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Use of RPE-based training load in soccer

Article  in  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise · June 2004

DOI: 10.1249/01.MSS.0000128199.23901.2F · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Franco M Impellizzeri Ermanno Rampinini

University of Technology Sydney MAPEI Sport Research Centre


Aaron James Coutts Samuele M Marcora

University of Technology Sydney University of Bologna


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Psychobiology of Endurance Performance View project

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Use of RPE-Based Training Load in Soccer
Human Performance Lab, S.S. MAPEI, Castellanza, Varese, ITALY; 2School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism, University of
Technology, Sydney, AUSTRALIA; and 3School of Sport, Health, and Exercise Sciences, University of Wales-Bangor,

IMPELLIZZERI, F. M., E. RAMPININI, A. J. COUTTS, A. SASSI, and S. M. MARCORA. Use of RPE-Based Training Load in
Soccer. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1042–1047, 2004. Purpose: The ability to accurately control and monitor internal
training load is an important aspect of effective coaching. The aim of this study was to apply in soccer the RPE-based method proposed
by Foster et al. to quantify internal training load (session-RPE) and to assess its correlations with various methods used to determine
internal training load based on the HR response to exercise. Methods: Nineteen young soccer players (mean ⫾ SD: age 17.6 ⫾ 0.7
yr, weight 70.2 ⫾ 4.7 kg, height 178.5 ⫾ 4.8 cm, body fat 7.5 ⫾ 2.2%, V̇O2max, 57.1 ⫾ 4.0 mL·kg⫺1·min⫺1) were involved in the
study. All subjects performed an incremental treadmill test before and after the training period during which lactate threshold (1.5
mmol·L⫺1 above baseline) and OBLA (4.0 mmol·L⫺1) were determined. The training loads completed during the seven training weeks
were determined multiplying the session RPE (CR10-scale) by session duration in minutes. These session-RPE values were correlated
with training load measures obtained from three different HR-based methods suggested by Edwards, Banister, and Lucia, respectively.
Results: Individual internal loads of 479 training sessions were collected. All individual correlations between various HR-based
training load and session-RPE were statistically significant (from r ⫽ 0.50 to r ⫽ 0.85, P ⬍ 0.01). Conclusion: The results of this study
show that the session-RPE can be considered a good indicator of global internal load of soccer training. This method does not require
particular expensive equipment and can be very useful and practical for coaches and athletic trainer to monitor and control internal load,
and to design periodization strategies. Key Words: PERCEIVED EXERTION, HEART RATE, PHYSICAL TRAINING, TEAM

