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Name: Archie Jay Lena Strand & Sec: STEM12- Q104.

1. Do you think the man's actions towards his neighbors are manifestation of good morals? Why?

Yes, because he is helping people he is kind and also he can sarifice his self just to help other people
who really needs help. even though he doesnt care no matter nothing good will comeback to him, even
dogs he is still kind even plants. i just notice every what he sees that it seems needs help he were willing
to help others.

2. Do you think we can still find this kind of persons today?

Im not sure, but i think you can encounter people like him but some are not.because now in this
generation i think people are getting selfish just in my opinion.

3. Do you think it is important to study morality? Why?

The study of ethics enables a person to critically examine his own life and analyze his actions, choices,
and conclusions. It helps a person understand who he or she truly is, what is best for them, and what
they must do to get there. Moral philosophy can help us think more clearly about morality.

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