Mag 8000 GSM Ast 2015W35

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Advance Service Training


Automated Meter Reading system

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What are your;

• Expectations to the training

• Knowledge with MAG 8000 GSM/ GPRS

(good and bad)

• Questions you want an answer on

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MAG 8000 Water Meter Applications

Billing meters
DMA / Leakage Monitoring meters

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3 Industry Sector
Automated Meter Reading (AMR) – via GSM / GPRS

Network Management
Leakage Monitoring Services
Billing Services
Asset Management

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4 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Solution

Monitoring / Leakage Billing

 Volume, Flow, Direction  Volume (direction)

 Consumption Profile  Tariffs
 Leakage alert  Settling date
 Statistic  Datalogger
 Datalogger  Alarms
 Alarms  Pressure
 Pressure & 1 more (Delivery/Quality)

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5 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Solution

Mag 8000 GSM / GPRS

 Based on the GSM / GPRS technology

 Built-in system not compromising the
IP68 protection of the MAG 8000 meter
 Remote antenna 5 m cable length
 Easy plug & play for retrofit
 Optional two analogue inputs
One input 5 V DC powered by MAG
8000 (Pressure)
One standard 4–20 mA
(externally supplied)
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6 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Solution

 Battery operation time

(Total battery calculation MAG 8000 + GSM/GPRS)

 Typical lifetime transmitting once a day

(Good signal connections / 25 degree Celsius)

- Internal battery 3 years (4,5)

- External battery 7 years (9)

 MAG 8000 battery power, charge the GSM re-chargeable battery (min 8
hours charging time the first time, to reach 3,8 volt on the GSM battery.

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7 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Solution

 Internal data logger, with defined logging values for up to 1440 records
(send as a CSV file in a Email / SMS text)
 Different sample rates and transmission time to offer open logs for various
applications (from 1 min logging to 255h / 1 min-1Month)

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8 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Solution

System and data is protected because;

 GSM module is one-way communication system, i.e. GSM module will
only send measurement data in SMS or email, and can't receive data from
internet, i.e. no IP address visible on internet, therefore no way to hack the
module from internet.

 GSM module can only be configured via SMS command, were a whitelist
protec and define which mobile numbers can configure the GSM module

 GSM module only read data from MAG8000, and will therefore not
change data to MAG8000.

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9 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Solution

 Simple configuration via SMS

 Basic SMS reporting and alarms for
simple interfaces / billing information

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10 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – MAG 8000 Apps (Android)


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11 Industry Sector
AMR – Via MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS


2G CSV data file

Settings OPC HDA Server

OPC Client

124905H021 2011-05-10 17:05 125005H021 2011-05-10 17:08

BT 99% FL 6.635 m3/h
T1 26.242
Data T2 0.151
T3 26.242
Pressure Input VU m3
A1 0.0 mA
A2 0.0 V
BT 99%
Market experience ?? AL 02 06 07 11 13

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12 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Module configuration - Steps to make:

1. Installation & Voice Call test
2. Basic setting: SMS Configuration
1. Provider /SMS Server/ Internet
2. Commands test
3. User / Operation
3. Email Information: Check Web Mail & OPC Server
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13 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Installation



Push button Indication LED

Module configuration - Step 1: ON/Factory Reset ON/Factory Reset

1. Installation & Voice Call test

Always reset GSM module after installation

& Power up - 25 sec activation of GSM
module push button (stop after 4 LED flash
– correct reset by 4 fast LED flash).For internal use only / © Siemens AG 2009. All Rights Reserved.
14 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS module

Push button Indication LED

ON/Factory Reset ON/OFF/Factory Reset

Antenna connector
SIM Card / SD card
Combo Slot

Rechargeable Terminal connection

battery inlet for analog inputs

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15 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Installation

Step 1:
Open de enclosure, remove
battery and holder

Step 2:
Remove right gland lock from
MAG 8000 enclosure

Step 3:
Assemble antenna cable and
cable adapter and place gland

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MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Installation

Step 4:
Secure cable antenna and connect
it into GSM/GPRS module (click)

Step 5:
Place SIM card into module before
plugging module into MAG 8000.
Cut Simcard coner outside

Step 6:
Remove the two screws; carefully
mount GSM/GPRS module and
fasten it with screws / plug the
plastic holder.
For internal use only / © Siemens AG 2013. All Rights Reserved.
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Installation

Step 7:
Connect boost battery and place it
into MAG 8000

Step 8:
Place battery holder and battery,
connect the power, close the
enclosure (wider part under the
SIM card side).
For first configuration wait for 8 hours to ensure full charge on
the battery (small GSM battery voltage > 3,8).

