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News updates

Wednesday's Gazette
will have comprehensive
coverage of the attacks.


'Horrendous number of dead' in N.Y.

Fiery plane crash devastates Pentagon
Gazette wire services

In a horrific sequence of
destruction, terrorists crashed
two planes into the World Trade
Center in New York in a
coordinated series of attacks this
morning that brought down the
twin 110-story towers. A plane
slammed into the Pentagon in
Washington, D.C., raising fears
that the seat of America's
government was under attack.
Authorities had been trying to
evacuate the 50,000 people who
work in the twin towers, but
many were thought to be trapped.
The attacks spread fear across
the nation as authorities went on
alert coast to coast, halting all air
traffic and tightening security at
strategic installations.
President Bush said, "We will
do what it takes, whatever's
necessary to secure America and
Bush was in Florida when the
attacks occurred. He was flown to
Barksdale Air Force Base in

Washington on alert
The White House, the Pentagon and the Capitol
were evacuated along with o t h e r federal
buildings in Washington and New York this
m o r n i n g in the wake of the attacks.
A u t h o r i t i e s in Washington immediately began
deploying troops, including an infantry
regiment. The Situation Room at the White
House w a s in full operation. Authorities went on
alert, U.S. and Canadian borders were sealed.

2 plane crashes related?

A United Airlines plane c a r r y i n g 45 people
c r a s h e s just n o r t h of the Somerset County
Airport in Somerset, Pa., at about 10 a.m. CST. A
second United Airlines flight, which departed
Boston for Los Angeles with 65 people aboard,
also crashes at an unidentified location.
All aircraft in the United States a l r e a d y in
the air are ordered to land at the nearest airport.

AP photo/ABC
A plane is seen (right) moments before it hit the upper floors of the World Trade Center in New York City this morning in this image from television. Witness tells of escape
Planes crashed into the upper floors of both World Trade Center towers minutes apart today in a horrific scene of explosions and fires that left Workers in World Trade Center flee bombed
gaping holes in the 110-story buildings. The twin towers later collapsed. building. Forty-five people survive. Page 4.
Tues., Sept. 11, 2001
2 The Gazette

Attack should prompt
increased security
T WAS A chilling scene. This morning, the

I normally busy Gazette staff stood silently

before a color television, staring at the
screen. The television is always on in the
newsroom, but it rarely catches much attention,
just a parting glance as staffers rush through
the newsroom or pause 111 their work.
Not today.
In offices and homes and schools throughout
the United States — and even the world — we
will all be watching, or listening, or reading
about two planes that crashed into the World
Trade Center in New York City. We will watch
clouds of black smoke billowing into the sky.
And we will all ask the same question: Why?
As of this morning, this is what we knew.
Two planes crashed into the upper floors of
both World Trade Center towers at around 9
a.m. Eastern time. The twin 110-story towers
later collapsed.
One of the crashed planes was reported to be
an American Airlines 767 jet that had taken off
from Boston's Logan Airport. The FBI almost
immediately issued a statement that it was
investigating a possible hijacking and the possi­
bility of terrorist attacks on the building.
(Source: Associated Press).
An aircraft also crashed near the Pentagon
this morning. The West Wing of the White AP photo
House was evacuated amid threats of terrorism,
as were the Capitol and other public buildings One of the towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapses in this image made from television. Planes crashed into the
in Washington. No evidence has emerged to upper floors of both World Trade Center towers minutes apart this morning.
link the World Trade Center crashes with the

Air traveler: 'We're at war'

