of those you coach For each pair of statements below, circle the letter nextto each statementthat best describes how you prefer to be coached. Though some statements may seem similar, force yourself to choose one orthe other. 1 D | prefer for the coach to decide what we should focus on. N | prefer to decide what we should focus on, 2 Ss | prefer coaching thet helps me build specific skills. H | prefer coaching that helps me become more effective overall oo v \ prefer to be coached on an ongoing basis—monthly orquarterly—and have scheduled coaching sessions, C I preferto be coached only as a part of my periodic performance reviews or when theneed arises. | prefer coaches to edvise me and tell me whatthey think | should do difierently | prefer coaches to ask questions and help me explore the issues myself | prefer coaching that focuses on my long-term growth needs. | prefer coaching that focuses on particular performance problems t’n having or short-term skill developmentneeds. Om 2 D> ° | prefer to be coached only in special crcumstances, when something happens that indicates | need some coaching. P | prefer to be coached regularly, as part of a comprehensive program for building my skills and improving my performance. 7. D _I prefer coaches to give me feedback about my performance andtell me how they think | am doing N _ I prefer coaches to ask me haw | think|'m doing and to explore my perceptions before telling me what they think 8 H I prefer coaches to focus beyond skill or performance needs. | also want help on such things as lifestyle, career concerns, and other personalissues. § ! prefer coaches to focus on specific job-related skills, tasks, or behaviors. 95 ? —Continued— Participant Exercises Determine Your Coaching Style Preferences—cont. 9 cs | prefer to be coached only when | think | need help, which depends onthe circumstances. P Iwould rather meet with my coach routinely so we can work together continuously on my development olan 40 ON I prefer to receive coaching from counselors and guides whose insight- ful questions help me discover the right path for myself D I prefer to receive coaching from wise advisors who can share their ‘experiences and show me what to do. al e | would rather have a coach who is committed to my long-term growth a8 2 professional € I would rather have Someone whe can give me on-the-spot coaching when | need it. 12 2H During coaching, |would rather focus on the big picture. How are my specific skill needs elated to my overall developmentplan? During coaching, | would rather focus on the skilll need to learn right now oO | don't have or would prefer not to have a personal developmentplan. Ihave or would prefer to have a personal development plan I don't like it when people won't just speak up and tell me what they think | should do. I don't like people to give me advice. B © 2 0 20 15. Imostadmire coaches who are masters of particular tasks, skils, or disciplines. | would like to be able to perform as well as they do. H I most admire coaches whose whole approach to life and work is worth modeling. | would like to be like them, To determine your coaching style preferences, add the number of times you circled each letter and write it in the blank next tothat letter. Then note which letter in each pair has the highestscore. Your preference in each of the three dimensions of coaching style is indicated by the letters in each pair that you circled most often. You should end up with three letters in your coaching style preference. D Girective) P (programmatic) S (specific) N (nondirective) C (circumstantial) H (holistic) Participant Exercises

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