hysical training is the systematic repetition of physi- cently reported that soccer players with higher V̇O2max tend
cal exercises, and it can be described in terms of its to exercise at a lower percentage of V̇O2max during small-
outcome (anatomical, physiological, biochemical, game exercises (19). These previous results suggest that use
and functional adaptations) or its process, that is, the train- of group training exercises, such as small-sided games, may
ing load (TL) (the product of volume and intensity of not provide sufficient stimulus for physiological adaptation
training) (30). Although physical fitness tests are commonly in the fitter athletes within a team (19). In addition to fitness
used to assess training outcome, the training process is often level, other factors such as injury, illness, weather condi-
described as the external load prescribed by coach (e.g., 4 tions, match-scheduling problems, and athlete psychological
⫻ 1000 m running at 4 min·km⫺1 or 8 ⫻ 30-m dash at status can influence the internal TL. Consequently, when
maximum velocity). However, the stimulus for training in- combined, these factors suggest that monitoring and con-
duced adaptation is the relative physiological stress imposed trolling athletes’ internal TL is very important to ensure that
on the athletes (internal TL) and not the external TL (30). each athlete receives adequate training stimulus.
Therefore, to monitor and control the training process, it is There have been several attempts to quantify TL in en-
important to have a valid measure of internal TL (16). This durance sports (5,13–16,25). It is well known that HR dem-
is particularly relevant in team sports where the planned onstrates an almost linear relationship with V̇O2 over a wide
external load is often similar for each team member because range of steady-state submaximal exercise intensities (2).
of the extensive use of group exercises such as small-sided This close relationship between HR and V̇O2 measures
games in team training sessions. For example, it was re- makes HR monitoring suitable for quantifying exercise in-
tensity during most exercise sessions. Because HR seems to
be one of the best objective way to quantify aerobic training
Address for correspondence: Franco M. Impellizzeri, Human Performance intensity (1,17), many methods to quantify the internal TL
Lab, S. S. MAPEI srl, Via Don Minzoni, 34, 21053 Castellanza (VARE- are based on HR monitoring (5,25). In sports like soccer,
SE), Italy; E-mail: HR is mainly used to determine the exercise intensity
Submitted for publication August 2003. (3,18,19). To our knowledge, there are no studies using HR
Accepted for publication February 2004.
to monitor the overall internal TL of soccer sessions. How-
0195-9131/04/3606-1042 ever, it is common practice for some top professional soccer
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE® teams to systematically monitor TL using HR methods.
Copyright © 2004 by the American College of Sports Medicine Apart from few top level soccer teams, the routine use of
DOI: 10.1249/01.MSS.0000128199.23901.2F HR-based method is not always feasible due to problems
such as the required technical expertise, the time-consuming creased 1 km·h⫺1 every 30 s until exhaustion. V̇O2max was
process of collecting HR data of all team players every measured using a breath-by-breath automated gas analysis
training session, and the cost of numerous HR telemetric system (VMAX29, SensorMedics, Yorba Linda, CA). Flow,
systems. An additional problem with using HR methods for volume, and gas concentrations were calibrated before each
quantification of internal TL in team sports such as soccer is test using routine procedures. The highest HR measured
that HR transmitter belts are not permitted during official during the test was used as maximum reference value. At the
competitive matches. This is an important limitation be- end of each step and 3 min after exhaustion, capillary blood
cause the internal training load induced by a match may samples (25 ␮L) were collected from the ear lobe and
represent a relative high percentage of the weekly training immediately analyzed using an electroenzymatic technique
load. (YSI 1500 Sport, Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow
An alternative strategy to quantify internal TL was pro- Springs, OH). Before each test the analyzer was calibrated
posed by Foster et al. (13–16). This simple method (session- following the instructions of the manufacturer using stan-