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MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Installation & Test

Step 9:
Push the activation button for 5
sec. to connect to the network (1
Led light flash) and module is
connected for 3 min.

Step 10:
Wait ½ min. and make a Voice
Call – OK if normal sound call is
present, and no GSM connection if
voice answering machine start.
If GSM module has been installed before – Reset the module
by pushing the activation button for 25 sec. (4 LED light & 4
fast LED flashing feedback for rest OK).
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MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS module – Network Connection

Push button Indication LED

ON/Factory Reset ON/Factory Reset

To reduce power consumption is the GSM module default in sleep mode, but
the following function will activate its network connections.
 Activation of PUSH button for 5 Sec. (LED Flash 1. time)
Active network connection for min. 3 min. (after last interaction)
 Module program to send Email / SMS – defined by last connection time
where transmission interval is configured (P56)
 Module sends SMS alarms

Note: Each time it connect will it download SMS (Commands / Configurations)

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20 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Module configuration – Step 2:

1. Installation & Voice Call test
2. Basic setting: SMS Configuration
1. Provider /SMS Server/ Internet
2. Commands test
3. User / Operation
3. Email Information: Check Web Mail & OPC Server
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21 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Step 2.1: Simcard provider configuration

1. Select Simcard provider ID – MCC / MNC (P2)
2. Select SMS Service Center Number (P3)
3. Select GPRS Email access (P10)

Note: Some provider has more solutions – tried these out

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22 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS provider configuration
Use Google or Wikipedia …..

SIM Card Requirements

 2G GSM / GPRS network
 Security PIN code = MAG8000
(Default 1000) Use phone to change it.

Selected Simcard Provider – find configuration information on the Internet

 Provider network ID / Mobile Country Code + Mobile Network Code
(MCC+MNC) (P2), a 5 or 6 digit number - e.g. TDC Denmark = 23801
 SMS communication / Service Center phone number (P3) –
e.g. TDC Denmark +45 40390999.
 Email communication / Access Point Name APN (P10) –
e.g. TDC Denmark = Internet
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23 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – SMS Communication

SMS configuration
Configuration;<Parameter 1>=<value>;
Note: Every command ends with “;”

Important !!!
SMS Commands always

Only feedback if message

is correct

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24 Industry Sector
MobileCountryCode / MobileNetworkCode selection -

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25 Industry Sector
Provider Settings – TDC Denmark (23801)
Use Google or Wikipedia …..

SMS Service Center Phone Number

Email Access Point Name APN

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26 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS provider configuration

Vodafone Simcard (eplus) Simcard

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27 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Module configuration – Step 2:

1. Installation & Voice Call test
2. Basic setting: SMS Configuration
1. Provider /SMS Server/ Internet
2. Commands test
3. User / Operation
3. Email Information: Check Web Mail & OPC Server
For internal use only / © Siemens AG 2009. All Rights Reserved.
28 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – SMS Commands

Always send as CAPITAL LETTERS,

only feedback if message is correct.

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29 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Module configuration – Step 2:

1. Installation & Voice Call test
2. Basic setting: SMS Configuration
1. Provider /SMS Server/ Internet
2. Commands test
3. User / Operation
3. Email Information: Check Web Mail & OPC Server
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30 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Step 2.3: User & data receiver configuration

1. User security on configuration & commands (P4 to P6)
(White list – special reset function)
1. SMS data receiver (P7 to P9)
2. Email Account (P14 to P20)

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31 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS User configuration

Own Mobile number

for SMS information
P7- P8 Only Alarms
P9 Only Flow Data

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32 Industry Sector
AMR – MAG 8000 GPRS System Solution

Email CSV data file


Own Email adress

Gr.b OPC HDA Server OPC Client
Gr.c as main receiver
mag8000_ast? as meter sender (?=01,02,03…,10)
Note !! Only small letters
For internal use only / © Siemens AG 2009. All Rights Reserved.
33 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Hosting – Domain Server

Email Hosting / Domain server system requirements

 POP3 Server
 Open port 25
 No Secure Socket Layer protocol (SSL Certificated)
 No limitation in email traffic (accounts / email per time)
 No change of data contence (CSV - CR)

For test purpose use hosted by – Web account / email own by Siemens FL

Contact for email accounts.