one at the Pentagon.
Here are some predictions about what will
• Some will become heroes as they work to
save the people trapped in the rubble of the two
World Trade Center buildings. National tragedy COVERAGE
• We will all endure increased security at overwhelms
airports and government buildings. That's the Complete coverage in
way it should be. We should not grumble about East Iowans
the loss of our civil liberties. What we pay in
Wednesday's Gazette
Gazette staff report
inconvenience will help buy our safety. • The Gazette's Wednesday
The World Trade Center's editions will have six pages of
• Whoever did this, be it terrorists from the second tower collapsed about photos, graphics and articles on this
Middle East or more Timothy McVeigh-types, 9:30 local time. Beverly Blythe national tragedy.
whatever point they were trying to make has gathered her bags and walked The Gazette will be drawing on the
been lost. For every action, there is an equal quickly from the airport bar, latest news from the Associated
and opposite reaction. The reaction will be a blinking tears. Press, the Los Angeles Times-
backlash against the cause they were trying to "I just had to leave, just Washington Post News Service and
advance. thinking of how many people the Knight Ridder/Tribune New
• Finally, we will feel enormous sympathy for were dying at that moment," Service to provide comprehensive
Blythe said a few minutes lat­ coverage. In addition, we will have
the people who lost loved ones today. Buildings local reaction to this developing
er. story. If you have relatives who may
can be replaced. Security can be restored. What Outside on the tarmac at have firsthand accounts of the
they have lost makes this chilling scene a The Eastern Iowa Airport in attacks in New York and Washington,
tragedy. Cedar Rapids, the jet engine on call us at (319) 398-8313, (319)
a TWA aii'liner spun down. No 339-3155 or l-(800) 397-8212.
one was flying anywhere for a
while, but travel plans were

Brokaw: 'Most serious suddenly not important.