RPE) quantifies internal TL multiplying the whole training dard lactate solutions of 0, 5, 15, and 30 mmol·L⫺1. The
session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) using the cate- following lactate thresholds were calculated from blood
gory ratio scale (CR10-scale) (6) by its duration. This prod- [La⫺] measures taken during the incremental test:
uct represents in a single number the magnitude of internal 1) Lactate threshold (LT), the intensity that elicited a 1.5
TL in arbitrary units (AU). Previous research examining the mmol·L⫺1 increase in [La⫺] above baseline values (50 –
validity of this method of measuring internal TL has shown 60% of V̇O2max) (18).
session-RPE to be related to the percent of HR reserve 2) Onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA), the
(HRR) during 30 min of steady-state running and to the time intensity corresponding to a fixed [La⫺] value of 4
spent at different intensities corresponding to HR at lactate mmol·L⫺1 (28).
thresholds (2.5 and 4.0 mmol·L⫺1) during 30 min of con- Field data collection. Training data were collected
tinuous and interval running (16). Other research has also during the first 7 wk of the competitive season (from Sep-
shown the session-RPE to be significantly correlated to tember to November). The training program was planned by
HR-based method of quantifying internal TL proposed by the coach of the team. The researchers did not alter the
Edwards (12) in endurance athletes (13). The individual original training program. Except for the second week of the
correlations between the session-RPE and Edwards’ HR study, all players trained four times (Monday, Tuesday,
method ranged from 0.75 to 0.90 (13). Although the session- Wednesday, Thursday) and participated in an official match
RPE method was initially proposed for monitoring internal each week (Saturday). In the second week, only three train-
TL in endurance athletes, this method has recently been ing sessions were completed. The heaviest aerobic training
applied to basketball (9,15), where training is characterized was usually completed during the Monday sessions. During
by both aerobic and anaerobic exercises (4). the Tuesday sessions, the first 30 min of training were
To date, there are no published studies validating this generally dedicated to speed development consisting mainly
practical, simple, and inexpensive method to quantify inter- of sprint and plyometric training exercises. Running interval
nal TL in team sports. Therefore, the aim of this study was training (4 ⫻ 1000 m) was completed only two times during
to verify whether the Fosters’ RPE-based approach can be the 7 wk of the study. Most of the physical conditioning
considered a good indicator of internal TL in soccer players, training was performed using small group exercises. Small-
using various HR-based methods as criteria. sided games with individual technical and tactical objectives
were also extensively performed.
HR was recorded every 5 s during each training session
using HR monitor with individually coded HR transmitters
Subjects. Nineteen young soccer players (mean ⫾ SD: to avoid interference (VantageNV, Polar Electro, Kempele,
age 17.6 ⫾ 0.7 yr, weight 70.2 ⫾ 4.7 kg, height 178.5 ⫾ 4.8 Finland). The mean HR recorded during the briefing before
cm) from the same soccer club were involved in the study. each training session was used as rest HR. To reduce HR
All participants were fully informed of the aims and the recording error during training, all athletes were regularly
procedures of the study receiving both verbal and written asked to check that their HR monitors were functioning of
explanation. All athletes gave a written consent according to properly (at least every 10 min). The investigators were
the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines. This immediately available to solve these problems such as er-
study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the local roneous HR values or technical/transmission problems. Af-
organization. ter every training session, HR data were downloaded on a
Laboratory test. Commonly used performance tests portable PC using the specific software and subsequently
were performed before and after 7 wk of training to evaluate exported and analyzed using the Excel software program
the subjects training progress. An incremental treadmill run (Microsoft Corporation, U.S.).
to exhaustion was completed using the protocol of Helgerud Internal training load indices determination. The
