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1.Goad /ɡəʊd/ verb to provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction.

"he was trying to goad her into a fight"

2.ledge/lɛdʒ/noun1.a narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface.

"he heaved himself up over a ledge"

3.expanse /ɪkˈspans,ɛkˈspans/noun a wide continuous area of something.

"the green expanse of the forest"

4.muster up to gather, summon, rouse (often followed by up): He mustered all his courage. to assemble
for inspection, service, etc., as troops or forces.

5.desperate/ˈdɛsp(ə)rət/adjective1.feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to

be impossible to deal with.

"a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth"


(of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing.

"a shrill laugh"

7.threaten/ˈθrɛt(ə)n state one's intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for
something done or not done.

"how dare you threaten me?"

8.Plunge /plʌn(d)ʒ/ v jump or dive quickly and energetically.

"our little daughters whooped as they plunged into the sea"

9.herring/ˈhɛrɪŋ/ noun a fairly small silvery fish which is most abundant in coastal waters and is of
widespread commercial importance.

10.Devour /dɪˈvaʊə/ verb eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.

"he devoured half of his burger in one bite"

11.Cackle /ˈkak(ə)l/ verb laugh in a loud, harsh way.

"she cackled with laughter"

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Plateau /ˈplæt.əʊ/noun [C] (FLAT LAND) a large flat area of land that is high above sea level

Cowardice noun [ U ]/ˈkaʊ.ə.dɪs/ the behaviour of someone who is not at all brave and tries to avoid

Cowardice prevented me from doing what I knew I should do.

root verb (LOOK) to look for something by turning things over:

She rooted through/among the papers on her desk.


/nɔː/ verb (BITE) to bite or chew something repeatedly, usually making a hole in it or gradually
destroying it:

Babies like to gnaw hard objects when they're teething.

trot/trɒt/ verb1. (with reference to a horse or other four-legged animal) proceed or cause to proceed at
a pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately.

"the horses trotted slowly through the night"

Daintily adverb /ˈdeɪn.təl.i/ in an attractive, careful way, especially used about something small or
having small movements:

She skipped daintily down the street, holding her father's hand.

Precipice/ˈprɛsɪpɪs/noun a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.

"we swerved toward the edge of the precipice"

Sheer /ʃɪə/ especially of a cliff or wall) perpendicular or nearly so.

"the sheer ice walls"

doze/dəʊz/ verb sleep lightly.

"he found his mother dozing by the fire"

Plateau/ˈnoun an area of fairly level high ground.

Preen /priːn/verb (of a bird) tidy and clean its feathers with its beak.

Scraping nounL/skreɪ.pɪŋ/ the act of rubbing against a surface so that slight damage or an unpleasant
noise is produced:

I heard the scraping of a chair and then footsteps.

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Whet/wɛt/ verb sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon).

"she took out her dagger and began to whet its blade in even, rhythmic strokes"

Mockingly /ˈmɒkɪŋli/ adverb

in a way that makes fun of someone or something; derisively.

"she laughed mockingly"

Plaintive adjective plain·tive | \ ˈplān-tiv \: expressive of suffering or woe : MELANCHOLY

a plaintive sigh

Abreast /əˈbrɛst/adverb 1.side by side and facing the same way.

"the path was wide enough for two people to walk abreast"

Halt /hɔːlt/ verb bring or come to an abrupt stop.

"there is growing pressure to halt the bloodshed"

Swoop verb /swuːp/ to move very quickly and easily through the air, especially down from a high
position in order to attack:

The eagle swooped down to snatch a young rabbit.

Monstrous adjective /ˈmɒn.strəs/ (BAD) very cruel:

a monstrous crime

monstrous cruelty

Terror noun /ˈter.ər/ extreme fear:

They fled from the city in terror.

Headlong – with the head first

bank verb (TURN)(of an aircraft) to fly with one wing higher than the other when turning:

We banked to make a left turn as we approached the airport.

Commence verb /kəˈmens/ to begin something:

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Ridge noun /rɪdʒ/ a long, narrow raised part of a surface, especially a high edge along a mountain:

We walked along the narrow mountain ridge.

Beckon (verb) If you beckon to someone, you signal to them to come to you.

He beckoned to the waiter. [VERB + to]

Exhausted ADJECTIVE/ɡˈzɔːstɪd/ extremely tired and without enough energy to do anything else

The exhausted skiers are looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

Scrap ‌NOUN /skræp/ a small piece of something such as paper or cloth

scrap of: Messages were written on scraps of paper

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