"It'll all be sorted out. unless "Why? Why?"
it gets worse," said Coralie In other news:
attack since Pearl Harbor' Brook. • Lindale and Westdale
It got worse. On the televi­ MaJIs closed before noon.
By David Bauder Reports spread as fast as sion over the bar came word of • T h e Iowa National
AP t e l e v i s i o n writer television could detail them — an airliner down near Pitts­ Guard was put on alert and
NEW YORK — A chaotic planes grounded across the burgh. locked down, while its leaders
scene of devastation unfolded country, the White House evac­ "As far as I'm concerned, met with administrators with
on national television this uated, planes unaccounted for we're at war," said Blythe, the Iowa Emergency Manage­
morning with cameras catch­ — while commentators tried to whose USAir flight to Pitts­ ment Division, Iowa Depart­
ing a plane crashing into the keep calm. burgh had turned back at the ment of Public Safety and the
World Trade Center and the Iowa Army National Guard.
subsequent collapse of both of "This is the most serious rim way. "We'd better do some­
thing." "We are on heightened alert,"
the towers. attack on the United States
Brook, of Fahiield, was try­ said Lucinda Parker of the
since Pearl H a r b o r , " said
Television networks began ing to locate her son, Corwin. Emergency Management Divi­
NBC's Tom Brokaw.
live coverage of a morning of The 18-year-old had left on an sion.
terrorism at the time the first A producer from CNN, Rose e a r l i e r A m e r i c a n Airlines • The federal courthouse
plane hit the New York City Arce, reported people jumping flight to Newark, N.J., where in Des Moines was evacuated.
landmark. With cameras from the World Trade Center they were to meet to travel to a Business continued as usual at
trained on the smoking sky­ and described the chaos grip­ spiritual seminar. the federal courthouse in Cedar
Gazette photo by Mark Christian
scraper, television caught the ping lower Manhattan. Brook wasn't too worried; Rapids at 10 a.m.
second plane crashing into the she assumed her son's flight • In the schools, teachers Jeff Manthey of Iowa City waits with friend Aaron Warner for
other tower, footage replayed Cameras then caught the col­ was safely on the ground. and administrators worked to Warner's wife, Rachel, to pick them up at the The Eastern Iowa
several times. lapse of both of the twin tow­ Somewhere. keep the day as regular as Airport in Cedar Rapids this morning. Manthey and Warner were
ers, showing white smoke bil­ "Shows you how much we possible for young children. on a plane getting ready to take off for Boston when the
As the terror spread, CNN lowing throughout the streets take for granted," she said as "(There's) some inquisitive-
showed a split-screen view of announcement was made that all flights nationwide would be
of lower Manhattan. A shaken her cellular phone beeped an­ ness, yes," says Johnson Ele­ grounded.
the smoking World Trade Cen­ Ashleigh Bantield reporting on other busy signal. mentary Principal Susan Lagos
ter and also the Pentagon, MSNBC described debris show­
where smoke billowed from an­ In Iowa City, more than 150 in Cedar Rapids. "I'm of course
ering around. people sat in front of the big seeing greater alarm in my
other plane crash.
"I've never seen anything screen television at the Univer­
sity of Iowa Memorial Union, The College C o m m u n i t y
like this." a breathless and
some in tears, others absorbing School District has alerted all
Commitment to the future sobbing Banfield said. "This
of its staff about the events via
T h e Gazette promotes agricul­ whole place looks like a war the tragedy for the first time.
"It's world-stopping, I guess," e-mail and has put all of its
ture by printing with soybean ink. zone. When the cloud came out
said Erin Johnson, 19, a UI staff on a heightened security
T h e Gazette often prints on recy­ I could feel the force of it."
s o p h o m o r e from Chicago. and reviewed security proce­
cled newsprint and encourages
Fox News Channel ran a "Whoever wanted this definite­ dures, just in case, according to
readers to drop newspapers for Superintendent Mick Starcev-
continuous crawl of news bulle­ ly made an impact."
recycling at City Carton, 4250
Sixth St. S W , or with the recy­
tins summarizing the series of Peter Holm, 36, a UI com­ ich, adding that several parents
cling location nearest them.
events. munications major from Clin­ pulled students out of school.
ton, said it's hard to digest the • T h e A m e r i c a n Red
C-SPAN took phone calls
The Gazette and Iowa City information pouring forth from Cross put out a call for blood
from shaken citizens. One cal­ donations, and Mercy Iowa
media outlets.
ler from California said: "This
( U S P S 095680)
Established J a n u a r y 10. 1883, and pub­ "When something is that im­ City reported being flooded by
is a sign to America: We think
lished daily and S u n d a y at 500 Third A v e ­ mense, it doesn't hit you like calls. For those interested in Gazette photo by Miranda Meyer
we are the strongest country
nue S E . C e d a r Rapids, Iowa 52401. Peri­
when five people are shot down donating blood:
odicals postage paid at C e d a r Rapids, and they hit us; they knew — In Iowa City: DeGowin A crowd gathered at the Iowa Memorial Union on the University
Iowa. in the street. Your sympathy
T h e G a z e t t e a n d Iowa City G a z e t t e are where to hit us." Blood Donor Center, 356-2058; of Iowa campus this morning to watch incoming live news
isn't any less, but it's so big,
editions ol G a z e t t e Communications Inc.
you just can't do anything Mercy Iowa City, 339-0300; Mis­ reports on the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington,
Subscription rales b y Carrier S4.95 per Other television networks sissippi Valley Regional Blood D.C.
week. Motor Route delivery S5.30 per
week. B y mail: Morning Editions and S u n ­
suspended normal program­ about it," Holm said. Donor Center, 358-7750; or Uni­
d a y , 7 i s s u e s , S19 64 for 4 w e e k s ; ming. The ESPN sports net­ In downtown Cedar Rapids,
S256.95 for 52 weeks. O t h e r States and versity Hospitals, 356-2058.
U . S . Territories, S293.80 for 52 w e e k s .
works showed ABC News re­ people gathered around the — In Cedar Rapids: Mercy
T h e A s s o c i a t e d Press is entitled exclu­ ports, VH1 showed CBS News television at the food court on Medical Center, 398-6007; St.
sively to the u s e for republication of all the
local n e w s printed in this n e w s p a p e r as
well as all A P news dispatches. P O S T ­
M A S T E R . S e n d a d d r e s s c h a n g e s to
G a z e t t e Communications, Inc.
P . O . B o x 511. C e d a r Rapids, IA. 52406
p r o g r a m m i n g , TNT showed Third Avenue.
CNN coverage. News networks Steve Stark of Vinton spoke
dispensed with commercials for for m a n y of those who
Luke's Hospital, 369-7315; or the
American Red Cross, 393-3500.
This report was compiled by
continuous coverage. The shop­ watched, quietly discussing the Gazette staff writers Steve Grav-
S u b s c r i p t i o n S e r v i c e ; (319) 398-8333,
ping n e t w o r k s QVC a n d events unfolding before them. elle, James Lynch, Erin Jordan,
ShopNBC network stopped pro­ "It's so totally surprising, so Rod Boshart and Dave Rasdal.
(319) 339-3150) or 1-800-397-8333. G e n ­
eral number: (319) 398-8211. gramming. totally shocking," Stark said.
Tues., Sept. 11, 2001 The Gazette 3

Nightmare in New York ««««»•••«

• iiiiiim



a M

ABOVE: People run from the collapse of

one of the World Trade Center towers
this morning in New York City.