et al. (18), where the treadmill running velocity was in- session-RPE was determined by multiply the training dura-
creased by 1 km·h⫺1 every 5 min, at an inclination of 3%. tion (minutes) by session RPE as described by Foster et al.
Once capillary blood lactate concentrations [La⫺] were el- (16). Each athlete’s session-RPE was collected about 30 min
evated above 4 mmol·L⫺1, the treadmill speed was in- after each training session to ensure that the perceived effort
MONITORING TRAINING LOAD IN SOCCER Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 1043
TABLE 1. Borg’s CR10-scale modified by Foster et al. (16). This method is similar to that of Edwards (12). The main
Rating Descriptor difference between Edward’s and Lucia’s method is that the
0 Rest HR zones defined by Lucia et al. (21) are based on indi-
1 Very, very easy vidual parameters obtained in laboratory, whereas Edward’s
2 Easy
3 Moderate method uses standardized predefined zones. In the present
4 Somewhat hard study, LT were used instead of ventilatory thresholds. A
5 Hard
6 similar approach was used by Foster et al. (16), who re-
7 Very hard ported significant relationships between session-RPE and
relative time spent in three different zones defined by HR at
10 Maximal 2.5 and 4 mmol·L⫺1 LT. For weeks 1– 4, the LT of the first
laboratory test was used, whereas for weeks 5–7, the tests
results performed at the end of the training period investi-
was referred to the whole session rather than the most recent gated were taken as reference.
exercise intensity. In this study, the Italian translation of the Statistical analysis. The relationships between ses-
CR10-scale modified by Foster et al. (16) was used. This sion-RPE and the various HR-based TL were analyzed
scale was modified in order to better reflect the American using Pearson’s product moment correlation. Mean weekly
idiomatic English (Table 1). It is unlikely that these minor session-RPE was analyzed using a one-way ANOVA, fol-
changes affect the reliability and the validity of the original lowed by Scheffé’s post hoc test. Statistical significance was
Borg’s CR10-scale. All athletes had been familiarized with set at P ⬍ 0.05. For the statistical analysis, the software
this scale for rating perceived exertion before the com- package STATISTICA (Version 6.0, StatSoft, Tulsa, OK)
mencement of the study. was used.
Various HR-based TL were used as the criterion measure
of internal TL. The HR-based method proposed by Edwards RESULTS
(12) was used by Foster et al. to validate the use of RPE-TL
to monitor endurance training (13). This HR-based method Maximum oxygen uptake of this group of young soccer
was also used as criterion measure of TL in a study exam- players was not statistically different before and after 7 wk
ining the session-RPE method during nonsteady state and of training (56.8 ⫾ 3.9 mL·kg⫺1·min⫺1 vs 57.1 ⫾ 4.0
prolonged exercise (15). For these reasons, we calculate mL·kg⫺1·min⫺1). Similarly, HRmax (187.6 ⫾ 6.7
Edwards’ TL from training sessions HR data recorded and beats·min⫺1 vs 189.6 ⫾ 5.7 beats·min⫺1) and maximal
collected during the 7 wk of training. The Edwards’ method aerobic speed reached in the treadmill incremental test (16.7
determines internal load by measuring the product of the ⫾ 1.1 km·h⫺1 vs 17.0 ⫾ 1.1 km·h⫺1) were unchanged after
accumulated training duration (minutes) of 5 HR zones by a training. The HR at LT in the first and second laboratory
coefficient relative to each zone (50 – 60% of HRmax ⫽ 1, tests was 162.0 ⫾ 11.9 beats·min⫺1 and 163 ⫾ 7.9
60 –70% of HRmax ⫽ 2, 70 – 80% of HRmax ⫽ 3, 80 –90% beats·min⫺1, corresponding to 85.5 ⫾ 5.3 and 86.9 ⫾ 3.8%
of HRmax ⫽ 4, 90 –100% of HRmax ⫽ 5) and then summat- of HRmax, respectively. The HR at OBLA in the first and
ing the results. second laboratory test was 171.5 ⫾ 8.3 beats·min⫺1 and
Another HR-based method of determining internal TL in 171.2 ⫾ 7.1 beats·min⫺1, corresponding to 90.5 ⫾ 3.4 and
the present study was the training impulse (TRIMP), de- 91.3 ⫾ 3.4% of HRmax, respectively. These absolute and
scribed by Banister (5). Training impulse was determined relative HR were not significantly different between the two
using the following formula: testing sessions.
The various HR-based TL and session-RPE were col-
TD䡠HRR䡠0.64䡠e1.92䡠HRR [1] lected from 476 training sessions. Individual correlations
in which TD is the effective training session duration ex- were determined on a minimum of 17 to a maximum of 27
pressed in min and HRR is determined with the following training sessions data. Correlations between session-RPE