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34 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Hosting – as receiving email

Password: 12345678
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35 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS Hosting – as main receiver as device email in the groups (02,03, 04..10)
Password: 12345678
Note !! Only small letters For internal use only / © Siemens AG 2009. All Rights Reserved.
36 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS User configuration

Own Email and test Email

for central information

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37 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Step 2.3: Operation configuration

1. Data collecting / logging interval (P55)
2. Data transmission interval (P56)
3. Data logging start / synchronise (P61)
4. Data transmission form – SMS/Email (P52)

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38 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training

Data collection / logging interval (P55)

1. 1 to 255min or 1 to 255h (min - hours)
Data transmission interval (P56)
1. 1 to 744h, 1 to 31d, 1M (hours-days-Month)
Data synchronise time (P61)
1. 00:00 to 23:59

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39 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training

Push button function (LED flash indication)

1 LED - 5 sec. activation enable the network connection for receiving SMS

3 LED – Reset communication network

4 LED – 20-25 sec. activation of factory reset – clear the memory (reset
power consumption …), but all setting still remained

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40 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Hands-On Training



Module configuration – Step 2:

1. Installation & Voice Call test
2. Basic setting: SMS Configuration
1. Provider /SMS Server/ Internet
2. Commands test
3. User / Operation
3. Email Information: Check Web Mail & OPC Server
For internal use only / © Siemens AG 2009. All Rights Reserved.
41 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Email Data

Data receiver of Email information

The GSM module has a list of 3 email adress,
that will receive email information from the meter.
P18 - P20 will receive Email data.

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42 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Email Data

Data receiver of Email information

Analog 1 (4-20mA) - Values presented as 4,0-20,0mA
Analog 2 (0-5V) – Value presented as 0,0-5,0V

Email Alarm value in decimal,

with a bit order were ”1” mean
Active alarm
Example = 96(dec) = 60(Hex)
= 1100000(Bin) / bit alarm

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43 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Configuration Information

Module configuration
Only as Email

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44 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – OPC Server


Application running on the back

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45 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Analogue Input

Analogue Input
A2 = Current Input from Radiometric Pressure Transducer
Analogue configuration
SMS enabling: Configuration;53=1;

MAG 8000 deliver 5V to the transducer,

signal back from 0,5 to 4,5V equal
transducer pressure rating.
Response time and current consumption
is important, as GSM is specify to 5mA
and measuring window of x mS

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46 Industry Sector
MAG8000 GSM – Analog input
Radiometric pressure transmitter

Default von factory

Standard M12 Connection on pressure transmitter – Our connection must be changed

Open our connector and change;
- Move Green (5) to pin 3
- Move Brown (3) to pin 1
Huba 528 () - Move White (1) to pin 5
- Kepp Gray wire on pin 2
For internal use only
- /© Siemens
Kepp AGwire
Yellow 2009.on
4 Reserved.
47 Industry Sector
MAG8000 GSM – Analog input
Radiometric pressure transmitter

MAG 8000 analoge cable with M12 Connector.

Connector in GSM module

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48 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 GSM / GPRS – Analogue Input
MAG 8000 - M12 Wire connection

M12 Wire connection

SIEMENS M12 connector cable do not
fit with transducer pin connections –
It can damage the transducer!!
Two analogue inputs in one cable

M12 Wire connections tested with WIKA A-10 & Huba 528
Remember selection of pin connections

HUBA 582 has same connection as

WIKA A10, if ”7” for radiometric
output 10-90% / 5V is selected, and
the ”3” in eletrical connection for
M12 .

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49 Industry Sector
MAG 8000 /
GSM / GPRS Module


For internal use only / © Siemens AG 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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