RIGHT: People in New York are covered

in dust in the aftermath of the collapse
of one of the World Trade Center
towers this morning.

BELOW: Rescue personnel respond

along Liberty Street following the first
explosion at New York's World Trade
Center today. Planes crashed into the
upper floors of both World Trade Center
towers minutes apart this morning in a
horrific scene of explosions and fires
that left gaping holes in the 110-story
buildings. Both towers later collapsed.
President Bush said the crashes were
apparently the work of terrorists.

ABOVE: People in front of New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral

react with horror as they look down Fifth Avenue toward the
World Trade Center towers after planes crashed into their upper
floors this morning.

Past U.S. terrorism targets

Some recent terrorist attacks on U.S. targets:
O c t . 12, 2000: Terrorist bombing kills 17 U.S. sailors aboard the U S S Cole
as it refueled in Yemen's port of Aden. The United States says Saudi exile
Osama bin Laden prime suspect.
Aug. 7, 1998: Car bombs explode outside U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya,
and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, within minutes of each other, killing 224 people
and wounding thousands. Bin Laden is again blamed.
June 25, 1996: Truck bomb explodes outside the Khobar Towers in Dharan,
Saudi Arabia, killing 19 American servicemen and wounding hundreds of other
people. Members of a little-known Saudi militant group. Hezbollah, were indicted
for the attack.
Nov. 13, 1995: Car bomb detonates at a U.S. military headquarters in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, killing five American service personnel.
April 19, 1995: Bomb rips through the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in
Oklahoma City, killing 168 and wounding more than 500. Former U.S. soldier
Timothy McVeigh is convicted of carrying out the attack; he was executed earlier
this year.
Feb. 26, 1993: A bomb explodes in a parking garage below the World Trade
Center in New York, killing six people and wounding more than 1,000. Six
Islamic militants were convicted in the bombing and sentenced to life in prison.
Dec. 21, 1988: Pan Am Boeing 747 explodes over Lockerbie, Scotland, on a
flight from London to New York, killing 270 people, including residents of the
Sept. 5, 1986: Hijackers seize Pan Am jumbo jet carrying 358 people at
Karachi airport. Twenty people killed when security forces storm the plane.
O c t . 8, 1985: Crippled American Jew Leon Klinghoffer is killed by Palestinian
militants who had seized the Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro.
June 14, 1985: Shiite Muslim gunmen seize a TWA Boeing 727, forcing it to
Beirut, Lebanon. They demand the release of 700 Arabs held by Israel. A U.S.
Navy diver is killed and 39 Americans are held until they are released on July 1
that year after Syrian mediation.
Associated Press
Tues., Sept. 11, 2001
4 The Gazette


Hijacked Sites of attacks

planes topple Smoke rises from

the Pentagon in
Washington in this
image taken from
television this

Trade Center morning. The

Pentagon was
struck by an air­
craft in an appar­
ent terrorist
attack in the
Loss of life may be 'horrendous' nation's capital.