equation: and HR-based TL were all significant (P ⬍ 0.01 to P ⬍
0.001). Individual correlations are presented in Table 2.
关共 HRTS ⫺ HRB兲/(HRmax ⫺ HRB兲] [2]
Figure 1 shows that session-RPE and Edwards’ TL de-
where HRTS is the average training session HR and HRB is scribed similarly the team TL during the 7 wk of training,
the HR measured at rest. confirmed also by the significant correlation between team
Recently, Lucia et al. (21) proposed another approach to session-RPE and team Edwards’ TL (Fig. 2).
determine internal TL in endurance athletes (Lucia’s The mean weekly internal TL (weekly periodization)
TRIMP). TL is calculated using this method by multiplying described using session-RPE is shown in Figure 3. The
the time spent in three different HR zones (zone 1: below the mean session-RPE of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
ventilatory threshold; zone 2: between the ventilatory Thursday were 634 ⫾ 116 AU, 550 ⫾ 67 AU, 453 ⫾ 83
threshold and the respiratory compensation point; zone 3: AU, and 343 ⫾ 65 AU, respectively (N ⫽ 19). For descrip-
above the respiratory compensation point) by a coefficient tive purposes and to obtain a more representative value of
(k) relative to each zone (k ⫽ 1 for zone 1, k ⫽ 2 for zone match RPE (625 ⫾ 60 AU), only data of players that played
2, and k ⫽ 3 for zone 3) and then summating the results. more than 80 min were used (N ⫽ 12). Peak internal TL was
1044 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
TABLE 2. Individual correlations between Foster’s RPE-based training load (session-
RPE) and various HR-based training loads; all individual correlations were
statistically significant (P ⬍ 0.01).
Banister’s Edwards’ Lucia’s
S1 0.52 0.61 0.63
S2 0.68 0.55 0.68
S3 0.67 0.54 0.67
S4 0.51 0.68 0.61
S5 0.50 0.62 0.67
S6 0.64 0.59 0.69
S7 0.52 0.55 0.71
S8 0.62 0.67 0.77
S9 0.56 0.60 0.69
S10 0.59 0.74 0.68
S11 0.56 0.57 0.65
S12 0.54 0.54 0.73
S13 0.60 0.67 0.67
S14 0.64 0.73 0.63
S15 0.67 0.70 0.79
S16 0.60 0.78 0.70
S17 0.58 0.62 0.68
S18 0.57 0.62 0.75
FIGURE 2—Correlation between mean team RPE-based training load
S19 0.77 0.64 0.85 (session-RPE) and HR-based training load suggested by Edwards (12)
(Edwards’ TL) of the 27 training sessions (r ⴝ 0.71, P < 0.001).
Min 0.50 0.54 0.61
Max 0.77 0.78 0.85
creased anaerobic contribution to energy provision during
soccer training. The increased anaerobic contribution may
reached the first day of the training week (after a day of total account for the increased internal TL through increased
recovery) (Fig. 1). Further analysis of the individual training RPE. Previous research supporting this suggestion has dem-
weeks within this study showed that there was some vari- onstrated increased subject RPE during intermittent proto-
ability in the placement of peak internal TL sessions within cols in comparison with a steady-state exercise session
the week. For example, during week 2 and 7 peak daily matched for total work, despite no differences in V̇O2 and
sessions were completed on the second day of training. HR between the two exercise protocols (11). These inves-
However, most of the sessions with higher internal TL were tigators also suggested that the increased RPE during the
completed at least 3 d before match. This was deliberately intermittent work protocol may be due to the increased
planned by the coach to allow for adequate recovery before contribution of anaerobic mechanisms to energy provision
competitive matches. (11,27). Because soccer training can be characterized by
intermittent exercises relying on both aerobic and anaerobic
DISCUSSION sources for energy provision (3), the different perceived
exertion with similar mean HR may explain the reduced
The present study is the first to apply the Foster’s RPE- strength of the correlations between the session-RPE and
based approach (16) to quantify internal TL in soccer, and HR-based TL in comparison to those reported by previous
to demonstrate significant correlations between this method research on endurance athletes (13).
and other published methods based on the HR response to As RPE represents the athlete’s own perception of train-
exercise. These correlations (ranging from 0.50 to 0.85) ing stress, which can include both physical and psycholog-
were slightly lower than those reported by previous inves- ical stress, the session-RPE method may provide a valuable
tigators (r ⫽ 0.75– 0.90) (13). A possible explanation for the
lower correlations in the present study could be the in-