1/8 mitoi
Jerry Schwartz was evacuated.
02001 Km AP and KRT graphics
AP national writer At the World Trade Center,

EW YORK - In a horrific "everyone was screaming, cry­
sequence of destruction, ing, running, cops, people, fire­
terrorists hijacked two fighters, everyone," said Mike
airliners and crashed them into Smith, a fire marshal. "It's like
the World Trade Center in a a war zone."
coordinated series of attacks "I just saw the building I work
this morning that brought clown in come down," said business­
the twin 110-story towers. A man Gabriel loan, shaking in
plane also slammed into the shock outside City Hall, a cloud
Pentagon, raising fears that the of smoke and ash from the
seat of government itself was World Trade Center behind
under attack. him.
"1 have a sense it's a horren­ Nearby a crowd mobbed a
dous number of lives lost," man on a pay phone, screaming
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said. at him to get off the phone so
"Right now we have to focus on that they could call relatives.
saving as many lives as possi­ Dust and dirt flew everywhere.
ble." Ash was 2 to 3 inches deep in
Authorities had been trying to places. People wandered dazed
evacuate those and terrified.
who work in the The planes
twin towers, but blasted fiery,
many were gaping holes in
thought to have the upper floors
been trapped. of the twin tow­
About 50,000 ers. A witness
people work at said he saw bod­
the Trade ies falling and
Center. people jumping
American out. About an
Airlines said its hour later, the
two aircraft southern tower
were carrying a collapsed with a
total of 156 peo­ roar and a huge
ple. cloud of smoke;
"This is per­ the other tower
haps the most fell about a half-
audacious ter­ hour after that,
covering lower

In the eye
rorist attack
that's ever taken Manhattan in
place in the
world," said
President Bush reacts to
heaps of gray
rabble and bro­
World Trade terror
One of two planes that crashed into the upper floors of both World
Chris Yates, an ken glass.
Trade Center towers was hijacked after takeoff from Boston in an

of the storm
aviation expert at Jane's Firefighters trapped in the rub­
apparent terrorist attack Tuesday, according to U.S. officials.
Transport in London. "It takes a ble radioed for help.
logistics operation from the ter­ "Today we've had a national
ror group involved that is sec­ tragedy," Bush said in Sarasota,
ond to none. Only a very small Fla. "Two airplanes have
handful of terror groups is on crashed into the World Trade
that list.. . 1 would name at the
top of the list Osama bin
Center in an apparent terrorist
attack on our country." He said
Eyewitnesses recount chaos at scene
Laden." he would be returning immedi­ By Jerry Schwartz blew up," said Jennifer

President Bush ordered a full- ately to Washington. hortly before 8 a.m. today, Brickhouse, 34, from Union,
scale investigation to "hunt The crashes at the trade cen­ American Airlines Flight N.J., who was going up the esca­
down the folks who committed ter happened minutes apart, 11 left Boston for Los lator into the World Trade
this act." beginning just before 9 a.m. Angeles. It would not reach its Center when she "heard this big
Within the hour, the Pentagon Heavy black smoke billowed destination. Something hap­ boom."
took a direct, devastating hit into the sky above one of New pened shortly after takeoff. A "All this stuff started falling
from an aircraft. The fiery York City's most famous land­ hijacking. And instead of climb­ and all this smoke was coming
crash collapsed one side of the marks, and debris rained down ing well aloft and heading west, through. People were scream­
five-sided structure. on the street, one of the city's the plane swept to the south, to ing, falling, and jumping out of
The White House, the busiest work areas. When the New York. the windows."
Pentagon and the Capitol were second plane hit, a fireball of Clyde Ebanks, vice president Emergency vehicles flooded
evacuated along with other fed­ flame and smoke erupted, leav­ of an insurance company, was into lower Manhattan. No one
eral buildings in Washington ing a huge hole in the glass and at a meeting on the 103rd floor knew what happened; the tow­
and New York. steel tower. of the South Tower of the World ers, target of a terrorist bomb­
Authorities in Washington John Axisa, who was getting Trade Center when his boss ing in 1993, seemed to be ground
immediately began deploying off a commuter train to the said, "Look at that!" zero once again.
troops, including an infantry World Trade Center, said he He turned and through a win­ About 9:30 a.m., an aircraft
regiment. The Situation Room saw "bodies falling out" of the dow saw a plane go by and hit crashed at the Pentagon in
at the White House was in full building. He said he ran out­ the other building. Washington. The nerve center
operation. And authorities went side, and watched people jump It was 8:50 a.m. of the nation's military burst
on alert from coast to coast, out of the first building. Then For Peter Dicerbo and 44 co­ into flames and a portion of one
halting all air traffic and tight­ there was a second explosion, workers at First Union National side of the five-sided structure
ening security at strategic and he felt heat on his neck. Bank, it was the start of their collapsed, sending billows of
installations. WCBS-TV, citing an FBI workday — a beautiful day, smoke over the capital.
"This is the second Pearl agent, said five or six people with sunlight glinting off the At 9:50 a.m. — an hour after
Harbor. I don't think that I over­ jumped out of the windows. Hudson River and streaming the first crash — One World
state it." said Sen. Chuck Hagel. People ran down the stairs in though the windows on the 47th Trade Center collapsed.
R-Neb. panic and lied the building. floor of the trade center. There was a strange sucking
American Airlines identified Thousands of pieces of what And then, "I just heard the sound, and then the sotmd of
the planes that crashed into the appeared to be office paper drift­ building rock. It knocked me on floors collapsing, and then an
Trade Center as Plight 11. a Los ed over Brooklyn, about three the floor. It sounded like a big incredible surge of air, followed
Angeles-bound jet hijacked after miles away. roar', then the building started by a vast cloud of dirt, smoke,
takeoff from Boston with 92 peo­ Several subway lines were swaying, that's what really dust, paper and debris.
ple aboard, and Flight 77, which immediately shut down. scared me." Windows shattered. People
was seized while carrying 64 Trading on Wall Street was sus­ Harriet Grimm, inside the screamed and dived for cover.
people from Washington to Los pended. New York's mayoral Borders bookstore on the trade Around 10 a.m., a United
Angeles. primary election today was center's first floor, heard a large Airlines flight from Newark to
In Pennsylvania, United postponed. All bridges and tun­ boom, "and then we saw all this San Francisco crashed 80 miles
Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 nels into Manhattan were debris just falling." southeast of Pittsburgh.
en route from Newark, N.J.. to closed. About 18 minutes later, Luigi Government buildings around
San Francisco, crashed about 80 David Reck was handing out Ribaudo — who works nearby, the country began to be evacuat­
miles southeast of Pittsburgh literature for a candidate for in Tribeca — heard a twin- ed, including the Capitol and
with 45 people aboard. The fate public advocate a few blocks engine plane making what he the White House. The Federal
of those aboard was not imme­ away when he saw a jet come in said was a strange noise. He Aviation Administration
diately known and it was not "very low, and then it made a looked up; he saw a plane that stopped all takeoffs nationwide.
clear if the crash was related to slight twist and dove into the was "too low." The United Nations closed
the disasters elsewhere. In a building." "It was going to hit something down. In New York, the tunnels
statement, United said another Terrorist bombers struck the and it hit and exploded inside," and bridges were closed.
of its planes, Flight 175, a World Trade Center in he said. It was American Flight At exactly 10:30 a.m., the sec­
Boeing 767 bound from Boston February 1993, killing six people 77, a Boeing 757, operating from ond tower of tlie trade center
to Los Angeles with 65 people and injuring more than 1,000 Washington Dulles to Los collapsed.
on board, also crashed, but it others. Angeles. The top of the building explod­
did not say where. "It's just sick. It just shows Two towers, two direct hits. ed. There were no flames, just
Evacuations were ordered at how vulnerable we really are," The chaos was immediate. an explosion of debris and dust
the United Nations in New York Keith Meyers, 39, said in Dicerbo led his 44 colleagues and smoke, and then more huge
and al the Sears Tower in Columbus, Ohio. "It kind of down 47 flights of stairs, He vast clouds swept to the streets.
Chicago. Los Angeles mobilized makes you want to go home and staggered away from the build­ At noon, United Airlines
its anti-terrorism division, and spend time with your family. It ing, his clothes torn; the work­ announced that another of its
security was intensified around puts everything in perspective." SOURCES NBC compiled from AP wire reports
ers were stunned, dazed and planes had gone down. No loca­
the naval installations in He said he called to check in coughing. tion was given; it was not con­
Hampton Roads, Va. Walt with his wife. They have two "The minute I got out of the firmed whether this was the
Disney World in Orlando, Fla., young children. building, the second buildine plane that hit the Pentagon.

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