FIGURE 1—Pattern of RPE-based training load (session-RPE) and FIGURE 3—Weekly periodization determined using mean weekly
HR-based training load suggested by Edwards (12) (Edwards’ TL) RPE-based training load (session-RPE) during the 7 wk of soccer
referred to the whole team (N ⴝ 19) during the 7 wk of training (27 training (N ⴝ 19); AU, arbitrary unit; * P < 0.05; *** P < 0.001; † P
training days without matches); AU, arbitrary unit. < 0.05; ‡ P < 0.001: statistically different from Saturday (MATCH).

MONITORING TRAINING LOAD IN SOCCER Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 1045
measure of internal TL. Borg’s CR10 is considered a global structure is common among many soccer teams and other
indicators of exercise intensity including physiological (ox- team sports where weekly competition is required (10,26).
ygen uptake, HR, ventilation, beta endorphin, circulating The RPE-based method for quantifying internal TL is
glucose concentration, and glycogen depletion) and psycho- simple and practical. However, in order to be used reliably,
logical factors (23). As a consequence, RPE-based quanti- it is necessary to follow correct standardized procedures
fication of TL could be considered an accurate indicator of including player education and familiarization with the
global internal TL. Research has shown that the combina- CR10-scale, and standard timing of rating should be fol-
tion of HR and [La⫺] predicts RPE more accurately than lowed (15). In the present investigation, the players were
either variable taken alone (7). This previous research sug- accustomed to use the CR10-scale to classify training in-
gests that RPE may be a more reliable measure of exercise tensity, as this method was routinely used in both their
intensity when both anaerobic and aerobic systems are ap- soccer training and laboratory-based physiological testing
preciably activated, such as is the case during intermittent sessions. The use of RPE during incremental tests is a good
activities like soccer training and match play (3). Hence, approach as it allows the athlete to readily associate RPE
these findings emphasize the usefulness of RPE to monitor scores through a full range of exercise intensities. However,
exercise intensity due to its psychobiological nature (8). when laboratory tests cannot be conducted, it is possible to
Although RPE has been shown to accurately reflect ex- familiarize players with incremental field tests. The famil-
ercise intensity, it is possible that players could perceive the iarity of our subjects with the use of the CR10-scale made
same physiological stimulus differently as a consequence of it simple to attain valid exertion ratings after each training
their individual psychological state (24). Researchers inves- session. The timing of the rating is also important to mini-
tigating overreaching and overtraining support this sugges- mize influence of the last effort during training on the
tion, as RPE has been reported to increase during a stan- player’s RPE of the whole training session. For this reason
dardized exercise test when athletes are in an increased in this study, the last 15–20 min of each training session
fatigue state (29). Furthermore, during overreaching, RPE were dedicated to cool-down, and RPE were asked for after
for a given HR was reported to increase (22), suggesting that 30 min from the end of the session.
RPE could be more sensitive to accumulated fatigue than In summary, based on our results and the literature re-
HR. This characteristic of RPE may have partially deter- viewed, Foster’s RPE-based method seems to be a good
mined the moderate correlations between HR-based TL and indicator of global internal TL in soccer. This method does
session-RPE found in some subjects of this investigation. not require expensive equipment such as telemetric HR
Consequently, the use of RPE to monitor exercise intensity systems and may be very useful and practical for coaches to
could be considered a valuable tool to detect excessive monitor soccer players internal TL. Furthermore, the present
training-related fatigue in athletes and also potentially via-
results suggest that the RPE-based method may assist in the
ble in monitoring responses to training and preventing over-
development of specific periodization strategies for individ-
training (20,29).
uals and teams. However, the moderate correlations we
Quantification of internal TL is also necessary to analyze
found do not support this method as a valid substitute of HR,
the periodization of training (26). In team sports, appropri-
as only about 50% of variance in HR was explained by
ate periodization of internal TL during the training week is
session-RPE. This simple method has the potential to be-
important to ensure adequate physiological stimulus is pro-
come a valuable tool for coaches and sport scientists to
vided while allowing adequate time for recovery before
monitor internal TL, but further studies are necessary to
competition days. Commonly, heavy training sessions are
fully validate this TL quantification strategy.
not imposed to players in the days immediately before or
after competition matches, in order to avoid excessive phys-
The authors would like to thank Prof. Maurizio Fanchini and the
ical strain that could impair recovery and reduce perfor- Pro Patria Football Club for their collaboration in this study. We also
mance (10). This general approach to the weekly training acknowledge the soccer players involved in this investigation.

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